Newspaper Page Text
PAGE EIGHT THE CALUMET NEWS FRIDAY, AUGUST 30. 191: f tr A HOT Special Sad A good grade Mrs. potts Irons, per act A better v.i. hi,. Mr. Potts It.'iia, pe Sensible Asbestos Iin.-il Irons, pi r Set Lover kabeatea PfOae, pr t Also Polishing. PloUtM-e Shirt U CARLTON HARDWARE CO 400 FIFTH RT. The Plate for Reliable Goods ai Mr Prices Fresh Spices For The N Pickling Season cklkpy UMH mi staiiip sppp. DILL 1 1 H VEE. capsl cum fotm, wieijB rHPfiat llspick. cubby powder TPIlMKIU' ' POWDHR HTC A IJ. i SI'li'Ks RK GUARA U40HBST QUALITY. Vastbinder ARRIVALS CF THE STORK. Mirths ret .-n'- reports In . 1 ,t, I krtraship w Sona t. Mr. and Mrs. Bamagj Rot. kada of Copper i'i'.v t.. Mr. .nul .i .. l .Viva .i . r i It) . to Mr. Mid Mrs Hsimeg '"' 4 I " 'I i.ii street and ! Mr. tad Mt John Kl.- .uen i( ASpatat, I hint hp rs ha,- arrived it the hoyic at Mr gad Mr- tntoo L) v 'ik ..- ii. 141 Bsegad afreet Centnegtfal Heights; Mr ii, i Mrs Ki iih. j ..r i'unr 3 ears in Businesi Merchants & Miners Bank CALUMET, Surplus and ln.ii- bled J t Stockholder's Liability Interest Paid on Ate v a i SAVTNQ pari of your INCOME? If yon jy nnt. who will take . tre af TOV or TOUR PAMIl.Y v h. n you are SICK ir .f VPOHK? Tl,. Wise ! PROVIOW fa tli. I'l'TI'KK, when he is EARNING GOOD wacks. SAVING PART OP hla INCOM&. . 'arTV Armstrong-Thiclman Lumber Co, HUIBELL CALUMET BBTORt fOTJ GO AWAY ON YOT'lt TRIP TALL ON ITS FOR A H'ltl.V .! AM BRIO AN RANKRJUI AM St mI ATION TRAV- BumaT cmeQun, ths safest and must convhnhsnt WAY OF CAHRTING TRA V I . PI MDS IN 1 11 K unITEjD STATES AND CANADA. AS WKLL AS A I IN AD. "A t A ' , : . I r AS IINIT AS PFRPVNAL CWEE, WITH MO D!FFIC!TI,TT AMOUT IDKNTIFICATIoN. ai HTMu all i:l THM would. STATE SAVINGS BANK LAURIUM, A COLli HANDLE Iron Values 1.15 kU.25 8 1 . 7 :i:i i i;i:sii AXO OF Til & Read Pliar. Pity, Mr. ind Mra. B tfarraa f vtloaaa and Nr. gd Airs. Matt K.n.- t jij Pi inktta street LODGE NOTICES. All mi-ml'i'W af Court North Star I '..).. teem No. 17 are r -iiu .tii-d i meat it I hob nail ktunda) morning s. at l-t. at .' o'clock sharp - i a. c Btncoeh, Dajrai Onpt MICHIGAN. . . . .$ir.n,noo.on , .... J4i.tnHi.Mi . ... IH.AM.M Time Deposits The Finest Timber Dis tricts in the Country furnish Ufl with the select lilt end -ii. w pine, hemlock uml the ..i hardw .i proeor- able, chosen eept h laity for our lint f trude Our customerg .ai hi iH tfmaa r.l upon iih fur i t 1 1 1 t rleUvarlea ol tn atr ar il abort not Ice. Yuii will find the mill arorK t ). tf the otnd lh prtt aa rUh aV I J time. HANCOCK MICH. j WILL TAKE PART IN THE PROGRAM Copper Country Educators to Give Papers at U P. Meet The program f..i the seventeenth anmiaJ MtohlSM Biat4 Tea. hats' ln atllttta, Ui h i .ttlm ie i uiuler thj nu CM 't lh- Uppai I'elHlisnla K.til- catlon l aaiHM at Iron Mountain, It ,!.. I. i :t and 4. ilultt.'e.s the names of a numaar of eoppar i-ountry . .in. .. tots The pracram i of axdaptlonal iii.'in. ii.. apapkera in-inx aBaapM the .. , 1 ..... i f l, tl .....iff ... i I IKI H lie IIS. UHKeil .ilf i.l a "li- I . raided i harm ter. Artmnaaaawta i.r the acoaaaaaaa th.n ol tht trial tora n arrival at Iron Mount .in are .t a very elahurate na ture Gravpa af hiuh school MvaVaaji and ..then, arlU meet all haconaUafl tinin". ajad ilracl tba ylaltaia te hotels aad private baaai a. The proajnual inaurea a meeting of rare Interest an. I should attract every teat h. i ami an. use enthusiasm f.u the . Ml. It is BTSad that al si hools ahoald be eloaad duiinp the t. das convention, ao that aM the leachafa ma have a chance to attend m .tiu the speakers of national re) i;tati..ii win. will lie iii atten.lame nr. Prof. Katie Karnes of Philadelphia; pi of. s. n. paaa or .ntioi h noHapa FaHOW S.ritiK". O.J Miss lMna White man I nsi i u. tor in story telling. I'ar- nejjle Lihraty. PlttaBBlglii L. T W' Sunt. Pul.lic insti u. tion. this state; In. Kdward Amherst (t:: Irof A. S. Whitney, rniversity of .Michi gan; Prof. G. L. Itiovvn, Northern Stat" (Caraaal aehool Prof w. h. rremh Mi'. hlnnn Akrii. ultural '. Villege, an. I others. Cappar Councry Educators The copper rountry la espeeWilly vvel.' honored, the follovrlna balna aahadulad to git papers: Hih achool section - The hlah Rehool ill KtlKllsll." S'll t. .lohll Doelle. HoUk'hlotl. '.laminar pchool sect ion " A i it lime tie in the tirades.'' H. A. Lav?, depart n.ent of mpthwtlca, Hanghtoa. Ktttdarcarteii and primary section- Miss Katherlne M. IHette, Calumet, chairman; "Ethical Traantop' MUM B Mahoatair, Caltinal Musi' an. I art se.tion Art as tauffhi in aidtfern arhooM." Miss BtaM I'ajnrl. OaeealaS "Hiuh aehool music," Miaa MIMHd Romsdahl, Calumet. Commercial section A. K. Spauld- Ina. Houahton, chairman; "commercla1 1 ivv in serondary achoola," '.. V. flravea, Caltajaat. The following are the offl.era and executive cdmmtttaa d the matltuta' Preaideni vV H. Hill, Crystal Palls. ITIea president CamnklaalaBar ai aH E Btarna, lahpemtnp. Secret it v .1. K. Lautner. Manptette. Treaaiirer Alfred Nlehols, oaeeola Biecutlva committee L L Wiuin Lanalnff; .f. P. Jeffers, Palneadale: .loim '. Bran nan, ironaroatf j Jaapa Hahhard, Menomin-e, ENTERTAINMENT ARRANGED. Will Be Given in Salvation Army Hall Tomorrow Evening. The Y..IIIIK People's leilRII of til. Calmcet Salvation army has made ar ranpumenta t. plra an entertainment in the Army hull tomorrow BVentnS An excellent praprnm has baan pre pare. I. Iilrh will In. lude solos hy Walter Jefftap, the well known I. Uml in.;, i. and Initrn mental duets i.v Ad jutaii! and Mrs. .la.Uson. The proprani in detail: Sol.. Walter .leffery. HerPallon Kuaaell Robey. Instrumental duet Adjt. and Urn, Jet kaon. Recitation RtatJa Anderaon. Duet- LttcUhl and Irene W'ilkins. Corn.'t sol.. Herbert Nelson. Recitation Arthur Hart....! Huet Mildr.d and Kit-hard S.-ohle Hiss solo Jeorm Kowe. Ite.Pation Allurt Harris. piano solo Emily Harris. Male ipiartet. Refutation Ida Watson. Plana aala Walter Jeffery, Hatl 1 selerl Ion. Tahleau "The Dlaaatiafled Soul," alphl uriris. DUNN TO MEET JOHNSON, Kid Dunn, the colored llshtnatHrhl who has made the copper country hi; headnnarteea atnee he came hen In the summer with Art Godfrey, and who was one of the prlne pies in Iht re. put Punn-W'hitlko match at tn I. Murium town h ill h is aim unued th..t he will leave p.hottt the middle of n-xl month for Hurley Wis.. to me.-t a flKhter named Rattling Johnson, om Sept. ix. in the meantime Duns nHI do his training ham, The Milwaukee County Hospital SCHOOL FOR NURSES. offera to a limited number of young iragaan m asoaEwrt course in the theory and praatleu of nuraing Appileanta should be batwaag the ages of 21 nntl 35 years, hive a gggi BngUah aggcatioa anil he of Rood nioral haracter. Monlhlv . ,s, allow aiues after the prtdnit ...rmry trm. A ppileal Ion pgpari nnd bulletin af In formation sent on request Addreaa: Milwaukee County Hospital School for Nurses. WAUWATOSA. WI8. CORDWOOD LEAVE ORDERS AT Queilo's Meal Market dmngj Phone 159. Ik f,Rsr u p 0F Y tl P t nnvo IC ciinnrop ' " "u" " '"CM CHESTER J lL B E R T AND ASHLEY LEVITT HOME FROM LAKE M I C H I o A M M E. Chester Jilhert a iu snlev Levitt i nouie last . .. ruioj ru in the up- per paaaaaagfn eamp for bays at iike AHchlKumtne The report the outllH, i su. ceaaful one and illho.'ah the al- lendauKa lagg aoi as larRe uh ai hoped, the spirit which animated IP voiitiK men was su. h that creut tItlHK mpectad af future tamps. It was .m l. led te hold .1 an.p ... h I ear, J. A. Van bis. mite hove' vvoilmi l ierintend( ai .and I '. Plehl of th ' mvertlty of Mtss .iMi were in charge of the camp and v . i . assisted h. See retai) W ise yj t IshpemiiiK assKia iioii an I Supt. Ki.uit ot the lahpeag inc boj s- work h pal nn-nt K. H. Svvitar has arrived in Caiav mi t from Hin klm Mo., and is l.nni liarlamg himself vvirtThiF nav dttaMa as aet-ietary of the Calumet aeaoclg tton, whit h he u to aaaggea an Sept. l lleorgt W'i stermaii ill ..i thai d..u take up Ida new duties aa upper pen insula th-1 1 Maria ry. a position ajaaj lar to that held hj State Bet retary L. i RneU. Mr gfeaternuui'i ftutlaa aill i.. largely in an adviaory cgpaelty. He Wll seek to inerease the H itie of '. M. C. A. a. tlvities north of the S.raita. : LOCAL BREVITIES. v Robert Lytm of Jollel orge hardner left t 'hi. ay., to vbllt. loiui Hailer has left r rlaona, to raeate, is In Calumet yeaterday for Turn. um. ai i M. R. Hall of Mill. 1ml . is in time I an gjagaarl visit. Prank Rarnai at anduaky, v isitlnif in ( alinni-t. M. K Piiabi. of Montague, i tonriat. la In Oplumet. N. Y i. iv MacDonald, di.imond drill man left last evening for Duluth. William H. Kickham left yesterday :or tlrei n itav , aftei isiting h jnnn . Simmons of Green Ha is . ii riv e. i here yeaterday for a via It. Mra. Joseph "ertii: 1 ft this ill noon tor hit mo, v here s he will visit. .MISS Mamie l-orsl l of Oak street haa returned from . triii down th lakes. I t-.1 Killmar left 'his aaarnlng OberMa where he will take a husi rnurae. M..ii. lav being. Labor Day, all of th barber shops in Calumoi win he doat ill day. Miss Catherine Lis-i has left for De trot! aha has been moated some lime. Miss M. K. Prisble arrived here yes tenbiy from Muskegon, after an all summer's visit. J. A. Shaaron of Duluth. rep rag en I ing the Sun Line, was In Calumet t .lav on hualnees Richard Johns left yeaterdav after noon for Globe, Ariz., where he ex pects to locate. John Becker win leave tl is even in for Cleveland, where he will spin. I , ivvo .voek's vacation. M John Knivel ami famllv of Kim street, are home from a three weeks visit i . Paul.- Harbor. Mis lanm.i Ashtor, of Chriatobal Panama Canal 7,one. is rlattlng Mi and Mra. James A ah ton. WIN C W'.une of Duluth, lefl r. imme last even fag aftr vlsltln-- CaiM met and Laiirium friends. Miss Blata of Baginaw, one f lis teacnera for the comina term arrived In Calumet this motnin v Mrs. Prank liillet and daughter Miss Maple, have pone to Wiirdn IdalkO, where they expect to locate No special Inisines la xpected lo come before the Red JgOkel COttni ,; us reRular meettpa Tuesday evening. My, and Mrs. William Partis ha returned from Victoria, Brltlap Colum hkt and will resume their WBldanct lien- Miss Catherine Doiiglaa will leavi this aventpg for Pelroit whef - sh wil be located dturlaa the . omiior oahao in.. Miss Aaaltl Kemp of Seventh sin . ; una returned (nun a laagtlty visit to I'etroii : i till other southern .Mlchigav Itlea. Piank. the young eon of Thoma I'eiihnll, Jr.. was operated upon v cs l. I ilav at ill. C H. hospital, lie Is doing nicely. Mrs. M. Oowag of Sault Ste. Marb is visPinif vvitli lur ilaiiKhter. Miss Margaret c.wan and with Mr ami Mrs. P. S. Carlton. w m. rrevarthen of tin- Qulncy, Is spending a few days with his parents Mr. ind Mrs. James Trevartheii of tlu C. II. location Miss Parol mi tleinl, r of Leail City irrived lure this morning. She will i.. - "c member af the teaching stati of the local schools. Mis. J. A Porster of flak street has leiurnd from St. Paul. Minneapolta and other Minnesota points where sh haa vl.dted with friends. Mr. and Mrs. James C Puller of Kansas city are viaitine; Mr. Pullers slsteis. MIS I'rank R. Vastbinder and Mis. William H. Paiicett. I Finnic Valro. . H Hianchl, Jn arptl Rok. John Walz and Dominic DefUlppI have returned from a few daya' v isit to the Cappa Pgtm The Inner. il of the lale Mrs. Samuel Ml1llm;ton will be held tomorrow af ti moon, w lib services from the real dence in charge of Key. L K Long. J. it AppSepata. larinerly ptiyaeraj iiln- ior of the Calumet V M C. A. win leave this evening fot Detfatl to visit entering the P. ,f M IM i 'cteher, Raymond VlehgtaaS, who haa beer. 'Isltlng with hla James Nicboiaon of the Plvv and Ten Cent CHARITY GAME a arsx m -v ON LABOR DAY Goodfellows Asked to Help the Homeless Children The charity baseball game will b phi veil M-uulav. Qoadjfailoarf la Caluaeet nag asked to ragaaaajpai the data and lo turn and help swell the gate usi-ipis wlo. h mean m much to the akildren of tgw Goad win Pgrm and to me Catuaivei PnbtH hoapital, both worthy Inst tu EajML V It In. ugh the game waa irai set fi r tom. iri.w, th ise in . barge d-cidid l.ab.,r Hav .voiml be mi. h mote .- u.t- 4be and the I dana areea hltaewd. u Hie stores and business houses w dl hi ''.!. HlallV Will have an altend to see BOOM if the lav. liti s ot inns iii.iu. bv in i. tl.... tnd anjay a few uproafiana tavjrlM at their expenae, The old tlmera have proved that the! IN eood fellows hv grceiaaj to piav ;. apt end taaaa, arhpg IrciuaatajMaa prevearted gmny from attending the Mist an i caueed tht u.u. Itceipta to be consldetublv leiblciil Now it is up to the otbei poudfHIoera in boost the game and t. tarn avi themselves. Tin se i-inc ccpa. itv : the park is nracticalh anllanttsva ai..i is rne esienss .nia, h.-.i ai. wm..n very cent taken in Bjapna .some aildeii omfort for UM homeieaa Mttle onet who have be-n gathered at the Co,.,i Will lain. ADJOURN TOMORROW NIGHT. One of Personal I to be Continued. It Is almost certain that the civil lender far the Keareenaai kamj ai In uit court which has paaa in gee nIoii since Monday at Kagle Rtgf fill be dlsposeii of bv toinoriow night un.l tourt will ailjourn. The K.i.u, aggf against the Ahmeek Mining Oempgn continued today and it is prob able It will go to the Jurv this a Tag lag. i wo personal injury irises re- muln to be tried at the present term mil ii is consiiiereii tikelv thta one at least will be Continued to the psjXI term. The case of Hasvan vs. the AI- louag .Mining company probably will oe irieo lomollow. I.ei'iemllc ale' Drigeoll are the attornes for tin t laintiff and Attorney Rees. Robins an gad P'-lerinann for the AIL. i. . COMING HERE SEPT. 4. "The Shepherd of the Hills" Is an In teresting Play. Hat-old Hell Wright, the author of "The Shepherd of The KM Ihe Winning of Hirl.M.i Wiiith." "The Calling- of Pan Matthews'' and "Tim! Printer of IilcMs" has nude. ! col laboration with Plsb. rv W Reynohb dmmatlagtlof or i,iH bknm popular atnrV, "The Nhepherd of Tin rllHa." The piav has ret eired ar rtroltanl production from GnaklQ and Ma - ty. and Manat-er CadMRty of thi CgtU Mara, left ream dpi far his imme in Dubois Pa. The brokerage oiH.-es of Calum. t Will be closed Katnnltv Slllih'v and Map lav. Th.- atorea, bgg s. btngja ss .ii m ami peetoEtce win be clagad an labor Pa; The s P, g -ales for the I 'air.' eV(d. 1 4. t be or. nab Kept. a, nnnotmoi i m,, Marquette Count? irai . TtPkata win goad f..r return up to Sept. . nthoin Lucas Egppblicatl noinl liee for prosecuting attorney, w ill i.-ave thin evening for Naptog n. v.. Where he will v Isit w ill) Ml gag ht I for a short time. William H. Cooggbeg of i is. la, sus tallied a SeVcte accident to one iif his legs while at work underground Bl the o.s eola mine this greek. He la con lined to his home. The fun.ral of the late William Williams b.,,1; place this afternoon, with services at the Hh.y tno,gue. Ad- j. i. noi .la.hson oniciating. Interment v. as in bake View cemeietv. ns. w J, HlOy ami daughter, Ruth left yeaterday for Miiwani...... g 'her Miss Broy win enter Emwner cotlegi H Wis erroneously slate.l vestcl.lav tbg Mrs. Hloy had gone t,, Chicago. A concert will be given in the c. n leniiial M. R. church Inmnrma aisaej ing by members of the Laiirium M K. church. n axeellenl aeogygra ol vocal numbers is being nrranged. Misses Isie Massel. Lillian Aml.-ison Mini. -ii, i.. gtranberg, Alloa ami Edith Lindipiisi, nil of whom are members of the I, H. C. Blah of Calnniet Ih 1,1 reunion al the Hotel Mac at White Cltr Mondav events Mr. and Mrs. Nick Peggy have re- turneii Mom Detrofl where lb,.,- ,- thr past four years, an I will amfeg gtttmel their future home. Mr, Pe peelaltaa in furnace repair- S V will ing. Mr. and Mra. Jamea Mi 'lure, and sons, leorge an, Robert, and Miss .lo hnnn. are expected home tomorrow or Siindav from pialnvlew. M'nn.. where the have I n ,, the omit thr... eka. The pnrlv Is making the trip In Mr. McClnre's hie Mitchell tmirtnsi ar. CARD P TH v vks We I ereby wish to convey our heartf-lt thanks to nnr many frlen'l.-i for lli.-ir moat kind assistance In our late bereeveanenl nf our loving hus band, father and brother. Eeoeclatlv lo we ,'eslre to tbanU RV Ch.'iS Din. R-v. Eaagwdahl and friends for thi- beautiful ftolal offeriiiL's and their kind .voids of sympathy and .oiisola tlon. Mrs Mathilda Weld.-linan ami Cbtblren. Mrs h Widelman an 1 10 Family. ll YOU bUHPLICD wilh FURS? Are Your Last Winter's Furs in Good Shape for Next Winter? NOW is the Time to Look after Them. Call in the Store or Phone umet Cal The Peninsula Range as KECKONEN HARDWARE CO. Calumet mt theater has uccured the oriyina! cast ami produallog for ids theater II Sept. f, The bhepbrrxl ..f Tin- HlllaM is ;, splemiid stoi of retfl life am the iari; htlls .if Iftaaourl and AiLati 'f you gti thoTc yoa trtp M II) Had a Mutton II .;i..w. n hiW Mke l w... Hulk ami pet pie like Raman) i , . -fount; Man. M.ul M.m.i.i and ilowiit. i 'tinging lo tin simply till, la the v ej beautiful atoi atn.o:.: n i of -glon v. Rich is I he life of III i t :i . So I aeni d.v unfamiliar to the i i i . is it la ; i. in ih of new k strong play, lilies. II. Well i ml t h ma n JEWISH NEW YLAR i Valumel .1 v. :-.h realdents lr: urraitgementa for the liaigi anci 11 II N.v. rts T In rloghana, th Je rear, a hli h falls on Pi ni HOUGHTON i W '"' ' L r r fli"?' B i v,m $c .(En. f - . . - - Phcne 999 I.W A . F'lain Satin PlnUh nonreh i up g pagrj gavarbreai I o n v mckel plut,.u tt eel ba... It Is made of selected Hul.rth. , Heel, i u . ted -v grj igrg ir. it.. Hot I i i v i te, The form d . nil at to i..n ami ar lied). With sb-eple hM bot v Ihrotafpoail ia rein alt agtra Meal plates in -to. ..I proper thickness the h.-at int.. the ,,wi. nund the cooking top lai re stack la choeea from. Phone 163, Mich. da.v is oliserv. reformed Jew l ontlnue to .1 alike hi oi I hodok alHl ami the gen loei uag d two d.tva. Sne.'ui j. . loee of a religious nature will be held i t. , which Ibera win be pg aatertalu meni and supper. Ralbtlnt operatioaai in qfere'aad era badly hampered hy scarcity of stru. turpi iron and a teal Ti HI. n cits up hi 11 .,11 roN 11 il'XTV, I wish to extend to you all a vote .1 thanka for the strong itgporl tag . te acoorded net at the piinsarj eieu tion w'nh gave me the nominal l. hi for tic- office of Mine Inspe. t... gf lioiicbton County. Your as.-iatance hag been fbaatly appreciated and truat I win receive the same Mrogf support at the polls in November. Thomas II I me - vSlip-Ons Rubber Coats Mackinaws Sweaters These gin merits are just the thing for these raw days CALUMET DON'T GET IN THE HOLE bnv 11 .-v. Hi bettft- every way. besides You front hive to w.irr-., we .Ion I have to rush, Hod ,t us ai 111. ni. 1 let our pres ent uut'tallopg a1 kdgg ur orders w ilh us Boon us posibb BhJgi . You II th ink na later on r .r the suggestion. We like t" Reap busy. ED. ULSETH Yards at Calumet, Tamrack, Copper City.