Newspaper Page Text
lowa County Democrat. FRIDAY, SEPTv 20, 1878. Local Items. County Fair at Dodgevillo next week. Tie gate money of the Duhuqo Fair amounted to about sH,ooo. Joseph Dollar is in New York, buy ing goods for Hie (all tiado. Tliero were one hundred and sixty threo dcallis In Chicago, last week. Don’t fail to attend the County Fair at Dodgevillo, commencing next Wed nesday. The Republican county convention wil he held at Dodgevillo next Thurs day, the 20tb lust, Tim Republican papers of Iho dis trict sio mad because the Democrats did not adopt a platform. The long editorials in the Tribune in opposition to Georgs (’. Hazel ton, havo ceased. Edward Orshorne. Jeweler, will ro niovo about October Ist, to the store now occupied by Ihrcly A Son. The handsome dwelling house of Wm. N. Curry, in the upper ward, Is fast approaching completion. U. J. Penha’logon & Son soli ex eel lent Graham flour, -radii from good winter wheat. Mr. Charles Mellhon attended th Dubuque Fair, Ho reports the races as magnificent. Dennett is right: no one hereabouts doubts his Republicanism. His p,ij smk ng quaJiflcatious settles that question. That not unusual but seriomi acc'- dent, the blowing up of the Plalteville powder niilJ, happened on Monday. One man was aerionoly injured. A joint political discussion will he held at Dodgevillo next, Thursdy be tween lion. P. W. Wilcox of Mendota, ills, and lion Robert (Schilling of Cleveland, Ohio. Roy. J. Harrington, of Plattovllln, will preach—loand (> o’clock—next Sunday in the Primitive M'dhodist Church, la this city, and at Pleasant View Lodge 2b* o'clock, 1), V. DtHD.—At Dodgevillo. Sept. Pith, 187s, of cholera ini' nitum ami Hummer uomplaiiit, William Lancelot, infant •'•n of Alberts, and \nT.e E. lleii'n, aged 7 months and S days. Mr. John (>niun, ;i farmer of I,ho' iif Kendal 1 1 iKavcJilO ooinOr. hail liia right Tulflfl fo'ni off cue day last week wh'lo footling a thralling inacliiiio. Mrs. Cottmill's building now occu pied hy I'M. Oihorncs Jewelry Store will be vaounfc hy too (Mil of next mouth. l.’arlltM wishing ( rent Ilio same apply to Win. Cotlerel oral, tho ownors njaidom o. l,*oi,itM),* i. MKim 11(1.—Hon. llnhorl, Kohilling, Chairman of (ho Central ('oimuiltoo of tin* Nat Iona) party of Ohio, will apt ah on Ilio issues of Ilio flay in tho Oily Mali, Minoral Point, on tho ovouan' of sopUunher goth Hon. Owon King, (iioenhack eamli data for Congress, called upon the Democrat on Sahmlay last. Ilonas on his way homo from LaFayello o 'iiuty, whom ho hail hoon looking ovur tho political liold. Tho Dnnoc rat ic ('mint v Convent ion in call'd for October ,"d. Let. every Democrat sou to il that ho town ia fully lepresented in Km (.invention. Thu nomination of a good !idiot will lltstll'O HUCCCSiI. Lost.—A. Up roho, on last Sunday availing hot, between Spemdey's fur *aeoa'ni (.hie city. Anyone reluming tlio name to y. shiUou will ho suitahl ■ rowardwJ. It was only a few night* ago Hint r young man stopped on our si roots to talk with a young lady jest d\i years Ida belli or, Itiirind in I'onversalion, they worn not aware of the advr>it on tho souue of an elderly lady from Connaught." lint the latter broke up the gathering by even-dug herself Tv ** wantin’ to spake to tin* b’y if he wasn't u>u busy w id Ins swale-heud " ilr. Isaac Buck ley, of this eitv, lias for Hie past few years devoted a urea deal of lahui together w ith consider nldo money, to tho raising of plants and dowels, and i. now rewarded f. r his elTorls I v being the owner of a well-tilled green house, w hich would please Uii! eye of (ho most fastidious horlioulturalist. All lovers of (lowers should pay Mr. Ihukh > a visit, and View Ilia luagnilV.uu iv, as he extends a cordial iuvit.iti . to all to do so. whether they do.-ire l > pm, a is, iu-iu lain or n. i. Last Monday evening a cheerful group of friends called at the Parson age of the M. E. Church of this city, and congratulated their pastor and his amiable wife on their twentieth wedding anniversary. A handsome set of china was presented. Mr. John Login;, of Willow Springs, LaFayettecounty, advertises his farm for sale. This farm is one of the very best fin ms for stock raising purposes to tie found anywhere, and a splendid oher loony one desiring to purchase. Mr. Logon has lived upon this farm for more than thirty years, and lie is known as one of the most successful fanners m Wisconsin. Serious Accident. Vial, a miner of Linden, had a foot blown off on (Saturday last, by the explosion of a dynamite cartridge, whieh ignited while ho was wanning, or drying, over a candle. Dr. Vivian, of this city, was culled and per formed a successful amputation of the leg ju it above the ankle. 11 is sup posed l,v bis partner that as soon as the cartridge ignited Mr. Vial must have thrown it from him and stamped on it, and thus caused the explosion. A Letter from I lev. A P. Samuels. I’icAmiK mr fin i N, VTih., Sef 1.1 util. 1878- Knmms Dkmik uat:-- L havo looked and looked in vain for some notice of the gcod that Mineral Point is doing for uur suffering brethren at the South, is it possible that they are doing their duly, hut, do not wish their light hand to know what their left hand Is doing. If ho, God bless tlrmi; hut why nut “let their light ho shine before men” that others may imitate their godly example. We have a very poor community hern but we have already sent noarly f wo Lo the stricken .South. You, all who are Mossed with such health and plenty, lias your blessings only served to make you Belash? Charity begins at home, but it is a miserable charity that ends there, f wish your people could only see (not feel) the nufforiug that I have witnessed in a Southern epidemic, and L am sure every heart and purse would lie open to tlm call. Why not organize a Citizens’ Relief (lonuuilee and da your best. To those who give 'I shall ho given, heaped down and running over shall men give into your bosoms. Yours IT nly, A l.r.x. F. S.XMITKLS. OUTiiS3N.J Fiji 1.3 EH. * Special premi mis for running and t u, lo.„. , V * air lit ic led 1 a!, Dodgeville, Sept. 5 •. ill and 7. p. t ■: WLI)\ LSI) W. SKI’T. ‘25. No. I -dp. in. Furse, $ Id,—Trotting raen for green horses; milo heals, ;! in 5. First horse $25 no Second horse )o oo t hird horse 5 on Tilfi;:-DA V, SKI-T. 21k Xo.‘2.- I’u 1 so $5O 2 p. 111. Kniming raeo for four-year-olds and under: mile leads, 2 in ;t. I’irt tense $:!o 00 Second horse J. 5 00 Third horse 500 No.:i. Furse $5) p. m. -Trolling raeo for horses with no record be low minutes; mile h'Mts, I', in 5. First horse $,lOOO Second horse. ;n 00 Third horse 00 No. 4. I’nrse $; I p. m. Illuming race, open to ail; Half milo heats, It in i>. First horse ,tooo Second horse. -jo no Third lioise 15 00 Fill D A V, SLIM’. ‘27. No. f>. Fur .• $5O. 10 a. m. Trotting race for horses owned in lowa.tjra; I and LaFayetie Counties; mile heals :l in 5. Firs horse s;u 00 Second horse 1.5 no Thud horse .-,11,1 No. 0. -Curse $ >0 11 a. m, IC. 1.1; 1 i* 1 ; race,open to all; 1 , mile heats,:! in .5. I 'u si horse $;10 Od second horse r. on Third horse ,5 00 No. 7. Furse $7.5 ■ 2 p. 111. Trotting race, open to all; mile heats, ■ ’> in First horse sid 00 second horse 20 0 1 Third horde 1.500 No, p. -Furse $ ■ • :! p. m. Frett i 11 g race for s;alli ms owned in lowa, (Irani and I aFaielte Counties ami list'd for servtee I his present season ; mile heals,in ,5. First horse s;r 00 horse 1:, 00 No. Fur 1 p, m, Funning raet', open to all; mile heats, :> in 5. First horse a mot) Second hoi so vd > 0 Tnird horse r. e Market Reports. The favorable weather during the past week has been the means of making produce business in all its departments quite active and firm, —, receipts large and offerings liberal. FLOUK. Although the decline in wheat is not sifllcient to justify a marking down in prices, yet a few oi our merchants have determined to tarnish broad stiffs at 25c. per (for a short time at least) under last weeks quotations. Patents *’< 75 Beauty, 3 o*> Old PapiUl, 2 75 XXX 2 50 WHHAT.—Ia this branch of our market, quieticss prevails. A few loads have keen marketed since this day week, hit of such an inferior quality as to lender it almost unsale able Winter wheal is of good quality, generally, and sells well. No. 2 Spring, 7c. Mo. 3 do ... .55c. to 57c. Winter wheat sells from Toe. to 85c. by sample. CORN,—Nominal. 25c. to 35c. HA It MOV. Samples are offered every day, but of such a poor quality as to render it almost unsaleable, (food barley sels well, and frequently a trifle over tie market, but poor stuff is hard to gv, rid of. Prices range from 20c. to 1,5 c., according to quality. OATS.—Foi choice there is a fair demand, but lower grades are dull. No. 1 Wliitc, (old). Me. to 15c. No. 2 While, “ 13c. to Me. New, lira,. ■ 12c. to 13c. PLAX-SKCI) is'.lit! leading feature ami in good Aennind. Furmera seem satisfied with the steadiness of the market, ami ire bringing in their seed ns f;v<t us poHMhle. Market quite at;* tivo and Hm at lust week’s quota tion. Tito following is a correct price list : (illlll „ $1.00?fl (Italian! Float, percwt., .. :>.50 Shorts, “ .. 1.2.7 Pormncul (bolted)," .. !.>•) I Iran, “ ... .7n Potatoes per bus ,30 Hotter, per 11#, (cash) 05@.12 Eggs per tin/, .10 Eggs per do/., (cash) .07 Hides, per tb .Of Tallow, “ ,0. * a I,aid, “ .1“ Sait, per Md., “■ on Lime, per bid ~(H) (lenient, per hid •• • -■‘ M Lead Ore | or I,'KK) •• 1-V^d Dry-hone,J w < ion,. huri lllaek-i-’k. “ ■ tay, •• v.nn Lninle.t connnoli renee, per M., 18.00 Tiro Oity Hull. WuriCOV, Inna, Sept. I Ith IS~S. E Is, l)>‘in lerat:—During a recent visit to your delightfully located oily, the 1 ni llv arranged entrance and limited seating rapacity of the City Hall sur prised me. I am told that nonr door* were put in tho hall to enable persons to e-tr ip ', jn rate of (he or panic. Tin folly of this will be apparent to aav one who will consider the frantic struggle resulting from two opposing streams of humanity meeting at the first landing at tho head of the main stairs. This danger can be obvi ated and from forty to fifty more seals added by closing up the west entrance and tearing down all of the hack enelosureexcept what Is needed for the east entrance,which might he some what enlarged, --say, as much as tin* space occupied hy the east row of seats. Hy doing this your city will have a (iae hall Hoping that mi nn nt"ct visfs 1 will play in the enlargetl hall. 1 renuiin, Jtespeetfully yours, Simon J, Fokiiam. William Tonihy had his foot 1 ;i 11y (•rushed in a h nse-junver, on Monday last, while threshing tor Mr. William Monish, of the town of Mineral I’oint. Ex-Empress Eugene is not a pauper hy a ;;<> > 1 way. Her annual income from Hritisli consols amounts to H-'ni).- oaa. (’amd’*n 11-ni<”, ('his ’llrarsl, is given her rent free: she has a retinue of fifty servants.and carriage and sad dle horses numbering! ver twenty. Mark Twain and Dudley Warner got SI I." -' profit on* m’their joint novel, " TJn> (til.led Age.' ]’.n! Mark has n reived about all the pio.i; from its ilramati/a.ion,“Tie :■ Million-; in i:." John T. Raymond havin.n liim o\ er if id. Ono ■•■>v dty. The Prince of Wale-' eves are get ting bulbous md from dissipation, as he is a *■ reformed man," hot inhei ih.l from the Hnelphs. He ■- the fat’ner of Tive n ce children. an 1 has a.lojc- 1 : e.V he v. I Democratic Convention. ihn village oi D0,...0vu1e, on Thursmiy, tie* 3<l A . U ' I' - '', ai one o'clncK p. m. of laid day. for CMirpo**; of placin' in notolin lOu cw . i ,ij. r>r in- following offle e ruVe * f if’. ! ,e 't l "“' !r > Kcgistor of Deed-*, (.Urk of Hoard <1 supervisor*. dark of the Cirma on,i, I).strict attorney, Uom.ty Sur veyor :l (1 I. ' > . 1h " ►•* pi "*w 1-1* *nd r ty of Mineral Point arr* nulled li.<j in - ii-i-e ot .11- d-1 t, f ~v , c\ lid) v a cus* m tii ."t i’reaiuuutial election or fraction i of So or more; Seen* 7 Min'l Pt cltv, Nt w. 7 ; ■ ‘JUe H rto ' 2d w. t> Uoii-rovlKe r Moscow 4 I -• 4 Pu* l-sl e I UUulaiid 0 tfidttoMMT io I ISi’Ce-i li Wi 1 v lo* 4 Mill! ' h Wyoming V Miners Point town by meter oi County 'o-vni'lec U. 1., Uu.aU, Chairman. Dated Sept, lltli is 78. Statement showing the aggregate number ad raluo c! the items of Personal ami Heal Property appear ini' upon the Assessment Kolia of the scvernl towns ami city la the coauly of lowa Cor the year IS,'B ; i | S | § •o 5 \ '* a * a s “ <I < $ ■** i U.irso* .f all aifo* 1* 2111 $ 4**7.874 sll 25 Neal ,?*ll all age* 89 BuT,Btt 12.50 M ill,*- A A ssos I*l’> lli.ftSO 01. Id Sheep and Dumbs 18 01*5 29 S4!) 128 -wlue 42,825 78,3 yd 1.8(1 W.iiems carriages and Sleighs 4,505 92.901 28.20 CJnld and Silv*f W,echos BS-* 4.8,11 17. U Piano* * Melo'da '2l*> 1 ■•. IMi 37.50 Hank stock-no k 1.775 value of sliarea Val. M.A •,>.*lt 828 035 Vrtl ot other prop. 815,131 Total vahiu ol all ... . personal prop. $ 1,543,13 No acre* 'ami & _ valut thereof 480,832 *5,789;!*.- $lB 07 A.’ir value of city od village lots 978 2*9 Total value Uoul K-tsu fII T'l7 2'* Total Ta u.itioi iß.3i.'(. J. T. TUTOR. Cos. Clerk. The Annual Meeting of the South* western Wisconsin Industrial Associa tion, will be held in the City Hall, on Saturday September 2Sth, at 2j£ o'clock p. m. A full attendance of the mem bers of the Association is requested. Pint Cmmcu ov F,x;. Cow. Prepare for Winter and Keep your Feet Dry. Sherwood Si Berg of the City Store have received a full supply of the cel ebrated RICH \'Mv.;oN BOOTS and viiioia embracing all kinds of boots for men and boys; women’s Misses * and children's shoes, ('all for Rich ardson's boots and shoes. Tim best iuvedumiit these, hard times, if you need hoots and shoes is to buy (Jeorge Richardson’s boats and s Hies, whieh have In come so popular with the peojtlo on of ttioii dumbiliby ... Divio with tiiiofWOOil it Berg of the Oily Store. R. J. Peuhallegoii & Son are selling (lour twenty-live cents per hundred 1 over than other dealers. Ivv ,1. T. Pride.inx lit? obtained the general agency I’m - this city ami vicin ity for that eolohraled Dobbin's Elec tric. Soap. Any ono can get it wholo- H. or retail at my s',ore. .1. T. PIUDEAUX. Tli(* best thing over come to this town is Dobbins Electric Soap wholc sale or retail at .1. T. ITuleanx's. (let Dobbin's Electric Soap at .1. T. I’riib an.x's. I’. <l. Soanlan, the celebrated auc tioneer. whose name is familiar as a household word in the entire north* west, for his fair and honorable deal ing with the public for the last twelve or fifteen years, will open in Mineral Point, ia Lenahan block, High street, on or about Oct Ist, with s;s',txi-).0.i wi>rlb of dry goods and ready-made clothing, which will I e sold at auction for whatever the people have mind to give for them. 1.0 k for particulars on hand-bills in a few days. John KietTer keeps a fresh stock of groceries on hand, and also a larg* assortment of dry goods. ' Qn uv; "Why will men sin >ke com | mon tobacco, w hen liiey can buy Mar burg Bros. "Seal of North Carolina," al the name price?" Presh groceries and provisions of all kinds constantly oa band at Kiu : uie A SpratWs. i If you want first-class dry goods i and groceries go to John Ivietler’s— I opposite Win, ’!'. Henry’s bank. The best cigar in town is that live i cent cigar of KiiinieN Spratler's. For Sale or Trade. I The undersigned has some fine Dur ham slock, which lie desires to sell or I , , for oilier stock. Also a large umber of sheep wtdeh lie will seller t rude. \ pp!y to 11. T. SmTAKb. Mineral Point. A rig. *X i'7s. 2-tf It is understood that Mr. Blaine would like to swap M hie for Louis;- ma, yellow fe- cr in 'e! that ■ „ ,v„ ~! even ■iv . ' - , - ’ 1 ”-e Ki ’ A letter from Milwaukee,which we received too lev fut publication in tiiis issw, as follows: “The nomination of too Hon. M.M.Cothrou is hailed by our representative men as one of the very best made in the State." The lowa County Fair at Dodge vilie rmy. week promises tubes very me. Be sure to attend and help to m.ikc it as interesting as pos sible. An old darkey was endeavoreng to explain bis tia'.ivtu.iato condition " You s'*c.” rfl'n <;ked Sambo, “it was in thi i way as f ir as 1 can remember: Fust my ‘.elder died.-deu my uuuKler married agin; mid den my madder die 1. and dea nr ladder married agin*, and somehow I doesn't seem to have no parents at ml, nor no home nor nutliii.” The loss by the blowing up of the Plain vide iv.u'.cr >lills is estimated at from to 9 lUHEEY C- hOA' MOVE INTO DEiiLEKs t >;:n i:ii with a NEW -TOPIC OF WATCHES AND JEWEEKY, OCT'. Ist. Toay Brothers will receive Fresh Oysters at noon on Saturday, and will continue to receive Firm every Satur day until cold weather. Fresh Oymmrs every Friday until cold weather, at Kinnie & Spratler’a, The price of mineral has gone up, but the price of Watches and Jewelry at Birelys’ has gone clown to almost nothing. If you want a watch or clock hurry in to Birelys’ before they are gone Engraving a specialty. Croquet sens tor sale at cost at Kin* nie & Spratler’s. Go to Bin ly.s’ and seo the Home Sewing Machine—the best in the mar ket. Don’t buy a Sewing Machine of any kind until you have culled on Bircly A Son. They have the hugest stock of tin* diiTmviF kinds on hand, and will not be und .u solil by any one. The New Homo tli**y consider the best; also thus new improved iMPOItTKU SiNmar. < au’t be V it. But don’t buy of travel! ig m;. wlc u you can save from live t. v m dollars on a ma chine by dealing with l imn. 3-tf llouro and .t, r_>r Sale or Rent. S. :•]. shcplrar-l denies to bpII or rent his dv. eili .:; house situated os Fountain *•■•*• For {*•*)■! .’l’ri'v i<> him nt hi.t Marble - ’ion. nr m M •) <r dlowney. ftl To 3t v k Mailers. I have sever i! well bred, first-clase graded Short I; v n Hull Calves for sain, on reasonable terms. •lo’tlN SI*KVSUS>. Mineral Point, Aug 2d, isTS.—:{ Too nwli at Stake. Steele ;uvl File.* hive too ranch ak a* stale* to pat in market anything which has not 1 non found harmless, but positively 5c unhe al. Their Dr Price’s Cream Dakin:; Powder is the only kind made hy a ) radical physi. ician, with spin regard to its health ful nosa. Roaso i 5 Wir, The reasons wav Dr. Shine’s Flavor rug Extracts, Lmvn. Vanilla, etc., are sni erio* to nil others is Irecaus* they are ircpm-o 1 from choice selected IV ids an 1 arom i ies with mt coloring or p MBouous o is, all in flavoring principles are ret tine.! unchanged hr chemical action, highly concentrated, requiring less to :la,mr. Dr. Price’ a Floral Riches. Siirpisss an Toilet or Cologne Water ever rn vie. A rich, fresh, flow ery ode, for tli ■ handkerchief, the toilet and th • bath-permanent and delightfully frag! inr. For the sick— reviving and gra' •’ •illy refreshing. Farm, for Sale, Th<* iinrtrr*: • '<■ I iT’m Vj firm for “•' s.ii i eirii i- I ■ hi 1 thin nn" hslf mi!o of i ’h's’m !■ ■, 'ti 1i * •*f ■ * cir rtx'k ml,. I'iirP : il'n m- con ty to iu aix*. Said fir •( • ■ i \ ■! - 233 A , ''FT OF LAND, Ahont s ■ .-crr. lie :T ■ ■•! too arrrs nf rcih i'V ii 1 i. s 1 i ill iMiiin :-r ri n ! icr nn I poMUfi*. I V ■ l l vc •'! 1•■ v > lif npiingi •■ml l r IV '-vi.tii iiiw ’ i"ii ;:i- tiinm,ni v A (HMM) S'TO XL’ lU ILDIXG r*vo b r*i ** . -i c'i*, aud • gnwl k■' h ’ii ci**t ti i 11• *ll with a * T ' * :rAiii'it ie*, mrjj mbs. i• *• i*i - . .on V\ • p’.noe. AU# \ _•< ! w ii Tlit* ri ’i w ’ '•* • ’ 1 -id mt rt on etjr * rrn * * - ■■■*?,. * c i-h flown and oiii>'lu)t mi Uatt*. .vm: m v p**r c*#*i t. }u •t r.-t. If ?V ’Ann ■> and • I ’• /-nn b.r* •”nfcl oa •? '<> 1 ? r - Tq, •> ’ i <1 Mir •> It Pce* - • * :1 • ■ ' i :,. 0 John Logv.e,