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Business Directory. L I II ) ER.S. J V. r TAYLOR. AITOIISBV AN . ■■! N'KlOil AT I,AW, Linden \\ >. A. M ARTHUR, Attounkt at 1 Mimr.l Point. Wi*. Office :n ot’th-w’f; cor.vr r city Hail Imitdinc. At LAN YOl A SFENBLDY. / rTOKNi'.T' AN ll I. ' N'Ml. it*. Otllct' rooms nurMu' IV-t office v -u ml Point. Wiaconntn. ALT a "SKS. ATTOBNCA Nt> '..IN' ..'H IT Law, Uißh ,ll(l. towa co.a.iv.V If sent \etn tnnrmuv , rtirany Ci llu-l ii'ii |): ptly mended t 0.51 14. J. BRIGGS. Attorney iv I,mv, nodß. ville. Wisconsin, will Viactic in ll"' coml- of lowa unit adjclmnn co mute a. Office, opposite Chroiilcle office. OSBB M. MKONC. W.T.COAO. STRONG & OOAD. Attorney# and Ci iNi-Kitoß# .at Law Office opt caite the <'omt Hiat-e over P. Alien A ( Oo:' sloun WILSON & McILHON, ITT. HKBTt* A Nil loCNAKTUXO. AT L*W. OfflCß ti the City Hank. Mineral Point. Win. -*2 T. PATEFIELD, Attoknka at Law, anil General Inmirance office over Alton Jfc Unae'a 'tore. Juffli>i'. o. C SMITH, Attohnfv AT Law. Oodßevllle. Wt-co.iein, oftk-i. near ltu- fo-l oflide. AttemtH to the general p,-aet ■ e of Law ill the Circuit Court# Uu . sum., ami the i ounty Court in all Piohate .. , xil-21lf matter#- nirswiAJVs. J B, MOFFETT- M. P. Physician an: s, iuikiin. Office In Rear of hi# Driiß Store,Mineral Point. Wisconsin. 13 chas. loan- M. p. I’hyuician .am> .-vitoKoN, Highland, WUconsln. fj V'.xsmiliß surgeon for Pensions. for lowa vouuty. DR. H. v/N DUSEN.M. D, Physician am Sriiakon. will hold himself In M'udlue## to in awer all call# tn hi# profession, nice at hia n “ideare. ch " 3 Q. W. FIELD. M. D. Pkyaician am> S'lmkon, haa permanently In taled in niueral Point, and will attend to all hia profession. WILLIAM EASTMAN, M. D. PiiYaiciAN ani> ScnoßoN, Office No. 1, Ooad a I,lock, (lip alairal Cor. High and Chestnut au„ over Ueller’s atom. Mineral Point. Wl#. DR. H- w.OSBORN, llombotaTine Physician and md.oion. late of Cleveland, Ohio, having decided to locate tn Miuoial Point, may he found at hia office, over T. Davey's Jewelry alore. DEJVTIST. DR. J. B. OOYKLNDALL, IrtNTiaT, At) operationa performed on the teeth <n the neat m..niur, and with the heat material. Artificial Tech inserted.wllli a view to restoring the natural expression and contour of the face, together with, proper articulation, and accuracy >filt. Office, Clanor’n block. Hit'll at., Mineral *’<vit. Wir. 2A /fli L (JLi IS I aS. J. B, jfc 0. R, MOFFETT, Have a laopj atoc. ( >i Drußa, Chemical*, Kancy Toilot Goodr. Cutlery,School Booka, Stationery, Wall Paper, Paint#, Oila, Olaaa. itc. (live ua a .] and net, cheap baruaina, Slru of the Uolden -Mortar. 21 HOTELS, EDEN HOTEL, On corner of Mineral Point, lliifhland, Mnacmla. Avoca, V idlaon and I'rairio dn Clileu road-, Eden, lowa to., Mia., Mil,e Suuttb, Prop. l AitMKKS HOTEL, A. McChtchin, proprietor, Uppoaitc the depot, Arena, V. ia, (mod St Ode# and CUle Varda attached to the pretmae'. AVOCA HOUSE, ll inky Lk* ii. proprietor, AVoea, Wiacoualn. Team# and driver# lurniahed to any purl of me • ouniry. tiiani Livery connected w ith the lloti#e CITY HOTEL, Mauk Tinna-h. jropnewr, Mineral Point,Wia- Toualii.fiood Wine* ,t Liquor#. Well furuiabed, i uud Siabloe. and rvaaonauiu charßee. jo COMMERCIAL HOUSE, 4pprii ihe* Court Win , Mk*. a? ah. Ji'Nio*, Pro|jrujtor. First cU n tstviy rcppccl. Cowvtnieurr of uitteml. r,yl Ul.-CONSiN HOIISIC Jomp'i Himmno. proprietor, Oodßeville, W|# The bear < f wine* and liquor# kept conatantly at tlie Bar. There ia u iaiße earn in conne'lion witli the hotel, and attentive hostler# are tlwuva on hand. <iLOBE HOTEL. Nichoi-a# sinu-KN, proprietor. Mineral Point : M ;a. I In# tiuuae a# levently been eulari and and refitted thoiißUout. am. t* now one of the very Peat hole - ii .-oiith-w eat WtacoliaiU. The build- ihr I* ui’W nearly twice it# lurmer #!/.'■ and > lapahlc ol atuioimuodaUi.R almo*l any niKimer id .ueat* 'I proprietor win -pare no pain# to make the "tr.i’’)" ilotel” flrat-claaa in i vary te'piect. The bvt i vine#, liquor* and C’eara coii'lui.Lv ot hand. In cui*ection with the hotel .* a lar'e Barn and attentive hoarier# are # a ivi ■ .and, iUmvoiuer hoot ol rlißb r.e . '• Poia’. W ♦. A Gocxl Showing for the* MoCor mic k. Sp;n ial to S;. Lniiis Clolu'- 1L;li .Kvn.LH. lii. .lint' *JL — Mr. O. W. I’ratt, fu'in’ral fur McCormick s 11 a: vesting M.i chinos. munutaotureii at Chicago, loft this morning visit that chy ami mako ropurt to hi- company ot silis tins suu-on. Your report or had tiu’ oiiro'hy to a*k Mi’ I’ratt hi--ales. II ' vary kindly showed hi,' report prepared to tai e with him. It seems aim >st itiered ihle. Tlie gross miiuher ot' sales in his liUtrict, which consists o southern Illinois, south of tin \’andali:i R lilroad, is !•!(• ma chines, amounting in round tig tires to $147,(>00. Out of the to tal number ot machines sold were ■loo Harvesters and d‘it3 self-hind ers. Our harvest is now through in Southern Illinois. New Summer Goods at the City Store. Sherwood A’ Rorg have just re celved anew lot 01' Sprint; and Summer floods, consisting ot all the newest and most, popular styles of Press floods, Shawls, Cashmere and Prep e fete for Cloaks; also a splendid lino of Parasols, whieh they propose to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Ladies’ hows and Frills. A large vaiiety of Hosiery, Cloves and fancy Sherwood k Berg. CASH ! CASH 1 In order to meet the exigen cies of “Hard Times" and to do business inti more safe man lier and to do justice to our selves and to each of our cus tomers, wo have concluded to mark our stock of goods down to Cash prices. And on and after.lnly Ist, will sell strictly for Cash or Trade. Will-pay ine Jliguesi vairm r. . Butter and Eggs that the mar will afford. Thanking our many patrons for the very liberal patronage received in the past, we trust that by strict attention to busi ness, wo will continue to receive the same. Alton Hi si-:. Mitllin, Wis., dune 11, 1878. Instructions to Farmers. Having received instructions from McCormick Company not to sell any Extras on credit 1 will 'hereafter adhere strictly to their orders in this direction. And I hereby warn oil parties wishing to purchase Extras for McCormick Machines to come prepared to pay the Cash, as I can not and will not deviate from this rule. Respectfully Yours, HARNEY PRATT, tleneral Agent. Dissolution of Partnership. Tli* co-partnership heretofore ex isting In-tween the undersigned, has been dissolved by mutual consent Dr. Wilfter resuming the practice. I m mediate closing up is required. All persons knowing themselves to he ow ing the late (inn or either member of it. will please call and settle with Dr. Wilber, op with Win. Hrown, who represents Dr. JJrown during lie- hit ters absente, and makes eolleetions for said him. (ii;o. D. Wii.m n, M. In .lami-s JJnowN. M. It. Mineral Point. Wis.. .June i-T*. To mi; I'riu,K .—f have just added new easy e.,,11 !- I- m v simp and h ive had no tegular I sober chairs taste fully re iven-d. and toy shop, mver iinpplet s•• tempi ram e j- a" is generally improved. So, it you want an easy s||av. or u splendid hair-cut, or ago i shampoo, I. sure and call oti your old friend and ham: !-■ ser vant. Il iiac. Wj an, i. -. ba; i■ . and hair-dresser. THE -KIRBY REAPERS AND MOWERS." Ail ti.o "Kirby lu'ajH'is ami Mowvrs" nuulo by D Osboruo A (V, Auburn, N. Varc soM b\ MARTIN A TO.W, ? * - . . _ , Agents for lowa Cos t ’ . ,k .Vo. / K'irhy Jloict'i Clima.v and Curst S Findley Corn Cultivators, Common and Sulkey Flows o* f/iv host makes. Set ami hand dump Fid key Hay Rakes. hull liih' of i.ilru* f r nil our mni/hinfs. M iinhoiisr in rrar of 01 r store. m IKK m.(\vbviu,k, Local A-ont. MARTIN & TO AY, Gen v l Agents \ls W 11 K.VKSK. Pisiioi* A N an’coL.W have recently built one <d' tin' Inu'st hearses every st'eu iu lowa county. They ure now fully prepared to do undertaking in all its branches. Metallic and Wood Collins always on hand. They feel confident that they can fully satisfy all who may favor them with orders. IVO Remember that their store is three doors west of the Presbyterian church. sAMiaii. rham:is, rx UKRTAKEU Ami Dealer lu Furniture and Cabinet Ware, Hl(;h Htreri, Mineral Point, Win , 11 an n /•7u I s/' Cl, A .s'.V //AM KSK and In (impure to ilo undertaking Inn Hrat-rlaas manner. All work In my line done promptly and at lean oniilde ruler, I huve on liaml a lurgi* and well telcctvd Mock o Ft. / \st-cla ss Fa millire, which la all inannfadnreil from well ncunonmi lumber, and la eijiml to any furicllnre In the weal. /‘ir lures Framed to Order! My icrice* are very low. Call and examine myMock. HI BAMURL KItANUIS. A National Standard! s Webster’s Unabridged. :i,nca) Kni.’ravlf.ije. 1,810 Page n <|imrto. Ten Thousand Words and Mcaniinje not m oilier iJietiOHiirirs. Four I’ax'e* f'<>l -crc cI Plater. A wliole l.ibrary in lirclt. Invaluable in any Family, and in any School, PlCirned by O. A O MI'.HIAM. Hp. Infield, M.iP'ACll iiref.r. Warmly xnaorsou oy Bancroft. Motley. Fit/ '*re Hot f . WlHi*. K'dm Burrilt. Uulu* Smart, ijiroigt* IV Maifh John •. John <♦ s \<* iMidel W*h#tir, Ij . (oaridgr. Horace Man, Mud more than Kifp • allege Pieciileiit*. and tin* lit *-1 Ainofu in and Kuropmu s jholar*, ( (I 1 , jit in* nj.i* tilth more luntter than any other I hr ►in illrr I vjm; giving more on a plge. (Mutniin* .‘J Out i miflitft lona, marly three tun ► it mi . i- uny other liiclioiiary. .'fi’jcT'Lonk .it Hu* t hn-v picture* ' a Hhlp* cn pa r. M,- tin *•: alone iliuHmUj the nun mug *I in* a •* than jig Hold* ami lento* lar better thnti th**v < in t** dG)n‘i in word*.) More than ju.n 0 copiec have heeo placed in the public m h>*il* m the (’lilted Mate* Ind're*‘d by Mate ‘■‘UMcrintcmJeui of KcbooU in U sun** Hu* ano it word* ami mem: lug* not in o 11• • i Cil l lUloirlr*. hmbodii-r cn .iit IHO yeur of l.ieraiy lala.r, arc 1 ip .evcrai jump k ci Ilian anj o.uef larj(e ... ucarv. 1 Ice* p,lc ..I A ■ • X D r'lon ir •' in time ap gt’'. a* the rao. c.i any r 10 t o| Ulc llolixre.. ,1 ►! I. IT7T. The lIK-tlc.iry i.-fl in the tioveii.ii.cii. i'riUOH4 m l. ier .Una bridged." Is it not riijlidif -In ut" I the iIV/Wgc’* U< I <[••<,t il .Si ii.o: I / M moral Point Hook Htoro. Wk kot'ii o.iimlm.lly on hum! a Inrun mnl wi ll noUulm!'k o' HOOKS AND STATION Fin School Pookn, Mtin’ollnni'oui* Hooke, Plunk (look*, Pockil rocket Hooke, Wluurlt I’.apcr, .V. Daily ami W eekly Non*|i|cra, Muj{ii*liim, Ac. *V* Wo have on liaml a Inrun nnd very lino Mock of Albums, Stereoscopes and Views, Looking Glasses, I’icturcs ami Frain* Wail Paper in Great Variety. Also atfouey of tlm INSUUANOK I’OM l‘A NV Ol MOUTH AM Kill \ ut’ I ’hiladeliihiii; (ll.Ultl’l INSUItANt'l 1 . (H)MI*AN\, of (Miiohko CONNNI'UTU'HT MUTUAL l-IFF INSHRANFK COMPANY. Mineral Point, Win.. Maid HMli, 1814. T. ,1. CAM I‘HKId., A^eu .ATTENTION', FA UM KKS 1 um now tor the best, class of Agricultural Implements ICvcr ojl’crctl for side in this market, viz: THE WILLIAM'S FORCE FEED SEEDERS The host flux sower made. TJIK NKW STAR CORN RLANTKR, The lightest draught and best droppei in use. The celebrated McDermott and Gorham Hiding and Walkliu Cultivators, Arknovli’di/rd 10/ nil to hr the Host Two Cult.ivntois in tho World! 1 keep a full I'no of N. (’. THOM HSON’M OlfiLKHIi ATIG"* SULKY PLOWS, DIA MONO FLO If,S' AXO STFHULK FLO IT,S’, BADGER’S AUTOIYIATIC SULKY HAY RAKES DODGKV I I/EjK PLOWS. The St, Paul Harvester with Self-Binder. The best Harvester in use. Reapers and Mowers, I am also agent for the BUFFALO PITT’S THRESHBE Thu best Grain and Flax seed T.ireshor made, And all kinds of machinery to numerous to mention, Kvcry arti*f -• warranted. Rkpaius must be paid for on delivery. 1 will not credit repairs of any kind. Also FLAX-SELL TO LOAN. ' A. H. b’bMIUIS. dj Warelion e n'*Hr I ><•* :*rv or f(;iinitu::s go to ijuiij.* na.\< u \