Newspaper Page Text
THE DEMOCRAT. ♦♦♦ . Mineral Point, Friday, April 18, 1870. Local Items. Joseph Cook is coming. Work has been commenced on the streets. Mineral is selling for 515.00 per thousand. Rev. A. W. Seahrease, spent the beginning of this week in Chicago. Pulford’s display of garden and field seeds is simply immense. Fall wheat looks unusually well for this season of the year. P. T. Barnum’s great show will visit the West this season. Last Tuesday was "fish day" for mam of our young folks. Farmers are busy in the fields. A late spring makes hard work. Dubuque. lowa lias a bad case of revolution. were beaten. Rev. P. S. Mather has bought a farm near Lincoln, Nebraska, and is going there to live. The fair of the Boscobel Driving- Park Association will be held Sept. •J tth. 25th and 20. R. J. Penhallegon, Jr. is building a dwelling house on the lot just Fast of James Toay's residence. \ son of Stephen A. Douglas is about to commence the practice of law in Chicago. Our citizens arc busy cleaning up their yards. The green laws will soon be visible. Mr. T. S. Anslcv lias removed the maple trees that stood along his fence on Ridge street. Spread abroad the news that Joseph Cook will lecture in the M. F. Church on Saturday. May the 3d. Messrs. Torphy and Roberts, of Ridgeway, have gone to Madison to attend school at the I'niversity. The number of pupils attending the High school is greater than at any time before during the school year. Mr. I teller, our popular merchant, started for New York, and Boston, lids morning to buy bis spring stock. The Madison Democrat says that city will never be anything as a Slim mer resort, or anything else, until it hits water-works. Slithers Brothers have removed their stock of groceries, etc., to Win. Prideanxs’ store, two doors West of M. W. Praters. Messrs. Patsey Whalen, Stephen Thomas and James Penhallegon are all improving their residences on State street. A company of Eastern capitalists are erecting works in Milwaukee for the manufacture of zinc white from dry bone. In Nebraska farmers have got all their small grain in, and are now pre paring to plant corn. A little ahead of ns. The population of Dakota has in creased nearly oil,ooo during the past year. The present population of the territory is esiimated at 115,000. Capt. Angus R, McDonald, formerly of the lllh Wisconsin regiment, and an old resident of this Stale, died at j Madison on Monday morning last. There is about sixty dollars in Hie hands of the last Fourth of July com mittee of this city, which will do as a 1 "starter" for a fund for the coming I Fourth. Mr. John Jackson ami Charley Dunn of this city, started for Denver, Color ado, last Monday morning, which place they intend to make their fu ture home. Kinnie \ Spratler have moved into the store building on the west of their old stand. They have lilted up and repainted the building, and it presents a greatly improved appearance. Dr. J, 11. Moffett and Mrs. Alex. Wilson have gone to Nebraska to at tend the sick bed of Mr. Frank Snd deth, who is supposed to bo al the point of death. Win. F. Carter, F,sq„ lots been ill and confined to the house most of the time during the past three weeks. We are pleased to state Unit 1m is gradu ally recovei ing. The Mineral Point road will make an effort to build its road to Dodge ville the present season, hut success is probably contingent upon an agree ment with tlie Central company to build to the same point. Schilling Brothers have removid their shoe shop to a building near the foot of High Street—the same they oc cupied about a year ago. They will continue to make first-class bouts and -hoes to order, and will also do re pairing. The majority forOr-amus Cole for i Associate Justice <u the Supreme Court stands at 30,191, with the coun ties of Brown, Door, Eau Clair. Luke, Fond du, Green, (Icon to and Out agamie to hear from. Cole's majority in the Suite will reach i/X>. Mrs. Kissel 1 has removed her stock of groceries, etc., to the budding r* 1 - cently occupied by 11. s. Clauer. Al her new stand she has more room i than she had before, and will thereby be enabled to keep a first-class grocery store and restaurant. Sheriff Hlackney's team ran away in Muscoda on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Blackuey ami Messrs. 0. ! Lanyon and Pfiesterer were aboard, ; and all three were dumbed out as the team turned a short corner. The . horses ran into a tree. No lives lost. • Mr. Gustav llauus. of the I'. S. Navy, who has been si>ending the jast two months in this city, will leave next week for Alaska, to lake his place as Master of It goverment ves sel which sails for that coast in a few | days. Mrs. llauus and child will re ; main with her folks in this city. The M. K. Church was nicely deco rated with flowers on Master Sunday. In the morning Kev. M. Haleb preaeh -1 cd an able sermon on the text." Christ is risen, indeed.” His discours, in the evening was for the edification of young ladies, and was listened to by a ! large congregalioh. A reader of the In Morn vr would i like to see the following problem i solved by arithmetic: A and 1! invest equal sums of 1 money in trade. A lost tin per cent, of his money, and 15 gained j?oo.o,*> on his. A’s money was then 7‘> per cent of j Is’s. How much did each invest V The Annual examination of Can- I didates for Stale Teachers’ Certificates will be held, as provided by law, at Madison, beginning Tuesday, August I'Jlh. tSTO, at !• o’clock, A. M. The Hoard of Kxaminers consists of Prof. Duncan McGregor, of Platteville, Prof. George W. Peckham, of Milwau kee. and Supt. dames T. Lunn. of 1 ronton. Sank county. The following olllcers were elected jat the annual election of Trinity Parish on Monday last: Senior Warden— K. Delos Pulford. Junior Warden -George Crawford. Vestry—M. M. Strong. W. T. Henry, J. M. Smith, W. 11. Cotterell, and A. W. Cobb. G. H. Max Held, of this place had a cow str. y away about two weeks ago. and after traveling over the country for nearly a week in search of her, last Thursday he handed in a four or live line advertisement for publica tion in the Di:mocuat. Next morn ing someone who had read the notice called on him and told him where he would find the cow. The Chicago and Tomah road was built from Woodman, in Grant, coun ty, to Lancaster, last fall. It is ex pected that the road will be continued for some distance, but its objective point is unknown to us. 'The same company has some twenty or thirty miles of grading on its road in Craw ford and Vernon copnties, and it will I probably bo ironed during the snm | mer. The Illinois and Wisconsin narrow gauge company contemplate building | a road road from Phillips Corners, in La Fayette county, to Avoca, in lowa county, it is also a part of the gen eral nlan, to purchase the Galena and Southern Wisconsin road which lias not been operated since last June, and is soon to be sold, and make it a part of the line. i A "town has boon put in j just north of J. I*. Tramel’s residence. Hie well is about (i:> foot deep, with lea or twelve feet of water. It will be a great eoavenience to the publie. j The cost of putting in the puinp, fenc ing &c, has been about sixty dollars; of this amount 810 has been raised by subscriptions from parlies living in I the immediate neighborhood. The City Connell has been petitioned to ; appropriate the balance of the amount required, 820. A couple of tramps stopped over night at the house of Mrs. John I Thompson of Waldwick, mother-in law of Win. beeves, formerly of this I city. The tramps were given their supper and lodging, and in return for i this kindness they arose early in the morning and "lit out,” taking with them several articles of wearing ap parel. And yet there are some who say it would bo . lelurn to barbarism to make these poor fellows work or punishing them at the whipping-post. The proprietors of the Chicago Morning Herald “have boon forced to put aside the presses which they had calculated would do tin ir work for at least a year,and to procure press fa< ili ics equal to printing thirty thous and copies per hour." They meat pres ent unable to furnish enough copies of the Herald to supply the demand for them. True Democratic doctrine does not seem to bo so unpopular after ail. The Times will have to look well to its laurels, for in a few months more the the Morning Herald will have double the circulation of any other paper in the West. The recent tornado near St. Louis, reaching eastward into Illinois, adds another to the examples which S. W Wisconsin has furnished of destruc tive meteorological convulsions originating apparently, year after year, nearly over the same meridian. Is it a coincidence only that, that line, taken to have a direction somewhat east of north, was the lino of very powerful earthquake movement in the years i'll I'lii.' Have we yet t > understand that there is a connec tion lietween tornadoes and deep sale terraman changes? May there he earthquakes taking effect on the air when agitations of the solid crust of the earth fail of being observed, * The services at Trinity I'lumii on Easter SuiuUv wore of the usual joyous nature, ami wore very largely attended, the Church hoiug pretty well tilled at the early morning service at half past six o'clock. ami tilled to over flowing at the half past ten service ami the Children's Service in the evening. The Easter sermon, hy the Reefer, Rev. A. W. Seahre.ise. was a thought ful ami eloquent one ami was most appropriate to the day. Ihe music was particularly Hue, ami it is proper to remark here that the choir is one of the best in the city, ami to its members much praise is tae for the part tliev contributed tow ards making the Easter services so grand ami joy c ns. The altar, font and organ were beautifully decorated with tloweis. In the evening the children's Faster service of prayer and praise w as held, at the close of which the children of the Sunday School, as they matched out of the Chmvh. received from their teachers their Easter eggs ami cakes Married. At St. Bridget's Chmvh, Ridgeway, hy the Rev. Father l.nbcy. Mr. .lames DutTy and Miss Mary Cleary ; both of Ridgeway. At St. I’hllips Church, Highland. April mill.l>y Rev,sTrant, Nir. Patrick Delaney, el’ Highland, to Miss I,u - \ Manning, of Eden. On Monday, April 14th. hy Rev. .1, t VKeefe, Mr. Timothy Coleman, of this city to M iss dull a Phillips of the town of Mineral Point. On Tuesday, April l.Mh, hy Rex. .1. O'Keefe. Mr. Robert MeHattan, to Miss Mary Coleman, both of this city. John 11. Sylvester. Mr. dohn P>. Sylvester who recently died at Dubuque, lowa, was horn in Avon. Maine, in tsf.>, He married in Nexvhuryport, Mass, in ts.vd. Hi IS.M) he emigrated from New (lamp shire to lowa county. Wis., w here he lived on his beautifill prairie farm "Flevcrdiilc," oiu l of tho loveliest spot in lowa comity, until is"4.when lie removed to Pluttcvillc. The past year has heeu spent in visiting and travel, and the past wiutur in Minn eapolis. Minn. About the last of Feb rnary his health which has been fail ing all winter, became so much worse that his friends were seriously alarm ed and his physicians pronounced his malady to be disease of (he heart and incurable. A month or so ago, be with his wife went to Ibilnupie, to the residence of a sou-iu law, Hr. H. T. Harks, where they were Joined by their daughters, Mrs Sampson and i Mrs. Mills, and their sou ()i is. who re mained until after the father’s death which occurred outlie .Mb iusl. Mr. Sylvester was a member of (he Min eral I’oiut Hodge of Odd Fellows, and the I’laltcville F.ucampmenl. His pall bearers were composed id' mem bers of the latter order. He was j widely known and universally rcspec j ted by all w ho knew him. I Hook out for new goods at Heller's 1 next week. (Ircen appels by the barrel at K unie it Spratler’s. You won’t think these are hard times, when you see those boxes and bales dumped off at Hellers. Mi'src Hr.ssoxs. Miss Agues !■’. Strong, teacher of singing and piano, will be pleased to receive mole pupils. S. Duppler will sell and delivir (lilliuaiiu's Holt led lieer at Ifte per bottle; also Argali's Slock Ale at gee per bottle. Notut;. I am now ready to do all kinds of teaming, and will I'nrnisb rock, sand and lime on short notice. All orders left at Penrose’s meal mar ket will lie promptly attended to. ;f-m IbmiatT .1 1 man. All those knowing themselves in debted to me for services of the horse “Forrester" will please call and settle and save costs as I need the money and must have it. Wm, Fi:.\wi onn. Von can save some money by going to Heller's, to buy your dry goods cloMiing and carpets, before the new stock arrive., as he closes out some of his goods below cost, ill order to gi I plenty of room for his new mammoth spring slock. Don't tritie with a severe Hough or fold. IToenre in time, if yon wish to save doctor bills, a bottle of Hr. Mar shall's Hung Syrup. Price only 'l’> cents, large si/e ;;o cents. Sold by all druggists. N’otui:. All persons knowing them elvo. to be indebted to J. F. Mdv e must settle immediately with Wm. .la-. Healey or myself in order to save east, signed, ,H\s Ki hoi:, at the store of Hanlon ,'v Kchoe, Mineral Point, Wis. L'U ;sv, Our Druggists are selling large quantile . o! Hr. Marshall’s Hung Syrup I'm t aughs, (’olds, and Pulmo nary complaints generally. It lakes the lead of all Cough remedies. Try it, only g* cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists. Well Known.—As it is known that Hr. iTiee’s >iecial Flavoring Kx tracts are not m tde up from chemical | poisons, but natural flavors, delicate | and grateful to the most cultivated I palate, they are growing rapidly in | popular favor. It is only necssary to j try these flavors to Im; convinced that 1 they are fine and jure. Two good second hand sewing ms’ chines, for sale by Rirely A Son Payable in hay or wood. dohn Horn is shipping potatoes to Chicago at the rate of two ear loads per week. He wants several more ear loads of tirst class potatoes, foi which he will pay the highest market price. A tine lot of cultivated cranberries 12 quarts for St.oo at Kinnie A Sprat lei ’s, A I i \i nv. The I uique Perfumes made hy Dr. Price are indeed a luxury : their fragrance as sweet and exhilara ting as a w alk in a garden of (lowers at evening close. Dr. Price’s odors are truly a* sweet and natural as dow ers freshly gathered. Try his Eoral Riche*: it is a cologne water of de lightful fragrance. 1. A DIES. HOED ON FOR ONE WEEK ON I.Y. IN ONE WEEK FROM DATE. 1 Wll.l. OFFER VOF I’HF MOST' EI.KHAN V I.IN F. OF MISSES AND LADIES TRIM MFD AND FNTRIMMFD 11 V I", MADE IT IN TIIK LATEST SI "I I.IS, \ C THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. and. OKI.HER. Is it x\x woxnt it. In view of the immense amount of adulterated bak ing powders used In the masses of people in food, is it any wondei that there are diseasixt gums.decayed teeth amt disordered digestion? To escape these (nils, use Dr. Price’s Cream Raking Powder, the only kind made by a Physician, with great care. Mini um point. Vpril nth. isi'd. The co-partnership heretofore exist ing under the llnu name of Sehaelter A Wasley, is hereby dissolved bv mn tual consent. The iU'eonnts of said firm ha\(• boi'ii dixided, each member of the firm is empowered to receipt in settlement of accounts, w Inch they respectively hold due the old drill. dosimi Son a i l i ra. ttil-Tw doiiN Seeds I Seeds ! Harden seeds of every variety, suit able for this climate, for sale at low prices at Dr. and. 11. Vivians. City Property Tor Sale 1 olb r for sale my property on dor usalein street consisting of my hoiwe and lot, cabinet shop, and barn. A good bargain can he Imd hy calling soon. Mils. dos. Ei.i i xui Hoots ami Shoos. A large and attractive stock of (he celebrated Rradley V Metcalf hoots and shoes, just armed at F. Osborne \ Son’s, at thecorner store three doors wist of the Post Olllee, consisting of line buttoned and side-laeed gaiters, boy’s boots, very cheap: plow hoots nothing will equal them for eomfoVt mid durability, and so very cheap. axv '• FORECLOSURE SALE. stale of Wisconsin lowa County Cir cuit Court. Louisiana Maildin, Plaintiff, against llarvev S. Keyes, Sarah Keyes (his wife),.). A. Hazard,and L. A.'llishop, I lel'emlants. Notice is hereby givi'ii that hy . irlue of and pnrsnan' to a judg ment of foreclosure and sale ren dered in the above entitled action in said lowa County Circuit Court mi Hie Ist day of April, A. D. tslrt, t will expose for sale and sell at public a iclion to Hie highest bidder for cash, at the front door of Hie Court House in Hie village id' Dodgcville, in said I minty, and Stale, on Tuesday, the •_*7ll l day of May, A. D. 2o'clock in Hie afternoon of said day Hie fol- I ixving described mortgaged premises, i r so ninch thereof ax shall he neces sary to raise the amount of said judg ment, interest, costs, and cost of sale, to-wit: Rot No. eight (si, anil that part of Ini No. HIT ecu (l.T)desci jbed as follows: Commencing at the south westerly corner of said lot No. in, thence east erly along Fountain street thirty-live (:}.■) feet, thence northerly on aline naralkd with the west side of said lot No. in, to the northern boundary thereof, thence westerly along the northern boundary line to the north wesl corner of said lot No. in, thence southerly along Hie west line of said lot No, in to the place id' beginning; all of said lots being in block thirty une(:in Strong and others addition to the village (now city) of M ineral Point, < 'minty and state aforesaid. Dated Sheriff's olllee Dodgcville, lowa County, Wisconsin, this sth day of April, A. D. IN”!). THOMAS BRACK N F, V, SheriJf low a ('o., Wis. IliiNitv ,x Smith, Attorneys for Plaintiff. tin FOR ITADVJLIT AND TDK Mining Regions of Colo rado, Mew Mexico and Arizonia. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Is the ('henpest and most Direct Route. Dcadville, f-’olorado, Wichita. Ksus.*is. lienvtr, do Kin wm it, no F'aebiO. do AMleiw, do Colorado Hprlngs, (*o|. Rulin'*. flu fi si K ilswk. < ulorado, Mncoln, ?fbrr*pka, a ufgr(>wli, ri York. do ' Vnlta! Ctiy, do ID itrJri*, do (tarlandr-t/. do A*bland, do Trinidad. do do Kansas City,Missouri, ID sir • . do Hi Joseph. do Itadf iond, do leaven worth, Kr-ov. Kearney, do fort Herdl, do Tl'kH* to ail points rssrh<*d by the* Chicago, Darlington A: tjuiroy It l{ . st low rsU*. arc on *al* at tb*’ ticket oflßc's at Mineral I'oinl, Darlington, Iklaiont a:.d FlaUevUta. J*awn ger tmin tasvi u/ in tb* morning mtxkn rlmi M ipn §§ (fains lor the West. For information as t rata of fare, tune. etc.. ati!y In person or by teitvr to tb* Agent* of the Mineral I'omt Raw rod. Emigrant tickets received for passage od exprtss trains. •JAMES /{. WOOD , (Jcneral I’aosobger A^etit. R R Chicago, 111. CHAMPION Reapers and Mowers! Host Hoopoes mol Flowers in tlio World I The Most Complete Meeluuiism. IVrteeted utter Yours of Study bv I'ulented Inventors. As Grain and Grass Cutters they hnvo no K|Uttl, uml the Reaper is acknowledged l>v all to ho The Boss Flax-Cutter. \\ hen all others tailed many Farmers hud to borrow Champions to cut thoir Flax cuts it wet or dry, green or ripe. Also the Star Cora Planters, .McDermott, Gorham and Acme Sulky Cultivators . .V. C. Thompson’s Sulky and St u hide Plows , St rat nmn Plows. ALSO AUKNT' I OiC BUFFALO PITTS AND MASSILON THRESHERS. KKI’AIKS for all the above machines for sale. near Depot. A. li. FKRIB. SPRING OF 1879! NEW ROODS 1-TOR TILE I SERINE TRADE I .1 usL, A rrivod At GUNDEY & GRAYS. Lower Prices than Ever Before Offered in lowa County. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK AID PRICES AND BE CONVINCED. CMTNDUY & GRAY. Cjl* <) 10 Hife JV. JL— H e make a Specialty of COTTON GOODS, And at Prices liraf cannot he undersold. Mineral Point, Win., March I, IH7.H (J. & (1. cream baki n c fmmm Eminent. Chemists and Physicians certify that those goods are free from adulteration, richer, more offootlvo, produce bettor result* than any others, and that they use them in thotr own famines. rm murm’n UNIQUE PERFUMED arc the Gem* of all Odom, K HKiI H \ TOOTHENE. Anugr-cable, healthful Liquid Dentifrice. .!) J lUUIJ U LEMON SUGAR. A substitute for Lemons. UU '* myAJ M EXTRACT JAMAICA GINGER. From the purs root STEELE A PRICE'S LUPULIN YEAST OEMS. , The Hen Dry Hop leas I 4s the World, STEELE & PRICE. Mantra., Chicago, St. Loui. ft ClnoinnatL