Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO THE CALUMET NEWS FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1912. Houghton AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL Otter Lake Pro ably Will Have First One in U. P. .- tru result of a three weeks' cari Urnss by Ko t iJeismar -upennten- . i.i t! the I'pper Peninsula Kxpoil Tinntal farm n 'haihain. ami a N ail ing advocate of agTlcultui ai develop ment, at least three ...unties ol the upper peninsula will next year h c. extended agricultural 'courses in jiublic schools, ami agrb ultural educa tion has i tt given a marked Impetus in thin NfftMk There is to be another county agri cultural college In Dickinson, and vithin a yar a township agricultural liUh -ehool. the first In Michigan will ha established In Houghton county. As result of his missionary affOrta tit 1 1 -r .:u-, Pariapa lownahlp cinh- j..ti miles trom the pBhfegp a Hough ton, where Is found a large farming nvttlement of Intelligi nt men and wo men, that township will prohahly have the first central township agrlcultur n! high sehoo! m the upper peninsiiln. Mr (Msmar gpoppsd HBCll enthusiasm for the proje. t. and it 'is exp I t. i that ground will be broken for a liulldlng next year. This season the townshin Is expending ?J",0oo on a macadam highway. Dickinson eopJPfy will be the third it. the upper I- nlnsula to establish a county agricultural school. MM h as are now eondmted in Chippewa and iJenominee counties. A aprrrlal com-j jnlttcc appointed by the board of su pervisors to hok into the matter has reported a OOPsPPd for agricultural courses sufficient te .variant carry ing out the pro- t. lit M uqueft county, agriculture will Ibe taught at th North, rn State Xe.r school and beginning with the; Jail term this year it will be a reqnir- i nt subject in all teacher's courses. Lu- j that l. Wrfcaht -'ate auparlnteadaal of public instruction, has ruled that , this work mil he required In all pub lic s bOOil after this tall. In tha agriculturMl Mgk st -hools. the j fuuws In agriiulture will probn iy take the place of langua. ml other Unpractical subjects. ideograph) a ill KM taught with non e reference to the j ptate itid home, rather tti i to foreign , about an hour visiting different oh t.untries. Ancient fclatbfy wul give JMH l interest. Leaving the Ahmeek. place to studies in civil government, the p u-tv took the train to Osceola and d signed to teach the duties of citizen- then visited Klectric park where re Manual training Uk4 MMM 'r shmnts were served. From Klectrlc science will be featured. However, 1 park. th visitors returned to Hough the schools are not planned solely for i ti n. stopping on the way nt Boston the training of farmers, and it Is , isit the Franklin Junior, the pur- d that tke r. ! !.- .. m m. nt . pQM ( thi visit being tn inspect the tat mre practical ai.d efficient com- new hoisting engine, .bulgned by 11. n. n school education will cause the f. BdlMH da, general matiacer of the -Diversities to chant- their entrance, f-ranktln mine, and which enjoys the r quir-ments. so tt t MlMrti ha ; dist in t Urn of being the only one of Its are graduated fr. m schools without kind In operation. in the classics can b- admitted, j v.n,m 0 , ,,artj. ,.mbarkei , fr,,m tnr f,MI, nf ,,.,1,. street, go- TJiailas. Tex., has -.v.tbt'r vn from j f tig to the Oniganiing uh house; f tiearly all - I improv where the Calumet & Hecla band gave nv nt bond i-u tt tUW ,M,I to await ' a concert at the club hottM in the r mi ' tilng. Previous to the concert a L. 3V. fcfrv r) If v. -as Baln tonight. Sal ui .lay probably fair. Observation i.ikgnatsii m.. ?5th tnerMtsn tlnie Air pr. -u re red meet to sen level. loi.:irs lasattaaaM Hrtssl fmn Ibrsat Ii i-ints of eepcil or it. in-" itolteil liuesi imss throio.'li points of lemperature Uihwu only lur ero. fr'elus. . and lltf. O ' W (' ) i oi C) saoa laaartailj lag trios I ill kbe wind hi i Igsria. tnaipmwrsi scosd pree4pltstioa ..t i Incti vt store tor pssttt Sours; third, maximum wind Mtocltr -- Temp. I I Wind I I j fig Stations f i Sute of S'0 1 2 W"tlar. fl Z 1 I IX LLzl Alpena lv 1 1 l 1 ul nw o Huffalo ' a i ne .; hlcago ... I'loini;. r II I Duluth M M Rain se 10 .40 F carta ha .. , 4 Kiin s I " Creen Bay "! M Rain a 1 .111 sUMN ..." v Rain . I M MarciueftO M Cloudy se 1J 0 Milwaukee ..i il ':..'id.v se N New OrtHM t Clear se 4 ..'. New York. . M ' Mc. r n 14 B Port Arthur."! e'l I se i 0 Par Fran. . . S 1 ''-tr sw 4 Pt. Paul Ml i i-ic'v at If LTI Washington . - W t'lesr n 4 " Winnipeg "'" sw 1 : :'l Jjocal olficc L. S. Wtath-r Uum , u. Department DULUTH MAN IS MADE PRESIDENT Next Year's Meeting of Mining Institute on Mesaba At the business session of the Lake Superior Mining Institute this morn ing otlb -ers wete elccu.l tot the in suiiik year, hs follows : President Pentecost Mitchell. Du luth. Vice presidents F. K. Webb. Du hith; . 1) Atlantic; W. H. hinn. Mi K nicy. Minn. Managers Q. F. Bawden. BeM smer ; V. 11. .lohnslon. Ishpeining; C. H. I'axt. f, Loretto. IL MttSI i C. Y. Hopkins, Own tonucaltll, WIS.. re-ele. teti. Bt . : i i i v A. J. Yungbluth. Ih penting, re-elected Ml Mitchell, the new president, is vie- lUcridellt of the !lV.i It t'll Min ing Co. It Is likely that n.xt year's meeting v ill he held i. ii the M. saha ramp' as it Is cmrtomar ta hold the annual meeting in the district in which, or nearest to which, the president resides. s. r-Msr? yungbluth reported at this morning's session that the institute has 286 members and 70 applications to be 'icted upon. A set of resolutions In honor of the memory of the late dm ham Pope of Houghton, who wns one of the vice pt. si.l -nts of the Institute, was passed. This afternoon was spent b) the vla iting members at the college of mines. The lnstltUpea session will come to this evening. This year's p e. iin.j ha be. ti largely attended and the program of entertainment could not hav. been improved upon. The numbers of th- mining Institute followed out the schedule mapped out in adv ir.'e In vesterday's trip, very visit being a. cording to schedule, Tl lrst stop after the party left H.'Ught. n was nt Lake I.lnden Mher. the members und.r the guidance of the Ft. imp mill officials made a tour of 11m I'alnmet and Hecla stamp mills ud visited the etc ttrlofc powdv jdant with its five genetntors with a combin ed capmlty of S.ttiiii kilowatts. At 11:30. the Institute resumed Its trip, going to Ahnv-ek. when MM par y looked the mine over and spent Department of Agriculture. U ILLIS L. MOOkL. CM?. I Hough tort, Ml.!,.. Aug. :i. IMf, Firecssts Till 7 P. M. Sstvrday: Upper Michigan Not ravtltn d I.Ike Super. I Modetjite to ,risl at vvinds, shifting to rejith and port hvv est. Weather Conditio! a. The StOtn iir.i r noted veterdny iii Worth laloti aid W v .mink h es mv d a tward io ih. Red Rfoaf Vaib" ,,tim the baj .no ter Is low this morring ov"r ihe Ureal Plains, ihe ITppav Miaalsstp pi Valley, the Western Ijlke K'tlm. HI i. the Bavthweat. Rain has been n n eral In the am tton nanisd and tlnin- dcrstorms are rep rrtad ftom many points. lirNk wit) da prevail srr Lower 1 Bke Michigan this morning The high pressure area which iweted the yitk' Ke oion and the Kjisi raatet MM drifted sfowly eastward, being now '( nt, red v.r the lowe- Iwtk. v while the barometer remains abov.. norm, i over all aseffjomt east or the Mississippi River except tde extrtms nun x -vi r i ' . a . f I i r-v jtii z - . a. . n ( r rf 1 T-' " v- iy jr..- y session of the in mute was held. i'i..'.;. i,t Potan it ttoiu. m Holmes, .lilect. : of the hill cult of f the 'le at uncut oi the In teii. r, who tptkt om llie two leading tun. in. ns ,.f the lnu. an. .he .utteguarJ lug .t the lives of miners and r ducti. t: of the (Mrs of the mltilug In dustry. This is the iimi year In w in. h an appropt la:i"ti t ax necn made to ap p j the work ot ihe bureau to nictui mining, prev.ous attention during Ihr time sin it was established laum b'n confined feJftgH) W (oal mining. Tin appropriation lot mef'l mining is pitlfoU small,, but r ties as the i-niiidutlon tor a work that promise.- vast possibilities. Or. Holmes' visit was In response to an imitation of PtmMmI PtttttW am. was a.c .t. ,i v ih the objacl of bring lad the activities of the Lake Superior Mining tastitllti into co-op- ra-i.n ai.o u9Pat ol the bureau's He dweit upon tin- bi aking down of bartlers ate. :,,t by this institute, puilitllig o(U ihe Ii nee from condit "ii- ' sects a... w iu n one mine scarcely knew I Nat tin I was doing. lie raid tlnit following the lines of discussion of the Institute. the bureau of mines want!.; to gather all the lnfoi mutb ti possible regardinu cc nservation of life and of resource, in iniiili g and give it out through channels where it will do the pre at -. st g "d. CompMy secrets are not uant.d and the bureau refuses abso latri) to have relations with the courts. Its officials have been called upon to Usiifv in cases of miuc inci dents where bureau investlgat nu m haV been made directly after the .at satroph, but they have st-adfastlv refassd 10 COtnply and have been sup aortad in this h the attorney general and the courts themselves. Fewer Disastr Now. As a result of the bureaus work there has been a distinct diminishing I disast. i s Ib sides M-eking to indue,, the managements to introduce ever: poaklbta saf.iv arasautlon the bwaag stimulates discipline, s. If -respect and raoaal flsvsliwsilt among the men with the ob.'e.t ..f developing great-r . nition. and pra. tl. al instruction ,s given in the handling of explosives and other departments of mining anion baoMM iaadaroua if caralaaau performed. Mine rescue work i taught UeBurdum the conservation of min eral resource, pr. Holmes pointed M1 that ircn mining compani-s ai n. vx .,vng aside- and otherwiw pre serving ores that at present are ten lean for commercial value, against the time when these grades of ores will be ne'bd and MatdJ, Fxhaustive n scir h has shown that the we-t. t:i In m. sphere has very little real coal resources either north or roiith ot the t'nit.,1 states, and In time ih.s try must snppiy fuel to tho;e coun HN irhOjt future development will demand this commodity. If the I'nlted States can export coal t S. ath America in exchange for the products of that CMttMAI which wo i td, great i'niiil will be accomplished. To this purpose it behooves our coui ..per, tors ta save- the L'.IO.OOO.OOO tolls of coal now wasted e.irlv by h:H mining, a half ton wasted for ev.iv ton extra -ted. The v early waste of Batumi gas. one of our mopt impott ant and reailily s.VJgfcg tUttM, is ureal, r than the total vearly BOMMnn tlon of mnnufa. tured gas In all the plants of the . ountrv. ' n-ervatioti of mineral resources not mean that We shall stint our silves The needs of the - out. try an in leasing last,, than the pooulatlon. n'oi thcasi. i a : v , at bee with nor ma I tempernturm roatlaaaj in the r - - B - v r - . I hv this high. Modi ; m. v high afar sura covers the part hern H.x'ky Mciintaina and the PaclO. SI pe and Is at nmpantsd by fair and . itiaf m 1 1 h.r. Idyht Treat is reported from tolse, blah" . Tin. ireasnre continues low .v r Vfastarn e'annda arm linset weather with oii rains Is report ..I i'.aln wil; continue In thl vicinity this afternoon and tonight: Saturday will prohahly be fair. Mod ers I to husk east winds, uhlfli'ig to north Mid ii. ithwent late toidnht. are ladlcatedi 1 1. M. d 'VVIdil, K OH! in I II -Large. T. C. Wilson foundei ol the Atn- erleaa Apple Orowera' Congress, sayit thorough tprsylni ol trees will dou ble spfde crops Ihe life ot Mil oiitin.uv Ilea H a(, to b two months in duration. Nt v ei theless We may use all vvs ftaad Hut u la a sacred afctifatlon ' p.. terttv that we preserve and leavs wa it we do not one. The of IPS mineral industries was inolv impres sive by the statement a that crude minerals constitute p. r cent of il.c freight .f the ctintry, tbw .'.su.oti. V00 worth of c.res and minerals Hre uiai.i.l .. lured Into J .' .OOn.OO'l worth of commodtrsla and J.OOMOt men are employed in th- v.uious ,. -par unentH. FAIR WILL BE AOVERTISEO THROUGHOUT PENINSULA W'NAWARA SENDS OUT BIGGES1 PREMIUM LIST HE HAS YET IV AILED. Secretary M. Namara of the Copper Country Fair yesterday finished mail ing the big premium list to probabts exhibitors, . lose to J.00O iW lbs books being Sent out through tl,. ma Is. This is the biggest premium lisi ever sent wt by the lair association In the ten a - f its . xlatence, Mr. , iiu.i-B declared, as it amb races everything that has appeared In onv former and man' added features besklea, Just how mmh the premium list would amount t'. Mr. , did net know, but acided that last's list went well over $4 000 and this year will tt tal r. greater amount. Now that the premium list is out and in bands of exhibitors, the sec retary and his assistants . ill proceed to begin their advertising cminii.ii and Mil the entire upper pi i Insula thi. vear for the first time, thi car's f:ir having been extended t. ! the en tile upper peninsula. ThU task of ftd' veTtlsing the fair Is one ol the big gest that confronts the management and will keep the se reti i and a large corps of assistants busy from now until the opening f th fair. Following la a Jbjt of t1 . superl:.- tand nts oi the various de p i imafitai "lass A -Live Stovk. Mien U I J. 'it, negan. Atlantic. Mich. Ckiaa B clrain and Pleld Crops, Martin t'rosgroy.-. r.araca Mich. 'l iss ' - egetables. Martin ("o.--:tove Itnraga, Mlrti. Class D Pi alt, Jamaa Luc as Routjb ton. Mich. Class F Itomestlr Cooking. I're served Fruits, etc.. Mrs. Wm. RaPTlfl Hancock. CMM F - I'b.vverv. Mr? .1 H. F..I wards. Dollar Fay. CtMM : V.orks of Art. Mrs. W. .1. l'r n. i 'alnmet. Class H Domestic Handiwork, Mrs. Sallie Scott. Lake Linden. Class I Youthful Arts. Miss Anna Mi Nye, Houghton, Class J Domestic Arts and Hd Reikis, John BdwaPBa, Hi nekton. ('lass K Sportsman. I'ield and Stream, St. Clair Wilson. Hancock. HUBERT BRENAN WINS. Fonoer Houcihton Lawyer Wins Prim sry Elect, or r Baraga Houghton friends of ltdbet'i Brenai wet.. gratiPad to learn that he ii.ul i n ancceaaPai in his tu-ht for th Itcpuhlicari nomination for pfisfSl Ut 111) attorney of Malaga i .ainty in the iv ecnt primary at action, defeating J. .!. (TCoanall by a vm. of Mauri) three t., one. Mr. rvrenan la Pell known here and has score s of frie nds n lloi.hton, hav ing teen associated with L. . Li g is ir IhS, taw bosinnss her. two ago. While ttrrnan was K ate. I lure, he apatll his spare time coaching; the high school football team arid it was du primarily to hta work with the. gfjaad that Houghton was so successful p rarrylnji Ml the up pet peninsula cham- t'ionshlp in the fall of HANCOCK TEAM TO HUBBELL. Ball Team Wdl Go to Torch Lake On Sundsy for a Game. Th. HhPCOch dfy baseball team will go I.. Hubbci! Bund ay to meet rtubbe II In the first gam' or th(. rang lookco tor Sl ics between thCM tW.. l.ain- Rrisson, b.rmeriv t member of the Hubbefl team has ajgaad to pitch r Hancock and wdl he In the bog Sun ilav. Hutch St ok reports that his In jured hand is . ming ahum ntcaly an I that he will be ahlS to eati-i tin: gg me. The other rmmh rs of the Spa ad tit male the trip are, Under. Romph, Uytin, Mlron. rth. F'eterson t.ce. aid Rovce. SAILS LKES 60 YEARS. Capt. W. J. Coleman Firt Visited Ontonagon In 1856. Sailing the Ure-ai Lajma for nearly six dee adea and si ill hah- and hearty tpptU his -: years. Capt W. .1 Cole man made his thfrd trip to Ontonaajoci last week whet, he arrived thei. I,, t amniand of tha bam.. Hubhlnson for a mrgo of lumber. Catpt, 0o4afgaUI is ono of thi very aMaad gaarlneri on the BStgnd si'iia. His mini" is at Muskegon. Il hrtg visit to Mntona ICOB was a way hark in lx'.t;. H- a,iS Zcmo for Your Skin Ecema. Pimplas. Rash and All Skin Afflictions Quickly Healed. No mattC what the trouble, ecjte nia, dialing. ilinpba. salt rheum. 7a- ma htatantly stapa irritation: Tha Mire comes piick. sinka rlaht In. leav ing no tr.oe. Emao Is a vanishing II- 'i"1'' tmtt skill faitlv r-vds with lellKh' the moment Zemo Is apied (trap teat thing on earth for dandrurr. ma Is prepared hy F. V. Rose Msdlrlna C, St. Iula. Mo., and b MM hp all IruagiMts at 11 a bottle Hut to prov e to you its womb rfnl val ue It Is now put up in liberal six. trial b. tts at only 2& cents and Is guar ai.te. d lo do the work of y.uir money b.o k. Sol, I at K.arle RhBlliiio v v . , umet; Laurium I'liarmai y, Lauilurn. The Best Part of a Good Meal Is the Beverage You Drink with It Because of its smooth delightful taste and full rich flavor Pabst BlueRibbon The Beer of Quality is preferred to all others by people who appreciate the best things in life. Not only does this beer give zest to the appetite and digestion, but it makes the things you eat with it taste better. Try Pabst Blue Ribbon wilh your luncheon today and order a case sent home. The beer you prefer with your down town meal is none too good lor your home. Cor. Scott & the rook on board the little S lnoiier Whip at that time. The lirsi ship anal at Sault Sic Marie h id no' bean constructed vvhci: Ihe W'-ip was 1 r ; . i - -teitcd to Laka Superior, and i; aftft lieeessarv I Iley tile vessel a Toss the port it: c at the' St. Maiv s rapids on roHata, The Whip was "fbra and after." lie fe.-t lopjr, She curie I i cargo of blaclt powder for the cop per mines when t'apt. Calbmpn sailed nn bar in I.;. Bran so gtnal b.'.t could not enter OntonajTOa harbor lu those days and the powder was un- loadeal e.Il the I'at. I'oleti.aa attributes his w. ;i praaarvad condition to the i'a t thai lu- gas nevar indulged in intoxicants or tobacco, baa swnyt kept rcKular hours ami has sp.nt pa oat of his life In the open air. ALL BOATS IN USE. Big Rush in Freiyht Trade on the Great Lakes. EvetTJf boat on the lakes is now in I ominission, says the Duluth lleial.l. That was the stat.ment made this morning by man wall versed in iibrpnlng on tha Qraal UatbM. Only a I'e'vv davs ao the (Sllchrist line broOfhl OUl Ihe steamers JoaepH Qtlehrlat, Ireland and I . M Whitney. These boats have not been used in some time. A number of he lines have w i- "ii boats that have been laid up for .une years. II is stated that in a number nf instances manaarers are thinking of fitting these oU tallowa "it imi BaiPg them the retnalnde'i oi the reason. He rami of theM nirgti ar laid up Ii, out-of-the-way In the Ptl- luth'Buparlor barbor Some ot them can be used for lumhe-r and others are said to be In fnir shape for tha curry ing of OtlsST ceimnio.lities. It vv is stated todav that negotiations are under way for the pun hape ol two of these- hoats. Tiny rush in the lumbar trade bap heron:., s.. greaj and the number ol v s-. ls in the is so limited that ii is eppeetpd thai the sale will he announced within few days. Thar a are more, boats In eaimrtiis sion this year than for ninny rtPrP In fact, svery avallabl.. e raft from 'V cry lUltl of the lakes has be. Ii pressed Into Se-rvlce. A few of the smaller boats are tak ing grain today. The pack. mo freight ers are tnklntr a partial load of grain ii . vevv tri. Then was no ehappa in the rate today. Tei ehaitets WOTS reported, the market seemlim to lag Rftar Its briskness of a few days past. Twenty-one boats loaded with nr. left the port of Dtftpth during the oast twelve hours. The ycaaelnftan nre becoming used to the rush in r Wild rates In bedh grain and ore ire predicted iv marine man before the emd of the present sensein. BUSY DAY IN COURTS. Justice Little Has Four Cases thev MArninn Tusil e Little's court was a buv plpa thu morning, fom rppep rami t ip up for trial. Mike Pmtar, the Wirtova boarder. who was chuged with robb. gasj v ho itn n . r r,,r ,-pi (1Ii;v , hrnnghl bn. h y sterdnv. aptefirert In Hi I an. I paid the costs tl . . mplaln: being wlthdiawti. C P Plird appear. 'd If ',rt ,1 net paid s flue of $bo and coats for ha"- Bottled only at the brewery in crystal clear bottles, showing at a glance that it is clean and pure. Piont or write for o case. Pabst Brewing Co. 9th St. Phone 7H North ralnmsr MlnU Ibh bnderalaad Rah in his paaaeaanaufc I'urdy was arresi.d In HapOook not lonj; ao after Si t'lair Wilson had discovered ahaoat a toii oi anderaiaad tish in hhi poaaeaaMP. Jib hard Uennata, oopmpm drunk. who has been ftppsPriRR ill CPPfl with con iderabb- re-u iilaril v of late, v .s raa nfpat) davs, bpt sentence wsm auspaaded sa artiralnlaj to lapva the- county arid never return. n- prom Ismd and left nt once- for parts un kiiovv i). Henry Pyfkpa was tha last to ap rar, being chajfajtdl vvith riotPtP9 nf the IkpMar law, in kaaplpg his saloon open on Punday. n. was bound earat to the circuit court t' aarall trial. PAROCHIAL SCHOOL TO OPEN. St. lunatius paiochlal BChoo 'vi!l npen m st Tm aday for the r.iii larm, Th n vv s i-.o.. hieiluim; is lied iUtte ready fot npaucy and the scl..a ( will start temporal Uy In the oil huild inv. The n w building will be com plet. d about ( set I. Mother superior Cheruhlp win bava chPrge of tha is boo this ear, the new mother superior coming baps trom I 'oral ilu LPC, Sister i le Sail. also of I'on.l All I PC las bean a.bhil to lie leaching corps. Tin' -dsler pi St. A- n's will have- charge of tha mbool tins EMPLOYES OF THE Calumet a Hecla Mn'fl Co Who wish to sell their bouses or buy houses on Co. Land; who have rooms to rent or who wish to rent rooms, sre invited to advertise in this column without sny expense. FOB HALE room houM 201 Calu mt ave, FOR s.i..; Ilohse, I km mis, bath--4:Ua Elm St.. V. llow .la. ked. ' x FOH BALK ICIpbl room house, till Rldga st. x l'It S.ri,K"Tfi7us.' No71u4ii tlak7Yd- low Jpopet ' fom KtfiM T Houma Apply asi Toss' fda BL I ' H: BALM :tlJ!i Tunnel Si lbH" B ALE-1 62r 1 lecla Hi. l'iR BALK -Ktvi: room house. SS, Al blon. roil BALI -7-room house. 4087 Cone 8 FOR HAJ.K I room bouap No. I5i.;i He la St.. He. la ICnepiIre on pPaSP. FOR SA LB -D-niiiiii summer kitchen, coal shed, barn loom for Jt horses, etc. Atmlv KiOf, Reefs St. H, . la A IL'.'.tlO house for ll.aOO. FUR HALK--7 riMim htiuee, 82 SO Rbsge St. , FOB BAUD -4 -room boosa, No, bal Ind Calumet dam, tneulrn wllhb, FOB .SAl.M 8-riHim bouse, 4(ihj i,ne SI FOB BALV II loom house. Appiv IM Rockland Bt. Fi P H ILH Homm IMI lie. in Bt. Recta Roe k foundatle.n. hHi SAI.K, I ' r .... (i i i , i0iij i4, , i bim St. FOB sai.k room bouse, ju Watei pnrha st. MR BALK r,,.,M , J j ConvenVericen gtapp h-at f,ip dalle. n nnd plaPlhtPg Apply 6il Can brla ;:i . 'atumpt m me BIRTHDAY PARTY GIVEN. Miss .Vae Harris wis (hp guest ..i hopot at a partv gtysfl ii. honor ol he r blrtlnla.v last e vening bv Mrs I 'l . .1 NA'agner in I-.ast Hancock. Al K. IPl ktn-sts wcr. the M iss-'H tliadv s S.u b. l, I. in nie Htpabal Uaprtatta Howe, rjraca dark ham, fcsslaa WoowsMj Unnpa Wax- MP, Orrll Selfe rt, Kstella WoOOt I, and Jack l.a Mondia. l'il W.i.nn TOOS K' li.s, Wlnsoi Slovle, PrPd '.oS. Klrntr Drawn, rVillkuai ttavrtM ki b.ei aad William Anderson. I : HOUGHTON BREVITIES. Mr and Mrs. K. J. Dube have re turned from a trip to tin- Choaaand Islands and other plaOl s in Quebec Miss Ijiverrie I'risk has retume.l to her home in I-niiluin aftei isitltiK N'l I Ail. ell Kfe-llw itZ. Miss .lane- itev nolds has returned to her Icmi' In Hay City after visiting it the heaps af bar uncle, Dapana Rey- liohls. it I' r i ' . has re-turned from Chi cago prhdrt he- was catlad rpPratly by the death ,f his brother, killed by an nccldehtal dlsrharga nf revoivei News Wain Ads "Ing results Flt BALM room aoVIMjfa, at d bargain. Mil Liberty street. Raym haurtown. I'd: . vi.i: h loom house, No. 37s. on Caledonia Bt. 1'art bulai s a Wlek- strom Cn.'a store. Pine St. FOR BALK Nine room boUM bath room, st. ne foundation, ateau. heal, le llie IlKbt Wild hllldwoeed tlo.ilj hivviisiair largo attic, also front mi l buck stairs. Terms reasonable. API" (B School St. I'd: BALK - room MpMp BTP Cals dotila Bt on tiienilses. I IALK 10 Room House. Apply 411 Acorn st. x FOR SAI.K 7 room bouse, 382 Os ceola RoPd, Newiown. KOI; SAI.K - House No. 3133 Tunnel St., w eiletown. FOR SAI.K House. No. 40k: Klin St.. Yellow Jacket. fTiR itliNTe" room house No. 1 Franklin Bt.. Florida. Ki HI SAI.K I...I :t, bio, k S ' olvei ln St.. Florida. Apply at Mrs. CbaP naft'i board Ing houae. 12S Kesrsarge St oiitb. K III SA1.I-. I room house, No. 4 fiweeletown road. Appiv on premises KlK SAI.K House. IMh Hecla riT K H SAI.K Seven room I ne, ab .lonla St., Calumet, Mb h. FOR SAI.K House! No. 407. Caledonia Bt . Aiblon. Ft lit s LB H. use. No. a:t kai P" Yellow Jaektt. lull RKNT one furnisi"-.: ' 1 4 3?R Acorn 8U KOH BALK I rouni biaiae, tneer ''aledonla Bt. KUM BAUK -HlS -..Heoe75 Ijeioboo S. WALK 7 nom bwaaa BBBi f.i7 ait v M l. Koaideis. HIT W4aP caiuuiat. I I 1 ittkSsWHlMtUBtutsWKsm v 'mbbI