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The copper country evening news. [volume] (Calumet, Mich.) 18??-1907, July 28, 1896, Image 4

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Aroufld the Ilines
Somo Improvements
About the Calumet
No. 5 Shaft.
8 a r face Work at a Standstill
At the IteA Jacket Shn-The ttelea
title American Anniversary Nam
ber Metropolitan tloanlac.
A large force of surface men and man-
on are at work at No. 5 shaft, Calumet,
on the new hoisting plant which is a)
ready well under waj at that place. The
new plant is to be on the same plan as
the plant at tbe Red Jacket abaft, as No
5 abaft is one of tbe double shafts and
has of late years proven to be one of tbe
richest about tbe mine and it is thought
that by nuttinir in tbe new plant the
hoisting ran be done a great deal faster,
in fact about twice as fast, and with
greater convenience. Tbe main building
to be used as engine bouse is 88x44 feet
on tbe floor and is built of red sandstone,
except the foundation. The sides and
end walls are already up and the roof,
which is to be of steel, ia to be put up
soon. Tbe masons are at work on the
tail bouse, which is to be a long building
19 feet wide and 4 12 feet in length. The
whole plant is similar to tbe Red Jacket
plant and the Corliss sinking engines will
be used. Tart of the machinery, which
has been made by tbe Corliss Steam En
gine Co., of Providence, R. I is already
here and will be put in place as soon as
tbe heavy foundations are built. Tbe
new engines are named "Marquette" and
' Chippewa," following tbe plan of nam
ing the engines from loral as well promi
nent names. When the new plant is in
operation the two shafts can be run at
the same time and one skip will be com
ing up while the other is descending tbe
shaft, this practically increasing the out
put from this shaft by 100 per cent. The
masons will probably get finished their
work this week on tbe outside, when
they will start on the foundations for the
engines in the new engine bouse.
Operations At the Red Jacket shaft are
practically at a standstill waiting for
the outside firm to move. The contract
to erect the combined shaft and rock
bouse of steel has been let to a Pennsyl
vania firm and the contract stipulates
that it must be up by October 1. The
foundation tor the new building is up
and everything is in readiness for the
Pennsylvania firm to commence opera
tions. Anniversary Sum ber.
Our acknowledgment and greeting are
due to tbe Scientific American, tbe receipt
of w hose handsome anniversary number
reminds ub that our esteemed contempo
rary has completed the first half century
of its existence. It was fitting that a
paper whose range of subjects is so ex
tensive should devote its semi-centennial
number to a review of scientific and in
dustrial developments during the past
fifty years; and Messrs. Munn & Co. are
to be congratulated on the discriminat
ing judgment with which this ambitious
work has been carried out. In a review
of this kind the difficulty is bo to select,
condense, and express the essential facts
of the subject that the result shall be a
reference book and readable story in one.
In the number before us tbe writers have
achieved this result to a marked degree;
the historical Interest and the literary
style of the article being equally good.
The illustrations appear to have been
chosen with a strict regard for their hi
storic interest, and readers will linger
over such views as those of the American
built steamer Arctic, tbe fastest vessel on
tbe Atlantic in 1852, Morse's pendulum
instrument of 1837, and his telegraph
receiver of 1H44, Edison's first phono
graph, the patent office models of Howe's
and Wilson's sewing machines, the first
"safety" bicycle, the first McCormick
reaper, the original Franklin hand press,
cuts of early forms of the telephone and
electric motor, and many another en
graying of historic interest. The subjects
which have necessarily been crowded out
of the illustrated columns are more briefly
noted in a very readable article at the
commencement of the paper; and not the
least interesting features is the admirable
essay on the progress of invention during
the past fifty years which won the $ 2."0
prize, offered by the editors, for the best
essay on the subject. The paper is
handsomely enclosed in a cover which is
appropriate to the nature and scope of
its contents. The price of the special
issue is 10 cents, and is well worth ten
times thissum.
Accident at .orth Tamarack.
The North Tamarack mine was the
scene of another distressing accident
early last evening, when John Shuti and
John Ericson were quite severely injured
by an explosion of powder.
It seems that two sets of met were at
work on the 11th level one on the out
side and the other on the inside when
one of the men on the outside went in to
tell the others to remain there until after
the blast, at least that is what tbe part,;
on tbe outside understood. The man
who went inside, however, thought he
was to bring the others out and they
came out just as tbe blast took place.
The men were quickly removed to sur
face and taken to the Tamarack hospi
tal In the ambulance. Shuts bad bis sid,
bead and shoulder badly injured, while
the other man and two partners received
bad flsh wounds. The accident was tbe
result of misunderstood signals. Shut
is still at tbe hospital and will remain
there for the remainder of the week,
while the others were discharged.
On For Caasp.
Company B, Second Regiment, Roys
flrigade, left this morning, forty strong,
for Pbirnix, where they will sfiend a week
camping and getting a taste of military
life. Tbe boys went 4 own under com
macd of Capt. Grierson, with Edward
Tres trail and Walter Weir as first and
second lieutenants, respectively. They
have obtained a bouse which will prob
Ably Accommodate most of tbe boys and
will commence military life as soon as
camp is struck. Regular sentinel duty
will be observed during the entire en
campment. The boys anticipate a big
time. On Thursday, Co. C, the company
connected with tbe Red Jacket church,
will go to tbe Cliiton and open ramp
there for a week. A number of ladies
accompanied tbe Calumet boys this
morning. Visitors' day with the boys
at the Pbunix will be on Thursday and
with the boys at tbe Clifton on Saturday
and it is hoped that a large number of
the boys' friends will go down.'. They are
also asked not to forget to bring refresh
ments enough for themselves and to be
prepared to leave some when they return
At a regular meeting of One and All
Lodge, No. 272. Sons of St. George, held
July 27, 1S90, the following resolutions
were unanimously adopted:
Whirsas, It ban pleased au AU-Wloe Prov
idence to remove from our midst our worthy
brother, Arthur Trevenon, when wo Ivust ex
pected, telling u to Bet our house In order,
for we we must die snd not live, for we have
no abiding city hvre;
Wukheas, The Intimate relations long held
by the deceased with the member of this
order render it proper that wc nbould place
upon record our appreciation of his services as
a worthy brother: Therefore, it is
Kesolved, That we deplore the loss of our
brother. Arthur Trevenon, with deep feelings
of rcpret, hoping our loos is bis gain;
Resolved, That we tender to his aftllcted
relatives our sincere condolence and earnest
sympathy in their sorrow at tbe Ions of such
le voted brother;
Kksolvld, That our charter be drapod In
mourning for the space of thirty days, that a
copy of these resolutions be cpread upon the
records of our lodge, a copy sent to the family
of our deceased brother, and that they be pub
lished in the Copper Country Evening News.
Pttners stand thick through all the ground,
To push us to the tomb;
Ati'l tierce diseases wait around,
To hurry mortals homo.
John II. Maktin,
J ohm Amiiton,
John Lavkks.
M int One Voter Says.
One ballot was accompanied by a let
ter which said he voted tor the man in
Michigan "whom he loved for the enem
ies he had made" and for whom (Pin-
gree) there was a large sentiment in the
Upper Peninsula, notwithstanding Judge
Ilubbell's interview in Saturday's Free
Press, and the writer advised the would-
be politicians of this town (Calumet) to
get into the band wagon and ride with
the Pingree crowd or if they don't he ad
vises them to look out for the county, as
the jeople are sore over the way the lust
caucus was held, where, tbe writer
laimed, thirty out of forty-four delegates
were defeated through scheming, (not
honestly) and which is more than tbey
can stand.
The Evelyn Gordon company opened a
week's engagement at tbe Opera House
last night when they presented ' "Lsdy
Audley's Secret," and made a most fav
orable impression. The company is
composed of several good Artists and
they displayed their abilities to excellent
advantage in last evening's play. The
audience was pleased throughout and
were not at all backward in showmg
their appreciation for the applause was
frequent and enthusiastic. Considering
tbe price of admission the Evelyn Goraon
company puts up a first-class entertain
ment and are worthy of good patronage.
The specialties introduced pleased the
udience. This evening "Miss Smith, of
Clifornia, will be produced.
Card of Thanks.
To all those neighbors and friends who
by their attentions and acts of kindness
helped to case the last days on earth of
our beloved daughter, amongst whom
we would mention I)r. and Mrs. Hunter,
the former of whom officiated at the fun
eral at the deceased's expressed desire,
we wish to return our most sincere
thanks; also would we thank those who,
after the decease of ourdaughter, showed
so much sympathy for us in our bereave
ment, and certainly not forgetting those
who tent the beautiful floral offerings.
Mb. and Muh. Thomas Ronkwauxk.
Calumet, Mich., July 28, 18'JG.
John Michaelson, the original "shioer,"
leaves on this evening's train for Duluth,
where be exjtects to obtain steady em
ployment. The little fellow was going
around bidding bis patrons good-bye,
and as a token of appreciation was giv
ing them a free shine, or rather was offer
ing to do so. Johnnie thinks there is a
good field here for a "shiner" who will
attend to the business regularly as be
did, instead of, like the other boys, work
ingatitby fits and starts. The Nkwb
wishes Johnnie success in his new field.
That llallot.
The ballots are not coming in as fast
as they might. As up to the present
time only twenty-seven have been re
ceived, it does seem as if the voters gen
erally should take more interest than
they appear to do in such, which are
really to them, vital matters. , Ry their
own action, or rather want of action,'
tbey allow the so-called politicians to
run lhtn, and then afterwards kick be
cause such is the rase.
A.O. I'. W., Attention!
All members of Rod Jacket Lodge. No.
129, A. O. U. W., are requested to meet
in their hall Thursday evening, July 30
for degree work, and also to make ar
rangements for atteuding the reunion to
be held at Marquette on Saturday. Aug
ust 1. Hy order,
M. Rhkhn ah as, M. W.
W. W. Ellis, Recorder.
Mr. J. H. Hunter, who made such a
successful balloon Ascension here a short
time ago, has been secured for another
and will go op in the big balloon and
comedown with the parachute on .Sat
urday evening next, August 1,
After Meaner Dwycr.
Sonney Dwyer, of Hancock, having
Issued a verbal challenge that he would
wrestle anyone in tbe world of the
weight of 158 pounds, ratch as catch-
ran, 1 would intorni nitu i now uavea
man ready to accept tbe challenge, and
who will wrestle him or any other middle
weight man in Northern Michigan in a
mixed match, catch-as ratcb-can and
Cornish style, for any part of f 2o0. I
am at any time ready to put up a forfeit,
as the man and money are here. Add ress
all communications to the News office.
James T. Wiuxx.
Next Saturday the Calumet Rod and
Gnn club will hold their regular medal
shoot. On the following Saturday tbey
will rn to South Lake Linden and trv
conclusions with tbe Was-War Wins of
that place. So far tbe latter club has
lmimllv rnmi out victorious in these
shoots, but an effort will be made to de
feat them on this occasion.
- ' Treasurer at Laarlum.
Mr. George Monroe,' the treasurer foe
tbe village of Laurium, will attend at the
Town Hall every morning this week from
8 to 10 a. m and on Saturday evening
from 7 to 9 p. m., for the purpose of re
ceiving taxes.
The local A. O. U. W. society will go to
Marquette next Saturday in a body to
attend the I'pper Peninsula reunion.
Tbey have not yet decided which band
they will take with them on the trip.
Messrs. McKinley and Ilobart, Rryan
and Se wall have decided that as soon as
arrangements can be made tbey will visit
Red Jacket and have some photos made
at W. E. Steckbauer's studio.
Osceola Council, No. 7, P. D.I.O. R. M.,
will give nn ice cream social Tuesday
evening. July 28, in Sons of St. Georee
Hall. Poors open at N o clock. I be
public is cordially invited
Messrs. John H.Grigg and Joseph Cbv
noweth visited the Lake Linden A. O.
I'. W. lodge last evening. This lodge
will go to Marquette to tbe reunion of tbe
Upper Peninsula lodges.
Our stock of sash, doors and mould
ings is the best in the market. We carry
the largest stock of interior finish in tbe
copper country.
Children's and babies' day, remember.
is Wednesday of each week at Rickard'a
art studio, Laurium. Just take tbe
Fairy stage we do all the rest. Cabinets
(2 per doxen.
You ought to be taking some live news
paper during tbe present campaign. M.
O linen, at tbe post office, will be
pleased to take your order for any paper
you wish.
Frank Whiting, of Johnson's ice cream
parlors, left this morning for his borne in
Marinette. He will also go to Lscanana
and may decide to locate there perma
nently. "A stuft-esaful lrummer"
Remarked tbe other day that in all bis
travels he never found a beer that could
equal the Superior Stock of the Bosch
ironing to. These "drummers ' know a
good thing when tbey see it. Do 300 use
We guarantee our 12 photos to be
equal to any f 3 pictures made in the
county. Rickakd'h New Art Studio,
In addition to nnr lnmhpr hiiRlnnia v
carry a nil line of lime, brick, cement and
piaster or pans.
We are not the only ones who carrv
knives and razors, but we try to give tbe
most value for your money.
Carlton Hardware Co.
Miss Emma l'etermann and her brother
Albert arrived here today from Rurfalo
on a few weeks' visit with their brother,
J. P. Petermann, of the Allouec.
Misses Hattie Haas and Anna Hennrs.
of Houghton, who have been visiting
friends here the past few days, returned
home this noon.
Don't think you have to pnv to for a
good raior. See what we can give you
for half of it. Cablton Hardware Co.
Mort Hoar, of Hoochton. was a mono-
those from outside who At remind t.h in.
cial party in tbe School Hall last evening.
.-Uou. nrf fttnvui rA -or, .1..... I
satisfaction in operation, finish and
price. Carlton Hardware Co.
Steckbauer's disnlav of rjhotoorrnnha in
the Eagle drug store window are attract
ing a good deal of attention.
If you want any framed pictures. Itick-
ard's art studio is the place to get
them. Prices away down.
The Favorite paints are alwavsuntn
standard and guaranteed to please.
Dr. and Mrs. C. H,Rodi. of TnmnnwV
who have been visitinir friends in fVtrnir
arrivpd homHoet evening.
All bills strabst the Hi!
in connection with the picni. must be
sent to John R. Ryan.
You ran save money l y getting your
picture taken at Rickard's new art stu
dio, Laurium.
Remember, you ran get all the latest
style pictures at Rickard's new art stu
dio, Laurium.
Joseph James, tbe pop man, left at
noon for Duluth on business and pleas
ure. AH the latest style pictures taken at
Rickard's new art studio, Laurium.
Mrs. A, C. Dyer left at noon for Ish
peming on a visit with friends.
Dr. I). K. West, of Lake Linden, was a
Calumet visitor yesterday.
C. E. Rriggs left At noon for poston.
The Best Is Always Cheapest.
yj they do not
Also, Fi?e O'clock: Teas ana Clals Disfe
...Stoves and Ranges-
Are the best on earth and are recommended
by Five Hundred housewives who have used
them dally. They burn
being made in a hard
try, are particularly adapted to its use.
ExcxreivE Manufacturers of the Highest of
High Grade Work.
Carriages, Beach Wagons. Surreys,
Cabriolets, Six Passengers, Traps,
Phaetons, Buggies, Concords,
Gents' Road Wagons, Speeders, Etc.
If vou are in need of Any of the Above vehicles, remember consumers flrenersllv'
throughout the whole length and breadth
lutely rename venu le, tney must buy one manufactured by the above firm.
F. A. Wieder,
Red Jacket Acrent for the County of Houghton.
Do You Want to
II So, See
Contractors and Builders, and Dealers in All Kinds of
Lumber, Sash, Doors, Moulding,
Also Brick and Lime.
In fact everything in tbe lumber line, and of the very best and latest pattern.
Yard at Foot of Portland Street.
For Anything in the
Lumber Line,
Armstroiiflt-Thielman Lumber Co
Mill and Yard at South Lake Linden.
Branch Yard and Office at Red Jacket.
Mrs. John J. KUis is visiting friends In
Hancock for a short time.
Ben Kaichen, of Marquette, is in town
calling on customers.
Dan Washburn was out from Hancock
L. C. Oborn.of Xeenaa.Wla., is in town.
t tfUL."rnIJ.1,nFof if e. tin. SO
See our heavy nickel-plated
Spouts put in so they
cannot leak, and handles made so
come off.
Finest line of tin
ware and copper
goods if) ;jhe .coun
ty 'Right goods at
right prices.
Hardware Co.
- : - Home
any kind of fuel, but
coal section of the coun
of the land, know if they want nn abso
Build a House?
promptly attended to. Blht c"
LKCI.A!K-nn the 27th In.i v..
epli Let iair, of ,.. . reef' iJLr ri
nerml tomorrow timmJ'1, ? "r1'"m- K
Loul.' churt h snd lrTent t IleTta ", 8t
For BAbles, Children, Misses, Young UdU And Women. Are
By Everybody Acknowledged
The Best Made,
And cost no mor than chearr mAkes. In Vblte, DrAb and UlAck. -25c.
60c, 70c, 75c, f I and $l.2..
Ferris Corset Waists,
With Clasp Front,
White, Drab and Fast Black,
. Only 97 Cents.
America's Leading Corset
G0 Any Size in White, Drab and
. O - Fast Black. Special Value 97c
J.Vivian, Jr.& Co.
bargains iiifntn
All High rade.
One thing is certainbetter furniture of
serviceable quality has never been presented.
It is all first-class; nothing shop-worn; all
fresh, beautiful, built to wear; everything in
the store of the latest design yours at a heavy
discount. A word to you is sufficient. Call at
Olson's Furniture Store,
Scott Street
Buy the Reynard Roadster
Model "C"
One of the Finest High Gracje Wheels
on the Market.
Bicycles and Bicycle Outfits.
Our new department of High Grade
one. The 1100 wheel for fSo, are guaranteed for a year. Our bicycle outfits,
Huits, Stockings and Caps are beyond a doubt superior of anything else offered in
lied Jacket; combined with the great assortment to choose from, that every person
Is sure to be pleased. Then comes our bicycle shoes,
The most popular shoe now in use, made
prices wit o in reach of all.
Our Regular
Reduction Sale
" ".Jr Vro we bff a and will
the very finest grade of cloth nar that is
must move it-prices that have been moving it at a hot pace for the
last three weeks-prices that you honestly can't afford to
miss. In addition to this, we include at special prices
a few things you'll surely need.
$ 1 5 Suits X'.'isr.r1 $9.50
Now they are
$12 Suits Sfflfis $7 75
$8 Suits
In four different styles. Abenu-
uiui suit
i he nnest quality ot all kinds of
Fresh, Salted and Smoked Meats.
ruuury, risn, tggs, Cheese, Etc,
-A-t mo Loweot PrioGo in tho Oity.
uhuin2i of Sausage. Fresh. Dally.
White Rose Kettlo-Uendered LPure, Sweet and Clean.
Orders By Telephone
For flcnlr ul Lunch for Summer n.. in... ......
Bicvcles is destined to Im a very nonular
of Kangaroo and a fine cordavan, at
continue for a few weeks longer offering
ior 8. Now they
ire oniy
Jacob Gartner.
Promptly Attended To.
.' juuc.n Dsrsnsma cooked oaths hortest notloe.

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