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FRIDAY. AUGUST 30. 1812. THE CALUMET NEWS PACE SEVEN SPORTING COBB CERTAIN TO BE ON THE ALL-AMERICAN TEAM MGOORTY WILL BOX DAVE SMITH Oshkosh Boy Will Meet Australian in New York Milwaukee, Wifc, An 10. Have BnlHi th.- middh w eight MM a.-ivy-weight namplon of Australia, who re cm io the VmtHi stuns in , , ,M uf inati lies. Is s- heduled t. mala ) lf debut In a t.n r.und haul.- with MaOaorty, baton Hi.' Qirtii Athletic chb of New rot city, mod da) niKht. H pt. -'. An aiiyem. foi u,.- mutch Jra cnn.i ted un Wadnea .,,,,1 ,i smith adheres t.. his original omW Hie bout will nil' ll planned, I wi" l,"x lt svtiMhta. Whethei Smith li tha antipodean ring assassin he is rem ten to b M1 , c (ttflMttnlf .h-termlm-d by PU-Ooorfl I .,,,,. it tiiei- i an who Ull make Smith uncover all his ring irlcks lhat man Is MeOoort. BMU PI PPP i (ni fOPPPMPMp ont. n-l.-is tor Hi. trorUfa iKlfltliwijiil rliinpliiMMp to ., la lining that he should PS "' , Bt selected t. ti DM Hi"- vImK.i , ,,e other side .'I the World. smith tocaan boxing in HM)4 Biid within two v.-ais he had won both the amateur middleweight and weight tttl of the IU1I After linlnj up kfcc amateur tanks Sin.ii, ,1 ,,, ..l.ional. Mid li"' Pgoaoat against th- tmiftlii'i' and BON MDM ...... i li, l. ,,. ill men I""11 r '" i . m marked as when he buttled T, Baldwin. Ward. I.o.ik. Kaitfon CRAWFORD ALSO WILL BE GIV EN CONSIDERATION WHEN TF AM IS MADE UP. Now that the Km foM Slants ami All Am-rhun Aroundth World Tout l'o , has been incorpoiau i in N.w York Willi a capital stock ot Ifio.ouil ulution in rift In all major laogiefc cltus as lo tin- iMlividuul players who will he tots t.-.l to oppose the IXJUUS, t'obh without doubt will make the lour, while riawtid in almost ctr tuln to be a m.-inb. r of th- All - Anno liana. Bush and Stannge and. per haps Dubuc will probably he given consideration when the roll ,s mad. up. Tin- DOfpOM ol tile company ig IS make tour ol tin- world next wlnlei arid dav exhibition g.ltneN In foreign countries between the (Slants auo a lib k. ;l team of plaverH lroin boiri major leagues. Tin- plans of tlir tout BOVe not been ..mpleted an '-t, gtt4 will probably not be PWIUPePlPfl lor a couple of months. lt is probable in .nt of the ..nut. winning the National league pennant that most of the A'.w YoiU p'.;''- will (jof in idiaiv.e of Manage Moiliaw lioeer Hr.sii;i li. n. iiKinan.-r ol tlio Si Louis C'ar.'inalH. has btta KUKKestid t U ha eharKe of the upposiHK ba.n- hull UKK eKUtlon. The tour will be aimilar to the oh Of the Chi.'iu'o tenia and. -I OMJ A:i moii uiifi a team ol AII-AmeilcMM hi IVKS-'SS. und will take s.--ial inoii tfeg The fsmous ChlCftVO club t-jur w i n l id by . 0. HHllH1nif, and tin i. ains went first to Australia ud thtl to Kurope Anioni; th ise in the party WTe .':. Hon, Pftffff, Williamson. BufW Dl Rn amateur. He won the inid.iie rulit title from Arthur 'rlph aid tn4 nea wen. ht ch1pitwht truia Jack Lester, conqueror of Bill Luna. Among tho iniddleweivhis that Kmith fought were Aithu. ru P1 nKeefe Ted Whitinn. MtHMl CMl i,y Cyclon Johnny Thompson and Billy Papk. He beat Cripps, o'Kei-te ,i WMtilM handilx and was .redmd with decisions oyer Clubby ; nd Tl.oinp- pij. In the first battle with Fuipkc "i Jti ISH'J. l'apke vas dts.iialliie and man OllMt stars of th. li d.i- The teams plaved U gtllWig on lh;li tour and played the Hist Anion ..i. name of baseball eei witness.. I in the shadows of the I'viamius L Rgypt CAN'T FIND A PILOT. May Be No American Dsfsndsr of Gordsn- Bennett Troph) . t'hi. -aco, Ann. 30.- Thfjrsj may be no delend.r ol the Qogdon r.eini.-tt world's . hampion asfoplane trophy in the itce bare s. pt. R in upiiti MtUnK on tne I1" ('hU.K, indicate for a racing aeio thoupbl that he was the bette, mu ,11 opportunltv pies, nt.-d Its. 1! J'. m win- ,. , . M-mat. h with Pupke th" Aastra liui. at the chance. The MM! hattle on Maivh II. 1"11. lesaltcd in ti knockout icloiy for l'apke ll' huuK a crufher to Smiths Jaw in tne 14 . nth and the nation son str.-i. h.-.i i, s length on the canvas. Smith v.a. omcouraKed tit tune SfNT this ,. teat but be has le.overe.i his tOSSf dtnet now and he Is In this (ounli.. l,.r the express pnrp.-c of Pina an oiher chance at I'ftpke. He win htcva to dear the M.'h.oitv buidle bifoie that ambition Is NHgHn I GOOD CATCHERS NECESSARY They Have Much to Do With Makiny Good Teams. no team can be classed as a areat ball elD it it hMlOJ a MPjtlH he: catch am stuf li l a. in st to name out tl-e immense tlfftlMMi i assy and an ordinary catcher malxea ii, a ball team. Tha W.ish io'toii team Ip a coildn 1 hall club this year, but not MM racial has plux.l a more nromineiit part In the success of the . lub than the tstdUnf dei artment. In IMM HMsH i ro ii,. AfoamJjth, ."lark (lilttith has i wo of the receivers in the nasiness. 1'oth have won.lciinl arms, and t s always a long sOl that tlM runnai who libs to steal will be Ihr. wn out. Hoth aie t.iiilv t I bii us, death on foul Hies and for cateh ,,s th) are mighty f ist oil their feel, (letter Mt .11. tho do not Ijrf thai pitchari CMllflM in 'l", ralllop for w...-te balls. S true ar their arms that they do not b9V h ContllMMMl les.'M to the waste ball to Ket the runners steiiin;. I he Huston dub is noirm well be .ause Hill CarrlKan Is havlm? Hi. M year -jf hia career, because Cads, se .ared fr.m Hie N.-waik elnl Ut '! Taetern I.okuc. has lavotODed Into a Mar in a cai because Nun unak.-i . who II d. li.K v. r little catching at late. i a better le.elver than th. rag ulars ..n a number of th.- major lea sue clubs. I'm.-. I'arrc.Min hasn't a .iv v I IIW but he manages to get lb. ball doH B I" second In Rood tine With such a Kieat man as Heiiue amer re. eh ilig the thr.n. Cat i -m doean'l have to be very part l.-.ilar about its ac. uiacy Just so he gets it Hieie ahead of the runner. Cl ' i in uses his brains to ndvantane and is a gn I aid l.i the lnllHH "it. b is. The cat. hli! staffs of th- AhrMJ h.d ,nd. rs, 'lev. land. N. w Yol k and St LOU I , do no' cotlliuire w Itb t he ,ul" Shi I l. Thut Is on.- rHMMI this trly down near the bottom Maun gMdnat anrt Hamilton of St Louto. Bttll Kahh i and Blandlng pf 1 '! tralpild, Mel a number ol MetOT ounst rs WSW DP sho ving to better ndvantimc if ih v iiad men like Air.sniitl. Stan fKe mid I'aii'i'.n and some of UM other clas- )mg bi Hie le elvlllg. STERLING TO MARQUETTE. Ml her H. Pert Suitif - who Mng bear rtljpMu bj the Hpluipei bBptfbaiJ Clab, has been si. m d wltti Ma-o.aci,. durirtf the remainder of the gcaPOTl Btcrtlni i ib h.-.i In OPt) a few wainen I. i ' aluin.-t. but hia showing was good Pitcher Mel. ion Wolfcanc. who had I If trial with Hie St. Lonls I'roWns lu.t fall Is doing a'eat work tor the liwell tem of the N. w I ti.l-.-n1 l.eigue. Ad llreiiuan. of the Quakers, w holer Alva Wlillnms as ha been ill with diphtheria, is out of hour. Pa Lloyd Thompson has refused to pilot the racer on the ground that ii was obviously unsafe; III -designed and PPJpbla to flv lor a hi flea mile ,.- n stands." This unexpected situation arose iav after a.-i onuutii ti anglpeera Thompson's suggestion. repOl ted nn- la'orably to him on the craft's de sign. W ilh Thompson s reiusal it be u . known that OMPPP H MaiHn the la ill. const avlatoi. had dluntcei ol to see What he colll.l do" low; id net ting th- racer In shape for the i Martin, howevar is under suspension of the Aero Club of America h r: he participated In the HPflMiCtionod Boston aviation nie.-t. and Ppfore roold flv tin- racer his ppepen un w oui.) ieWa 10 b.. rayoki .1. Kli. lals o the Aero t'lu'i ot nitaoli are o Mm f MP ;,n .tiler m o hiie- whi h the (Ull lit up before Sept. " 111 LllS event the racer. Which wes mad. in Massa. husetis and aqulppad W itli a 1110 -horsepower foreicn motor Is out in condition to flv by thai time SPORTING EDITOR'S NOTES. Next week will sea the closing gam I ot a large numbei .t minor league an I more than one .bib owner will lael tickled to dnath' to s- the curia. 11 llop on the season ot l!l'. While the nialor leagiu .lubs will (lore in, season with a protit. the little falloWg, in a majority ol cases, have mon .. Mole blow-ups' and change.. In circuits have ink. n place Into h. .. son 1 ha n in a n pi e ions veai ganlsed baseball The following ahowt the man changes in Hie minor laoguea llice the opening of the season HUSl Spi nig : Til State Mlooiia Lain transferred to heading: Lain ... : team tranaferrod t Atlantic t'lt ; hunt. wi. team 1 1 nnsf , 1 1 c.i to i h. 1.1 Ohio Inteiftate l.eauue DtsbSUldea Ohio and P. nimHainn Laagtlfl D: : handed. '..line ti.-ut liPsflps 1 W rar Mm in am traiisl rre.l lo Wai.ihmv. Virginia League Lynchburg and Danville dropped from crlcult. New Yolk 'onnectlut League Disband, d Oklahoma Bpte Laagnie Disbanded, Washington Stat. I u.- DeBtoPPd ed. Texas-Oklahoma UPkflPJi GreeBVlll ami Mi Kinn. v .'I oppe.i from Ircutt Soiithenstel n l.e:'rm PisU.inde.'. I'llt.d Stat.s Leawue I Hsba lid" d Blue Hrass l.caM'e WtUChaatPT am transf.ned lo Ml Steilmg. Mu, insula -Wisi . 1. sin Lencue- Di. hall. led Mountain States l.eaeuc hmb ml. o Hi 1 State Leugii. Marlon t un hnpfetrfld Ii Ifonton, Houinrn .Ml.-hiean I WTf to M h nnd I'a' ''H dr.. pp. I fi'-m n in Soiifi iVntrnl I eague Cajeboonic ml Wi h i- Plopped fr un Ii ult . iPPlpp Stales league N' S I N kfam .am iPBTiMeirefl U Vaaao ' bv. H( ti.shiug team transferred t- I'.duni Hartdlan, VsckMeprfl in-l PP s Mty droiped from dr. Sil hen Heals I. ' kel . of Hie '. . Hi ¬ kes Ills pl.t e III the tiebl ev. Yol i . 1. ,. 1 1... Dir. ry 'Hello, l.ieuieimn.. .. " roffpiaa9" Mannser lil' th, sf the Sen t... I uses pM. her W .li. ' J" alii nd cal. b- pin. h mtn 1 1 jl .... i.u..r na cm nrodace the 1 i.wiifca mHsb as oftan as these two If You Are Going to Buy a Piano READ THIS! Just received two carloads of Pianos direct from the factory YOU MAY LOOK THE COUNTRY OVER, YOL MAY GO THROUGH THE LARIFST MUSIC STORES IN TH R GREAT METROPOLITAN CITIF.S. AND YOU CANNOT PUR CHASE A PIANO EQUAL IN QUALITY, TONE, FINISH AiJD RF.PUTATION WITHIN l!iC Or" THE PRICES THAI WE ARE QUOTING DURING THIS SALE. Bargain Corner THIS MORNING AT 8 O'CLOCK WE WILL PLACE GN SALS A FULL SIZE flTEINWAY UPRIGHT PIANO AT $395. $395 Steinway A Few Bargains For Today CASH DOWN $5.00 $1.50 PER WEEK STEIN WAY HUSH & GERTS BUSH A GERTS APOl LO PLAYFR MONARCH ST, REGIS ST. REGIS STEIN WAY, WITH PLAYER WORTH 41,100 NOW SfSTO MASON . HAMLIN SIS." HAMILTON . 8258 SI 75 816? f ,M .Sivl ATTENTION MR. PIANO PURCHASER, FOR A MOMENT: m- nt todav. Select am iwrtTltmen! adverts d her. , l in n . oin. down and see us immediately. We have OIT II Do N.ui know thai we are makim. history In tne Piano pusineoa 1 .nt 11 in Laiirlnm'' Just gkMPO I ver the mi lues spppgsanted it. 'his a.Herti floois loaded down with the w.uld .s b st mal. v . ai bound and teinined lo sweep our floors ab oiat. lv bleafi PrlHin the m xi ".-w da; s. Investigate These Pianos No Reasonable Offer Refused SM -0 flB t A jii.Sl rS4,'l-r' Let the Heathen Rave THE SO-CALLED MICHIGAN PIANO TRUST (MANUFACTUR ERS THE FAMOUS PEE WLE PROTHERSl ARE PROVOKED. TH FY SY EVERY TIME A I COME TO TOWN WE START TO KICK THEIR DAWG AROLND. I si .25 ;r Procrastination is the Thief of Time Tomorrow is a day that never comes BUY YOUR PIANO NOW TO THE PUBLIC: ... ( , M-. (ggvi t 1 , 11 1 Mm , in . k ' f'i.nios a! a cell If on the .1 ;i.u V do not . , th the anamton th .1 th s I. ibaoliit. i h. I all IIW " pTateat. moal mammoth, swee tncSfliWon of ihc IM.po I..-,.,. I;' the gloii .-r M nhlpan. Tpia no .Ir.-trap. in.mped-i.P ex. us. t an Pbaolttte PPOa-ddt .11 deltiK-d v Ilh a prrfeol 1 1 Ol sales Ju1 forge! 11 ami c mc ... . ,.1000. -v, .... inaiiKut 1 1 cl ( :n i-K HI'. IM I'lai 1 tPltCPai : 1 ! aiMrllim hi. Iloors . lonn .u Ihc : .t Uw dg)d !: ta must d J. E. FOISY MUSIC HOUSE FREE STOOL FREE SCARF FPF.E Dtl I VERY BALDWIN RKPKESENTATIVE 318 HECLA STREET LAURIUM PHONE .LM J. the hospital, but will not be able K pet back .mo the game this season. 'aahingion boys.