Newspaper Page Text
Business Directory. u j /.as. vr taylor. errui • .1 s nv:;>ruik at Law, Linden \V>, A. M t ?.' ?.■ -B, AITOIIMV * . ■v, V ! Point, v \ I-. O^CS n soeihwt si of t'iiy Had bniidina. ■*> i LA N YON ii SFEN'SLEY, Attorn;:T' mi ns. Office rooais e.,.. rlie IV. Office. Mp;i rai Point, Wisconsin. alpfo jr.NKS, Attorns'. am> (V: nsl . i..>h at, Hlgn lows roM ii(y, W 1-. A cent Aetna Insurance . (hpjihi'j v i licet loin* promptly attended t 0,51 M J. BRIOQ3. Attorney at Law , Dodger die. At isconein. will practice in the courts ol lowa atul adjoining counties. Office, opposite Chronicle office, yrVKS M. STHONO. T. COiD. STRONG & GOAD, Attoknevsami Out nsei urns at Law. Office opposite the Court Pouse oTcr P. Allen & Co.'s store, y WILSON & McILHON, AttoenEvs ami v'oonsklloks at Law, Office ii the Ot\ Hank. Mineral Point. WU. 42 T. PATEFIELD, Attoknki at Law, atul General Insurance Agent. Office over Alton & Dune's store. Mifflin. Wis. SO-tf c. o. SMITH, Attorney at Law, Dodgcville, Wisconsin, Office near the Pod Offlile. Attends to the general pra.'iice of Law in the Circuit C ourts of the State, and the County Court in all Probate matters xn-Ultf PH YS ICIANS. J. B. MOFFETT. M. D. Physician anp SruuKoN. office in Ucarofhis Drug Stun. .Mineral I'ornl, Wisconsin. 13 OH AS. 'tQ AN. M. D. Physician anu ■ mu.eon, Highland. Wisconsin. I!, S. Lxarmig siageou for Pensions, for lowa v ounty. DU. H. V iH DDSEN.M. U, Physician anu Sps.imn, will liold himself in rdullness to answer all calls tn his profession. Office at 'us -, “idcsce ch-3 0. W FIELD, M. D. Physician and smiubus, lias permanently lo gated in Mineral Point, and will attend to all his profession. _ WILLIAM EASTMAN. M. D. Physician and Siuiobon. office No. 1, Goad's block, (up stairsl Cor. High and Chestnut sts.. over Deller's store. Mineral Point, Wis. DR. H- W. OSBORN. lloMßorATiuc Physician and i kukom, late of Cleveland, Ohio, liaving decided to locale in Minciitl Point., may lie found at his office, over T. Uavey’s Jewelry store. J) ENT I ST. DR J. It. COYKENDALL. Ol'.ntikt An operatuins performed on the teeth in the nest mat mr, and with the host material. Artificial Tech inseited.vvltli a view to restoring the natural expression an ! contour of the face, together with, proper articulation, and accuracy of fit. Office. Clauer’s block. High si.. Mineral Point. Wis. 25 J HI Ij (J (j 1 Si S. J. B, & C. R, MOFFETT, Have a large stock ol Drugs, Chemicals, Fancy 3 01101 (hunts, Cutlery, School Hooks, Stationery, Wall paper, P... Is. Oils, Glass, Are. Give ns,a .1 and gel cheap bargains. Sign ol the Golden Mortar. 21 HOTTLS. EDEN HOTEL, Uu corner of Mineral Point, Highland, Hiisroda Avocu, Madiou and Prairie da chieu roads, Kdeu. lowa 111.. Wis., JIiXE Scul’TTE, Prop. FA H MEll’S HOTEL, a. McCuri ms, proprietor. Opp'isite me depot. Arena, V, is. Good suldes and CaUIo Yards attached to the premises. A \ ()i A HOUSE, llannv Leach, proprietor, AVoca. Wisconsin. Teams and drivers furnished to any pari ol m> country. Good Livery connected with the lions* 01 TV 1101'Eh, Wakk Trnr.ii.n. proprietor, Mineral Point.Wis <e'6uslu.Uood Wines Liipiors. Well furnished, good SUblcs. and rgasouauie charges. in COMMERCIAL HOUSE, Opposite (hr Court House. Dodguv lie, vVis., Mas. ,1 as. .Lises. Proprietor. F.isl c a-s hold 1 n every respect. Convenience of guests guar anteed. . r y 1 WISCONSIN HUUf : Joah-h ilia uiNU, prujirietor, HodgeviLe, tv s Toe best ol wines and liquors k pt constantly at the Bar. Thera is a large tarn in >um lion with Um betel, and attentive hostlers are always on hand. CLONE HOTEL. A'ICHOi.AS MHU.EN, propiietwr, Mineral Point Wis. i bis house has recently been enlarged and refitted Ih'UgUoUl. is w one of the very Pcs’, hotels in south .vest W iscopsiu. 'J he build ing s liuw nearly twic* its lorwer ai/.e anu is i apu ~e of aieoiuiiKuiatl g ;,.:nost any number ol suksis. The pnpriUoi id spare no pains to tuase ine ••Globe dot ;!" Ursl-class in every rcs.c I. I'ne Pest ui whips, i.quors and cigars •on- a i>y on uano in connection with the a etc i is a large Bam and alien, ive hostlers a,e a! ways i*r*. on hand Kemeaber, K*v ol High .•at- H'-vra Psiht.Vlt OUE OFFER! TWO IMP CHS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. Til K lowa County Democrat VXD Til I'. Farmers’ Review FOR $1.50 PER YEAR. , We have made arrangements ] with the publishers of the Fann er&" Review. by whieli we are enabled to furnish it free to all! advance paving subscribers for the lowa County Demoerat. The Farmers’ Review Is an excellent Monthly Journal of 16 pages. Each issue contains a full report of the Chicago Mar kets, interesting articles- original and selected—upon Agriculture; Live Slock; the Hairy; Vein nary ; the I’oultry Yard; the Apiary; Horticulture; The Ladies' Home department; Editorials upon the lending topics of the day; Literature Continued Stories, and Miscellany. ’Che Review is one of the very host jour nals published and thousands ol fanners pronounce it a most welcome visitor to their homes. The lowa Cos. Democrat Published at Minora 1 Point, Wis., by Craw bird A: Ihu, is an indo pendent Democratic Newspaper, containing each work more than thirty columns of Reading Matter The Democrat, leati/Jng the fact that too little at ton lion is gen orally paid by country newspapers to •xiviujjj reports ot the Markets, has a regular Reporter for this purpose, and can assure its readers that hereafter the Market lioports to he found in its columns can he relied upon as being correct. This will make the Democrat of greater value to every farmer in lowa County. Examine the Market Deports now given and judge for yourselves. The Democrat and the Farmers' Review will he furnished to snh scrihers for the low price of $! b<* in advance. Thus you can secure a good Local I’apcr and an exce lent Family Journal for the ordi nary subscription price of one paper. Call at the Democrat oflice and examine both papers and you will say that we make you an excellent oil ter CiiAWKuiii) iSi, J*ao. Livor is Kim?. Tim Liver is the imperial of the whole human system, as it controls the ite, health ami happi ness ni man. When it is disturbed in its ]r< per action, all kinds ol ailmet.ts are the natural resu 1 ; 'l'll ■ (iL'estion offoud, the move ments of the heart, the action ol the hiain and nervous system, ai all immediately connected wr •he workings of llie Liver. I • .as keen successfully proved the Crreei/s August Flower is line <ju i led m euriuo .-ill persons til tie's' i with Do; pda or Live Oomplaint.', ail the mime ous tynpioms that result Iron an nnhcMohy condition or iL. lever and Stoma di. Sainj-m ho lies to try, 1U cents. i’o.-uiv >• 1 v sold in all tor, - ns on theWc tern Comment. Ttirec doses i privc that it is j lot what yo ll wan t. • An Undeniable Truth. 'i <ni deserve to sutler and if y. u ’.o.i in miserable, tj;i'.* 1" a • ■ life in this beaut inl world. i: is on t iivly yuurown t'ault ami r.imo - oi.l v ouo excuse lor you. your ur ix a prejudice and skeptic which has killed thousands 1\ sonal knowledge ami oo: .■ u•;i sense reasoning will show yoa that fmvt's August Fi -wer will euro you of Liver eompmiuf. or I'v< pepsia, with all its inferable , leots. suoh as sick lu a incite, p., pi tation of the heart, sour siomaeh. ner vons prostration. low spirits Are. Its sale now leaches evem town on the Western (Vntinent and not a Diiiitpsl hut will u>h you of its wondortV.l You can buy a Sample Fettle for 10 cents. Three dose# will relieve yon. .1 .A at ion at Stondard! | v y Webster’s U nabridged. KngravingH. I.sti) l*A£* k Ten i'honsam/ U’< /*/>• tf/io /> [ mo/ m other P iettonurif s. i,../ i'oboe! Plate* A whole I br:iry j in i ;m'U . I iivalunb • at > l-'amil.v. ami mi it v l;ool. PabWhed by O. & r M bi NM. bp Unset : Warmly iiiaorjsou oy HMi.Toft. Mo.Vv, ri . . *> ila .v 'k v r. NV . If*. !•: Ini kite 111 I? . ** i >:oe, '•> tife r 'l.l ■ f*l John • \N I.Ui .!* • • V Sj\o. Dai VI WebMti ll r.t ? ,iP.e. .’i . y. id. and inn 1 i ban V I oil- i •* I’; ■ • m■. aid the lb’>i American an . Ku p an s n t o a n.“ one iiiiii molt ' r tmm ' "• I lie kid tIU ii\pc r. \ • ■ i ■ • ■ \\ •• ♦■. < ’ontani'* .1 oid I mm r a > m ill v I\< ■ l ;in •* i■* ii :111\ i- any ol; • i lUoiuiim 18 al lb • iiiv p a snip <n pll I .M. 111 -<• .1 -i v< I Ilf n, .! inn • i Dii mi a . .i- .11,1 ti .m- It.i In lit than •1' \ • ll • !•’v and . W 1 I.' I V" • lan ;,, .d(’n Itji’i . , ;,o ! roll placed in j llu puld.e Inmji- .in l n'li n Malim 1 nu’ '. ti •< vM .i s i,tv . ,i. i ... i i.i til >i. .10 '!“ in .'ll s' i>i * lla- liltin' lOoop w. 1.1- . , ,j nil n, v.i:-* mi I in nl lie? it * i mi v - Kind* ll Ith a ).0U h*o \ ai“ ol ho :.-i> 'al-or. ami’k fc t*vei n}i a •* uiior ilian any omer iait:e nie- tmar' I'tm r*u In ol M i M I’V Dii I i.Miur“ i • *U him's mk u: al uk i lie Milt ol .my >i >\ r -i ol - ic t lOilU' IIM. ■ A Hi, ok! I. 1; ;7 111 D ( lionary llM’d Ml I lie Uiiveinmeiii I‘riiiliii. O.fn it Mel) ie r V Ina bridged.** Is it rnjht y i’H • (ft if II -t‘/ • IS thv -M nil V'iMu/||V / / .1A Wi ,s . ( i • tl LNSO.N, DK A I.KK IN Lumlx • r !~>l 111 ll it '.s, i Dl IU 1.“- Duoi>. !~ asli, I dii I li, eAt'< 1: i • 1 *t )W ts* And all uiuiv. im ..•*aaiiy M.;m in a lure I.I’M DKI \ Mil). Tn til 10 M l .• i Irei • t uliftl tt Oil price*and fm* . i oiv til o -ioch Ort*c i> i, . • . •.' ii.i * - w urohouff. Va tl m the Do •v • I Til li-o Ai'JD MOWERS.” A iJ.M. i in) Mia r in i 11 v I) Oli in iV *' *, Auburn, N. V., nro 01l hy \I A 'IT I N A- TO A V, .-s -f • * y ... Agents for lowa Cos ■ * n ?>*' • i* , . Vo. / Ivnlnj At outer ■ '■ .\o. r> ll’heeler Mower Climax and Furst <)r iiradle.ij Corn Cultivators, Comaou a ml. but key J'i'r > the h st makes. Sel and hand dump bailee;/ Hay Rakes, Fu l litie of Frlrot for u i u.u m'ic.hintf. War ,h >ver m nor <.f u. ore. Mike M.;OAfii.i.n, U /./<•> . MARTIN & TV.Y, Cm*! AtfC *' Foreclosure Sale. State of w isconslu -lowa Comity Circuit iX.'irt. vnlihoti lv .lorn'*, s ill Ue'X.n:-> v of \v 11, Walker A Cos,. Kicilrlck !v •:; kci i: I1 hr o-l-il • f 11 ’>.-!■ - ;u- , \ ii! it i,.!\ ',l m i*u' llim '*l n *1 ” * * f A i .... •I. ; M!!,.l lv 111' U-t -it. I'UtllO 1. a ft .‘.I e Aaol.'V *. i Miry >' \i *••*> . .irfci in Mriiu' of |ini*iiiil lo h Jnui.numu or,!, r r loiv’osiiin Mi.l ' ilo nMi.l.'i ml m 111.' 111., .* null!' 1 .n-lio-i at H rrij’lUt Iml ol 111.. .... i,t .him foi I .•>. count). Wi'.'oi m ' hot.ici n He > .’i ! I'.'il.i* ■> the v.I-l.ic ol 11.. . ~ .;,i c.uof* on ills tOi .In ol . ■; "• yof Ati U, A ji{ i in I li.* . M.'n.o.'ii. li llu* ,H lUl.l*.’ HI 11' '-I'l !. Of n.'.U.-v. low a ni.O'. A IW'HIHI’. oilor for ■ ,il (Hi' I.' I I'tullU’ (O 1 !u- liK'll'Rt |,"V |',|>|| 111 |o,lowing \). .'nl','il Ul.U'l ~, , • . : 1,,. ,1 1 Oil* 1111 III*.'" ill.. l'l ji, . \ 10 in eh ,11 .'I :111' 1 .11 1.;.', non Oil > ol Mliueil ’oi..i. u„ mi'.' t*n.l . ''HI I’.' (~1110! \ ,i 1 ’I. i -Is I. IM'.-il, sho 'Oil . , 00..0.111 " 'Count 11, lin o >. li, ISO THO VA' KKN \ "l'\ . . V o 1.0..1 . ohm v, 'Vis Wilson ,V Vo'lUion. 1 'l.-i 1111 ills' Attorney. Is .’ Foree’.oauvo Sale. Stati el Wisconsin Circuit Court C l Im'Tti t OUtt'', Hi ~, Mucin li. (. ;i nr ill', a.isliml \\ llllmu 1 mi, non. .in n UmiU'.'i't. l'l)**.'* S Irani. Hi. 0.0 .ii m.l ili.'tti.kno'iii ’in'i-* ol o'-'ic ,1 1,1,0 of I’ov 111*1011, lii'.iill. kv ill' , c.'i'i >l. iti'io .ilmil* , , la v mm o ui..l imrsiiiinl lo -i Imlgmcul , Hnlni of tom. o*ll.o mill ►nh' inmto 0.l 01 111.' Hiiovo i-innl.'.l u. 'ion m si'C'in term ol I lie , mini 0011,1 loi loi.n count.l-111, hoi,inn mill.' on of I’.-ii niion. l' lu'lio. ciHliitv. Win, 011 lii.' all tin •' <n> •' " 1 * l "‘ 11 ’• 1 •Jl.lh 11,1. ol UlCll'l. AUIS is ill o Ol.Vk 111 111.- ufioinoon. 111 Ihe mom iloor ol 1110 1 min holt- o linin'. III;.’ ol Ihlll,'.'' In. 100 ' COlUlly. "I'OO -111 olfor lor Mlc n.l ni'll M l>’’l .o mu mioMollu'lin'.h -I hi n'c. i'll a*'' l" o> me lino I 1.0.1 m.irU'i ;o>l l’ioml-n-. I" on -"I oil Ohm- n.'Vnii (,’ 111 -U I'll >1,1" r Hot. Mill O'Nn.ll a.holloll lo 111. 11l lu -o mi "■ Miociul 0 nut . oil 111 H,O mum. "I >" ' ■•'.ii.l Sv-ilc ol U s.-.m'-iii. llaloit. Slu'litl 'Oil!. ■ -I ni- v ’• ' ‘I'II.'MAS lv l-.N N KO \ , Mini ill 01 10.. a Wm. ((non A Mi lthon, I' uiiii'il' 'h Altovii')n. ShorllYVt Sale. Suu- of Wovoitsin lowt.r-tiniy - ' ‘ ' V I, . 1 ..! M' ill-HUI p!,Ui 11 *. •a- • - * ‘ '" k, it* U, ;■■■■' ■ iv.'M *’. i* !•> 'trill •■ I 1 h„ . 0 ......Ml " r I , in • In- at-.*'.' .villl >< •< •>’ *' •I"*- I- -I ,i u .m ..M>'-"t I- 1 ■, 1 M t.u i M.illl . -..'1 ' rill." '•"•'•I. '"'l- 1 ... n ■. |,l u I iiv. l O I H i'.' 1.-* '*'•! I i ' ' n i,i ~,i 111,1 .in v ..I \i, ;-i~l \l> 1> , . V .i. ~, ii,.-..11•. m> -ii, i 1 i 1 """ 11 ~ ~ 1,..,, ,• ill. '.1,!. --t O-'.io v-'l.. ... , A ~,.„11<1.., .V II H.'ll rtl (mi'll.'> |„.' i. ,t In ',l, r Ini' ooli -I‘i 'll.' in'll.. Hl ’ • „i,„ , 5.11,1 \.... (." •. 'lnnHi u I ■> H Itil .1 1 I >. 1 I•' ' I ■ 11 In ' ~ v __ i|i i ,s ... li.f -i.kv u.'ij•.• *>l m il.'’ in,.' h. a.-. .1' *i r.-M .-.-tii- - ’ ■ 1 " milt >.l ' I" 1 '"'"ti > -o -I" “ h ~... ~ ..i-i .1 Hi.' “."illll -‘ol -I" "O'"t 111,... Hit Hi,.. I. 11.*-1 1.1 1 -•■ "I- mi'"'-'i' in,. V .,|. mi.. , I, 1.1 11. I I"" .J - .--I. tit 1.. 'I .t * ’ 1111 \ 'Vi (.no iii. cn iianmu Uvo i > rnaif llOtt‘ * I It’"- 1... ,1. Mi.’iii,: Ollbt . DtHi nvd.o, A iMtnmni. .)m\ null, m*‘u. . THOM \S -i,W 1 . lit I ll m lowa fi'iltiij . M i*. Wilrton A M llhoii, 4 An in.av lor Deb t tlaiit. • FOREOLOSURu! SAX.I-1 Sti.tooi W ..-i-oiihiii low i ('oinilt 11. OilTH.t 1 '.III' I . Mnrv 1 1.-Vii' .... ;tlitli.ill \ All.'llfl S’U'.lm. Mllll ' ■', 1 I 111 111 S.l II • I 1.1- IV 111. "I I W ill, ...I 111.... h, unit iCr.* l . 1 1. ll*fl.’li I.ln vv.l.*, i11,.) ( V A.rl hi Hi A .. . .I. I. ~.I,nil* 11. I ill., Hi Ml.ll |>.l,) ■I. In I llldl'M. HI ,1 t, |,..' .-f u .‘lll.l —..1.' in ■,II ■' ! l ' III.)'-." ,| M || 1,. , in, ii ■ il.l 1., i. ;l I’nlli.lV I' 1 1 i'll' I ~ I 1,,: 1,.‘ ',l I. *1 l\ "• .1.111.. !>** I Hill , \|„. ,1 , I,' It (ill • I ll' | ..I I. I. I.ll' I Hill In ||i. Hl,;’ H i ■ I 'HI' III! Hil" I. U lII.' Irniil 1,.r 111 ..111- l.ltlll II HO., in Id. Vllllll;.. Ol On VII Of ■ , ~i ,i ,1 n , li ''ld..., I. Ill" -i • 1.l Vnf lin v. 1.1 , in.'h I. I 111 Idl. H.MHI 111 Hul'l ,11,, 111" lollmviii'i |iri.iu t I-. 1 i, H, n"I 111. HHl> Id* HIM HH l| II till-. On' i iHdidl nl i*m , jdd di*nl 11/. ; * i, I fill ■ :. I' ill' lull rri-l Iml I'll -1 • lin Inilimim I- m tli-idori|>.l.iii nl ilid l Hi nd ,iu> I i' 'in ■<' I ll" foil I'll" full i H h l i| , 1111 lid l IIH .- nil iM- and *•! -I l • \ i lit, nil mi 4 11. 11l I' vi"li 11 • An. id Ml I d I mill nl ilium* A", huh I . il -in "" ".dill i,| il ~ ,1 IH" Oil 1" i 1 i|d ll'H'i M.l 1 ll" lll .VI" I <| ll 1 1 OM nl i ,' ', .1 11, ".If '1 HIM. nl >l.llll All I I."I,I", "I 'III 4m hl.l\\ i— 111 j I An i mill Hurl i ‘ . r.i n. i.ihili i-.oi ; nl*" , ..,-1 Inn I 1,1.1.- ill Id, ", I ... 1.11,1- nl 111.' Hil>.l rn.ll nl 1,,l A" "HH n. M l I Nn ■ ' . I Ii (T), nnv Ii I|l|| An "1.1,1 HI. Hul 11l 111 I 111, ' An 4) ; till in Kill'll niiiDi i. M, I „l Ai • CHII-111. lAn i 11, sin IMI 'h .line... Hi ll.i ll', villi'. I.umi, Wir, iii.Mii, iHli* I4t ii .1 iv "( I . I hum \s kt'.NNKItY, SI" nil nl Inn 1 I ~11 v, "Ol 'lll-111, I,'illy.hi A S|niiiii|,'v, ,nn,.i I, ,il 11 iiiIII SHERIFF'S SALK State of Wisi*.ns!ii •(’ avail (\>uit | ol lows mutt. IVtor Sou,' ’Oil K XV. stratumii, uUiiitiflV, j II o’Ulirl >:■ 11. OImMI, ,Ic:'. '.llls !' Nor. ■ her. '• i," r.ln \ Mt.u* of B n ovo ’"ii 10.1 out of t'io ii •■’. o • smo.i conn ;i •; • sh.n - o...rni.i oton to m.. iiinvt. ,1 ni ; <lol .■ ' oil i miu>i ilio i’i o|vnx ot ih, ■ i.,t I toot on l l, O■II 11 ■ or. . ■; ■ ito n lii !i s\ : ,i no, is> 1 Into ■• 0., n |’o n, itnl no the ’ ■' ol > X II 'll 1 !..< k IV 1 ll(X :‘U* i n0.',., o ill. ■ o iil ..’t of I lio i'.nut in the ' i .1 I'. .. ~ I ... lon l 0 oiil.\,\V|, , wtM roll kI |i;ti'!.. > ti two 1 I ho highest tMj.ivr lor ossh the r(>:ht, i tlo an I tutororl nhlr’i 'Sill O’o 11 .0 -oil .1 ill .II I 1 .1:1. of \jirtl. X 1' S. I, or inn- r’lioo lit the follon in .1.1 '>o.l t.ilo-rno, own- I'nc north In* i ol the iioith i i'l .[iisiior ol rootion rum j ivr I'l.nj oi.o f.l i. low ti-ioj. umu hi r rex ru r, , mu O 1,111,.h0t Unco m , o.irl, m low s lOiinlr. XVi’’intu. It ,1 oil. Mot 111"* oltloo, Itodyox tlie. XV IhooiXi liU .luno i.tth, v. Jt. !■>:'>. I’.U'M \s KKNNKOV. hiioinx, lows I'onilly, xv io. Hoc*.' ,X' Unitor i'lsintul r attorney . 'll J Stats* ot' W isconsin lowa (Vault lu .Instif.. Oottrl I’liiilo* 11. .1 imo*. uNlttllir. vr The Nohto Mitiuruoiiirlm , ilcleiiilsulr. I'o N ’'ole Maimlsoliilluii .'o.: \on mo herhy tioililoil that s wsrrsut ol stUolimonl hss hoi’ll lsuoi| li”siiu>t you silti youi |’rn.’i 1 \ atiaohod, to rut Iffy the lU’iusmt ol Ulr.rlo* 11. .Ismoii, aiuoumtilil to ffclv't* Non , iiiilor* you rhsll apiu-sr holoio .lot\n k’, Tnuuol, s jiti’lto.i ol llic I'.'Si i’ lit ami for rixUl ooiinly, si hir ullloo lu the cllv of 'llnrrSl I’o. ul, on the Slrt ilsy of .Inly, A 11, IfiA, *t Ilf o'clock lu the for.iiio.ui, )u.|y|mcut will hr roix* ilcioil susuiri you siuj your properly mill to pay the ilolil, Oat ml lltir UHh Jsy of.l illy, ISIS. . 11 xfU.RS 11. .IXxIKS, I'lslttflrt Strom: ,H Uoad, I'laluUf’i. Alloiiioyr. 4S S NKW lIKAKSK. Hisnor Jt have recently built one of the finest hearses every soon in lowft county. They are now fully prepared to do undertaking 'n all its branches. Metallic and Wood t’ollins always on hand They feel confident that they can fully satisfy all who may favor them with orders. J*■ Ueinetnber (hat their store is three doors west of the Presbyterian church. Bullor and Eggs Wanted! Kor nlil li 1 will pny llifl lilithflU mm lid prlir In ('Xi'hnnuii fur DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, < ’rnr/:i'i\y unit(Shinn iriirr, Wmii/ni mu/ Willov' ihnrn Puck Mills and (Moved at reduced rates. I mn h'lMnk eholi !• eriiiilinnli'K, Mi(lh. frtr $l flit I rudl iiiilnunl. Ti piuiml* Im I (U? Jitpmi Trn, fl punmli* 1.. r 1 ml (liioil Kitnnly su ip. an Imru fin i Ofl I mil up) 11 ii 1/ Urn 1 v iclitmlfctou Boots and Shoes! rui: HKST /.V iUK MMSKf'7\ \VM. TKASPAI.K.V xii Ci rill’ll Him I Mlni’nil t'l.lnl, \VIi