Newspaper Page Text
lowa County Democrat. CUAWFOIID iSo illtO,, I'l'in.ism.ns Twain*, $1.60 per annum, in mi yams’. Tho Duty of tho Democracy. The San Francisco F.xaininer k c,chocs the voice of (he Democracy from the I’acilic Coast. In s) caking of the act, hy which the order oi pop ular government was reversed and Hie majority made lo submit to the minority, hy netting aside Ihe will of the people, and seating Hayei in Hie presidential chair. That paper give, utterance to the voice of the Democ racy of Hie West, in trumpet tones, which are not to he misunderstood. There is no whiningjover the mistake i of the, past, hut timely warning is given that like n intakes may not he foniinitteeil In Hie future. Here is what Hie examiner has to say upon Hie great I sue which is to he decided in the noil, eauipaign ; The past is gone. Its Mistakes are Ilillilhered. He who Ii n,.! i (he Ihldi cal parly once ideal honestly and is cheated, may rightly Manic the | 1 . pel rahus of Hie fraud. Ile who I rust ; the second I hue will ha, 1 i uly him self 1,0 Maine. Till* fa< I I hal I lie count ry is at. peace is owing cut in ly to tlm suhniis ion of the, majority to Hie •iiinoi ily. There is order, lull, il ii the volunlai y order which comes from Hie aeipiieseenee of a despoiled people lo Hie laseaiity of depraveil rulers, rather than incur the hazards of popular coiiinmlion. Is it not hiii", I hal I lie I lemoerai y lan ned ov e i their i ighls lot he judg hieill of I heir oppolieu , Ia ; leT I hail In embroil Ihe country in civil si, ife ? Is such patriotic eondiie!. to he set aside as MameworlhyV II can only lie (.1) 111 ell I lie pi iliei [lie I lull, ill all ages the siilaid don I o despot ie power m accounted I reason to liberty. Are lladieal e I hen, prepan and lo dmio: nee I )eiuoe> at, as and I -Ie;, al to i eti .111 111 101 l and go vi aii iiii*ii I, for premil I lug the in ..lil ul ion of a 1 1 ilmi i ial empowei id lo .iiihverl I hi- I allot hox and I Drot Ile I dim I y y 11 Ihi,' ,I he j IIIIgeii ;i‘llI of Ihe eolill try Him will he no Cm ils ;epelili ui 1 1 in I --ii Hie lladieal party shall endeavor, hy renewed vil- I lilies 111 ehe it 1 lie people out of Ihe I mil,l of (lie eleel ion, (here..hall he lio oecaHiol; for renewed laillll I Ilia! there I it hemi too euididi ng sill uni inn to I lieii aiipposed fairness. Mr. Haye; has admitted Ha fatal (law in In; title. He know she occu pies a seal W hit’ll 1 he pi opledeelare he f.hoiild not lake. 11 is sm i or will I old hy no such fraudulent lilleaud if the seouiidi is repealed Hie re sponsibility foi t lie eon. i'i|lU'liee ; will he ii| on Ihe \ illiaus who organ i e l!ie Hand. Douioerg i ie Chiiua, 1 1 Mm pie -ideiilial coldest of las! y i ai Ihe deninei al i • pan y only hi ( ’mi atalea assured to them ; they base row twenty Tom, a gain of nine in one year. T’lm dmnoeralie slates known lohe mi before Ihe eleel ion were Aka 1 ama A i kalis;! ~ < ‘oiinel ieul. I )ela ware, Ceorgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Missiasippi, Mi.auiri, New .leisev. North Carol inti, Ti’iiue- me. I \,is, \ irginia, and West \ n -inia ami lour of lheso, A I.drama, \ rkau a,., Mississippi ami 'Texas, were recent ae *l ui .ilmus. sjuee th it lime California, I 'lm Ida, Iml ana, I .on mia, ( duo, (g, gold New Voik. Pennsylvania ami ■ udh (' n o!'..i:i have been din the hsi. Ila pi'esiitoiil were lo he ieete, I a n, they would gi\i an •(,., i, ‘ ra.l vote of | for 111 deal mr.d . and Ila Im- Hie repulrlii an a <I >;n > -di- iimj'a ily of I an Immense gmiinon■ yo u. 'Tins j, , t eimiig,, of . . i votes since Novemher. |s,u, " Mineral., enteia and the e mtesl wdh lit teen slide ,■ ai; .si. ,■ am- UMI i uup.ij)’,n with I wenty, a",.1 now ha\ o ( ■ rolled timlev then I aunei . twcniv ■ i lie Nr 'a . ('unittin ;:iu 1 Hlaiae ha\in , em'.rm ed each ot!i,a, |he lalier will of eour; ; e • I'mil lia P rank -of the and \d i .ttiisl 1.1 1 ;. 11 people w lien ion p . i ■ ad - ', n" : imuilh. ’i'li > pro '.raiuiue e, llie.SC I ter:l ll erngui ■;of, ea S' ia In I.' aul ,s ■■ up in’ “is, iui hell ii ? 111 ■ - I’ mi, again, ami. hy \hl;i!lUM; i’ugii ' nee and slander. . g > soiiLT in men I o lie.: l l* 1i■ \pre..sious. Till- will I’ a losing game lor the eou.-.pii'iiiors, and they wIF I e beaten ,u and. Tam, Imve no power to w ,s| iha llh .. •;■ the Sauthe ai pe..pie from tin m a’’,aiu, and they w ill present Hie dh gran’,ul spael.T.’le ooioic the e.u;ntr\ ol mi glory in their ow u shame ltd sel idiimss ;ia 1 htureil of pence. Courier Joinam!. Tin: President has lost tin* support of liis own parly. Fromevery“Tump” whore radical, speech* were wont to he, made in the evanpaign of I-TT, tlm cry ol’ the “Moody-shirt," was 1" he hoard. Hayes by his constitutional policy lias forever silenced that cry, and it is no wonder that la 1 has hr-i the support of the great majority of his parly. Th" Springfield 11• ■ i• l ;i>i;<• a?i says that possibly things may change hcicaller, hulas they stand just, now, Mr. Hayes, only nine monlhs alter his inauguration, is forced to loot for his friends among his political ene mies. His administration would col lap. -at once hut for the Democrat m support whi di a strange coiiihiuatioii of circiiinstaiiees has given it. F\. Christmas Poom. in nr.v. a. r. i imn-ri!. When twilight with her rosy hand, I lad closed I lie eye of day. And o’er the meads of Paradise Her dusky maidh* lay; 'I he fallen pair, lie fore I heir < lod, Fay prostrate in I he dll a, A lid ill I heir penitence eonl'es 01, 'flu ii eendcinnalion just. I hit Cod's unbounded love f* u in.: it Was greater than hi ■ fall, Aml in com| as don for the lost, Ihovides a help for all. So lo the I reiiihling, huiuiile pair I! e promi a-:, a Seed The savior of the i iiiiu i race, lls 11 i-l per and ils Need. Fong had Hie sous of Abraham - The eho.sen of Hie I ,ord Walked iii the promise of l !e ir Cm I, S' ill I nisi lug in his word. Hul o'er Ihe land ol I ’ah- -i ine There falls a moral night, A ml alii he wail ing sons of (lod A re longing for Hie Fight. .Hook up, faint hearts, the day's at hand, Thai i nds your mighty woes, For o'er Pal.rea’s rugged hills The orient amber glow s: The propiiei ies are now fiililllcd, I nline sol I line has enliie Aml from I he Insom of hit love, (lod smif his promised Sou. Again I: ; night on .1 u lab's hill The weary hud (heir rest, And all Ihe smaa w lug ey es of ear" U llh balmy sleep are hie it. A( 1! Ihlelimu, Iwo weary mu , A 111 veal even I ide, I {ejected from I he public inn. With stalls of cattle hide. And then, w ilh W i ary , faiui im; hear, 1 A lining I he v beastly horde, A u mill l,y mangel I hey prepare A cradle for our land. Hul hush! a holy, oh mu i aim ( oiiic a si ealing mi 1 he air!! II is Ihe pre.a nee of our I hul; I '."held ! Ih" liahe is I here! I I lul yonder ii Ihe \ alley near, W here •;i ii! le wal era Mow, Aml on Ihe verdant - lope of hill, W here lender pa lan es grow. The shepherd ; gam 1 with eeasele ;s care, I'm. 1 safely of lln ir fold. Ami pondered in their anxious hearts, W hat (1 1 mI had ..poke of old. Hut lo! Hie hill of I'eihlehem. Clow v?ilh a heavenly I'ghl, As augh from the realm ■ alm\e Make uni .ie on the night. “Fear md i. heard in ether clear “1 In ’ll ’, you joyful word; For unto you i ■ horn this day A \ v mi:, iiii.i r Tin i,m:a." ”(.'lory lo < l"d.” in uni hems loud. The glow iug heg\ mis pro. !, ini ■a ! lory lo (lod," is e,i hark. From I udah'.. mighty plain ; Ami all the Irees id' 1 'alesline From liill to hill reply, \ml i lap their hand.; u Indy ;,w *a i lory to Cod on high." "I’eaee on earth, good w ill lo un"i." He .poll -i VI , an .els sin;, \ml t hroug'i the realms of eai;h ami sk\. Their h i -p ; ivlis; ial, riu a. \s softly die , (he u id s. “ The savior now is horn" So from the portals <• *' tin Fa-t ('omes the lira Chri I mas men.. V w ake ye hills of Ii ;n> Ve sleepin., \ ales : rise, Fut on your iio\' yr. I . -of nun u \ml hail *.h ■ glow .a .• : ,jes. lat,’.ion , g and I.* hano.i With tvees of : i a adorin',;. \ad Sharon with her waving Palms. Hree! (a tirst Ch.ri in a morn. vT -•IK '■ Tv .’-nnnl 111 10owe |'m .. hut ’’ 1 I• ii .mi n.’’ in Uinv iii.iie !..- any ' M ■ * ' i' hi \. in mv p lit ~| Hi.. . ■ inirv " i><> * " 11linti in k hi. ii \ai in,. |,iv t:’ . .. 0 • nil .1,01. ; . . i. |i > ~'tr • ’’’u . evil. Von uefil 11..1 In- a vav Iron luena ."■■l lui'til. Sou i ll civ,- inur uli.’li’ time to Ills or only Hpiro mommiiH W.> ti ,v ni'nl* who arir niHkin . ever #M pertliv. \ll 0 ..I iaicc ar omv im unit,, m.iin v ia>l. at • In’ nrciK'iit I iiiio moiii't cannot ho •' -Hy mnl rapiil.v m any orho- ;>hhim. . it 1 out- nothinc lo tiy the luihliooh, iS-r n. -ml $> i in ill In r Sil lri'is at o.iCi', Ii lie...’;r\ o . for I iii,l, Maiuu. DELLER’S KW {'OK! KM, Holiday C o oclz. Largest Selector.', of Laical Productions in Fancy (' loads ■ Stit a hie for 'holiday PRESENTS! A FLYS ASSORTMiFVI IJY EACH LJJYJi! Ladies and (nails’ Nik ILtudkcr clieii Twilled and ii.> ended. Ladies’Tics mi l Scarf—all ti c Laic Styles, (i uni’s Tcck Scarfs.— Fino While Shirts. Hosiery, Slippers, Mullli • . ■. Full line of Linen Handkerchief". Ine!uding half-dozen in f;u; ,- y boxen, in both huiles ami gents; hem stitched, i ebroidered and monogram Handkerchiefs of every sty!, l . Ladies’ ('ollars and (hi if-. Real French Embroidered Sols in Fancy (hirlons. Special offers in line I tress Goods, Furs, (Monks and Shawls, I HOLIDAY CIOODS AT T. .). CAMI’BiILL'S MINERAL POINT BOOK STORE My *1 nrk iion.-ift.-' ol’ a larrn variety of VASES, CHINA ML (IS, TOIUHT SHI'S, an,r ci rs axd sa cchhs. sin:an nox/:s, win r/xa chats, iro/iH hoxhs , mi a w’/xa si, a ti:s, a a inns' vaiid casts, hi arc hi: hhamhs, Hnildii/a and other Fancy Boxes, Handsome . Ilhams ' in (treat I‘a rich/, Variety of Toys for Children, Pocket Books. Carnes • He AFJ EA/ln.Y P( EiAcH MKS. KISSKI At llus 8 ireah at nek m' First-Class Groceries. Which sir if srOiio/ irry Chaap. FRESH OYSTERS lly the l 'in or m'l'h! uj> in j maimer |.-> r. a. I hi umnl I i’n ill. \ l uce sleek of eanne.l trait of lee bed bland? eon-Unlty im |i;uui. Tit,‘O r and H < liih-i ii in l.xdkfhi' inr a ’ JOHN q’AIIKS. b'abillon:iMo Rnid>er. Anil le t ill Healer in CHOU’ L Cl OARS, tobacco, virus, .to. High St. .Mineral Point. i Kverythlnc kept in (ln*t-elan style, ami work ' ork done the mi%t faeulouable miuuier. R F] A f)! ! wl‘ .11 .vyle ' f.'Hret il'a ' ' ■>; . ! A Vary .in in all wool l!e.iv r I I ... . ' ' i All -\ ■ : .••haw! , n., IAM wool Shawn, j. !•. ' r-1 j V. rv , ;v ■ , J ~ el.e, rii Me, r, , il : 'he: , ’ ■ lire.-he, .hue; •, In • ' Dlac); ’ . all -ill-. • Whiri'il In-. • !:. all .-ill:, 1 \ 1. 1.:.,!., ii. I, -irk Al|, y I !1 w .I e i■o- ■( i he- nine re.-. ' 1 ;- i. ,tv K ! . ■■■• i n - (lood-i. I'' ~V w l 01l ' |trcua ITaida, " s I v. V • I !'■ mee, V> 1 111. ■ii •■■■ hit, .’ret Cloth.*, 2> 1 IM’ i l . i.- Po.dilM. 2 I T'er' ; ii-eh e ' r■! t'.isbwcrc*, ‘St pi-l llif.i V.i ~ ,■ i, 60 ; i; t (Jrey • ,t 05 i-i-1 I ... - / ' 1 HO r, I II 1 ., K I • ,1-g Ih. livnr, 1 hit I l ’* 1 Ic.iM; Ci .in' Chinchilla, 1 s*l lil 1 11 -iv.i' i' . mere. •. , lt-'l 11 re i 'l' .v ,ll< 1 rim;net, 11) I ■ 1 He 1 Tv, II I i-lannel. i . ill iia '1 v, ’ iianue!, 27) I ill,. . eh. 1 ; i. I lannel, < 7 1 Ih 1 c -I. 09 'll I imi! i Ih;i.nee, 26 • Ml I. u; 1 -i Cl ■ niL'li 'Jowc'.*, jot ih zen, i VII l.i nne ", ih Tull'Mi ny, OS ' !!.-• I In n ih, nni'ii, all Tinm-i -1-> i 1 i".’.' . . alike!, |n,r [i.iir, 1 ih, J C-lnre) , ,1.) 1 2.) Ilnr-e IH " 1 i N. Strap* am) Buthlca, l's ' ’ w l .'i”l mii - : anil uni I’rin! .-, 0 • 1 ■ it t'all alular 1 liiiu'hain-, 7 i C nl \V ni:■ ■.l it.- ain I Hraiver-, I tieiit’.- c,.i ,i , i.lrti- ami Drawer.*, 27 j 111 Jill - -I ’ll! a|i|i|ier.t iill. Ail nrl-r; i■ i■ - ( I | Country dealers sn|>j:iic• i lat inv.i .-i .I. • ;■ rU tj>i•n*i<rs.->. JALA MORGAI , 'u2, 1 ."Mi.'. I •In .ist Water St.. Mihv,.l,em Cl if* dm e cc- fe; F"ff/ “ff. ■■■ ■ "v' 7 • ■' cf.- >' c-'- ■ . ifesA,,.. u ■ & A ■ i - >S ■ I'Oc'niE CURE OF AND This ii’.'ii", ■' ' ■ v pin iliim Inis eiir"d liny- i ilri h, of in-' ' ilinressim* • seauf i linmie j I: , ii. Hill . Ni 1 1111 eii i, in n when all oil., r i e.i! failed. It is last henna in.; th ■ Acknov uJne.d Antidote J fur thi-se <1 .. tuel ran he v. In and npoll hy t miilhi'i is to r , - them of their inins and t iieel i. perm i.iei. eure. Bo Ikt Give Up yinir eiis" iv; In.i.e'ess uml settle down to (he i'inivii i j, n ii ineoieine will help jmi, all a,- I- , trial of Ihe Cni.viivr.'and that eon I. nr ,n , iinl that the initure ul tliese dC, 11 m I‘ -:",: ' i rsi-l-.'nt an.l f iiliiinl a|.pii- , l ailim I" ie-'.: ■:i in vh et enre. In iei ry emu mnniiy e.iei" Hi t 'no rivk has been plniil will I " f.m I’ll i my williesseii who Will testify j to what >i h .. <1 uir them. Diphtheria, ‘ hro;ti. Herns, Scalds, Bruises, Sprui ts, Wounds, Cuts. Chil blains. In'lunmntion, Headache. Toclli achc, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, can po-illv Iv I.’ iiired lie Ihe free n-o ef the < iTivnvi ■ i 1 io us fur P sliiuoninls if you ; have any eiouhis Sold hy all Druggials. Price SI.OO per Bottle, 6 for $5.00. etirPAuro dv Lawson Chemical Cos., Cleveland, 0, HJitictStvare Store. .1011 X IIOUAN Keep eomdantly on hmul a an;e stock of STOVES & HARDWARE. The best h'Xt. : n,/ anil cool'iiii/ Stove-' m>t< v —wood cr coal. Their stork id’ Hardware is la * and is • tiered vert/ cheap. Tinware in ah ndanee. The:- stock ih lurner than ever before acj mVereil at lon tln'iuvi*. Mineral Point. Dee. lUlh, isn't. S-i ; Avocti L'liiMdari* to ;\. (JIU)TK Mnmifacinrer of uml Dealers in nil kind* of FiniNTTILUE AM* CABIN FT WAR LI Suoli as Wardrobes, Tables, Chairs Secret a"i -, looking Glasses, 1 j i reaus. Lounges, vkc. Hea ly-Maile Coffins ami Caskets, and Metallic Hartal Cases, K -pt con*tantly •> band. l*icture l^'raincs cold the vary cheap. I acknowledge no cumpotion ia price* or <]unlity of good. Prices ot' Furniture greatly reduced. ./ id'Tl. OX. v'm. j asTTii:\u-v, 7 Vic Oulu Llc>')ts, <! Auctioneer ir (he 0 ■:::!>'in*. Sam. -max ax;> (.'f.n 1 i! Al. (’oi.U.CTINH Ac- ■ ,T. Mineral Poi:.t, - \V;-conr;n. Clo< aiteml-d i<> In atr.y part iff Jovv.i .1. ejoluiu,; counties. 1 > . ',T ) r'< in- .!e V. M. J AS, II EAI.ICY, I. 'm Mineral I’olnt, Mis I\J 1 XT IX‘G. V/cidcnloller -1 Son, i>’accessors to I.),iv. y A Wiedenfeller) House, Si'>n ami Carr!ad-' .P.AI.XT.KES., Fhop ovor Trc'.vi e);‘s bl ick nilith eliop, Ireh street, - - Mineral Point. Wt- ALL W()R/\ Doii' - a Hr- 1 -la; s maimer, aul at reasona'd rates. 1 tr v. rn'KM-r.i,i v f > * son AVtv risSoic A ALFiIK 1) F. iiISUOF. Carpenter and Joiner, Mioji in rear cf t . S. Hotel, M'X ERA I. l’(. I NT, - Wit COXSIX. ! am prepared lo prnnpily attend to orders fu.- work in my lint. j.*fmiuhs muih’, iJi’nijhis / ai\t , 'i o•/. Ami id! kinds of wink known o the trade ext < up din u l .• das? M mmr. All work wan aided to give satisfaction. ( 7, iirytii lii its iiiiiLh'. Giro me a call. r * :f A. F. I’ISIIOI TiiESUiN. IsTs. NKW VOl{ K. is;,',. A t the till! • approaches for Ci a renewal of subscription, I HIT SI .V would remind it frii-nds and weiiwishers every whore i' is attain a candidate for their c i isidenCiuii an 1 support. 1 pen its rseurd for tho past ten years it relies for a continuance of (lie hearty sympathy mol gem rmu eo oporHtiun which have hitherto been ex I ended to it from every • I nil I let" of the f iiiun. 11. Daily Sun is a four page sheet of J- Columns, price *>y mail, | ost paid, do ents a inoni u, or t' per year. The .Sunday editton if TIIK BHX is nr, eight page sheet of ) c .uinns. \V illc <;iv i;ig the news of tho day, it also contains i*. large anionnt of literary and inimellancou mailerspeeiall.v prepared fur it. Ills; trsiu i ti n has met with great success. I’ost paid SI .-0 a. year. Tim WKKKI.T SI X. Who does not know Tun Wkiiki.v Sim ? It circulates throughout the 1 anted States, the Canadas, and beyond. Ninety thousand fmiliea erect its wileome pages weekly, and regard it in the light of guide, counsel, and Irieml. Its news, editorial, igrieultural. and lileiiy departments maiso it essentially a Journal lor Ihelaimly an I tho fireside, I'ertns One Dollar a year, post paid. This price, ( sonsidered, makes i' the cheapest ewsp jper published. For clads of ten, wii h Sit) cash, w will send an extra copy free. Ai dress I'ublisherof the Sun, New VorkCity, MOUSTACHE whi-kt r* in our* month. \ m-.-md s.icco-, Tht*m* who waul a nio- or moa-la -hr n-o < iir sn*pa r j:Ion Xoci;i*a;i n.Hk"-u;. hot a mnuim* Th • pr i inti nis .- v<*ry I‘Xpt‘MM' i* ill clv.ra -tf’-, mu w. .mnaor *•< ;| li at h*< than on per p i kmm li will h nmik 1 I'ht on me. Pin of ih • pru',*. by :i pp *ws. HUNT A <’o.. Hair Hrt'ssi.’r!*. Main Strt-*r. I'lca Uvilln. (hit. DETECTIVE; 'F. JV ° I Vtt; It Ilian aoyilihu in Cans,.m l mi, Write a wit il a .’'i cent pi ■ e, aul in ik • v 11 -'el: li ip iy. Addrcess Novelty Cos.. N. V. Dll rc ' certain n.l edVctual cunt. Trial IT 1 L.U, J.hox onl\ .V! A-Uresß Dr. I'ierej . Cgdei.l'.ii'.'. N V. MEN & WOMENoa'-Fo-nJlfhn man indii.r:iy. furnitdiif.l anb pr.n ro-Aipc - I;a *<l rt liahi" ; l>M,lt ni upon ai:\ i’o*ftivu ?n'j'a:l. If you in- pa , •1 ou any jt* i. or want a r . . i tf I . a i.tliliu, .•n , los • >m* Hollar ia a ia*.4i'iTf 1 it*;'ct ’ > I) Himi ; M. A., K. I*‘. C. s ., liroiM.y ~ Oniarin, win* i your wmh '* 111 !<• rompiio 1 with, uad In aiiu‘l reliable .nfnuu.iuou lor .var ioi y > i, C ’on sir mption (hi red An old physiei In, retired ' .>> udivi' pi.te!, • having h.i-l pl.ieej in Ins im.l- to- :.u Hi India 'lissioiiaiv tin- rorinuit ol a' Veifet-C'l. UellUaly for Idle spec ly a i 1 pel ,ia uut cure o, CUNSI Ml'd'iUX. VSTIIVA, iidli.vMifiS, Calanh, ami al ihroa* and l ing allVctions; also apiis in V'i and radi-'il et•ofn ■ o > ii ■ body an • i net von. e unp-.i. its. all., r a i.-ing tiioioiioely tested its Wold .til irHive :o\ ( I-• :n tl.oU'and ol Clse*. oe ;{ [p. duly : t make In known to li; smieriog fellows. A- , i :.UU by tin-inolive, and a uonseieiiti 11 di ~ to i.-iieve hai l ill MillVriHg, he will scud in: • "f'.liars'• to all v o desire it. lareei yu. w:r,,i 1:11 dii' lions inr preparing an i suceessialiy Using. >ent by let urn mao ,- ,i I Ircsuig mi . stamp, naming tins paoer. DM. J. C. M CAIN. Usdeuj'jrg, X, , Club Farming. Anew •'r;i to ‘took raising w.i- inaugurate.! with ( luo Fanning. Fanning m ~,| a* branches. as the several members may each choose whether to grow cattle, sheep, "horses 01 swine, with grain growing, etc. Fue uio el land kiikk. Kaoh member hays nnj sells tor himself -is inoepenheut. It is better than a colony—better Ulan to bo alone. Cir cular# free. AJ.lrcss, Cub Fiitais:. U'-J ijr 05 La rule o- ,g