Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, ArUGUST 30, 1912. THE OALUMET NEWS PAGE FIVE " A I I I nm i MATINEE AND NIGHT WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 4th CASKILl & MacVITTY (Inc.) ANNOUNCE WHAT THE The Pig? will bill th mid vh c versa. i'hlcigo. ".loin ii. il. AB beaill It 111 .1 itOTJ .1:: Il i: ex ci been tollt. I h ton. m, journal." PRICES. Parquet and Klrta 2Rowa r Balance Parquet Circle . . . fist ! R i Balcdny Palanro iMln.ny Baleoay ir la ftallery Pox Vests , ! aaUl al I 'hi 'til's Xrxx ; Matinee prices fSc and 50c MOTION PICTURE RI:VII:W AND ylQEViLLE ATTRACTIONS NEWS (M TH!; WERK IN THE PICTURE WORLD (Tin column appefirs aver) Tniawlni i .m-ham ami I hiiit.,., ntrir llatir erfl Of gg0 Ml KIM. Mill ed t C, .If.' M , - tented at the Crown, it la good a . Several pi' I I -i XX ol I h Mill. UK' ll ai X lllliitrf! QdfdV a And i'i rry, appeirtna. at tin Orand, prismi on a. i thai neerfh va with cornVdr. their skeirh iVutartng iicrsbstli atusl In the performance ol which tit aii 1 1 -tnai K.i ttl clever. rare prOjrtam id rM rlli in mm ,m ai r nffttfi il. . Wa lli'inil to n;; Lorenae plant' ot the Ljtric, plaj a dlffleull netectioti from Cfiopln a'a a tittiriK accomprtnl rnem to a mha Ijalrig projected on Hi" srreni and aowdered d the present reallxed tlmt thnli entertain ment 1h.- nn m p, i h... alom- I The R'tf-al! in hooseful ul voungatern veatrdny. and '. t -rcdll rf 111- kdd.i- it mtiM In- said that iho? were nn a'inn i.iiim and . lia '. il Ininrli I hud.,,, hM .nd children little, rh'l urn fat and children thin: children I fi 'in utl ., ! the low ii. sir, 'twas a Job CALUMET TUT A TPP JUST ONE PERFORMANCE THURSDAY, SEPT. 5 THE NOTED EVENT OF MANY SEASONS WEUIAN A.BRADY(. pkisents THE BHifiEST PIAYofOUR TIME PLAYED TWO YEARS AT THE PLAYHOUSE. N.Y CALUMET is tlie fifth hity to see this wonderful pMv direct from th Playhouse New York City. Mail orders received now. PHICES: Parqiiettj' and P.ii ntirtt" I'irrlo H.tlcnnfe-- Halcort)' i 'lre. ;:.rft,::::;::'' . : M !nK. at Prtritteri, Tuesday, . - , . . . CRITICS SAY: Tin- rnlurtlciit is in tcd, stag ed ami mounted litliiiijly sili'l tin- atmosphere of the stoix i. M il presetwSg; Indianapolis "Ncxvs." a simple pastoral of tin 1 feat Ks; really grimim- esntii MM III. i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ., "Dispatch. EVENING .$1.00 ..".a le tainl. Monday, Sept. -. a I : oo a. m. f f I .'id Prlday.) in si piece nil in. "TllacJl slu rp " "The l-'amilx Ty rant " "I 'ani.u Jan ," Raw n I'.itiu vVcekl) art ii'i Mnu, Tin uweatly U Um i inrt -C'rst i i the IBM i a and 1101 taina ItMi follow Iiik subjects of m i lit wide Interest: The I'tnini fittttca Pattlnahlp fit tw llampshir Ing into dry I i I, after hor colllalol Ul,tl the Ball River line atenmei Com nil n v rail h iii tin u titter ri d if Loi island Bound Beyers) woshg ago, the n ulta it a ex, clone al BehlUf, tin main, when in. nix buildings WSN dr- Rt roved,, the n enl -"-mti' auburn Idle ea at I' a. i. X'ash, whii h v. i.. Mm i.x Tedd) 'I'' tzli-n in a Plat oaf; Lftteeti VYtlheimihayof Holland vuBUna iiii PYench national museum at Ver sailles, fsrroerb the palace ol line i'i hi ii monarvba from the tlaae M Lotil' MX'. iir iivi ahowlna lift wnM thmuali tin .u. in nimiwav Wlti, PresMeiK Kallin. N and a ajraup of ithr notables; Captain Thomaa K. nu , -T i i . t- an l nuldlahir ,i 'Th V 1,1 M n"""r '"" fo,r ICt led l thret "opesn shores sccoropan compnnlnns, iho funsra v: s-pi. " at Wl x. 1.5a $1.00 .50 i i sHrlndhenjii ihe fHinous playwrUhi and SUthm ai SiiM'kholin, Sweden; Hi. EMta' i'ii ;it Portland, Oie.. p.nii' paie l in n maajhufs 'f the m II i from all ovei the nniritr). A featnir ot tin parada. arbloh la shown. i lant Hie hand of whlrh ixjlnt I" Hie ROUr "I rr ell, still another f t .1 inrr 'beina a tram coBBptfWd of Klk. Tin tlliins between th" tteomert Rosedale and Niiukhu In N. v Ymk harbor la depicted; OaaewH Yonder- ipnta "i i be iterm an aim.. nviewiai iii.. boj ' .mis at Hat'ita ; a recent pule aapAe between LTadtsd stairs Umn) of. li. eis and tilajers irpri Ht'iitlrin the i i Troop of Philadelphia, held a' Washington. i ahtea Plnkelssau suimmiim from a point . n the Bast ntvafi Hi W X'n'k, to r'oiii Inland, .. fjUathave ol I went nllea in six hours .in.) ten minutes. The film elasajp will, inilliiiii um! hair itreaadnaj fashion as paaaal bj Pat laaatfl modi ha Th" Lyric offerM eaaoai Its tiinis ". Day ntt," '.x Qajastloa of fNee," "Hei 1 1 i.-i i - ' .mi "i.ena mil Her Oaaas." This last is the featurs psPture atrl woni.i or described oealj thai it eras reviewed in these celtimna a ehafl time i ;ii i. "Her Diary4 Ik an lniprcii-Ive anj artlstle phoiii-pla.x , In w Iiii h Klon in r 'i in ner play's a role whl- h thr iugh r - fectlve retroapaol calls rav the daval pmeiit ..I a character from aaety ajtH- nood I" I. id womanhood, and which tamest Bver) phaaa at ewwien eaeatlpn s beoaafhi to ihhi-. Throuajhaal tins (Koajethav try'iui laaperaoaatlaB Mis Turner aevei falls for an instant to aiak. the chsractaf hi its avary ataeio stami out forcibly Inrrtaelnaj the m- IStasi and appral as th" stor pre iaaai a. Her gradual haage hi Its c V'Sbipmenl is an artistic achierincnt. The stoi opens In the late years ol the woman's life where she is .shown ll a routllv ooi'lh Utse. She re. eive.s a letter from her brothei bejaJna, lor :ie,i. ss I'm- his past neKlc t an 1 ui - i tif bach to her ht r old hone to hi a shr ii till lis. tin her .irrival Hir ! ii . ird hj the ..hi negro servant ana then she takes up an old diary ami turning Its pages she lives Sggih he. ,'isl life. She retails her WSddtal d anil the it Im hadCf into a BCStM wlr n she Is shown in her afS'tdlni dress. Nappy and hopeful for thr futui". I'adlnir .main to the original si etie sin lurny the page to th,. date si her son's birth, ami sgain the him pictures tin n w bab '.s it is laid In it.-- mother' arms while her hushand loirs her in ih. ir greal happtnasi Oaathtuiag the reflection, she recalls the nrs! ia at bt'hool for hri boi when she leads him io the school room and uiy..- him to his urst teacht rl line a ine tut ot liunan aature i: injwHed in the ahOw- hag of ttif' urlef of the toy at his Brat partWg irom his mother. The death "I her hnehani fdlows, and later th, gradual Im ol hSf son front s -hnol is prettily shown. Her second ajreal grief onus whan shr receives a hatter from lu r r.i n M.m tellies of his ae. usa ilon of sperulatton trom fhv nan!, where he is etaph yeii. this ctdminat- inn In his trial and entivli tion. She re 'alls the aetflBf of le r bossa to bat brother to defray tin expasjsaa of th trial and then sin- is turned eal into itn world. Qaally hslnej Eataad to go I., th.- poorhooae, when she enda bt diary. As she 'loses the book, the door iwpeae and bier eon aatsra, Thr meeting is drama tie, full of hi-an ap paal, while the ctlanatlcsj sahatltle ex plaining lhat the Bjadft) ma B had COM feasant and that the son had hren n -leased serves to rehal llitate him in the exes of the in lators and e'os.-s th" play in fitting fashion W'altri Raker, the man ot m.xsterx. Mr bo appears at this house, is eaoop l tonally clever in tds legertlmnln an, ' irbhaS in the erx midst of Ida audi . lire without their heilli; atl I'im Wiser e. to Me msthtla, 'Bella of Paradlaai" a to real fag. Lure picture, and ''Dnsjgtc'a Debut" are i iir pietarca exhibited at the people's, 'this last is hound to entertain tin i hlldrrn, sin wli'i; as H dors thr ex pcrlence "f u little in i In lUej with his canine pet, A vsriotv ot aul in. ih. tie .down, all of ehlch are de pit fd (join;: tbrough thilr usual atagi p.i foi maiM . Two vaudeville :"''s are presented one being Jt rtowtapt in monoiogyt and alleged King, and the other I'arlel Mod Alter, ill a skeri tiilt is hl-li grade hi avers respect. Tfaasa im p. ... .! posaeM voteea of remhrttabie range anil (tVOllty, and Miss Alter Concluded the ad i 1 1 1 a dance similar to that which hrs made Maude Adams ami Ruth St Denis lam us and whtrli promises to do the aaiwe Pee Mi s ,. A tri' k pl (tlire Is usually the rom- bsgsd alftarts of the ueaatlc plot arriter ;.im I the expert clnematograpc opara- hor. saxs a xxrlt-'f In the Strand. The R OYA THEATER L Next to Poet Office E. C. RICHARDS, Mgr. "BLACK SHEEP" B-ograh Drama "THE FAMILY TYRANT" Kalem Drama. BRONCHO BILLY'S PAL" Western Drama. "FAMILY JARS" nrnody Cincs. PATHE'S WEEKLY REVIEW NO. 31 Hie Elks Parade at Portland, Ore.. Teddy Tetiloff wirre the 250 to autu i ace in 3 hern 47 minutes. A numher of interesting evanta. don't noss this weekly. Por Mm vry best m picture, find thm at the ROYAL. PARCELS POST IN EFFECT JAN. 1 Will Provide Inexpensive Method of Sending Packages Kxel lime you snul .1 I. tin through the mails aib a lioenl stamp attach ed, the pox eminent makea a profit af of 1 n ut. VST tune you gel ..nxious and at taeh a 1-CSfU stamp lu a apacJai gS livery K-ceeM stamp, the ovraeasSl1 makes a etoas proiit oi '! cents. it usis (Janta s un oagta of Ike 10 you pay for the spn ial stamp to dattcsr the letter and the Pixy old boy Btatv I is leuhK 7 "t 1 mil profit In addition. v Kxentually the farm, is will send m irogr rjf us for hreakfasi by mall. These are some f the thitiKs thai rygl Assistant Post 111 istrr r.eneral C P. I I ra ml Held, Who la xisitiiiK his dagghtsr, Mrs. Harry FabeT XX'hlte at Duiuth told a Duluth Herald 1 apsstei Mr ('.landfleld rami to Duluth di rectly from Washington, D. his home. Mrs. Orandftel,' and daughter are with him. There recently wan the birth f a boy at the W hitr home and the real object of the visit was to see the yvung man. The party will be in the t-lt y several days, finally returning I.. WashlllKton by wax "f the xxatel route as far as Buffalo, . Y Parcels Post. Mr. tirandtield waxed itit huslaslb oxer the establishment of a pan tela post which becomrs operative mi -tan. 1 ttit. "It xxill hrinK down xiuess rates, furnish cheap and an inexpensive method of transporting padcagea and n has been figured so carefully thai i' is now knoxvn that it win make 11 mi. l..r the Koverntneiit ss well, "he said. it a111 hem-tit everybody ami in jure no one. The country UtSrchSma ObltCt Thap drrlalr thai H Will Btxe the city aaarchant chance to take away a u. I deal of their trade for be .an then deliver cheaply through the mails I think that the ...iintry mer rhint in e, have no fears. It is my opinion that he will be benefited as much as is his city brother. Thr minimum charge xvlll he 1 1 eatttS "ii an eleven-pound package. IBeven pounds is thr limit under tin bill. This means delivery on rural routes as xvell as in the city Tin maximum charge will be tl :t-'. This Is for long service sin h as from Ncxv Ymk '" Fran. Ism. "Th" ...iintry has I n diilded nr. int.. what we call 7,oiies. gSVOh SSga ronipreirM an arm ( about eightx tulles aqusre. fu many instaiues this operation is pusodinv, his btaie.; fof sea aaVUcta with IN ngssew He vog xes tfiliai to the piot xxrilrr. XVIM ararha them up in the form ot a M'M hort Btorv. When ae eae '' Rntohcd pi iiiTgsthai on tin s. rein it is, to mo if us. a woe a "i eggapstta asygter and it is asked. Are they really taken from life7" We oft. 11 See, lor Ins-la rue, oasBI I. uses traxelinxj ;it a spe.-l of one lnn (ired miles an In nr. flowers which lump from a tcaie and .mange llien.- selves in a VSSe or a man dlvina with the greateal eaae hnui ttrst out of a river and landing' on his fegl on Hi' bank. "II w .11. these tilings done '." In ordei to , 'is ox er tin se sei ret.-: peraa lesion a a obtalasd t" loin s plc tun- company win. were thru engaged ,n the sSadkictton ! a dim entitled The Uncann! fit "t " The party c si Oed ot a stoi k ompanx of a doa n or mote actors and actrrsrfes. a stage manager, a photograpbei ind kcant .' (age tiands. Thr work I" be dOM 1 onslsted chief ly tif outdoor stre. I arenes ami a Joui -ney .as m u!" onie CnurtSbJi mil. .- "ul of Loifdon In order o nVohl tin i,n I . , 1 ' anl"" '; -.vhi"h siieh ' Hi;: si-!..,' alu ax . In me ' ' tttfir. 'Il'' i r't of th plctun In hanu d'autJOxen " us to ria.l and thmrgh 'm-. of ii ah per, ilx lot. T'-dhle the ftlt ontaln cd am h mystifytns notes a . 'Slep,' 'Reverse, "urn "ii Stop." and Sul dummx." These wn' th" st-ipr link: xve had come to InveStUatO. Th.. work mm'ncfd atilalde a ciaui store and each ecene xxas moal c.tre fully rehearsed. A youthful a. tor. at an errand b"x who xxax en'raced hi opening the shop, brought trom It a dummy ficbti nnutn ir. th,. act pf tahinyj snuff and placed it in . peall um at the idjMlp door. Xt this point the stage nasnascr, xehe xxas conducting the op rations, blew a whlole and In 1. mil the boy remained motionless an. I the modes opera mil of the first trloh xxas revealed, Ttir .otnpanx understood bx the wbistlr that Ibex ware to .ease tin OaHei two ii TUftfjl slightest noxemeiit and the photog rapher that he must Instantlx --1 j the canst ra. Tin- dummy iW ths . Ihmtclmasai noxv removed and an actor Identically dressed was arranged in ptvisclx tl." same position. Thr Whistle xvent again and ttn boj resumed his work. When next passing the S otchnian he reeet' Sd kl k from him whh h 1 a used him to bolt Int" Ihe ahi p Ig terror. The Whistle noxv s ."mini atraln and a farther ubstitutind ef dummy for man ma.'. i Mi" stace hands An actnr-tobarconlrt -ame out f the shop and I he boj explained whet had hap prnr.i. but wa dugifmadjad whag tht master turn. I the figure tipsire iloxx 11 and .!irs shot pd it to tie lifeless. The eosne proeaogajfii "xlth mmx stops and i hnnaea ir.m the !ixc Sent-hmwn i" "i" inanimate dummx Stopping thi enmerg simultan. 1 it at) with the 1 11. hi f all anlinaiii.n Insiirsd that ti pffaM on thr screen would be peii". th .ontlnuoua. .is iuiiri. the him x mid .he run tluoush itii u'i Htn in rah. inrluuea a whole county. The ehargea xxill Ii" on the basis of 5 cents fol the hist pound ami :t . nits for eat It addl ttagal round within this area "This Btefias that a package wtigli ItlfE tw" pounds roiild be sent to X'll g'nla. .M mil., foe s cents. Places more distant wmild have to be tiguted on a different basis, whl. h xvlll he dime by the aid of maps whnh the postal de partment xxill furnish to all poslolh -"The getting out of these maps is a big task. There xxill he about ol (he. 11. There an as main r pi 1 baps more centers than that in the Pnlted Slates. The whole system has been carefully tigim-d out. XX'e hSVS estahlisheil .ones and centers by xxhich the rates ran lr tlgured. "Th.- anrvire giM aveataatty gix.- th Movernment a motiopolv on the SUSi ih ss iimvx done In smaller imrrels by lbs express eesasaujtes; l think The prssseri aratgM limit, else eg pounds;-hi simply a starter. It will umloubtedly tn Increased later. Will Mail E3 is. "The nexx method xxill enable the farmrr to ship In his small products S city customers at small expense. sVeantually vegstabeasi eggs ami inany other farm ii'odurts will eagM to thr city instom. r by way of the gox.rn nesefi mall ay stent. There are one hundred million of plrres of express annually handled by the express companies which xxill soon be handled by mail. We don't expert in get all the smaller business from the express companies, the change xxill unit gradually. The Roverninciit xvlil take over the business in a gradual easy sort ot wax 'r don't BXpSCt to set the country on Bra the Brsl year. Next In importance to the parcels post Is the eight-hour bill for clerks and carriers in the service. This be eeggSS operative Man h 4. It will piove .1 big additional rxpelise to Iho government, but it is tn more than fair to the workers. I think It will make in additional expense of about tS.eoo.000 a ) ear. The esUbllshaten! of lbs parcela post will make aaceaaarx the Installs- tlon Sl wagons all over the COUBtrj Th' xv igoes xvlll be used to deliver the packages RAILROADING IN ASIA MINOR. The modern unvaahr hn visiting An ttoch "" Ptsegta adfl ha likrix to start trom Oonafianthtopla, Ks alM babe the steam ferr.x at tin Oast ling QaladJi liiidge, t In iiiosl famous ami Iim most crowded bri.ig" perhaps hi all 1 he world; he xvill land at H.1I1..11 Pasha alter a half hour's hi i! xvhor be will take a ran loauTorsable tram "on the Anatolian railw ix. xhii h b built and equippsd bj Brst-clssa Oar man .stx Ir. i-Xti fifty mih s the road afigds b aside the beautiful sea ol Marmora, afford liijr .harming glimpsry o! mountain ami ocean, of prarrlnl bay and Bold surf-xx ashed headlands. A ' Ismid ihC mail begins to rise, and gnat granit mountahia, sni.w Covered thtrislt much of the x -ear. ' un. bilo'xlrw. Through stern, n.rkx, barren detih.- tbe rSJlrond ndnds Iff wny, oeeaaion alU skirting I small xillagr of adobe bsuSOS, surrminded bx xinexanls ami by peavse "f "lives and Btulbet'i'les, Thr silkworm is a chief source of th, littlr wealth "f Ibis conntrx. and the ihoasagpfs af acres "t mulbaraj trees furnish him with (Oad. X 1 are now had I in the lam! af the cla.MS. This is the xn imile that Cyrus lbs xounger fstkrwed .xlth his great armx. four hundrr.l ) art bsfbrs fbrlst, in the expedition "i which Xeuophog triis an .xt the town "i Ohal, afissre we ar rive at noon on the second dax, the army of Cyrus mutinied and baited for five 1 la a, aesnsndtni aa bscreaai pf pax. rhua era bee that atrtkea and qaarrela over wages are ant aiu- Ket her tnings ol modtt u hwrentlon, Near here. t'". xxas fought a BTSSl iiatti. a huadred xears later, when slew 1 is 1, the founder bl Anglo h, Btaf the miKht.x tut. "I all thia region. d -fiateil XnUg'.nus. the one-eytd min eral af 1 app. .in. i. 1 - The Chrtatian Herald. Coaateai Magrl forsaerly ati - 1 rt Thumb keepl a small store In Mid- dlebroj Ma Mrs. Html Pratt, bagrera, triad eg a witch in Washington, Pa, ths other day got "ft with a line a s S"'l f'jr illsi.i lel lx condw I. Mtocai North Western Forestry Co. Tree Surgeons and Timber Estimators IRON MOUNTAIN MICH. CROWN TUT rPTT THEATER TODAY Special Attraction Qorham and Phillips Vaudeville's Most Popular Eccentric Dancers. A GREAT ACT DON'T MI8S IT. Matinee Daily 2:30 BIG STRIDES IN ROAD BUILDING Many Counties Ask State Aid For Improvements 4'orunna, uu. '" Stat. Itiihw.ix CsennUssloaar Bh ittsadad the hfss era' picnic here, and in an address IsM what a good Investment public mane) is, whin RpSUj fay PSOd roads. II. furnished tin I tllnwlng data on liie 'i ..m ess of I 1'iaih. buildiav m Michigan algae the abate btghWA) ilrpaiimnit xa- . ri at' ti srxt n ,i iis ago: The first year. 1W9, tin departmeut spent 3o,iKo for roud lmprovemnte. Ill silbM'ipietil vears the expenditures arafsi Ihe7, HO.Oonj Iffnt, 51 1 . l'lo'i,; IMH. llM.aSBx l:il 1, HI imi; inu. Mfljggg, and far MS, Iftl ; is avafiahis, Thi ' are cauntlsi under ins gnad roads sx. -Inn. 'i'li's means lliil I"! every mile af class A road they bitlhft the state, through th" state hignxxax department. 1 ntrlbutea $2f0; for ever? mile of . lass 1 road, tfifigi foe evepi mile of class ' ', -7 .0 and tUt SVSf miles of class R and ', tl.O'sl. I'lass V Is the kind ot the coui.ty COBS' missioners are hulldlng in Weyne cont'tx . Many U. P. Counties Included. The R counties are Alger, .ip. ... . Ray, (hehogaii. I'hlppewa, Delta, Dtrhlnson, anaaaet, Cfsaaaae, .'.aid x in. c.ogei.h . Qraad lhaagemii HoughUm, losco. pun uTatnmastis, k m kaska. Knit. Luce. Manistee Mar tuette, Mas Ul. Mecosta. Meiiomi.iei . atlBBBUkaV Muskegon, Ocssuss. g. maw. 1 1 1 1 1 o n a v o 1 1 , Ottawa gschsaW, Sehooii raft. Wayne, Weofotd, itr;m h, Chlboun, Baton, f'harhnvnla JactaMa, Lapeer htarlrtasT. tfianssah and Ht. Josepls, The following counties xot'd Xpril to bend (or building pood roads, the amounts hs'ng, CtSgSSSe, i Kent- M OSe; OttSWa. t ain """. Axon toxviiship. Baragg toafgagfip, teBBB; Waldon. Bentngls and Maagsnaaad lowrislllps, all in l'enle OOUBt) to."On I "1.000 and tjo.otio, reaper; tvrly. Forty Eight Counties Ask Aid. Pne the tisral X"ar ending JUUS H( forty-eight counties spplled 1 .r st.u. .-till p. help build tilt mihs of road. Dp ii. date this vrar there has be- n Intlll ftl mads xxitb stair aid, am. I.x tin end of the llsril x ir. lune 2. fSlt, there x have beer, built .'' fMleg, Since the department was rrcitii. 1 in 1 has hsan built with atate aid ' ."! ' mih s, and appllcggiona for state aid are on tile Is build Ifif mote mll-s The total amount of state aid plesa (or mrildlne ronds since ffifdj t.. Batt was $St;,.0iai GRAFT CASES HALTED. Lack of Funds M Detroit to Push Prosecution. Datfntt, Mich.. Aug. o Prose, uting Attorn. -x Hugh Shepherd declared last night (hat the lasneghjatloa af alleged alderinainc graft and enrollment frauds in Detroit, and also the prose ii I kiii of the rases alr. atlx start' d. have been hsltgg, temporarily at least, because a member of the hoard of aud itors has applies for an injuii'tioti to restrain him from using the 115,000 recently appropriated Prosecutor Shepherd. In a statrmnit last night, declared he had hern (orsedj to tlis"harge all but one "f the de tettixis who wire empl'i'.rd bx him In iiSBJgBflllUtl xxlth both the ahh tin 111 -gj and OaroHmBMl caaes. Thr Stalr gjanl said thai he has already ad- lim ed 18,000 to finance the WOfh he bgS ar. .midished. but thai he will not use the 111,000 fund for bar that an adverse decision miaht mean that ba arould he soaapeiied ht pal aunsSli Banhe rood any amount SgaB The injunction xxas asked for bv Audit" Buhrsr, who from the Ht a rt sppoaed tin grant of the appropristtoai. The other tWO members of the board ot auditors, however, overruled Huh rer's objection. 'in ist.ii.i 1 pankhunrl la now in Dh'. . pee arc, (rota arrest foe are short In suffragette BkHurbaacss fit Bnsland. Amos ixer, about to msrTj Pearl Sterner in rfittffton, O., delay U tr: ceremony oxer an hmr bx refusing to ma'," .atb to qUjCSttOna asked under Ohio laws, finally he was permit ti -1 to retain his emwieiitlo'ia scniphv an ' to affirm the truth of his rspllBf. There are row 2'. atttdogtte oi s B 1 ttonalftlsa in th fisaertoaa oonage (at girls In t'otistantinople. The method of nuw.ufs4 lure is guarded step by wie, through tin- rnrloua process and xvhen re.ii1.x far the mar- BOSCH'S THE GOLD MEDAL BEER is tbp perfection af the brew BOSCH Brewing Co. Lake Lmden, Mich. Ti it phone in til pper rvwjntri Teaftafi. MANY AMERICAN AUTOS EXPORTED Cars Sent Abroad in 1912 Fiscal Year Worth $30,000,000 Thhty million dollars' WOTth sf Ani- . i. hi automobiles found markets ahfoad last pear, against 'ess that. 1 million dollar' worth ten .xears ag i. figures JllSt 1 olllpleteil h the Division ef Statistics ..I the Itureau o4' Forci,;n ami Diimi fti. i i nimiK r sh. w that the aaianfig ef aatoaaahtlea he gsajBga lountries in the fiscal x ea" IftJ wt ; -valued at II j million dollars, ami of parts taoreof, im hiding tires, ti. Bsll lion d.dlais. If to this were addad tgS shipinnits to Haargtl and Port.. Men, we get for the pear's sale of Viaertcsn autonaobtles outside of con tm. mi '1 a round 30 mil - nan doHara sin. ths value af swtosso. biles and parts Ih. r. of s lit to Porto RICO was asarl) 1 million dolar KMC to the Hawaiian ( lands a little over I million dollars The total III lllber o macblasi exported tu fatnhja oountttsg was ft.717, a1ue.l at tfit.W0.ll0, av- raging sli'titlx less than Il.tMtfl e" h; MrbHe those S the BSSM onti'-UoUS let i- lary arere hlgterr, aueessjagfi $i.f'o rae'h. The export price of Aim rlci n ante mobiles in I ! 1 ax 1 raged bss than m any earlier x.-ar In the historx of H e evport trade. The average fee I I ' dlxiditig the total number of BSBjsfgSICB exported IntO stated xalue, was IB0B tach, against tl.100 in 1911. 1I.3K0 in 1010,11,700 In 190 and II.shh in 1WK. ill the import Ode. the a lit. .molith s imp. rted last year amounted t . I ul about : million dollars In value against Ha thaa t mlilion In 1't7. The axer a .. import value of Ih" automobiles bpuignt let., the country last -ar wae IS.M0 each, against V-M3X in I'M I. 1 1, !:; in lfio ft Ts In ''an. ami kJ.3!i2 in 1 000, Thus the export price or Ani- II n machines has fallen from ILBM in pais to $'' in 1912, while the iir port price of foreien automobiles en f4ag the ccuntry has .mix fall, n from 12,39 in 0M to L" , 2 1 r. In :. the re duction in pries sd ana eganart side n- Ing I" l"'r cant and n the Import side but I per 1 11. t Kxni the "tnarlvalde groxvth In the exports of American BUUnSJObUeS anted bmn has gat hoat bane Bdjfij pgs L-roxvth in psdactlng at home, sum v the cessans af 1000 ansnrsd the mtu af automobiles BUfaufsctttred n lbs I'n'l , I Stat in D.'t'i at $4.74S.tHo. wiiib that of P'lO showed '.' 4 ..':. 000 as .lit raise laaaufarturad ha 1 Tne wagna pgld Hi the automobile indystrx. SB shown by the OSSjSUS reior:. agsiogat- d ll.S21.000 n It " and I4BJIMJ00 hs 1009; ths on pi Ial raapleg a 1 in the in- dsastri in IStfi, Ii.tf0.00i and M Iffifi. . I 7 ;'..::'. ,000 acj tlw niiioiuei ef vx.i . refers employed. In ls, 2.241. and : ) I '"'H I '.7J1 Ktiglish speaking people ;irr tin chu ' purchasers of American agtoaaeblie. Of ths 2I.7T.7 exported In Wit, I.Je'l wrtit Is fanada. a.7lt hi fibs Patted Klngilom. and 3,:'"' t" Australia and .w Zealand: the next largest num ber. 1,011. beang cTadstri N fiaagp hn rrira, while Ourapaan saagatafias at bar than ttu- United Klsajdneg took UBB. Of the fidfi aataSBOhlU'a Imported in to me ooantry fit ths fiasgfi -ar 1912. 401 were (rcsa Run v, ik: from the I'nlted Kingdom. Ill from Italy. Ill from tjermany, and 127 fr m all OtteSI coanu les, Ranch of t.000.000 SCrSS in Tegas Panhandle is w mi t" be ... Id In umall farms. Bnglsnd is building fit agUltar) oers- planes alio xxill BOOS add 4 mor.. GRAND THEATER UNEQUALLED VAUDEVILLE BIG FEATURE ACT. Gordon and Perry Smging, Acrobatic Dancing and Real Live Comedy. THE BRAVE LITTLE INDIAN Pathe. THE REDEMPTION OF RED RUBE V.tagrsDh. "HAVING AVENGES" Vitagraph Drama. CUPID'S QUARTETT Comedy, Esnay. Lauriutn Music School 120 Lake Linden Ave. mil term ff.r piano students com !iu im-"s Monday. Sept. SMh. Oradwahsf saa Jtn the Michigsu Music Teachers Association, a guaran tee of efficiency, synonymous In a di ll, en. i issued bx H college of music. Aug. Kspel Assisted By Miss Lie-mora Hsoel