Newspaper Page Text
THE DEMOCRAT. -■ ■■■'— Mineral Point, Friday, May 9, 1879. Local Items. Rev. Alfred Charles, preached at the M. E. Church on last Sunday even ing. The 11. A. G. T. Club gave a pleas ant party at the City Hall on last Friday evening. Mrs. T. J. Campbell has removed to the stand lately occupied by Mrs. Kis sel!. Second arrival of the very latest styles of Ladies’ and Children’s Hats, elegantly trimmed at Heller’s. C. Bell, for selling liquor without license, at Platteville. was lined SOO and costs in each of three cases. A grand Masonic reunion will be held at Eau Claire on St. John's Day June 24th. The C. & T. railroad has been sur veyed and the stakes driven, from Montfort to the State line of Illinois. A temperance ticket, with one ex ception, was elected at the village election in Dodgeville.on Tuesday. Wm. X. Curry has removed his harness shop to Henry Ivey's block on Commerce street, opposite J. Can yons. Mr. Joseph Miller has laid anew side-walk in front of his brick building opposite Edward Curnow’s on High street. The Mineral Point City Mills are in first-class running order. The proprietor, Mr. Sam J. Wright, has charge of the mills. A valuable article upon “Teaching as a Profession,” written by County Superintendent Jones, may be found on the first page. Pat Lahey lias purchased from Richard Bowden, a lot just opposite the Primitive Church, and will erect on it dwelling house. E. J. Simmons of Monroe, who has been in this neighborhood buying young cattle, left for home on Wed nesday with twenty head. The ladies of Trinity Church gave a pleasant entertainment and supper at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Cobb, on Thursday evening last. Miss L. Huberts of Avoca, also sends us the solution of the arith metical problem which we published two weeks ago. Professor J. 11. Comstock, of Wis consin, who occupied the Chair of Entomology at Cornell University, lias accepted the position of entomolo gist for the Department of Agricul ture at Washington. The Racine Daily News says: “Mitchell, Lewis & Cos., have been busy a few days past in getting to gether what is called buck wagons. Six car loads of them are to be shipped to South Africa, to be used for trans porting wool.” Mr. Charles Parmele started on Thursday with a Lanyon crusher and four teams of large mules and four heavy wagons for the J eadvillo mines. Mr. Nathan Crist accompa nied him. By resolution of the Common Coun cil, the job of closing saloons at 11 o’ clofk at night and keeping them closed on Sunday’s, and of acting as watchman on Saturday afternoons and Sunday’s is to be let to the lowest bidder. Charles & Wasley, are selling pumps at marvelously low figures. They sell the best pumps manufactured— for proof of this, call and examine their new cylinder for force pumps. It is the best thing in the pump line we have ever seen. We regret to state that owing to threatning weather the lecture of Joseph Cook on last Saturday night was not a success financially. Every elfort was made by those having the matter in charge to fully advertise the lecture, and were it not for the bad weather considerably more than expenses would have been realized. The Dubuque Herald has reduced subscription rates. The price of the Daily Herald is per year; 84 for six moeths, and 93 for three months. The Daily Herald is a newsy sheet, contains the full associate press dis patehes, and it reaches Mineral Point over nine hours in advance of the Chicago papers. Died, in this city on Friday, May t'd 1879. after a lingering illness, Rachael, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connoley, aged 12 years. The funeral was held on Sunday, and was attended by a large number of friends who deeply sympathized with the family in the loss of its youngest and most be loved member. The funeral of Uncle Jimmy May bell took place on Sunday last, under the direction of Mineral Point Lodge F.A A.M. A large number of Masons were in attendance from Darlington, Dodgeville, Linden, Mifflin, and other places. The funeral was largely at tended by friends of tbe dbceased, in this city. Those Ladies and Children’s Hats at Delict's are of sujterior workman ship, and you will save money by b u>lug them there. 40-Jw Mr. Geo. W. Cobb has constricted a telephone line between iris residence and iris office in the Depot building. Dr. VauDusen has been chosen by the Wisconsin State Medical Associa tion as representative to the Medical Convention to be held shortly in Logan county. Illinois. Wm. Varcoe is supplying the far mers with McCormick Harvesters. He reports fall wheat to be excellent condition. Dr. Reeve, of Appleton, will repre sent Wisconsin at the meeting of the American Medical Association at At lanta, (la.. May oth. Attention is called to the advertise ment of James A. Owen, dealer in farm machinery. Ho is agent for some of the best machines manufac tured. Chas. J. Thomas of Dodgevllle, is traveling agent for Mr. Owen, and as such lie is hard to beat. The Moscow Literary Society will hold a grand celebration at that place on Saturday, May 17th, 1879. A good programme of exercises is prepared, consisting of an oration by Judge M. M. Cothren, and essays, declama tions, and select readings by members of the society, together with vocal and instrumental music. Various amuse ments will be resorted to, among wl Ich will be sailing on the pleasure boat “Queen of Norway,” walking matches, etc, A stranger came to town on Friday last, with a horse, buggy, harness and buffalo robe, which lie desired to sell cheap for cash. Several persons who were in need of such goods, refused to buy, as they were suspicious of him. But he finally sold the horse, which was a good one, to Mr. Samuel Ives for about twenty-five dollars, and the buggy, harness, and buffalo-robe to other parties at correspondingly low prices. After the stranger left for parts unknown, parties came from Boscobel. and claimed the property, it having been stolen from residents of that place, and the men who were simple enough to pay their money over to a stranger for goods which they had no assurance belonged to him are sad. Joseph Cook delivered his lecture on the “Certainties of Religion" at the M. E. Church on last Saturday evening. The lecture was a strong argument in favor of a future exis tence. He argued that it is no more wonderful that we should exist again than that ws exist now, and that there is inherent in man a yearning for a life to come, which yearning was planted in him by the Creator, and would not have been created were it not to be satisfied. This position Mr. Cook ably maintained by arguments that strikingly contrast with the pedantic twaddle indulged in by infi dels of the Ingersol sort. While he eon lined himself closely to the theme of his discourse he did excedingly well; but several times during the evening ho digressed from his subject and strove to extol his own wonderful ability and great Christian virtues, in doing which, to say the lemst, ho dis played unpardonable egotism. Gone West. J. T. i’rideaux and family started for Nebraska, this Friday morning. Mr. John Waters started on Monday morning for California. .John W. Bennett and Wm. Lego started for Dakota on Thursday. David Jolly of this city, left for Da kota on Tuesday morning. James--Argali* Married, at the residence of the bride’s parents, in this city by the Rev. Jos. Hewitt, on Saturday morning,' May lid, 187 ii, Mr. Charles H. James and Miss L. A. Argali. The happy couple took the early train on Saturday for a pleasant wed ding tour, and after visiting Chicago, Milwaukee and other points, returned on Wednesday. The Dkmochat unites with the rest of their very many friends in wishing them all manner of prosper ity and happiness. Village Election in Highland. The following ticket was elected in Highland on Tuesday last, by major ities ranging from one to eighteen: President—J P, Smelker. Trustees—Henry Lampe. Thomas Renoy, Matthias Chab, Jacob Fecht, James Dolan, John Nondorf. Clerk—John Gunn, Treaserer—Matthias Chab. Police Justice—Thomas Hand. Justice of the Peace—J. P. Cholvin. Marshal—Erast us LaMotte. Constable—John Sullivan, Sr. Supervisor—James Dolan. iM ♦ Mi ** Maid of Athena.” This new stylo corset, of superior quality, can be bad at the low price of 81.00—at Deller's—and no other place. Hill’s Manuel, is emphatically the most complete,comprehensive and re liable work of the kind ever published beyond tbe shallow of a doubt. Adv. Twenty cents will buy a yard of good carpet at Deller's. A splendid lineof Table-Linen, war ranted all linen, at t'S cents per yard— at Dvller. Dried Beef, Breakfast Bacon and Hams at Kinnie A Spratlers. Head Mrs. Uastain’s advertisement in another column. l.andreths Garden seeds for sale at J. 11. Vivian’s. Breakfast Bacon, Hams and Dried Beef at Kinnie A Spratlers. Haras, Breakfast Bacon and Dried Beef at Kinnie A Spratlers. The most complete line ever offered in Mineral Point in choice Dress Buttons and Dress Trimmings, suck as satins, silks and fringes to be found at Delict 's. Two good second hand sewing ma chines, for sale by Birely A Son Payable in hay or wood. Garden seeds of every variety, suit able for this climate, for sale at low prices at Dr. J. 11. Vivians. I offer for sale my property on Jer usalem street consisting of my house and lot. cabinet shop, and barn. A good bargain can be had by calling soon. Mrs. Jos. Km.kndk.n. Just opened—a full line of Fancy Shawls, Crochet Shawls, Chenille Shawls, Broeha Shawls and Paisley- Shawls, in colors to suit overebody, from 75 cents up—at Deilers. Be wise in time and get a bottle of Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup, which always cures Coughs and Colds, and prevents Consumption. Price only 26 cents a bottle. Sold by ail drug gists. Still Viotokiovs.— Many years have passed since Dr. Price's Cream Making Powder was lira I offered to the public; and its superiority over all Making Powders for making whole some, light, sweet bread and biscuits has been established. Still victorious, standing to-day in the estimation of thousands as the only safe and reliable powder. Notice.—l am now ready to do sll kinds of teaming, and will furnish rock, sand and lime on short notice. All orders left at Penrose’s meat mar ket will be promptly attended to. •bill HOUERT Jt’HAN. The demand for gold is great, but not equal to the demand for Dr. Mar shall’s hung Syrup, the great remedy for Coughs and Colds. Try it. Price only 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hum Commendation. Gentle men This is to certify that 1 have examined, analyzed and tested your Dr. Price’s Special Flavoring extracts, and find the same strong, line, made of good material, and well put up iu bottles of full measure. Your fruit coloring is free from any deleterous substance. Therefore, I gladly com mend the above named products of yours for family use. Respectfully, PIIOF. M. Delakontaink. Stkaykd. One small bay mare, coining four year old, lump on right hind fetlock. Any person knowing the whereabouts of the said animal will be suitably rewarded by leaving word at Mr. John Cnrnow’s, or at this office. Hu. Piuck’s Flohat. Hit'lliw.—This delightful Cologne water is receiving mui U attention not only from the lailies and gentleman of relinenient and taste, hut from professional men generally. It is so gratefully refresh ing to the invalid, its odor is so ex quisitely delicate and yet so rich and persistent. Tank. Noth’!-;.—All persons found passing through or in any way tres passing upon my farm situated west of the city of Mineral Point, described as ne'.j sec. 115, and iiw'£ of nwtf see. fiO, will be prosecuted to the full ex tent of the law, as I am continnally annoyed by having my gates left open and allowing my stock to stray from the premises. Until Phillips, Mr. .1. H. Reynolds is now deliver ing the Flat-iron Heater, which he took orders for last March. They are being manufactured herein Mineral Point in large quantities to meet the demand for them. No lady can well afford lobe without one or more of them. All parties in lowa and l.a- Fayetle counties are hereby cautioned against dealing in them in any man ner except as authorized by the agent. As soon as orders already taken ate tilled, other parts of the territory will be canvassed. Orders will he thank fully received at all times. Orders left at Martin A Toay’s hardware store will receive prompt attention. Helm hold's lin in . Hemheld's JJuchu has long been known as one of the most valuable medicines attain able in certain classes of diseases, such as dyspepsia, chronic rheumatism, dropsy, cutaneous affection, and es pecially affections of the urinary organs. Asa diuretic, it is superior to almost any other medicine in use, and the great care with which it is prepared, the absolute purity of the preparation, and the diligence used in the selection of the crude material, have made it know n far and w ideas a reliable and effective preparation, and one that can always be used with safety and benefit. The great success of Jlelmbold’s Buchu has led to the production of many spurious prepara tions, which are made cheaply and placed upon the market to be sold on the reputation acquired by Helmbold’s original preparation. Parties who de sire a really good medicine should be careful and use 11 elm hold's only. ('onimou Council Proceedings. Minkkai. Point, May 6th, 1870.—A regular meeting of the common coun cil was this day held in the council chamlier. Pi went His Hon, J. M. Smith pre siding and all the aldermen. The petition of Mrs. Landrigan praying for relief, was read, and on motion of alderman Gillmann, she was allowed #3O. The petition of John Waters pray ing for aid for watering the street in front of the public square, was pre sented, and tin motion of alderman Jenkins he was allowed seventy-five cents (H'r week. The petition of Mark Terrell and others, asking to have the old Tyak building on the corner of High and Commerce street removed was pre-1 seated, and laid over until tlie next i meeting. The petition of John Grass asking for a reduction on ids license, was presented and laid on tlie table. The following accounts were pre sented mnl allowed: Mrs. Mulct/-o cleaning olllco ...8 300 Alex Moeller janitor 10 00 James Dunn police 2 60 Mrs. buiulngan cleaning Hall.. 860 Win. T. Henry insurance 19 68 Win. Huppert whitewashing... 2 ix> The account of Strong A McArthur for attorney’s fees was referred to aldermen Jenkin and Joseph. The petition of J. Spensloy. for aid for pump was taken up and disallow ed. The oath of otlice of John P. Tramel city clerk, and D. I*. Beech school commissioner, were presented and pi ami on tile. The report of N. Temby, sexton, was presented, showing the sum of 811.60 in his hands which was receiv ed and placed on tile, and he was di rected to repair Hie fence around the city cemetery. The report of K. Brown, street com missioner, showing the amount of 8206.79 expended by him on the streets between the 14th day of April and tlie 3d day of May, was presented and placed on tile. Aldermen Gillmann and A. Jenken were appointed to examine the re ports of former street commissioners as to their commission on poll-tax col lected. The city clerk tiled his report of the receipts and disbursements of the city for the year ending March hist, ism, as follws: Report of John P. Tramel, clerk of the city of Mineral Point, for the year ending March 31st, 1870, of the receipts and dishursemenls of said city. receipts. Cash on hand at last report. 85,587 so Sidewalk cert iheates on hand last report 251 sa Mrs. Cox tax receipts on hand last report 0 15 Total 85 s.'s is CITY FEND RECEIPTS. Amount of city tax i 20000 1 demise including hacks and show license I 1;!2 05 Ree. from public buildings.. lon 45 Received from lines 20 00 do do Dog lax 100 do do Auction eom’sr 10.10 do Sale of old wire 10 do city sextuii 10 00 do overplus State loan.. 2s:l no Total 83 onl no SCHOOL FUND RECEIPTS. Received from Slate -iss 2s do county lax -tss 25 do State for high school. 310 42 do tax roll 5 000 ini do tuition of nun res’d’t 02 (15 Total 80 am 03 A mount carried forward. .. if Id 182 ill HOAD TAX RECEIPTS. Cash received from street com Brown for sidewalks. 4 00 Road tax roll 2 onn (15 Poll tax received from street com. Mrown 357 00 Cash received from street com. Brown for load stone 1 so Cash received from Win. T. Henry from tornado fund.. 250 25 Total #2 72 1 7o Amt of Slate La* roll n ikci 00 Amt of County tax roll 2 Ll 2 115 Total amt of receipts 830 030 42 DISH I ’ 118 EM ENTS. Amount of city orders paid and destroyed. 81 SI7 14 Ainont of school orders paid aud destroyed 5 000 (13 Amount of mad including amt. expended on Public Square of Ifsl 8.20 4 021 38 Amount drawn by Mayor... 250 25 do jmill lax worked out.. 250 00 do Slate tax paid county Treasurer 0 i)O3 (Kl do County tax paid coun- Tmisurer 2 132 35 do county indebtedness paid county Treasurer 103 34 do Treasurers com’son.. 178 33 do double assessment .. 2 21 do error in Kimmerling tax 05 do sidewalk certificates on hand 251 83 do ca>li on hand 5 351 85 Total 830 030 42 The following city orders were is sued during the year: For police services 8 170 20 For re!iff of poor 08 00 For public buildings 405 32 I- or incidental including clerk and assessors fees 585 45 For election expenses 140 00 For printing. 04 01 For costs snd fees, including attorneys fees 140 50 For taxes remitted and reduc tion on assessments 30 59 Total amt of orders issued. .81 080 21 All the city orders issued during the last year have been paid and can celled; as; orders N0.91 and ed the year previous have been paid and cancelled, amounting to 988.77. leaving no orders outstanding for the i year 1877 and 1878. Of the road orders then) were out standing at the last report Nos. 317. j 238, 280, 2M, 254. 256, 257. 258, 250 and 260, amounting to the sum of 958.40, 1 of which number all have been paid and destroyed except No. 280 wtd is 1 still outstanding, amount 92.80, and of the road orders issued during the last year, there remain outstanding orders Nos. swo, 504. ou anil 050. amounting to the sum of 918.20, mak ing the total amount of road orders still outstanding of 915.50. In accordance with the provisions '■ of a resolution passed by the common | council on the 27th day of January, 1870. the Mayor and clerk issued the | Kuuls of the city to the commissioners | of public lands of the State of Wis consin, as follows: No. 1 for 92,tXX), ou or lieforo Jan. I ’B5 Ido 2 do 6-',(XH, do ilo 'BO do ;> do S'-’.tXX), ilo ilo ‘B7 ilo 4 ilo 9J,(XX), ilo ilo "88 ilo 5 ilo 9) ,iXX), ilo ilo ’BO ilo 0 ilo 92.1XX1, ilo ilo ’OO ilo 7 ilo 9'.',(XX). ilo ilo 1U ilo 8 ilo 9'.’,iXX), ilo ilo 'OJ ili) l* tio 9-.MXH), ilo ilo S>3 ilo 10 ilo 91 .(XX). ilo ilo Vl Total—9l B.lXX) Also in accordance with a resolu tion passed by the common council ou the 24th ilay of March. 1870, the Mayor ami Clerk #ij{ncil a negotiable note payable to Joseph H. (Sundry for 11m sum of eight, hundred dollars, payable on the llrsl day of January, 1880, with ten per cent. Interest from dale. No other indebtedness has been in curred by the city during the year. All of which is respectfully submit ted. John I*. I'uamki,, City Clerk. On motion of alderman S. Jenkln, the street commissioner was directed to return to the clerk the poll tax list for the year 1878. The license bond of the following named persons were presented, ap proved and tiled, and license granted upon presenting the clerk with the Treasurers receipt for the amount, to wit; M. J. Minor, Daniel Haley, John De mnth, John Jenck, C.eo, \V. Chambly, Joseph Fugles, Mark W. Terrell, Thomas Booth, John Tides, Nicholas Shillen, John I*. KielTer,Jenck A. Mul len, John Dorsey. Sebastian Dnppter, John (irass and Mary Dinnis. I’ermission was granted to (leo. W. Cobb to erect telephone polls in the streets and alleys running from Ids home to the depot. Temporary aid was granted to ('has. (loldsworlhy in the sum of 910. Aldermen Joseph, S. Jenkin and Tides were appointed a committee to examine and put in good condition, Fountain street in front of Dr. Viv ian's lot for the purpose of laying side walks. Alderman Tides was appointed on the committee on public buildings in place of alderman .lames. A resolution was presented and pas sed, levying a road tax of four mills on the dollar for the ensuing year. On motion of S.Jeukin, Mary Hin dis, Hanlon A Kehoe and John Brass were granted a liquor license upon the payment of #,'l7.socash,and giving their note for 5W7.50, payable in six months. (Tawford A liro„ being the lowest bidders, (he printing for the ensuing year was awarded to I hem. Do nml ion of alderman Joseph, bide will lie received until the next meet ing for the police duty of Iho city for the ensuing year. ('onneil adjourned. .1. M. Smith, Mayor. Attest. John I*. Tit amici., < Jerk. S. Hocking A Cos, are agents for Hie •‘Minnesota ('hief”Thresher,acknowl edged (n lie the best machine made for threshing llax or any other kind of grain. FOKBOL.OHUHK BA.LB. Slate of Wisconsin lowa County Cir cuit Court. Louisiana Maddin, Plaintiff, against Harvey S, Keyes, Sarah Keyes this wife),.l. A. Hazard,and 1,. A. Bishop, Defendant*. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to a Judg ment of foreclosure and sale ren dered in the above entitled action in said lowa County Circuit Court on the Ist day of April, A. D. IH7S, I will expose for sale and sell public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the front dour of the Court House in the village of Hodgevillr, in said County, ami State, on Tuesday, Hie 27th day of May, A.l). 1871),at 2o'clock in the afternoon of said day the fol lowing (li‘Mcrllted mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as shall be neces sary to raise the amount of said judg ment, interest, costs, and Cost of sale, to-wit: J.ol No, eight (8), and that part of lot No. fifteen (15)describes! as follows: I Commencing at the south-westerly corner of said lot No. l.\thence east erly along Fountain street thirty live (lift) feel, thence northerly on aline parallel with the west side of said lot No. ift. to the northern boundary thereof, thence westerly along the northern boundary line to the north west corner of said lot No. Ift, thence southerly along the west line of said lot No. 15 to the place of beginning; all of said lots being in Mock thirty one Oil) strung and others addition to the village (now city) of Mineral Point, ; County and State aforesaid. Dated Sheriff's office Dodgevllle, lowa County, Wisconsin, this Bth day of April, A. I). IB7i. THOMAS BLACKSKY, Sheriff lowa Cos., \yis, lIENUV A SMITH, AU i nt for Plaintiff. lift Stnto of Wisconsin County Conn for lowa fonnty—ln Probate. Nolle* I* hereby given Out >1 a spelal term of the lowa County Court, to be held In and for eald eoantv, at the Court Hoaee, ta the village of I'oi'.-rrllle, in laid eoanlf, ontne 401 h da* of May. a. l>. 11*79. belli* lb* third Tnsaday or aald month, at one o’clock In the afternoon of eald day. the following matter* will bo heard and considered: The application of Rllan MeMahon, for the appointment of an adrelntsirelor of theealale of Patrick McMahon, late of the eltjr of Mineral roint. In **ld comity, ■*—ir-ft Aad it I* further ordered, that nubile notice thereof h* given to all persona Iniereaded by pnbhenlng a copy of thla order for three weak* succeealvely prior lo said day of hearing. Ma the lowa t oanty Heims, at, a weakly newspaper circulating in said conaly. By order of the court, JOHN T. JON K, Baled Oodgevlllo, Wl*. April tttk, into J *w*' Millinery. Millinery. LATEST STYLES At Mrs. Collins*. TO TMR LADIES.- I hare Jwt returned from I hleego with a lee stock of millinery goods or Tilß LATENT HTTLKN,which I will offer for sale at reasonable prices, Ooorts trimmed In the latest and mo.l Myllsh manner. 1 havo no old goods hit sal* uty satire suv • In new I* new and ruruflilly aelreted. I have also Warned anew process for clean ing old elsew goods, kv which am enabled tt> make theta appear *• new. MKN fOLUNH. To the Hungry I MRS. KISSELL Wonld announce to the public that she hwr removed to 11. p cianerW old stand, tther* eh# will keep a drilclses Grocery Store, Restaurant and Boarding House. Wsrm meals or anv kind of rokesknienU served noon short noMce. Kresh Bread and fakes tar sal*. I’nrlmlled Ice freans, Mode Water and l.emoaade, First class accommodations for Oay and Week Hoarders. When hangry or thirsty call at Mrs Klsaell'a. opposlta i'uliord'a drug slots, High etreet, *t LOOK OUT FOR Bargains in Millinery! MISS I. A. ARGALI lU* vetuntd from Chlt'ftgo with a mttftilflcenl ilork of MILLINERY Of the Latest styles and Patterns . And having bought cheap lor cash, la propatod to uetl at lowest living prices. Hal* and IlnnneU trimmed hy A FIRST (T.ANH t'lir’AUn I r'tinner. which Miss Argali han engaged fur the season. MRS. BASTAIN Would respectfully call Hie attention of the ladle, lo her MONT M AIINIKIf KNT slock of MILLINERY GOODS. BONN UTS & HATS In endless variety and alyla. An eiosertldgllng large alack of Rih bonh, Fiowkkh, Kkatiikks. and (rl'iimlngi of all kluda. All are Invited to call and etamlim my gouda which are mini called and which I will take uWasnre In displaying for aaln at prlceaas lot* a# the lowest. to MKH, HAHTAIN. CITY BAKERY ANI> FARMERS’ DINING HALL. Of Mineral Point, lilting bought out tha entire ilmk of Uio City l'l. try mil Added to tt ■ lire* ilock of now giHMli 1 mi now will prepared In eupply thu poliUe with CHOICE AND FHKHII GROCERIES, TEAS, COFFEES, &o. ■t eery low price*. -ACCOMMODATIONS FOR— Day Boarders a Specialty Aid Parmere win alto And thla • ( and cheap placuto.tup lor metla. being Ist tin- iulil.l .f hu.lne.e houM*. AMPLR HA UN ACCOMMODATIONS I For Imidi, In cloeo toauectlun. Butter find wanted At All time*. fur which the Hlgbeat I’rlca In trade will be gitan. Next door below Gjundry tfe Gray. I). BROWN. Mineral Pol At, April td, 1*171). 89. All kinds of Job Work done at reasonable rates at tbisoflioe.