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The Wisconsin tobacco reporter. (Edgerton, Wis.) 1877-1950, March 10, 1922, Image 2

Image and text provided by Wisconsin Historical Society

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Wisconsin Tobacco Reporter
Edgerton - Wisconsin
t* tiiDAY, MARCH 10, 1922.
Albion the Host to Royalty.
A most romantic and inteesting
character is Wixzezwyxzard, Prince
of the Royal House of Challough
‘ lezilezise of Ethopia who spoke in
the S.D.B. Church at Albion Tuesday
night, Feb. 28.
Thinking the people of the com
munity will be interested in knowing
more of this remarkable man, I will
tell some of his histoiy as it was
told to me.
The prince is one of the younger
sons of the late King John whose
mother’s brother was Menelek of
Very little is known in this coun
try of Ethopia. We see Abysinnia in
our maps but the prince says that
Abysinnia is only a province or
state of Ethopia which embraces
much territory on the eastern coast
of Africa. Ethopia is a very ancient
country and is quite acivilized coun
try. Its histoiy goes back beyond
the time of Moses and the prince
states that they have written hisr
tory on parchment and scrolls as
well as traditions dating way back
there. It seems that the Priest of
Midian whose daughter Moses har
ried was one of their priests. They
also claim the Queen of Sheba.
But to return to the Prince.
Church and state are one in Ethopia
and the Prince is Bishop of Ugandi
as well as a member of the royal
family. He is a very learned man
having taken degrees from Oxford,
Cambridge and Edinburgh Univer
sities and also from the University
of Alexandria, Egypt. He is also a
fellow of a British Royal Society,
has been in the diplomatic service
and has been around the world sev
eral times.
His first wife was a daughter of
the King of Madagascar and for
some time he acted as governor of
Madagascar. His second wife when
he married in 1912 and three of his
twenty five children were killed dur
ing the late war by the Germans
when they bombed the train on which
the Princess was traveling, from
Rome to Paris. The Prince at the
time was in Paris. He himself had
narrow escapes when the ships on
which he was traveling were torpe
doed. The Ethopians fought on the
side of the Allies during the war
and sent their soldiers to Europe.
The Prince says he entertained
Ex-President Roosevelt in his home
when on his famous hunting trip in
His Royal Highness is passionate
ly fond of music and is a personal
friend of Amelita Galli Curci, also
of Caruso and knows Gluck and
Farror. He is somewhat of a musi
cian himself, and played the piano
and sang one of their native pieces
at the entertainment.
He headed the delegation from
his country to the Peace Conference
at Versailles and was there all thru
the Conference.
For the past two or three he has
suffered from cataracts on his eyes,
which he expects to have removed
in London in the spring when he is
on his way home where he must be
in May to attend the coronation of
his brother.
No doubt many will wonder how
he came to visit the little town of
Albion. To explain we must go back
into the histoiy of his church. The
Ethopians were worshippers of Je
hovah way back before Moses. Also
observers of the seventh day of the
week which was given to the race
at the beginning as recorded in
Genesis 2. The Prince says they did
not receive the Sabbath from Moses
nor from the Babylonians for they
were before both. During all these
centuries, they have through their
trying history clung to their religion
They received Christianity when
Philip the Evangelist preached to the
Ethopian eunoch, who was treasurer
to their queen Candace. You have
read that interesting story in your
bibles. The Prince says Philip ne
glected to tell them of any change
in the Sabbath and so they kept on
keeping the seventh day of the week.
He thinks it was real mean of Phil
ip if he knew of such an important
change not to have informed the
eunoch. So today the Reformed Eop
tic Church of which he is a bishop
observe the seventh day of the week
and he says in his country the other
denominations have to do so and do.
The Peace Conference gave Ethopia
a mandate over several states in
Africa and the Prince came to Can
ada to urge the Presbyterian people
to give over to the Reformed Eoptic
Church as the Scotch Presbyterians
already had done, their missions in
those countries.
While in Detroit, Michigan the
Prince learned of Seventh Day Bap
tists (Adventists he had known be
fore) and investigating their belief
found them very similar in many
r.?_ pects to his own (S.D.B.’s, how
ever do not believe in a union of
chuich and state) and decided to
visit some of their churches. Coming
to Milton it was also convenient for
him to visit Albion which explains
the visit of this Prince of the royal
family to this little inland town.
Mrs. C. S. Sayre.
Thursday; The Silent Call, based
on Hal G. Evarts’ Story The Cross
Pull. The story is a drama of the
outdoor west, a romance of the si
lent places of virgin forests and
mountains, and the novelty of a dog
in the leading role are the features
that have recommended this release
to photoplay followers.
Harold Lloyd in a two reel come
dy, His Royal Slyness.
Friday; Gladys Walton in , The
Rowdy. An appealing drama of a
lovable little firebrand who fought
with heart and fists for what she
wanted most.
Two reel century comedy, A Week
Saturday; Lon Chaney and Bea
trice Joy in; Ace of Hearts. A pow
erful and romantic story of the great
love of a man who sacrificed many
lives including his own that one
woman might be happy in her love.
International news and Snub Pol
lard Comedy.
Sunday; A Homespun Vamp; feat
uring May McAvoy. This comedy
drama offers Miss McAvoy an entire
ly new kind of role —that of a count
ry Cinderella who drudges for a
pair of stingy old Scotch uncles. The
tale abounds in homely country
touches and ludicrous match making
attempts of her guardians. If you
like comedy you’ll enjoy this pic
ture. Pathe Review.
Monday U. P. Trail, adapted from
a novel of the same name by Zane
Grey. A thrilling picturization of a
romantic drama based on the days
The undersigned will sell at public
auction on the Tom Peich farm, 2 miles
west of Fulton and 1 mile northeast of
Eagle creamery, on Wednesday, March
15, 1922, commencing at 10:00 o’clock
sharp, the following described property:
6 head of horses.
5 herd cattle.
4 sows, 1 boar with papers.
60 chickens.
Full line of farm machinery, 10 cords
oak wood, oats, corn, small tools, etc.
Free lunch at noon. Usual terms.
Ole Amundson, Prop.
Dan Finane, Auctioneer.
Jas. Norum and Ben Towne, Clerks.
Having quit farming, I will sell at
public auct'on on the old Head farm,
situated in the village of Albion, on
Tuesday, March 14, 1922, commencing
at 1 o’clock p. m., the following de
scribed property:
6 head of horses.
4 brood sows and 5 shoats.
Full line farm machinery, harness,
small tools, hay and grain.
Usual terms.
N. J. Stark, Prop.
John Porter, Auctioneer. '
Elmer Ebbott, Clerk.
[First publication March 10, 1922]
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that at a regu
lar term of the County Court for Rock
County, Wisconsin, to be held at the
Court House in Janesville, Wisconsin,
on Sept. sth, 1922, at 9 o’clock a. m.,
all claims against John F. Wille, late of
the city of Edgerton, Rock county,
Wisconsin, will be examined and ad
All claims must be filed in said court
on or before July 7th, 1922, or be
Dated March 7, 1922.
By the Court:
.Charles L. Fifield,
County Judge.
E. M. Ladd, Attorney.
[First publication March 10, 1922[
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that at a reg
ular term of the County Court for Rock
County, Wisconsin, to be held at the
Court House in Janesville, Wisconsin,
on September sth, 1922, at nine
o’clock a. m., all claims against Tilla
Brown, late of the Town of Ful
ton, Rock County, Wisconsin, will be
examined and adjusted.
All claims must be filed in said Court
on or before July 7th, 1922, or be
Dated March 7, 1922.
By the Court:
Charles L. Fifield,
County Judge.
E. M. Ladd, Attorney.
[First publication March 10, 1922]
Notice of Hearing.
Court for Rock County.—ln Probate.
Notice is hereby given that at a regu
lar term of the County Court, to be
held in and for said county, at the
Court House in the City of Janesville,
in said County, on the first Tuesday,
being the 4th day of April, 1922,
at nine o’clock a. m., the following
matter will be heard and considered:
The application of E. M. Ladd for
the adjustment and allowance of his ac
count as executor of the estate of
Helle S. Aa9, late of the town of
Fulton, in said County, deceased,
and for the assignment of the residue
of said estate to such other persons as
are by law and said will entitled thereto,
and for the determination and adjudica
tion of the inheritance tax, if any,
payable in said estate.
Dated March 7, 1922.
By the Court:
Charles L. Fifield,
County Judge.
E. M. Ladd, Attorney.
Our Best
14 W, Fulton St., Edgerton H. J. Peterson, Mgr.
Specials Sat, Mar. 11
SOAP .... 46c
No Finer Naptha Soap Made. A Trial Will Convince
2 large cans 1 Q
Carnation Milk 27**
3 large cans O
Golden Key Milk I C
10 bars CA,*
Crystal White Soap
10 bars P. and G. CC/%
White Naptha Soap OiJC
2 fCS*-** BUTTER 27c
3 packages OAn
Arm and Hammer Soda.
3 packages fZZZZ 01 n
Argo Corn Starch Ai # V
2 :r di cocoa isc
Baker’s Chocolate 1 f? n
One-half pound A
Baker’s Cocoa *1
Package * ****
5 Rolfed , " cy OATS 17c
3 cans 1 O
Kitchen Klenzer *
Two 5 pound sacks
28 oz. w 1 * Janesville Bread 13c
Tested and Proven
There is a Heap of Solace in Being
Able to Depend Upon a well-
Earned Reputation.
For moots Edgerton readers have
seen the constant expression of praise
for Doan’s Kidney Pills, and read about
the good work they have done in this
locality. What other remedy ever prod
uced such convincing proof of merit?
Martin Hagen, farmer, R. F. D.
No. 1 Edgerton, says: “Doan’s Kidney
Pills have been an old standby with us
for several yeax's. My kidneys bothered
me and I had trouble in passing the
secretions. My back was weak and it
was hard for me to lift a fork of hay
to feed the stock on account of the
pain through my back and kidneys. I
was handicapped until I got Doan’s at
Atwell -Dallmann Drug Cos., and pegan
using them. Doan’s soon reached my
case and cured me of the trouble com
Price 60c at all dealers. Dont simply
ask for kidney remedy —get Doan’s
Kidney Pills the same that Mr.
Hagen had. Foster - Milburn Co.,Mfrs.,
Buffallo, N. Y.

Notice to Mothers
Mothers should see that the whole
family take a thoro, purifying system
cleansing laxative spring. NOW
IS THE TIME. The family will be
healthier, happier, and get along bet
ter if the blood is given a thoro purify
ing, the stomach and bowels cleaned
out, and the germs of winter accumu
lated in the system driven away. HOL
—is one of the very best and surest
spring medicines to take. Get it and
see the difference in the whole family.
Their color will be better, they’ll eat
better, sleep better, and be well and
happy. Especially good for women and
children.—Atwell-Dallman Drug Cos.
Deadly Duel Between Eagles.
Two eagles have had a fight to the
death at Invergarry, Inverness-shire,
wires a London Daily Chronicle corre
spondent. Within a few yards of a
road a boy, the son of a herd keeper,
saw two golden eagles engaged in a
fierce combat. He watched the strug
gle, and saw one of the birds
fall on its back dead in a ditch.
Its adversary, with beak fast in the
other's throat, then stood triumphantly
on the victim’s breast.
Get Back on Right Track.
No matter how much you patch up
a mistake, it won’t change its nature!
Better right it, and go back to the
place where you left the right track!
You’ll save time, and better still,
you’ll save heart aches. This is an
especially good plan for a c la*s 10
follow. —Exchange.
Grocery Go.
1 pound can OQ_
Calumet Baking Powder^ l •***
Large can AAn
Royal Baking Powder..“
10 bars O
Lenox Soap
3 bars
Palm Olive Soap “ aJC
Large package 00-,
Quaker Oats
Kellogg’s I 0_
Krumble Bran * Ot
Large package Q *7**
Gold Dust ■ C
Star Naptha
Washing Powder 2 pkgs.^
Japan Tea Siftings
1 pound sack
Large package 9/1^
Climalene ..
•vmu. TANTAUXti*!
Give your palate a surprise.
Purchase a roast of family
size and your folks will then
surmise you bought that meat
of us. Phone your order
we’ll attend to it bromptly.
Watch for Mr. Happy
r&mtajy HlarKfet)
[First publication Feb 24, 1922]
Notice of Hearing-.
County Court for Rock Count, v —ln
Notice is hereby given that at a spec
ial term of the County Court to be held
in and for said County, at the Court
House, in the City of Janesville, in
said County, on the third Tuesday, be
ing the 21st day of March, 1922, at 9
o’clock a. m., the following matter will
be heard and considered:
The application of Robert Earle and
others to admit to probate the last will
and testament of Margaret Earle, late
of the city of Edgerton, in said county,
Dated Feb. 21, 1922.
By the Court:
Charles L. Fifield,
County Judge.
E. M. Ladd, Attorney.
Sty!e and Clear Thinking.
A good Is the vivid expression
of clear th'nVing.—Huxley.
Our Fine
Japan Tea
lb. 44c
Robt. Burns
Van Dyck
White Owl
William Penn
Csch'ttx. )Ma
National Brands
Implement Sheds Increase
Farm Production
There are two ways to increase farm profits—one is to
increase production—the other is to decrease costs.
An Implement Shed Helps do Both
Many farmers lose time every year in repairing neglected
farm machinery—special trips to town for new parts to re
place the rusted ones—late starts in the morning due to a
“bucking” binder—time out in the middle of the day because
of a broken knife that last year’s weather caused to rust.
That Time is All Needed to
Increase Production
Cutting costs is just as important. Steel parts are getting
more expensive every day and harder to get. An implement
shed is cheap protection. It is economy to build well. And
our service will help you.
__ i
Heddles Lumber Cos.
Edgerton, Wisconsin
Paint Your Own Automobile
is made especially for the man who wants to paint his
own car. It is easily applied, possesses durability and
enables the amateur to get a good finish.
A great variety of popular colors from which you
can select the shade you like best. Put up in half
pint, pint and quart self-sealing cans.
Come and Talk Over With Us The
Reffinishing of Your Car
Telephone 257 Edgerton, Wis.
To Edison Owners
Records Redueed
$2.25 to $4.50... .$2.00
$1.85 $1.50
$1.35 SI.OO
All the Hits in Stock
Will Bardeen
Definition of a Gentleman.
A gentleman has ease without fa
miliarity. is respectful without mean
ness. genteel without affectation, in
sini-ating without seero’uv art. —Ches-
Walter Van Brunt
The Edison Artist in
“Irish Eyes”
will be in
Janesville, March 24th
Myers Opera House
For Tickets See
Will Bardeen
Wanted Single man for general
farm labor. Dry milker who has had
experience raising tobacco required.
For further details write to Paul A.
Kayser, Madison, Wise., stating age,
' xperience, references and wage ex
pected. 16*2

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