Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1912. THE CALUMET NEWS PAGE THREE - . . ,i . Hancock Department HANCOCK RATES NOT EXCESSIVE So Declares Manager of Michi gan Insurance Bureau Harry Trssaballl, "i Negsuaee, nan Sger f the Ipper IVnin-ula Insurance Inspection luri'ai, aeeerti thai the proper! . pWMn in Hancock will not at this tlm succeed in obtaining a reduction la their Insurance rstes, ai h result t tii.' inpiu inn nt in wiring mid other conditions nine w . gtockly wna ejapoihb t general nanag r of the i-ity. a tew weeks apo Mr. Trembath made a trip t. tha copper country upon hivltatlpa of Mr. Btoek .ml other prominent nun "I tin- cay, for I ha purpoaa at looking o r the improvements. They were of the Opinion thai the pity's liumrance rataa ahauld i- reduced, bul Mr. Trembath yesterday said that the Impi .mints wars imnntdered in fixing tin prssek rataa, Mr. 0teckJy, Mr. Trembath said, is doing goon work, but tin- improve ments are not or a nature to warrant n reduction of tha rates now in force, The only way that Hancock can gat into a iif classification, wit 1 1 lower rates tor all properties, is by main taint ng a paid lira department, The present volunteer department ml Trembath says, is as good as can be fi and anywhere in the upper psaln suls an I tha water system li also sat isfactory, hut tin- insurance m a an not i lowered until paid department i:t organised. Mr. Trembath aaM that he would i only too glad to co-operate with the people nt Heaooch or any other n or tow n in the upper peninsula, in an afforl to peduoe their insurance rates, tint be .Iocs not now see Ms way clear to recommend a lower olaaelflcatlon for any city in 1 1 1 i region. The insur ance cinpanv would he glad to re duce rate on all properties on which the rue haaard Is reduced. Hancock he said, has many frame buildings in places where a fire would cause the insurance company heavy losses. The experience of the insurance companion show that they make more money on a i p r bent Rata oh brick stone or concrete structures than they do on a rate of from '.' to per BOW in wood buildings, and that they would much prefer to have a citv elssstficd In the4 one. one hart or two per tent rate than in the higher ra--. The tiiKiiran e companies have also found by experience tiiat the a .a a lite of the wooden buildings, cspc lat- lv in the bustfJeea district of tin av erage town. Iocs not exceed flop! twenty tO twent.v-ihe years, and in many places wooden structures have h.en doatroysd by ire ' two r three times tn that period. What all up per peninsula cities must is tfl Kit lower c l issilh ation is maintain paid fire departments ami put up i t fire proof structures. DIF.S AT ST JOSEPH S. Old Houghton Resident Passes Away at the Hospital. Ctoorge H. H. l-e; t. lor the past Aft) yenia a resident of the copper country, passed nwa a? St. Joseph's BOSpifal lust nil. hi. aued 70. Hel.ert was Iwun on Ann 15, 1912, and came to the pi r eountrs twenty years old. He opened a dm- store iii rfOOffhtOf w 'ii( h In- rati IM Iwanty-Avs cais ami thai wwved Itnbbell Where h, went into ihe drug luPJIneM fur tin- lhat f VHn u" has heep. MVtPloyed 10 a carp, liter at tha Mas.- mill Jt K uraettiw Hay. Keben hi am h 'i hj Ms wtfo ami sevcml chUdraa, No mnernl arrange ments have bean ma le as yet SPECIAL MEETING TONIGHT. A Rpeehl ineclin-; of the trade ami labor (ounctl has been culled i ..night when Una and detlnlt, plan: will he made regarding lh Moor da celebra tion to he held at Ihe Hancock grtfTe. The matter of prohibit Ins the of Intoxicating liquor ni th debratlort tan ill e,.m. np for Mgehgalon ami it se. nis BOW !f lh in' ml., i- Would njsree heartily with the rcuueal Ot the police to itOP H e sale of huor at all Celebration! at the Pirk ami move. At totiiuht's n ting it is probable that dm place of Monday s Labor Day picnic will be Changed Iro n the Han cock grove to tin- prog Pool grave baa HouKhton. It pays to advertise. FRECKLES New Drug That Quickly Remove These Homely Spots. TbfrnB no longer the alL'htoat neo.1 of feeling sahamad f your frechtag as a new drun, oHiin. double str . ngtli hs been discovered ihat poaitlvati ra- moVPH these hotlielv M'otS. Simply get one ounce of Othlne double Htreimih. from IvikI" lru Storp ond apply a little of It nt dclit and in the morning you will aag thai even the worst freckles have begun to, while Hie lighter ones have anished entirely. It t s.-ldoin thai more than an ounce la needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a ncau tlf ill clear complexion Be mire to nk for double trenKl! oibine. us t til: is dd under ruaranle. nf n.nny hock if It fnlls to romovi freeklea. TEMPLE OF JACOB TO BE DEDICATED SDNDAY CONGREGATION OF ISRAEL WILL. FORMALLY OPEN SYNAGOC SUNDAY. The new fMiagoH which has been eraeti'd mar the Haneoafe cm! ci ihe rhttnt) bridge will be iMatosted Hun da) afternoon, tha asarclaai oanjgaanctitg at :30 n'cioca. Invltatloag here bean Heat out by the m cretin s to a MJVP number of protnlnent I ewe in the top per OOUntrj ami a Mfge atlemlaii.e i. expected. Kabbl Joseph Heesh am' I'.abbi lefKpVitl arc expected hel . 1 1 "in Chicago today, Robb liefkoviu cemtnM here temporarllj to attend the dedii atiim WMIl faihbi Hev, ah Wtfl lirinK his tamil here and locate In I Ian.- , K. The new lynagi i.- praottealfy com pleted, the nnl) work mmalnlrg betnn ihe completion of tin retaining wail In front of ice building and the K'-id- u)K of the int. Anderson I lona ar rushlm the waah on ti e r tabling wall and win have i; completed before ih" date a ihe cMi. Maa, The ponereta steps are already in place ami th in terior work was completed a short tune ago, Th, i'i tnple of .la. on is om af th most beautlsal hoimes of woretllp m Ihe copper country. The Interior dec- orations ure marl., perfect. vhlle th" altar is am ng (hi hamlsomisi in tho county, The iltar faces the WeM and IS I!. I. iked b) two i ;illr: OOCh coll- talnlng s van candies. The altar Itself is placed on a ralaed platform, elevat ed about two feel cbnvc the iiiain Raor and backed h a curtain, whieh cov ers a reCeai in the wall and whlin !s the moat sacred place in the teasple. a gallery runs along the west tide of ihe temple and fa -i s the altar. The eight Maim-.; glagi wtndowe of the i;iL;ij. were preeented b) Jewish i mi. Ins ;j; nientory of departed niem- bera, The Sample win be lllamlnotad It) ten electric Ughte suspended in a cluater from (he d me ami supplement od by small, r eleotrtc Ughte arranged U found the walls. The basemen I la dlvkled up into smaller rooms, tho Mrgeal of Which will ! used as a meeting place and ior ihe Koldlng ot gabbath echooL Uockaf roomi ami other convehten ea hae ueen edded, Winking the whole about oompleM m i oonvenlant. Tiie program for the dedication exer cises Is as follows: Mail Tuvu Mm!-eho-Sunr; by t;. flneae. Procraskui laaaring the s roils of the Law; I'.salrn - I - P. iusse. gjj Ma ifJaarot i U bh4m, Induction of Itahbl .Tost ph rteveah U Kabbi M Dedii a ton ik veah. Preaentntlp Acceptance Lefkovlte. Prayer Etabbl Joseph of Key .: be- I A. U U i esldent 1 1 UK' M. Retd, Lighting ..f Porpetut hup Mi.-. I. i lotdamrth. Horlpfnral Reading; t, Kings; Cba tar I Rabbi Joseph He cab. Dedi. atorj Bergaon Rabbi m k.. its L f Ad If s in .1. w ish Benediction Rabbi Dedication Ball Tile Jew lib Ladles' U Rem m. Uofkpvita. Arranged. Auxiliary of the First Congregation "i Israel will give dedication bail at the Amphidrome m xt Monday evening In celebration of, the oompletloa of the new temple. The hall to be a aoci il function ol much Importance it will he attended very largely and the com mittees in rtiargO Intend tfl make the evening pleasant for aH of their guesta, The hall will he prettily decorated. Director Kllmthammer of Kllng- kamniei's orchcatrg yeaterday auhmlt- ted to the . oinmlttec a program of My Ronnie dance music as follows Two-step. Itring Hack p. Me. Wal'z, Joys of Summer. Two-stei. Au Ravoir, ii'.. Golden Dreamland. Two-st.p. when von Ware Twenty' one and I Was Sw i el Sixteen. Walts, Wadding the Pairhnt Tn o-si. p. The Deep larpta W alt.. Kali i Kis. es. Two-step, Take a Little Father. Wall, .luno. Tw .-step. That Stop Timi Weit. Wedding King. Tw,. siee. Don') Blame Mi Tip from Hag. for Lov - lnK Tou. Waits, The Itlushlng of the Rose. Two stop, Watting for Robert i.e. Walt Harbor of Love. TWO-Step, The Hand fame Hack. Wall' Sweet Memories. Two step. The Spring Maid. Wait.. Arcadia, Two-step, drizzly Rear. Win- The Spring HMo-Two-Step, That Mysterious Rag. Wall.. I Night 'Dear. PLAY OFF CRICKET GAMES. Seeretaiv ib id of tn.. Copper Coun try cricket hague ays Hint the post- powed games will played off gd rm as Boeetblc fr. m now on, ami with favorable weath.i on Silmd ixa. It 18 h.,p d to have the tn 're schedule com pleted bj the riral .i s tobet. The matter nf srranging for the poatpotied gam rest ,'''r,tn!,' ,,f t!" inb ihetnsclvea. rhe tiamal e-.irtom in such ensis. and the mi' ?ikolv to be followed. Irt0 have the Raines p.avcd Off In the same order In which liny W et c pUSffM Ok if i , Mont ' ' l'om dii cctoi of gtnali in the Haneo k s. hoolS and his gtaicr ii.c n,,mnlne 'oMom. a rcce il grad uate of 'lie I. elicit Con' rv Ttorv of Music, arrived m Hanenea this morn lug from Dcti. it. RESERVES MAY TAKE PART IN BIG NEW YORK PAGEANT HANCOCK DIVISION GETS INVITA TION AND EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO ARRANGE TRIP. The Han. .. k nn a: rem ri I; . I.. a Invited to make a trip to New York in October and take pail in the Mg naval pageant to be h.hi October If to Inctualve, A letter lia been r dyed by the oflicefH of the,.. ragervee uruini; them to bring all tin Influence they pan command ;. India ihe proper itrthorttlea to mike ar rangemente for Hie trip. The letter receivd b the rlBOCOCM division was njalled today to (Jtani M Rtephenson f Menominee, fnwnmangiT of the second battalion ana he will take the ni 'tter up .vlth tile Stttte uffl. i.llh Pavorable action l hoped for hare, The battalion Is in good shape unau- c la thy and has money that could be uaad, to defray onrt of the agpanae at the triii, so that if the itate will agree to pay a stiare the trip seems assured. HORSES HAVE RURBER SHOES. rlanrcck Fire Teams Provided W tli Non-Shppable Shoes. Tin- rlanCOCh 'he department hoises are provided witt non-attupable ruh ber shoes, and have been for about two months. Nothing was so d about ilu- matter when the Innovation was UrSt triid. hut the shoes ha v.- prov ed such a great gUCCeaa that cMt.v .Man ager BtocKly now feebi more at Ithertj to mention the matter, Tin- now slim s were latrodueod af ter one of tiie tennis ha I 'alien tWi in making the rilfl front the tii. hall to the railroad crossing la weal Hancock, mid reallaiag the ion the city would Incur it pas of th. horses houid meet with a sell, us ac blent through slip ping, Mr. Sto kt) had solne rilbbei shoes tried and m w declares that not a man ip ti e department would be In favor of nt ai lining to 'the old etyh Iron shoes. Not ones since their Intro- du. thai have anv of the horses ipilp pc.l wiih Ho new shoes Slipped i r i making a ran and they hi ve wora surprtalngly well, ao wall in fact, thai Mr. Stockly believes they will Drove moi.. soon an lea I than tin ordinary shoe. only two teams have been ttttad with Hum so far. th" oldest . itv team being remarkablv gure-fo.'ted and it as tl ghl l.-tter to have them alone and .online the innovation t, ll tier teams. The city workim; learn is not so provided either as tin- nigh work gnd the crushed rock i nids over which Hies- are obliged to woik weald rein a pair of rubbei shoes rn a short time. s a whole Mr. St .cklv bejlcves the i ubber sIhh is a m e at inip-ov clie nt over the idd style ami well adapted to the hills am' pavements in the coppei country, and he believes that when il advantages tn mote understood the rubber shoe will have a mm h wider vonue than at l resent. ORGANIZED BALL NEXT YEAR. Hancock Will Be In New Lenyue In 1913. --Plans Being Made. Plans are already being asade for th.- formation of a six b am has. bill oag:;e next pai, s hoarding t. Johh stack, Barags fans being tie most sc. the in agitating such an irrang4 - nieiit. Stock believes such a league entirely feasible gnd sees no reason. why it should fall. Huhbcll is a certainty, If iu ii a esraoll is ipisnlsed, ami so is a team from the north end of the county. Mohawk would prob tWy come in. also Huron! wn, Repttbll h is asked t be admittafl to the league if suck an organisation is formed 'ail it is considered that Re public is too far away. The t ins want a laague composed of towns snnM icached ami conipactlj grouped. Hancock ins had no organised ball this vi u since ih" breaking up af ih. copper Country league about a month ago. Klkhnrt wanted to come here for a imi and when all of the irrahgamonts were complete, it woe (jpnnd Hie gToUndg wen in stu b OSSV lition as to preclude the pcsalbtllty of playing; so there has been no boll here for some time. Ilnbb. ll pn l.ibly will some bur - fot a game next wek, and f ihe gSane Is ariansed It seems . , r l it In Ihat the fans will turn out well. FAIL TO COMPROMISE. Sarr.antana Adjourn Meeting Without Setting Their Troubles. The special meeting of the Imperial Council of Modern Bamarltans ad lourned without being nolo to arrive at H settlement of the (actional dilTei- ences which have caused consnderattM lltlgntlon, says the Duiuth htbrahl Hut memb rs of the council have not et given Rp the Idea of effecting I eomproinljc which will Stop all the litigation ami bring the management .f Ihe order to i pea- el id basis again and Olipawin 'Hi the war footing. Tag . ecu.ivc board of the Imperial coun ii win bold another regular meeUng n s- pt. jl and its member profess to believe that by that time a com promise nil be effacing. Several resolutions were inlieda .d yesterday afternoon looking toward a settlement bul all proved unmtUrtsV - lory and nothing came of th -m. The result wag Hie passage of S regain- Mon rerogntslns onljf the tlgaaturcs of C. K. Hoinhath as treasurer and John Christie as imperial good Bamaritati on .hecks and ix hers. O. F. Coll lei still regards hinis. If as Imperial treas urer and claims ihat th" nctinn of electing n anccrasor Is Illegal. There- rore, ac far as the niarrel .ver th . "i of Imperial iieasurcr Is con tented, which was the main point a Issue, the situation remains nnchnng .il. M this meetlni the status of A F.. McMnnus ns a member of the Im pertltl council. from which ho WSi ted nt the July neetlr.g declared Illegal b Judg. Cancer, and the Ma- in of w a Hi k n 1 1 imperial ecrinc, were m-t btniMhl up. The chief W.'lk ! Ihe lil.ctMiK Wah th. ratal ng a mtee tj ihe IMS aatantt ule and the adopti f certaM) an- jowraeni fomm ot Liihui incc. RECITAL AT CHU'ICH TONIGHT. Miss MitcheM tnc Mn-ber of Sun day School to Ertsrtain. The member ,,( Mine Mm t v clas., of the Sunday school of the First Methodlsi church will m a rectUsi ami I'cnoarl at tl.e church tics even ing. Miss AhTies Mitchell is on the pnmram lor thre. r.-adiime and in ad dition to this tin r. win it.- mini berg b) membero f the claes 'ihe prugrasi as follows: Solo Mrs. W. Robtrte He idliin Miss Agnea Mitchell. ptanu Soin-.Mis kathryn Byaa R. adlriK Miss ( nei M.tclnll. f, I. - -Miss Olive Will in-. Heading Miss A-;nci Mitchell. ft .io -Krneat Curnow. The proceed will be donated to foreign mlselollN. As the advun.e sale of Hikets lias been iieav) a lar;e croa d is gaected. NATIONAL CONVENTION HERE. Finnish Lutheran Sunday School As sociation Meets Tomorrow. The national convention cf ihe l'i.. nlsh Lutheran Sumlav Srlinl sS0O I lion will open here tomorrow and Continue until Mon lav evening. Jest how many will he present is not known v i t hut a good attci.c anC la safateted. Tin- asngiash for the convention is as follows: Monday morning. 1 : " Services. Sei - men bj Rev, Btadtui of Negaataee. Sunday gdtemuon Meeting for the election of cnmmitteea Bonday evening. 8:20 Bvetdni ser vices, addressed by Rev, Kautaiieii of Calumet and R". KuksI of Smitii Han . Mon lay 1:10 eJerviccH conducted by Rev . Wargajlta .-t Republic. Monday, i p. m RusineM niaeting. Sessions will continue until oYI... k M imhi) cNcinii, 7 o'clock. Platform me. ting. K. P.'S MEET TONIGHT. A regular meeting of the Knight.- ol Pythias will be held this evening. Wd- I lam Reld leaves Bundu) to attend the grand lodge BiValon at (.land Haven ami will be accompanied b Websl i Hock, chairman of the committee on gppesla and grievances HANCOCK BREVITIES V " I 8 r W e WW I - -VT1 1 IF' Miss Kthe! l-unkcy ! visiting L'Aiw 1 1 ad William Come) has gone t Detroit for a short v Jail. . Mrs. Myron Lytle has returned from a visit to Milwaukee. Mrs. William Hoppen ol I !h ago I visiting Haneo! k friends. jat k Lasmddre of Calumet was Hancock visitor yesterday. Htm Ida Pcrmull has led for S1 Iouis to attend SChOOl ttM tOtlp year. Rev. FT. .la ipies has returned t MetieinllUe Uftrt II Visll ill tile copp country. Mis TUlle I. has return?U t her home ii JaTObavflle after visiting Man cot k fri da. Mr. and .Mrs. Janus Rutler hat gel e ... Mar inette where ghe) will via their daughter, Mrs. W. S. Wnghi. Carl Mei ;i mi has lone R, hi ler. Minn.. accomiian. Ing Richard Radge, who wii: enter M ivo Breu.' h bitai Mrs. Rub. rt Harrower and daugnlei. Norma, of Lancaster, Wis.. N !e r far a rlgli with Mrs. w. .i. Hodfea- backer, The South Bharg has annou.iceil tha th,- late tiain Will be held tin evening of Bp tsm her I for th.- beosAI "f H i aba lOOnt) patrons win. ibsile to ai lend Ho performance of "Bought ami paid i-'oi' at the Kerredge thai even mg. Pastor R M fJOrdon Will place om phte bowling alleys in a m w t'hris- tian church to be ere. ted in rlatbush, V. V. Toaihache; how it affected a Clev Mad gnhoolbo) and how elimination of dental trouble rpiaad ins w holsrshtp will be shown in motion pictures be fore tic im . tings of tlx Mai gj Mouth Hygiene association, lie NS ilenal Dei lal association ami the lr. Ciuigrcas Of Hygiene and Dennogrsphy, to tie held si ai ington, September 9 to 13. DECIDE YOURSELF The Opportunity is Here, Backed by Calumet Testimony. 1 km'! take our word for it. Don't depend! on a stranger's state ment. Rea l Calumet endorsement. Read the BtstSmSBtS of Calumet clt sens. And dei Ids for yourself. Here Is one case of it: Mrs. Fred ll diner, 1151 Depot streei. Calumet. Mich., says: "I am pleased to recommend Doan's Kidney puis, i have been greatly benefited by the'.r use. I suffered from severe beckei hes, spells of dlislnang and had a tired languid feeling. I had no strength or energy and my kidneys caused me an novan s. I finally read of poan's Kid ney Pills snd gnve them a trial. They trough! im entire relief and I have bad no bin kacbes or trouble with my kidneys sn i 1 am now feeling like different person." For ssle hv all deslers Pries M .enta. Foster-Milburg Co.. Buffalo, N'ew York, sole ngents for the t'nlled states. Remrmher the name-Poan s and J take HO other. ( TORCH LAKE HUBBELL VS. WHITES. Hancock to Meet Torch Lake Hero Sunday Afternoon. Meneger John a. siattery has baan successful in arranging a gam.' with the Hancock Whites -for Hundav af ternooii I lie genie will be called a.'. I o'clock and a good contest is expect ed. The Hancock team will have sttoiiK battery. Joe unsson, the nM sy ptcher anil heavy lilttei. formeilv with llubbell, Inn been signed h Hancock for the remainder at tb s.,.- son. Hutch" Block win act Denme the hat. Motthea Wtll be in the box for tht locals, while Harll will catch. Should the weather prove favorable there "ill be u large crowd of spectators pres ent. Captain Joe Werner will he out of the name against Hancock. Will Man ner, catcher, baseman and gsldtT for Hub bell, will cover third sack in ace ,,f the captain. The other play ers will line up In their regular posi tions. WILL SH001 SUNDAY. The members nt the Hubbell Rod a- Hun club win hold another meet next Sunday morning at In o'clock. Considerable enthusiasm was shown at the club headquarters last Sun- daw when John It. Hodges won tin- medal, and will retain possession of it ur.til soase other member Is success ful in breaking a larger number of birds at one shoot than the present holder. Several new men were on hand Sunday to see the sport. TORCH LAKE BREVITIES. 4 -;vtv- Leon Allvvin left to.'av for Detroit to locale. Michael Cuddlhy departed todaj Chicago after spending a ooupk weeks here visiting relatives. Miss Carrie N'ieholls will have for of to- morrow for Uraml Rapt da to resume her work as a teacher in a high school in that eity. Mrs, if, k. Column a wtll leave far home in Chicago tomorrow after spending a few weeks here visitin? her parents, Supt. and Mrs. Henry l-'isher. Mrs. A C Hoggin and Mrs. John Deardea, Jr.. the latter of Hubbell, en tertained abOUl thirty-five friends at the Dearden residence at Ltawooi vesterdav afternoon "Tlge'' one of the faitliful old horses al the C & II. smelts at Linwood. was disposed of this morning. "Tig.'' was ghOttl twenty-five years old and had Served the company for twenty years. He was too old for service and owing b the r.ict that he was badly erlp I led up nnl suffering, his misery SfSjg mercifully SCSled Wtth a rifle. John PatSar left Bo Ansa this morning w here he Will spend tomorrow h.-hing. He was ac ompatiied by Jim baaaa Sad Tom Smith. Tomorrow , l os, ; the trout season and the men desire to put in one more day nt their favorite sport. HONEYMOON EXCURSIONS. Custom ordains that the n. wh mai akaj eougda shi uld go away to MSgSt place where the) Will be the h ast like ly to meet any friends, and t stuy there for so long a time as the bn le- gpooni i an conveniently absent hlmsotf from whatever husinesK he may be con nected w lib. It s. cms to me that this !s a CUatoPJ of very doubtful boned! to the yohnr conuplc however great a relief it may be to their ISM tiVSS and friends. In (he (list plac it tends tc give the I. rice rSCept she be of more 'bar. Ih4 average in rcirard to common sense, a Vary fits.- impression of mart...! lit.-. The groom will endeavor t "give her a g. od t'me" In every waj that he an afford (and ott-tim.s in ways usat he cannot afford be will be more rati ghHrate than he has ins Intention of continuing to be after thev return to theit own home whether ihat be in .. mansion or a modest Cat and in v - cry meant r seeks to Impress ins bride that he Is a veritable paragon of kind ness and virtue. This Impression unfortunately, is soon dispell, d after their return hone ; here the man Is himself and the mi. COneeptloit that marriage Is one long extension of courtship, an Inffntt) ol delightful veiilnns spent in th. dim llgh! or the front parlor bj all tco ouicklv over, ast 1 Hie t trenglh of knowledge which com. s with the many clouds Whtctt are sure to cather dur ing the first year of married life. Now. i his does not mean Ihat Iheir loye fop each Other ha vanished or grown less: It is m.-relv the natural of becoming man and wife, and the strain on the dlsrsltlon of both H nu!ly great Nnd the UgM sj ent In "honeymooning'' the res ess the strnln. because, b keeping lb. Ml CUtt starth In .a h others society, it doe. not permit them to think over thing and adpJSl their lives to the new rela tionship Amanda htoore. In Bxi hang. An International wlrsseos telcgjiang oparatcr's union has be. n formed. London I ngland, hss over 100. OCO paupers. William Henry Smih has been lei ted superintendent of public m hnoli in Penver. In succession t. Charles K. Chirtsey. who resigned to take a simi lar posit h n in Tetrolt. dev. Lee I'm e. of Dklshoms, criti cises eclSt women who sr.nt round .tanclng tatight In the public school and nnnoun . s uralterable onposllto.i to the Idea Paul Blne-r. of New York. 42 years i .ripple using ctutehes. slipped ihe nth i i day on a Imnnni peel, The hUinp aired his pamlyaSI and now he walks without aids. mm on Champion Rifle Shot Lets INDIANAPOLIS. INP -What would you do If you were the best ritleund revolver shot in the elate, and a hold up man grabbed your "roll" out of your hands? Khoot him, of course. Well, that's Just what the champion shot of Indiana didn't do the only time BO ever had occasion to rely on hla murkskmanahlp to save his prop erty. John i: liafuer, who won the state championship In the second annual tournament of the Indiana State Kifle association In the Indianapolis hatta'i lon armory, for several years has been one of tho best shots In the country. When he won tho state championship the othr day, he scored fi2 consecutive bull's eyea a record for Indiana and the secretary of the State association believes It Is a na tional record Hefner has numerous medals to ahow for hla skill with the rifle and the revolver. But he never has shot at a human target. When he was robbed In hla place Mocking Smile of a Girl - LOS 4N0BLM, fsl A winsome lass, flashing a BnHle aj sunnily sweet as a day in June, nas brought shout the downfall of dozens of auto speeders on the Venice road, the "speed mania" road of Is Angeles. SHHtty, She has caused their hearts to flutter so that their digestions are upset and their mental po!e serious ly disturbed, and incidentally has touched their pocketbooks to the end that the county treasury bulges with their dollars paid out In fines. On tho rear seat of a motorcycle, with g sturdy county motorcycle "cop" steering, the young woman, claim the autoists. has been the preity decoy that has led them Into opening the mufflers of their engines and cutting down the road at a pace that soon lauded them In trouble. Of couree, the motoriets do not for a moment think that the pretty young woman on the motorcycle Is either dag wife or sweetheart of one of their hereditary foes. Far from it. When the motorcvele port's Bauclly behind sn sntoist and starts to pnss. with the girl on the rear seat showing a row of pearls In a derisive smile, his pride is touched. No man with an auto that can cough along at a soel of more than Jersey Lad Prayed at Night and Robbed by Day PATKRSON. N. J -Kneeling every night to repeat the !xrd's Prayer, as It was drummed" iuto him by bis father, and oommlttlngdiiirglary dur ing Hie day. sixteen year old Albert Vroehmd has discovered that he has bee i placed In the front rank of dual personalities. He pleaded guilty In court to seven of a wholesale list of robberies chsrged against him, and wss sent to jail for a term not to be less than 9 or exceed 63 years. "The champion bad boy of New Jer aev is the tiile which young Vreeland earned, and every householder in this citv who has been the victim of the voting burglar and his band, betlems he came by It honestly. Apparent bj he robbed for the pure love of the game, and when he entered a home lie generally destroyed a great deal more than he look away wllh him. One oth er member of the gang has been cap Sings Her Favorite Ragtime Ditties at A. M. CHICAGO. It was 2 o'clock In the morning, yet the piano in the flat upstairs was still dispersing ragtime "Pome on along, come on along." It In sisted, "to Alexander's Rag Time Iland." for "everybody's doing It now." The piano w as no, the only sleep-destroyer, a human voice was Its accom plice the voice of Mrs. Rose Kllhaue. 2951 South I'nlon avenue. "Ye gods." soliloquised Mrs. Mary Iyee, holding her hands to her ears, "how much longer will that music box stand it?" "O Moving Man. don't take my bab grand," came the voice of the singer. A fervent prayer escaped from the flat below, a prayer that ihe moving i man would get busy right away. A gggfg of residents In the block would : gladly have paid the expenses of the trip when i want to be. I want to he, I want to le down South In Pixie" floated through the open windows a few moments lster. The singer heard neither the lray ers nor the nnpte aHons. but told her audience In pajsmss "Oee, but I like music with my meals." The Esr Msrks. Hans wss summoned to court to Identify a stolen hog On being asked if the hog had any ear marks, he re plied "The only ear marks dat I saw vas dat bis tall vas cut yfl." Holdup Man Rob Him ; of business a few years ago. it wasn't because he had jost his skill or his nerve, but it wss because he obeyed B mother Hefner was in businesu on Wsshington street near Kural street when be was the victim of a holdup." A customer In Hafner'n poo. room gave him a $10 bill In paying tor his gamea. and Hafner took a wal let, containing $175. out of his pock et to get two fives Twoatrangera were standing near gf and the larger one grahbed the wallet. At that momeut Hefner's mother and one of his employes stepped In at the back door and as Hafuer tried to detain the robbers the aggMlofs rsn Into a back room and got Hafner's re volver He gae Hafner the revolver Just as the robbers went out of the door, with Hafner in pursuit As Haf ner leveled the pistol his mother cried "John!" Hafner says he haB heard I that cry before, and hp never In his life disobeyed his mother, so when I she told blm not to shoot he lowered the pistol and watched the robbers i run away with his $178. "I am not sorry I obeyed my moth er," said Hafner when the Incident I was recalled. "The Iosb of a few dol- j lars Is nothing when compared with the life of a man, even a robber. I did not take up rifle and revolver shooting I because of any desire to shed the I blood of man or beast" 'Decoy" Is Fatal Lure eV 25 twenly-flve miles an hour wants to see his machine passed. Furthermore, ho has a sort of brainstorm caused by the tantalizing smile of the pretty young woman, and so he is led to hla undoing. So far, ii is estimated, nbout 100 autoists have fallen Into the nlcely haihad trap. The motorcycle police men d"tiy that they are carrying tbelr girls or sweethearts along as "motor bait." Of course, they can't help It If their femlnlno companions stir tha autoist to speeding. H. Drew of the district attorney's office, who has harr" of the eight motorcycle policemen who hunt speed ers for the county, said the other day that If the motorcycle policemen car- i rkid fascinating young women on tho tandem seals of their machines, they were using the feminine decoys on their own initiative, ile wild that tha women never appoar in court. lured, and he baa cor'-s-jad also. Mrs Vreeland, the boy's mother, blames Uie father for a considerable part of the lad s troubl- My hus bsnd," rhe said, "who has been help less for the last 11 years because of illn. ss, was entirely too strict with the boy. He is s rigid church member, and I think that Herbert's mischief has been mostly due to his father's attitude toward him. I also think that had girls Influence him He had won !Le hearts of several young girls, and gave one of them a dlamomi ring valued at $fJM When I told him Ihat the police knew that he had given the girl a rlug of that value, he pulled his hair and said: " Great Scott' No wonder I got Fuch a salty dose from the Judge. I am going crary when I do anything like that. 1 thought t bo ring was pnlty.' " After being sentenced young Vree land said to his folks: "Well, 111 be 7 when 1 get out, and the first thing I will do will be to kill two detec tives." The vaiMon recklessness that has characterized tho movements of Her hert ami his pals has fairly stunned' I iiie resiuenin ui rmrinju. "O Mr. Dretniman, please let me dream some more." wss the next se-s lection, followed by a ragtime lullaby.l "Hear her," almost sobbed Mrs. 1".I "Singing 'Sleep, Ksby, Sleep,' and bhs won't let anybody else do it." She hastened out, and senrching the streets and alleys finally found a po liceman and had him accompany 'tier to th flat. "Come, hero mine," sang the voice, and the policeman entered. There wss no more singing that night, snd next day Mrs. Kllhane had a hearing be fore Municipal Judge IVdtler at the South ('lark street station. The Judge. hned her $H and costs. I hat s wh the nights sre So quiet now in the vicinity of 2H1 South I'nlon avenue. The Only One. To every man the most beautiful' woman In the world Is that one he most sadly misses when she Is gome i nnd most glsdly wehomes when she I returns Galveston Ness. dlJajgj