Newspaper Page Text
Tit nr* Tables. 0., M. & St. Paul R. R. !i|sa HT. AVOCA. !1l Penge- nd mall ft 55 a m Arcommodoion V- 40 pm 915 piu i Vleht Kxpr,i Sin p m 9ISp m j ooins writ. Vaacengeri mid m,l ft VS p m 7 54pm Accommodation IS 35 p m to 41 am Night Cxpre p 418 am, ft Hft m N. n. SNOW, Agent. Mineral Point R. R. 4/4 //,. BCHNO fIUTH A V j emuo NORTH. A. M Laave M iii<-rat l”t. fiOO i Leave Warren, !> 00 do ('a'annre, 1,85’ do flrsliot, 0 .'lO do Darlington, 7 <V> | do Darlington, 10 10 do 411Mlot, 740 do Calamine. 10 40 Arrive. Warren, ft 15 I Arrive. S'n'l l”t 11 10 FREIGHT A XI) ACCOM MOD ATIOX. diiiso booth. r I poind north, r m wave Mineral P'l S U) Leave Warren 5 ft. - , do Calamine 950 1 do Gratiot 0 0. - , do DarlgloD 895 1 do Darlington 1155 do Gratiot 410 1 do Calamine 795 Airlve.Wanvn 4 40] Arrive, Mineral l’’too I’LATTKVIU.K DIVISION. HAIL. *oind kvtt a m. J noiNo wear a w ve I’laUeville, 580 Leave Mineral l”t. 050 do llelmool, 5 s:> I Arrive Calamine. 10*15 Arrive Calamine, tl Leave do 10 40 do and 7,0 j Leave Belmont. 1190 Arrive Min'l Point 7 90 i An ive Plalteville 11 !K* FREIGHT .1 ,\7> .4 ('COM.VOI> ATI OX. ooiNu kaiC i* m | uolNu what. v. n. Leave i'latteviile 1 ft. - * I Leave Calamine 795 do llelmolit 905 j do Belmont ft 10 Arrive Calamine 930 ( A rlvo i’lal teville ft 40 pWri’mißemreiß leaving Mineral Point at 0.15 A. M. can re.ieli Madison at 4 P M. the aame day. by way of Freeport and Caledonia CH-vs. K. GaLK, Agent. Illinois Central R. R. lh only route running through care between W arreii amt Chicago. The only route lo Si. Lome. Cairo, ami the So *th. and to Dubuque, Sioux City. Omaha and wort. nolMi BOOTH AND BABT. Leave Warren ft 40 a m 10 05 p m Arrive at Chicago 445 pm 705 a m do si. Louis ft 80 ara fi 00 p m do Cairo 100 p m 145a tn UOINU NORTH ANO VVRBT. Leave Cairo 11 30 pm 990 p m do St. Louie Bon am fi 45 p m do Chicago it 80 p m OSO a in i Arrive at Warren 4 sft a m 606 p m noisii vvr.iT. Leave W arren 1 sft a m 5 Oft p m | Awiveat Dubuque 710 a m 710 p m : do Sioux City fi 45 a m 19 30 p m j UOINU BAST. f.efvr Sioux City . .... 1 ftO pm fi 00 p m Arrive at Dubuque 540 a m ft 80 p m do Warren ... H lit am 11 0j p m Per through iliketi apply ui ihe prlnetpal elation** on the M. P. R U. alio at the I. C. It. 11. at Warren. '.T, ft. I’KNSUA, Agent. I > ost OlHco. M INITIAL POINT, - WISCONSIN. Time of Ojn'nini/ inn I Clou in;/ Mails. Two Eailern Mai'** dvoy a "riving at II ain and ft o m ; clonal a, tl p in ami 1:8.1 o in. Daily Mail lo ;.i riving at (pin; closed at 7 a in Tri-Weekly Mail to 'i 'vipar I v t Linden and Cobb- *iointu>**, Wed.mi l ivi and Fridays arrivln -*l ii |i m ; e'oied a 7 :l til. Bum! n• a kly V.vl 1 to L.iuoa-ier via Miltlln— I arriving a; ii p .** ; ( o-e*l ui 7 a m arnvee I Tneidnyi an*' J riday** ; iiavei Wednesday* I and Saturday*. .■ ... ~ n ■ i * ; Spooial ISI otiocs. } Sanntol Francis is still soiling Fur- 1 niturc as cheap as the cheapest. New | furniture being received neatly every 1 day. Prevention in > < tt- - Ilian cure Check a Cough o" Cold at once which may lead to Consumption, hy using Ur. Marshall's Lung Syrup. an old, reliable remedy which never fails. I’rice only 2.“. cents. Sold by 11. U. Pulford. What is homo without a baby? Many children have Coughs and Colds just notv, and should have the great est care, and a bola’e of Dr. Mar shall's Lung Syrup.. I’rice cents a bottle. Sold by 15. D. I’ulford. Hin t mati.-m. Newburgh, Ohio, June Id. lst t. Peter Lawson, Esq., Dear sir; 1 was urged by a friend to try “Lawson's Curative," as 1 have often In on alllh leil with Itheiiniatism. I am l ap; v to say it alVordrd me im mediate complete relief. I have also seen it tried in eases of Sore Throat. Toothache and Neuralgia, and with success. 1 give this cheerfully, as 1 teel that this remedy should be know n to all. Yours Truly, Mrs. 11. P. Way. It ought to be read by all boys and gills.--We an in receipt ol tin* .Line number of The American Young Polks, a bright, useful and entertain ing paper for boy sand eirL. published by J. K. Hud-in, at Topeka. Kansas, at the 1* w pr : ee of .7) eenj p i y<-ar. \ commend. hie feature I.f this paper is that it is free fn.n lief bloc i-aiid thund--r sensaMniial stnrii s whieh (ill many p.-i j • is made fir bow ,ui and girls. Kvery family ( arm 1 it at .v Kents jier year. TA K * n I' !'. O'l o • ■ i ? May lilt 1 S. '!ii land nw i>‘i] i,-- ;*i r.■ town ot min ril !*■•>!, hi, .>u 1 • >-vn i. ran;,'e i nine Iwad id - >. ai iiuy: ealves: uiit* white heifer, une ted in i white id'h , one red and while spick- It'd -leer, i mi- n-<! -mil while f■ r—- partial!} bruvn, --a r•■<! h- -i f*-r. two white e ...i-h ri d steer ■ one vell-iv i'h steer -a 'lit whin- HtrijK*; mv h marked wi'h 1 ra p -*• ent lit i.,}' both ia - ■ 1 ra;, hare 1 -en about lay phie* for two wi-ek-, ! The owner !• lesji.e-b.d to rail. prove ■reperty. ja> clnr.- and tal;- .-aid tUa ;tv a: v M ' IIUI 'THAU-, .'i. -t . Tnken Up. Hy the subscriber, liv I’iix in the town of Wald wink, town t'o.. on or about May - -'7, 1878. one bay filly with black mane and tail, supposed to bo throe years old, white spot in forehead; off loud foot white; no other marks per ceivable. The owner is requested to call, prove property, pay charges, and take said stray away. May JTth, 1878. How aup Jam us. Instructions to Farmers Having received instructions from McCormick Company not to sell any Extras on credit 1 will hereafter adhere strictly to their orders in this direction. And 1 hereby warn oil parlies wishing to purchase Extras tor McCormick Machines to come prepared to pay the Cash, as I can not and will not deviate from this rule. Respectfully Yours, HARNEY PRATT, General Agon'. Orange Park, Florida. Situated on St. Johns river,'near Jacksonville. It contains O.UOo acres ot‘ the best of Orange and General Fruit and Vegetable Lands, averaging ilO feet above tho river, with no swamp or marsh lands on the tract. It is rapidly being settled with the very best C.lass of thrilty northern families, and oilers to those who dessre to live in a State that has the capabil ities to make the most desirable homes on this continent the fol lowing inducements: Post Olliee with daily mails. School durn g regular school months. Religious Services every Sabbath. Within one hour of the only sure market in the State, bo h to sod your prod ucts and buy your supplies. A lirst-class physician located here permanently. Perfect' titles and (till Warrantee Deeds given to til! purchasers. Large and attractive hotel, completed and open the <m tire year at moderate rates. We are selling lu acres of line fertile Orange and Vegetable land, tor, and all the way up to 10 acres for SI,OOO river front. At tliis point the thermometer rarely goes above Do or he low 4d degrees We have garden vegetables every day in the year. Send for deserip' tive paper, pamphlets, etc., sent free on application to Oka no u Park Go.. Orange Park, Florida. NEW" restaurant AND Confectionery Store. Tea and Coffee all JI ours. Ice Cream Of ihc quality nerved ur dunlrcd. Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies, d'C. ff f ~ All produce will bn tnki>n in (•xchani'i*. . W/ha J‘,iic fur li ITT Eli (in'/j KO (IS. M. IIHGIIKS. Krmutnncr tlie dure, Prick lllock, mil i door tn I'. S. Hotel 4J f ( WM. T. lIKNKV, BANKER, Mineral Point, - - Wineon?in. A. I*>. IHiVI. I'rd s n •JiHfCHI Ihllilii/Kj/*USIW S> 1 A sent lor lldMi; Fuji; I v’-ru.wK Company nr New York. Al'ci i f.*r H ilfiunis .1 Onions Sttoincrs. MO SPY TO To A y TANARUS" 15 >1 men. on rt*ni i.*tale* S BUSINESS. ! I aratulli'T./aal by the nwniir to •‘•.•II some of 1 tln*lft !•<;%'•••! rarnttii'.' a.n| pri/aii-- lurid* in I LaKnyelt'’ IV: well wtor--d mil Ivin.’ noir i l alaoiii.'- station. on M i’. K If. Tlie-n Und* I will lm Mild In q'lantitle* to suit pur i*ntn i.f Itirii, !>. vr n n.'lv In turmi"/ *••• '(• j lion. A' ii •! i I ( ■ i. -i del.! m tir . ill .M.iii'M l I' i- w ’ • Mime good building loir. In ai. r.••• J.oNO TIM t wii b'- iiv. nmi good •• air it/. price* m accord* •,* with t*i- tin*:-, and t 'ic mil- p r fee*, ou da/ mil dv." of con r n JOHN Ilf TV.! I SOX. Aft New Summer Qords t the City . Store Sherwood A: Bvrghavo just re ceived anew lot ot Spring and Summer Roods, conssting of all the newest and m-st popnl- r styles of Dress Minis, Shawls, Cashmere and Drop e tete for Cloaks; also a spielitid lino of I‘arasols, which they projmse to sell as eheap as the dmapesl. Ladies’ hows and Fri Is. A largo variety of Hospry, Cloves und fancy Sherwood i Berg. 1.1)WIN US 110 UN I*, Jeweler and Engraver, Mineral Point, Wisconsin. F.ngrnviitg. I make Engraving a specialty Articles purchased at :ny store will be engraved /RKK OF charur. i am the only Engrave! in the city Call and see me. E. Osbornk Something of Interest. CITY Bakery and Restaurant. Go to the City Bakery and Restaurant ! II yon want FRESH BRE^D, Bluruiti, I’li'i>. Cuko#, Cookl*i, Criuker., lp. II you v\unt h L TJ N C IT Or if you wunt A GOOD SQUARE MEAL Or If you don’t want anything he ur and call fur you will he Mire and nee amno* ililuv y Aii’ll need. ICE (JEIS.AM. lr* •*rvd l ml lioni-k ilnrliu; llu m in-on. ENZRVUijriI A KISSKL. MI ne r ill Poll I A|inl IS, IS7* Butler and Eggs Wanted! Kor which I will piy ihc market price In excliuiiL’C for DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. Crockery inn/ fj Ami- tnirr, Wom/i'ii uni/ II i//ow iritn Muck Mitts ait'l (tiovos ut roiluecil rules. Imn rclling <'l l r 1•■ <• Oranln't rli’“ Hjh for {!00 i Kreeh Onimral, ‘!"i |><>Hnli lot Ii n J 'il-*,u. *j Hi, 1 |mmiti<l*■ ff ) no Good Kuunly "ii>. ;!.* hart* for J UJ I ft in the I licliti I*l Ison. Boots and Shoes! THE HE ST /.V ilii: M\RKET WM. TK A SI) ALE. XII-00 Jnr*l l Hireot. Mineral I'olnt, Wlr, PA I.XT IS (}. Weidenfcller & Son, (Snccem-ora to !)ivi jr ,t WiroVrifi I cr), Tie'll und PAINTERS, Hh*f over Tr'***e*h** c'*mb, IT R'li'il, • *l.refill iUi M. Wli. ALL WO UK Bone iff grid- 1M manner. and -1 loaronaMe hu* sun OHIO CHAMPION! Combined Reaper and Mower! Single Reaper and Light Mower. The Only Harvesting Machine Unit took /Hr First* Premiums at the Centennial Exposition. LIGHTEST DRAFT MACHINE MADE 1 The most durable machine, as it ia all Wrought lrm, Maloabtol Iron and Steel. The only machine having a Spring Steel Cutting Bar, Tin only machines) that ictpiiroa but Two Light lioi'see to do Roy, kind of work. Tim only machine that cuts thvx as easily as any kind ol i;i >n. The only machine with \vh ch the farmer can save Ills crop, no matter Imw badly down or tangled. Don’t Forgot The Champion is the only . Hirin'no that wUI nt! Flax S Uisl'artorty! Tim Champion is fully warrantee in uvery particular. Calami examine them, and see what is said by tanners who rim using them. 4:t4w SAM. HOCKING & CO., Agents. Go to Dodgevillo! Aml when there go to R W. STR ATA! A N & ().’8 V 11 yon want good Wagons, Carriages, Plows. & ALL WORK WAHUAXTEh TO /> L MA PR 0" .!!■! JtFßi* MA I Lit IA L Our Stock, of Material IS L A l IG 1C AN D W KRL HIC AS< >X ICD. * (';isli buyers and nil others, give ns a call und w- ■ ill try N> please you. Very Respectfully, ;w ,(• V \\ . ST It AT MA n JSt (XL B One ALltwn of lIvW" !•' 'cntd HOWE Sewing Machines .Agents AVii nii.’ii 'J HI; no \YR MA • I* K CO., our I rice areas low as the h.vvcb m.k at onr m-v i ..proved machine und y-n will not be wilisfled H any other. Unmembn that wo <|o not Imi'd an inter 1 r ijtial ly ■ ' ic.lniic; but Mint one we turn out A a standard article ami v 1 b worth the price. The points of ex •••’!.•t.ce t. on- new family "• ne are, Hiopliciiy of com ,tr ,e*io„. - ynmetry of form Mini l-auty - ' ■'!, rapidity and BtillncM ol ope.rJum. i a-e <-f urn, -In- i.. Ibmc.e 4 ai-Uvcne of .tit(,;li.cjd i.laptabiii yto tie w lest rat 1 '*< .■■ A'., t. t. •< !ur the new ; m -roved Howe V.;mline a not I ty any "the xn n riUM' ■- n‘‘ Wnrr ?o . vv ■