Newspaper Page Text
THE DEMOCK AT. —— Mineral Point, Friday. May 2,1570. Local Items. COOK AT THE M. F. CHURCH. The distinguished Jos. Cook will deliver a leetnre on “The Certainties of Religion,** at the M. K. Church to-morrow (Sat urday (‘veiling. Bob James is improving his place by anew picket fence. "Stitrer," is the name of the latest post-otlice in Grant county. Joseph Cook at the M. K. Church, to-morrow night. Farmers have commenced planting corn, in some localities. J. M. Smith is in Madison this week attending to Supreme Court matters. Michael McCarville is selling farm machinery for Martin A Toay. Farmers have been move than busy in their fields during the past week, John Juuck lias put in anew side walk in front of his building on High street. A great number of maple trees have been set out in front of residences this spring. John Horn has very good seed po tatoes which he will sell at reasonable prices. llev. D. W. Couch will preach in the M. K. Church, of this city, on Sunday next. Will Hartert of this city,started for for Atchison, Kansas, on Wednesday morning, Mrs. Collins returned last week from Chicago with a full line of new mil linery goods. Mark'Terrill is making preparations to build a large addition to his hotel on Commerce street. Jot. tho Mineral Point Book Store, has just received a large supply of base ball bats. John Starks has removed to the John J. Boss building on High street, lately occupied by Suthers Brothers. Sparta has an ordinance that any man who shall appear at a lire with out a pail, shall he lined one dollar. L. C. Martin, editor of the Grant County Gazette, was married to a Miss Minnie Crandall, on April 14th. Dr. 11. W. Osborn lias removed his otlice to rooms up stairs in the build ing just west of Pul fords drug store. Jot Hauscom uas had the Mineral Point Cook Store overhauled, repaper ed and repainted. It fairly shines now. Harry Mitchell has built a nice barn on the lot which he recently purchased from J. P. Traniel, oppositeTramel’s residence on the north. The Annual Conference of the Primitive Methodist Connexion will be held at Platteville, commencing on the lath inst. The polls for tin* telegraph lino be tween this city ami Dodgevillc are all set. The wire will be put on the lirst part of next week. Geo. J.. Miller and Jos. Arthur started on Wednesday for liingam Gulch, about fifteen miles from Salt Lake City, I’tah. Dodgevillc will have telegraphic communication . with Mineral Point in a few days. Railroad connection : s what is wanted next. Von will miss a literary treat if you fail to attend the lecture to be given’ by Joseph Cook, in the M. K. Church, on Saturday night. A rich discovery of lead ore has re cently been made on lands owned by John Kelly and James Wayne in Ma iretta, Crawford County. Hr. Van Dusen, Judge Cothren.and David Morrison of Linden, joined the Temple of Honor of this city, on last' Monday night. Mr. Stephen Thomas has decorated his dwelling house in a manner which j speaks well for his skill as a house decorator. Rev. T. Kent, formerly of this city, will deliver a missionary address at i tht' Annua 1 Conference of the I*. M. Church at l*lattevi!le, Friday, May I Oth. Married, by Rev. .las. O’Keefe, on Cuesday, April aid, 1*71), Mr. Charles Stride of this city, and Miss Mary McGuigan of Kendall, La Fayette i county. Attention is called to the dental card of Dr. C. W. Moffett, to be found elsewhere. Dr. M. is a graduate of the Ohio College of Dental Surgery, , and is a good dentist. A large number of young and old folks turned out to the ball given at the City Hall, on Tuesday night, for the benefit of Mrs. Landrigan. A hand some little sum of money was netted. On Saturday our hearts were glad dened by the sight of our old friend -'1 uire Thomas, who for the first time since his sickness was able to make u* a call. His health is steadily improv ing. R. H. W llliama, of Cross Plains, is closing out ids stock of general mer chandise, as he is soon to remove to Canton, Dakota. Mr. Williams is an energetic business man, and we hope that in his new home in the West he ui.i inert with the success which he dcsei ves. Dr. Egan of Highland has purchased the Wisconsin House property in that village, and will build himself a resi dence and otlice on the sice. The for mer proprietor, Mr. Joseph Nienber. is about to remove to Dakota. The card of Dr. J. 11. Wingetuler's Dental Boom* is published in another column. This is the oldest dental otlice in the county, having Ken es tablished in iv. 7. Dr. Wingender is I is known as a first-class dentst. Miss Mary l.enahau of Kendall, sends the correct answer to the arith metical problem handed us for publi i cation in the Democrat, of two weeks | ago. John Horn, dr., and others of this eitv ha\ e also solved the problem. Died, at the residence of her son. I Mr. George Smith, in Willow Springs, I Mrs. Smith, at the advanced age of nearly one hundred years. The j funeral took place from the Catholic Church in Willow Springs, on Tues day, the gSUh hist. Mr. Robert Connoley and sons are taking out good mineral on ground owned by das. Spensley, about a mile' and a half west of the city. They are getting both lead and zinc ore, at about sixty feet from the surface in a ; range from forty to sixty feet*wide. Miss Goodell, the Janesville female , attorney tiled a petition in the Su preme Court at Madison, calling upon the court to show cause why she should not be permitted to practice 1 before that bench. Miss Goodell ap plied for admission some time ago, j hut was refused on account of her j sex, on the ground that the word j “person" in the Constitution does not mean a female. I licit 1 Jimmy Mavhi'll is Dead, • James Maybell, one of the old set tlers of Mineral I’oinl, and a highly respected citizen, died suddenly at his home in this city, this Thursday morn ing. He had been somewhat ill last week, but it was supposed he had fully recovered. While sitting on a chair at about S o'clock on Thursday, he fell back and in a few moments breathed his last. Uncle. Jimmy was a member of the Masonic order,and was for many years Tyler of Mineral I’oint l.odge. He was an earnest Christian and could be seen, when not at work, sitting at his window reading the Hihle. His funeral will take place on Sun day afternoon at o’clock, under the direction of Mineral Point l.odge, F. & A. M. All Masons are requested to attend. Sickly Poland Chinas. A Mineral Point correspondent to the Inter-Ocean Ims the following on a subject of great interest to farmers: Partners in this county have been considerably out this season on their hog production, the hog cholera having beaten them worse than very low prices. (Jeo. W. Cobb, Estj., Super intendent of the Mineral Point Hail road, whose otlicc is at this place, has taken pains to largely interview far mers who have brought in their hogs to ship over his road, and he finds that that disease is confined almost wholly to the pure Poland China breed; he accounts for it, from the close breeding of that species, and not crossing it with native swine. Tic reason far mers prefer the Poland China is in th(> fact that spring pigs, owing to their notable rapid growth, can be made fit for market by the following October, making a big saving of time in feeding ’and realizing. Mr. Cobb has also remarked the same tendency to disease with line breeds id' lions, and it is such that die oil, while the dunghill kind remain healthy. As there is of late years a general ten dency to go into imported line breeds of hogs and fowls, it may bo to the i interest of breeders to look into this matter. Killed by his Own Ham!. Thomas Lynch, son of Kdward Lynch,of the town of Willow Springs, LaFayette county, came to his (loath on Monday morning last in the fol lowing manner: Voting Lynch had bet'll somewhat deranged for the past seven or eight months, hut a few weeks ago he showed signs of recov ering Ins mind. On Monday morning last he was left at home with his sis ter, a girl of about sixteen years. II is sister give him some work to do in the house, and then went out to the barn to see about some chickens. On looking .around she noticed that Thomas had quit work and was stand ing in the door way. The next moment he entered the house ami came out • again. Hu sister was immediately startled by the report of a gun, and then the cries of Thomas calling her by name to come to him. But fearing that he had taken a double-barrel gnu which was in the house, and that if she approached him he might shoot her, she ran around to another side of the house, entered, went op stairs, and ou looking out . the window dis covered Thomas lying on the ground in the agonies of death. She then ran down, but before she reached him be was dead. An old army musket was ’ lying beside him, and it was found 1 that be bad shot himself through the heart. The funeral took place on Tut- lay (last. Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Dried Beef at Kinnie ,x Spratlers. Mt su - I.kssons.— Miss Agnes F. Strong, teacher of singing and piano, will be pleased tv' receive more pupils. Breakfast Bacon, Hams and Dried Beef at Kinnie A Spratlers. Two good second hand sew ing ma chines. for sale by Purely A son Payable in hay or w -od. Dried Beef, Breakfast Bacon and Hants at Kinnie A Spratlers, The annual schuetzonfest of West ern Wisconsin ami Pastern Minne sota will be held in I,a Crosse on the 7th and Sth of J une. s. Hocking A Cos. are agents for the “Minnesota Chief" Thresher, acknowl edged tv' be the best machine made for threshing tlax or any other kind of grain. John Horn-is shipping potatoes tv' Chicago at the rate of two car loads per week. He wants several more ear loads of first class potatoes, for which he will pay the highest market price. S. Duppler will sell and deliver Gillmann’s Bottled Beer at IV tier ! bottle: also Argali's Slock Ale at ‘J'V per battle. WvNTi'.n. By two gentlemen of | liberal means and of high social stand i ing, two lady correspondents between ' the ages of seventeen and twenty ae. Address. P. F, Derevereaux and IV. Stoops, Madison. Wis. Noxu’f. I am now ready to d<> all kinds of teaming, and w ill furnish rook, sand and lime on short notice. All orders left at Penrose's meat mar ket will he promptly attended to. a-m lionr.uT Jfi.iAN. \o cough or cold however obstinate can resist the healing qualities of Hr. Marshall’s l.ung Syrup. It complctl ly euros when all others fail: try it; only cents a bottle: large size .to cents; sold by all druggists, Stuavki). — Fne small bay mare, coming four year old, lump mi right hind fetlock. Any person knowing the whereabouts of the said animal will he suitably rewarded by leaving word at Mr. John Curnow’s, or at this olliee. When physicians recommend Dr. Marshall's I.ting Syrup for Coughs and Colds of long standing, it certain ly must he good. Call at the drug store and try a bottle of it; the price is only 2ii cents. S. Hocking iV Cos. are again in the field, and are agents for McCormicks world renowned Self Hinders, Harves ters, Hcapers and Mowers, Challenge and Hrowns notary drop planters, Ell wood and Eagle Cultivators, acknowl edged to be the best implements of their kind. Also the celebrated Tiger and llollingworth rakes, and the most reliable hand corn planters made, which wesell at the low price of 51.r,0. Farmers will do well to examine our stock before purchasing. Pamii.v Bihi.k.— Wo have had the pleasure of examining the New Illus trated Devotional and Practical Fam ily Bible, published by Phillips A Hunt, N. V. It contains, besides the Old and New Testaments,-a complete cncycloptedia of religious knowledge, and is embellished with more than two thousand line scripture illustra tions. We do not hesitate to pro nounce, without fear of emitradietion, this Bible the best hound and printed on the best paper of any work of sim ilar character, that has ever come under our notice. We would advise any person desiring an excellent copy of the Bible not to invest until they have seen this edition. Mr. John Eden is agent, tor this work in lowa county. Takk Norn i:.— All persons found passing through in any way tres passing upon my farm situated west of the city of Mineral I’oint, described as in* I .| sec.and nw' jof nwtj see. ;j(i, will he prosecuted to the full ex tent of the law. as I am continually annoyed by having my gates left open and allowing my stock to stray from the premises. Hi on I’im.i.ii-s. Delamatyr, the grcenhackcr con gressman, has introduced a hill to put a billion dollars of greenbacks in a balloon and send it up somewhere near the center of the Pnited States. There will he a can of intro-glycer ine in the balloon, which will Uc ex plod cd, and thegreenhadks distributed over the country in a way that will meet the requirements of business.— Peek. Why Is it,— That cheap, adulterated baking powders are warranted equal to Dr. Price's when it is known that Dr. Price’s Cream Making Powder L the purest and healthiest made V It is because the adulterated kinds aie bought for less and give a better profit. IlKWAItl) OF MkHlT.— The I'. S. Government has given not only to Dr. Price’s Cream Making Powder hut tu his Special Flavoring Extracts the preference, and large quantities are shipped to its military post*. A High Ekpctatios.—For years the firm of Steele A; Price have de servedly had a high n putation for the excellence of their Dr. Price’s Cream Making Powder and Special Flavoring Extracts. They have how added a line of strictly Cniqne Per fumes, rivalling in excellence the per fumes of this or any other country. Mini um, point, April nth. iSTO. fhc co-p.uluership heretofore exist ing under the firm name of Schaeffer ‘ A Wiisley, is hereby dissolved by mu | tual eonsenl. The aeeounts of said j firm have been divided,each member of the firm is empowered to receipt in settlement of aeeounts. which the> respeetively hold due the old thin. JOSKI’U SOU VKVt’KI!. ihi-lw John W Seeds I Seeds I Garden seeds of evry variety, suit- 1 slide for this climate, for ssde allow pi ices at Dr. J. 11. Vivians. City Property for Sale. I offer for sale my proper!> on Jet -i usalem street consisting of my house j and lot, eahinet shop, and barn. A | good bargain eau bo had by ealliugj soon. Mtts. Jos. Kt.t.KNOKX, 11 ■ Joseph Cook, ot Fremont letuple, boston, wlto is one of the most tvnowed Orators of the age will lecture at the M. E. Church, on SATI R’DAY KVKMMi Mae J. i Subject : “The Certainties of Religion.” llm announcement ought to he enough to secure a crowded house. Kcnicnibcr the Date: Saturday Eve., May lid., and bo sure to be there. State of Wisconsin Coimtv Cnml for lows Comity- In Probate Not too I. hereby com that Ht ?i .pdallorm of (lit) tow. Comity Cunrl. In lie lirlil In .ml for oh lit ooiinlr. !it Ilio Court llon.o, In tlio ill lane of Dodger I’ll*. In .iitl county, on Ino 'fOlh d.\ ’ of May. A D, IST'.', bidng mo Ihinl t’ of ..Id monili. i oiio o'clook In llio .ftonioon of; ..lit ilny. Iho follow inn in. Her. will tin 1 .nit ron.ihrrot; The application of Klim McMahon, for llio ' appointment of .n inlmlnl.lrnlor of tlioo.lalol of Patrick McMahon, Into of llio clly of Mlnor.l I Point, In .nlil county, ilooo.imjil. Amt It I. Inn hot oriloroit. Hi.l public nolloo thereof hi) given to nil Intoro.toil liy publishing a ropy of thin onlor for llinni week’, .uccc.lvclv prior in .aiil day nf hearing, iu llio lowa Oourly l>omooral, a weekly now.paper circulating in oalit county, lly order of llio court. .1011N T. ,lON KS, .Indue, D.tett Doilgnylllo, Win, April Ullh, IH7H Hiv Millinery. Millinery. LATEST STYLES At Mrs. Collins’. TO TIIK I.AIMKS; I have Jurt rr(urnol from Chicago with n stock of MILLINERY GOODS OK TIIK I.ATRST BTYl.KS,which I will oiler forealc it rcneotmlilo price.. Ilnod. lilinininl In llio Inlet and mo.I .tvli.h mai nor I li.vo no olil good, for .ale my onliro .lock I. new i. new and carefully .olcctmt. I linvii aim learned anew nroco.ii for clean Ing old .(raw good., by which am enabled lo make them appear a. new. Mils. 001,1,1N5. To the Hungry! MRS. iaSSELL Would announce to tin* public that aho haa removed to II H (!|iuot> old aland, wheru a In* will keep a llrat rlaa* l Grocery Store, Restaurant and Boarding House. Warm tnoala or an v kind of refreHhmenl served upon fborf iiolire, Kreah Bread and rake for hhlo. I nrlralled Ire Hoda Water and Lemonade. Kirit-clisc accommodation'* for Day and Week Hoarders. Whan I;angry or thirdly v Mr* KlmHl’*, ! op|Mid(o Pulfurd'* drai( atom. High turret. JH LOOK OUT FOR Bargains in Millinery! MISS L A. A IK! ALL lias returned from Chicago with a rnignlflcent rlock of MILL! XKRV Of Ike Latest Myles and Pad (eras. A ml haying bought < heap lor t prepared to .ell at lwe*t living price*. Ha', and llonnet* trimmed by A KIHHT CI.ASH I Hl’ AHII trmmi-.. which Ml.. Argali j lia engaged lor the .eaaon. PAINTING, Weidenfeller & Son, ■ (Succenor* to Davejr k Wledenfelter) House, Sign and Carriage PAINTERS, Hbop over Trtweek’a jlar It.milk atiop, High meet, - Mineral Point. Wia ALL WORK Uonc m a Ent-cla.a manner, and al rea.onable rate*. WKIUKNFKU.BIt k HON. ” 1 ViT?\ik *"/ vvj'- t g?■. ,-/ Vi< " an -%^w-rf^*i f irfsriVT x X^SWIRA CHAMPION Reapers and Mowers! Host Itoapi'rs and blowe rs in the "Worldl The Most Complete Meehunism. Perfected alter i oars of Study In Talented luventois. As drain ami Crass Cutters they have no Equal, ami tlio Reaper is acknowledged In all to he The Boss Flax-Cutter. When all others tailed many Farmers had to borrow Clmmpions to out their Ela\ eats it wet or dry, given or ripe. . I Iso the Star Corn Planters, McDermott, (lorham ami Acme Sulky Cultivators, ,V. (\ Thompson's Sulky and Stubble Plows . Stratmati Plows. A!,SO AUKNT I OK BUFFALO PITTS AND IYIASSILON THRESHERS. REPAIRS tor all the above machines for sale. S-^'" W arehouse near Depot. A. H. IHl] IIUIB, SPRING OF 1879! NEAV (i(H)IXS KOR THIS SPRINT! TRADE .1 ust Arri vod At GUNDRY & GRAYS. Lower Prices than Ever Before Offered in lowa County. CALL m EXAMINE OOR STOCK AND PRICES AND BE CONVINCED. CHTNDKY fc OH AY. al'llio Hijr I) of?. J\r. />.— II V; make a. Specialty of COTTON GOODS, And at Prices that cannot he undersold . Mineral Point, Win., March 1, IH7.J, and. O. f I>U. PIMGIfS) 5 C R EA Jvf cm£ , bakin g mWp] Flawing p owi?Eß;:.^3g^:£nßACTS. Eminent Ohomista and Phyalolana certify that thoM fifOods aro free from adulteration, richer, more effective, produce bettor than any others, and that they uae them In tholr own famiiioa. TVTI nmnnw UNIQUE PERFUMES are thoCrm of “h. II U UU PL \ TOOTHEHE. An agreeable, hcuUKul Liquid IXulllrlce. M I D 111 Fl U tIMON SUGAR. A nib*ltnte for Lemon*.*. XIXUXJ U EXTRACT JAMAICA OINCER. From the pure root. STEELE A PRICE'S LUPULIN YEAST OEMS. , Th* Jttti t*ry Hop !'<*• in I ht World, STEELE & PRICE. Manfrs., Chicago, St. Louis & Cincinnati.