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Image provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL
Newspaper Page Text
SUVSET MAGAZINE i 52KC&E&3 ail the Fat Wok. CAMERA CRAFT derotod each son* „ tiatae reproduction d the be* #1.00 work of amateur aad proleraoaal a ]fau photographer*. ROAD OF A TEOUSAED WONDERS a book ol 75 pagaa, containm* V20 colowd photograph* •» $0,75 pkturnaqaa *pai* in California and Cbagaa, — Toul . . . $3-35 All for ... . $1.50 Addra** all order* to SUBSET MAGAZIBB Flood Buddbg Saa Fraadron j ! Dr. J E. Hendersot I o3>c« >*7H West Sida Square. HOURS:#*#* a in. . 1 1* 5: 7 to I p, m. ! FIRST WARD PLACB: «il North :*th Saran HOURS: Till S a. m.; i* ta 1 **.: j:*a ta#S , and at aifht. Talapkoa# beta Uaaa AMERICAN HAIR GROWER. A good reliable hair-grower. It is food for the hair roots thereby caus ing it to grow and present a lustrous, healthy appearance. If your hair is long enough, you caa not do without it, as a fine perfume dressing, at a very reasonable price. ROBERT CLARKSON'S drug store, 213 South 6th St., A. S. MITCHELL'S drug store, 5th and Monroe St., sell it —■and recommend it Price: 26 cents, Springfield, 111. OUR ADVERTISING RATES. For display matter one time, 15e the inch; over one time, 10c, 6 months or one year, special prices made. Reading matter, one time, 7c the line; seven words to the line; over one time 5c; for long articles or church advertising, some reduction. For clubs, socials, ect., when mat ter contains over 75 words and under 200, send 50 cents if you desire it pub lished in full. MANAGER. Capitol City Lodge, No. 12, K. of P., meets every second and fourth Mon day night of each month in Masonic hall on North Eighth street Specie’ meetings made known by K. of R. * S.. Don’t borrow the Forum. Our Next Big Edition Will Be Out August 6th, Entitled, “Odd Fellows’ Convention Number.” Will be another Gem A nd all who did not get in this edition will have a better op portunity to get before the peo pie, as it is said that two or three thousand delegates will be here. All prominent Odd Fellows should Call and make arrangements with us in time to get their photos in, also the band in a group snould appear. All of the busi ness colored people, in partic ular, should Appear. Get all matter in by July 29. E.E. PERKINS. The above is the likeness of E. E. Perkins, whose native heath is the State of Missouri, but who has been adopted in the “holy’’ family of Old Free soil Illinois. Mr. Perkins hails from Jack sonville. sicnce he has been em ployed here at the Cabitol. He was made messenger of the Gov. ernor under Yates, and through his sterling qualities and efficient political work, was highly recom mended by Ex. Governor Yates to Governor Deneen to be retain ed and he has been retained as messenger since. He stands well among the poli tical forces of Morgan. Co. and of this county, Ex-Gov. Yates and the whole Morgan Co force think highly of him. He is also a member of several societies, Treasurer of Charles Young Lodge No. 103,1. P.B. O Divine Services at the Evangelical Lutheran Holy Trinity Church. On Fifteenth between Washington and Jefferson streets. Bible Reading, 11 to 12 a. m. Preaching at 8 p. m. Instruction in the chief parts of the Christian doctrines every Wednesday at 8 p. m. One and all are cordially invited ta attend these services. Rev. Jas. H. Doswell, Pastor. $1.50 io East St Louis avery Sat urday and Sunday ILLINOIS TRACTION SYSTEM. Illinois Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Company C. B. Reichelt F. C. Kirkgesner 326 South Sixth St FANCY DRY CLEANING AND Dyeing In ALL Its BRANCHES PRESSING and REPAIRLNG Goods called for and delivered, Join our $1.00 per month Club, Old phOne, 909: New; 1593. E. of W , and Chancellor Com. mander of Capital City Lodge K. of P. this city, being elected at the last regula.r session of Lodge. He is also a member of Co. H. 8th Inft. I. N. G and promment in the social circles of Jackson ville and Springfield. He hasma. ture ideas along business lines and anticipates investing money in some goodfreal estate proposi* tson iether here or in Ohio. Forum promises to be one of the very best advertising mediums ways Reliable. Write for Free Sample FOR SALE. De Witt Couny, Illinois—Waynesville. One fine piece of residence property. Modern house in good condition $450.00. Easy terms. One hundred and forty-five acres ri. h farm land in fine state of cultiva tion, one mile from Waynesville. no house, $150.00 per acre, easy terms. One hundred and sixty acres 3*4 miles from Waynesville, improved, twenty acres in pasture, at $115.00 per acre. Rents for $900.00 per annum. Terms easy. C. H. JONES, 116 S. 7th St., Springfield, 111. U. G. SLAUGHTER. FINE PORTRAIT PAINTER LANDSCAPING, WATER COLOR PAINTING. A11 Kinds of Scenic Poin ting. SEE me for Special Work 125 North Water St. Drcatur, 111. VIRGIL MOTLEY, Solicitor, ] Dr. E.G. Covington, M. D., Bloomington 111. Dr. Covington is considereu one of the best physicians in Cen ral Illinois, and enjoys a lucra ive practice. He is well known >ver the state and very highly espected in Bloomington where te resides. He i s ex.Surgon of ith Reg. I. N. G. TONES TABLE Northbound. Arrive. Depart. 'Alton Limited .11:53 am 11:53 axa 'Prairie State Express.. 2:46 pm 2:46 pm ’Bloomington Accom .. Starts 5:00 pm 1-Capital City Flyer.1:35 pm Stops 'Palace Express .12:20 am 12:20 am 'Midnight Special .2:43 am 2:43 am ’Atlantic Express-Chi . Starts 7:00 am iSt. Louis Accom. 11:35 am 11:35 am 'Spfld-Eldrad Accom ..10:36am Stops (Sunday Special .10:46 pra Stops Southbound. Arrive. Depart. 'St. Louis Express.3:25 am 3:25am 'Midnight Special .6:06 am 6:06 am hCapital City Flyer .... Starts 3:16am ‘Bloomington Accom .. 3:03 am Stops (Bpfid-St. Louis Accom. Starts 6:30am ‘brairie State Express.. 2:35pm 2:35pm ■Alton Limited . 4:16 pm 4:16 pm •Chicago Accom . 3:40 pm Stopa •Spfld-Eldred Accom .. Starts 6:03 pm •8unday Special . Starts 7:16 pm Peor*a Division. Arrive. Depart. •Peoria _ ecom . 3:13 am Stops tPeoria Express .4:00 pm Stopa fPeoria Accom. Starts 3:13pm •Peoria Expreas. Starts 6:46 am •Sunday Special . Starts 6:36 pm •Sunday Special . 3:06 pm Stops