Newspaper Page Text
Business Directory. Pll ylsiU. L YS. J, B. MOFFETT. M, P. PBTMrUN ANl> St UMKUN. .1 of 111? Drug Sunv.Muu;- l oir. L, G i . 13 DR. L. M. J. LEONARD, Pm Bit IAN AMI Si l i.l 11 I US’., f ill . lif .In- ] ill V . Mui i iil’ii ■ -i ■ ’ lituil\ oipome .itriii.. 11 I’mv.p Eutrauc. ! Inn.i High ftrii lI i m • i’li jn . ~i.. fUaiti. . m.ti Shepard's marlCo th. i . * CfIAS, EOAK. >!. ;■ I’llYtU'lA N ANU >1 Ili.KuN, I’ !, ' ' 0. S. Examing Snrgci for V r ! for town toumy. PK. IT. V.*V P’ 1 ’ M. P. PHYSICIAN AM) SrtIUKON v tl ’ -If ill rc.idiucr to tuo-u ll ui. i.. • if jo " - : m. ui bis re-iiioK--. ch-3 WILLIAM EABIVA'i. v P. I'UVSICIAM AND Sl lli.BoN. Oil. ■ No. H'Olld's block, (up stairs) Cor. (Ugh an-I e: ■ o-,, ov r DtTler'f store. Mineral Point, A s. PK. H. W. OBT'.jsN. HOMEOPATHIC PmrliltN SMI ' I.' Into of Clcvehuid, Ohio, 1 ■ iv:i ■ si. l i-,;.-I to locate in Point, nmy ho found a. i.-s .' • ,mu T lnw} Jewelry stunt HOTELS. K!)K.\ Hoi Kb, On cornerofMiiu Point, UigMiml. Mnrmß ! Avoca, Madison and IT< :k* u<\ c'lilon roau-, j liucu, Km ai. 0., v* ik, IW. kt. I*' . j PA 1. MV. IPS Hnn .! A. McCutciun. iirupTli'tiir, Opposite the depot, ! Aivna, \Vi. t moil Stable- Miiei r VtiiUl muciiid u tin' j 11• • •i. err'i non*’.' Maui. Tmmi i.. i.n; i • lor, Mineral TVinl.tV.--j coiiHiu.iioinl Wilier A l,i.piorr>. Wi ll fnniOlu'n. j uoou SuiDUf, i.;i<l 1 v>)i, t.•;i,i i■,r>. .HI WISCONSIN MCl>'!•;. Uo< kino. propm or, pinin-v iIU-, VT ... 'J ~i him ul wine-anil lii,!!!'!!- 1..,>c com-lam 1 v ~i inf .l l.i vv if a„ imi in comm..on with till' hcul, in J. m v:aivc 1001-t -.hvayf mi li:.ial. avoca must:, .;i.s..i 1,: ai n, pmprictor, .tv.a.i, Wi-coin.i . Trams anil ilriviTn liiriii-in ' ■j , :if ; * j. C noil l.i vit> r. hiii"Vat vv;l ti ttn; linn uLuwi iioriir, XillllO l.A:? 51111,1.1.N, pl’opi'irtoi, ■ IlKUll IVonl Wis. This I’.o'.isi! lias ion "illy lir.a oal.u ■ ' . resit toil lliuii. .lionl, minis now on. of llio very beat hotels in South-west tVlmanitun. Tim Imikl iuq is nuw neatly twice ii luliner i/.e amt is cupame of mooninioiliili.'r almost any number of- Hosts. Tlio propncli -r will spine i.o pains lu iui.l.o llie “lilolu: Hold" lllsl-olass in every respect. Tl’c best of wines, liquors ami rijai con si an tly on haisl. In eomiceliim with the hiMol is a laro Barn anil nlieinivo hoMlersuie a! ways kept m haiul. Ken:., tuo.-v, Foo! ■ . reel. Mineral Point. Wis. UA'/ON HOTEL, ICilon. lowa I'minty, Wis. HU U.W.V MXd, J'ROl'KU'.rvli. First-class hotel aocmmnoil Htlons; a good it : anil a {rood sioi k of nines ami liqnm> liar. I xinif Fresh Groceries FOU SALK CHEAP. To the Public. 1 Uhvo this day purchased tin- ininrcst of floury Smith in tli ■ firm heretofore known a* ■ Smith it llrien, and will continue In null goods j n cheap ne ever. 1 must surely I," obliged to a , liberal public for their kind pal rot i.-e In the past. and I will * iibiuil to them th >f> t!<> '• • price* of g oil* now for rule liy me : Very best Japan Tea, 50 r. nts per lb Very best Umek Tea, 00 emit per lb. Very best Gunpowder Tea. 00 < in per lb. You may gel denier tea* pul m l oil' on you, bit you uel no better q lality, Uhl Government Java •off •■. , lbs lor $.l ,u.) ilest liio Coflee, 5 lb* for j l 00. splendid Snear, If He* for Soap—twenty I-lb bar* for $l.OO. Cranberries. 10 quarts for $l.OO. Kaisins, best Yai. in lb* for $l.OO Currants, 10 lbs for $1 00. Kerosene oil, SOe per gallon—o gallon* for ft. ■ Fin* nuts, etc., in great variety. Romo very lino lIICKUUY MU'S which 1 will sell very cheap. I have a very se ect stock of Fancy Candy for the Hol idays, An 1 wi II be able to supply Christmas parties at wry low price. A slock of very lino Cookies, etc. JAMES iIRIE.N. Next door to Appel's Harbor Shop, " SAMUEL FRANCIS, UN I) K 1 i TAKE 1 { And Dealer in Furniture and Cabinet Ware, High atreel, Minora! Point, Wu,, Uas a FIRST-CL ASS HEARSE and Is prepare to do undertaking iu a first-class manner. All work In mv line done promptly and at reas onsble rates. have el band a large and well selected slock f First-class Furniture, •hick la all manufactired from well aeaaoned limber, and is equal to any furniture in the wet. Pictures Framed to Order! Xy prlcei are very low. Call and examine ■y Iteck. I*l SAXU'SL PRASCTS. Appropriate, Handsome, and Desirable HOLIDAY GIFTS. 'A’V' of those superb pat: ins. BLACK GKOS GRAIN SILKS To ntGt'f the ilcnuuul for an article of value for a pro-iMR without the outlay of a lai'p;o amount of money DELLER tins cut down and reduced tlv pi ice of Black Silk in - up!i figures that it makes' them almost as cheap as eommom . grades dress fabric*-. No bei b*r opportunity ever offered to buy silk' at a bargain. H eduction to tost to dan nary I, IS id. virus (.train Dress Silks a', SUp. pr yd, reduced from SI.UU £1 .uu pr yd, reduced from I,‘Jb s*s!. 1() pr yd, redueeil from l.bu isl.LVt pr \ tl, redueeil from 1.7 b fclb’.u pr yd, reduced from -.00 Sl.aU pr yd, ml need from 2. db S|.Ob pr yd, reduced from d.bu Sl.7b pr yd, reduced from d.7b rSd.UU pr 3 tl, reduced from 51.00 I’aseha 4S inch silk, wool A: mixi lire, reduced lu sl.7b. Sultana and Duchess Silks, wool mixture,reduced to l? - i.uu. Furs of every style known to the trade to close at wholesale prices. CLOAKS & SHAWLS. A com pie assortment, through file holidays. The finest, and largest selection in the city, at lowest lignres, AT DRIERS Bazar of Dry <roods and Novi !- lies. Cheap and Good. -JOHN I.A ' VON. Delhi in GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, onsßifcjss Goory /An’s' aml Caps, /{itofs an / Sham, Commerce Slree , Mineral Point, Wls I invite the attention of the public to my full *foeli of poods. I can sell goods as cheap as any other dealer in the city. My stock is full and complete In every particular. Give me a cull. I guarantee saiisfuc tb.n. I’l’Ttkk and Egos Taken In exchange for good*. I will pay the highest market price for farm produce. W-13 JOHN LANYON f| Barnes’ Foot Power 13. Machinery. j Thirti in different machines with which builders, cabinet makers, wagon makers amt B Jobbers In mlacellaneous ■ work can compel! as to cj# yi’*>-iTT mu Pkici with (team power manufacturing; also Ameteor*' supplies, saw blades, fancy wolds and designs. Say where yoi read this and teat for catalogue and prices. W. 7. A JOHN BARNJtH, xrV-ly Rick/ord. Winnbago Ci. 7 ■ •, ” ;n eaU a: 0. 1! him leweim ‘.c an I examine ins urn I,U ini ; -\\ ,i\ wi; 1 n\ea >;i., „ ~ iwnn .nnai'in. wlieu l!u\\ can buy Mar ' in,. , i'.iv s, ■. ai v>i' Nenli I'aivliua," •U .ni name ••.u\ a \er\ mil a;a. well selected slnel. at .m i\s,\i aii u> >, jew e’.ri. el.can be • nil.; . .l l . >l,tail's .1C \\ eii'V s, Ui'. It;. m Ann w ann i r ma\ i cun. i a. ui..,eisii;m‘ti ate irniiia i'n make a eaaa .in; lia ,r nasiia ss. Ail an .>u:;. llieienne, nut settled b> the Is! nt .lunn.u v wall be let. in iiie ni' ;i eniie. in., t.nnds nt. i.aild W ill be said I ek.*I t ' 1.. I\. N \ AMM V ia.l 11. >w it r vlpiins, Ahir 'si even flaw | er liial possesses a desuanie ndnr i•) used in i lie I ni.|iu‘ I’erl iune . uuula bj in. t’rn e. li is ironi ~> , ~ solus I iial nr. im a .i'n i ua; . ~ ,u their peeaiiar sweetnes- mid la;,: character. ills i'lnral Uiehcs, I’a, liese. 11 \ aeiut ti ami A list lioquet are tin 1 lasinoiiabie udars. I'lniir and aad i'a ale at the City Mills Km .' hi! k ili live, id f. IC. When 1 lor a ; .a 1 K’nhber Heal, dal;', ..;et ' drop in on .1. A ■K 1 ’eiihalle,, i. for ilmy have the best e Vi rbi iiiie.lii In '.lie fit\. Or. Marshall's lanij; .sy rap ieliev. • (he worst eases ot ( and Kohls almost instantly. Kail on your .inn; gisl and try a liottle of it. t!ie price is only ' cents. 1 II MAI Til I’lMMOri n. llealiil is pn mol' and by ,ooi 1 and appropt i.iie I'■'ml. Uieli enn only be had by u.aa in preparin ', it, art ieles know n to be free from poisonous adnheralinns, j i'neh as I>r. I’riei • (‘ream iiakia I I 1 1 and ~ wls ii eminen. eheuii. i 1 whole .niae. Kail . Kald , 1 Inai seiu > , ">re Tin ,an 1 all ill .e ; ;of t lie lam., i and Chest, ,i r. adih cured v. 1. !i IV . j Mai .hall’.. iauiySyrup. U never fail , fry n. I’i ice r . cents. \ ami i \. St eel A I*i n e annually I consume, in Ihr inaninaei m e of Hr. I I’i ice's i:\liaet of \ aaillii. more oi 1 the miesi qnaliiy of Mi siraa I thiiH any other makers of eMi.e is, i and il is hy the use of I lie lined qua!- i ity that Dr. I’rice's i-\I r. o■* of \' ani 11 a I obtains its rare exeellenee. ('hristmas is eominiy and K. 11. '■lames will be ready with the (luesl j line of (<old and silver \\ niche , I < lock Hina , Chains, and oilier a'oods j kepi in a lirsi-elass jewelry store, I ever Inoiiaht to this maikei. lie w ill sell remarkably cheap, for cash. Will I nut be undersold by any house in \\ is -1 cousin. —.a -a* Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing ! between Henry Smith ami James 111 iim, Inis (his day been ilisolved hi mutual consent. All ilcbls due said ; firm must be paid b> Janie ; Hi n ;;, a. ■ no oilier person is antbori/.ed to eof I I eel aeeomils. ID min Smi in. Ja.MI s iililK.N. Mineral I’oinl, Dee. I'd, ISTS. ! | , DOl’.liliS \S J,LK( TKK SOAP Having obtained the agency ol this celebrated soap lor Mineral I‘oint. I append the opinion o' some of our best people as io it met its, 1 have Used Dobbins' Kleelrie Soap, made by I. 1,. <'rapin A; <'o Poiadeiphia, Pa., ; nd pronounce it to Iu? tlit* best soap 1 have evei tried. Tim rapidity and raise with which it enables one. to do one's washing is really surprising. I’oilinp tlie clothes is entirely tin necessary, and no miming is needed. (Cloned), Mas. McVicak. Mineral Point. 1 have no iicsitsition in saying (hat n* hoiischol i should ho with-- , out I)ohhim>' Electee Soap. <l. 11. Cautkujht. Mineral Point, Wis. Ah a time, labor am! money saving article I take pleasure in recommending Dobbins’ Kleetric Soap to my neighbors. It prom ises to do wonders; but it does all it promises. (Signed) Was. Iln/rox, M inend Point. 1 desire all my friends ami customers to give this soap an actual trial, so that they may know just how good the best soap in the the United States is. J. T. Peidkaui, Sole Agt., 8-ly Mineral Point, ifis. The Singer Still Triumphant. 128,212 If,CHIB SOLD IS 1877. uich i't /•// A t’di’/i/ i.i/uii ii i tt‘. it ai< /(',y fr ./// Other .1/ c/iincft, t'UKA \KK Til tv WimpTi'xl. Most Dumblo! ' ‘ ' f ''J ■ ,/ MiU'htHt in the MtV'itti. (’ill! at th >.l I’W KI.UV STOIJK . (' 11. JAM IIS an.l see thm. * M.u'i.i ' Leased, ;■ sv , ; Hie Installment Plan c. A. BLANCHARD, Travelhig Agaut, ' 1 I i NEW CARDIACS AND WAGON FACTORY. ITliWIWji IlikSKINd. II U K Ol'IM |i \ Carriage an ’. Wagon Shop in a nix .i kos-m mom la n ni\u, >i\ < 'OMM K! I l\ \i] |^/p f iimi hrinn r-u|>|>l i'il ,|!i FI RSI - JLAfcM ST'M’K. OP MATERIAL lu'lh lor \V no I Work In i • : w Pi ucti'ii! Imu tln it, , i 'hh* nf '.VAGOSS, '2ARR ’ Ai V S, i"IGG!ES, CUTTERS etc, Than or.*r D’fnn* fnntc.l w\ in Vim; l ’ Mi' n-.t lfvMi;nc in m-cl n! mhM IF n-: In f holt* Him >• “ 1 ' • 1 ''„ ’’ * •’ ' '. in.* i. at* the i y will oil it yon I In* muni tfivoi Jill.- trull- 'I I E:M|ri.|ri *- * .n. !> Stu-, | \\\\\ ,: | ‘|“ H lor doi' a I loiui** o| -n- I >l j Uhliij'rtial l-psHiliu. I lolls HI SI l( )\<]\ I\(J. MvSi i- ] >l l 11 <’ ,-gTo\ , II 7/o irill do hiaekxniHU /cork i'ur il/i/// ot their shop on Commerce Street . /s rrpuled In he the BEST HORSE SHOEK IN THE STATE, An I will (llwiy. lio I Un ,v' Iwho uml 1 hhiniiii: ilium t | m * prlfr* I’■ r anything in "i - line am- ns a call, and we will endeavor (,<> r ait you so well (Iml yOl will In- me In i oum li.u-k In ns, i 1 Cl I UNO W V IIOSKINU. Go to X>odgeville! And will'll till'll' ".I tn F. W. HTUATM A N & < 'O.'s 11 ymi u mil good Wag-ons, Carriages, Plows, &c. i i.i. im/.-A wahha vr/:i> r<> ci: maul (><• run he si 1/1 77,7.7,1 L Our Stock of Material IH Tj A Iu J K AND VV Kl l sioa SO N ISD. Ctwli ImyiTH and all o(lu r~, give us u call and wo will try ( please you. Very IJi*jl y. US- tf K. W. hTUATMAN it CO. mvs OSHOKXK, Jeweler and Engraver, Minkhau Point, Wisconsin, Engraviiig. 1 make Engraving a specialty Articles purchased at my store will bo engraved frkk Of ciiAßob, i am the only Engraver in the city Call and see me. J£. Oibouse GROCERY STORK And J install rant. MRS. KISSELL lUi* removed to the alo'ii next to U. I), I'ulCoio on the went, ohc kaepa cooatalljr (to Imail a full line of Fresh Groceries, And over) thing kept In a general froooap soar* RESTAURANT, Meals Served at all Jlomrv; Ice Cream, Deffloo, tad all the dellcaclna ol tOooaaM* Ultra bar a call, and m>o If oka ooaa'l ptMSao what oka praawo