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THE FORUM “Be ye doers and not sayers only/’ yol 4, no. 267 Springfield, ill., Saturday, aug. 3, 1907. _^C, A MQNTH The Grand Silver Jubilee The Silver Jubilee we<k of the G. U. O. of O. F and H H. of Ruth of Illinois and Missouri will be held in the city of Springfield August 6.7 8 9. The meeting will be held in the House and Senate at the Capital Building- The Grand Public Recetnion will be given at Arion Hall, 4th and Jef ferson Sts- Tuesday morning to which the public is cordially in vited. A good musical program will be rendered and Prof Bloods full orchestra will furnish the music for the dancers. iThe ad mission fee will .be 25c. Wednesday night Memorial ex ercises at the State House to which the public is mostcord ial ly invited. Thursday night a Grand Jubi. lee Entertainment at Arion Hall Admission 50c, Music by Prof Blood’s Orchestra. Bro. Huus. ton of Washington, D C., will appear on the program. Friday grand all day Picnic at State Fair Grounds. The grand parade will be held at 10 a, m., and will wend its way to the State Fair Grounds Friday night grand Entertainment at Arion Hall which will conclude the week's festivities. Adrnis sion 253. Visitors will be in the city from every hamlet iu Illinois and Wisconsin. Says Negroes Should Colonize. J- C. Sanders of Oxford, Miss., a business man and astute race question student, who is conver sant and very much averse to the political thraldom in which the colored people of his state and the south are placed, had the fol. lowing to say on colonization and moral elevation. The time has come for our peo pie to colonize on some kind of basi*. I saw some time ago that land was being sold cheap. I am sure if we can secure large plats of land in the several states we can be more independent, by so doing there will not be heard the siren cry of assault and sub sequent lynching b‘ es. I hold this to be the only solution to the race question in the U. S. So much talk is useless, this is busi. ness. All lodges and churches should come together and put their means in funds for the buy ing of tracts of land and let our people go on them and be pro. tected. This land can be bought up in 50.000 to 100,000 lots say or more This is not to be in one place, but promiscuously ovr the several states, The people can pay back the amount to the syndicate thr ugh a system of taxation I say now the time is ripe Our people only desire a leader and they will follow. They do not want a coward—a leader that will lay down his life for the •‘sheep ’ and they will do even so to him. We have property here, diver sitied, but it can be gotten togeth er and made powerful, if we were only colonized, we would be a power with onr forces united. On this plan we could control both houses of the state legisla ture or have equal power, also our power in the national con gress would be more potential. It is a shame lobe called a peo ple, being under such a govern ment and having no controlling power, I denounce most bitterly and sternly the prevalent habit indul ged in by our people and the whites with our people as well and that habit is unlawful co-hab dating of the sexes. I advise that young men have high and noble ideals and set their marks nigh and their peace calling and election will be sure. This is applied to whites as well as col ored. We are one people, born equal, and under equal circum stances, will no equal regardless of demagogic political speeches to the coutrary. A race or indi vidual that lives in vice will, of course, die in the same state. So. quit this unlawful business by day and by night. O Ethi opia and Ctucasia, I say, it low. ers your worth and degrades you in ihe eyes of other people. As soon as we place a higher pre mium upon chastity and moral worth, we will become more re speciea as a people, noi unui then. Quit all forms of evil, such as dragging one another's wives into oblivion After a married hdy has secured a divorce is time for you to call on her, not before. Therefore, let us take new cour age, swear before the gods that we will be men and women, ach ieving wisdom, education and moral worth by the good deeds done in the body. Lot us colon ize, Petersburg News. Mesdames Mary Penick and Sarah Vaughn are visiting in Iudianapilis this week. Mrs, Samuel Harris and son Herbert visited in Springfield Sunday. Miss Bertha Standfoid of Springfield visited here last Sun day. Mesdames Anni< Hughes and daughter, Rachel Davis, are vis iting in Bloomington this week. Mrs. Edward Wormly of Springfield made a business trip here Tuesday’. Mrs. Wm, Reed and grand daughter, Delia are visiting in Bloomington this week. George Williams of Springfield and Miss Sarah Mack were uni ted in marriage Saturday even mg by Justice Welch at the home of the bride. Invitations were cordially extended to all, and everyone that attended reported having a good time. The couple will reside here. Hon. Janies A. Rose For Secretary of State. It, is the tried soldier that gives confidence in the day of battle. We have tried cur efficient Sec retary of State, and found him worthy and well qualified in every respect as a public officer; and we are ready and willing to try him again for four years more. The people, whom he has serv ed faithfully and well, are^satis fied with service rendered with faithfulness and fidelity, and ap proved his administration by spl nd d majorities. The people have iUrice placed the implement of his office in his hands, and bade him write the records of a sovereign state; for a sovereign people, which Mr. Rose has surely ar.d faithfully performed, in such a manner as to commend him to the confidence and high regard of a satisfied and grateful people. The people are satisfied. There are only a tew politicians who are out and want to get in, who are ‘‘hollowing.” We have learned the lesson taught by civil serv!ce, which if good for > the minor service, through the same process of rea soning, is good also for the major sevice. Moreover, the work of the office of Secretary of State has increased with the progress and development or the wealth and resources of the state, at the same old salary which was paid the Secretaries of State, when it was but an infant compared with the gigantic strides in wealth and material progress. The people through their rep resentatives in the last General Assembly have increased the sal ary of all th3 State officers. We believe it only right, proper and just that the present State officei s should enjoy the emoluments of a generous State, for another term. The colored people have fared well, in their represenfation through all the administrations of our distinguished Secretary of State—James A. Rose. We are very grateful for the many, many favors we have had; and still enjoy at his disposal. In remembrance of such fav»rs, we shall do all we can to place the standard of Secretary of State again in the hands of Jas. A. Rose, by helping him by word influence and vote to succeed in his endeavor; and our great State to a worthy and faithful public official. ‘ Yours for success, J. H. Magee. Springfield, III.D. Vardaman Defeated. The indications point to the de feat of demagogue, “Jimmie” Vardaman, of Mississippi, by Congressman John Sharp Wil liams, for United States Senator. We are glad that the people of that state have sense enough to differentiate between a fit and an unfit man for that august place. The indications are also that Noel and Scott will be the con. testants for governor in the sec. ond primary. The Woman's Club. The philanthropic section met at the Home on Monday, July 22. This being a potato shower, the amount of $5,00 was donated by the ladies to which the home was very thankful. On Monday, Aug. 12 the business meeting of the Club will beheld at the residence of Mrs. E. L. Morgan, 820 So. Spring St., the president, as business of much importance is to be transacted at the meeting. Lincoln News. A large number attended tlie picnic at Elkhart given by Nos. 2 and 8 Lodges of Good Samari tans of Springfield and Lincoln. Mrs Bud Orendorff was taken to the hospital Thursday. Misses Florence Thompson, Mae Perkins, K. B. Wilson, L. Duke, M. Dyer and Wiley of Bel ville spent last Thursday at the Chautauqua grounds. At 6 p m. thev wt re i lined bv W. Dver. F Rudolph, A Dent and H A. Donegan, and enjoyed a fine sup per, returning only when the rain drove them in. Bro. Johnson assisted Rev. Bass in his rally Sunday. J. W Willis and George Doue gan were guests of M. Fuqua Sunday. Mr. and Mrs- Arthur Steward were the guests of the latter’s mother, Mrs. A. Perkins Sunday Mrs. J. B. Jones of MaPoon was in Lincoln Saturday on busi ness Sam Farmer of St. Louis ar rived here Wednesday. He will make this his future home Don’t Forget the Booker T. Washington social Tuesday eve. Mrs. Johnson and daughter, Cora, were guests of Mrs. Ed. Johnson Suuday. Mr. Stoket and family returned to Peoria Monday. The reporter will be out of town on business next week Embroidery Club. Mrs. Jennie C. Morrison enter tained the ladies of the Fleur de Lis Embroidery Club at lieu resi dence Friday afternoon, July 26. A short musical program was rendered. Dainty refreshments were served and a most delight, i ful afternoon was spent.