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......•..—— -----—" - ■■ 1 The Modern Store, CARLOCK’s Shop for MEN 226 Soutn 0th St. John Vetter Prompt Delivery I ^ H I Q 2 I H o © I P p I . p & I 3 *■ O I o I Q* I Residence BOTH PHONES I Old 2247R3 I 1005 E. Carpenter St. New 2212 I Ice Can Be Had At All Times. S Society and Local Now is Your Ohance. Buy a lot in in WMberforce, Green Co., Ohio, the Mecca of Prosperous and Fashionable Negroes 187 iots have been subdivided out of “The Shorter place,” and are be ing sold by a colored syndicate. Terms $5.00 down and $5.00 per month Prices of lots range from $120 up to $250.00. Now is the time to buy as an investment. A W. NAYLOR & Co., Wilberforce Green Co. O,, Dr. J. H. MaGee. Wes tern Manager, Springfield, Illinois. Plat etc can be seen together with other information at Forum office. The Social Club, composed of a select class was highly enter tained last week at the residence of Mrs. Dr. S. A. Ware, 900 N. 9th St. Mrs. U. G. Cabbell entertained this week. Hon H. Clay Wilson has been ap. pointed receiver for the Tail Manufacturing Co., at Decatur. Arval Terrill received a special invitation to put oil a play with his famous Female Vaudeville Co. at Clinton, 111., on the night of July 4th. The house was crowded. A. M. Williams is now Attor ney A. M, Williams, having rec eived his notice-of success from the State Board Examiners with great gusto mixed with admira tion. He deserves special enco niums because of the fact that he is not a Collegiate man and made his way to the bar by self perseverance and hard study. It should be a lamp unto the feet of others who are less self confident and it further proves not theori zes that “worth makes the man and want of it the fellow.’* Many people are crying, '*1 can’t, they won't let me,’’ but valiant do things. It was indeed a glourious 4th. The election is to be July 16*h, Roy Reece meets all require ments. Meet the boys in blue and your visiting friends at Masonic Hall, 1 July Uth. VIRGIL MOTLEY, Solicitor, Delmonico Cafe One of *the beet in city 107 S. 8th St under new Management. Regular Meals ... 20e Sundays 25e We tinvite the public and we will serve you nicely and promptly. ED. JASPER. Furnished rooms at 416 E. Madison Street, Springfield, Illinois. Mrs. J. E. Smith, Proprietress. Telephone, new, 1457. Mrs. Rogau of Decatur was the guest of her .daughter, Mrs. C. H. Jones, 126 N. 14th St., Sun day. A. Jefferson of St. Loui? was the guest of friends in the Capi. tal City last week. Isaac Crittendon left this week for Detroit Michigan where he will remain for an indefinite period. Miss Helen Harvey of Moberly Mo., arrived in the city and will be the guest of her brother and sister Mr and Mrs. J. L. Harvey 1215 S. 17th St. Have you inspected those sum, ner suits at Oarlock’s? $5,00 3heaper than elsewhere, yet a better grade. Mrs. M. Hableton of Boonville Mo., js in the city visiting Mrs Maggie Davis ef 815 So, 15th St.' The many friends of Mrs. Ella Naylor will be glad to learn that she has rested easy the last few days and is muoh improved M rs. S. A. David of So. Spring St.,isynt in poor health, as is Mrs. Brooks of the same number The Woman’s Club will meet next Monday with Mrs. C. H. Morgan, 82t So. Sp.St. The article to have appeared n this week’s issue of the Fo rum on ‘ -Badland,” has been de ferred to next issue, Oh! how many times did you aave your life ‘ ‘scared out. □ Forum promises to be one of the very best advertising mediums ways Reliable. Write for Free Sample DRUGS And Medicines ALWAYS THE Choicest And Best. At [Clarkson’s, Remember the place, 213 South Sixth Street. Capital City = ;EEEE=1-Pantitorium Fine Tailoring-Latest Styles of the Season on Hand . . . Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing, Repairing Ladies’ Garments a Specialty Satisfaction Guaranteed—Goods Called for and.Delivered Monthly Terms Given Phnnflfl * j Bell 535 _ Monthly Terms * | Inter-State 99 * Given ■ 104 8. 4th St. • , - SPRINGFIELD, ILL. J- W. Slaughter, Prop. Champion Shoe Repair Shop Your Old Shoes Made Like New By our Modern Repairing Machines Have Your Soles Sewed od while you wait by the CHAM PION SEWING MACHINE, which makes your Shoes look like New. also make thsm flexible and easy on the feet and wea* better than Nails or Pegs and cost but little more. $ Best ^ White ^ Oak ^ Leather ^ Used • All Work Guaranteed First-Class Shoes Called for and Delivered Promptly. Andrew J. Gordon The up To-Date shoe Man 822 E. Washington St. - Springfield, 111. Furnished Rooms With all Modern Conveniences ••Best Location in City First class Patronage Solicited Teleohone Old 2322 R. S. Robertson, Williams Building, 11th and Washington Proprietor