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PAGE FOUR THE CALUtoET NEWS FRIDAY, AUGUST 30. 1912. fiTiir Calumet XruiS Founded Ismi. DAILY KXOMulr SUNDAY. Published by the MINING GAZETTE COMPANY M V. iroi N I ' S, Kdltor. w Puslnc M. LYON. Manager Kntcied at the Tost Office at Calumet, Michigan, us Second I'hn Mail Matter. TBLKPHCMOCS: Business offite Kdltorlal Rooms ..209 . . 4 TKKMS OK SI' liSv'llll'TION. Hy Mall or Carrier. per Year (not in advance) $00 Per Year tin advance) $5.00 Per Month Fingle Issue il Complaints of irregularity in deliv ery will receive prompt mid thorough Investigation. FRIDAY. AUGUST 30. 1912. N, vv York is t.' rMrtM it K Hue . t Pending enshroud it devt li! menta it Shell I, Somebody must have heen swatting the Hull M oxers. Tin were is scarce In the pi imarv election M IMS just after the aratttag I gflBPhtfjn. ! f tliUfBS b". Wilsons de isioii. not to sunup the count n due t a gentle hint ma have be, n ti. n. the home ' folks that they would like to have him sptnd a little ot his tern, ns -oef-nor of New .lersev BU 'he Job As Teddv made his platform, a hit i.l I't-iidv s platloi'li is ill at Tcd dv. The Aineilcan Har ss. 'a 1 1. a took a stand against H.s'clt when It adopted its- resolution opfNMVBg the re rlutiorar proposition f Judicial recall. Knglainl s new battle ships will In., a curved hi in red upoer de k and fun nel protection to r. s si attacks frn. am rait. The fact gies a hint of tin revolution in naal 6cfMM fbrsghsd owed by th development of niilitu airships. We will all t i liuti. h from Vet -mnt next Tinsdav. Tin atSGiioa there v. ill be ot nation w ide ml 'i. si. The result will .u a me isure inte. p ft the situation which ROW confronts the three parties and the winner will aggda much plgnAhP (Off the general election in November. The suspense is at last over. 13u ftene V. IVIm hns accepted th BOml nation l. iiil nil him b the Sin. talis! partv as their candidate for the praal i! n. v . ,ns o ..line, to him as s call t"t aarvl perhaps, but the pai tv has had a geed many calls that roved to be false alarms. Fxereiae la rtnt timoiiaded foe n tilings, IncladtnC the strengthening of weak eyes. Profeaaor Rherhardt o Davt.n. Ohio, der lares that the !al J"sjh Pulitzer went idii'd througii lack of blond ti puUffhltl Hie . cs, .ind adds that BtUatltllei I x. r. Is. ppaPDi blond hate th' head, whence it raachca the eyes, eurtna Marred is on and warding off hllndnea. Another Ineen (Ive t" the afftci man to s e t It that h gets a certain mount of aserclec ev erv daj ' "CLOVERLAND.' Ths 1'pper Peninsula I pmen pajraaa ai the Northern hflchtsaa btother of the Northern Mlnfteaota Development assor latlon The bureau has derided that here after m the advertising matter It sends out to attract settlers to the sj of Northern Michigan tha Dpcanr Penin- siila "li.'li oe known t- " Moverland." That s rather lever "CtoTPtrfaad'1 seggests fertile soil and smiling scent ed Melds, and It will grpffl a useful i at h phrase. Of ourse. too. Its use Is Justified by the f.e ts. Clover grows like i vend 9g Father Has a the noil of the cut-over lands of iheT Lake Suiwtor region. A soil thai can do Hi. 1 1 will yield riches Hut of course Northern Michigan has no monopoly of such soil The soil oi Northern Wisconsin and Northern Minnesota is a Vlov erl.tnd," too. ihilv Northern Michigan thought j J(l j( ymjt (h, l.a( h itml that gives It a sort of copyright on It. "t'lnvt t land" reallv stretches from Hi itsklrts of the Red River valley on the vv est to the Sault on the east ii hroad belt of fertility that if tida th. iiiont sparsel settled atahlc area In the country. In it lies opportunity. It Is settlum rapidly, ami settlement will he more n pld Iron: now on. There are mil lions f rich acres in Northern Miinn sola. Northern Wisconsin and North ern Michigan with a soil formed bv deposits of lent mold through count less i os a -,.il enormously rich in plant food, and capable of su '!'"i tin. ii .1. finitely a population of mllftoiis It is the best cheap land remaining .in, it will not be cheap much longer Duluth Herald THIS IS MY tobH Bl RT.1 DAY.' g A. I 'auuhert v . who rWMNltl i ,,. t,.,.r.t h Missouri diwtilct In 0N gress, was b rrt in Athens. i enilossve. .-viignsi . '. i-nw w va cation in the roaunon schools off his native St:. to ami at the .ifte of twuh 1y reni"d to Missouri. For a time ho . iiuaL-. d in farming, b it later hc biiaine lUtSrSStSd in milieu In the A. Id. "it. district Through his mm i,,.. Of utrjHIcm In acquired consider able w alth Hid embeiltod In the bank Hlg business Ml I'.iu-lhertv s lli.-I position in public life was that i.f niuii t .'mill pulse. Ii Served two tetnis on the lu r ch and th -n retired to ac cept election as number of the Mis sotirl house t rejiresetitatlv s. He was ele, ttd 'o .'oiicress tw iars aso on the Democrat!, llckot. A trdins to the returns of the to. out priruarb : he has been dof ated f r renoml nation Charlea s Hamlin, Hoston tawyei and former diplonvat, .'.I vear-i old lo day. Karl ef . tesart. wh" has dist i ig-uishe.) biaaaeil as Uawyer and ..niiiiiist, tt ears eld toda.v MM I MMtltIM A- SOMC FACTS OF GENERAL INTEREST 4 . . fi ,f ,f ,f. ,. ,y. ni .1. .1. f i .p. .full. .f..L ib Tbt n,,N diiese p..t:ice l imps. urdlm t" the (fan Knginnd stump Monthly, nave .egtin to arrive in Am- ri'a. The nana .f the new republic, Indicated t.v these stamps, in Chung Hut Min Kan Pt Middle Plow, rv P pie's State." This name is apparentl. Japtad from the familiar dorlcnatioi. of Vhlna as the "Flowery Kingdom ' The installment furniture .balers of Hi" ITatted states m t in New i oi k the o'lnr da-. t. t.-rm a national aaaa i n ion, ana at the objeete of whii h. i' was ptated, would be to keep track of undesirable ctaetpOMTa Raphael Ucv;. of Philadelphia asserted that the .. 060 inejat liatils Who do the bulk of the ristallment r'urnituie business In thU ountry lose from IIO.imiii.o) to $J0.- ' year aa a result of the "ship ping habit" of customers. The world's Tiiist wild rose is the n it brier r.). . which was introduced ...I.. IS.o-Iurwl il. I V '411 I.. th. Int.. i'.O I Sir Hettrv I'olleet from the 8han bills '' Upper Htirma. The specimen In the Himalayan haffaa 11 ateei refused to 'doom until l!ln, when four flowers Rppearadi the number being in reased i I e,u to sight This rear, from the combined etf's ts of the previous hot summer and warm spring, the plant paoehaMd ptoCnaton of 'ire w hl:e bp ssoms with velUov stamen, . which have bean ireatly admired. In Kngl and a oampalgn has been in art ex la protest aajntnal the use of tar on pubh reads because it limin- Islu s the tish supply of the ountry. When ipplied to I mad and mixed with the dust, tar Is found to become readily s bible In water, producing i. perfe. t emulsion In this form It Ij carried by rafna m,r the at r name, kill ing the Msh in great numbers. Korau- Queer Idea or His Importance in . VC if V0''i n nnj ocJgTN n hi i a ji i . a - VAN T ill MoT MM l 3MCt SM6 CAW CjC;T f I st i dun i I ris f AR'ATt V f- I .1 o fsl 1 1 Mgi ct T y -vi!,A, ml ir,t rfti THE SSkA. aa Bbk I (Mai I A OOtJgN 80Ua -jrsnpm m '' '''' 4 ' .: " ' Billions of Stamps Printed r. p. i ts ot tie bureau of engraving nil piinttm: when taken as a manii tacf.ix. show S'.ine astonishing 11 ures lake for in4ance the single of post Bj stamps, tt.i:t is. wlt i out the rex. mi" and customs w I". bv the bureau . own lassitlctl. n . II iindi r a s. p.iiat. dead There ar III I. ,.no kinds a. .1 ilei oniinatio.i.-. piintid. i .no. hi.. li.m the little greti., I cent stamp up to Its stately uris t..t rath biothei w hich staggets unuei ,( III alu.itlon. Also. title, ii I'oioft are used In printing the s4.nnps. a pans- hare fm raAactloa will prob ably lonxin.e the most observ.. ut per son that he l cutamiliar with afVCf' q tlnse rotors that Is ot QaajMa, coMactloa with t'n- ttaiwra. aB know the I -'. I and M at nt sl.iii.p.i. Hut to ha hlc to call to mind just what ihone tliteen colors are MMUM I wide obaafvatlon ms well na al oare ful 'in. K0 the l'iietii of (no... la solve thai ell -apmuntod riddh . the answer is this h'our sh.tdi s ' I. Inc. twi of i:reen and two of brown, rad, yaBow, ollva enwwt pur i ! la vandal kanl dark slate." The stamps which leave the bureau aaawallj mm I la mova than pi.immi,. '' the Inst eail teoort sh..- .1. the number to ba 1 0.M3.,J5. 1 That brings the d iil output dowi, to S13S4.9M odd. Takinf the yonrb t.un. bU tri fllc the MHTfhCa of the n a.ijamoiig H e arches, Tli. m.l-l II in.uilll ii'H' ii"-!. .Ifl'Tl.iil io pensive for this purpose and tar is In best substitute. The re en" roval fete at Windsor, far which iu.imio lavltatloaa were laauad and which was attended hy H,000 musts, has brought out a disu.-s .on in the nowspupiis as to the origin of the exi raaatofl garden party, it aaaaai to have been a ffOWth of the nt'd Victorian period ami Quean Victoria ' erself as ! III. last to adopt n in .inn.- imv fpr list uu e arhaa ih atnnallied her partial return t !. social life after the death oT the Prince Conaati by function ..r this charac' lar, her Invitation.s . . innia nd d a. r i t (n attend a breakfast in 'In grounda of Buckingham Falat a Than was seme lautrhter i.t the tune over the Idai of :t brcaklas' be-lnnln at I ' clock In the alternoon; but the Queen I eta nod the plnase for nianv vciiis.i altheiigti other h'sts adopted ilu .vpi.ssioii SMI dal Of Im v t iiartv-. Rverybod) Is familiar with the te:i den v ..f silvet vvaie ,. pat t with lis brilliance and hecomo tarnished when exp.sed to ordinary almospherl. in Huencee, but not everyone knows that the caiee of the tarnishing is the R -ti. n of Mtlphur In the air. I'nless It. ttuentl) cleaned, tha sue thou ai siiva; wll become blaeh In the lout.-. ,,f a few months. The !-st vv.i to keoj- sllvei i.riglM without the lie.essiiv t i clesnlng. xpla'iiH Harper's Week! . is said h' be to coat the surface with a thin solution of collodion varnish Hint -ad w'lh spirits of wine. After being ap plied w ith a oft brush the spirit evap orates, leaving a thin, git ssv . tiansp.'.i- ent him on the polished edrface. Waim water removes the varnish. Tarnish ed silver may be reetored by cnreftal rpbhaan afffdi soft cloth wet witn df lute .solution of potassium cyanide. one ounoe tc i qual t srater, fofeaeaad b rinsing. MAN WHO RULES IN FEZ. To leave Pel without being pre sented to the sultan would hav. ii ft a sense ot ue ompb t. ness At the entrance to the pgaMs gates wcie many sleek mitlng riehty eamsrisaagad with crlmsi.ii saddles and silver rgrved dflrrag irons. Native gentle men awaited and attendants hen1 animals. A Moor who spoke I'.ngrlish vie. ted SBC bv name and said the doctor would arrive soon. Demount ing, I handed my to a soldier and a.valted. The dOCtOT came anil with him a gentleman from Pans. It w is a warm forenoon, and the ri h toiiage of the palace grounda mint ed In the eunltght and tirred In the i ool breeze. Acroee a bat. apnea of Hal gr'Mind low building stood In the middle ererc .reins, and at MM end the right a room with three windows gcraewad bv i 'b'sign cut n OOd Mfssl the re ception r. oni - Mulev e H.itid. ruling sultan of M ro. e v The M'Hastii of nit m's soldiery, sqdatted in s long t ow against the wall or loiter, d 1 itqa orATj-yi, m NgMa i NMAAeri. . i va v Af i . eerf am tus Me t m r1 rv ' ea naj riT'N.Jvi hpi BW4M i CON ?Mr f&io'fS V rSANO Hf - P K , ji i AS a c AtieM SHALL WAT ViPi itt i- . r u t a m t Ptt g ti i.TP"C I paj cMiN'ek. f,- 1 r ivOf I THiMrU5t (AlilM V iJAvoiM'.ci ''T win. iNKuHm i s. i 1 1 ' r i hav" MAi.r a, TOAftAPH; MAV in ..nne Hon with the latca! census report lor the entire 1'nit-d titataa, Ii is seen thoi each .Near . t et m. n. woaaar and eh'i i .n hu county) aaai approximated lie Htumpf The pap. i. iM which tin- suini are piloted c nu to the bureau dlri t from Ihi manufa.'turct s m sheets Hxl" Inches that belt g- th. required atau I. t printing H'O atnuitN Mor. di m 95.6W, 000 theata are used in u ...a, won. t ha da II) on -umption la ,ii. ut 322,oan The annual . ani .impti-.n ot ibis papet, laid out sheet b Maitt, w uild I o i I.Mt acroav The dully . inaoMaptlon Would .o.r about t, and a naU' acres The pontavp stamps p'lnted I i one year at the bnraan would rover a quarter oi the surface of the Dlatrui ot I'l.hiini.i i. If, foi natancaj Iho atarna onn.., in a rinaii x.-ai Were laid . nd to end that is the single stani a and not tin plntcd -beets of Mft) (! dlaUUCt covei.l woil'1 be ;,)..iim nubs, .u illatpnoa tnon than ajnaVlent to elrrU the atabi tin Hm s The . ills output would reach from here t. New York city. Thaaa aaaaa ptaaapa placed In solid pile would rear i wall thlrtj II V feet h hi;. Ot, auaiii, Would form a solid ube coiitainur; ",'..immi i t Tin output ftH a single day w. aid in iKe i uie containing linVfaat VatWngton Star. ' J 1 :j Ml I'd . Ill llie leir. ll'IO "Ii; lea : spat c n rrOW Of the sult.'.n's dool I'll. sul tun gpparentlk entered and came t.. ward the central door, bill we could not see him The Al'llasm ua i formed la line facing the door, When tin- sultan pi . -.ei,ted hims'df to their v t. w ihe.v boned l"w and shouted, ( Meat the lifeej( ear Lord '' I M tali Hun returned to squat against Hie wall. iwalfhiR our turn to be prevented era had b isnre to Uuspeci the state depart me n -it norii in a room nbotil sixteen feet by ten. Moots of rank were seated, siuattitl-: iiim.ii i r;;4. their backs toward the grails. Theea were the ministers and th. ii scribes. Hare. whitewashed walls ,i bit ..: straw amttlag covered by a rug. few sh'-ets of paper, pen I I ml ink. and in tore ns lay the official machln cry of an Otnptre. W e entered th. re. apt toll :. Ut which was vacant, but down a pas sage tint d s-. mil d two stepa In lit ourse we saa the monarch seated L'lxaW'leggcd upon a couch. The - lor surprised me b.v MUmbhgg Ll Arable, then veiling "Shi!" at tna lop of his v ice. i reoagptacd tb pn cedure of the M'HatnH an I nmmblcd something lik it; v. bowed) pro i ceded so far. halted, ti n beared again, and repeated thus tili we stoed before the gt'i it .rcsen, e A 1 I. s the ruler hinn. If bowed a sol mi. a -know ledgment of our bene: and w.,v -id Us to be seated. We w..ited III silence, inspecting this eevdrth) I lental. with a t.e, h "I the rfegjro in a somewhat Heiwll t migfitiiiii i We looked worifd. and ;latuel down the coridor peevishly to see If all led arrived Knaathtg ihn presents uit often uiv en. I Interi r tad hie took il our empt' h itnls ii. i ghaa ( ii upproeall. P'.' pre re lag a tea wall thai the sultan d 'sired nn t nsWaWlltili llii doetnr aroetaiaaad the interview mi ed Hai pi i s Weekiv . RoVibury, N. H has just hi d ib- centennlg eelehrgtlon. l.indxH'k. Test., reports aaVSM nabhlts shot as pests Rllffklo has Iff. eases of . 1 r paraiv sis. Thte. 1 -vp. 1 ts nil. hi. I - tie against the scourge. I-'' itiKt'.il'.l l a., will hold an Indus trial aenas rattan October J7 la Kovcki her I the Society Column r Mjj fp msj I A I 'a' ' TH '.- W ;nAn imn ,n . UNI QUI h"."lk.i.-i Pai gAjgg iyi7i Ng H " Av ' r.r Hf rr (AN s.i mii .4A'.r .,( Laurium Department I HARGER ELECTED MODERATOR OE THE DAPTIST ASSOCIATION PASTOR OF THE CALUMET BAP TIST HONOR!" D AT UPPER t'ENINSJLA MEETING. ihoui iott. paatora and lay data sata f ' ptii'ai iillnii the vahihl chunhei 'n the M.iKi'iett Haptlst as so latlon have been in Kacanaha this a vah paid aa tba annual winvuHun l tin- naaw latlon. Hey. II I . Harder of I'al.unet W.4 i tmsi i. moderator. H. I Sh..rp o; -eanabu, clerk and treasurer; Rav. W It. SI maker of Manislupte reading idajju Ke i '. itpalaa, aaaaciatkm-1 Hundpt) school sup. i intend. i't ; and I rank Blair of Iron M untain. aaaocin tionai youns paojpla'a tnlon uporin t ndt nt. The Messlon have heeM well attend .I. tha addreai I interesting and It la a M reed thai lib convention hap at: an one of the most Sli cellll o of llt'i.l. INTER-SE CLUB TO MEET. The annua' met tin.- i :' the Intet-St club, comp. sc.i of rauna man nnd or Kanlaed for social purpogeA w-lll be held tins evening hi the iui rooms oh led. I .itleet. s ,. gg eliMI illg year will be elected, and plans made for the Rral of a series af dances to 1 aiducted this fail and w Inlet. The .lib enjoyed Ifgg) sin -resslul season las' vcar. v 1 I I LAURIUM BREVITIES I' I ! Mr. and Mrs . I. inns p. Itartle of IroqUOle Street, have gone lo Wayne COUnty. tills Mate, where thev will vis it their laughter. Mrs. John Mingle. Miss FJj in ice Kni hi bus lell fee Philadelphia. Pa., wheTf she has nr. cured s position as stenographer, she received hot biisll ess tTgtnlUf g( tl'.c Laurium (Commercial school. Mis .lames I Sen J ma 11 am. four Iiil- Uren lefl yeatcrdaj foi Philadelphia, after a visit of nine wee Ha with 1 da tives and friends. intan Ifbgan has returned from visit oi a ic'.v days on the bouth Uangc. Misses Annette and boulee Knlvef, of Laurium. npd Miss Lillian Rchrog der. of Ui I ,1a k t hai tetaiiicd from a visit lo Ragle Harbor. Miss Thee Jamei ana lefl for Cnteg. jo( MilvM uki c .MiJ NN Iteon, this state, wiu i, phi v :!i v isit for the next tare vv eeks. 1 1 . -111 TI). .nas ,.f IS cola slr.'.'t, is baste fiusg -i foe days' . it in K. We.UIIW e.'lt'.tV. I The ta.s 111 Lautrhtm are coiitlng In wcl! Quite a numb.-r have called n the treasure's ..line dui'lm: the past few day and toiled 'heir bills T!. next rrgtHnf monfhlj meeting of the COUnCl Will be gold llCXt 'I IK'S ia vesjlntr. N dUUghtei has been born to Mr. an.; Nirs. Anthonv Rrtekl, of Ninth street. Norman Mac Donald, ol Laurium. and It party af friends, have returned iron. pi. isure cruise to N'ipK-on on the north shore In his rachl Mlnawaasac. tie eras soeemna n led by Dr. W W hlslei. I'et.r auppe Jr.. Dr. NY. T. King) and RueaeU Smith, of Ahtusoh. The trip was a most en lovable one. n s k insii.: 11. s U a meter, was ar reated and brocght before J notice Da vid 1111 it . charged with driving his team over til in w Bl b walks that have been laid on Klrst street I antium. lie n s -o- i . gagi t j . fg Mi.M. reel oi I nrt ;ulHI 1 HlD( WaU" :o-,ia U.i ") . . 1 1 1 t r Mfo-' 1 1 sit pp gtjtnv a-.i ? r- niii ecf Vl m ' n' ,i .... n.-as . ev i AND I v-,;w UI.VI H.Ni saNA r-ATUpt .-.c r .1 n : y I r r- SMALL. " " . Il was toiind gul!t. and asne.-i.ned a Pjf ot 12 and OjNjfl Vail the lll( i .isi lot its kind brought bafprc a lain nun Justice. The village author Kb s glo determined to put a aiop to tt-e prar ltd .1 dTivlpg ov et ROW!) made v alk Miss M l.erglle left vest'-rdav for low.) points, a tsar a sin win ajpnhd r . i u)da i v e. ks. Ml.-s Mav Hen wirl; Is visiting Mai luetic friends fur a few d. 'hils Yi.clker of I. Murium, has re siinnd his duties- as blakeamau forth. M. K I; alter pallM laid up sonic tune Ihroi'gh inluiies. Wllllnin Tin an i s of I . i ur iiiin. .fi last night foi Hetrolt. wluue he PUMal to locale. f baseball)' STANDINGS OF THE TEAMS. Net en.. I Ltague. w U Pel ,t 35 .701 .78 41 .655 .'.( .".a .5X0 .58 57 .504 ..'. 85 ,lt3 .41 7 .31 .42 78 .350 .35 83 JSt N. w fori 'hlcago j Pittsburg . . i Philadelphia i 'Inclnnatl St. Louis Boston Amer;can Leagu-. W Is p. t. Hoston 85 37 .697 Washington 77 47 ,431 Philadelphia 73 48 .60:: 'hlcago lid 6ti Ctevetand 53 ..r.!t .473 Deteot 57 67 .460 New York 44 77 :b.4 St. Louis 3H si .;:" TODAY'S GAMES. National Hoston at Philadelphia. Bra ikl) 11 a t New York. St. ia ills at Chlengo Cincinnati at Plttahurg. American -Ni w York at NN'ashington. Phil ob lpbia at Itoston. St. Louis at I lettolt. Chicago at Cleveland YESTERDAY'S GAMES. National League. I! II 6 'J 10 ti 11 2 Ha- j Pittsburg (I 1 (Ml 0 0 ion 'Inclnnatl .301' 0 001 1 11 Batteries OTeofo. Cooper icon; Suggs and M. Lean. R New York . 0 11 11 o 2 1 Brooklyn -'' 1 0 no 1 .t Batteries Teereeu aad Myeva; gon. Itucker and Miller. It Chloago t tefl ISI x 10 Sl. I. mis ... I I I I I I 0 I I 6 Batteries Raehta, C. smith A re her; Harnaon, Wood burn and go. 1 1 B3 1 1 3 Li 1 and NV lu ll R M II R Phftad Iphla ...00001 1 1 x 4 Hoston I 0 I I I 0 0 0 1 1 Batteries RJaey ami Kttttfer; due and Klillg. Per American League. I! H I NN ashington , . .0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 x 2 . 0 New York .. ,. tf-l ii 0 Batteries Kngie and Alaamltto. I 'isher and Sterl et t. R H I Hoston 1 0 11 4 2 I I I x X X I Philadelphia ...00000000 1 I 9 2 Batteries Col Has and Cnrrigen; To Get the Best onfection and Souvenir THf- tt l V "xaionw asswrnsns. VVpAR - -J LYRIC CLEAN CLASSY COY. NEW VAUDEVILLE Laurium, Mich. Walter Baker The Man that Myatifitt "ICTURES t "HER DIARY." Comedy Drsms. "A DAY OFF," Comedy. "LENA AND THE GEESE," Biograph Drsms. and "A QUESTION OF SIZE," Comedy. COMING TUES. AND WED In Three Reels. PEOPLES THEATRE Allan and Aleta Joe Roland 2-Big Feature Acts Change of Pictures Today, Saturday and Sunday plank. Brown and Thomas, .No other games Scheduled, Americsn Association. Milwaukee It; Toledo 4. Milwaukee 4; Toledo 7. Kan. as City 2; CofttnBOUS 4. Minneapolis I; Louisville 0. .Minneapolis S; Louisville 7. St. Paul Ii Indianapolis 7 Damsge by Lightning in CttfgtV Investigations made over Kurope seem to justify the bgUgf Lhal the dam age b.v lightning, in the cities particu larly, has decreased to a very marked degree in recent years, and it is ex plained hy the presence of electric wires, which act as a protection in dh verting the electric holts As the lres are put ufulergrougd, it is ex pected that there will be noticed a great increase In the amount of dam age by lightning nnd a return will be fena rally made to the tiso Of lightning rods Pittsburgh is alarmed by nearl.v 4" ases of smallpox. Denver Bgtds itv officials uing rit) automobiles foi Joyridhg purposes By F. LeipzigCi