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She (Sulumtt M KM UK It I K TH K ASi I TKD PRKSS ALU TODAYS NB7WB TH K VVKA'ill I It vlios'era la t tonight r on VOLUME XXI. CALUMET, MICHIGAN. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGU8T 27, 1912. NUMBER 255 DEMOCRATS INEFFICIENT SAYS MANN Minority Loader of House Also Declares They are Extravagant and Unprogressive MANY BILLS NOT ACTED ON Appropriations Exceed Those of Last Republican Session CREDITS THE ADMINISTRATION Washington. Aug. -7 luem no i disorganized unprovi e ami i. ce ll ve. was the des. r 1 1 1 1 ion applied bv I o it lii ii 1 1 1 L idSr Mam. to the 1 1. mo i. tin H(ii hi- of Congress. Just ad murned. In .. (fl I'-nu i i i. -viewing 1 1 1 won. . , ilir lcu-e Mann rh i racti i Iged solll, ..i in- li iik' i.itii- work as sting) .1,1.. Mil), and other of its aits us pure ex liavagance. I h' li bOOSl ilniiii eoMORI went bv itif beard mM the ealnortti i . i i I said last DttWRbM that 'Ills Ses ii ii wuiilil last longer and d n-s than .nv .thei rtKulat IPMibfl it. IK I 11' eara. Aiv fniiTMSt has proved Hot' out: He claimed that the uli'ituation uf the rule has pmv n .i lii thai tl. HoflM Km l' i n un til nut .s .shewn bi the (a t trffit over (00 Senate bill, vhih passed Ike Senate remain uu acted un In th House. "PlS.'tn alh all tin WS Ot BR) IBs n.i t.tli.'e passed this essloli elll. er hills prepared In the previous Con ares iul leit Q401 foi lack of lime ti consider, or else Vera bill-, I i -1 .i 1 1 I h official in Taft's adminlatl it. on Mann referred t the public iawe. homeste.ui law.-, bill creating children huleaiJliind otheis as i . ill Hi that classification. outsnii- 1.1 mojie) expended foi tha PajMUM alial MkfCh ''antiol I" - m Me red as ordioat) expect the ap pto. nation for. tnla Heaalotl ex. .id thoae fur the laat Rapubllcaa aeaion " h deilari'd INSPECT DREDGING WORK. h i Farming Land Being Rcla ma1 in Stti'qeon River Dutn. t Paul Hihnilhr Kra'ik I'laat. and Joaepti PfftiTanat Br., have rattaraaU in. in u islt lo M Sim --on iivii uia- iii.i. wh'i- tin toia peeled tha M'orh i.fint, Bbna hf tin- bt jrnjaf ot Mm Houshlon rpunti Laud and Uralmw l ompanv. which la onpaved 'n ranlalm i iifi iii.iiimi acrea 1 1 awamp ia; coi farmibf ptfrpnajea Mi S' im. n. . itataa that the dn-dM- bafl BJUWU lni HUM proRtpaa as ret Nil th it within an N :t will hav- hi'UIp.I .1 ami to porH in teal aajatam Mi. Bi?hanllar braajghl bUh with him I aampli' of tha .soil that the dn d' IBM taken i p ll Is rwj 1 1th and blvt in POlpX Si hneiler took alnPB, elKhl Btimfl' ttva lmt i- iH I irm iand with him on ins racaal trip. V BERLIN GETTING HEAD. Garmana Already Laying Plana lot Olympic Gnna in 1916. Heiim. Am tt. in IBW l rata id hope to teaajmr tha aorM la lha i inpu ajuanta It will hh aladinm almost aa M hh that ol At h lis wiare the ltf4 re vival was tuld In M'lK. ard I In- hU proper la likelv to oe twh'e the st.e of that at Slorkhidm. Tha pla e hftc been picked and tin next iiUmpic aamea viii i'- held at irnnew.tid. a auburh of Berlin, il I ten klloaietarf from th onti of the .it. The pint f is pilhaps not the moat accvaalPM la the world, but ihe lieatuv Of luOhtln wi'l iiiak up for naiiv other 'Im rjcoinlnKH WING FAMILY REUNION. Chlcafo, ill uk II Bevaral hud- tiled Of the 100,00(1 llllea" il. s. I'O.latH -of the widou. Uel.oiah Wins an I h i i ui ..n wh. Ural Mttlad In Baogua, ifaai In Milt, gathered at the Audi U Hum In irrta iiv thday foi the iKhti. annual reunion ot tha nv Ina RamU) ol lm. i n i Mtcorpdrated Thi :.imti lilt i. n as In. ol i a teil In M . 0 rhuMtta ten i iis ago and numLeri thousands of members t hronnhoiit the country. REVIEWED BY CONNAUGH T. Toronto Ont, Auk 57. The fltst arsat imperial revla ..t radeu t un all over th. Rrltlah Kmhlr" v. a In hi l,v the Muke of i oniiaiisfhl thM afir 'innnlt the Canadian vallinal I xniht th.n in fhlf crtj Kurt forpa, cotnprik tna a total of Marty eaiteti man hed in review past hla Ro il Hlahncta and a party of dUting uielied fuost. g) : LEADER OF UNIONIST PARTY, ANDREW BONAR LAW, SUFFERS INJURIES : Margate Kns . Auk 27. v Indjre I'm ar I. aw leader of Ihe lnhinlst party, eutfeied a jfi v.oloni sin. k lii motoi car V ; oPlsb.n near I hi." seaside re- v a rt I. mi mt-'M luu had laden ! playing -'"' and was 1 ct II rnt.lg In it i hi with t . ompaniou v when gnothsi automobile, con- tHiniiiK two MM and HTQ worn- ) V en traveling In hii ..pp .sit- di- v it. Mnii it.i h ht , into them, e STARTS TO KILL EVERYBODY; IS HIMSELF FATALLY SHOT Chl'-iiKo, Auk tiolim ti kill 1 1 bod) in alaht." ri la annouai amant, bi aa unldentl- fled man who .-irolled Into tin- lohh) f a taaali hotel on MWbhtan live., aai i loaa) threat the a'HtH in a pa air. He nied three shots ut clerii dei!, who aeni Ay4 btattetl int.. tha a Mall ant'a bod. The in in war; arotaahl) fatatt) injuteil OdeU wan unln.luieiJ. The police betaWa the wounded man .a inaane. MISS LOL'NSBERRY WEDS. Becomaa Wife of Frank E. Howe of tha Associated Preaa, Detroit. Aiiuiet aeduBag took ataae a: . o i i, , k this faaralai at the rtoaaa of lr. and Mra. V. T S. QreSg, when Mrs. tireifKa htter, Misn Killian l.ouiihoerrv, he' ame the wife of I'rank k. Hewe, of Dafrolt The . n moh) was aerforraed bi Rev. i mhef k. i .onu pastor of the Caluaaat Coagvega tioaai him h. m the pre na of the immediate relatlxes and friends Th.- hnde was supported b) lot father am MtOthei Mr, ami Alt's, llii h ard Lnttaaheray, -i Kalami..oo, afhtle her slshr In law. .Mrs I ..mi hit i . a1 mo of Kalamai.n, also was In attend iilti'e. The 'Jtenw li uii" was ei lame. IuIIn d"i orate.l ntth .lut.imn leave and aateri for the oe ttstoa. The' bride has bm a leslilei.t of aliiiiiii lor seveial ears and iia. many friends here sin- will heat be i i iin ini ered as bains ! charge f tfefe M. C, A. Spa from Its institution. Her h us bead la a aatlve ot Detroit, and Is onrmaeted with the Aartc1atad Preas ti'i. Mr. and Mia Howe lift this ni.nn UK tor Keughfoa whore tho) boarded tha steaaiar Oetucara for DetroHt an i a in maki i heir future lion..- there LAST FOR LAC LE BELLE. Kiwifiww Centra1 Not to Run Excur aione After Monday. The La I a Itelle exursion nraiiia BO. ."ine to a clo.-- o affsadSJ Btben ihe Keweenaw Central will nm the last i re las for the aeaaen, Pm the beiiefti .i IhOae who have h'-.-n 'lliahle to visit Lac i.a Heiif before this sea SUg ol who ilesire to make a larewe,; visit for the summer, the Kowi'-naw c'enlral will inn excui sior.s mi ,.ii in d ) , Bund n mm i i mi. 1 1 Label i . trains No. I and S heitiK ills, ont it'ind afti i those dales. Trains will leeVS CaluaaM at o'clock ea. u tag aail retarahH will leave Ijh Lt Batte Hal urdayd ai i ... io. k ami ajaaeaay ami Moada) at i .. i in. k. The usual UB0 daf rOMBd U'lp til ! iv will be sold at all ststlons and I'm tho.s, wh.. geotra to apead the tiue' das at l a. .a idle, prajad trip iu,- tS Will be "old for II ."r'. X" ml tC leave Catoaast Baturdai laornBaj aad la r - turn Moiniax evemm.' GRAND RAPIDS NEXT YEAR. land (Caputs :.s awaiih-d Ihe li.Xt state convention of Christies, Bndeav urn. and il WUj at held them in June Tha exact iiaten hava not vet been sett hut ii is piohahie the) win u' fund L'fi. 7 and ft, The tlrand RapidJ soi'leiies sent a delegation id twi til;. -tour to Martptetts in a pertgl oat lo work for the next annual R.ithermK All the deh'j;aies .voi'i- while i : ps, bearinar the letter? ';. R." In Kld, and iiiin.i Rspldl I. nun is oil Im ir 'oats. The gave their yeHa at exe-.- opport unit . and althoOah Bd) i'tty w is a tgronii contender for the honor, tin- convention aretd to flmnd ftapWa. BASEBALL GAME TODAY. The falumet A i islocra Is and th Calumet t;ras will meet at the Ath h Hi' park this afternoon and from the rivalry engendered when the Qeejm took thi Alistoerals to OBBaB " fow PmafeS. ago, It Is evpeiled the i-ontesl Will as an Intel est UK one. Koton will do the pltchiiK foi the Orays and all of the fdffBhaf pit. hers will be on the mound for t'aluun It had bean planned to staff thtf xnme asm err en hut a ihailMe was aliatiBed lor this morning. WEDDING AT 8T. ANNE'8. The St. Anne's .htireh of alumet was 'he afne of a very pretty wed ding yestenl.iv. when Miss Telia Lait. dauahter ot Mr an I Alts William I ait of Ahmeek and Michael Klsher of I'alunnt were united Re Fr. ,T. R. Bolsaoneatilt officiated Mr. and Mr. Klaher will make their reJldencv in Laavhsna, rltlfal national debt now exceeds LIGHT VOTE IN MICHIGAN TODAY Little if Anything in Way of Un usual Excitement in State Primaries VOTE IN CALUMET IS HEAVY Predicted Most of Enrolled Vot ers Will Cast Ballots Itroit Alnh. Auk -T With cx leption of hot rtghts tor municipal of Hceg in Detroit, the ftatcwide prima ties in Michigan toda aroalac littlt ii anglnlng in riu- wan of unusual ex cltemam Although there era three tidtetO ttei iihllran I -llli I a a 1 1.' and Progresalve, in the field, there aie ;.o( maiiv noinhiatioii contests for the more nm... riant ofllees, it is feaeroBy arsdtctad the total vote will he rather In.' 1.1 Lea III. .1. two-thirds of lietroit s voting strength was rrglateted for the prlmari. Deteatlva Wtu, J. Bur at and faani of his oaemttvsa are on hand hare iii an effort to prevent BteneJ rotLtl Heavy Vote in Calumet. Intereat in the pdlaaatf election t- da Is intense The rivalry between candidates fur tho oottat) ofBeea aad the eXtetisUe i ainpalgns the have con looted i".ie. fruit ledaH 111 lbe heaV) Vote beUSg registered. It is esti mated that from mi to HO per e.M ol the total taM lied vol.' of tin- tOWttehMJ vn ill h cast. So ma I, mim ik remained iw.iv front wolk lodav o .ast thei.' ballot.' that n w .i aeeeaaar) to . !..-. khnpai i'Very abaft .1 (he B II. The Ham mers, timbci men, uogaagM) IgCOtHal men und ggffaet eacploveee worked as umibI. but ex. i pt In the No. I am! 1 baftS of the Hei la where pallia forcea are at work there ar no mineis mi dnt. Mhiin t tin men . i. ilut v Wlfl "nie to the BUfgCS eall Ihis otter noon so aa lo reach the polls I. -ti.te ttltt) i he e t'oiumet pre.ii'nia the UOWgl thmllOii dav appearance imlav (iioups ol un c Hathiiid on lh' dlffeieiii corners am. phMntaad ihe ontlooh am. tha was a Continual Stream of Mitels at ei.ii ol the thirteen preoiuet it. the t iwnahii' This afternoon, hands appeared on the streets and serenaded. Several lai-,e beta are npitted to huve been made mi thi- out. nine. CONGRESS HAS ADJOURNED. Senate Paaaea Resolution For Probe oi Rooaevelt'a Campsin Funds. v ashing ton I ' C., A IK I . mi h .ml . t a three dare' agnl la ehtafc Benataf I .a i ollette e thredl a con mined fttthuster hung oer tha Banal I., ; irea consideration, thai bodi lata yatrdg paase.i tha Pen reaolti lion i ailing for a complete InvtetlgS lion of the aarapalgn eoBirlhutload of i..hh 1 1 i . hi... 1 1 and i fa It Pei klhg and of nil "hnan.'lnl transaction. ; .mi - m i e-iK.mi.1 elating theretu l.etwe.n the two tliianoiets and I'ol pel Theiwlore Uooat-velt. lepres-alo- i ,,,, rai aad atentbera f the Si ii. it,, of the i tatted Btatea The ohfectlone to the eeechitl lied out 111 Ihe Una! limns ot i ho session. When Ihe Senate mat at noon .1 hg ' been mutually agreed thai no oppos. ii. .ii would be offered Ml lenatoi La Polaitte'i renuegl for sot lew. Rased on ihe shnrgea mada bj Bannle Pan root that the Standard i. compaiiv had . antrfhated iav,0d to the RoeawvaM fgad in I oat, the reeolutloi had bea nmendi l h Si nator.- PolnnVxtet ami Penrose to novel respaetBfel) all tha :itlvlll"s of Mi. Archbold and All I'erktu.". of a political nattn The resolution OtlCS hetore lh Bag ate passed with little disi'iission ami with no rote in the negative. Ont important i ha rue made gives vsit aaased the right to have attorneys at the hearings befotd th Henute cotn- inittee. Benntor Chepa, chairman of the sob. . oinmlllee w l.h-h will . oiiduct the In estlgalion, said that '.Is commltti afOhabl) would not reconvene hefoi Si pit mbi i JO, Bobersd b) Hie snthnrvaaaBtenta of Saturday'.' all night seaalon ot Mill. us lers ami disam. einetitf; C. inure- ad juatid its dlO"ience late yeste dn. n vited President Tuft up to the capital .nee nioie and at 1 SO agJggB e.-i dav aft 'i no n wr. te finis-' aftei the pr... eOdtaga of the second a.lon r the slats -second 'onuress T R. Welrnmea Investigation. tivHiet i!k-i, v Y. Aue. IT.- "They an have aavthtni I've not l any time. They are welc une to exerv !et ter I have ever written to anv human being on the sub)ei t This was ' "olonel RongevsH'g onl . in. n. i,i last night on the .-. n 1 1 i, .ii .a the rem aw reeeaathsa di tectlng an immlrv Into the Archbold Penrose-H . -mo elt cnti oversv ovei campaign r .ai itnitions. Over 100 rata are being killed ever day in New Orleans. Di AI H. Richardson. Boston's lead ing physician, la dead. aed K). : WHILE PLAYING BEAR : BOY 16 SHOT AND KILL- ED BY COMPANION Dreg bach, Mum August. . J' - Plaviiug beat li.ii.ild Mo. ire. aged six, was sh a ami killed v lodav b) Rupeii (taker, aged v twelve, a cousin Th l..v.- were plav ing Wilt' a shot g-uu with- out realising it was loaded ("! "l"""? WILSON WILL SPEND LESS THAN MANY A CITY MAYOR t'hicago Aug. -7 Becretgr) Uaviea ot the Democratic nalional committee declared today Wilson campaign will be made with less expense than at tended ihe election ol man) i?lt) ma yor. It was said William J. Bryan will in- active on the stump in the Demo riatlc .:.use aftei September 10. Speaker Clark Wrecks Desk. Washington. Auk -'. Speaker Clark in the last nine months has used the navel with such effect that virtually the ent'.re top Of hla desk is wrecked vc.ordiiiM to old menibers, no spt.ak-i slnc Reed, haa employed the mallet . nh such freedom. DOSINESS MEN HELP THE CALUMET DASEOALL TEAM FINE LIST OF DONATIONS TO HELP MAKE UP THE TEAM'S DEFICIT. Ill View of the fttCI thai til ' CulU Pli t hascball team Is In bind lit. an 'UI iv. i lie merchants ..f ihie cil have ci ine to the gaSOUe .'I the ii'aili In "lo iiaflng, ihe foiiowinu atiicie which will he disimsed of as advantageous Iv as po.sf.lUi and turned Into cash to wipe .nit Ihe present del'it: '''nil. .1 1 gOg "o-opel a I .. . A .-Ml. Men s Bull ol I lollies s. Katon 'lie pair thoroughbrtd Rlirwle Ifbshd Redi-. f H orchestra its services Superior Paormacv Mux of ' 'n Hai rv it. sking Kh .'iiic Tablo Lamp t'enlnsujj Hea'liK and t'lumbmg " vVlllle Kn aim led l av itol John Kills . bins : dd Killed Witca. .ioseph Menu. i'ii. Kslale Kle ttili-i. Blo) Kurnliuie Co. Pli.e of I'liini till e. Baa Hive p. hi ..t Hoe he) shoe, iaeegj peohei I og of Jlgare II .l Viviat. -Suit of Csjottthl lo Mi ago, Ka-le DVUg of (' .i ". Hocking Furnishlnfl Go. jPBB I roust i s Value Vastbimlel and Keed 4x.'. Plom l ngaera. t Kd Haas and Co. An Hut in teefc. It. g iello Mam C, L. Kl'hlel Toilet BOf S K LuCh and Son Kivi J illai meal ll.kel tleorge Kax Leg of Mutton Alattitii aild Co 'ase of Port Wine N Keilluu ami Sons- , ii atinmili V pile latel. t'arii n Haul ware ClaV' Qsati Safety la .a set. Martin Messmi BOS of i igars. VV. K. Ste. kbailel 'Dozen i'alilli.'l photos tieol'ge !:. "s. In ! - DitZetl poal. ilils. sjhgiaaj Qaagtte one rah'Ti sum np- MpB, The V'rtlllllli t XeWS -Olle .Veal's lll.- st i iption. tiimshv and Stiom. oox of clua's. Maer RgSS., Mam. I'. Kuppe Sons, prize named later. Olas- l lock Si. at- ''o.. rug. Maurice PandettlnL box cigars. Wledel llllllless Co , suit i'ase. .1. I.. Hoffman box elgars. Caluaaet Brewing Co., two pibea leer. . x Cuba' Hilliard Parlors, p'pr N Lutie, bottle Kevecnavv ttv e Benroedar Son. case 2fi0 cigar ettes Lautium Phgrmacy, box cigars. Keweenaw Printing o., t'ekets I. a. IIIBaear a '... gold pin Rlckard am! BtoK, ore .liii'll ,-h tos. allle vf. superior Pharmacy, l.aurlttm. x civ a' s Hdwards Co., ham. Portaae Onal and Dick Co.. one ion coal Wii.dward and Walg tf rain . ( Jatelv - WKkiiis CO., mission hall I lock '. feet 1. Ill -illle Q WUstermsna pgpsecei Reding and Boni tWO shirta. TAFT'S ECONOMY HOARD IS TRIMMED DY DEMOCRATS Waahlngton, vug 17. Vaft'i aeon oeh) seejunlasion 11 waa dlaoevered day. was ruthlessly trimmed . the tats of it" Mouse and bv the Senate In tin unflrj civil IBfUpiU thin ami 1. "PI i.'prlatlon bills In addition ! limiting the powers ..! the commission 1 mstter having t" do with the 11 insactlai ot pnhrl .,. -v ,1 the government only In several executive dep . 1 1 im'lits 1 he sundrv hill reduced the il kTlog ol its members and cut hhsjgsiia -five thouaand del lars the amount to prosecute the work. THEIR PROGRAM IS PROGRESSIVE ! Members of Trans Mississiooi Congress in Session at Salt Lake City MUCH ACTION RECOMMENDED Good Roads, Less Fire Waste and "See U. S. First" Advocated Salt Lake Clt) Aug. L'T - A ',. Trumbe of Muahcgee, fMtia.. prealdeni of the Tlggai hllsrttatm I Cogaggorclal 'Hi 'l.'SS, HI hiS Uddlc-- t. ill If ..( - iltiiviie.l an exhaustive I. VleW i.f the hlotory of the argon Ire ttoh ami rocou msndafj action rtndur th.- follow lug heatlings aanc '.form "The details of the proposed gggg "I ttie Nalional Motietarv Cgggal Noil ill Oe pres. 1 tid here and it Is Imped this Congress after lull "lisvusslon f llle subject W ithout ptelu.'lce W lii go i n i t cord i.ivoi ing the paagogad plau or siiggesiing some other plan battel sultet! to tha present gSSd ol the 11. 1 tana. "Hi e w astt "This COadtteOg at lis last h ".si.m in Kansas CltJ app .n te.i a . ..mmii,. . I.. Carefllllv Ineestiuate llle subject 01 I Ire '::.-t.' The chaii Iran ol that . ..mmittee advises me til t In IM1, thi Kir Was'.- if ihe United state.. nmojiited p. .'',( nrttltlon doHare, equal 111 amo mil I 1 the Road Waagi "The Cnited siates Oeeerglcal .srr- v esiimaies that fully Sfl per SB) Oi these pisses are from careb sstless ami jncendlarfsm. "bind roads: "tbnid count v road- w ill lead in.u.v peopU- I loitl Ihe congested cities to thi liesh inen air and sunshine, and -line Ihe Couiiii'. .il the iiiiomolilli: .mi el... 11. c hues thev will i efthil peoph ( tdtjog a school life a hur Ii life ami a social lite eipial to 'hat In Ihe efty, The loneSotueness of country heS has led maiiv awav from il. and gttleM something is done 1.. remove thi greatest OUrae of count) life, the na tion at large will surt-T and .'SiH- i.illv Ihe ll . 1 1 BYt "Reclamation ov drainauc ami lino. I pl ev fill log a in account of the noeOaeud haas ... piopertv slong the Mlsstrslpgl River ami some of its UP utarlea last o ar In the tl 'od am' averdon dlatt kits oat of the verv important measures :o be iPscn-sed here this Week is flood pre vention lo drainage or storage. Mi m hafl if this Ci-ngres f 1 i ill Louisiana and other statts mos lamely Interest' ed should pres. nt plans f r ihe ...u si.ler itlmi of this organfaml ion in the gope that a National Drainaye A. will sop e the problem which is ! more than mere local significance, "Irrigation "In the sal) .sN'sslons of this Con vress thi' " ct . f IrHgatlog reset ved great attention each yed in tabl. it the meetings in th.- inter-ntoun tain slate- especiall v at igdeti. "Throuvh the direct intluen CM of this Congrees ami ihe co-operation oi lu gsembsrs llhcl) to receive tin "i steal benefit, w . non have the National ii rlvallon tot. Under this at ui.iiv mllll. uis ot dollars have I.e. n spent Bffd man nioie nidlloas will he -,.enl Intelligent dirts lion wise ami . mica 1 dletrttMitloa of tin appro prut Uane win througa th.- infiuen of ibis iolv and He saertgl Irrigation drgv gross 1 lift real .re lit upon the ..t bjdaatarg and gceaanplieh nasi ii good to a gratefal pi op'.-. "See America t't'sl "Travel In America means gsOnAy li the ockets of hotel men. mSttlhlllls newspapers magaiiies. raiiioads. banks. tr Hey Unes. pleasure res u is. and manutacturers of mo.r curs, ll means contlnugll) better w.iu.n ronda bi'Her service to the travelum public, larger onsumpiion of home product, more business for real estate men, bankers ind professional men. more prolit to ihe farmer, mere American homes more lovallv to il , stars ami trtpe-and creatusi of at1, n gM let vent and In'ense patriotism wlthmil the artificial ethjanhsg of who, MANY BECOME CITIZENS. The Keweenaw term ot circuit court o t iled yesterday at Kale Rivet, with Judge P. H. 1 Mrlen on the In n h. Thirty-seven applicants for second .11 Izetislp papers were a. limited so that they might participate in ihe primary election tndnv. There are no . rlml nal oa'tes to he tried at this term of ceurl hut several personal Injurv esses sre to . me up for heat inn when courl U resumed lomotrow morniue TAFT BEGINS VACATION. He v.'iley, Mass. Aug 2T President I'aft 11 rived at his summer home this morning and he lost no time in pre paring for the first recreation of his belated vacation and was soon off for the golf links. : AN IN ROCHESTER, v N. V., THINKS NIGHT 18 v DAY, AND DAY NIGHT Rucheator. Aug. 27. Tin -f Aii. haei ai. LouaMIn, cas- astod V iiilv. is puzHiiik physicians ! here He tenures night 4 and ilirillg the dav .1 s di.iK Me V ab picked lip ,l t pidlOO- 4, man Og the siifet Lis. night, ! Whea lie said h" w is nti 'us ! wa t' rorhi 'it:der ti. bein-i W if Was mm, dug. At tl.nes l,e i I- lapses into an niisi ions, i an) ami V the limli ls sav he COBKI IIV". l FIGHT ON NEGRO MEMBERS OF THE DAR ASSOCIATION Milwaukee, Wis., aic. ; Pkcther r.egl'o law vers Inieifl. r will In- ad milted as members was the chief sub ,ie. t before the t near long Bar gsssoclu lion. Win. h opened ls annual mit t lag hare today. The aeetioH grow lg a specia! lep rt ol tin . v itie 0WB title, h" larlng "although n gag baea a pin. tic, .a ihe association to tied olil. White met: gg mSgnbSTS bares aagraes Inctudtag BHitara U. Levis, assist. IH I'llited BtgtCS .tttot ne) general haxe he n seuti-l bv tile . ..minute. in Unman e Oi then rath) The pnaaailtii i therefore ha- res luded Ms action gad, BleWhsfl Hi" BIOS tote, main a- nominees fo membership nshn the satire association to vote on tin- anaatssa Xttott'ev I'.eiietjl '.'icl;.'i sham an nounced he nOUM f!:ake a W 1011011 1 BgfiM ugamst the atii-mpi to unseal Leorls am! tin- other angve Issaryera. Opposition to the recall .l judges ami to aa) legfatertoa affecting th" ples.-nt tenure of iUl,gi III olhce, is evpressei' in a report prepared fog pie. sentaiion t the as-, elation Tile association adopted a leso! at ion leiiirinK thai heleaf;er. w In n ai gi'o attorn. -vs applv for membership, thtlr lac,, must he made known ii. the ap plit at ion. WITH NEWLYWEDS ON TRIP Pastor to Travel '3,000 Mdes as tjust of Couole He Is to Marry. I .miK Ri uch, "al., ug -'" "I hi go ing ti.000 mil.s to ph ase a vounn v man," deri:ud Rev. Dan Tiandlc pastor of the Highland Park i 'heist ia n church, ar the lose of the session of iii.- gggeenb!) hate When asked to ixpl:yn. he n he was going to Columbia, Mo. to I" rfoTM tin- eeveagan) mahlng .Marvin gaurtet .i I' ii l.i i f. Chi, ami Dr. Han i" CllttteO of Washington, hi . husband and wile Tin teeaea) is to take pis tl the home of the bride's parnts, in Uta- solll I Mr. Trim. lie is t be the gueat of ihe hrldsgroam front be ami baoh aK..m. The trip will include fan m i - un I . ' and the gl salens hmder coming bach with Ihe bride ami Btidegr n Sartor, wh. is a jniini; ranch "W .a r to the Berth of Dos Aimeles. insists on making the trip a vs cat Ion fo the preacher. Che bride wrote thai if was a "whim ' of hers that Dr. Tl unu'e whom she calls "Uncle Dan. otl late ut her wo idtng WILL HAVE PURE MILK. Chicago, III., Alii.'. .'T. The pasi. ur izatlon of all of ChlPggo'S milk supplv trait eoaasg rrosa tea not approved bv tiie health commissi. a. er required I.V a lew clt ordlnaii.e Hint came In- to force in Chicago tsia Phyalelni i alUi health eXUiTts 'tf of the opinion that a sliiel elifmct -meiit of tl r- din.. me will result In a material de . pgaat a infant mm talitv . LAWYERS BEGIN MEETING. Milwaukee. Wis.. Aug. :7. The an nual mcettagj of ih. American Bar Is gpOtBtlOh was opened in this citv to- nay, ami ein be txn tinned hhrongii loinotiov and Thur-alav. PreeMeal B. s. Glagxsr of CfnYage caHed the uuiii itIuk to order ami tfettveved In- iB nu. ii a hlrt'ss before all attentlence f saiatai hundred emit .1 1 ropreeeeita lives ol the bench and bar uf the I lilt ed Stales ami Canada WM. WILLIAMS PASSES. William Williams a slmtlc man. died In- immune alter .. short ill less. He vvas aged JT I 'omplh a I ions following exposure ale glVSB SS ill cause. He Is survived by his father anil several brothers and sister-. Fu neral arrangements have not vet bBOg tompb'ted. The deceased was born and raised In Calumet ARRIVALS Or THE STORK. Mr. ami Alts. - dv lim n ,, K.'iir sarge nr.- Ihe parents of a i lUghB r A son h is arrived at the home ol Ah ami Mis .la oh I elto of 'elti I1I11..I Heights. Miss Mrice .I'.sev. assistant at the Cslumet poslofltce all.) Miss Ml"nle Macl i .mil. I .-'mi . i Mo 1 ..nit inin postofflee, have relurnetl from a three vseeks Mslt to ijiiet Montreal mil the Th iusan.l lalandi K M. Turner, ot We York, invtiit. i of the dictograph hss invented an eleclr.islet hos.ope which registers Mill transmits the throbs of the heart am' so will be ot great value lo surgeons In operative cases. Newfoundland population now to tals 82.000. 1 904 LETTERS ARE GENOINE STATES T. R. Roosevelt Takes Exception to Statement They Were Not as Represented m mm m mm Wants Parker and Sherman in cluded in Oil Money Probe TO MAKE CLAPP LETTER PUBLIC v -lei (lav. Aim. Col. Roosi - veil desires to bring the names .-! -ton ft Parker ami Vice President Sherman into tin- laflahTjr oi campaign contributions, antherhsed ay tfea sen ile I', n rose resolution. t s.u.i he will pine theii names before the Sen ate committee in a letter to t'lapp. This lefig, upon which th I'olmiel Is at work, embodies some of the things v. hich BO would have hsBttftgd tt ves terday bafOOC Hie iommitlee had It granted him a hearing "I shall Include in my letter to I'lapp," said the ex - president . the let ter I vv.-oie to Parker, in IgOg, ami my letter In Jim Sherman mi the Harrl Bsaa contributions. I think they a. pertinent to the inquiry and I waul to vet them on record." The nllege.1 assertion that Rooavelt'a letters of Qctobea ii and '7. iPOi, and his telegram ot QetOhor, -f. IgOt. to Cortelyou, "were written for the record." will not go unchallenged, ntd Roosevelt. "Some one may have beard me gg th"Se letters Will be put oil record, oi this will establish the record of my attitude, hut It certainly was not to be Inferred from Ihis remark (I goal nv that 1 did make it. hui I may have) that thev- vv ere written solely for the record. Thev- are genuine letters, expressed just what I watiiel and ex ptessed when I litst heard the report that tgW Standard Oil CO. had contrib uted, or wanted to contribute. I" my campaiun." Roosevelt said he Imped to llnish his letter to t'lapp helnle he d.iia'le.l al midnight tomorrow on a t hree-d i lampalKn Hip in A'ermont. The letter win be made public ag BjeosSrveK, probably at an hour short!) after if should he received kg Chapp. Hearst's statement in foBdon on Sun. lav funis Uoosev elt still u mulcting wha letters Hearst has lo make pub lic on the aitagad Standard nil contri butions. if Hearst would let mo know, with in a or h year and a half, of the dale the letters were written and to V hum thev were written." the i 'olonel said. "I would make them public my self. Anyone cm ciat. how dif ggaall it would be for me to go through my entire corn spondencs for a num ber of years to Inn' a letter in which 1 referred to this matier. It would he a H Willi nfloiia. un lerlaklng. I do not think 1 ever wrote to Sibley on this matier. although l may have done so. 1 , an I find any letter to him.' CHANGE AT ST. MAR VS. Rev. Fr. Parenti Leaves fnr New York. Fe. Anicetc to Return. Vnnonncengent hns been m ole of a changi of r!isl..rntc n; the St. A'nv s tnlhta hur :, ro c. Pr, Parenti, vvh.. has hnd thargg r th aartoh for the past two Mars has left re New Yorx where he ept -ts to It ale am' RV, Pr. Anlce'o. r. rmerl. past, r of the church, who his BOOO awav from th copper ennntn for the last car. lnt ing which time be visited In Italv. will return this vv.ek to tike up the pastorate A bib the members if the church, regret the fiiBOflUr of ROT, Parenti. thev fee! fortunate ;n h.-n-r.e been able to BOOtlfO ro SjhlS a pro l as Pr, Vni -eto. who made main fn. nils hi-re limine the lime he was In i barge ii is pi aba hat a Mice of sttssoon services wll be atrftngei! for the Si Mnrv's churv h durlnc the tail months. Plans are now in ine worked DOi MV wards this end ami some af tin fat most priests in this llstrbt probably vlll he hrmtghl IS r.aluniei to assist in tho get vitin SCHOOL READY SEPT. 10. Conliaate Rdward t'ls. th st.ite.i t. dav thai work ..n tl"' m w K.mle Riv -er sehtvil proh.'lb'v WOlMd be ...m pteted bv Sent 1" S- hool ssnma Hi'! I" resumed u Club Havel Sept. rt. In the nwm i mnomrll) occu pied after the school hmme w.i de strove.l bv lire last srrinr. Tin ni bntldlng is a two re im frame rtruc Iut, e.iiipHi with all mndeiti .m iii in . ... -ii mi he-it in.. iietn plumb ins and s good water surply.