Newspaper Page Text
lowa County Democrat. CRAWFORD & HRO., Puiu.ihiikus. Turin*, $1.50 pur unnuin, in udvanflu. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY K, 1878. Ten mid eotfee are on the free list in t: new tariff bill. v'irginiaHcnateirs have re.due.od their s uaries from #540 to #sl*lo. 'f'lm cost of eiolloolingthe revi’inii! of I in- United States is ove r #7,5150,000 yearly. | e'aniine is eleslroying thousands ed people in the northern provinces of ( linn. About all the leading Republican p ditieiiniH of the Stale, say 1 hat they are not candidates for (ho I idled Sl.ils'.rt Senate, to succeed Howe. The. Virginia Legislature passed a joint resolution on Sat onlay reijiiest mg the representatives in Congress to vote for the remounti/ation of silver. given doe Hradley wouldn't inter fern with the local an I .Im cities ol New Oilcans in their proseention of the Louisiana Ret timing Hoard. ’ 'here a re. at rung indications that, im portant measures will be laken by <‘on grass to prevent Chinese immigrating l i (Ids count rv. 11 is probable I hat all Mongolians will be prevented from I imliiig on our shores, (lb fora Hlaine, where Hayes is! This is Mm cry of the despondent rad id as lie reads the accounts of Hie pet send ion” of the men who made I! lyes I'resident. Jen Under favors Hie t ree coinage 0 silver, “dir would think, ’’ says Hie (llobe I lemon al, “that lie eon Id af ford In pay the government a t riHe for melting I hose spoons." The Iwo greal I leinoerat ie leaders Tamilian and Hayard, spoke in the U. S. Senate lids week., on the silver iseslinn ; (lie lotmer in favor of re, monel.izlng, and the hitler against r moneli/ eg t sil\i r ii re monelized, a dollar would e ailain but 11J 1 , grains. To Imve il contain more would be unjust fo deblin . I • |u;i 11 nnjnst In them as ■I v. mild b< (,o i ledilms In coin a dnl Is cimlni ll ili!’, less. Tlinse who claim I led I lie pa mage nf the I'.laiiil bill v, ill nnt make a silver 1 .liar emit Mining 11 gi ains nf si 1 vei as valuable as a gold dollar enn i lining; ‘.’.'d,, grains nf gold are fear fully muddled. The nilserdnjlar will lie worth as mm li as a gold dollar for I (in payment of a debt, lint wdm vm.ild pay a ilelil with gold when il an be paid with snmetldng of less value V See re la rv Sherman. Stanley Mai I hews, and (ieneral < lai field, who visit •and New (>i leans al the close nf the lad I'residential election, and urged Miu returning board to report Loiiisi ana for Have., were thrown into in len ;e excitement \iben il wa . tele ■o splied to Washington 1 lie oilier dsv, I hat indiet m mis had been found i tainmt llicni by tin: New Orloaim ; i and .1 in >. The alteiition of our Siale legists I me is being direeled to the snhjeel it eouiplct ing (he sy stem of publie i Inn il ics. 11 i . probable lhal a i dor nia'ory in and ilul ion f w girls will b< or gani/.i and, and some neeoininodal ions pan nled for I lie I hive or four hundred insane person,-, of (he Stale who can not he admitted lo the Asylum at dadisoii for hn k of accommodations bn them. What people need lo !, sis i . Hie liferveec bet w cell the value of the material of which monm i-; made and he money itself, (Irani County \;gns. We would like to learn the diiVci ■ me. Suppo■ 1 (he “dollar of our dad • lies" is remodeli.a and, and an unlimited "inane allowed, would nut ihe diilVr sec bet w ecu Ik. 1 . grains o| ;.j|\ei alion and a silver and. liar, be simply ne cost of coining I ha! amount of sil . or. U e want the i'.vei dollar because it 11 be a cheaper dollar than the pres I gold doliai. L' a would make il . valuable as IP .Id dollar we don’t ■ e any ol pa I in h , , ;g j| iviilocd l '■ '. cssepi jo hi pod! ow lit’ - id' .-i 1\ er i ones .i!>,l ■ d.x er. Ueai e mg o n n,-,.- . I ose w bo \\ ant the stamp ad I’leie -1 timdia i■ ealit\ ; ,i id m • sdne ’• ’'bmi’-yc a. I Retribution. If tliu members of the Louisiana KtLuming Hoard liurj known that they would have been forsaken and left naked to theireimmiesthey would not have perpetrated the great fraud which made Hayes President. Hut stern retribution promises to overtake them at last. They are now on trial in New Orleans for their villiany. Old Wells, the chief villian of them all, was arrested by the local authorities, hut after being let out on hail, made good his escape,and aw ailed relief from Washington. Tin members of tin hoard applied to .Judge H rad ley to i move their trial to a I 'idled States court but, (he application was not granted. A I ter holding it for several days .1 edge Hradlcy rendered an adverse decision, and added insult to injury by staling that if they did not like hi.-, decision (hey could refer the matter to the full supreme bench, tis il was understood that he had consulted with (he other members and (hey concurred in bis opinion. Wells was re-arrested and taken bailt to New Orleans, where lie wa ; placed in the parish prison. He will be released until bis trial comes | up if lie can furnish bonds for twent y thousand dollars. Anderson’s trial is now in progress, and fa'-is are being elicited which .ire not calculated to soot,he the fears off hose who look part in the great crime. The out-look is any Ibiiig bill favorable to (hem. The great <|iieslion at issue, and in w hich I lie eonnlry is directly interested, is ilot whet her the four men who com - posed 1 lie board are guilty and deserve to be piilii lied, blit W led Iter or lint the great fraud perpetiated-by tin- i men uni sanctioned by a great parly shall be so plainly proven In i he who run-, may read. The eon vied ion o<’ the Louisiana scon ml re Is will lie the deal 1 1 knell of the party which upheld and minedmimd their nets. This kmdl is already sounding in Ihe ears of lim nil’ll w ho went to New Orleans to aid (lie returning miard in eonsniiimaiing tlm crime; il I- sounding in 1 e ear,-, of all who sustained ami nnpt ruled I lie great ‘‘fraud first I rin • ant in Aine i iian hist (i y ami “I be sam lows gal In r, gather, and il will be dail: in (he While House bv and by.” Til" ternis uf peace |ir<t|os(‘<l liy l!n ■ in. if tli" l:ilc, I (coiii I/millni i I'Ullrrl, are rrl.l i 11 1 V llioili'l'lll (', if not, iim^miniimmll is lo lie home in miiiil I!ns: i.i stands In Turkey in III" pnsilinll III’ ill' nl 111 r <*i >1 |t j t|,-|'i *C. WIT" 111" Will In Cl ill t i IIII" I hill (I,|\ i 1 1miV.i‘i‘. I li" <' i and 1 Ink" Nid 'iln-i "lilllil 1 1 id ill" wliiil terms lie I >ll t 111 in I'iiplincil <'i>ii- I;inlinlljil<•, mill (he I'i.rli wniilil lie nlili;;iiil In ;u i|iii,'S"ii, unless riniii" Kll pi | ii ‘ill i |>ii\\ci "11111" I" iIS 1 11 '1 1 1, II is In ll" "nil sidel Ii! I llill Turkey 11ri*<*i pi 1 ill ml I li" \n ;ir, mnl dial il has ci is I I’n ia nearly ;5,()00 iiv",s. \V ilh nutolil, snU'ci iin;' mill I C";i.;11c", I ’iil Knaland in Unssia's place, anil prednns Hill" nl’ Turkey would she l"iiv" In wranal" nvcr in Hie frit me. Dov torn DKTorinft. A nnlewnrtliy diserepeney occurs lietwei n (lie nli-crvnlions nl nnr Slate <lenlnilists a ; In the appearance, iiiklit I In* iiii"rns"n|i", nf the niiinil" grains 11 1’ which mir I | n'" r Sain I tone is com | >ilsis 1. \V" have 11,ill, ami Whitney, mnl Slrninr, "niiiiiriine: in dcscrihinij; the finin' i’ ‘ inninleil," as well as 1 iniphl, mid, usually enlnrless. Hall's II"1'. |*. Whi 1 111 • \'s I !"|i. |i. In I ; SI mint's Hep. p. in'i. The I.liter ha -it evpliedlv, llial llie mains “a jiji -a r rnmnleil ami waler-wnm." On the nllier liainl, Mr. Mum i 1.11"!'. p. he* is i|iii(e imthnsiasli" w ilh 111 >ti"i 11 • c that e.idi is a crystal of ijiiarl / . "1 have nhser\ ml miiniiK lliein," he say 11 1 mi niil v alnm - ( all Ihe Inn in; in which silica i- know n in crystallize, hnl sniiie ni rarest, beamy. They have |ilmie laces, mnl regular structure," lln ;nhts, In explain In us his eniiind awi■ i: “If il is 1 1 ne (ami I hclie\ eit is m " m •iileretl! that llicse peculiarities are 1 lie results m' diems al depn-dthm ficm >'ution. mi important llehl nf imi’iiry is upend hefme ns." This, the i c i ler w ;11 mut ; .1 in 1 (n he. the Vnlcmiist view, line 1h" sale! -ione is a silie ms sinlei a pr- ipiiaie from 1s t springs a \ i .■ a l.ivmahlc. of course, in deep mining in the I.ead I'm! rid. Init in w hieli the everyd him; I’rnm ahnve. cr, Neptunian class nl thinkc'.s. Hall, Whitney mnl Strung, ean iml c insistently am ea -. I’civln ;-l in his first Ih-porl p. 17 says thismek is "eoniposeil usually nf line l*ranis nf ijnai 1 n a'saint vry slightly cemented," and fiirllnv on, that "at t he .hind hm nf 1 his I‘nd\ w ; t ll the lUlle I.imestnae ahnve it is usually coarser ar.,;led, mnl often contains cen’e. (inns nf ipuit *. soin limes Cc -wc, which have \identl' heen formed hy diems il ac inn. Small nodi.lesor reams of hematic, sometimes with iron pyrites, occur also in tliis part, filled ! with grains of quartz of a hyaltic ; appearance. This layer lues the appear ance especially of having been subject to chemical act ion, etc.” The appearance of the grains under the microscope, it would seem, is not always precisely the same. J*. Hard on St. Bob That, blatant atheist. Col, Hob Ingi r sotl. who chic tty distingn’shed him self by delivering bloody shirt haran gues in the campaign of 1870, in the j interest of the (Jodand morality parti joflhe country, is around this winter electrifying country l"wns with his “eloquence ’ for about ai.V). per night. Tin; ( hieago Times which is not noted <-ther for its religion or morality, has the following spicy paragraph on Hoh, alluding to one of his “leetmes” icci idly delivered in New York City. “Hob Ingersoll was delivered of one of bis characteristic “yawps’’ against I >ePy, heaven, hell, in spiral ion, Christ [anit;, and every other sort of religion, in.'.ew York, last. Sunday. A rather co pious telegraph report of his harangue show . that it was simply the mouth ing of a wordy and blasphemous blatherskite, devoid of reason, eoher enev, consistency, or any other quality of an pec table argument. Asa sam ple of Hob in ;ersoll's “■■lush," be is re porteil as asserting-!bat “Man never had and never will have an idea, ex “cept wind he gels from Ids sinlonnd “ing,. Nothing on earth comes from , “any oilier sphere whatever. Maui ‘ prodm-es everything." Assuming that Hob Ingersoll eels Ids ideas from ■ urroimdings, i( is a warranted infer- 1 i nee from I In-character of Ids ideas that he is surrounded by sec-, olid hand atheistic slop-lmekets. From tin; Capital. Mamikon, Wis, Fob. hlh IS7B. Eds. I )i:.MnoitAT: 'Dio sipiah hit! ; 1 1 ><nit !hf railroad commiss ioner is ended. and the place is ii 1 Its I by A.d. Turner, recent clerk ol llit! Eenute. The (Joveinor sent ii conm indention to the senate mi last Thursday, Humiliating Mr. Tunur, uiid the nomination was unanimously eonlinned, the 1111- nuuneemcnt being received with areal enthusiastic demonstrations and clapping of hands. Mr. Tin ner resigned lit) po-iiion of clerk of the senate, and Mr. ('. E. !>ross of Madison has been chosen to liil hi . place The nomination and prompt continuation of Mr. Turner t/ives universal satisfaction, lie has all the elements of Illness and popularity that are riapiired for the position, and has more than ordinary ability. A batter choice could not he made, is the mover sal opinion. (>n l'\ b, Ist the reunion of the iirsl two constitutional conven tions began here at ‘J o’clock. Tlic convention was called to order bv M S. Martin, president o| the sec ond convention. l'he only sur viving newspaper reporteis were lb /Atwood and 11. A. Temiv. l’he Secretary of tin- lirst eonven (ion, S. E. Kellogg, called the roll, which the old me.uhvs answered, if pre-oep. I’hoso absent were an. wered tor by ti e survivors, and it was stated whether the absent ones were dead or alive. (bib one third ol the men hers oft lie second convention are alive and about had that number weie pres I cut. I’hey are a venerable con : gn-gationol white haired pi.iiieors. | and evidently enjoyed themselves at this, the iirsl re union since M'v Speeches were made by the lion. .1 T. Lewis. ,1. 11. Koiin tree, F. Ih-own, M. M. Strong, and others. Mr Strong's address the subject of which was the ••In dian war.' of AN Keonsin” was well taken by the- - present, ife tol t how the aborigines had given way by law of destiny to the w’niterace. and cave a general review of the wars all the way from the first white settlement ( > the “battle of the \V iseon>m 1 lights" which was in I<l1 < 1 >. an it l ! \o In ! : -n war ill W ise-'II- I’ ll V Mineral "Point Book Store. W keep canetictly on hsnJ a auJ well selected stock o' BOOKS AND STATION KB V. j School Pook, Books, Blank Books, Pocket Pocket Books, Wiiierit Paper. A<-. B>aily ami Weekly XowMpapers, !Uaga/,iiiM, *,Vc. Ac. We have on hand a tar.:-; and very flue stock of Album t. Stereoscopes and Views, Looking Blasses, Pictures ant! Frames. Wall Paper in Great Variety. Also agency of the INSURANCE BOM PAX Y 01 NORTH AMERICA of Philadelphia; CHORE INSURANCE COM PA NV. of Chicago; ’ CONNNECTK’UT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PAN i. Mineral I’olnt, ’Vis.. Marcl K'th, IS7 4. T. J. OAMIMHILL. Agent ()ur prices am ns low us the lowest. Look at our new improve i ma f liiiie # and you will not be rivtislied with any other. Iknieiulvi that we do not bill’d an inferior ijnalily of inaehine; hut that each on we turn out is a standard article and will he worth the price. Tin points of excellence to our new family machine are, simplicity of con struction, symmetry of form and beauty of finish, rapidity and stillness of operation, ease of management, .strength, lirnmess ami evencss ot stitch, and adaptability to the widest range of work. Ask the agents lor the new improved Howe Machine and do not buy any other, xti-21- IUKKI.V A NON , Agents, Mineral Point, Wis. ./ JTTKYTIOA run Lie! .MRS. KTSSKLL Hub v I’rcnh si ork of First-Class Groceries, Whirh nhr i* srHuuj v<’ry Chi rp. FRESH OYSTERS 1 T.y Hut ran or perked up in any manner desired. i Oiiiuiod RVuil. A lame i>iock uf canned fruit, of tin- loco brands constantly on bund. fh/l’rr nriil I'h/ps tiilan in t.xrhamjf fur (I' nnl . FOWL'S USilokiNK, Jeweler and Engraver, c\oc^ Minkual/ Point, V, isconsin. I-I graving. | I make Engraving a specialty 1 Articles purchased at mv store will ho engraved fiu;h of chaiuje. i am the only Engraver in the city | Call and see me. E. OsnoilNK * r.iLvri.Vc. WeidcnfelSer & Son, | t,Sn r l’mort* to Ibivyr A. Wiedenfeller i House, iS/C/i and Carriage FA 1 XT MRS, j Shop over Trcwcek’# blacksmith idiop, j lllsjb nitt-vt, Mineral I’uint, Wij. ML WORK | I'. ne ir a flr*t claia manner, aa I at. rcatonaWle I alee. wi-aaBNKRi i.v:u St son 1 !>' 1 *i r ir nf a S'mi’s, or n Hair-cut a SI. tmpoo, at V nt | 01-:o. ARIMCR’S OLD RRLIMILi: : i) A RUHR SHOP! U- ,-U s; n. !, MERCHANT TAILORING AT DELLER’.S EMPORIUM. A full assortment (if all the leading styles (A Cloths mid Cassinierei kept constantly on hand. All work (lone in the moot durabl and fasnionahle manner, and a good ft f warranted in every east* Our stock of Ready-made Clothing is tins most extensive in the city and at least 10 per cent, the lowest. Call and examine for yourselves. 10 JOHN STAiIKS, IHasliioimblo 1 b rher And Retail Dealer i'i CHOICE CIGARS, TOBACCO, Pints, .10. High *Sf. Mineral Point. Kverythintr kepi in Itrst-ein** *tvlo, and wrk unrk none in the meat fa*hioimbif manner. MOUSTACHE , v.-hiaker* in one month. A wand .iece*. : Th*oe who want n nice whikor or m m*tvh • I n-c <nr preparation. No cheap makeup, im. a genuine article. The preparation i* rover/ i xpenrive in it* character, that \v cannot e eat leu* than t*t.(Kper )>ai'kc.e It will U maile I tree on reenim of tin- pw- .. a.t,| r ,.,,. mp IICNT A f'o.. Hair Dre-r."* Main Sna-w: Urockviile, (tut. DETECTIVE: youj'eeir More tan , i f than nnytiling in i'.iri*te,i loot vVrite u, with lia cent nice and yi vs ■ v m-<elf ti t ,, , r Addree-* Novelty (.’ >.. <>,'lonh ir.;. N V PI I PC A certain nnd eilectnal cure. Tr o I I LL j.imx onK M ft*. AdJren I 1 I’iciey. ('pdenharL’, N’. V. MEN & WOMENS;,idoI; ' mail iiuliisc iv. fnrufwith practical rec;•>. ' | pi tit .hti relj ibs* liMbnu iti m up maim j 'b*!u u*u t, If you ir• pu/ Gt*ll oaau\ ; * jt* t, or want a receipt for .•♦n*. th!u/, eacb<4 ; One DoJUr in n left ?.- : ■ \."iJ u*- c ! M A.F. K. r Brockv He, Ontario, w;h i j >oar wnt will bt* romphe-I with. u*.id in; ! mcbt reliable intormui-m fir .v udy I v<> i. Consumption. Cured i An old physic in, r-tm-l fr av ae**v ■ • p-a-t e > i having had placed in hi- hand- w a i >.v , India Mi-nonary riv formula of a'Vegeu.t • Henunt} fot tm. ►.*••.<}. ant p .roian.-nt cure o. | CONSUMPTION, ASTIiy.V. D.l iN Mn'lS, I Catarrh, in i a!i tlvroa* ail tan,- ail-ion* ■a.-o a; • ■ *:t* ve and ra i •al core ot n- /> i. t I hitily ari 1 ail t vou eomplatm*, ntu r 'ow ■.ooroiureiy t.i-t.‘d it* wo in •, ta „, r ' I ere in thou-and of ca-e*. t -ir to, ,( , v • , j atvbi) t A"';. A," rVa . : ‘ A Ito r. ,i ve ■iii in - ' ■ i . . !of id;ai. . i .i. • ~ , . j b;u i.-•?!- |-T p' d/v 4 , . ..... y ! V:,* by .Ha, i . t a ... . v ‘ [ •'■bip ’jh ta,.' • p i * - i kd J : M >r \‘ % Ug • Cli., . i