Newspaper Page Text
THE DEMOCRAT. MINERAL POINT, - - - WIH. FRIDAY, MAY 2,1870. ■ ■: ■ ■. l*A RAD KA I’ll IU. Thl superintendent of education re port* that not less than one thousand children of pupil age died in Memphis of yellow fever. It has been decided to change the gauge of the Hi. Louis, iron Mountain and Houthern railway from five feet to the standard gauge of forty-eight and a half inches. A CARTKIixiK is said to have been in vented which floats on the water, tables good to ducks, and blows their heads ofl when they chew it. ft i suggested that they eschew it. ■■■■■■ "■ —■ The world averages an annual product of 081,000,000 pounds of lea, China pro ducing 000,000,000, Japan 40,000,000, India 35,000,000 and Java 0,000,000. Hundukdh of emigrants to Manitoba are leaving and going south into Minne sota and Dakota, on account of high prices of all kinds of manufacturi .1 ar ticles in the British provinces, income of the iI oosac tun nel and railroad to the state of Massa chusetts last year was #1120,000. Over SBO,OOO was paid out of this for im provements last year. This year a hill nas been reported appropriating about SIBO,OOO for the improvement and maintenance of the tunnel. Tim canvass over the new constitution in California is animated in the ex treme. The Han Francisco /W (Repub lican) believes that the stale is confront ed by a greater danger than that which threatened in 1801, calls for a series of mass meetings to express in immistakii hlc terms the sentiment of the people. On the other hand the Chrnnifk (on the ranee) predicts that the proposed con stitution will he adopted, and calls upon the fanners to rally to its support. The election occurs May 7. A man named Drown, nu American, who had been admitted to (he Charity hospital in New York city in 1878, suf fering from leprosy, died on Halnrdiiy. lie contracted the disease at Hanliago, Cuba. The treatment of his ease is considered by the hospital physicians as nn evidence that, in this country at least, leprosy is not contagious. Drown was treated Just like any patient sulVer ing from an ordinary and not contagious disease, None of the attendants con tracted the malady. Ho is supposed to have Hollered from the disease from four to six years, the leprous marks manifesting themselves particularly on his hands, feel, longue, larynx,, anil head, causing him to lose his hair on different parts of the scalp. Homk thieves who manifested remark able ingenuity luivo lately boon caught in Orimoa. Tlioy operated thus; A tbiof was looked in an oinpty trunk by his mates; the trunk wan Mont to tbu railroad depot as the baggage o( a pan- Hunger and put in tbo baggage-car; one of Ida males, who claimed (lie baggage, took passage in tbo name train to the next station; assrsm an everything was quiet in lint baggage-ear the thief in the trunk opened il and crawled out; he ransacked the rent of the baggage and pul in liia own trunk such valuable ar ticles aa were available; then he crawl ed back to the trunk and locked him self in, and, on reaching the next sta tion, bis mate look oil the trunk as his baggage, and they proceeded to secure their plunder. The gang of Russian thievet who conceived this scheme managed to carry it on successfully fot some time, but at last, on the occasion of one adventure, the thief in the trunk look in with him such an amount of stolen goods that the trunk hurst open at an unfortunate moment. The method of operation was discovered and the thieves were brought to the bar. How formidable iiro tin* revolution nry force* which have hcon not in mo tion in Rue*!* is *hown l>y tho murder ou attack Upon the czar, described in the cabin dispatches. This is not Nicholas of the iroh hum!, hot Alexan der the liberator; and thin dastardly crime cumc* at the end of a reign in which the most gigantic reform* have been undertaken. Million* of serfs have been net free and a radical trans formation baa been wrought in the con dition of land tentnre; for unlike tin' American freed man, the Russian peas ant ha* been put in the way of becom ing a land-owner. After the Crimean war capital pnnishmanl was abolished, the right of trial by jury was established, and, with the exception of the secret police, the whole administrative sys tem was uprooted. Instead of resisting the liberalism of tho time, the czar placed himself at tho bead of a great popular movement. He lias been al most the only professional reformer among tbc Romanoffs, and yet, in the end, be is a target for the assassin’s bullet*. VERY LATEST NEWS. Heloctud From Every Source ami Boiled Down. WASHING TOW. AN Associated Press dispatch under I dale of April 20th says the president has nominated Charles H. Latnon, of 111., United Suites attor ney, for Wyoming. A Washington special of the 38th of April gules that the excess of exports over imports of merchandise for the twelve months ending March 31.187!), was $283,831,1*-% against $199 490,803 for the year ending March 31, IS7B. Advickm from Washington of the 241 h state that the Wisconsin delega tion selected representative Pound to represent their stall! in the republi can congressional campaign committee, and tiic Illinois delegation selected representative Davis, of Chicago. At the close of business on the 38th of April there was about $(55,000.0()o in called 10-40 bonds on deposit in the treasury to secure - the circulation of national hanks, most of them being owned by western hanks. All of these will have to he replaced by aliothir class of government bonds within the next sixty days, and the syndicate con trols the market. Hales and 1 per cent, certificates arc very rapid, hut are mostly in eastern stales. A Washington press dispatch of the 33d says the senate com mittee on public lands after a full examination of the charges against Horace Austin, of Minn., late third auditor ot the treasury, by reason of which bis continuation as register of llie Fargo, D. TANARUS., land oilier, was re cently suspended, agreed to-day lore port back his nomination with a recom mendation that it be linully conlirmeil. The report was so made and the senate confirmed Austin’s nomination. A Washington special of the 3Hih of Apiil says that Congressman Rush Clark, of lowa, died sud denly at bis rooms this after noon alter an illness of only a few bourn. Mr. Clark was in good health yesterday and an.l onSnlmday occupied Ids usual seal in the bouse. He was taken sick at 3 o’clock this morning with a severe attack of meningitis, and although prompt medical aid was summoned, lie continued to sillier ex tremely, and died after only twelve hours’ illness. The news of bis death was generally circulated Ibis evening and is received with a universal expres sion of sincere sorrow. A kisi'ATi ’ll from Washington under date of April ‘J'.Jlh says the treas ury department Inis been advised that, its instructions in the circular ot April 1 sib, reserving refunding certifi cates for sale in sums not to exceed SIOO am being evaded for speculative purposes, ami announces that where such evasion is manifest, or where any one person claims more Ilian SIOO either for Id'uself or others, the eerlili eales will Is fused, ami the authority of any designated depository who fails to enforce the regulations, will be withdrawn and commissions will not bo allowed on sales made by him, Auur.Aiis of pensions will soon be made happy; a Wiissiiiiigton dispatch of the 33 and says the payment of arrears of pensions has begun and it is believed buck pen sions can be paid as rapidly as ac counts arc made up, or at the rate ot a million and a half a month, unless un expected appropriations should be hereafter made by congress. After the hrsl of July, the saving created by Ibe process of refunding will tell favorably upon the llnaiices. The annual saving by refunding is $13,(100,000, and two years saving on interest, will go towards paying these arrears of pension without increasing the burden of the public debt. An associated press telegram from Washington of April -lib stales that the house committee on coinage, weights and measures to day consider ed Hie subject embraced in tin- bill iu liodueod by Mr. Foil, which provides “that the secretary of the treasury shall cause to he exchanged at the treasury and at all the snh treasuries legal-len der silver dollars for trade dollars of 4'JO grams standard silver at par, and shall leeoin said trade dollars into legal lender dollars of-1 I‘JJ grains standard silver, as now provided by law, and shall slop the Inrlher coinage of trade dollars, j Secretary Sherman was present and gave his views. There is. he said, in circulation upwards of ;tiI,OOO,UOO of trade dollars. The value of the metal in trade dollars is greater than bullion, hence it would not he purchased for conversion into bullion. A Washinoton dispatch under date ot April 'JSih says that holders of Amer ican awards are waiting with interest lire decision of the secretary of stale on the contested claims of llenjamiii NN eil land vs. The l,aohra Silver Mining com- 1 pany, which the last congress directed tire executive to investigate, to deter mine whether there shall be a rehear ing on tin' charges of fraud presenter! by Mexico against tire claims. Should lire claims he thrown out there is a sum amounting to nearly f1,2tH1,000 will he distributed among the holders. Secre tary Everts lias had the evidence before him since January, and lias notified counsel for Mexico that be will bear argument in the eases before deciding wbetl era new trial shall be bad in ac cordance with the provisions of tire ac tion of congress. CRIME. A Jersey City press dispatch of April 2,‘td says a man enlen and the National of Vineland yesterday and asked to seethe presideni. I’"liber being absent, the visitor procededed to tran sact some business with tho cashier. | Happening to turn around for a book he saw a stranger in the vault, sprang upon him, and after a short struggle, recovered from the intruder. Phe robber had two companion* one at the desk in front, and another with a earnage outside. They escaped with nearly $1 OiH). The three men were Kngllsh, and supposed to he profes sional hank-rohhers. A Lasoouv, Nib., dispatch under date of Ann! Jo h says that Richards the bk-ody butcher to be bung at Mendeu, .Saturday, lias lout all bin bravido. Hiiarill Kicnne. of Kearney county, is lu re to lake birn up to-morrow. Rich ards has exhibited the moat remarkable bravado since bis arrest, until last week. Now be is utterly unmanned, and iq>- pearances ate that bo will have to be carried upon the scaffold. He cries like a child, cannotsleep, and has eaten nothing since Tuesday. He is a most pitiable object, and, after committing ten murders, is ready to kneel and beg (or mercy, notwithstanding bis repeated boasts that he,would meet ins fate with out flinching. A CnicAdO dispatch under date of April 271 b says the jury in the case of Peter E. Stevens on trial for killing ids wife, returned a verdictof manslaughter at noon to-day, and fixed the penalty at 14 years in tiie penitentiary. As the prisoner was being taken from the court to bis cell, Mrs. Voting bis-molber in-law, stepped up (prickly behind him put a pistol to bis bead and pulled the irigger; fortunately for the prisoner a handkerchief in which the pistol had been concealed intervened between the hammer and cap and caused the pistol to miss lire. A warrant has been sworn out for Mrs. Young’s arrest. A (li.inton, Jib, dispatch under date of April t!oth says that one of the most daring hank robberies ever known in Ibis section of the country was com mitted mi Scroggs A Hawyer’s bank, of Ml. Pulaski, nineteen miles southwest of this city, last night. At 2 o'clock Mr. Walter Hawyei heard a knocking sit llu! front door of ids residence, mid, upon responding was met by three masked men with pistols, who threat cried his life if he uttered a sound, pro ceeds! to gag him and take him to the hind;, where lie was made to open it, and, while one watched, the other look $l5O In (limes and nickels which were not deposited iii the safe. The safe con tained from Jilt),000 to SSO,IKK) in cash and bonds, hut, luckily for the owners, they had recently put on a time-lock, which could not he opened. The hunk was ill oh saved from wholesale rob bery. Mr. Sawyer was left in the hank till morning, when he was discovered, and search immediately instituted for the burglars. One of them was left in charge of Sawyer’s wife while the others were robbing tin l hank. A Ciiicaoo dispatch of i lit 2l!d stales that while Edwin Booth was giving the soliloquy in the last act of Richard 11, at McVicker’s theatre, to-night, a shot was tired at him by a man in the left hand upper gallery. I tooth sal still till after about three seconds, a second shut was tired, when ho rose and started toward the led wing of the stage, pointing out as he went the wonid-he assassin. The latter was at once seized, and hut for the intervention of the officers would have been roughly handled. He stales his name is Marl Gray, that he is 2!i years old, a dry goods clerk ofSt. Louis; that he has been It years preparing to do this deed and is surprised that he failed; that his failure to kill Booth is the only part of the attempt which he regrets, dray says Booth wronged a friend of his one lime and he has been resolved lo punish him over since. He stated he is from Keokuk hot is now traveling for a linn m St. Louis. He was only thirty feet distant from Booth when he tired the shot. Ho mid on his person, a letter addressed to a lady by the name of Katie, staling his intention of shooting Booth, to-night, and asserting in a rambling way that Lawrence Barrett, is a superior actor to Booth. He is now in custody at the Central Station, and talks coherently. The audit nee ul McVicker’s remained after this enismle, and the play pro ceeded to the end without a further break. FIRES. Tun Logan house at (ialena burned nn tlio night of theS27th of April: loss $12,000, with half that stun of insur ance. A OoKUAM, New Hampshire, dispatch of April 2Slh says nearly all the business portion of this village hurtled to-day. Nearly all of tchange street was burned. Thirty families are homeless and twenty buildings destroy ed. Loss $500,000. The most thickly settled and business portion of the vil lage is gone. Tun HerkinieV, N. V.. paper com pany's mill at Herkimer, of which Congressman Warner Miller is one of the heaviest stockholders, burned Satur day night. L iss, $d(l,000; insurance, $15,000. It is supposed to lie accident al, as the engineer, Henry Piet/., was burned. The Enterprise paper mills at Wil mington, 111., were destroyed by lire on the night of April 27th. The books and papers weie saved, but the ma chinery, owned by M. D. Keeney, and valued at SIU),(HH), u a total loss. | Dr. H, E. Frott owned the building, and j loses about $2,000. Keeney's insurance lis SIO,OOO. This is the third time he has been burned out in fourteen years. The origin of the lire is unknown. A Cihoauo dispatch of the 25th says a fire broke out at No. 214 Kin/.ie street, at about seven o’eloek this evening. For over three hours the (lames were actively destroy ing property in that vicinity, being as sisted by the peculiarly inllammable character of the contents of the build ings. Nos. 214 to 218 were completely gutted. Total loss nearly SBO,IH.H), CASUALTIES. A La Crosse, Wis., special of April - till. Suva Amm Fisher atrial 17 vears, n member of night policeman Fisher's futility, was assisting Mi. Fisher put dowini carpet, when a tamp which was standing on the lloor was overturned and exploded, throwing the hurtling oil all over her. She ran into the yarn, fanning the dailies in the wind so that they blasted up fifteen feet above her hod'v. She was finally caught hy a son of Fisher, who threw’her down and ex tinguished the tlanies hy throw ing sand over her. She was terribly burned, the entire right side of her Kidy being crisped, w ith the skin hanging in shreds. She is very low, hut the doctors arc as yet undecided whether she will re cover or not. A Misnkavoijw special under date of 1 April 4lh, says the walls of the Galaxy [ mil! fell at a quarter before l> this after j noon, killing Mike Farrell and injuring slightly Mike Hand and Daniel Connor. ; The Galaxy was one of the mills burn 'ed at the time of the great mill explo sion in May last, and the wail had once before stood a lire that burned the en tire imide of the mill. After the ex plosion the mayor condemned the walls and ordered them to be blown down, hut the proprietor resisted. The wall has stood for nearly a year, hut work was commenced a week ago recon structing the walls. No less than thirty ' men were employed in the mill at jilie time of the disasler, all of whom j had a narrow escape. The falling walls carried with them the timbers of three j lloors which had been constructed, and j filled the pit with a confused mass of ; debris. Considering the circumscribed quarters and the number of men em ployed, it is miraculous that there was not a greater loss of life. Farrell was 1 not married, and has resided here about a year. He was horribly man gled, and bis death was almost instant aneous. Hand was cut about the head and shoulders. Connor received a bad cut on the head from a falling rock. It is believed Unit all the other workmen escaped, hut search is being made for other victims. CABLEGRAMS. A Constantinople special of April l UOlh says the Porte lias obtained iclicf from ils most pressing pee,uniary em barrassments, it is generally believed, by raising a loan in London on the sur plus revenue of Cyprus. Bei/ikade special advices of the 25th state that the Turkish troops assisted the Servians who were operating against tne Albanian invaders. The .Servians left many officers and men, but the Al banians were driven from Servia, leav ing 200 dead behind them. A London special under date of April 21th says the number of persons killed by the fire-damp explosion in the Ag rappe coal pit, near Mans. Belgium, on April 17, is ascertained to hi* one hun dred ami seventeen. Only forty-seven j corpses have so far been recovered. A H’KTAl.of the 25th says that Pisa (liiano, in Peru, has been bombarded. The guano loaded appliances at Hnnil los and Pahellondo Pica have have been destroyed. Igitnqiio is still blockaded, and all sailing vessels have left; the workmen have fled, ami business in the interior is entirely disorganized. Advices from St. Petersburg of April 25th slate that the Russian command ers in Bulgaria and Luster n Room el in have received stringent orders to en force stricter discipline among the troops. Asa consequence of the laxity heretofore, the soldo rs propagate revo lutionary ideas on returning to Russia. Athens advices of the 2-Uh state that in consequence of the delay of tin; poro in carrying into effect the reforms voted by the Cretan Assembly, the Turkish authorities have been defied, and the laws utterly disregarded. Armed men have assembled in various districts, determed to resist the collec tion of taxes. Tki.kuhams from India under dale of April 28th speak of the complete breakdown of the quarter master’s and commissary's departments of the Kliy ber column at Jollallabad and Grand Amak, owing to a lack of transporta tion the column is said to ho incapaci tated for olfensivo operations. The garrison if C.uulahar is in a very simi lar position in consequence of those failures. A Vienna special of the 2tlh hist, ays one difficulty between England ind Russia has been smoothed away. Inssia consents that the Governor of Eastern Ronmelia may call for the as sistance of the Ottoman troops if he has the sanction of a bare majority ot the International Commission. Russia, luwever, persists that the delineation of the fiontier boundary the Commis si m must he unanimous on all ques tions of principle. A Rome dispatch of the 28th says Garibaldi lias started for Alhano. lit* published a manifesto to the Italian people enthusiastically congratulating iliem on the formation of a democratic loigno tor the promotion of universal suffrage. The manifesto concludes as follows: “The league had decided to work by pacific means, and whoever governs Italy must take note if, by im- Deling work of the league, he compels it to resort to other means, he will ho held accountable by history and the nation. A Berlin dispatch of April 28th says the trial of the three medical students, convicted and sentenced to imprison ment for disturbing the public order and maintaining secret connections, took place in Berlin, not Ht. Folersberg. I’tieir names are Greevitz, Arhom and Liehernmim, the last-named under the (dfiis of Arthur Freeman, connected with the leading socialists m Europe ami America, and was on his way to Hwilzerland from Vienna, from whence he had been expelled, after a month’s imprisonment, when he was seized and taken to Berlin on account of his communication with Greevetz and Arohnson. His letters showed the plan for establishing in Berlin a section of Nihilists to act as a sort of way sta ttoi for communications between Lon don and Ht. I’etersburg. GENERAL NOTES. A dispatch uf April 24th save that cash of yellow fov.r appeared in New Orleuis. Kc-Ji iv.k Gev>. 8. Bkknakd of the Ni'a York Supremo court died ou the 27th hist. Tik legi.l.tlive appropriation bill passtd the house on the 2dlh hv a vote of 11) to 119. Cat. David 0. Woods died at Mure IMaul, April 2l;h. Paring the war he companded the monitor Kickapoo. UK. James I’. Brown low, late cavalry ollicir of the federal army, and sou of ex-Suiator llrownlow. died at his moth er’s residence in Knoxville. Term.. Aprillllhh. Ttu steamer Kio Janeiro was run downand sunk on the 2tUb, in a fog, by the talk Velocity. The captain and j ten ollhe crew succeeded in climbing on hard the steamer by the anchor chain, hut the steward and a hoy were drowned, A Minneapolis, Minn., special under date of April 2'Jfu says the millers of Minneapolis are on a strike on ac count of a reduction of wages 20 per cent. A Han Francisco dispatch of April 26th says six thousand Chinamen are now employed in the construc tion of the Southern Facific rail way of California, which is being pushed forward at the rate of three miles a day. The track is laid to Mari copa. A St. Lous dispatch of the 28th says that Judge Cady, of the crim inal court, to-day, fined about fifty lottery venders, from five to eight hundred dollars each, for selling lottery tickets of the Missouri state lottery, and committed them to jail till the fines arej paid. The aggregate fine amounts to I ahull t $.‘15,000, B Bismarck special under date of April 28th says: General Sheridan and General Terry left this morning on the steamer Big Horn, on a visit to Forts Vatcs, Bennett, tSully, Hale, and Ran dall. They will come out at Yankton. Sheridan will also take notes as to the conduct of the agencies on the river, cablegrams The New York Tribune of the 26th says the Iriends of Col. Jno. Groesbeck, brother of the Hon.Wm.S. Groesbeck, of Ohio, and brother-in-law of Gen. Joe Hooker, are greatly distressed over his unaccountable disappearance from the Fifth avenue hotel, in this city, where ho has lived formany years. He left the hotel two weeks ago, saying he was going west, and since that time all truce of him has been lost. His per sonal effects be left in his room. A Han Francisco dispatch of the 24th states that there was a disastrous hurri cane at the Friendly islands, March 6. The Roman Catholic Chapel, Wesleyan Farsonage, English Consulate, Govern ment ware-house, many business build ings, and two-thirds of the dwellings were razed to the ground. The cocoa nut crop was destroyed. The hark Queensland, forty-two days out from Newcastle, Australia, for Auckland, is feared to have been lost with all hands. The Facific mail steamer Alaska com pleted repairs at Honolulu, and sailed for Yokohama, April 20. A Wilkesiiarre, Fa., telegram of Ann! 28th says that after four days’ en tombment, the miners imprisoned at Sugar Notch by the fall of the roof of the mine, were released this morning. The men sustained life by the meat of a mule, which the hoy sent to give them warning had fortunately taken with him, and a stream running through the mine gave them water. The reliefs of the laborers have been constantly at work, night and day, and finally these have succeeded in making a channel through fifty foot of black coal. Those men snitered little from confine ment, and they and their rescuers were loudly cheered as they reached the sur face of the mine. A Cincinnati special telegram of the 2<>lli says that Hie case of C. C. Wash hum, of Minneapolis, Minn., against the Western Insurance company, is on trial before a. jury. The suit is one ot seven begun in this court to recover in surance on the famous mills in Minne apolis, The seven insurance companies that have been sued hero contest then liability on the ground that the lire oc cured after the explosion. Testimony has been introduced, however, to show that smoke was seen issuing from the windows of the mill before the explo sion. The present trial is understood to he a test case. The amount of the policy is $2,050. The Chicago Union Veteran Club at its meeting April 20th, adopted the fol lowing resolution; Resolved, that the Union Veteran’s chib, of Chicago, most heartily approve of the manly moral courage exnihitod by our distinguished comrade Senator Logan, in declining to accept the code diullo as a moans of refuting a vile calumny which needs no refutation, and in thus setting al defiance a barbar ous custom by one whose personal courage has so often been demonstrated in defense of his country, A New York press dispatch of the 27th, states that the preliminary papers have been served in a soil which S. B. Chittenden and Gen. But ler agreed should he brought to test the validity of the reissue of United States legal tender notes in a time of peace. The suit has been brought in the United States circuit court for the southern district of New York, and is founded on a genuine transaction, in the regular course ol business. The trial of the action may not lake place for a month at least, but whatever the decision by Judge Blotch ford may bo, the defeated party will appeal to tiie sir reme conn of the United States, in time probably for argument at the October term. Senator K Imunils will he associated with W in. Allen Butler, in arguing the validity of the re-issued notes. Gen. Butler, it is understood, will make the principal argument for the defence. A Newark, New Jersey, dispatch of April 27th says that the Sunday law was generally observed here to-day. Ac cording to agreement, most all places of business were closed, with the excep tion of drug stores and telegraph of fices. Constables in large numbers met trains from New York on arrival and prevented delivery of New York pa ! pers, which created considerable feeling among citizens generally. Some pa- I pers, however, were smuggled through I and sold readily at high prices. The day passed quietly, and few arrests were made for violation of the Sunday law. A Detroit dispatch i ‘ April 2d says work commenced to-day with considerable ceremony on the Canada Southern railway tunnel to jbe built under the Detroit river at ’ Grass Isle. Special trains ran from 'Detroit, Toledo and from Canadian ' points on the Canada S nilhern to carry j invited guests and railway officials, I Ground was broken On the Canada side for the approach to the tunnel cn- I trance. The parliament act authoriz i ing the construction of the tunnel was , read by Secretary Kingsmitt, of the Canada Southern, and dedicatory speeches were made by W. K. Muir, secretary, C. A. King. Toledo, Fresi dent Green, of the Columbus fc Toledo railway, President Hugelt of the Cana dian Midland railway, and others, after which the entire party partook of an elaborate collation spread in the ollice of the tunnel eompany. The New York Hemli of lire 25th inst., publishes a complete description of the results of Edison’s latest research es and experiments on the subject cf illumination by electricity, and says it begins to look as if the vast capital of the gas companies of all the cities ot the world is to be annihi'ated by this new invention. The burning of coal gas vitiates the air of an apartment, whereas the electric light does not im pair its purity. It has no other effect on the atmosphere of a room than that of healing it. The problem of ex pense having been completely solved, it is demonstrated that electric light can he produced at a mere fraction of the cost of illuminating with gas. A Lucky Canadian Fanner. New York Tribune. It is worth one’s while to be second cousin to a millionaire when all the other heirs-at-law are dead. Forty years ago Oxenham, an English lilc maker, began to save his pennies in Toronto, and when he had SIB,OOO in bank he removed to Lambton county, where he bought large tracts of land and sold them at a profit. He finally settled down on the Old London lioad, three miles from Wyoming station, on the Great We tern railway. Here he has lived quietly and peaceably for un ward of a quarter of a century. List summer he received a letter from an olil friend in Barnstable, England, in forming him that his second-cousin, ex- Mayor Bcmbridgo, had died without leaving a will, and that a large fortune was awaiting the nearest ot kin. As the Canadian squire was himself well oil', he did not mink it worth while to worry about this new estate. The other day, however, he received a letter from an English law linn requesting his im mediate presence in Barnstable, that he might be identified within one year of the death of ex-Mayor Bemhridge, and thus save himself the trouble of taking proceedings in chancery. There was no chance of any opposition, and he could enter possession at once. Ac cordingly, the,venerable farmer started from home on Monday, and sailed from New York last Wednesday. Ho will inherit half of the personal property, which is worth $-.500,000, and all the real estate, worth $5.000,000. The old gentleman is so enamored with his Ca nadian home that the style and com forts of an English gentleman’s town and country mansions and domain do not tempt him to stay in the old land. His son, who has a large family of boys will eventually lake possession of the English estate. The Largest Island in the World. Immediately north of Australia and separated from it at Torres straits by less than 100 miles ot sea, is the largest island on the globe—New Guinea, a country of surpassing interest, whether, as regards its natural productions or its human inhabitants, but which remains to this day iess known than any acceio sible portion of the earth’s surface. Within the last few years considerable attention has been attracted toward it by surveys which have completed our knowledge of its outline and dimen sions, by the settlement of English missionaries on its southern coasts, by the explorations of Several European naturalists, and by the visits of Aus tralian miners attracted by the alleged discovery of gold in the sands of its rivers. From these various sources there has resulted a somewhat sudden increase in our still scanty knowledge of this hitherto unknown land. It has hitherto been the custom of geographers to give the palm to Borneo as the largest island in the world, but this is decidedly an error. A careful estimate, founded on the most recent maps, shows that Now Guinea is considerably the larger, and must for th3 future be accorded the first place. In shape, this island differs greatly from Borneo, being irrcgula and much extended in a north north west and south southeast direction, so that its greatest length is little short of 1,500 miles, a distance as great as the whole width of Australia from Adelaide to Fort Darwin, or of Europe from Lon don to I’ nstantinoplc. Its greatest width is 412 miles; ami, omitting the great peninsulas which form its two extremities, the central mass is about 700 miles long, with an average wiuth of 020 miles, a country about the size of the Austrian empire, and with the exception of the course of one large river, an absolute blank upon our maps. Nebraska Hangings. A legal hanging has not taken place in Nebraska tor twelve years. The last victim was Biker, who was hung for sitting lire to King’s wholesale grocery store in Omaha, and murdered his bed fellow, a clerk in the establishment, and this is the only hgil execution that has taken place since Nebraska was ad mitted as a state. The only man hung by law under the territorial government was Tator. also hung at Omaha, for the murder of his “partner," a traveling companion with whom he started, across the plains. Meanwhile, hangings by lynch law have been numerous. Last week Dr. St. Louis cheated the gallows at Fremont by suicide, and the Quaker I fiend, Richards, is sentenced to be hung 1 next month, w ith two or three others in i different parts of the state. | A diamond weighing 4. H) karats —the largest m the world—was recently found iin India. During the past few weeks ! the owner has received twenty-seven ‘ letters from young Americans who i will act as clerks at seaside hotels the | coining reason. It is easy to imagine the object of the missives.—A'.rn'sfotru Herald, Malarial Fever. Malarial Fevers, constipation, torpidi ty of the liver and kidneys, general de : bility, nervousness and neuralgic ail i menus yield readily to this great disease | conqueror, Hop Bitters. It repairs the ravages of disease by converting the food into rich blood, and it gives new | life and vigor to the aged and intirni always. See “Trulua’’ in other i column.