Newspaper Page Text
tar (falumrl -Xcuis d'MUKK OK THK AtiK K I I U ' litKflH AiX HiDAYM NKWH T111C WJiATIIKR Tonight fair ami warmer. Friday prof. aid. showera. VOLUME XXI. CALUMET, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGU8T 29, 1912. NUMBER 2V WOMAN WITH TWO KNIVES AWAITS TAFT Taken in Custody in Columbus Hotel Just as President and Party Arrive WANTED TO PUNISH EXECUTIVE Daclartd She Was His Wift and Mad it in For Him WEIL DRESSED AND HAD MONEY Columbus. O., Aug. .'! Pn Tatt, accompanied l In- btothei Harm Xj. Taft, arrived this mornln tj attend the continental celebration. Politicians fl 111 all over ill-- fi.n ked t the i-itv it t'i tlWll in tin hope ot confabs with Taft The pieal- ilcflt'n ililif itldriH: (oliluhl will he al the hcnn lift ol Mm Ohio Ititr gnggedjB lion. Ills speech w 111 imt be on pull tic. Tsft's "A.fs" Await, Htm. .dumbos, O., Aug. 29. Cundlr.e Pfffi, aged forty, who said she I -ii, -in Ol -1 1 v i II i 'hlii, was arrested ai the Southern hotel today. vhile wan ing fat President TafL Two long i.nno- Hr. t Mind mi hN lothing. 'lilt? aomnll sitd'ahe Was ttV Wlf nl !!' president Mrs. iu-hih aatil she wail k""ik 10 pun inn the president sin- mil noticed yesterday gftemt .i-nul the hotel and emploves that he was wall in a for the president. I have h Macred knife foi President Taft," she told a detective when ar rested. Tha woman did not gel near the president, hut wua found and rushed . ,,i ..r ih.- hbtal inst a tin- presidential 1 arty arrived. She was found In one of the nbjpei Boors mm .in elavator, in Which It Waf expected the presl dent would go to his ap.n tmeiits. one of the knives found In her clothing was a long keen III oh-. I tttai: on the handle of which a plctUT of Resident Taft had been photograph ed. The woman was well clad. A roll of two humiieii dollars wai found in net clothing T. R. at Bennington, Vt. RentwnKton, Vermont, Aug II 1 'ol Roosevelt arrived here it dav (Or three day a campaign tt-ur Tha ah l ion - DOM I in x i W. dues. lav U. 9. 18 GREATEST 'PHONE NATION ; Haa 14,000,000,000 CALLS PER YFAR HERE .Boton, ur. W. -According to Hk- mea coini lied h tin Mini an Til earaph Telephone Co., there ayr .OOO.OOO.OOO telephone .al'.- hr.uivii out the world dm Ins; 111. I t tttM to tal the United State hud aomethtuu i fag H. DOO (lOn (Mia or M pf i-etit. The year I Ml aJ a7t,9t9.H tle Hian sent in the world, but ! I'uil rd St ilea uaed only 17 per t ent of Qm total. i he arofld'i InvMtmam in tal6phoni property g now 0VP Pl,7lT,if0,0ei MM ihe hum e.nly MtralnM f SS9,tf, niiO The average earn nu pal 1.1' i'h.n -la $3211?. WEDDING AT TAMARACK. Mia Marian H. J ana ia tha Brida of Gaorga Chapman. The inanlaKe ol MlM Marion H June. .1.1 ii v, lit .T ot Mr in I M's Alfred l,,u. id o I I'hestllUt MfMt, 'I'atn iiiack. to deorRe Chapnuin waa aol . ,,n,i. d Mfp Rat i ' M Merrill, panto r ih.- Tamaraek M. R ehiitch. In the praajattc of a large number of t1 frtendH and relatives of the bride ami gtOOln ut the home of the brides par enta at O'ftoCM l81 BVNlg- Miss Mum) ! Mil Mm hmM al honor nMa 1 1 1 groom was attended by hia brother, Arthur chapman. Miss Harriet Chapman played M.-nd-l-aohn'a wedding march is the bridal party entered. Following the core many n wedding dinner was aerved Mr. and Mis Chnpgaan raoalrad l.irge number of useful wedding pret entf. They will make their home on Florida street. Laurlum. SCOTCH LASSIES POPULAR. Many Proepective Bi idea Arrive on Ocean Steamehipa. New York. Aua. l!H Judglna ii the fieuuency of their arrival In large par tlea. Scottish lasales ire populat is brides In aonie sections of tin (ai wool In similar proportion to that on nim pravloui ovagcs of Anchoi linen 19 per cent of Ihe MM! odd passi-ngers on the steamer Columbia. Just In from Ctlaagow, were young Scotch women All announced them lws bound !'" 1 tftOUN western statea aa brides-to-b, f prosperous farmers. Americana are Investing heavtlv In a $15,000,000 syndicate to exploit South American railrrmds. : EATS H j POUNDS OF MEAT, 19 ROLLS, ll CUPS OF COFFEE ft New Yoik, Aug. i'V. Not- v wtthafiiiidiii the high prli a of meat, the local R. .ubh. an club v at ita omnia. OR Long Island v today Indulged hi the costly pastime of u beefs-teak eating ''. contest ldeillcin Liank Dota- lei Hoping the scales at 381 v i iiuiiil I. .-roie ihe l onti t -'aim- ly won the event by eating lVi v J pun mix of ,i in-r house IH rolla, 1 and II . ui. o coffee. A i loae 4 act wild was Mack" piobs pounds lUhttr than hla victor, sV whi matte awa- Mith T. p'ninda of meat. 11 rlla and 1 4 i-ops of . uffea. "J 4 ANNIVERSARY OF SECONO BATTLE OF BOLL RUN ia-ivrti,n, Vt Aug. 2. Th Putty third H Mialioii YlraliUa Cwvalry, Army ot Noiihein irginla better known aa Mi-shy's mer.' who Won 'jme during Ihe rl ll wnr through their raid on (he Feibiul outposts and lines ui . -an munh rttioii hi Id their nineteenth an nual reunion loSnj on Mai field where the second bi-tlle of lull Run waa fOU BM ust ftrty ears ago. Th stirr ing stories of the war wer.- retold, i.onga were sung ami spe-ches wee made b the old omrada. An old lashioned dlMnei was ser,- Ihe ete rans b the Mull Run Chapter of the Untied Doajghters of the CuufaMMgall The members of Mosb s Imitation once numerous in I his sen ion of Vlr gluSSi 1 iiunl now little Rsota than a handful, but ii " ggrvlvora expres- tsefi .It lei inlnatloii to hold then leunlons as ong a a alimle one la left it Is it geni-iall.N kno-Aii that this I -nils lion of navalri was the last iiodv if Cos f. d. rati iroop-i in Virginia to lay down It was not until three week .itter hud surrendered that I. Mosby dishaudiMl the kroOffJOTI who ha-i ii-lb-wed his fortunes. Of lata yeara Col. M sl has never attended a re union of his men. owing ta hla ante l-atri to public gatherings of Vr) k'l d MONUMENT TO HEROES. la Unveiled on Newtown Battlefield t Eimira( N. Y. PimiM, .. Y.. Aug. "H -on the Naw town battlefield, where .. little gaVMl of RavoMrUadnO soldleis led by Gen. ffttin Sullivan deteated the Indian end allied Tor loi. .-i nndei .lo.-ih l:i mot one hundrad '"' thtrty-thrta rosea aafa oda, thefe was unveiled this aii.i noon, in the aajanaekM of pntrlotlo thou-H.ind- a halidaoiiie nn niiinoit in -m-inenioi atlon of their alor Last year ihe -w Yoik leaialaluie id rSSiSM tO ai iuire the. site and ad ioinlng lands lor a battleground park upon which ihe inoniimoni has btvii icted. The unveiling was catried out on i scale ol considerable noiup and cite mony, mllitarv ami pattiollc aocletle. unit.nv to mnka it a day not aoog to be forgotltn. Covernor )Hx and hi nl Hi were anioiia tin- honol t d khoiIs ol tin- aogaglon. s antaa John i . Murt agh presided UVel tile UN ni of the speakers was- I. J nd Sulllxan ol tloston. a descendal.i ol lien. John Sullivan. HAS GREAT MILEAGE. Chicago &. Nortlivwestern Leads the West of Chicago Lines. Cnicago, Auk. is. n "-w dnya th annual report of the hicago A: Noilli western will be Issued. It will show ihat Worth waaterw Hnoa have Mai g eatest mileage of an svstetn w. a it Chlcaiio. The mileage of tha svstem. July 41 this year, Is 10. out, an increase .-l alight! over reran! -four miles during tin- vear civered ov the report I In Northwestern svstem In luJes the i una ha road. The report also will show that the pgaaxiigar aarnMMa of MM road have -. i ised over the ories-pondlng pe riod ending .lulv lll SPENT NIGHT OF TERROR. Lahgnin Ohio, Aug. 2! Connnu niialion with Ihe outside World was i, Mi, i -I today after the people of this place and adjoining territory, apent a night of i.-noi b.-cnuse of a cyclone, wind and llahtnltig and heavy rain storm There was no loss Of life, but the BSanclal MSi M main thoiiaaiids. PANAMA TOLO IT MUST PROTECT CITIZENS OF U. S. Washington. Aiii, - Kmpl atlc de gfBSdg upon the I'anamu aovernment to control the Panama a police and put u end ta gioas brutality with whieh Aineilc ins, soldieis. s liiors and civil ians have been treated, have been ' sued by tne American state depan nt It is chatded that the native police .in rery much set ajuiust Am gftjeSa aw Jackets pai IIUNMIf and .ire In the hildt .a shooting u.d slab bini; them a Iht slightest sign of re sistance to arrl Brooklyn, N Y. police aro to under go thorouarh graft investigation. WAR CAUSE OF COSTLY LIVING David Starr Jordan Makes Out Strong Case For Peace in Splendid Address FOUR BILLIONS SPENT YEARLY Has Men Steady Rise of Taxes to Meet the Expense Rait Lake Citv. Aim. i David Starr Jordan, president of Staitfoni. Ji . I iiiwi-iu. dis u -.-id lie Cusa AgHlllht Wal before the delegates the Tians Mtssu-alpm oinmei-.ial Congress. He declargd that the greatest loaa to a nation trom war waa not the unre turning brave." but those who mtgni have been but never were." Ml Jordan said in parr "The aim of the peace movement is to dg its part to keep unreiiscumg an get out of the councils of the grarld The absence of unreasoning a inter be tween nations is the be inning oJ peace. Ilul out ideals of peuo- . r not met bv bankruptcy armed to the teeth, the state of Kurope today. Internutloriul peace means . mutual l.-spect .hi. I mitt. al tiust. a olid II loll in which in. andars Una between tales Is not a line of suspicion anu hate, hut, like the boundaries of piov iniea, a convenience In ludiclai and admiblatraiiy e adtuatmenta " "Such u boundary aa this Is fourui In the four-thousand mile line whl h fccp i rater. Canada from the United :ate. an uiidifeiided bolder wulch lor near ly a bnndroil yeorg has not known a lortreas nor a warship nor a Miin. There is nothing of which ihe two North American netlqui have a gi eater right M be gjrOUd than this boundaiv of trust and - ootid, n. Ur. Jot dan r viewed the hlatorv of wats and ihe monev lenders who made i lie-in possible ' him in he aunt To control it Is not necesiauiy to own We find the ditteieine in our Aiitei i. an problems of rallvvav manage tnetit. Aa one may control g rillwav without own Mil It, so may one loutrol likewise a nation. It is ne -iss uv only to control Its debts, or i. thei Its de mand for more debt. The iaM al bl rope, rnostlv fm war and wai unpl inents and mostly coiitiacti-d in the last atxo yean, has been controlled not owned bv dual Consort mm' id iiankers, b the sixteen to t unm a families the Itothschllds at their band, who constitute the fjnaaan Dganira Finance." Cuniliig down to the coat, the apeak er gfSSI to show that without war tuxes each man COtttd have his In. use ii,.,., were t tu- mono) lo uaed is such faehton The annual expenditure of the wi-rld on armies and navies it. these times ot peace, he said, passes M. ooo.twu. mm every year. Continuing ins arsngnant, Dr. Jgrdan i i.i it is by the coadtttom of the - am moa i"h Hi t the pnoaperll ) nl ill n" lions should bt naennured. U ' aul the status of the banker, the trader, the landowner, the ,rdes. n-nal men. the ur.lvelsltV. the thealel. th HU aOefSr, which determines the ptnoa ol the nation Almost the whole story of th. i-lse of the cost of living is told ill the storv of the rise at taxes for w ;u debt .iii-l war .imminent. the whole re eipis earned and i nm! of all Ihe people of the United Stale.-,, by far the richest niti.n on enrtfe, barely serve to pav Ihe Mil for v h eX penaes of the world, for this year. The rich men ot the world can BO lone j find gain in war. The want BO more of It. "The biggest portion of the address was devoted to the support of the as sertion that war look Ihe best bl I l anv countrv, her young and fearleaa men and th.'t i nlv cowmiiIs lein.nned. and from their tinted came forward new gdWOTatlew who hold MM hlato-y ,.f Ihe nation in their grasp To war the apaajfeav blamed the de leriot ation of the Kurope. m i acal "Where Is ihe country svpilre of Kngllsh life and KgglMMj battoryl Whete are his rosy chewed and strong limbed datiKhters When- In deed ia the typical John Hull of tha lime I oied eartpOn? W hy is it that three Of four some sa tlasen mil lions of Kngllshmen are unable toekin a decent living, or any llvin at all In i :iik i.i mi lode i T Why is 11 that these same unem phajfed -re found unemMoyable In t an ada. In Australia, agT wherever ihey mav go? Why Is II that the tendency In all uverage pb steal standards la downward, while the standards ot the best aie always growing higher ' The answer ilea in the reversed selection of war "Its effects an; fmind In Rnglandand everywhere else where strength and courape have been rewarded by gl r and evtln.ilon Kngland haa ex changed her country sipilres t-a Mm memorial tablet. "More than for all who have fallen In battle, or were wasted In th campa Knrland should mourr 'the fair women and brave men' that ahould hive been descendants of her strong tnd manly men. if wo may paraomf; VERIFIED ' ' lOanyrtabU iaaaaa GOLDEN STREAM IS FLOWING OUT! See America First Would be Ad vantageous to U. S. (salt Lake I'ln, Auk. J. W K. I ley, ..r l)en.r ifstdresalng the Pian M.tsiaMppl Canafeaa, spoke iu part a, follows: "The llnlleil States govcrniiu n thraajgh a ogpefajM) conducted Iiumvu of atatisiics. baapa coanl ot all out -"in- and I haunting paanengera on o ean-bound vessels i mm the various pons of this i ounit v "Py cOBSnMlna theae statistics, we find that during th. i-ar hoi. Mjp.aoo persons sailed from the ioiim ,,f iheve United BSatee to foreign c,, unlink. Krom a furthei etoaalllreitton of tSeao outward-bound passengers, we ssarn ihat hair of the r eSf.SSS.amo under the designation of cabin passen gers whi, travel, as tourists for tn, inn pose sjafVeMaedjyMpi aaes swsne dbs ing. if we allow for anon of these 400, eSi lasegyh ifeaaiiid ujasMMa aa aspand lure of tl.lltfit which 1 am told Is be low the avci in. i u their It in abroad, we shall liavt, as the total expeiidiiun of Anieit-an citizens in toieign lands tor the vear the staggeliim sum ol llgjSyOMiSSS "The vast sum sp.-n-t lust year b Americans traveling ibn ad w i I ad badly at homo Mgsiiaaa has not been so nood in my iiuurte, that we can afford to bestow this genet ana bounty on foreiKn lands, however n ly th v may be Railroad." need it an.' hotels need it. and every business in terest suffers i.e. ause of this eOOBM gal drnnv "And while these conditions obtain ai home w bare the Nrvdame derived from travelers' fare is neeMau tor the ihntiaand aaee to which it is put to de velop this great redan which you gala .ates rapraaenl -there is Mowing aul of this country u golden stream that is increasing in volume year by yeat. "The bulk it this vast sum spell' In loreign travel would be Hpenl In this Trans - MissisMppl regi ui ii tour ists wen- parsuadad that i hex ougnt to see America first before going abroad. Kvery dollar spent out f this Count r) is gone and lost for.-v er to ihe Infinite harm of the gteu: tnimi of the Ti ans- Mlasisalppl. Here is an otiomlc quoatloa to (Oantlnued on iJage i n e i OVER 18.000.00C WORD8 IN CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Washington, Aug. -,. Th.- How T "gab" at Ibis s. ssion i Congn ss ii.ts surpassed all n nrds. Never In the his tory of this laghdatlve body nas mob a volume of oratory been nroduced. The figures demonafrate thai dur ing the present session a ppr. . ini;-te!y I vt, 11(10, lino wolds have been ttoiied lilt, the t oiivreasional Reciinl. The sUe ol that volume has grown to 19,903 pagea. The session nas contliMied Mli days. Other sessions have been longer and many bava ceiuldared matters ol more imp.atan en, bill none has shown snr-li a r. ckies., use of t.-,. printii.K i owei The list session of the Fifty -first Congress which sssed the AI. Kinl. larlff set, Is the ?ie ires! spprnai h to the record ot this session. That pension existed tal das and the nvord gr w lo ll,rvtS pages The second session f tin l-'ifty -third Cangreea, which r ran tiled tin- Hfdans tlorman t u id a I. exlsw.l :'. da v s an I the K. .-id comprised 10. ?H paae-i T!.. first aaaalon ihe Plf Metb Onnsreei eontle i fm t i days, hut me h i i oniv povered I9.1M pages. What is known as the wai Congress ihe second session o Ihe Fifty -ilfth. issled tun i iaVa, and Ihe Record showed tin i '''' pa".-. the spirit ot the nation, BnglanJ "hould most grieve, nt over i. t returning brnve Imt over those n.i might have en never were, those who to long is history Uats can no si be." EARTHQUAKE THIS MORNING Felt in Calumet and Suburbs. Min ers Slightly Hurt What IS believed to have been all earthquake was OBperlenepd .n CW'U met at 8 io this morning. For m v.i seconds the i utli trembled, and build ings shook, tin- territory affected pSPanti) beinn ull of Calumet north of Osceola and a.tith of Keirs-ug. from Tamarack to the east end ..: I.auriiuu In some install, i. cvp pipes arare dlajolnted and artlc'es scat leled abciit the rooms An far SS can be ascet tained. the POTtage Ulite. 'lorio Lake towns and Kcweanau county were not offei ted. Th.- ahocb was fell by th.- umt. : ground as well as ih,- ojrfac worken reports trom aa low us the Ifgh level of tha Red ' " bat enafl and Horn the u-lth level of the He- la mine ttating jjliat it Was tell ill trolli ol these pluce: live trammels were sliahtli Inguicd by loosened ground in the No I shift of the Tamata-k Mine BBal ope uun.-i Walti r Chapman, suffered BChtU wounds, oatisnd b) faQIns ground in the N... shaft of the Tuinarack mine. Another trammer was butt sllvhtly In this shaft. The fact thai so wni- tatrltar was affected, p met lead I nraciudea the naaarbldt) f an air blast, to grMeh the tremors wete first attributed. In UM opinion ot miniiie, men, It was an earth-piake. S-verul pillar.- were shaken down from tin- sidewalls .. the itali ill hall and a window was bioken in an ad raining dwflllng. it is believed ti.- greatest she k was f.-it in th- north west pait ol Ited l.tcUet MUSSELMAN'S LEAD IS 1,987 May Require the Full Returns to Show Who is Winner Detroit. Mich., Aug. '29. With com plete ii partial returns limn seventy three counties in bUjChlgnn, the plu rality ot Amos S Musselmati over K. c. bfartrndale tor tin- ptopwbllenn nom ination for governor Is 1.HX7. Of the ten missing counties, four are In the ansae penhdrala -Alger, iron. On tone gon an I Luce, in most of which Mar III. dale is likely to run past Ids (irand Rapids opponent and six are in the lewer peninsula. The latter are Al legan and St. Joseph, both populous counties whi. h may be , -minted to go for Musselmati. and Montgomery, Ot sego, Oscoda ami RodBoMNMon, all small counties where Martitul.ile s chances may reasonably be considered the better. The teturns from ninny of the coun ties WhlCh have been heard from are incomplete and It will Irf all likeli hood take the full returns from theae to show who Is the winner. As It stands now, Musselman. being In the lead, has apparently ihe better of It, but so small Is Ids margin that a few Manges may turn the tide. The re turns from the latge-l two counties In ihe stale -Wayne, which is Marti n cale's In me. end Kent Mich. Is Ifna-M-iinan's home bailiwick -.ire aJI In. p.. thai no radical hdtuyeg mav i h-i.ked for. ANOTHER FINE CONCERT. The Calunot A Hecia band gave one of Its pleasing concerts last evening al Ihe North Kears.uge location which v. is heard by hundreds of music lov ers. One of the features ol t lie pro gram was a euphonium s,,l.. bv Harry R King, entitled 'The Mot) Cltv It l-ionght fottll I d.-seived .Hole All gf Ihe numbers were played with that preclaion and musloal ability for whlcji the band is famous. NORWAY'S FINE HIGH I- SCHOOL IS BURNED AT LOSS OF 175.000 TODAY. 4 : Norway, Mich . Aug. IS.' The local high scnooi so' to he one H of Ihe best cepuipped III the up- V per panlneula, burned today. ! Th- loss Is 8cm nty -five thou- ! sand dollars. The insuiance is thirty-live thousand. ...,., .... - . ...... . . , . . r r c T ")r r t TV VT r . . T r THOUSANDS ATTEND THE FUNERAL OF 000TH TODAY London Auk Th. funeral today ot '.en. ia! Booth, the I .under if the l-: lv tttoB Amu, was made tlie i c cusion for .me of the greatest ... mon sti .ln.n ..f o kind thai l...inloi has in 'ears . Thuusands ( iiiembets -,i tin- nraahlsafiOnt Includlnn i-iLctlcallv mII of tMe high ullicsjri in the United Klm-iKm and n the Con t0ani, toulv pari in the fuin-ial pi.-. ts felon -from ii.,- internal oiial bendtttSft pjgg It: i, li-en Victor' i Su . .-' lo Ihe railvav station The burial w is in the lamiiy pbl in tbney Park enwrery, Hi Stoke New rngton. SAUERKRAUT FESTIVAL. Unique Event Is CelebrcteH at Ackley. Iowa. Today. Ai kb-v Iowa. Aug Saner Kn ot Pay," an annual festival in Ackley, vva .t 'el. rate, todd) with an attend ance of Mora than IS.SSS visitors, of whom every man. woman and child (i.l 1 1 lis or her till of In- , i-.raii: . n.1 wieners. Free entertainin- i Is of all kinds wen- ;.ivi n throuuhnut the day. A dOnSH barrels of kraut and 1.000 pounds of w ten. rw urst were ooBSmnad at the fT inner, whi.h was one of the bin features of the dav Atttletii cutest., and in anv other BttrsOtloni hlleil in the program. Tin xe bii doings were all because the cabbage ctop tills year is fullv up to th. ex - I tations of the growers, and A. kit expects to makt emuigh kr iut to sup ply a large s-ction of the countrv next a inter. MARKERS FOR ALL TRAIL. Put In Place Todsy In the Pfke's Pmr Region. Colorado Snrinns. ' 'olo Aug. '"' Tin old Uta Peau Indmg trail, wliieh wan found by Ihe first white v'stt .r to the PSWa Penk reuion, is m coinni--inoi:ited with nnuble gmrhaW w h' ii Were put in pine today with - . rem, .nn s a ppropr ia 1 1 to th, .s-casion The pla ing of the murkets was :i t' a tore in connection with the Cojomdo Splines carnival anil was w 1 1 1 i - . by an crowd. Unohg the iar- Id pantS in the cefeinoiii.s MM a band ot si vral scon of I t, Indians Ir-itn the h' reservation. CLOVER LEAF OFFICES. Headquarter i of Road Removed Fiom Chicago to Toledo. Toledo, o. Aug. -W. 'inlay saw the removal of the genet a I OtAOOa Bl tin Toledo. St. Loins ami Western I, nl road from Chicago t-i this .nv. The change, which is otic of th- n suits of tin searalloi of the Clove. I.. .if" svstem from the ChSflBBJO ind Alton, brings 0 Toledo Bhnnl ilitv ..f tin road s principal officials m.i I. a it sub ordthatee:. ll is r"poi ted 'ii railroad circles that the chanue in In iilnuarters and the general ahasSe-ttp MUOBg the high ofncMle w ill ), followed al oey by the beginning of a . igomus cam paign ta linn-asc the trail!- of the toad. D AR ROW TRIAL OCT. 21. Date Set for Hearing Second Briberv Charge Against Attorney. Los Angeles. Cal Aug M ci,n eti.e c. ivirrow, radenll) ngqultted ol in tiling MeoaBjs N Uaokwond, w in " to trial on i ict .'1 on ,i set-on I iinli ; men!, charging bribery of Ronafi It iin one of tlie jurors In the McNgnulrn case. The trial date was set 00 Tin s day by l'tesldiiii: .Iu U.- Willis ot the Superior court. .IiuIk,. Wiltis also an nouneed that he would iv- out with in ft few days the name of the Judge v ho will preside at the trial. Inas much as all of the twelve Bupatioi court Judges of Ln Anireles county have declined to serve, it is expected that some outside Judge will be c, tiled in. EASY JUSTICE IN CUBA AROUSES MUCH INDIGNATION Havana. Aug. IS, The release again last night ol l'.nriUe May.a has at- us ed meat indignation in Aim-n an ami foreign Btrclsa heie. Allh-uigb lit! was re-arrested vesterday on lite charge d aoaaultlng Hugh ;tis.-'i Amerb an charge d'afl'alrs, the Juo let him g" on bail on the BUTt 1 1 oi J'.Ofl, the lowest amount dent': evn in . .is, ot common assault. was done in spite of the fa ; QlhaoTi had be. n ml. -lined bv t' conrt that no ball Would be I'llowed and the a- ggggej would k pi la jail. Ojlsnoa la accordance with insli uctions Tr -:u Washington .todwv will hnlge a v kM ous protest and demand the cv , punishment of the MsailanL LONG CHASE FOR ROBBERS IN STREETS Detectives in Automobile Pursue Hold-up Men in Another Car in Chicago MANY SHOTS ARE EXCHANGED Much of Shooting Done in Most Fashionable Districts STREET CAR PREVENTS CAPTURE t'hlcago, Aii'. I'M - lir eidht mile', ulmig ihe most fashionable thorough f.-.res rf Chicago, three robbers In an automobile early today Bpg in front of two detectives In another machine, and exchanged a scute ,. shots with the pursuers, final!) a street car blocked (he defectives',- and enable,) the robbers to esiu.e. Tin- robbers had just finished plun dering citizens at CheinUn rOBd and Bnene ayanue whan dkwovorad by tin- who pressed a passing oiit-i- mobiie into service, Tin- chnae lad past much of the route familiar la grill pie Wllo 'ill lionize ".seeing ChtOBgo" ve hicles. Home of the si tine took gence while the) vera whirling south near the big statue ot den era Qgns! in Lincoln pat k and more followed In front of a long row of palatial homes along the lake shore drive where Bac reiary McVeagh and Mayor Harrison n side. Hotels along- the Michigan boulevard ware right in line of ilmbi. and with in ear shot of the popping revolvers, All the bullets went wild. PAYS C'TY DEBT FASTEST. Washington Made $1,501,687 Reduc tion Lsst Year. Washington. Aug IAThia pity la getting out Of debt :. isi.t than any other . ity la the tlhfted States. Information places before the com missioners of the district todav show ed the total paymenf on the debt last yant taneemtad to ULSe 1,997.09, It is no sacral that the local au tnorltlaa believe the district s Irsdabt- edness is being reduced at too rapid B rate. The retison for the rate is to be found in small appraprlatloM by caav gress for district Improvements Tim payment ot approximate ty $t,- SliO.noo hist year toward the extin guishment of the municipality's obli gations. is said to be almost a r ol I breaket for a city the size ol the ap- stff PLAN FIGHT ON SOCIALISM. New York CsthoLc Churchss to Join in Labor Demonstrstton. New York. Auc. tt I inlet the di rection of Cardinal l-'arb-v. the Cath olic churches of New V.rk city wUl .loin next Sun lav evening in a great labor demonstration, the hist step lit a cnggpnlgn ggalnsl Socialism. Invi tations t i lake pari have been sent to more than I"". 9Si laboring men. It is de ired that fnfdlnal Parley baa ill mind the establishment of a col lege Of labor, and that he has decide I that the worklngmnn should be edu cated and his mlml trained to handle Ihe labor cause intelligent ly . Ffe 'lopes thai this move will prove to ho 1 1 solution of the labor problem In this . oiintry. FIRST THEFT OF AEROPLANE. Advsnced State of Aviation Proved by Taking of Machine Rcrlin. Aug. S9, Bv ideate of tho advanced stale Of aviation is tarnish ed by Ihe news from Munich thai the first aeroplane has been stoh n When the aviator, Here Ralat, ar rived a! his shed on the act ...home of lUi. hl- n , in iu NUinicli M lake a flight on his mnfioplane. he found SO his dismay that the ma bine had lit erally flown. It wns impossible that the oroplane should have been re moved from the grounds in anv other v.av han hy air snd the thief must have been a skilled pilot. Virions residing in the neiirhbor- n od f the aerodrome st.ite that Ihey heard the sound of an aeroplane about :' In the morning. WANNAMAKER IMPROVING. Philadelphia, Aug. -Sensational stories regarding the Illness of John Wann wnaker wen- denied todav by a member of the ranch. Wannimakor became ill ns the result of exhaustion :'tnl ex- ite. ft ol" his trip to the K.nub llcan convention In I'hlcsgYi, In which l e i deb irate, hut he is much Improved and goon will be able to at t. ml 'o business. 1l- hns not been o.-tated on Ss rumored. lulv coisaer production In tlie I'ntt ed States exceeded L5T.t")0, oe fnjpndSj