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Steam Dying, first-class repairing « and modern pressing establishment Leland Hotel Pantatorium.... . ,M ' BASEMENT LELAND HOTEL PrencltfDry Cleaning, Steam Cleaning, First-class work guaranteed to “ - 1 u Ladies and .Gents j »' * ■i . , f i Certififcate of membership to Pressing club, $1. 12 garments. All ' 1 1 ’ work called for and delivered. Give ma a call.. ’ n 1 ' ‘ OLD PHONE 834. r '• * ! Miss Louise Wilson, i, General Mgr. and Collector. n 4 The St. Nicholas Pantatorium. i * _ j Removed to 112 Nouth Second St. Cleaning, Dying, Be pairing and Pressing. Special Attention Given to Ladi es’ Garments. ^ All Work Guaranteed. Goods Called for and Delivered. I Monthly Terms 6h en, Reasonable Prices. GIVE ME A CALL. Bell Phone 2990. L. E. ARBCC KLE, Prop. - Don’t wait to hear what the public thinks before you express your opin ion. Say what you think if you believe you are right. St. Augustine’s Mission. 1420 South Grand Ave., East. Ser vices every Sunday. Sunday School, 4 p. m.; Divine services, 7:46 p. m. All are invited. Conducted by Rev. Jefferson. , . READ THE St, Louis Times.' ONE of THE Coming dailies of Stat Non Partisan Men and Measures. Newport Pantitorium Practical Tailoring Cleaning and Pressing. LADIES’ WORK A SPECIALTY ALL WORK GUARANTEED. To give satisfaction. Goods Called for and Delivered. Gko. Bouyer, 7061 (rear) E. Washington St. _ Buy Kansas Wheat Lands! Direct from Owner at Bargain Coun te Prices! Do you know that a “single Crop o f wheat in Western Kansas will pay the purchase price of the land on which it is grown and profit besides? I have several thousands acres of ch oice wheat land in the counties of El lis, Trego, Grove, Wallace, Lane.Gree ley, Kearney and Morton bought ex ceedingly low during hard times whl ch I now want to close out at once and which I offer to sell far below or We must not spend so much money on Excursions. dinary market prices. I WANT TO DEAL WITH PU* CHASER DIRECT. Write me for full particulars ho w I can save you money. Lee Monroe, ■ ' . |»|'.m -0 II N. E. Corner Sixth and Ka asas, Avenues, Topega, Kansas. Calhoun Ave.—6 rooms, good cel lar, walks, well and cistern; $2000; $300 cash, bal. $18 and $20 per month. South Pasfleld St., 3 blocks south of Laurel St.—6 room house, good cement driveway, cement walks, good barn, good cellar cemented, with sewer, $2260; Springfield Consolidated Railway Time Table -r„ ... . - Time Table of Springfield Consolidated Railway Co. Cars for North Fifth street will leave Fifth and Monroe every 7% minutes from 6:07 a. m., until 8:00 p. m.; every'10 minutes from 8:00 p. m. until 11:20 p. m.; owl cars will leave at 11:4# p. m., 12:07 and 12:80 a m. Cars for .South Fifth street will leave Fifth and Monroe every 7 Mi minutes from 6:07 a. nl until 7:45 p. Fifth and Monroe every 12 minutes from 6:00 a m. until 11:24 p. m.; owl cars leave at 11:48 p. m., 12:00 mid night and 12:24 a. m. Cars for North Seventh street leave Fifth and Monrod\ every 12 minutes from 6:00 a. m. until 11:24 p. m.; owl cars leave at 11:48 p. m. and 12:24 a m. Cars for Spring street leave Fifth and Monroe* every 12 minutes from 1:06 a. m. until 11:20 p. m.; owl cars leave at 11:44 p. m., 12:08 and 12:30 a m. Cars for East Carpenter street leave Fifth and Monroe every 12 minutes from 6:08 a. m. until 11:20 p. m.; owl cars leave at 11:44 p. nl., 12:07 and 12:30 a. m. Cars for South Grand avenue leave Fifth and Monroe every 15 minutes from 6:07 a. m. until 11:22 p. m.; owl cars leave at 11:45 p. m., 12:07 and 12:30 a. m. Cars for Lawrence avenue leave Fifth and Monroe every 12 minutes from 6:00 a. m., until ll:36 p. m.; owi cars leave at 12:00 midnight and 12:30 a m. Cars for North Ninth street leave Fifth, and Monroe every 12 minutes [from 6:00 a m. until ^1:36 p. m. Cars for East Capitol avenue leave Fifth and Monroe every 12 minutes from 6:00 a m. until 11:36 p. m.; owl cars leave at 12:00 midnight and 12:30 a m. Cars for South Eleventh and Rut ledge streets leave Fifth and Wash ington every 15 minutes from 6:07 a m. until 11:22 p. m.; owl cars leave at 11:52 p. m. and 12:22 a m. Cars for West Washington street leave Fifth and Monroe every 15 min utes from 6:00 a. m. until 11:15 p. m.; owl cars leave at 11:45 p. m. and 12:07 a. m. Cars fbr Governor street leave Fifth and Monroe every 15 minutes from 6:07 a m. until 11:22 p. m.; owl cars leave at 12:30 a m. Cars for South Eighth street leave Fifth and Monroe every 15 minutes from 6:00 a m. until 11:15 p. m. / The Progress off the Negro. (Continued from another page) matters of taste and form which work the social status of a peo ple and give to the individual or the m^s thetlistinctive stamp of culture. | The Negro has made achieve ments along the lines of wealth where once was a rude cabin and a one room hut we now see beau tiful homes* Throughout the entire South, we find scores of colored men who have excellent farms. Some of the largest or ange plantations in Florida are owned bj the colored men. The total amount of property owned by the colored people in all the States is rated at over $100,000,000. \ In the religious sphere, the Ne gro pulpit stands in bold prom inence as the chief agency in the work of uplifting the race In organizing and perpetuating ex. isting organizations, the pulpit now as before leads all other agencies. And now in review let me say that the social conditions of the American Negro are such that'he has shown to the world his apti tude for study and general im provement. When we remember that he had to climb \jb frbm abject serf dom and pauperism, we ranst acknowledge the fact and give them the credit they deserve. t The heights are still beyond, but he is slowly rising, and da'y by day the star of hope gleams more brightly. May God contin ue this progress nntil he shall stand shoulder to shoulder with the highest civilization and cul ture of the world. We make a specialty of prompt Optical Repairing. Broken lenses replaced and frames I repaired quickly* and accu rately. (Usually within an hour’s jjme.) We make no charge for straightening and ad justing eye glasses. Tobin & Canham j The Popular Price Jewelers 522 S. Side Squaae. OPTICIANS J. RALPH TOBIN, FRED W. KILLIUS. ■■hhhhhmh _____v. a