OCR Interpretation

The Calumet news. [volume] (Calumet, Mich.) 1907-1938, August 30, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86086633/1912-08-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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hz (Kuhtmzl
MK MIH.lt OK I 1 1 '
Hall! tonight. Saturday
probabl.v I ii
Republicans are Working Hard to
Maintain the Normal 6.0. P.
Plurality in State
Democrats are Hopeful of the
Success of Their Ticket
Moninelier, Vt, Aug 80.- The tlrnt
ol the state lantioni to be held tin
sear I'unifn BOM Pueedoy, when Ver
mont will elect a Kuwrnnr ami other
state officers, representatives in t'oti
greaa and member ol tin- legislature.
Politicians have been wint to regard
the Vermont elections in pivslileiiti.il
years as the straw which indicates
which Wi the political wind Is hlow
ii. g If there is an outpouring 0 the
Republicans ot the state next Tuesday
Tatt men will lejoice it there i
simply a sufficient representation t
give u iiinioiitv not much in ex.es
of ah on Ve.n lent the opposition
u i ura II will rind mm h en, oursfgO-
Itculiy.ihg the fight Ihev have ahead
o them this -.ear. the Republican
have redoubled their effort to main
tain the normal Itepublican plurality
Because of the slghiflcaii w Inch that
plurality has been shown to hue with
respect to the result ill Nnvembei
throughout the country, the Vermont
Rtpuhli. aiis have received the assist
.Hue .t the national organisation to an
txttnt never befora known. The same
Is trn of the Denrp. rats and Pro
Progressives A Active.
During the present week Colonel
Roosevelt haa stumped the QroOfl
Mountain state Numerous othet
Progressive capalgners have been
heard. The thud part leadera found
much to encourage them In the n
suits of the plumules OOXl) last sum
mer for the selection ot delegates to
the Chicago convention A month ha
lOfg the primaries it appeared that
Taft would have no opposition so far
as the Vermont Republicans were con
ei lied Ami vet when the ,,mveii
linn nu t the Taft and Roosevelt tones
lined up with about even strength
Kver since the Chicago convention the
Progressives have been actively at
Work. They hope to cut down the Re
publican plurality to I minimum poinr
even f they do not elect th. u ticket
The Hepuhluan split has senr rhc
Democratic hop soaring aky-htfth.
Thomas it iirown ol Rutland the Ver
mont member ot the Democratic na
tional lommittee, his gone on lee, ild
with the prediction thai the Demo-
rats will overthrow the normal He
publican plurality ami elect thell
state ticket next Tuesday, and that
Ihsy will follow this up with I victory
for Wilson and Marshall in November
This prediction is not on!) Interesting,
ivmin from the national committee
men, who Is on duty at national he ,d
ipiartera, but It will make It easiei tfl
I ell after UN Vermont election whetri
I the predictions of the Democratic
managers are bused upon a.cuiate
knowledge of actual conditions Ol up
on the usual enthusiasm and hopes
bf campaign times
Candidates for Governor.
The contest for governor Is a five
sided affair. The Republicans. Demo
crats. Progressives, Prohibitionists
and Socialists have each a candidate
The Republican candidate for the goi
emorshlp is Allen M. RVtohor, prom
inent in the business life of the --t.it.'
and with a creditable record as I
number of the-state legislature. The
head of the Democratic ticket is Hat
Ian B. Howe, an aide and popular
young attorney of St- Jobnsbnry. The
Progressive are following RoV, Kra -ei
et7,ger, a Congregational minis
ter. The situation Is complicated bv the
andidicy of C. S Smith who was
named by a combination foi num
' i al veara and Is an extremely pop
ular citizen. He has been making an
a. rive campaign In the hope of turn
ing the state back to prohibition. Rome
veil informed politicians predict that
the Prohibitionist - irsngers are likely
to poll a surprisingly heavy vote n.xl
Tariff! sa an Issus.
The Democrats have put forth the
tHrlff as the vital issue In the cam
palgn. They also claim that the Dom
nrrata of Vermont have been the prn
glesslve party In the state foi vears
Mid have loag ago SSgXMSed such
policies' as state tax reform, the n-gu-latlon
of corporations, and the In It Is
"ve and referendum and other Inno
vations in government auppnsed to he
essential to any progressive creed to
Jackson. Mich.. Aug. 30. A
serloua i lot reported to have
broken out among tit- convicts
in the --ill. prison today. The
alleged outbreak orcurttd in the
dining room, which, it la aaid,
wan partially wrecked. The em
ployes decline information
Warden Simpson la in Chica
go. a. a J... a.a. a... 111. ,
Wi.ahuiKtoii. Aug. in. A full repia t
to PhMlbas who ia proAtlng from tin
pres. -nt high pries of coaj, is prom, , i
for the House Of Representative bj
the depaiimeni of commerce and la
bor o;i Dei. 2 next. Secr'-tar.v Ni'iei
lias u signaled Commissioner Charles
I' Nelll oi the bureau ol labor t6 In
vestigate, in lonfornutv with ;hr ieso
iution pas-ed bv the House ahortly be-
f. IV doiil liment
H.V Sept. Ill H is ep"ctcd he Will
have surlli lentlv explored i he field St
that the investigating of the It Iff 00 U
mav begin work to gathei the .kesireu
In con tunc tio with the In.jubry as
to how much the price of eool v. is ii,
created, Commi-eionet' Nell g expei !
cd t. aacertulh for what iv.i' ms and
by what means the cost was ralseil.
St .dy St-ike Agreement.
an likes line of Iruitiiry wit! be to
ileteimihe how natch and in what par
t lc ulul s the coal mini rs were benefit
ted bv the strike agreement III suppo,
of the resolution. It was argued thar
lie miners did not get ncarlv all the
.rnrease ieing paid b tne genera!
I'lohalev before the report is sub
mitted to the House, the supreme t out i
ot the I'nited Slati s will have baud, i
down Ms de-isioii, now under consid
eration, as t.. th. legal situation in the
Pennsylvania anthracite conl field.
These legal .ueMl..ris arise out of the
suit brought hv the government
against an alleged Illegal i nmbiriu lion
i f v.. a I ra ill "ads and railroad c a I n in
ponies charged with seeding to inn
ItOpoHae the coat trade in v dotation ol
the Sneliirti. anti trust law Man
t'Uts in the government's c implair.l
had I heir origin In a former mrik.
tlement about ten ears ggo. It has
ssjbsj ui g. d at times thai even in Lhal
settleMMrdl "the Interest oi the public
was saortneed io the Inforeats ot i
gnnUed capital and ol in j.iiil.'ed ,
Milwaukee Aug 3D. Kmil Seine!.
nomine,, for rice prenMean on the .s.,
clalivt ticktt iud.iv made public ln.i
lettei of . ccepranc. of the noniiiia
Hon.. Thtte was no ceremony, us tin
undl.late is In the New Kngl.ud
states campaigning for his grt.v.
Sault St.- Marie. Aug. 30 The
tensnw Lnkelandi long overdue here,
i- reported sunk at Whlteflab point.
It Is not known whether the above
lispatch refers tO the steamer Lake
land. .. the Inilutb tb Chicago line,
v.hich left Houghton last night for
the Son The pool was about eight
1 1 .ui ill.- out oi Houghton
Krlek JerVl appeared before Justice
lack, .Ii thin morning in a newel to tlo
hinge of threatening to kill als vvi.e
lb" . implant having been filed lo
Airs. Jurvl a lee davs bel her death
in the sfsyflusref dam. under ofreum-
I in SO w In. h pointed to BUS lib l
ier hearing the testlmonj produced, all
t w bi. . leftdesj to eh.iw IhOI Jarvi is
hard working and sober contra, t.
useful citizen. th' ";se was dis
missed bv JuSt l e l.ickohl.
Witnesses produced evidence to
tbon thai I ii vt was not a di uiika:.!
is has been claimed His own testi-
inoriv that bediatik sparlnglv was , i-
olioi ited bv tbets, who claimed to
have known him t n several years ..mi
have had tuislness relations with
him. Tesllru nv was ptodu. ed to
show that he never failed t support
his family thei witnesses, sona-le
i. W ol Mi. and Mrs. larvi, stated that
t hen domeatlc trouhii were m.. n, v
lue lo Ibe fact that Mrs. Jarvl a ie .
ineerlv ' at times Thej asserted thai
she had treiniellllv I. fused to place
inv food in her IniKband s dPiner pall
Hid that he had been forced tO all up
mi his daughters to d this.
In view of ibis testimony. Justice
lack da .Mm. ral. d ,'ai v ' nl all blame
'in, met lish.r piobablv will bold
Hii impiest over me laie .n. Jievi
arlv next week -ind a VeSHstsi of aul
id- IS looked upon as probable
Chicago Is proOSJCUtlOg s ltlsen for
keeping 111 chickens .nside city hmltj
on the ground thL the fowi are a pub
lic nuisance
Plan For Consolidation of Ke
wetnaw, Arnold, Ashbed and
Others Worked Out
Thirteen and Half Miles of the
Ashbed Lode Available
A plan for the consolidation of net
ism companies In Keweenaw coubtv
wus worked out by directors of th
Kew.ent. w Copper io mis morning
Printed ififormarlon will be sent t
atocklmlders In a day or two
The Keweenaw Copper Co. has ae
cured approximately H.OtiO acres in hd
dition to present territory, about nine
ty per ce,nt of which ia In the mim i
allid alea of Keweenaw county.
It is planned t.. tu gin an extensive
plan of exploration on the Ashbed kale
and alter the exchange of stock ha
been completed the If smaanss do(n
pany will have about miles along
the strike of the Asnbed lode.
It Is believed by the directors o
the Keweenaw company thai extens
iv e exploration on the sbbed lode will
show mineral portions that can tie
profltakl mined under modern uiin
ing methods. Ir is understood that
.rnoiti. snie,i ami Meadow air
Mgnkg the other proerties to be In
eluded in the merger.
Closing of Gsnsral Dslivery Window
Not Liked By Thsm.
The closing Of The general deH.eiv
vv iiulow in postofhcea on Sandav , has
moused a general p rot sal from tran
sients, a inrg-e number of whom are
commercial travelers. (tne of their
number said yesterday:
"J think this is the worst move tic;
tne postal department has evi atadt
and I cannot see hiiv reason for the or
der. unles the department is trving to
favnf some set of government em
ploves It will prove a great hatashin
for commercisl travelers. The aver
sge cimtnei. ial man l.mks ait. i most
of his correspondence on Kundav am:
he lecenes more mail on rbat d..v
tbsri ally othet day III the uerk. as hi
house USUaliv sends hi- week ehd mail
tO his Sundav iwn.
The p stal :uthorltUs are ti.k..i-;
of a one cut (...stage late, but so far
as I can learn the people gem rallv
would prefer bettoff s.-rvlce tc a In sp
er rale. This is patilcularlv true of
the Itlg w holesale con ems. Their
managers complain bltteilv of the poor
mail service that lhe have in en get
ting for the past lx months."
Sitl'owit Pan p Isle Roysle to bs Sold
at Eavjle River.
W .(iai'l ot VI a i . n I i , state ap
pialser. in companv with M Mulm-
l, have ust returned from Isle Roy
ale, where they weie appraising iu
islands, known as Siskowlt islands, I
Hted n sections r and L'T, township
il north llll ee i. wet So il .liilli '
t.r.O acres and I.Sf ncrdkt
These btsands wUI i,- ofrofod bl pul
lie sale at Hie county seat (Kagle
Rivet) to the highest bidii r in the
very near future They will be mv t i ns.
-d it' a newspaper six weeks prior
to day of sale. Father Island would
make a vr prettv location .'or sum
mer cottaires as wa ll as an ideal fish
ing ground. Tin are both located
tdose to boat pns- iae Any futther in
formation can be had bv addl es m
the slate land commissioner. Lan
Chicago. Aug. :". When Walter
Rlchtel. aged ;:'.. said In be a sculptor
and the younger son or wealthy Iter
lin parents, awoke this morning he
li und himself clinging with both bands
iioni the oiitet i.dge of a third story
window ol the Schneider hotel on
Washington street, near the . ity hall.
Kichiei shouted for aid, but bofoN
assistanct uid arrlvs be In am. n
huuated and fell, receiving injuries
said to be probably taial. Somnam
bulism Is tile explanation given of th"
victim'., plight.
New York. Aug. V) AM grades of
refined sugar, from No. 1. to No i;,
were reduced ten cents per hundred
fttcanaba. Mich., Aug. 30. Reports
from the fishing camp of Senator
Btephenson says he is suffering from
a alignt cold and his condition is not
as frave as first thought.
- jrr 1 1 JSYTJT TTT
The Vacation Fool.
. ,
Returns of ' Democrats Elected
Tuesday Are Not Made
John D fudtllliv one ol I'alumet'h
most i nthuaiaatic Democrats, . ailed
on The News this morning ami asked
II .i a list of Democratic delegates to
the Democratic countv convention,
elected Tuesday, W.e published Me was
Informed that lhe were m.i ubiain
ui i ne one e in IWHIIsmp lei K
George m. ii Hu fof in. reason thai re
turns .bowing what Democrats were
elected delegates Were Hot made lo th.
clerk a required bv law.
Mr. t'uddttry expressed mm h indig-
r.l tloli at this evidence of carelessness
on pnrt of the nrecinci officials, lit
is at a losa to Understand Just why
the returns were not made, and in
tends ,o investigate their failure.
Mi I'nddlhv and other local Demo-
,'iats aiH m ike au inme.li .!. demand
that ilie missing returns lie uaxle at
once, so the Democrats will lose no
lime In making arrangements tor their
COUntP convention for the pin pose ..r
lecting delegates to the state conven
tion) it winch nominations for state
officers other than governor and lieu
tenant govcriioi will be made.
Township BoaiJ to Raach Decision
Relative to Highways.
A special meeting Of the Calum i
ownshlp board win be bold this af
ternoon for tin- purpose of further m-
estlg-iting the pre posed extension if
ine hignwav i.nut about tight veara
ig... ., v i ml the Ttap itock rlv t-r. so as
provide Ingres and t-gteas to the
farms situate, I in that distrit t. Th.
improvement is one greatly desired.
or unless st. me a Hon is tuken it ap
pears that farmers located there will
haw dill. cult m reaching Hu- in 1 1 io I
with their produce)
The present load p.isst s through tilt
propt-t tv of idhei farmers, who of In t
have topped Haiti, over the rOUOSI ....
Iheir PopeW v
it win be ressjernhereaj the Calumei
township bond took vv.tb Ine
Scht-oiciaft board the matlei of . on
strut ting a road along the Motion line
betweea the wo townships. ... b
township to pav half of (he cost, but
the nolgkkorins townehsp Aswllned to
act. As Gatuntet townstilp could not
reason. ild v I., vpec to beat .tli of
the expense I lie plan has be-n aban
dolled. Il ,s notl proposed lo lllllld
short roads long Hi.- lines between
Sections i ami lu anil Pecltons in ami
11, connecting with the Copper City
road. This would solve the ditth ul'v
mo far as the penned in farmer-, ate
concerned ami as the right of vva;. is
obtainable, d is llkclv the board will
'olli vv this course, There Is about $;!
CM In the fund available i.u the eu
strucllon of new roads.
Chicago. f., Aug. :i0. Presid. nt
Henrv Churchill Kins, of QhOTtte ol
lege Was tin principal speaker to. ,
nt the eightv -fourth convocation of the
Unlversltv ot Chicago when 2H de
grees ami titles w . i e conferred Proa
ident King's subject was 'The Con tfl
bution of Mod. i n Science to Ideal In
A partv' composed of six Y. M '. ..
bO) s in, mbera i he Hiking . sjk k 1 1
the Y M. C A at II o'clock this morn
ing for Fagle Hivci where thev expect
to spend Ihe rim lit. This will be I1.-
last hike ol Ihe s.ason for the mSsTI
hers of the club who will return botnc
tomorrow morning, Thev fjBjpoef to
lish at some ot t hi stronnm on the was
to the rler.
KSuid du Lar. Wis. Au. M Blahm.
Charles 0. IMnftnti f the Epls, op.,,
diocese, died at 11 16 o clock tins fori
Candidates to Name Chairman
and Secretary
Chairman W K. Miller. d the Hough
ton County Republican ( osnositea bps
called a mooting of the successful can
didates for Republican rssjsllnsllnns a;
the r'seiu primaries to be held In the
..nice ot i 1(1111 I'l. rk Kan .-! Mono.. .
aftofssaon, for Ike nnrpooo ..t ckoosjtng
a count v chalrmun and sei rei u-
This meeting has nothing to tlo with
the countv cegn'ontloo, snoept that tke
new chairman and se. retatv will as
sume men iiuties lor the litst ume at
Hie port) convention ki fjbughton on
.pt. 10.
The primary Ian provides ihpi tke
noiuine.-s for Cl untv offices uf each po
litical partv shall meet within ten davs
arter Hu- primaries to chorwe ibe
chulunan and se.rtt.tr rot the two
succeeding years, it Is provided li.a.
the meeting shall be called bv tbr
tpat oiint.v chairman of etch poldl al
.art. N g Miller Of It. . light, n i.t
the present I t.pu 1 .1 lea n thairman gkil
J ihri J l- 'lls. Jr.. of t'alumet the sec
Ruling That Gees Into Effsct Sept. I
Mskes More Work.
I ,!(! a-'tllts of the eples, ,111
panics are nottfytng tfceh patrons that
under the new rVttnSj ot the ii tcisla'.
oooansercs conawlosiofl nkkk becomes
effe tlve Septeii.hel t, it Will be BjOOOgW
sarv to give mors Pom fr billing ship
man to Kstrs nrbrk tor ench eonsbrn
meniH is mude bv the 1 1 .in remeii'.s v''
new w a bills.
Op .-vt rv package there must be
plnced a sticker showing the rate, lo
whom it is shipped and bv whom, the
charges, whether it U to go prepaid or
collect and .so i n th. making up a . otn
N't" ft bator) ..I the sbionicnt. Tin.,
Will like some lime and shippers .It"
b-ing win ne.l that th" mav rot have
their goods held over, UnJeM thev cei
ine.l.lutT to the office long enough
ahead of . iiain to admit oi preparing
this ret old
There ure two blanks ft be tilled,
one for collect and the otkof for pr-.'-knk
packages 'Ihe n. vv rule of the
interstate COIMhdtlS I inWnlgblOB in
siats that OM or (he otrnr of these
blanks proper h filled out. be attack
ed In ev ry shipment. Tin mirmiRe
of the rule is to prevent double pay
ment r express .barms regarding
Which there has been . i h sldela bit
complaint in BBtae Of thi- larg.i c;i..
The blank will indicate lo the consiu
whether or not he hie Ckgrgee to
pav when the package is delivered.
New York. Aug M Word haa
reached here of the death In Italy of
Roberto Imperial! inventor of an ex
pensive called Impetialile He was
blown to pieces while experimenting
If. his factory near Mrecla. He visited
the I'nited States four months ago rt
demonstrate the hew explosive and
hoped it Would be idoplcd by tills
gov eminent
New Yoi k. Am- 30. Mrs Henri
Rogers, Wife of the late v I. e president
I Ihe St. md. .id nil Co.. died suddenly
1 1 tiny in a dining COT at the Orand
Central station, nt the oncius.oti f a
rnev from New Hampshire M her
home hele.
Elgin, Aug. N, .1 R Hallinger. an
official of the Stromberg Motor Car
Co, was killed Ibis m-uning heii d
dison. ill He was motoring trom Chi
cago to Elgin to attend the rsces The
car overturned Halllngsr s brother,
William, was injured.
I v
Rulherford. , J., Aug. i v
Mrs. FJmilio Debnro and six
i l.ildi en tan- ng from ftv e
months to tvvhe vtars, met -.-
death lodav .n a Bra vvhl'h
dbofroyod then home. "ht barn
the b isitbiid and fatlier. and )
seventh child. I bo) .r thii - :
It en, t si aped bv jumping from
a second stor' wimiow.
Iebai. and the poy tin-d to
rescue the woman and thil-
dren. but a wall ol liana . lie. K-
ad tic in. and with their night
clothing bla.illK t.hey lumped
from the window. It is believed v
a -p. u k from a passing I... omo- 3
tiVe Stalled the flre. 4
Manigua. Aug. .10. (Dosgjfed)
Tills ily Is pructlcally cut off from
commune .itioii with all the rest Of the
world. Food is becoming scarce? kOOM
daily, and also several cities in the
hands oi ihe revolutionaries. Ar lira
nada aid Masava. which are held ity
the rebels, the populations are al
most . ornpletelv depriv ed ot pr..v isiolis
It reputed there have boon engage
ments III the Vicillitv of Craiuola be
tween ibe government an i insurge'lit
forces, but details are md obtain
able. American Troops on Hand.
San Juan Iel Sur. Nicaragua, Aug
30. Five hundred American blue Jack
ets ami maiines left ..rmio t.Ktay to
re-establish railroad and telegraph
communication with Managua.
New Postage Will Commemorate Par a
ra Exposition.
Washington. ! Aug. It, A new
9 cant stamp in commemoration of
the I'anatiiu-l'acilic Mponttloa in Sin
Frntiiiact. In HM". was npprov cd totla.
Iv I'.stmasi.r GepsfOsjl Hit.hc.i. k. ii
is about an inch w ide ai id an inch and
a .piarter long. It beur an sagravtSSI
reprononUni Ike rjbvtnn lookn nl tpa
I'annma canal gkjOWln I sb .-unship
emerging from the m rthein lock and
aiHdher Vessel being raised in the
south. in io. i. itr ii ,. middle Macao
is a group of tall palm trot and In
tin- background rise the hills of Hi.
isthmus. Across the top an tin wotds
"U. 8. Postage."
Noted Labor Lsadsr of England Ai -
rives in New Vork.
N- vv oi k i,g. in j, Kekr Hardh .
nsssnbec of parliament and one u ti.
most noted leaders of organised labor
in l iigland. has arrived n, New Yoil
to beajfp a spe.ch-making tour r tlx
BOSJtttry ill behalf Of the Socialist BSV
tlotial ticket heat'ed bv Kugeiie V
Uehs. Mr. tlardie eXp-cts to i n ilu-
stump continuously for about six
Weeks, with Ike exception ..I m inter
val of a lew davs when he will go to
Ollelph, nt . to address tko glfhllOl
convention t the Dominion Trades anj
lab..: CongTI as.
Orand Rapids. Mich. Aug. 30 -Amos
K. Mtiss.liimn Is the Repuldican eM
dldate tor governor. Primar.v ligures
MOOtved from all oosJBty t u-rks, ex
cept tour small counties, give him a
majority of 6.3HK over Martlndule.
There ;.re mariv changes from ihe ear
lier figures sent out.
The i 'a I uniet Kngineers arc prepar
ing to make a large inlhtarv map .f
Ihe Calumet district during th. fall or
spring months Tb. map win be. i p-to-d.ite.
showing all .oa.ls and promi
nent trails in Calum.t aid i.iivi.
The companv will do this v.rk in or
der to kOfp re proti iciicy in m..p
mnktni fonMsro f the work for
which the company was khjM 00M
ptknamted while in gffimfkinsjn g the
camp In l.utiingion. The map shou'd
also b,. valunble to I s il residents.
Mis Ami W earn enter..iiii -d v ...
lerdav afternoon at i luncheon in
honor of Miis Lillian Wleher srkO i
t be married eailv next month A
large number of Miss Wi. l,. r frie.alft
were present and the afternoon was
verv an iov able nui .
Rwed"s and N.iw .-ian want then
languages taught in St. Caul high
Schoi is
A bill linn been Ir trotlu. ed in the
senate to al .dish hanvlng and to Mfc
Stltllte tO elts tiocullon in the His
ii i. t of Cefumbfca.
Near Indianapolis a large plan'
Is to be er. t..l t.u the prodm t Ion
of anti-toxin smallpox ami tvphoh.
vact lnes and serums.
New six storv thesier Is to be ere. t
ed In Cincinnati at a ,-,,d of $2O0,tbiu.
ksctrb tro v in .noratlon In the
United States are valued at lie. 006.-t-00.
- V
Wm. M. Wood, President of $75,
000,000 Concern, Said to
be in Dynamite Plot
Dec,ares He is ,nnocent and 6ives
Cash Bail For $5,000
Host in. Aug. 30. -President Wm. M.
u .iod of the nnsorkgn iPoolon Oa. was
grreotoij bndny on an imMetasanft srar
n.nr charging nenpplmej to distritiutc
dynamite in LAWTeDce during; the
strike last winter.
The Arnerlt an Wool, n t'o., vv hi. b
bore the brunt of Hie greut LgTrronps
strike, cmtiois :n sanufacturtng
plants in New Kn gland and New York
state It.s capitalization is seventy-five
tnilliona and it employs thirtv-rHe
thousand operatives. About flflcion
thousand are .in the payrolls of the
company's mills at Lawrence
Wood is one nl the best known tex
tile nv-n in the country. He furnished
ash bail for five thousand. Wood
said :
"I am not in any way connected with
the so-called dynamite plot. This will
I..- eotnbllshetl in proper time to the
satisfaction of the public."
PKarmaclst Board Shovs Mere D-s-burssmentt
Than Receipts.
cordlh to the rnniial report nf
th Michigan Hoanl of Phnrm n v tiie.r
with lovernoe nabbrtt, ssive a lansinp
dispatch, that t iinihtubslun w is noi a
flnanrfnl success) laai year, J, r. Camp-
II. of pigeon, ge.-rctar of tin b.i.:id.
s.ivk the re. ( nds f. r the ;ast fl- al vear
ansonnted ro b.ni, while the Jlabdm
m-nts totall-d 5 ;:..'. 7 .
The board issi'ed 4.' rejis-t erd dru'-
glsts1 certilb at. s. for w hit b r'u- sttt,-
roeorrod Ittt. A total of fl nppficrl-
tmns frong tegist't-.d pbiin.a.'iMs
brought in $".(). Th. re were U$ ap
plications for re-exiinilnatioii that t n -flcked
the coffers of ibe boar' to the
extent of $C w hile .: r.i.fl registered
nknrmsclsi renownki noksnt If.Msj.
The annual lOpUtl of tkfl I lOkllnt
era' board shows that the tec ipt . t,,r
the past year were S1.1M19 After ad
expenses Msd been paid the boilfd
turiie.l int.. th pi nofgJ Tund of Lk4
state treasury tl
Big Demonstration Is Held In Colum
bus, Ohir?. Today.
Columlms. n. uc. f.- Almost
equal to the gnat dwiminsftratton hrld
In New fork .i.t Mav go far g tkt
pissnker of participants) was concern
ed, vvas tin- irrnal suffrai'lst Drirads
held in Columbus loan in ommcii m
with the centennial notohritton. The
.It m. t,stt..iioi; aas intended to influ
ence th., thousands of vidtors here ii:
support of the woman suffrage amend
ment t,. the State constitution sTklcb
Is r.. I.,, voted upur in tht . i ini i h I -
li.ui n.xi Tuesday. The parade was
organised hj Mrs Ssantoti Hlaich .."
N. w Yolk. preOSdoM of the Worn, n
Political I'nlon.
Austin. Ti-ras. Aug. 14: rr Attorn t
;.-mral lew el P Light foot an i :h,-
originnl "trust burners." voluntarily re
tired from t!'c .fb. . Of attorney gen
eral f T. x.is t diiv. Mr. I.ightfnol de
clares that after envni patjfi ol goreico
of the state in conneobm with tfcn of
fi f nttorpoj genPrnt, he is poorot
than wheii he entered It ami that be
will take up private practice.
Vituralixat inn Kxamlner ABtkOBI
will be at the Red Jncket town kail
Vaturtlay afternoon from 1 10 I o'ckk k
for the purp.se ol coacMnp fpolicants
for second citii-ensMp papers, who will
he examined at the Hongtlton countv
circuit court oB Si pt i: Pppsg .'.( It
frt will be present. Mr. Anthony's visit
on Siiturdnv sin make it posib,- f r
night shift as well is day shift men to
receive Instnu 1 1 n.
The faWOoln flre department has
mad. arranaenienrs to repair the old
1 'x I baml hali. which w s ...rnietM
used for social gatherings, hut winch
has I.e. n il. union, , i.,t s. - t - I vears
It will be pi iced in go.sl condition f
i mm 1 1 "i of t. h-ia I electing s w hi h il is
planned lo hold this wsntei ine brst
of which will he s card and datKiti
part) on Sept. 20.

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