Newspaper Page Text
V PAGE SIX THE CALUMET NEWS FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 112. r MINES MARKETS Id st n The ! ;i I market ti' v .I consult rnhlv better tone I 1 though the volume t trading i" nl m . i0 Mil aCecttng ''! pers was univ ! sallv i ...I lit . t SH les i I h. lie I.I 1 .11 I 4 i !. I I 11. V i ontld.-n hi the situation, Mohawk is keina -t n i tl accumulated and Granln is iti vod .t.niaml. e I.k fur .p- id. lis more activity ;ml hlg'HM prl.-rs in i Mck FosUr of Pain. Webber &. Co. Piston -T...I.I v "h kef. with reg.n.1 to llU' UnBlona, dM not M mi m MN thnn an evening up ! m m by people who did not wish te . an ., their i onifiuttiK fits over Hi" triple T o. ;l) market w.i t n . t enooui grind under tiii tafafrtlp ol North l!lltt l'.n::m; Mkj lltl! ' li m: hnp iu t k s MMrhet ought to do hett.r as fundamental .omliti ns arc still mot . m . .i.-t.t. - k. J. Mtnton ' Ja sturgis. BOSTON STOCKS. (Ftom Paine. Webber A Co., ami Gay A Strrg .) Amaluamuted 87 Adventure s A I lours 47 Algomah t Arcadian 3- Ahfjseek rita Arizona Caaaaaaarte I Ponton Torhn: . . f, Uutti :aU 3' Butt" Si Suiorior 44', Coppfr Ranco h.. aluinet V A Iron i 82 PfJllUt V Heria af I iit. nnlal ;. 2 t'hlno ji Daij WTaal 4 I'aat Pntle . ft l-'ranklin 1 1 1 4 Qlrrtui ."i'h t.ranby ;,: t I'licen" t'anaii.M pi'4 Ham 'M-U j7 U'.n. v nM in In.ll.inM is isle Roymia Krr I nk. k . ana a) m Lake 'oti"r 3." La Salle ', ".".4 1 Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railway Low Round Trip EXCURSION FAKES FROM CALUMET, MICH. f k Mai exi ursion fan a Via .-1 J-.n' ami the t). & N. r... n i,m avary Friday during Auku.iL Limit S-.t. 19, If 1 Annuil Fall Kx urslons f p D. A C. N. Co.: Cheboygan Alpena Port Huron Detroit Toledo ClevefSIKl ititf I a 50 11 M u.oo Puffalo It-fJ Tieketa on sale Sept. Mb. 11th. and 17th Final return Mini' tlckofl fold Baft 8th and lltl.. October 4th. On tieketa nnicf lth KM 1 7th. tobei 11th from Detroit. From other points afi' CHH day earlier. Toledo, Ohio ..$is7.". Clev . ;.i I .1. ' hk, j Eiiffal-.. V Y WM Short Pmlt stammer turift faren i.n Bale every day U Sept. 3'L- Limit "Q ibi Toronto, I nt $31 04 Hamilton. nt ,txi.04 Unfr tin, v. v 3 1 1 Albynv . N. V 4fl I t Montreal. u 1 84 1 1 Detroit Mick 118.01 Qn bee, Qtta 140, 1 1 PJootaaT, Mas I4.;.ii4 Port Ruron, di.-h 11 I MOW ork. kf, Y 145.44 Proportionately low txcuraion farea t aif polnta Bast, p. fttiar Annu il F iii Ba tr 1 ten St gr.a e .,imI 1 . Ar 1' lit., tieketa on -hI. s pt s, 11 i;, and 1 7 1 1 1 limit about 4 W4M ka. iietrop and raturfl I 1 Toledo and return $11 0. Cleveland and return 115.03 Puffnli. and retutn I12.M Thla Qeffiponv nperntea ita own llaaplnaj ara. irre AoubM bertha ImMvldunl berth lljrlit" lit ing ear at UK bad to thfonttil trains. mm " -im nd nee pertaining to f urea rout- time t . 1 1 1 -1." 1 f ., 1 ly aollclted. Vrlle freely. JAMFS ROBBRTSi 1M, A 0, F. A P A . Ffoturhtoo, Mn h .T M FS MAN'KY. ; ! Ouhlth. Minn. MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF MINES F. W. McNair, President. I QfQtOil 'n like Superior dla trlct. Mlnea and mills ecce4alBja for tuWaajn work. Fim Tear P .k and Rerord of flr.ndnitfs appl) to I rcTdent or Pe rrtarv. HOUOMTON, MICHIGAN. J AND MINING Mkii Mi. mil H In an Mohawk t . . . Maflow.r N .: tli Lake .v.-itii Bottc tflphurlng 'i I l Mill, loll . . . si-'ila DJthway ll I Vlnn.v Oniric y RuaeVtOr a Boafaaj Superior Shannon Tali :ra, k Utah Cf'pnaf Ctafc OecM vi. t. rht 'iii"lia .. 'oi' i ii tn liil. NEW YOPK STOCKS. (From Paine. Webber S. Co.. ant jay k Sturgit. ii i inda A mar. Lnoomottva . . . Sinelteis Sugar Ikohlaon :. A R R, A T ...... '"hi. Pacfllo ... c. J iV F. A I KHe I.. M Mo. Fa. id. ... Vorth. Pae V V. ivntral Fe...le i Jus Reading Roek Island St Pud . I 'oils, lias Rt Centra! ... South racMte Si 'i iii Railway Pnton PacMc Telin 1 'upper Ste. I 'omAKHI Steel I'M , ! o , 1 us .", 'A! 9$ '.V 7 1 , 1" l4 Sit'i .!!i IK llf1 tfa logftj IF.' j 146 131 131 1117, Hi 171 'j 17.'U CURB STOCKS. J. A. A Co, M IrMta North Untie af.i r. a, A tna.h- up ih- Me spin copper market today, .iti.' Keweenaw the curb. North Buttf was well taken i ll .i.. akwj look! v .: tupa i hi :ie r. i. ft a. ajaa i ama bfu h iiiite readtU. el.jaind al tin h I sale Bft24. ; I dajua ol 1 ont i raap th ipvnlng. Th. action "f Kowecmtuj toda) ii; li .t' a that kusm bin deal la pending, likdaigh at ihla ariltina wa iii utTs-!e to Ki i am i' it '; olii. ial. It wmlil al" . em as if K w niM woadd fter lurtiar apaoitatlra doj iiiiitte.s. spot ,ippvr Ii in extra d (J. A. Mmneir & Co.) (ilA Algomah llllK - el, Arnold ... Butto Boll l.nhemi.i . Chemuoa C0RDW00D MORRISON ESTATE Don't Rack Your Brains' When II Comes to Furnishing Yonr Home on Little Money THAT'S OUR BUSINESS VL DO THE THINKING FOR j YOU BUY FURNITURE THAT WE CAN SELL TO YOU. AND WILL SERVE YOUR EVERY PURPOSE. AT PRICES WAY LOWER THAN OTHERS. TELL US YOUR WANTS F.W. ISAACSON! New and Second Hand House Furnishings 431 filth Street - Phone 799L We deliver gocds boupbt hare. What Would You Do In Case You Had a Fire? ouht to km This Infoi m li.m FAUCETT BROS. & BUCK Cal jm t Mb h. Lnurfum', Mlth STOCKS Chief I. Com - '. Col . 3U 1 TO C no SSVt 39i i '.tl. ii Inn Of I Cat 41 Mont W J 1 31 1.- Corbln r'op; . r !U 1 ' I c... m. W 18 M i;iiui 3T4 1 I I llutii COJ Mi 9 I EeUBBfetaat S soi ! ' MalK-o. k . - - 't h 18 1KV - K.-w at na w 2H - 4 i K. n Lak -i M K atlng I 2H La Hose 3 3 kfiatnl Kea iv'v Nt v Ratfti ipti aing ..rth Lai K I'i.IIR, ... Kay c 'ntral . Bo, lUm Gk Sh.ittttrk .... s mta Roaalia Sup. A Olobe . ii.. A ROftoi onth Iik. . Tonoank TODAY'S a ALES. Ndventttre . . . . klgomah Hone-. himcK Btta A F.alk. a-lte & Sti I lo 6i I ilumel v Arh He ' 'linn, t A ist Butt mux . . iranh) .. Jreer.e i n 'sle U.a!e . laneock Indlni . . . KewetnM w bl Salle .. li.niii dayflrwor . ;. hawk . Wplaaffbi .. North itutt Worth Lake ' -111 way . . . 'hi i '. tony 0 old Domini KupeHi r v Shanrioa . . . Bur rior Utah Cpppa Waiver ina are J", 17" HS4 111. n iii the United Utah light Blueberr Season In Full Bloom Wc liavc 1 50 picking at Little Traverse Bay and can supply you fancy grade blue berries packed half bushel crate at $1 .35. A crate de livered to your home or two crates at $2.60. Express charges paid. Cash must be sent with order. Our reference any Express Co. in Keweenaw Bay Send all orders to Baraga Co. Canning Co. Keweenaw Bay, Mich. hen a aata aaauaftf aOtro1 of a bank account he U Pound lo get a great deal of good out of it apart, from the money whl.h ha ... . umiilatea. The experien. he will get In the practice of aelf -denial, pu.ietti. ami atiek to i.i v.tieaa. la bound to prove of inestimable valua to him. He Mill very neon become familiar with the depoaltor aide of the banking hualin sh and th!a la worth a whole lot to an) body. Taking It all In all the "Savings Hank Habit ia about the beat habH an ymmg felloa eag form. Thai I'.'iik Is paad) to en omage the hablf and any who are In terested are Invited to call. The First National Bank OF CALUMET BROKERS' GOSSIP Hancock. The LToag-Cat M the 34th lev.! it Hancock, which ia belnc driven lo col the No. I lode, Is Qoo in over tH feel, the 1 1 -1 i i" ft ei carr? . maaa of i.eav.v copper w hich will liter- be slop ed out. Thla same formation overlleo he N.i. lode ami when t in shaft 100 ulnking yhowed but utile coppor, Gen ii i a i Manager Hatrrla choi targftf tht j , 'm. 4 lode as line of the l.oal UioUin? j-., h.des iii the ptnperf. Tl ffhaft l 7s,i bottoni"d at a depth of feel in j trap. Tin pi inclpal n uv is to ' el the ahafl down when . :.itln will I be cut and the lodes pent.: uik Big Buying Movement. European conaiiiiiora bavi nilajn4afd Hieir s. ptember Btaaajar reiuiraaaaoAg J a tew million pOUndl t hat as n result reojoeated thai mho. al the If Octoker doHvorfoi otn itlpnonii be made In BeptOHabor. The boM up condition oi moot of the larga gcjinrf however will mal e tins impoaathle, N big buying ntiivdnatnl I ia baoit in swinu for i f ill week and talea of over P'lUnda will have beoi hook- i d before lt. ( uliuijjtlt ion. 'ii W uneM'r.y tncre w re irwli. a ti.ins nt in. i uillnrauss to sell f.u I November than herotofori evidenced ami for Ikal month aeveral million pojindi broughl 1714 cents French acicntlfl aaya Mowers of inilplitir" i ... vaiuaM aoil fcrtiUsor. Prof. Li 'idKimiaijarof ilarvatd, Uaa inanufacttired fAnfr ice iwhich la lnl l.. puliiii;: wvl. r 'ifder u preaHitrr of :."o.'i"t. tiiouulu t.. tl i sip, are Iri h. v ADDITIONAL HOUGHTON TEACHERS ARRIVING. A few of the teachers for the HongJ ton schools pave arrived here to pre pare for too opening of fchooi mxt Tuesday. Among those who arrived thin inornlliK ate Miss Matilda M iim t the new l. a. her for the deaf school, who am., here from her tonne in d. eoine. Wi., Miss Anna If, Nye wh.. eonaea bfri n un Lynf ind.. and MM LhuhM Hani froag iMafhyvIHe, Tenn. CANVASSERS MCET TODAY. The hoard of onuntv canvasser.' wilt meet tOda) 'tl the eountv le s olfl . to canvass the the recent primary ele -tie. It is tou'ilv prol Abfl lb. il ih iii eondojH tiuir work bafhra Hon da v. CUP TOURNEY POSTPONED. The CO Ir arte) etffj tourney play which w o to atari in DUlttth tomorrow h. s rein foothoned until a week from tottti . new. the poatndnenftoni tiein? due to the meetlnR of the like Supermt Mining Institute. SOMETHING WRONG Pi The City Roy Yep. It a all right, but I do miss the "Keep Off the GraBi" algna! It is ii in pofiitl le lo aend nhiilaao nie.';pago:i around the world. Ii Arnold Loi and. of Paris, sujh -'nun eroaO'legged li prtfritcttYc of appendtt tt. LOST. LOST I'.mieo brooch between Red JaCkOI and Lam Iii m. Return M veun office. Reu.inl SO WANTED. WWTKIi -; show easer. Phone Me. - Copper Copntry Fair oflkro. -so i4elp WANTED-MALE. wanpfi) Several bright, amhlttooa younn men with gOOd KiikIInIi edu cation t" prepare for ftenographlc po Itlofn with ktrgc ntknufacturlni oon .ins iii South, in Mlchlfnn. For fur thor pattieuiais addroaa Lonrldnt CoRunorelai School, Lnurlam, kHehl can. ti W N riOli Man ai.nind 7.0 b. look i! t r our bnflneao In unoccupied terM "'v Special 1 1 id 1 1 einent. pertninenl. C, It. mn a Company, Kurrerymen, dam hevt r. '. r.n. ..11 FOR RENT. V h RK r Flat pplv F. n Mlum. -.1 FOR SALE. Mual b Bold Saturday. AiiKtiat Slat l HMfr, amall Ras heater, amall ta 1 ' " v Are aera, nashlnt at and ioldamlth". 7tm BCOtl St . Ited JockOI .to 17 i bttyi hnrae, nnon, hanieaa, 10 PTOi ot land I mllen from l.u!e iid.ii Warrant! dOed, Wm. Andr son ft! i.nke l.lmbn Ave., tAhflufJi, Phone 4SIL -no 1 1 R half :ir,-n. p r.-poaaanior touring car in Brat-claaa running; ol der, rut!) .-(nipped. 75. Motoi ... Phone 57-J. IN POUND. IN p. tl .M. I'lmk holfcr about a v. -ir "Irt. bviM i apply to Mnrshil Tru- oH. .go 4 CLASSIFIED ADS j Paine, Webber & Comp'v Boston, Mass. BANKERS AND BROKERS Direct Private Wire Connection with Boston and New York Curb Stocks Given SpecialAttention W. L. STANNARD, Manager, Calumet Office J. A. MINNEAR & CO. BROKERS MARKET ATTATQL ANCC NOHTH BUTTE AND C. A A. FEATURES. KLALENAW HLAVILY BOUGHT. NEW YOHK AND BOSTON CLO'iED TOMORROW AND MONDAY Sail Luke, Cobalt and Tortopah StocksiQuoted Constantly Calumet, Mich. Laurlum Mich. Members Boston and New York Exchanges GAY & Calumet Branch Phones 813-814829 Beveral commercial bodiea of ln- diittiapi.llH are likely oon t0 be lli. it; ed Into h at rone chnmhef ot commerce Uidlanapolla is pending 2ff, I on new DubHo s.-hool buildtnaa. in "Mi jrlwttaarland realized 1M),- """."'in fii.rn tn.iist.K. Mm' in tlermani art adopting ue linger prlal ktentlftcatlon aytem, C-aliforntog eotlmntail pofiulntloii now is :.t' 7 04C. LEGAL NOTICES. July l : :(; Aug. .-'-1; ; m s. pt. 8-13 9tfl t. I II. MitT;.M;i; BALK DefauM Mvlngj been made in Hi oon ditlons of a certain nioi t ,, made an. I xecuted by Domenlco Qgrdettto and Terosa rjdrdbtto, his nife, and Fian eoneo dariM'Ao and Margarottp ; irdel to, bin wif, of the Towr.ehtp of 0kJua inoti County .f Houghton. Mlchinn. part lea of tho Aral port, and Peter Rtrpjpe of the game place, patty ..f the i .mi pptt. bearing date Ufa Mtnih day of Janoory, a. i., pioi, ami rooord ed In I he Office of the Reylnbr ot I teed- it.r tho C mnty of rfoafhton, Ma hhjam, on the Twelfth ChlJP f Jamui'v. A. I.. !01. In Liber ln. ol mm tgagett on pnaja ltff on which agld Baortgage thera Is olatmfd to DO due at the date of this IMMlce, the Finm of Two Th mi I g)g iron end Pnrty -eight rmo-kondredtha i20ta.4t) pollarfi and no p4oceedtM ft law ot iii aajutty havitm been Institut ed tn recover the agbnoya ffctfred ! mid roortgai any part thofeof; Nou therefore. by virtue .of the P vei ..I !. ii. , ontaitied iii laid umi t itage, and the statute In am h . ase made a rot provided, nOtfCe Is hereby tfivon ihat on Tuesday, the fifteenth day of i ' toi er, D, 1012, al ten io o'elot k in tho forenoon, there will be aoM .1 fnhfk aucilorl to tne hlghaal bkMai ..: the limit door of the Couil HnfOM li the VllUMfrk of Moaajfhton m tho Count of Ifounhton, MlChtiratt. (that belne, tlm ptaOe where the Clrcnll t'.uirt for sold rount y is holdanl the praanknie da !. ilbed in k.i f t nortgnffO or a inu. It thereof us may be tie. "ssaty to pny the imoi'iil .1 ni sild'.ie with ii. ercst at the rate of S ven (7) per cent p.r nnniuii, finr'i e,:al . ..sta, in lud itiK an altoriiev'H fee of Thlrlv-llve ) Doilora, ik a too provided for in id mortgnge The prenilsea defCrlbed In fgJd nmrl . aaao being nil certain pie. e ..r parcel of land r-ltuate and bofttff n the Township of Calumet, in tin County of Hooajhton and state nf Michigan, and deatHbed ff foltono, 1-Wlt Lot num bered Fourteen no in Bhch number fd Forly-two (12) In the leventk l dlflnn to the lllago of I. Milium ie eordjlht to the recorded plat thereof on Bit ill the ..flh-e of the RaghitOr ni Hoods In and for said County f Houghton, all mlnrrnl on said hind and the right in mine the sume to wlihin FkTteen tr.) feet of tne aurfgee t too o. k belkg reserved t. jirevioua rant. ora. ToKcttur with the keredltamentg ;ind appurtenant o thereof tmtod at Chhofnnt Mfclriffit, thlf Nlneieentb ,a .if Juh. A. D. 1012. PMTMfl RtTPTl MoTtajnfee V. W. KFFtR. Attorney f.r Mortr.ngee. Puftnefg a l.lress Calumet Michigan. Private Wires.'to all the Leading Exchanges STURGIS Roy A. Young Resident Manager Aug. P Jo -30 Sept. 6. STATi; OF Mli lllCAN. I'll" ProkOtf Court for the County of Houghton. At a aaggjog of said Court, held at Ihe Pin Lai. tun. e In Ihe Villas "f Moujfhton in aaid County. on th 1 Itk day id tUfUOt A 1 .. lift. Present, lion. lieo. C. Uentley, Judant of probate. M -lie Matter f the Bptotf of J. tin Tervonon, i hacoogaij, Lhojlg TerVonen, widow of aaid do lasi e. hav lm: l!e.l In agOf, , oiirt her I petition pra.MtiK that the auministia lion ol .iid .slat, be grat'led to 'it aglf or to sotne other auitable peraoii, II is i t 1. red. That the. 1 1 th rjtt of Peptember a. i. itlf, al km o'clock In the forenoon, aj aaJd prohfta oAca, he and l hereby appointed for heniiinj aaid petition. It b; Further Ordered. That public notice thOTOOf he fctveti by publica tion of a copy of this order, onca . ea h Week, for three Sle psidve Week previous to aaid day of hearing. In th Caluinel News, a newspaper piiu'el and ' IfCUlntad In aid eouniy. (Bent) GMH . C ilFNTLKY. A line copy. Judge of PfehftO LIlbiB O. Mlt. hell. Register of Pro hate . '.alt.t alt h MeCormnck. ittornei i for Bftffds hualgedo ad4heos: Calumet Mich Aug. Ifi-M :io Sept. 4. -'I ATI! ' F M 1 1 ' 1 1 1 f ! A N , TIip Probate Court for the countf ' Houghton, At a session of said court, held at Ihe probate office in Ihe village of Houghton in said county, on the nth day ..f ugust. A. P., 1912. Proofnt, Hon. Ceo. C. Hentley, Judg" of piohat... in the Matter of th. Bgfftf f Bnuna M. Otaun. Par i ia fad Rohnri li, Mackentla, Administi it i of said ITstate. having nleil In so"1 Coiut his petition prnyink that Mi" time for the proBClitntioh of laim fgnlnft aaid estate be limited and that a time and plate be appointed o ie .eive i gamine and adjust gil claima ami dermmds again t said deceas .1 b. and before said Court. It hi Ordered- I bal four months from this date l.r ajlofod r r credltora to present claims against said estate it in Further Ordered., That the iii day of Peeember at ten 0'CIOfk In the forenoon, nt stld Probate Dfhce, ba and Is herebv gppblhtfd for the ex im Initlon and adjustment of all rlalma t .l demands against an Id b . apd that notice thereof bo ghon by public attof on. e Ohch week, for thr?s aueoaggtve weeks arovlOIMI th said dav "f hearme, in the C.ilmnet New n. newspaper printed and clrculatetl In said County. (Beni) QBJO c mknti.fy. A true copy. Judge of Probate. UNM d Mitchell, Register of Probate. aalbralln a- m, Cormfck, Attorneys fat Kstate. Bualnoff addreaa: 1 ab met. Mb h. "Pnrgnin snloV" In lem.lon d. ment stores arc not popular with wo men buyers, , .