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Image provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL
Newspaper Page Text
Villa Ridge Church. There was a big rally at New Hope Baptist Church last Sun day, June 23. Quite a sum was realized from the large audience Every one reported line re suits, Mr. and Mrs Scott Thompson expect to make their future home in Champaign, III, They are good, loviug neighbors and we all regret their departure. They have been long loved by all who know them. Mrs. Scott Thompson and dau ghter and sister, and Manuel and Coleman Harrison were the guests of the Misses Watkins Sunday. The A. M. E. Sinday Schcol Convention was held at Metropo lis, III. Quite a number of dele gates went from the Mounds, among whom were Misses Susie Harrison and Willie Brassfield It convened June 25lty. Mrs Carrie Colemah will giv< an ice crram supper 00 nex Sunday 30 for or in honor of her friends. Everyoee is expected to enjoy themselves while visit ing Mrs. Coleman. A good number of insinuations are being passed on wedding in our neighborhood. We will call no names. Wheat cutting is all the gotwith the farmers- Wheat is in fair shape this year. A great many sweet potatoes Q ru hoiiiir nlont/.wl I i Strawberries are ail gone after lasting near six weeks. Now 1 Raspberries is the cry. Mr. I Anderson is haviug great success in his shipments. Tney are sel ling from #4.00 to #4.50 per case, 1 which is a good price. \ ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILWAY. Taking affect Sunday, December 4. Northbound. Arrive. Depart. •Diamond Special .18;36 am 11:44 am Midnight Limited .1:42 am 2:46 am aCbicago Exprese . 7:41 am Northern 111. Exprese.11:26 am 11:30 am : ‘Daylight Special .2:46 pm 2:44 pm •St. Louis A Sp'fld Accom. 1:46 pm Stops Southbound. Arrive. Depart •Diamond Special . 6:60 am 2:66 am •Midnight Limited .4:46 am 4:60 am •St. Louis A Sp’fld Accom. Starts 7:00 am . ‘Daylight Special .6:05 pm 6:10 pm *8t. Louie Express.6:30 pm 6:36 pm aCbicago Mall .10:26 am Stops •Dally. aDally except Sunday. B. A 0. S. W. RAILWAY Eastbound Trains. Arrive. Depart. aKoyal Blue Limited.7:30 am 7:30 am i ‘Wash. A New York Llm.. Starts 8:00 pm •Beardstown A Puna Ac_3:25 pm 3:25 pm ! bSunday Passenger .8:00 pm 8:00 pm Westbound Trains. eKoyal Blue Limited.7:25 pm 7:26 pm •Wash. A New York Llm.. 8:30 am 8tops aPana A Beardstown Ac..10:80 am 10:30 am .‘Sunday only .8:60 am 8:60 am •Dally. aDally, except Sunday. bSunday. C. , P. A ST. L. RAILWAY. To and from Peoria. A reive. Depart Dally Expreae .8:10 pm 12:10 pm t>ally Mall .11:00 am 2:40 pm •ally Mall .«:65 pm 7:26 am Te and from St Louis. Arrive. Depart jBuny Express .12:10 pm 8:14 pm DuOr m. Sunday, Aoeem.. 4:24 pm 4:24 am ■ The Stalwart Pro tective League. Meets First Monday of each Month at Odd Fellow’s Hall, South Fifth Street. R. S. DONALDSON, Pres. DR. J. H. MAGEE, Secy. Don’t wait to hedr what the pubjllc thinks before you express your opin ion. Say what you think If you believe you are right. Nicely Furnished Rooms. I am prepared to accommodate parties desiring nicely furnished rooms, only a few blocks from the square, or fur ther out. Rooms kept in perfect order—good attention given that you may be pleased. Apply at 1207 E. Washington Street, Springfield, Illinois. MRS. BELL JACKSON, Prop. i r j r f« v ■ — ■ 1 —■ T~— —— __ W. E. Cantrill,s PANTITORIUM is the place to have your clothes put in fine shape. Work turned out with haste-vgeods called for and (Jeliveqec!^ . ‘ *‘" Prices: Coat cleaned'and pressed, 60c Suit cleaned and pressed.$1.50 Ladies’ skirts. 75c to.$1.00 913 E. Washington. f - f \ M W ^ Summer School at Ambidexter. Persons desiring to review any stud ies in the co union branches of to continue their studies during the summer, consult the undersigned. Hours of-recital can be arranged to suit your convenience, tt Unnecessa ry that we be well versed in Arith metic and Grammar in order that we may calculate and speak and read correctly For further information call over new phone or write, Jas R Walker. Ambidexter Inetiti.te. 9 >2 So. 12 St. Spiingflield, Illinois. Parties will please enter Into no business transactions for this paper with anyone save Authorized agents See E. L. Rogers for the best sick and accident policies. $10 per week when sick or hurt. Get in the reading habit—Colored papers are for sale at: J. E. Thomp son, L. F. Osborne’s Pool Room, The Pekin Cafe, Brown & Neal’s Restau rant, Elk I. Cafe. At these places you can secure the New York Age, Boston Guardian, The Freeman, Richmond planet, The Voice, The Colored Amer ican Magazine, The Forum, Etc. ILLINOIS TRACTION SYSTEM. Kast Bound for Decatur, Clinton and all intermediate points. •5:0* a.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m. +12:0# noon. +6:00 p.m. 7:0# a.m. 1:90 p.m. 7:00 p.m. +8:0# a.m. +2:00 p.m. *8:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. *9:00 p.m. +10:0# a.m. +4:00 p.m. *11:00 p.m. 8prlngileld A Northeastern Traction Ca. Northbound. Southbound. 6:00 am 3:3* pm 6:00 am 3:30 pm 6:30 am 5:00 pm 6:30 am 5:00 pm 8:00 am 6:30 pm 8:00 am 6:30 pm 10:00 am 8:00 pm 10:00 am 8:00 pm 12:00 noon 11:00 pm 12:00 noon 11:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm Southbound, for Carlinvllle. Gillespie, Staunton, Litchfield. Edwardsville, St. Louis, and all intermediate points: *5:00 am *10:00 am 3:00 pm 7:00 pm •6:00 am ll:00am §4:00 pm |8:00pm 7:00 am §12:00 noon 6:00 pm 9:00 pm §8:00 am 1:00 pm *6:00 pm 11:00 pm 9:00 am *2:00 pm 12 Midnight Sleeper •Daily except Sunday. +Limited cars, stepping at tewas enly. "Limited cars, making all stops. §"Corn Belt Limited” to St. Louis. DOW DIRT SMOKE CINDERS Lots For Sale | 1219 East Converse Ave.—6 rooms j and bath, furnace and all of cellar cemented, cemented driveway, newly papered, hardwood floors, $3200; $300 cash, bal. $2800, $30 per month. 2308 East Pine, $950. 2304 East Pine, $1000. Several other buildings, ranging from $1000 to $5000. $300 cash, bal. $16 per month. See E. L. ROGERS. Wilson’s New Place R.eetn.\irant Fine Cigars Staple and Fancy Groceries and Ide Cream Regular Meals and Short Orders Homemade Pies—Candies Norris Wilson, Prdprietor. f s f j \ * ear, ll and Mndissn. "ft is no benefit to have given me ■omfthing, but it ife a benetit to have I enabled me ts obtain something ‘for 'myself.”—Effiertoh.' * * Prof essionaJ. Dr.C . H. JONES, Contractor - Builder Real Estate Rentals and Loans, Manager Peerless Ideal Portrait Co Business Letters, Deeds. Wills and Mortgages drawn. All business confidential. Office: lit South Seventh Street. BELL PHONES; ..Res. 2595 r 3 Office, main 3437. . T, , I — MORTON’S SALOON 817 E. Washington St. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. SCHLITZ BEER 8 J. MORTON, - G. J. BEARD, Proprietor, Dispenser. STAR THEATRE. Open Every Night Best Vaudeville Seen in the City. ’ Prices: 10 cents, box seats, 25c. < 811 E Washington St. Springfield, Illinois ROY SEELEY, Attorney at Law. 523% North Side Square. Both Phones 1503. Dr. S. A. WARE, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFFICE:—627% East Adams street. HOURS: 10 a. m. to 12 m. 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. 7 p. m. to 9. Phones: Calls promptly made. Subscribe for the Forum. Please don’t put the collectors off by telling them you want to see the editor. We employ them because we bare not time for that ourselves, When the collectors come, pay them. Anyone sending a sketch and description may Sickly ascertain our opinion free whether at. mention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly coiiDdenttal. HANDBOOK on Patent* sent free. Oldest agency for securing patent*. Patents taken through Mann A Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientltlc Journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $1. Bold by all newsdealers. MH r;0r vork For Home-Made Cakes, Pies, Cookies, And a first-class meal, patronize BROTON & NEILL’ Restaurant /26 East Washington Street Regular Meals, 20c SUNDAYS: 25c. The Forum’s Staff. E. L. Rogers, Editor-in-Chief and Business Mgr. Will H. Barbour, Asst. Editor. MISS JOSEPHINE SNOWDEN. Proof Reader and Stenographer. I* * *•- - -k Office Clerk, Book keeper and Collector. Springfield. Miss Allene White, Contributor. Mrs. E. L. White, Contributoi. Miss Nannie Davis, Petersburg. H. A. Donegon, Lincoln. Miss Daisy Wilkins, Decatur Edit ress and Agent. MISS BLANCHE HOAGLAND, Bloomington Agent and Correspondent. MISS JESSIE M. WATKINS, Villa Ridge. Address matter for the paper to The Forum, 305 % So. Sixth St. Matters of business or information :o E. L. Rogers, Mgr. The Clubs, Social and Otherwise. Ladies’ Sunlight Social, meets every Wednesday at the residences of its nembers, discusses art, culinary, and tome circle questions. St. Paul Sewing Circle meets every rhursday at Lecture room of St. Paul :hurch, discusses all important home :ircle questions. Mothers’ Literary, meets every nonth, auxiliary to St Paul Sewing circle. The Woman’s Club, meets every week, is the oldest club—has been and s a rescue club for the fallen, a philanthropic agency, this club has a social and juvenile section, Mrs. C. H. Morgan is president, Mrs. Higgin 3otham is chairman, of the social sec don; Miss Clara Blackwell is press reporter for this club. The None-Such, is a social club among the younger society folk— meets every Thursday. The Don’t Worry, is a club composed af the elderly married ladies—meets weekly. Lodges and their meeting nights and place of meeting will be carried for 25c the month. We have all man ner of lodges here.