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The forum. [volume] (Springfield, Ill.) 1904-192?, October 20, 1906, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86086415/1906-10-20/ed-1/seq-2/

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A weekly magazine paper dewted
§p the Interests of the whole people
Catered ms second-class matter, Feb
fOsry £4, 1904, at the postoffice at
Cprlngffeld, 111., under the Act of
Ooogress of March 3, 1879.
MtttttMWH • • • fapridtn
One Year.M-50
One Month.16c
Per Copy.Sc
MBCti 3151-2 iTStotl St. r»st Mils »M
9 L. Rogers, Editor and Manager.
Will H. arbour. Associate Editor
had Secretary.
- ftranch Office.
taMisMto .. vs; an a
Saturday October 20 . j 1900
Vote for those c;ti.< a who
appreciates your supjr • t. The
ungrateful cu^s is to t e shuned
as you would shuu a vi]> r
Senator Til man has come, to
the conclusion that, '.he Negrons
when they find that c im**, not
color, endangers the. - i ile, v\ ill
in turn, shoot the man who
would shoot him, Its a long lane
that has no turn.
That Judge Murray is the log
ical candidate for the county
judgeship to succeed himself, is
•'foregone conclusion. There is
not that false, haughty mock ar
istocracy in his mane-up and
disposition that characterizes
other candidates that we know.
A Negro from what is known
as the Shoestring District in
Mississippi, is a candidate for
Congress. They wont listen to
Vardaman for all that and all
Logan Hay should receive the
solid colored vote from Morgan
and Sangamon counties for state
senator. He is a staunch Repub
lican and a man of ability. We
advise every person who desiies
a good legislator to cast a vote
for Logau Hay, for State Sena
tor Nov. 6.
Thomas E. Lyon, the young
Republican candidate for Probate
Judge, is an honest young man,
who is striving to come in the
world and who is poor; he has
made every inch by hard work
We commend him to the voters
and ask that he be given the un
divided support ol ail. He will
make a good judge in our opinion
a^d every man will be accorded
the same courtes es.
Mr. John Evans, independent
candidate for the legislature
from St. Clair county, was in the
city a few days ago to file his
papers with Secretary Rose. Mr.
Evans should receive every Ne
gro vote iu that county. If you
would know the reason why, we
would say he is capable. We
hope our people will not be frus
trated and foolad. Vote for John
Evans and you will be ghtd of it
in the future. Pave the way foi
yourselves and your children
Will you do it?
. *• i •
| The Journal Vs. the Register.
I The Journal and the Register
| of this city are certainly making
j themselves ridiculous in the way
they are conducting the cam.
paigns of the county candidates
for office this fall. Dick Sullivan
must be a power if he can dictate
the policy of Republicanism in
this county. We are loath to
give that individual credit for
j such extraordinary ability. The
j Journal makes accusations that
are in turn, refuted by the Regis
I ter and vice versa You stole
my marbles. I didn’t You did. I
! didn’t Thus the silly prattle
i goes on and on. The one tigbt
I ing like fury for Jay Hall and
| the other fighting with equal
; fury for Roy Reece. Either of
these candidates would fair far
better without, the ardent sup
port of these great newspaper.
This sort of journalism seems to
{b-? of the lemon color sort and is
j not the kind we desire to emu.
late Jay Hall is worthy. Roy
Reece is worthy- Ii. seems to be
a case of bad associations on the
pirt of both. Reece will receive
the party vote as will Hall, the i
bosh of the Register and the I
Journal, notwithstanding.
i ne v/ounvy election. j
Predictors say the Republicans
will lose the following county
offices: Judge, Clerk, Treasurer
and Sheriff. They claim that the
Repub icans are not treating the
2,000 Negro voters right—the
more repres jntati^e crowd is be
siighted. There is a tendency
among the ranks of the Negro to
| support the other side at the
j polls J. A. Hall, J. B. Colby,
Judge Murray, Charles Werner,
Chas. Opel and other democrats
are offering the Negro good in
ducements and consideration
They recognize the colored
man and seek legitimate support.
We are at a loss to know why
the Republicans are so indiffer
ent and why they dodge and h’de
from the sources that could be
the most beneficial to them. The
prediction may or may not be
true, but as a matter of fact, the
democrats are making a fine
campaign. We eau only advise
a man to vole for the men who
treats h;m the best.
John P. Smulski, who heads!
the state tic..etas a candidate fori
State Treasurer, is making a
maul' , vigorous tight for that
office and will surely win. Mr.
Smulski demonstrated the quali
ties of a good campaigner two
years ago as a candidate for city
attorney of Chicago, which he
won over his democrat opponent,
being the only Republican elect
ed. Mr. Smulski is a strict Re
publican, honestand faithful to
any trust imposed upon him. He
will make a good public official.
There is one thing certain: He
will receive th« support of the
voters of his nationality and that
of the Negroes throughout the
Justice Harlan may be the re
publican"candidate for governor
of Kentucky. He should win.
i The lynching having snbs’d
ed let us pray that it may remian
■j Don't mistake a colored man’s
place of business for a hoodlum’s
Wednesday October 31st '06.
A new club has been formed to present a series of en.
tertainments during the winter months, and this ball prom
ises to furnish a delightful evening’s pleasure for all.
Dancing from 8:30 to 1 o’clock
Music by Nix’s orchestra Admission 25 cents.
—5--—— --— —
If you’re in doubt let us
lead trump to you?
is always the proper hat—
never alike two seasons
together--except in price
529 North Side Square
For Fine Commercial Work
Telephone 998
When you want a copy of the
Forum, The Freeman or the Ne
gro magazines, drop in at The
Keystone, 121 So. 4th St.
We do not consider it suicidal
nor a betrayal when we advise
you to support the man or men
who offers the best in return for
you individually or in your opin
ion, the greater portion of people
than his opponent.
Attend the Unequal
ed ball of the Season,
Thursday, October 25th 19C6.
By Red Rose Dancing Clnb.
G-rand March at 10 o’clock sharp.
Prize waltz contest, 10:30.
Music by Nix’s Orchestra. Admission fee, 25 cents.
Thos. Nix, Pres. Sherman Hickman, Sec’y.

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