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Image provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL
Newspaper Page Text
uy Your Tailor Made Suits at C ifrlook’s Shop for men Art W, Naylor Art W. Naylor, who is well known throughout the country, is a native of Springfield, III., and is very highly respected. Aftfir attending the public schools of this city he went to Wilberforce Uuiversary and grad uated in 1900. He is also a grad uate of the National Press Asso ciaiion of Indianapolis. Mr. Naylor is an athlete and musician of rare ability being ex perienced on both the piano aud violin. After leaving college he was appointed in the Slate Insurance Department by Gov Yates aud was re appointed by Gov. Deneen Mr. Naylor is now the recogniz ed leader of one of the greatest Negro m <vements of the country. After purchasing one of the Dave Moore. Mr. David Moorp, head waiter at the Leland Hotel who, s i c i he has taken charge of the hotu., h is a’tained some prominence as a disciplinarian AU the tneu get along finely under Mr. Moore; while his reg ulations are. rigid, they are given so congi niall.y thatali appreciate him. As head waiter, Mr. Moore is an expert and has won ihe re spect of the proprietors and is well liked by the guest*. He is an ex member of the I N G and was in service in Cuba during the war with Spain, Mr. Moore re. sides on N. 2d street, and owns property in McLean county, ope of the richest counties in the state. most, valuab'e tracts of land at Wilberforce, Ohio; he has platt ed the whole into city lots which have sold very rapidly to the wealthiest and most fashionably Negroes in the country. Associated with Mr. Naylor in this large project, is C. R. Hoi land, secretary of the normal department of Wilberforce and one of the most popular young men in that state. Wilberforce has become the home of the wealthy and fashion able exclusive set of Negroes and is recognized as the prettiest resort in the country. Socially, Mr. Naylor is a favo rite,, well read and courteous which has made him a host of friends and admirers, He was the founder of the well known Metropo itan Club and is Grand Deputy of the Elks. Mr. Naylor married Ursie Walker, who is prominent in Ohio society circles, in 1908 and to their union a daughter has been born to further bind these two hearts that are as one. I There .were 187 of these lots at the opening. Please don’t put the collectors off by telling them you want to see the editor. We employ them because we have not time for that fiurselves, When the collectors come, pay them. Hard! White. \ The above is an excellent likeness j of J. Haro'd White of E Monroe st. ( City, who has recently assumed the duties of deputy clerk in the office of James A. Hall, Treasurer of San gamon County. Mr. White was born in Salem 111., May 18, 1886, the 4th son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. White. , The family later moved to Spring- 1 field where they have sines received ' the father being one of its leading grocers Hamid was educated in the f k i public schools of this city, graduat- € lug from the Lincoln school in 1901 and from the Springfield high school ' In l he class of June 1906. After the summer vacation following, he was appointed to the position of clerk in the Chicago post office, resigning the * same in June last to accept the one 1 Lots For Sale in the SHORTER, PLACE The fashionable home of the exclusive set of NEGROES. EASY TERMS. $5.00 down, and $5.00 per mo. ' Thousands of dollars to bd spent on improvements. For description and Circulars Address A. W. Naylor & Co. Wilberforce, Ohio Dr. J. H. Maoee, Western Mgr. Springfield. Illinois. A. W. Naylor, Pres. & Gen. Mgr. C. R. Holland, Sec. and Director Wilberiorce, Ohio. stated above We wish to con ;ratulate Harold upon the success vhich he has thus far attained and tope him a much greater and nobler :areer In the future. Andrew Russell The above is the likeness of dr. Andrew Kussell of Jackson ville, who was ihe people’s choice 41 or State Treasurer and who may »e their nominee next year. He 5 one of our most highly respect, d and honorable men. Don’t borrow the Forum. Don’t wait to hear what the public hinks before you express your opin on. Say what you think if you believe rou are right Hon. J. S. McCullough. > We take great pleasure in pre senting this encomium of the Hon. J. S. McCullough, State Auditor of the State of Illinois. Mr. McCullough has held this position with such satisfaction that the people of Illinois feel that he is sine quo non. Since he has occupied the chair as the state’s chief accountant, there has not been one item of irregu larities, a fact bespeaking the worth and integrity of the man. Mr. McCullough was a soldier and is well liked and highly re spected throughout the length and breadth our great com. monwealth. He has servei | wo or morejternis b t t! e peopie feel that, in case he desires to become a can. didate next year for re election, there will hardly be a contestant for the nomination. He is a man of good approach,* alable and courteous. In this issue of the Forum your attention is cal led to t he E, & W’s. ad, to Newman, and Overaker & Kiesacker as specialties. We hope you will make their places your choice plaoes for buying. The time to enjoy yourself is Thursday evening, July 11th at Masonic Hall with the soldier boys. Forum pi-omlses to be one of the very best advertising mediums ways Reliable. Write for Free Sample