X'aT'X V The styles are not ex- treme, only extremely good. Style 2511 For slender figures. It takes a particular ly well designed model to give grace ful lines to the slen der figure. 2511 is just designed for this purpose. PRICE an Dept. Store Wisconsin Tobacco Reporter HJdgerton, - Wisconsin F W. COOIN, • Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY t.uie red asSecond-class Mail Matter at the otofflcein Edgerton. Wiaconsin. FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1916. A STATE convention has been called by the republican state central commit tee to be held in Madison July 12th to recommend a complete state ticket to be voted for at the September pri maries. It is with a feeling of regret that the press of the state learn of the death of Harry P. Myrick, appointed a year ago to the state printing board by Gov. Philipp, which occurred at Madison on Saturday last. His long connection with the Milwaukee Sentinel and Free Press gave him a wide acquaintance throughout the state and a host of friends who admired his lovable char acter. Col. Roosevelt has returned to the republican party and announces that he will strongly support Hughes. The logic of events left him nothing else to do. When the nomination of Hughes became a political certainty it was easy to predict the colonel’s course. He will feel at home again in the re publican party, which gave him all his opportunities for service. Lawrence Whittet is for all prac tical purposes, governor of Wisconsin at this time. He has been in the gov ernor’s office since Mr. Philipp was laid low with appendicitis and from there handles the bulk of matters which come before a state executive. The exper ience should stand Whittet in good stead when at some time in the future the people of Wisconsin turn to him to take charge of their affairs. — White water Register. After vainly trying to persuade the progressive convention from butting its head against a stone wall at Madi son last week, Hal Martin concludes that the real difference between the progressives and stalwarts is that the stalwarts are willing a few of their numbers hold the offices but the pro gressives all want office. This view finds some corroboration in Prof. Holt, who, after watching the antics of the gathering observes that there were about 350 delegates attending and as near as he could figure it out 350 men who wanted some political preferment. There are compensations for almost everything in life. For example, most sections would balk at the establish ment of a powder mill within its con fines on account of the danger of ex plosives, and loss of life. But in the township of Barksdale, Washburn Cos., Wis., where one of the great DuPont powder plants is located, $llB,OOO of tax money will be paid in the coming year to the town treasurer and will be available for public improvements. Hitherto the entire expenses of running the township government, road build ing and all, has not exceeded $3,000. Concrete roads will be built out of this tax money. Warner’s Brassieres are as famous as Warner’s OoFSetS Style 577 Stout Model Made 'to give that grace and ease to the stout fig ure. The broad, strong belts give added support to the abdomen and gives the wearer the straight, smooth front so much desired. Price $2.50 f \ ; [l ' ' ftust-Procf 577 The cities, counties and states are running behind. In 1913 the average deficit of states was 4 per cent, of the counties 4 per cent and of cities of over 8000 population 13 per cent. How to get additional revenue to meet new ex penditures is one of the gravest prob lems. Not only has congress drawn heavily on state sources of incomes un der the new provision, which it was generally supposed would be reserved for emergencies, lyit it is now threat ening an increase of the surtax rate and considering the imposition of an inheritance tax. The states are shut off by the constitution from customs. The national government, in time of peace, deliberately cut the tariff, ac cording to the admissions of Mr. Un derwood, to use an income tax, never before validly levied in time of peace. General Pershing was sent to Mex ico to “get” Villa. He has not, and is apparently not going to get him. Why, then, is he compelled to stay in the in terior of Mexico? Why are not the United States troops being employed as a mobile force along the Mexican j border to guard the United States against bandit raids? President Wil son’s Mexican policy has been weird from the beginning. He “took” Vera Cruz; put Huerta out; and then got out himself and turned Mexico over to j anarchy. He then explained it all in j an interview in the Philadelphia Satur- | day Evening Post, saying that he j wanted to put the Mexican peon back j on the land. Villa, Carranza and all the rest of them are protesting that they are after the same thing, namely, to put the peon back on his land. If we now engage in the conquest of Mex ico we shall be hearing all summer from the stump the charges rung on that well worn metaphor that we must vote for the Democrats because “we must not swap horses while crossing a stream.” The answer that the Repub licans ought to make is this: If you are crossing a stream on a spavined and obstinate old mule, and a fine well sad dled horse comes alongside the mule, the worse the current is the better it will be for you to swap for the horse. N. Y. Sun. Common Council Proceedings. Edgerton, Wis., June 30, 1916. Adjourned meeting of the common council, Mayor Conway presiding. Al dermen present: Dickerson, Dickinson, Jenson, Dallman, Stark. Applications for liquor licenses from the following persons for the year end ing June 30, 1917, were read: Wm. Barrett, W. C. Strieker and August Strieker, W. P. Guttery, F. J. Hartzheim, Geo. Schmeling, Ole M. Rossebo and Harley Jenson, D D. Brown, Herman Bublitz, Geo. Lynts, Carl Dallman. Aid. Dickinson offered the following ; resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved by the Mayor and Common Council, That liquor license be granted to Wm. Barrett, W. C. Strieker and August Strieker, W. P. Guttery, Geo. Schmeling, D. D. Brown, Herman Bub litz, Geo. Lynts. Carl Dallman for the j license year ending June 30, 1917. Motion seconded. Roll call—Ayes 5. Aid. Jenson moved that action on ap ; plications of F. J. Hartzheim, Ole M. PRINGLE, BROS. CO. Tffinier’s Tfast-Proof* Corsets— Every Pair Guaranteed Not to Rust, Break or Tear Style C 240 A beautiful model for the average figure. Medium bust and long skirt. Well boned, but not too heavy. Reinforced where strain is the greatest. Price $2.00 A Few Groceries Worth While Trying 1 package Evaporated Apples 5c 1 pound Silver Prunes 15c 1 pound Fancy Halloween Dates 10c Large White Fish per pound 7c 1 Asparagus Soup 6c 2 cans Pears 25c 1 can Whole Peaches 15c Large Bottle Olives 10c 1 glass Strained Honey 8c 1 pound Pretzels 9c Watch Our Stock and See What v/e Have to Offer You. Willson's Cash Grocery Phone No. 147 ROBT. F. WILLSON, Prop. Edgerton Rossebo and Harley Jenson for liquor licenses be deferred. Motion seconded. Roll call on motion—Ayes 5. Upon application pool table and bil liard table licenses were granted as fol lows: Henry Schmeling, 2 pool tables: Schoenfeldt Bros., 4 pool and 2 billiard tables. Upon application moving picture show license was granted to J. W. Hanlon. Aid. Dickinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Whereas, The Street Assessment Committee was heretofore directed by the Common Coun cil of the City of Edgerton to prepare plans and specifications for the improvement of Swift street from the north margin of Fulton street to the south margin of x.olliQ street, and South Main street from the south margin of Lawton street south, a distance of approxi mately IMX) feet, and Washington street by grading the roadway thereof and constructing thereon a reinforced concrete pavement, to gether with a concrete combined curb and gut ter, and has made a report that they have caused such plans, protiles, details and specifi cations to be prepared and hied the same m the office of the City Clerk: now. therefore, be 11 Resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Edgerton, That the action of said committee in that behalf be. and the same is hereby approved and confirmed, and the said plans, profiles, details and specifications be and the same are hereby adopted. Motion seconded. Roll call—Ayes 5. Aid. Dickerson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Whereas. The Common Council has duly adopted a resolution accepting plans, profiles, details and specifications for the improvement of Washington street. Swift street from the north margin of Fulton street to the south margin of Rollin street, and South Main street Style D 109 For medium figures we recommend the style below. The elas tic gore gives ease and comfort in any position and keeps the corset close to the figure. frice: $2.50 mSk D 109 from the north margin of Lawton street a dis tance of approximately ISGO feet by grading the roadway thereof and constructing ther eon a reinforced concrete pavement, together with a concrete combined curb and gutter; now, therefore he it Resolved by the Mayor and Common Council, That such streets be improved in the manner hereinbefore specified and that the Street As sessment Committee be, and they are hereby authorized to advertise for bids for such work, and to let the contract therefor according to law. Motion seconded. Roll call—Ayes 5. On motion council adjourned. H. B. Knapp, City Clerk. Edgerton, Wts., July 3, 1916. Regular meeting of the common council, Mayor Conway presiding. Al dermen present: Dickerson, Dickinson, Jenson, Dallman, Stark. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Bills presented and allowed: W. F. Reichardt. mauing assessment. ..s7l 12 A. Rusch, street work 1 i” James Reynolds xx Frank Schmeling cu B. J. Springer • Fred Campbell.. *?/, ™ W. Stewart "J £ Edgerton Eag>e •- • £*? Edgerton Telephone Cos • • ‘ E. B. Eilingson. haul cart to fire £ ™ P. M. Eilingson 4 w Committee recommended that single light be placed on W. Fulton street near Majestic theater. On motion recommendation was ac cepted and lamp ordered. On motion council adjourned. H. B. Knapp, City Clerk. Back Lace Prices range SI.OO to $3.00 Front Lace Prices range $2.00 to $4.00 J&m II li. Ii t ! ■ "fystWocf Style 2 KC 5 Front lace tor average figures, medium low bust, medium skirt, light * but firm boning. Pro tecting tongue under the lacing. Price $3.00 Good Things / For Picnic Lunches and Outing Trips. Baked Beans in tomato sauce —small can 7c Baked Beans in tomato sauce—large can 12c Baked Beans plain—large can ; 12c Stuffed Olives—small bottle I® C Plain Spanish Olives—large glass jar 25c Sardines sc, 10c and 12c Carnation Brand Evaporated Milk 5c and 10c Peanut Butter, Prepared Mustard, Canned Corned Beef, Minced Ham for Sandwiches, Salmon, etc. We are headquarters for China, Crockery, Glass ware, Fruit Jars, Can Rubbers and Covers, Jelly Glasses, etc. M. B. FLETCHER. The Wedding Silverware is essential for all weddings. Whether the gift be a complete table service or only a few spoons, the designs should be chosen wisely for it must give satisfaction in the future as well as immediate pleasure. W e have full line in Colonial, Fairfax, Etruscian, Mothers all sterling silver, as well as full line of plated ware. CHAS. H. HITCHCOCK Albion St. / yShterb frust-Pnxf \ There is food for thought in the fact that women in every country wear WARNER’S CORSETS. Style 233 C STOUT MODEL with medium high bust, long skirt, gored top for full bust. The boning is dou ble, making them very strong and flexible. Price $2.50 ■ A /yw 'ifantifrk | tfusfKProof 233 C Edgerton, Wis.