Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. j For Sai k Cheap. — A good track J jotting Sulky for sale cheap, En ouue of A. 15. Ferris at waichouse near the depot. Looms to let. over Clauer’s store, in rear of Dr. ('oykendall's dental rooms. ■Suitable for dwelling or otllce rooms. If you vaant tlrst-clx's dry goods nnd groceries go to .lohu Kieffer's— opposite Wm. T. Henry's hank. Query ; "Why will men smoko oom nmu tobacco, when they can, buy Mar burg Bros. “Seal of North Carolina,” at the same price V” A Track Sulkey for sale cheap. Apply to A. 13. Ferris. 45 The best five-ceut cigar in town at Kinnie & Spratler’s. A lot of elegant Sea Shells for sale c heap at Kinnie & Sprat lev's. T'ncde Sam’s Nerve ami Bone Lini ment is most ellicient in rheumatism, bruises, burns, scratches and many other ills incident to man and beast. 'Sold by J, 11. X C. H. Moffett. Save your harness by oiling it with Uncle Sam's Harness Oil, which will keep it soft and pliable. This is the l.?st oil ever made for leather. Sold by all Harness Makers. Uncle Sam’s Condition Powder pre vents disease, purities the blood, im proves the* appetite, gives a smooth glossy coat, and keeps the animal in good condition. All Druggists sell it. Do not neglect a cough or cold. Eil ert’s Extract of Tar, and Wild Cherry is a standard remedy in all throat asthmatic and bronchial affect ions, and lias saved many valuable lives. It never fails to give satisfaction. .Sold by 11. 1). I’nlfovd. Dr. datpie's Worm Cakes are an effectual and safe remedy for worms. They are pleasant to take and not only destroy the worms, but remove all traces of them from the system leaving the child healthy and strong. They are warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Sold by all Druggists. For headache, constipation, liver complaint and all other billions de rangements of the blood. there is no remedy as sine and safe as Eilert’a Daylight Liver Fills. They stand unrivalled in removing bile, toning the stomach and in giving healthy ac tion to the liver. Sold by all Drug gists. Dr. Winehell's Teething Syrup has never failed to give immediate relief when used in cases of Summe.i Com plain , Cholera-iufanlnin or pains in the stomach. Mi thers when your j little darlings are suffering from these i or kindred causes do not hesitate to! give it a trial, you will surely be j pleased with the charming effect. Be I sure to buy Dr. Winehell's Teething Syrup. Sold by all Druggists, only -5 , cents per bottle. For Salo. 120 acres of valuable timber land adjoining the village of Wingvillo on j the west, cheap for cash. Apply to Hint. Weaver. Linden, I or W. Vaiicok, Mineral Point. 4it4\v j BE FOR THE CURE OF RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Tills marvelous preparation tins cured him ilrnis of the most ilistn sslii([ cases of ' hro" ’ lilioumatisin and Neuralgia, even when nil vitliei remedies haw failed. Jl is fa-l Licotu jug the Acknowledged Antidote tor these ilisios'-a, and can he relied upon t.jr ruff* rers to relieve them of tbclr p.'iius and i flirt a permanent cure. Do Not Give Up your cae as hopeless and settle down to the conviction that no medicine will Indp join sit we a.-ic is a fair trial of the CTiutivk. end that you hear In miod that the nature of tl eo discus* s require persistent and faithful appli cation to insure a p-.-rf* ■ t i lire. In every < im munity win-re tin- (TkiTIVF. hn been p’e*. and will he found many w.ttiesses who will testify t, what it has done for them. Diphtheria, Sore Throat. Burns. Scalds, Bruises, Sprains, Wound., Cuts, Chil blain?, Inflammation, Headache. Tooth ache, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, run tv ftirly 1 e rur* <1 l>y the fr<• •* r t tl e .\ ’ V Z. S* ■’ *!tO*v ■* * F Vililll • ua .. J( u . svu a„> dotitii Sold by til DrupgUl.. Prfoa £I.OO per Bottle, C for So.OO. i-arpiPif Or 'a C.cT i;.a’ Cos,, r’crr’acd, 0. Taken Up. lsv the subscriber, living in the town of 'VVuldwiok. lowa O'., on or about May '27. 1878, one bay lilt) with Mack inaiie and tail, supposed to bo three years old. white spot in forehead; oft land foot white: no other marks per ceivable. The owner is requested to call, prove property, pay charges, and take said stray away. May -27th. 1878. Kmv.uu* .1 ami s. City Bank of Mineral Point, ALEX. WILSON KDWARD HAUIS WILSON k HARRIS, GENERAL BANKERS , (Office In Toay'snew Block) Issue Bill* of Exchange on all principal Citloe Europe, ami Passage Tickets to and from all European port*. Interest paid on time deposits Special attention given to Collections, High Street. Mineral Point. BUSINESS. I am authorized by the owner to *oll some of the best located farming and grazing land* in Lafayette Cos.; well watered, and lying near Calamine Station, on M l’. U 11. These lauds will be sold in qtiamltie-s to; suit purchasers.— Some of them being already in fanning condi tion. Also ono of the most deatrablr reel denote In the city of Mineral Point, as well as some good building lots. In all eases LON'.l TIME will be given on good security; price* in accordance with the time*, and title made per fect on day am) dais of contract. JOHN HUTCHISON. Act ~wm. t. henry, BANKER, Mineral Point, - - Wl*conpin. Organized A. B. 1801. Transact* a general Banking Bmincst. Agent for Homk Fiuu Insurance Company Of New York. Agent for Williams C* Unions Steamers. MONEY TO LOAN To first-class men. on good real estate. 3 NEW RESTAURANT AND Confectionery Store. Tea and Coffee all Hours. Ice Cron in Of the best quality served up when desired. Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies, (j'C. All produce will he taken In exchange. Hi</h 'st IV a c for Jll ’ T TKR aml KG Uti. M. lII'dII MS. Ilememner the store, Brick Block, next door to U. s, Hotel. -j->if Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all the purposes of a Family Physio and for curing Uostivonoss, Jaundice, Indigestion, Foul Stomach. Breath, Headache, Erysipelas, Kheunia tiani, Eruptions ami Skin Diseases, Biliousness, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia; as a Din ner Pill, for purifying the Blood, |i Are ilie most etreetivc and ■“ congenial jmr gative everdis ■ Bfite \ '• covered. They tv JaSN are mtKl, Imt ft-Jvjf WwKL- *, eliec.mill in ss**‘4 % their op era lion, moving 'a! ■’ <MTall the lioweiH Cm If sll r, ‘ l y il " 11 XV *■-tjv £■■ wiHiowi pain. reyyCj,Araffi';L, Although uni f tie in their <>p — erniion, they arc still the most (borough and search ing cathartic, medieine that cun he employed: cleansing the stomach and bowels, and even the blood. In small doses of one pill a day, they stimulate (he digest.!c organs and promote vig orous health. Avr.n's I’n.i.s have been known no more than a quarter of a century, ami have obtained a world-wide reputation for their virtues. They correct, dis eased action in tic several assimila tive organs of the V sly. and are so composed that obstructions within their range can rarely withstand or evade them. Not only do they cure the even-day complaints of every body. Inti aNo formidable and danger ous diseases that have bullied the best of human skill. While lin y produce powerful effects, they an*, at the same lime, the safest and best physic, for children. llv their aperient anion they gripe much less than the common purgatives, and never give pain when the bowels are not inflamed. The/ r eh the vital fountains of the blood, and strengUien tin- system 1 v freeing A from the elements of weakness. Adapted to ail ages and condition* In till climates, * oituining neither calomel nor any deleterious drug, tin’s. Pills mat be taken with safety by anybody, lie ir sugar-coating pre serves them ever freb and makes them take; a* |*ibeing frwiu lie ir us i.i any quanu’;-. rKii'Ar.ra i r Dg J. C. AYER U CO., Lowell, Mass., I*raotlcl anil Analytical lu#wii. :*V -A XL l>rv 1 ■ Tjj KV&SYWKkI.^ CURNOW & HOSKINS Wagon and Carriage Builders. MINKUAI. POINT, - WISOONSIK CurnV/fs, Cutters . ,{•<•, dv , vtanu/aiiured in u /I'rsf c/iim manner, at rt'usonalde rat s. Wc u*>o the BUST MATEK'.At., atul can a’.way* Rive untici'actimi. If you to o*ll on ue and obtain our price*, REPAIRING Done in a very ealtafaclory manner. (V*Stu>p in Ourmnv ,b Trewea’a bulltiine ISU1 S U Street. 3 CI'RNOVV AHOSKINU Instructions to Farmers. Having received instructions from McCormick Company not to sell any Extras on credit I will herealtcr adhere strictly U> their orders in this direction. Ami I hereby warn oil parties wishing to purchase Extras for McCormick Machines to come prepared to pay the Cash, as I can not and will not deviate from this rule. Respectfully Yours, it AUN KV PRATT, (leneral Agent. Cheap and Good. JOHN LAN YON, Untlei in GROCERIES. DR! GOODS, 3D 12, ESS GOOD? Hat* and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Commerce Street, Mineral I‘oint, Wie. 1 invito the att out ion of Iho rustic to my full efock of nooji*. I can mill uuiiO cheap hk any oilier dealer In the city. M\ mock I* full aiul complete In e ery purlioular. tine me u call. 1 guarantee ealiefacliui I’UTTKK AND KtUiS TuUen In exchange for go.oU, i will pay Iho lilgltci-t market price lor farm produce, UMH JOHN I,AN YON COOPER SHOP. SANDERS A- STAMM, Mnnulaci urt t> *f ami iL hliTh in Butler Tubs and Barrels, Amf n/f ( her, s* Icnt la / ('uaptritifp. Minp oppoeili* MurK TrrviliV hohl* M nni Ayers Hair Vigor , For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. original color, inf!'. freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, hair chocked,and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothin'? can -e --btoi c the hair where the follicles are destroved, or the glands atrophied and decayed lint such as remain can he saved for usefulness by this application. J nstead of fouling the liair with a pasty sediment, it, will keep it clean and vigorous, its occasional use will pre vent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious sul>- stanees which make some prepara tions dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desir able. Containing neither oil nor dye, it docs not :*nl white cam bric. and yet last long on the hair, giving it a ri( V glossy lustre and a grateful peifin.r;. va k i-a nr. i) h T Dr. J. C. AYER i CO., Lowell, Mass., Vrmelirnl ami .innlylifnl Chemist** !-u.o t aacuuona KVimvwiuaMb SUNDRY & a RAY Are d*iru of Informing the nubile !ht they conllnuul.n t Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoos, Hats and Caps, Carpets, oto.„ A.t Low LJowii Videos*. SION OF THE BIG DOG, High Street. • Mineral Point, - )} isconsin^ Wo arc closing out all our Fancy Dress Goods at Dess than Cost! All of which ark Nkw Goods, and Suitable koh tuk Sraßv>i, OUK CUSTOM CLOTHING DEPARTMENT U well Hooked wtlb nil (lie new tylei> of SUITINGS AND OVEKOOATINC 3, Which wo are enabled to make up on abort, notlee. In price end alyle that cannot t o dnaU*il (hie pat ( of the country. OUK. Heady-Made Clothing Is all MADK HP AT HOME, by our own workmen, ami wo rec a tu rnout! the same to bo superior in ever} respect to Pastern work,- Thanking the public for their liberal patronpua In the part, and eollelllng a leuilnuMC* a the name, we remain (3 IT IsT D BY Ac k 1 U-A.TT. ( o.i 11 ( 1 1 y\ Combined Reaper and Mower! Single Reaper and Light Mower. The Only Harvesting Muehnic ttuit took' Fire First Premiums at the (k'uU.uuiat Fxposihon. UGHTEST DRAFT MACHINE MADE I The most durable machine, as it is all Wrought Ir • 11 , Vluleablo Iron nml Stool, machiim having a Sjuin” Steal OiMtini' IVir '1 11-' only nnudilnco that pnjuircn hut Two hind o| work. The only machine that cut Ilax as aa-dly as any kind o|‘ cram. '1 he only macli ne ’.villi \vh c.h the laimor can save Ids in ire|>, no nut!tor how badly down or tanyded. Dofi’t Forgot Tile Cliu./nni<>u /. Hr’ <> i.h/ ..)/ i.rh.iuo tt/. /f nr It. nui FhtM ,S rJis uclor/y/ Tue Champion is tally w.irr anted in every parti :ul ip. '1 1 lan I exa nine ihom, and see what s sai lby farmer wli > arc tiicni t ; iw SAM. HOCKING & CO., Act Hits. Burn*> V K >)' I' j Muchtn i y. jWjf) JJU /Tin- rff* <lii:.T>m Mm:!.' *' ■ Mm t hi .-• ■* •* ” * * - • wuod* an I !**• ' 4 • .. * > ' #m i r , ’Vl at* '1 If * */*■•* • 't : v /* jo rv h * • ■ i W 9 • ■ If !’</ wail * *< / il • r.ciU a Sham pu > • i < at (i I 'A). AP!’ l/s. 6 If <:■. ,; i /;", V I > \ ;. >l/ i } t: ! ' Kt -i