Newspaper Page Text
Business Directory. E.'U ~YJ£BS, J W TAILOR. Attorney and coun-muk at Law. Llndon VVtf. A, Kc ARTHUR, Attokskt AT Law, Miner:l I’omt. S'lt, Office lu rocth weft corner of City Hull building. 4? LANTON i, BPFSSLKY, ATTOHKITh INI) COfNS>>M,luKf. Office TOOBIS oter the Poet Office, Mineral Point. Wisconsin. >l. A. BRIOOS. Al.miO JENKS. BRIGGS <&r JENKS, ATTORS-,1 a cm, ' oI’NMtU.OKA AT I.A*’,- villo. \A lecou- ,n. -nice over Jot. a A Owen*' piorc MOP BP M. RXKOI-u W. T C*AII. CTRO\: k GOAD. Attorney* am't , nkril 'Ka at Law. Office ■opposite the Court House orcr P. Alien A Cos. More, 47 WILSON & McILHON, ATTORNEY* AM' V UUN-Sl-LOR* at Law. Office u the City Hank, Mineral Point, Wls, 41 T. PATEFIELD, Attorney at Law, amt Ueueral Insurance Agent. Office over Alton A lluse's store, Mifflin. Wi. SO-tf O. O. SMITH, Attorney at Law, DoOncville, Wisconsin, Office nenr the Post Offiile Attends to the (tenoral practice of I aw in the t ircuit Courts of the State, Hut. the county Court in all Piobute matters- xti-lltf Ell TSIVIANS. J.K. MOFFETT. U.D. fMYsictAN am' ttmoKoN. 'iffice in Kearpfliis Brute Store,Mineral Point, Wisconaiu. IS DR. L. M. J. LEONARD, Physician am SfiisKoN, offn o and residence in Mr. Mu | I,UI ► lu use on Jerusalem street, nearly oipu-i’e Jcusaluu Pump liom High siicl bo w.m Ptesbylerlau church and shepait-'s n a,bio ahup. OIiAS. YGAN, M, 1), Phtiician ant -fiohov, ll(({lilaud,Wisconsin. U. 8. JCiaining burg eon for Petsious, for lowa wounty, DbT n. V ■'.N DISER. M D, Physician ami Surgeon, will bold himself In readiness to answer all calls in his profession. Office at his residence. ch-S WILLIAM EABTKAN. M D. I'nTSictAN and SußuSod. Office No. ICoad'i tilock, (up siairsi Cor. High and Cheslust t., ■over Deller’s store. Mineral Point, Wis. 0- VV. FIELD. M. D. Physician anj> Ssiiokon, has permanently lo Sated in Mineral Point, and will attend to all alls in hisp rofesslou. O.dc# ovsr .Hirtiu A Toay’s liaum are store. 18 DR. h W. UuLOEN. Hombucatiiio Physician amj i bukon, lats of Cleveland, Ohio, having d< cided to locals in Miuotal Point, un, be found at his office, over T l)ave> J welry store DENTIST. Dit. J. 13, Bbntist, ah opciali ni" performed on ths Iseih In the nest muniur, and with the oust material. Arlllkial Teeli inserted,with a view to restoring the natural uxpiv.saiim ami contour of the face, together with, pumer articulation, and accuracy of lit. Office 1 , Cuuer’s block. High at., Mineral lolnl.Uis, IC, 1> i\ UCr (j ISI tS. J, Ji, & C. il M.iITKTT, ilvc a stwek ol Oniys, Cbemicala, Fancy Toilet Goodf, Cutlery, . s < utn>l buoke, ttUUiouiTjr, Wall PiftpCl, I'ailits, tilfvKH, Ac. CJivruiH .1 ami itcl cheap bur.: liu*. of the Uoidca Alorlttr. 21 U O TELS, K!ICN iiMTKL, On corner ol M Mitral Po id, IJ i-Utu>id. Muccoda. Avoca, Madi-.m ami;- ii e’bieu roads, Eden, lowa Cos., . JUi*.)-; SuirriE, prop. F Mi.'lK it S Ij’Ol'Klj, A. MrC'HTciilN, propi tor. Opposite the depot, Arna, Wis. (iuou Mun,i;t ami Callla Varda attached to the premises. GITV HOTEL, Miku Triimu.. proprinoi, Aliueral Point,Wis consin.tiood Wines ,y i,u,ton's. Well furnished, aood Stables, and ivasouauiie e.bnrtfcs. M wj-cunm.',' hoi s I-;, JoM-fw Uoebir.j, lor, ilodpevillc, Wlb Tim heat ol m.d inp.ofs to pt constantly .1 (lit Bar. Thera la I pi rarn in connection ilk the betel, and attentive lio.tier. aie 4ilWy on Uahd. AVO HA HOL’SK, Qinkv Lbai it. proprietor, Aroca, Wiscousia Teams anti drivers iiuoiabed to any part af tut | country, feood Luerj connected witu the IJuuac ULOHK HOTEL, Wic-Honae Bhu-lk. proprietor, Mineral Point Wi. This iiu? recently been enlarged and re lilted Ibougbout. anu is now otic of tUe very best hotels in South-west Wisconsin. Tire luti.J in£ is now nearly twice its loriuer sue ami is j capable of uccouiuiodath g almupt any uuian-r 1 yi cucsip. The propndur will .-pure lu pains to uiue tuc **<ilol)e Holci’’ llrsi -cUft* iu t-ver} respect. The teet ol wims, liquor* udc! cigar* uettsiautly on haiul. in coHnectioii with the | heiel u a large Barn and attentive buatlere are | ksp* on hand, itu member, >ooi o 1 r cat, Mineral Bynit, W.s. VXIOX HOTEL. Ldc'i. low i aunt;. iV.s, f.ICU.I Rll HA -V.V/.V .. 1 A Ol'klt’j l R. Ir ...let t-.C U. im Cm .iff. a '.oot! , H a. . . ,4. t e „ ■ ... a-J .<| |... al i< *•- , THIS WEEK'S ARRIVAL AT DELLERS. Great Variety, Latest Com binations and Productions DRESS CtOODS. FIFTY STYLES SUITINGS 1 At 0 to hn Cents. Embracing “ Silistria,” “ Pilaro,” “ Bizarre,” *• Simcoe,” and “Astoria,” the leading makes in fashionable Low-priced Suiting. Large line Bonreßs now so popular. Dress Fabrics and Trimmings 1 make a leading specialty—devoting particular and close attention to their selection, and by purchasing in large quantities am enabled to give prices that will com pare favorably with any retail bouse in the country, on any grade from a 0-cont suiting to the magnificent effects in silk and wool, now so popular and desirable. Job Lot of 200 Gross Ist quality “ Mottled Violet/’ “ Mode” and “ London “ Smoke” PEARL DRESS BUTTONS Purcbrsed direct from German manufacturers’ agent: a quality of Pearl Buttons of perfect finish ami material of rare beauty at less than the price common second quullity are sold for. Ladies’ Shoes. 25 Dozen Leather Lace at 85 cents per pair. 25 Dozen Leather Lace at SI.OO per pair. 100 Dozen Leather Lace and Button at $1.25 to $1.50 per pair; making the greatest bargains yet offered. Goods shown with pleasure to “ lookers ” or buyers, and and all invited to examine. Respectful! j, J. DEALER An Inexhaustible Sunply of Mens’ $5.00 Suits —Several Different Styles. Foreclosure Sale. Stftfo ot Wisconsin town Connt.v CPtOPIT 'IIITIIT, Peter Thti'S. PlanlllV, lyalnsl Francis Foley, 111 ‘f. • 11.1 M. 11 lly virtue of, ami pursuant to a j uiltnueht of form 'lnsure iml sale tendered in the aV) v, mi titled a ton In suol lowa I’ountv Circuit. Court on tiie Plti: day m October. A I. 15,7. ) will eKpusp tor ss... ami si p si Public Ain'l in. to thehiphrsl bidder lor rasli, l the front door of i tie i o 1" 11,'ll!.. . in till' vi11a... • of [)oil IV iI to ii said Cmini' sml Slate, on Tuesday, t p o :11m •lav of I;. i • ia.-r, 1 . Isps. a> j o'eti!):k li the Hit* ri. on; inf I lint dav, ’be following’ desi r ill nl nior.p.ifnd pMMM.-es or so mm h ili*r.'"f - may tie e>cs aiy to rals.- 'tie nmo.inl of said judpnu lit. M ii-re-l. amt co-l of to wit ; Tim north I'.PII ijnarter. ol Die m.rtli we-t oi'a’t." Sim ’. mi .No. in irty-tlin, <-]:<). h)mo he 101 l wil y par' or imri. I of tip. imrlli east ip,i after of i i". ii lb im I .pi irln: of set mu jsj„ Iblii ; -iwo, (.‘ii.. . milninticny at the norib nisi I’oinjr nl said Inr'ya.n irmt. To in. font 1 41 rod• tin in s smith (in tvi Un r,.il, tfai ur e .at lucr < nils, tl . •.<■•• nurtb forty 1 40 t rods to the place ol boy Miuinp. A Iso tiie sunt b ea-t i(ii tint ollhesoutb east ijuaitei of senior •,,, twenti-nine (V’.t). snio and inop. road one rod wid e all.ny ibe enst line ol iui.l in ranine 1 I rty acre traet. nereinfore eon,eye ; liy Peter ’i bis in (’attn r' inr ' i-iiin-r, Ml: ol sate, land bo'iiy' in I'ownslnp No five, ,f.i i). rt tl ol ranye No. ,1) , a-l ~, lowa < . uniy, Wiscoi.-in, I'e:tij. tb*. same Ptem s sold by 1 hie- to Foley, and tins no i a < ..him to secure payment ol part of purchase wotey. ' lu rlil's olden. Dodn’evillu, lowa roun- i ty VV isconsiu. Nov. l lui, s l. 1-7. 1 HUM \s l, h.NXKuV, 411 one * r:o ‘ ,l ll ‘"' 4 1 '"-Id* iseonsin. A Mil iU, A'turuey ,’nr i'la'nlid. 13 GROCERY STORE JV ud llestuumut. MRS. KISSELL Oa* romoTed to tbe tn'e n< at to K. D. Pilfoid mi ibo not. fins keep* const ~iy on band a full line of Fresh Groceries And eferylhit* krpi in a general grocery tur REST A U HAN'T, Meals Served at all Hours. Ice Cream, - •> v anil deMeactea of tbd ieaao, B - n-r aci . an?; att if ta< •m l praUitt * o* 1 * 1 a SAMI'KL FRANCIS, UNDERTAKER And Dealer iu Furniture and Cabinet Ware, HIrH alreet. Mineral Point. Win., lias iF!Us T 1 7. .4 SS UK A USK and In prepare to do undertaklDU In a first class manner. I All work In mv line done nroinotlv and at rear onahle rate*. havi ■ hand a larya and well lelectad stork af F rst-cl (i ,y.v Fitrnihi re, wtmli trail manufactured from well • ironed lumber, and is equal to any furnilura in the west. Pir/ure* Framed tn Order! My pricea are rery low. Call and eiamlcs my a tor k. til HAMtMtL KIiANCIS. HEW PAINT SHOP In Mineral Point! .1. P. LEWIS liar ' penH a F’ulnt Shop on Comm i rrt-Slri ft iu ihe hutldini,' row ocnnp rd hy C’urnow A HorkinV where he If prepared to do all kind* PAINTING, IB the heft njle of the a:’, Sign and Cat rind* J'aitiling a Specially. Ail wi ik warranted Bid do* •• rhraper than it any other fho* in I.> vny <;■• me a rail •tt* in a,.< f Buy u. i.a ti. i) pall.tin,- Itne. J I*. Lv.fl* The binger bull Triumphant. 128,212 MIS SOLD IN 1877. Which very .Yearly Equalled Ike Aggregate Sales of ,dll Other .Machines. THEY AKK THE Simplest, Strongest, Most. Durable I .■tmjf Isfiint Liable to get out of Jxpoir of tiny Machine in the Mortal Cull at the JKWEI.KY STORE of 0. 11. JAMES ami aeo tbew. |ds' L Machines teased, or Bold on the Installment I Tan. C. A. BLANCHARD, Traveling Agent. NEW CARRIAGE AND WAGON FACTORY. CUIINOW is MASKING, n AVK OI'KNKO A Carriage and Wagon Shop IN JOHN J. KOMh'h BTONB Ill’ll.ol NO, ON COINIMKROE BTEEKT, •nil bclnit yiipplled with FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF MATERIAL bulb for Wood Work mid Ironing, and will niatiiifailur# a bailor r'nat of WAGONS, CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, CUTTERS Ole, Tkan rtft before turned mil In Mlnml Point, mot If you Km In nimil of anything In tlmir Itot y*a *h Mil Id (-Mil (in them hclnm ptm'liarlng alarwhi-rc a they will oH'or yon I ltd inott favoraoln lamia Thotr Carpcnltir Shop on High Htrorl will .nil hu kepi >pm for doing ill kinds of gonmal Jobbing and repairing. HORSE SMOKING. Mr Stephen Cosgrove, U 'ho wiH do blacksmith work for theta at their simp on Commerce Street - is reputed to be the BEST HORSE SHOER IN THE STATE, And will alwaya ba ready to aocotuinnduta all who want pood phoning Uoihi at low prlrva. For anything in or line give iih a cal I, and wo will endeavor to treat you so well that you will ho sure to enmo hack ♦ > iih. 11 CUKNOW & IIOSKINO. ZZZ. . - . '' -r Go to DodgevilleS And when thorn go to F. AC. ST BATMAN & CO.’S ll you want good Wagons, Carriages, Plows, &c. ALL WORK WARRANTED TO /< E MADE OF THE REP 7 AiA TER IA L. Our Stock of Material IH LARGE AND WMLL SEAHONEI), buyers and nil other-*, give ms a call and we will try ki pleaee you. V ery Respectfully, .'sß—if F. W. STUATMAN *1 CO. Three Grades of Overcoats at $2.25, $3,50 and $5.00. Don’t Forget It. eREASt BAKING mtm) Fuyorikg: fo Extracts.,' Eminent Ohemlsta and Phyalolann certify that those jjrootiß are free from adulteration, richer, more effective, produce better reeuko than uny others, and that they use them in their own families. T\TI nmrm’fl UNIQUE PERFUME3 r* the 0m of all Odors. I ' MM I H \ TOOTHENE. An nj.;rc alilo, lioullMul UcjUld Dentifrice* illlJil II LET/ION SUGAR. A anlfittitnt- for 1/morm. ***■’•' w UIWIJ M EXTRACT JAMAICA GINGER. 1 rein the ptin rnt STEELE A. PRICE’S LUPILIN YEAST CEWIS, Th /(• !>,■> I.i/i } # Mut< I* Mf RffM. 31LELE & PRICE, Manira., Clutuf*. rt. Loula & CinciauaVil