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Image provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL
Newspaper Page Text
For the Newest Creations in Hats and Furn ishings, try Oarlock’s Shop for men. Morgan & McMullen. Manufacturers of Coca Cola. Two young enterprising men of our city are the above named firm, men who make the celebra ted Coca Cola, the finest cold drink in the city—has delicious flavor and is entirely free from alcoholic properties. For sale at ssda fountains and saloons Ask for Coca Cola always. La dies and men can drink it. Better than all soda waters—call for it Social Sunlight Circle The Social Sunlight Circle met with Mrs. Tucker on N. 14 St. Wednesday evening and a lorge number of members were in attendance. The guests of the Club were, Mrs. Jamos Ry dei of Pittsburg, and Mrs. Drake of Michigan. There will be no meeting of the Club next week, but will meet the week after with Mrs. Thomas Steele on N. 2d St. Retta Davis, Pres. Ethel Pemberton Sec’y. Mrs. Johnson, wife of the pro prietor of the Pekin Cafe, arriv ed in this city this week and will be co-worker in their business. WANTED, every man who likes pretty c'othes and pretty fits to call at 225 So. 6th St. The latest styles of shirts at Oarlock’s, Say, those hats at Carlock’s# ties, trousers and other samples are sq gorgeous, as you see ad vertised in the windows, we ad vise you to go there before doing all your trading. Captain Chas Young 9th Cav alry Q. S. Army whose home is in Wilberforoe, Ohio, will come to this city on the 11th to receive the honorary degree to be confer red upon him by the local lodgo of Elks who took his name. The event will be celebrated in proper style Captain Young is a graduate of West Point and one of tht most .cultivated men in the army and one of the fore most men of the race and Spriug tield sho ild feel ho o d by his presence. While in the city Captain Young will be the guest of A. W. Naylor. There was a baptising at Union ehurch last Sunday. Don’t borrow the Forum. Mr. John Vetter, who resides at 1006 East Carpenter and conducts an Ice cream house. Mr. Vetter is a man about forty-five years of age. He has lived in the neighborhood where he now resides for the last ten years. He has a good character and a good repu tation, and is well thought of by all >vho know him. Mr. Vetter also deliv ers coal and wood. He would be very' grateful to the subscribers of The Fo rum if they would patronize him. Ice can be had at the house at all times. Mr. Vetter has two sons who drive his wagons. They are very courteous'and kind. Get your coal, ice and wood from him. Give him a trial. Troy. Died, at 12:05 o’clock Thurs day afternoon, July 4, at the family residence, 1214 East Reynolds, Mrs. Mattie M. Troy, aged 60 years, wife of Daniel D. Troy. Deceased is survived by her husband, two sons, WllliamMayweather of Des Moines, la., and Willard Troy of this city; one daughter, Janice Troy% of this city. The funeral ,!^as held Friday after noon at the Union Baptist church, Rev. Manuel officiating. The interment was made in Oak Ridge cemetery. The Arion Hall Entertainment For the Benefit Old Folks’ Home. The entertainment put on at Arion Hall last week for the benefit of Lincoln Colored Old Folks & Orphans’ Home, was gotten up by Mrs. Cora Kirby and the participants were the young peo ple who always come to the front and help in this needed cause. They and Mrs. Monroe deserve credit. We ad vise that the young men work up a baseball game for the benefit of the said Home. Miss Ella Hawkins, of Louisi ana, o , is visitirg Mrs. C. A, Dogan of Ambidexter Insti tute. Mrs. Sadie Stewart, of Decatur was in the city Sunday, the guest of Mrs Digan. She that deserts her regular fellow for one week, woe be uu to her after the battle is o’er5! Secretary of State, Jas. A. Rose. We feel proud of our esteemed Sec retary of State, the Hon. Jas. A. Rose, who hails from Egypt, and lias friends legion. Mr. Rose came under Gov. Tanner and has become to some con siderable extent, endeared to the peo ple of Springfield and the state. As Secretary of State he has dis charged the duties appertaining to the office with marked ability and un daunted courage. He may be a candi date for re-nomination before the Re publican state convention which con venes next year, less than 12 months hence, and if he is, we have no douBt of his receiving the same uncontested. He ha smore colored men on what is know'll as the Secretary’s pay roll than any other man at the State Capitol. We hear no cries among our people de rogatory concerning him either as a roan-or a public servant of the people. Mr. Rose is quite a geniul man and a loyal citizen, loving his state atid priz ing her institutions highly. He takes prominent part each year in the state historical work and other matters of vast importance both locally and gen erally. w w w w STALEY’S -THE HOME OF Good Shoes 125 West Side Square « Springfield, - Illinois j m ® ® % For Men For Women Hanan Hanan | & & Walk Over Dorothy Dodds ' Dr. Roy F. ROGERS, Physician and Surgeon St. John’s Hospital, Springfield, Illinois. Offices The Hagler Building Residence, 313 E, North Grand 493 East Capital Ave. Avenue. 9 - 11 A. M.; 2.4 and 7.8 p. M. Telephone, old, 1623- 1 Telephones; old, 2331, new. 1791. Springfield’s Fashion Center; Carlook’s Shop For Men, 225 South Sixth Street.