OCR Interpretation

The Calumet news. [volume] (Calumet, Mich.) 1907-1938, October 06, 1909, Image 2

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86086633/1909-10-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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: if
Hougkton Department
Reunion of th Upper Peinula Men
Who Fooaht in Cuba i Aaaured fo'
Thit City Net Summer Local
Camp W.ll Meet Ton.gJ-t to Perfect
Preliminary Arrangtmenti for Gath
ering. A reunion i.f the um" r - tdr:u!..
in n wbo f.ubt f..r oil ( I! r y in th-tpani.h-Amcric:iii
war In t'ub will
Imi h'M ill II li.-f.fi.ri fr, .,,. tl i.e IJ.-xt
ii'ii rm r. Tb .s V 'v Tatou':y .111
.ii.Min l fut. A m.-.-tbfg ..f ;-.,'
Millar liini;.. t r j t 1 Spain-h Wir
V. t. r it.- .f !.!! ,t"n. ::! b- h M
tonight f-.r t'1, pu. " of making pr
Ibninary nrr.ii;.'' ,!) A loiiioilt-
t. wi'A I.. t.:iT). ii t . t i):-- a ti - '.an,--of
th :irr.ini' ':; r,t .1:1 it I- h"j" I l
bring ab-.i.t .1 ncm-br p union.
Tlx- iii"V .n.-t.t lor 1 it ui.io:: -f the
patiUli war -t'ii!.5 v.as tailed
m.. t im- ;ik . ?.y Aiivi'- M I'orii! 1 f
ti:is liy. .Mc.M.Mi .-r of Millar .:
To a-c. rtain t.. . i.i;.-it. r.t t -or,.-tin-
1 ; i ( 1 1 r 1 li Alio fou'ht i.'l C11
Mr. M.o Ioi,.iM ,..iii.- tl .ri.: .ik sent
a number ,' I - t : t t, vci.rat.
r:nn;i cum 1 . r 1 I r- ,11. i h'- 1. is r c K
Jury in Circuit Court Will Be Called
Upon to Decide if Street Railway
Wai Repon ble for Kill'."; f Sam
ua SiuMmky, a Pedd'ar, On its
Track on Dee. 24, 1C7.
The c.i.o on trial iii the circuit court
tl.y is thit .' A. I- !. of llan-
t,k. .;dui;t.i-t.' it r 11.' Il;v ttP -f
Sm.uil j?ium i.-ky. ili -.i-,-d. u. tho
H "jifM 'ii v."u:ity Tratto-u Co. Ta
1 U ur: f r J.un,iSi-!. growing "u!
f t.'i" kiM.njf "f S.iu-insky by odp of
th traction coip.in) s cars 1 tw-t-n
M.s';ard ar 1 A read.. 1 on Chri-tm.t
v.- ,-ift. rr.'-.r., 1S"i7. S.iusnrty w.-
A..:r;s n -rtii ..n th- track. h -rtly
aft, r the n.-w-n h ur. an..! hit by a
f .: t h i ir..l car.
Tl;" contf-Mi n f f the r :a!nt';fT '
I U;
In in;;
t r:in
j.- rj 1 n -..
. to
1 :t-n
l; iut f..- c;
r: 1 1 v. i:i
r tt.. -.- t .
A M ..-r ..
.. v. r.U .l.i' - u ii: I.,
th'-l'i- w I.I t.i- 111:1 liy ii."' r
turox. A ;n ;t ! to !i iv
it.iry hji. 1,0 I. 'I jiiii :? r u?i - ii i
unil'-r u :i y. 'IhM wn-ii.l ii.'.!u-!" :n.n
1 iivi rn liv l!i' -,v;ir I '-r.i ri -. J I 1 .-ht -i
I.ij'.lit Fii.'.uiiry. (',1 'iino t Iln-'iiK- r
'rpn nii'l th" H iri'-". k N tva! lr;y 1 !.
to ..f i!,. ,r"io-. .1 r'-.it:jr' will
h' a .-a'tip In-- at itii' r t.'o- !iiji c.m il
or J' n-i.if' I J 1 1 1 r '. Tii- i ! .1 ii to J.av.
ti." in. 11 ti:.uiii- t):' for a Mitht, an 1
Inn- v I.I iiitT-.tiiitf x ri i.-.'-J.
Furtli'-r t.iilM ..f tl.'.- Ka!h'.-rini -.vl!l
! aiuio'iri' '1 aft' r tM w.-nir.Z
.l.'.tlt.,'. 4
Realty and Duildmg World Watching
Effort to Save Lumber.
('"in.. iv;il."ii of i).. 1. ii.j.-ai r -'-ur-of
tin riiiiitry !.-. ...v attrj' t..'.,'
Willi j .!' .lil .ill' lit, Oil .1
w :ij i Hih 1 :in Irnjior :
ll'HJ-'- lU..J..':K. At t!.
of lirnl,. r nlti'.s' :!.';
a 1. ii.:1. to f
ky .ca .v thi'. car c -.n'r.
! iiru;i"l lr j.ark at th" ii.-'
. ::r if th.- niot-.rrr.fsn Ii ;.
1 ir fail. '1 t i 1! 1 mi arJ J-r.is nkv
! !,it an.l k Th- rtrv. t ra:!ay
tl.it -ii t::.it S.i,J-rn'ky ha 1 -.T
ti. tr.o k ari-1 that li" m
j. k whi:.. trying t r-'"v-r hi
k -Ahi'-M he h.'. 1 t il 'wr. h-tw.-n
h- . w.j -tirt. I y. tcr!.iy aft
"I., I.-.t htt'i- Ii..i l .'. ay wan nn It
r a -hi iii:ii i.t Th;.' rn rn.:i?
1 fc ' I in taking ftimony.'
r- ;.. !r ? a on-I J. r.i '' v-Itim of
I.Mr hj .-) Th.- Ir .Ii. atlor.s -;o
t th. '.,. u.-uh' n"t bo n 1.v f.r
J;ry 1 -f '! l it' tlii. aft'Tn .t..
. :: r:t j r '-T' I liriaj m.il"
rrUit "'jrt In I i -f ifin; of t-H'
r.'lir ::n l nt lh j nt r.it
of th- tt' k will most "f
iv f.i-- ii,'o:"J of. Aft-r
ti- arc a f' w trlal-liy-cu-t
h. f.ill .v ) y thf ch.anf. ry
I.; (
civil fi!
t! .- . r;.
this t..
( a-. .. t.
."rk. T!.:" Iat!r a!.vay nvrc "r
) . 'Ir.iwn out. f that it will be- Si-v-
r. 1 n;. at ! ast t-f t- th- S. ;i
t' -r.l"- t-rm U c"T.; :-t'- l. Thf- ml 1
!! of fj.-xt :-:"Mh. tho Nov. :n! r U r:n
f .urt f'invi n.
In t,.- of Stnrk vs. Arno an-1
l::;t' r.b'-rt' a Jury y st nlay aft -rnoon
bro'ifl.t in a v nii't in fav r of th"
il. f. rjilant. Tin amount InvolvtJ !n
ti..- iojit tt.is ino.
; i
ly 1 '.in
aii'l a
of tl..."
1 1 1 ti,'
1 ul 1
or tin
.t' I
1 t ,1,
til. 11:
i..it. .:,., I r r: :: r.t h.i.s t-jken
i i : : 1 .".I i y aiii t!i.- X-
lon "1 ti." i"i- . t r h .-
I in carrjin "ut ' ti 'V !' thoij
j rivnti 11 of tiiiitc r M' al o'i
Tb" vari'ui htat'M s J 1 r . - '1, 1 ' (..'.'."J,
ii'i'i hit' of tiiiil.i r Ui,.;.- nun. '! hj t!.
f ii
I 1.
t' 1 rn mi lit .11 i. . at' !
Hi' 'I int.; ii..-1 1 i' t arc
Ut l 1 1 "I ( 1 ha." b' ' Ii .1 .
iti .11 )i !.. ti ,1 t.
TJi. ol,j. 1 t of th- for' rt r v i -fi'.-l.
r i'n,,i r 'i ' ' f t !!
Hour' ' of ti,.- 01.. 'try. ii ' . .!.!
xa'i- alnl t.it' ar .w .! a 1. 1,
. H. I ;,oii I !,i !..? r ' r y 1 1
l.s t r u. ,,1 i.1,. it ' 1 : . .. .
of th" ti.,!.i y r. iiv-ry
iotti r i-A' , v ry ;! , f n, 1,' r
cviy bit i.-r. ,;,; ;;.i.. or
! liit ir.'! I..1..I 1- j..r u-. ja
il ix r-i j : t i :..r 1, . , .
'I'll'. I ' 111. 1 llnl. 1 .( t ! :,;;! .'.
for. ?l l-,. ,,( , o.j, i j . , 1,
by tin ,r.,i ( 1 1 ol ! . -1 r y v '
1 1 1 ; I 1 to ,t oil I' ' III it. 1 ,
i"---.si li. . In 1,! .. , 1 . 1 : . .
1 1 al ion 1 r . . 1 v i" 11 ::. . .
I 1 1 1 II f oil r ' 1 ii ! . . ..:,,
10 hilii'loil .Hi.l :,t I 1.. t
U.i 1 1' 1 . ' n !: ,11 . 1. .11;.. ..j ij.i 1
I Xi. I L ti"' 'I III' II 'I I . ti:.;' : j, .
of Wolii.
Ill ; 'p " I , tin- lo. -I ., .
lb a vol , 11 ' 1 . 1 1,1.1.- ...,' , ;
ol tin.- I oi , -1 1 y !:.- ;,."..'..,
for. ' t I . a i , 1, " To 1 .
111.. . 1. til, :-' I ', I , " . ,' I.
en ll 1 1 1 ' -II 1 1 1' r f 1 I !, . !.: f !
III" I .''.:-1 ;-li.,t.l, i 1 ..r, , , -.,'
l' 0' I. .11 " . w 1 .. 1 ' o 1 . ,. : ,, 1 .
,.,-,,l,:o .. .iii.l .... ...... .
ti ll. W.lll'l I I O ! I I ' ' ' f II'
II l:-
' x -
i.s t-j
ri -j.n-
Copper Country Fair Winner Have
all Been Mailed Checks.
S' T. t.irv J .r,n T. M' N' i narri .,f th"
C ., ;,. r -o-jr.irv f. I; 'A h-re t .vo
:: l. a'o. :iriMi-in"-,l thin rnirr.irof
Viiit a'j f t;" pr.-'ni j;n ch" ks havo
!'in r-i a !:; aii I that any ,ii" who h.n
riot r''i'I (h-iks u;i t' t h i k tiin"
.i.o.il.l ni ly hi.n. as j.b-nty .f ti in
J.a i,.'.'il inci- tin: i-:'liiz Ut..i'
th'- i.f iz---. Th r- w a vr at rn iny
no r.. 1 r - a .car' l this y-ar than
li-t an.J H.'T'tiry M Nam a r.i nn-! his
a- I-t.ii.vs b.,. j.'jt in a b'jy f n ! tyi
In c'tt.i: th" .!, '; s rr.'i'b- f"jt an'l
1.' !. Kiy i.othln of th" mailing
II ton t-kTgcht umvli-n v .e'.n-v: . a
Schooner Montezuma Bring Car c
Coal to M. Van Orden Ce. She is
Largest Wocdcn Sailing Veseel
Afloat on Either Fesh cr Salt Wa
terCan Crty B;g Cary.
Wi' -Jvn tat arv by no inor. un
cn.!ii'ii t I" rtap e I.iki. tut a i n t
cft.n th.it l hi- lar.-".t -V s-.ihr.
vit aflat ct"mr bt re. Thi hjfj"'.i
J a few Jays im with the arm.il
l..r with a care o cul t -r the M.
'Van rJn C of th" ih.oi.r Mon-
t.-zuma. Tin ivirte ui-'.a 1 in. iarit-
. t wi'h n s.i;Iinjf vt I aSout i
. ilhi r fn-n or a!t wattr.
Th" M'-nti-zuma is 3v fT."t ior.;? w .:
;C f..t iH-ain. an.l has arr.-J a cars
of a hli;h an S.fiT tan. Htr H 'U?h
t. n i.irto am iur,ti-J to t ut "!mth;n,'
omt S. ('..) t'-r.-s. Intt th- rxori cars .
an m-ntii'i:u.L wa. carr.t-J !nt MI!
w.iuke carlir in the tsr.iSLTu
vN'Jili i?:us all gradually
8 i.i-.t-rccji. J tO- iivi. U"U itvti L-vali w.l
l.'.t. LiiL--s, uili as vii t.ic
uit jIia, liut iiUIC wi.-i- (U.l LlaTiy W-J-ili
tTalt ill tX.allZ.Cv. Tile Ali-UiJ-.1
a. .s olic vl IhiM. Hl.d It is .Ui.!)
sjji. vw.i uvj.i .a history as Lx-itii
U.c .affairt L'.'.it if IL'.a ciaSs I-VrJ.
iiiuA..,uvli j the bu.iiii:. vl ioJ.;i
tra:t . tuw a thu: of the paiL
Ti.trv wire K-w i-vi'ic Lcrc wto
knvw of the M.'nivu.'iia neord. Cual
vissilss arc Ircjuiiit talivrs ut the 1 j
ial JoJ't., so ti.at uaits one wire t
i'e trittial s:uiiy t the craft It
ttouM I.ot l- kli-JVMi eiie were faiiitd
for bc.l. thu largest wooikll Sailing
traft ailuat. Tliis is aiiothtr record
1 r li .-'Ji'hton to 'ui proud of.
Al"tit;sid.- cr.v of the modern frelghi-
tTa l:ke tllv John St.IitoJi, V. A. 1'aille,
HutLlun-oi:. Martin Mulkn, etc., tite
.Moi.U-zuii.a would Ijok like a tugboat, j
but tile m much larger than the avir-
ue wod n boats which make l'ort
lake a j'ort of call during the course vf
a sai.ilig Season.
nothing t d 1 no-...- (n
fair i.'i.itt- rr ur.ti! r,'-xt
- aniiu il m-' tirn? of th
I' tv i- . Id.
Very Little Precipitation Reported
rce Twenty -Third of September.
r 'i1.
: .1 ;
:: 'I ;
r . V.
, in ti..
-b of
' r'y t.'il inorriiri';
' c;on of y itjt'i In-
portions of tl..
i' r has com ir;u..-1.
- r Wii -mi. r t 1.
II of fii,.- w'-at.'.-r
a r'-rr,arV:ab;o li
. ' t h' f wa s wi n,.
i ik" r' 01 on (1
:' ; ruin r. in otli r
ur.try t.'.i- w athi r
:y b ar ih-
It V. 1,1 .Olitlli'J"
th. n xt 2 ho,j-
III y h t A' . ii
' ' . b it v. i.'l b-
( ir
in 1 , 1 1 1
I . 1 1 In I'iilti'li
Im 1 r . . 1 1 - 1 1 1
In-- n r ; .1,
i.l Ka.
ill. htl .ri.
M k b' i ii. ! t
(tolfO'o. ,,
'- l!'.;:.K 'bib ...-
0. toi rln ,ofit.i.t
I'M u. y j,. ar.
f' r an !r, r-Htii,i.'
". tl. rri'.Mb. Horn.
11. 'ry tit.?, nri.fr,
an 'I h r 1 r'.rriin' k
- :;-: C,,U:-
in I.,!., n lbroo;b.
1 t" :m i" k-ito-M
1, j.ml' l off .-, t b,
' v. k from n xt M n
Mob,r jr.
Get Some Diapepsin and Take a Lit
tle at Once Relief in Five Minute
AwaiU Every Man or Woman Who
Suffers From a Bad Stomach Hun
dieds of Calumet Folka Will Find a
Prompt Cure.
Why it. t v t M'lii" now- ibis tin
no t t. iif.d f t MT I hi yours. IT ol
ft'Mii.nli troubl" .111.I iihIIk' .Mtmii? A
1!.. t- .1 t 'Itl.l.-'t is til" blues atl.l
gru'nb'.s. ',.y a v.n.,1 .at. Ib.-n
t.ik- I' ll 1' i'"i ;n to Mai l Ui.. ill-f-Uo
Jui e.s tt.'ikoik; Tbi-M' Mill b.
Il 1! ;.. i.-hl or b. I b.in uf i; as 1.1
r.i. t.iti !'. of iin.l.;. it. li I'immI. 11,1
f" I.nc 1:1s" a l imp ( b'a.l m ((,,
t -or.a !i or hi .irtbr.ns. .ii, k In ...l.u b"
and il. s-. and your f 1 w ii imt
f.-rn ant and poison v uir hr.-.tli W illi
f. .. .; ..!-ir.
P ;- "s I. i;-. pn cots only r cni
It s 1 trr- c.i at nny ilrntr ntoro h.-f.'.
a.I w.Il ni.ie the :n"?t obstinate
in liv I,,
'li,. 1. ;
ya fro,,
f 1 r -J
');" ', ,n iiii) upiii t torn.t'ii
0 .'
? -' b tt r lo tak-
1 loi;,.,, u l, u, , ,
1,1 Ii t, M!ii' x, ai,'J. j r.. r.
I'.;.'- m i 1 , ir r Hfid pf. par.
' '' on if. t y II..- nil your
I'.' a a r.'rilA, J.'allliy
''"li'l 1I0 il.
for a ,1,
I I In,.
Slolh.n ,
NVI,. 11 l,( ,,, .A,lfkn, y,ur nt',,(1.
:o b 1. ,-t v. ;,. ,f ,,( (j,.r( , ,
"I' ''III tl,. I, y ,:, f, , I , ,lf(i(! WJ n
N"" i" ib- lib;-, ,ii wi,;,t you
'.Il will lb, ),, K,,,J.
'' i I.' f f m ail Utoinai, h
ini-ety Ih nail, nr f.,f yl(lJ tin nnilt n
'' ' lo l.'k- .1 littb. Jli.p.-pj'ln
''" '""' 'bi.ift tbal you want
I i,..i. puir, J,. .aim.' you wmM
I" I....,,,,., th'.r ...jrt,ly i.iM-.j f r.lM I In,.-.
lb ii" ml,. 1. jf y.,l)r toin.' li f.-H
nut of -,,rl. r in,,! tifi'onifofti.blf. turn
"u , .,tl K,.t f j ftv4. ,j,0t, ,
Dulutii is assured of one of tho lin
..t jinl' Sid hotkey rinks in the north
west, saj.- lie Liuiuth Jit raid.
This lact bicaiue known today when
it was announced that Jos.-ph Mait
iaiid, maiiugtr of the liijou theater,
and J. J. L snioiid, interested ill the
proj-ct of tlie forming of a company
lor the construction of a large rink,
have completed the Ir plans for the
toiiMructiun of a large; building to be
used as a rink.
iiut even if Messrs. Maitland and
Ii wnond ate iiol prepared to go ahead
with tli'ir plans, Dulutii is assured ol
a hockey link this winter.
Today Al Keuhnow announced that
he had bcuied backing for the cou
nt ruction of a large incloed rink, to
be- used for hockey, wrestling and oth
tr athletic purposes, al.so to be Utilized
during th; sumiiur months for con
ventions, if d sired, and that if the
oth r m n inlereM' d in the formation
of a company d' tide not to go uhead
with tiie.r plans, he- will take up the
proj.-ct and push it through to an cur
ly comp). . tioii.
Mr. K uhnow lias two locations fc
i' tt'd, and if he d ti'l to proicetl
with liia ph,ns, will construct a build
ing to cost in the neighborhood of f 15,
OU. It will be on the- gen-iu plan
of the rinks in the Copper country,
and will be one of the Uncst in th;
north t-st.
Today lo The lit raid Mr. Kut hnow
Mated that he had no desire to inter
f'le with the plans of Messrs. Mait
land and Jx-pmund, and that if these
t.to gentL-meu weie going to carry
out tb. ir plans In- would not go ahead
Willi his.
llowevir, if the other gi nth-men arc
not pnparid to com-tiuct a rink hens
thin winter, Mr. Kuehnow, with the
b.w '.ing has Ktcured, HtapM that lie
is ready at the present time to pro
fed with the construction of the rink.
Mr. Kuehnow says he lias v ral
husimsM men Int. ri Kted In the venture
and fan pioceei Willi th: plans imme
dl.it'ly. The building he has in mind
Aoubl be a very large one- and united
to stag" not only Kkating and hockey
events, but aluo large athletic contests,
hui ii as llul jth has been unable to se
cure in the past because of the fael
that there his been tin suitable hall
I" r e t 1 taie them, not only skating
and ho' key . ontcKt", . Mich us Dululll
I an l,ei n unable to s' cure In the past
b'cai.M- ,f the fac t that there lias been
ni suitable hall here to Htage these
lictvtccn the two Iiuluth should bo
axuie, ,,f a modern Inclosed rink. If
tb- link is iissuieil there should hi
no llff. ully in getting a hockey team
for this city for Iuluth Is In the hock
ey la It.
Copper Range Railroad Hat Received
125,000 Tom This Season.
With the arrival today of tho steam-
ir J. T. Hutchinson with 5,00 Ions of
coal for the Michigan Kindling Co.,
th re Will have, been received ut tin
Copper Hange dock this season up
proximately !;:,, Ooo tons of coal. I'p
to the Hutchinson tho total receipts
for the hi a son umounted to 11!,3T,6
tons, 400 pounds. This amount wns
brought by Keyentecn boats. Two
more ciuk"'' will be received which
will wind up the mason' receipts.
The lamest cargo received during
Hi" sea con was in the steamer John
Hlalilon on July 10, when Bile bfouKht
10,079 tons, 1,7011 pounds. H. veral car
eo. m of ou r !,ooo Ions were received
dining the summer.
It. ('.. Trelonr nnd daughter, the
Mir-' I.llllan and Jennie, hnvp rr
iiirio1 from n visit with relatives In
IliV t-T IV S ''..- !
h.tn k;i r. ).. i
Anuhiarvnc ll. Wi
uvJe a ry fval li
Iv f" I ia' ill a;i.ir
11 if mtt Salurd y. ft
r.t tarv n th 1..
.ia:.l 1 A Hiyist cr.
1.1 r.
r- :: r k.:.
s 1 t ,1 k Au-tia.
;;va:.'-S at t'u'
k. h s far
1 , i. .i.e!v Mr.
ic 1 .1 I'll evi'ii-
f ! lIK S -
rix.n tv
, I..! ..i. l i-.tor-.i
..- ,.vt !. ..
J hn Chyr." 1 th. v
.Vile M-'i.'.iv -rr
Crtik. wh.ii" 1." a;:;
Ij:u. w.i ma do t.".c
S t.l w..tih charm by
M"t- tho r..:rt
day io r..r.p.
tlv r i n r.nch h.i. r. t .:r:vd to Il.,l-
t:o aftir . i;t t c .0
Miss II'. 'Ui-e Sai
h.i e-'V-.r to M.trouett
N-ith.rn N'rm.il siho-h
Oit.'Vr 1?. xt Tu.
dav, tb" snniwrs.irv of t
Chris!.. pht- iVlaiibu r.t Sin Salva
dor, i a '.J lioiio.iy. re, .ole S'i by th
hist session of tho J.-tfishitur- f Mich.
isr.iTi. T).i means for one th.ir. that
the saloons muft c! !"" up ',r that day.
This utatemcnt is ma Jo in rcpons- 1 1
Charles E. Stock r. cilit r of tho
li-'st :n Financial News, who Is visit-
.' r country, visited tho
I.iko ivino -e:-ri!.iy. in company wit'i
i.s-al von Hji men.
A now strict, known as Koarfar1.
han Jast bixti oinned by tho Cham
pion Coppvr C. at IMhiesdalo. it -x-t.n
l.r- from tho sch ,l house to the
iM'.tonag n r a distance of M)
Whi'.o unl ;ding sotno sewer I
iat w c k Wick w'Coniu!!, a member
of tv.o cor. tr.ct In jr firm of J. J. r.ye"
v. Co. saffiTed tho loss of his left
Th.' H iiighton lun club will not
st nd a t. am to a tournament to ho
!.. 1,1 .it Ishi'cming next Saturday.
lr. and Mrs. K. C. Ilunge are home
from a trip t Chicago.
Miss M. K. Ilm;tn has left for a visit
r- ! In Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. Hert Dunn havo rf
turnid from a to vera 1 weeks' visit in
lower Michigan.
Tho prizes to bo awarded the most
tftiUnt members of company O,
llo.itbton I.lsht Infantry, for their
Cohi-nbus i wotk during (iclobcr, an.l tho donors,
b ft Tait-'Os-
1 fr P.att!"
:n- r .1 sanita: -to,
i ; ; Tit if h
f. w cr'i-
:.- stere Sat
v..t friends.
if lhiitleslalc
li enter th '
r..!low: First prize, rllle by I. F.. Sw ift
Co.; pecoml prize, lint, by Joseph Sel
i' nf. ld; third, box of cigars by W. II.
1). e cigar Co.
Mr.. Joseph C. Thomas of Rockland
ppent ytstcrd iy nnd a portion of tod ly
in Houghton, leaving this morning for
Maripi' tto whero she will visit with
Marriage licenses wore granted to
day to Paul Maurln and Cltka Ilauli
l.ol'i of Ihiltic. and Kaallo Kuopu
unl Margaret J. Tcrvo. both or I.aur
I urn.
W. I Marble. Jr., of Cladstono Is i
bu-inefs lsi.or in tho city.
pn.-t. t l'ra.'y of Detroit has arrived
lore to vl -it his brother. Captain Sara
u i Drady. mijk r.ntt ndent of the
Michigan Copper Mining Co. at Uoca
laud, and pr. si, b ut of tho Yuma C"A-P-r
v'o. of Ari.oiia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hillings of Ishpetr..'
ln. are visiting friends in Houghton
lor a fi w day?.
" C. 17. Kes'.ir of Hutchinson. Minn,
is refisti-r. d'.it tho Douglass House.
II. s. Waltertnire. a MSI.vauk-e rail
road man. !s hero on businiss.
A tramp aping tho manners of smart
affectation Is a distinct dcV.oddy.
Iloicntly 0110 i f him entered a cheap
P.owery eating phic. sirolb-d to a
chair with a lidiolo.is strut an.l beck
oned to a wainr with lordliness. ftr
which he pretended to bo linh ky about
his apparel, consisting of n smoky tol
lar, faded tie and ras generally, giv
ing them many debonair louche? he
fore tho greasy mirror.
Loftily ho flgnib d the waiter a sec
ond time.
Fellah. " ho loudly drawled, nttract-
Ho picked up the oggy bill of fate
and Koowlcd t It. i
'Veil, vut you tilt?" 401.11 ltd w
waiter Impatiently.
"Fellah, I have long admired your
artistic cuisine." said tho tramp. "I'nii
vt y to tho cook my compllmt tits and
i-ay that 1 shl probable require I wo
of his toothsoino dinner instead of
one, as I finish twice in this place lie
fore I havo dined sufficiently. I ch
tiem his table d'hote, although tho li f
ti t n charged for It doe seem a trlite
exorbitant. You are probably aware
that a gintlomau of my fast i.lbnis
tastes has a reputation Vhleh ml,';lit
bo compromised by questionable nblo
dishes. Therefore, kindly m in t for m,.
otlginal portions of first Issue rutlnr
than tho customary put-backs' as
heretofore. And waltah, bo prompt
there's a good fellah!"
"Vttn rekular!" bawled tho waiter,
and he lidded. 'Some kinds of peo
ple tn It 15 eentsos dinks doy Is ib t
kink!" Nov York Telegraph.
"(loud gracious, isn't that your hus
band ncross tho street there quari"!
lng with the man on the opposit"
"Oh. they're not really quarreling.
They dispute that way every nlht.
CJeorgo Is a mon.vlanist and Mr. Str
ing public ntttntion. as no douiit wnsjKms is a mpiamsi. -cinu.i.m 1
his object, "repair speedily hithah!" Dealer.
xMla'$g0j000.00: for Art in
:! lillli !W 111 " 1 !
llWii ' CBothes
. ' 1111
; Iiii I W" o 1 1 ex :
1 it 1 1 1 if W 11 I ' 'llll f V FASHtON FAULTLESS TS'
1 eiii ii 1 'in ?ti . iu a 1 e 'i 11 1 1 ii 1 m 1 n i 1.
We make garments which appeal only to
the vyoman who appreciates beauty of line
individuality quality quiet refinement.
We spend $50,000.00 a year for art in
dcsigning--S50,000.00 simply that IFooltcx
garments, in style, may be supreme.
And these distinctive garments coats
suits skirts dresses arc sold by a good store
near you you may know them by. the label:
Coats Suits Dresses Skirts
for Well Dressed Women
The Woeltcx garments shown
here will be displayed by a mer
chant near you. Watch your
daily newspaper for his an
nouncement of the arrival of
these and many other, new
Wooltex styles.
WO0LTEX Coats -$15.00 to $35.00
WOOLTEX Suits - $25.00 to $45.00
WOOLTEX Skirts -$ 5.00 to $15.00
WOOLTEX Dresses-$15.00 to $35.00
Every Wooltex garment
coat suit skirt dress'
is guaranteed for two full sea
sons of satisfactory wear.
For cur style ideas we search the whole world
ol fashion. Our 550.ooo.co style organiza
tion is in charge of the .famous Madame
Savarie, of Paris.
But with all that is pond and new in style
before us, we do not copy we create.
Our ciffht master designers choose, modify,
adapt the styles, of .the world and create
American styles.'
Distinctive American Style
It is a costly proress. But it is the secret
of Wooltex charm. ' It distinguishes the woman
who wears Wooltex from the crowd who
wear topics of fashion plates, which arc them
selves but copies.
Beside the style in a Wooltex parmcnt there
is extra quality material and extra careful work-manship.
That is why we can guarantee every U Roller
garment for two full seasons of satisfactory wear.
Cost No More Than Common
Whatever parment you buy, you pay at least
the price of Wooltex.
The ? 50,000.00 we spend each year for
Hooltex style costs you nothing extra.
The extra-value Wooltex materials cost vou
nothing extra.
The extra-careful Wooltex workmanship costs
you nothing extra.
Through perfect organization we offer extra
value without extra cost.
Style Book Free
In our style book are many illustrations which
represent the whole work of our Sco.ooo 00 style
organization. This book will be sent free on re
quest. Simply ask for Style Book 57,and address
The H. Black Company
This is the full-page Wooltex announcement which
October Ladies' Home Journal
Wooltex Garments for sale by
appears in the
I divided 1 1
tnt ten pitpments. Thfr wJ!l
, Cnri.; aa wl n in nthrl'Anrt MfW
i a !.- w
.no m
itemeir.V. tfca u nnmv--I;)oa.u7-np

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