Newspaper Page Text
THE DEMOCRAT. —— [Mineral Point, Friday, May s>. 1879. Local Items. Decoration Day, Friday May noth. Assessor Priestely is making bis animal rounds. Numerous reports of horse stealing are published in our exchanges. Counterfeit silver coin is said to be circulating quite freely. Mr. Alvin Hachman is in town for a brief stay with his family. Mrs. Dietrich, of New York, sister of Mr. .1. M. Smith, is visiting In this city. Squire Thomas of this city has in his possession, a live-dollar gold piece bearing the date ••17US." The sons of old Hilly Garland, with their wives and children, left Masco da recently for the far West. Mr. .lames Mulhearn is having his tobacco and cigar store re-painted and and papered. Dr. .1. H. Moffett is building a picket fence around ins tine residence oppo site the German church. One day last week Ed. A. Phillips captured live young wolves on los fathers farm just west of the city. The water in the Mississippi is the lowest known for years, at this sea son. and still reeecding. Gen. Hragg will deliver the oration on the I'.oth of May at the Autiotam battlefield. John Horn visited Chicago last week and bought himself a large stock of drygoods and groceries. Chills and fever are shaking up the inhabitants of Prairie dn Chien and vicinity. So says the Hoseobcl Dial. Hoscobel has a Cornet Hand of twenty-six members, the largest band in the State, outside of Milwaukee. Hev. Hr, Stevens Parker of New Jci sey .has been chosen Warden of Hacine College, at a salary of S-’.ouo per year. James Jones oT Georgetown, was robbed of a pocket book containing 8?1U2 while in Dunlieth, one day last week. I). Hrown, at the City Hakery, has his soda fountain in first-class run ning order, if you want a cool drink call on Hrown. A bushel, more or less, of copies of Hon. Geo. C. Hazclton’sspeech in Con gress have been received at each of the post offices in this district. John Horn has our thanks for a treat of sumo delicious oranges and other good tilings, from his stock which he purchased while in Chicago. The merchants of Darlington have employed S. Trowbridge to fix the grade and put a price upon all butter brought to that city. Hev. M. Halch preached at the M. E, Church on Sunday morning last upon tiie life, labors, ami death of the late Bishop Ames. “Homely Jack,” the ugly horse that did some very fast trotting here and at Madison and other places last fall is now the property of H. Pratt. The oration at the celebration at Moscow to-morrow ( -alurday) will he deliverd by Mr. Thus. Scott Ansley, instead of Judge Culhren, as adver tised. The choir of the M. E. Church of J’lattcvillc, under the leadership of Martin Hoaro, of this city, gave an excellent concert at that place on Saturday evening last. We were wrong last week in staling that Mr. J. T.Prideaux had gone west. John is still in town and does not contemplate leaving for some time to come. A short timeago some person set fire to a large straw stack belonging to Albert Williams, of Harndtown. The lire kept alive in some ol the llax j straw for more than live days. Mrs. Nancy (Iray. a pioneer of Jo Daviess County, 111., aged los years, died at her residence in (ialena, on Friday morning last. She was a na tivu of County Cavan, Ireland. Del ween 400 and 500 Indians near Ashland have taken the pledge. They got the idea that the pledge was some thing about whiskey, and that was enough.—Peek. .1. J.anyon A Pro. have manufactured an even dozen of their monster crush ers. and are at work on more which have been ordered. They are giving excellent satisfaction wherever intro duced. Mr. Isaac Buckley is doing a good business in the horticultural line. 11 is trade in this vicinity is large and growing, and he has commenced shijv ping plants to points outside of ttie •State. A fourteen-year-old daughter of Mr. Paul Leach of tins city- ran away from her home on last Sunday after noon. jly searcli and inquiry Mr. Leach learned that she started on the Darlington road, but is unahlu to trace her further than the town of Willow Springs, in La Fayette county. BkCki.ess shooting.—One day last week a bullet was shot through a door of Mr. Jack Lanyon’s house by some reckless sportsman who shot at a small bird in Mr. Moses M. Strong's or chard. There is an ordinance against shooting in the city limits, which it would be well to enforce if the offend ers could l>e identified. i Dr. 11. P. Mix, homeopathic physic ian and surgeon, has located at lligli land. Office in Dr. Cosins old stand. Mrs. Mary Stevens, of Ilozle (Jreen, Grant county, while on a recent visit to a daughter living in Galena, drop ped insensible as she was al out to enter the house, and subsequently died. Elsewhere may be found a letter front Mr. .1. -V. Williams, commis sioner of the general land office at Washington, which will be of interest to those who contemplate seeking homes in the West. A tramp was in town on Monday night, when Mr. Frieden’s shoe store was burglarized, but as Constable Healey took the precaution to lock him up in the city jail over night, he cannot be accused of the burglary. W. 11. Dc l.aMatyr. principal of the Spring Green high school is a brother to Gilbert De La Matyr, the Green back member of Congress, from Indi ana. The schools are in a very nour ishing condition under his manage ment. There is but one high school in the Slate which receives more tui tion from outside the district than the Spring Green high school. hat troubles the Tribune? In its last issue may be found the following notice; “We wish our business men. wheth er or not of a snpertltions, whimsical nature, to know and hold the same firmly in memory, that we can furnish as good material and do as good work for the same money, is can be had anywhere.” Attention is called to the advertise-i ment of Mr. A. H. Ferris, agent for the Champion reapers and mowers, Pitts and Massilon threshers, and other brands of farm machinery. Mr. Kerris handles an excellent class of farm machinery, and holds a well earned reputation as an upright, square-dealing business man. Far mers will do wi ll to call at his office near the Depot and examine his ma chinery and got, his terms. Died, in this city on Friday, May IHh, of consumption, Miss Jessie Day, aged twenty-one years. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. Geo. Hay, and was well known and highly esteemed by the people of this city. The funeral took place on Sun day afternoon and was very largely attended by sympathizing friends. She was a member of Emery Lodge, I. (). G. TANARUS., of this city, and the Good Templars Hall will be draped in mourning, in honor of her memory Mr. Harney Piatt, General Agent for Hit! McCormick harvesting ma chines was in the village last week, and from him we learn that the ma chines he sells still lake the lead of all others. Haring the last year he sold ;!77 of (belli in Iho oouuties of lowa, Grant, LaEayette and liich laud. This justifies the opinion that [ we have always entertained of these ; machines, that is, that they are the best that is manufactured. Their sale is unprecedented.—Spring Green Times. Mr. A. C. Watkins has purchased the interest of his late partner, Mr. Sinead, in the Sioux City (Iowa) Tri bune, and is now sole proprietor of the paper. The Tribune is the lead ing newspaper of Western lowa, and under the management of Mr. Wat kins it has acquired an enviable reputation for its ability and fearless ness. It has become a terror to offi cials who for years have been robbing the people of northwestern lowa, Through its efforts the Treasurer of Woodbury County was shown to he a defaulter to the amount of over ■S;!( The Tribune is making a gallant light for the people, and we are glad to know, that in return its con rsc is endorsed by them. On Monday night someone entered the boot and shoe store of Mr, J. Peter Frieden and stole about half a dozen I pairs of boots and shoes. The eid ranee was made from the hack pan of the store, by prying up a window which was fastened down with a nail. The ' goods taken consist of three pairs of men's boots and three or more pairs of ladies shoes. Tim thief must have taken considerable time to inspect the stock, as both boots and shoes were of the bed quality,and were evidently se lected with care. '1 he thief, it is siije posed, left by way of the back door, which was found unbolted. The loss to Mr. Frieden is upwards of twenty live dollars. Articles of incorporation were bird in the office of the Secretary of State, at Madison on the Pith inst. by James S. Harris, Olis S. Ilarton, D. Hunkens, John Larrara and Thomas X. Huberts, all of Galena, 111., for the construction and erection of a railroad from the state of Wisconsin in the county of La Fayette, to the Wisconsin river at or near Muscoda with a branch from Phillip Corners to the village of Platteville. Grant county, the whole distance being about sixty miles, un der the name of the Galena and Wis consin railroad company, capital stock £150,000, divided into 1,500 shares of £IOO each. This organization is in lieu of the old Galena A Southern Wisconsin Narrow Gauge railroad company, which was lately sold under decree of the United Slates Court to satisfy the claim of the first mortgage bondholders. The particulars in regard to the young man of whom wo si*oke of last week as having sold in this city a horse and buggy which he had stolen in Bos cohel, are as follows; On the morning of Thursday May Ist, the young man whose name is Fred Merrill, borrowed a horse and buggy of Mr. IV B. lliteh eook, of Boscobel. to goto Fennimore and return. On Thursday night he arrived in this eity. and remained un til Saturday, all the time endeavoring to sell the horse. On Saturday even ing he sold the horse and harness to Mr. Samuel Ives for twenty-live dol lars and the buggy and robe to Starry Brothers, proprietors ot the Mineral I’oiut and Arena stage line for ten dol lars. Constable Healey and deputy sheriff Daniels knew of bis presence in town and snspieior*ed him, but as he was very eool and deliberate, and did not make any attempt to clear out they did not think themselves justiCut, in arresting hint. He remained here until late on Saturday night when he i took his departure for parts unknown. On Monday evening Constable Healey received a postaleard|from Mr,lli eh-j eoek describing the property and the, thief, and immediately notified the parties who purchased the goods that I they were stolen, and that they must ' be given up. Mr. Ives produced the ! horse and harness, but the starry Brothers claimed to have disposed of j the buggy and robe. On Tuesday Mr. Hitchcock arrived and Mr. Healey de livered him the horse and harne.s, and aided him in his search for the buggy and robe. The buggy was found in a barn in Hodgeville, and the robe in a barn at this place. I’Yi i.oiv.i'.m \ ok l.n ii: v rn:r. Il will Im> welcome nows lo all lovers of good literature that the now. hcanti ftil ami niavvolouslv cheap Acme edition of Chamber's Pyelopiedia of Knglisli l.itoraniro is to bo ooni|i!otoil on .1 mu' l. Volume IV. is just issued, and the remaining four volumes are to bo issued and delivered at one time on the dale stated. The work richly deserves the sale it has obtained of nearly 100,000 volumes already, and ought to attain, as it probably will, to a round million. The prioe, which lias varied at different times, increas ing as the publication has progressed, has now been permanently lived at B'J.OO for the paper ts\ols. complete, nearly :i,.vto pages). 8;’.,oo for cloth, 81. To for half morocco, gill top. and 81!.To for the I vol. edition in half morocco, gill top binding. A discount of to per cent, from these prices is allowed to those whose orders are re ceived before ,! une I, and a further discount of to per cent, to those or dering in clubs of ii\e or more sets at onetime. Postage if by mail ts cents extra. Orders will he tilled in the order of receipt, specimen pages and full part ieulars will be sent, on request. American Hook Kxehange, ,V Heck man street, New York. Publishers. Sold only direct to purecasers, and not through dealers or agents. Money Orders. Tlio money order busines at yfineral I*oilit Post nllice. Cor tlit* inonlli end ing April :iOlli, ls7n: No. ul' Domestic nnlers issued 151 No. id' llritisli nnlers issued 5 Amount of orders issued and fees si 001 12 No. of Domestic orders paid.. 50 No. of liritisli oiders paid.... I \o. of Canadian orders paid. 1 Amount of orders paid and fees ().’,2 20 Total anil M. O. business. .*2 .Vi:! II Handsome linen plaids at the very low price of 25 cents a yard at 1 tellers. Dried IJeef, llreakfast lsaeou and Hams at Kinnie A Spratlers. Landreths Harden seeds for side at 11. Vivian's. Adolph Appel will clip your hair off with neatnesn and dispatch. Anew style linen and silk mild Lrenadine for 25 cents a yard at Hel lers. |{r<*akfast ISaeon, Hams and Drieil IJeef at Kinnie & Spratlers. Hams, breakfast Uacon anti Dried Reel at Kinnie A fipratlers. Towling 5 cents a yard; all linen tablecloth at 25 cents a yard al Hel lers. Two good second hand sewing ma chines, for sab* by IJirely A Sou Payable in Hay or wood. (Harden seeds of every variety, suit able for this climate, for sale at low prices at Dr. J. H. Vivians. Ladies, be sure to save money by buying your Hats and Sundowns at Hellers. A large stock of hosiery, including stripped and contrast stockings, at John Horn’s. Latest styles of ladies' linen, poplin, and lawn suits, and child’s white dresses and robes in large variety cheap, at Heller's. Farmers contemplating buying a reaj>er this season should examine the Knowlton before purchasing, or they will regret it ever afterwards. 40 Workingmen! look to your interest and save doctor hills by using Dr Marshall's Hung Syrup for all cases of coughs, colds, etc. Price only 25 cents it bottle. ‘■Slid by all druggists. , Bargains In Kid Olovee. Holler otters a splendid button Kid glove at iV> cents; a ;? button Kid Clove at “5 cents; and scamles genu ine .Josephine at 91.50. 1 otter for sale my property on Jer usalem street consisting of my house and lot, cabinet shop, and barn. A good bargain can be had by calling soon. Mus. Jos. F.m.kxokn*. John Horn in\ des the public tv> call and examine the stock of goods which lie recently purchased in Chicago. He von Id call ('articular attention to his supply of linens, sheetings, drillings, I ite. See w hat thedruggists say about Hr. Marshall’s l.nng Syrup. "It never fails to cure the worst cough or cold IHomptly and effectually.” Price only ‘.’j cents a bottle. by all drug gists. Horn is for your Hard Times 1 A suit of boys clothing, {Sj.oo; a s tit of men’s clothing, S’>aHH a pair of line bools. St.aO: call at Hellers for ti.em. Wol Il' M V IT. I si; Till VI- If pm- Sens were aware of the injurious character of most baking powders, they would never use them. Ignorant p tsoiis know nothing about the chem ical combinations necessary The onlv good baking powder, prepared by a physician with special regard to its healthtnlness, is Hr. Price’s Cream baking Powder. Notut, 1 am now ready to do all kinds ot teaming, and will furnish rock. Mud and lime on short notice. All orders left at Penrose's meat mar ket will be promptly attended to. d-m Bom i: r Ji ii vv We wish to Mv to our readers that Hr. Price’s Special Flavoring Kxlraets of Bose. Almond Nectarine, Vanilla, Lemon, etc., are the linest. purest and , most natural (layers we have ever! used. The common ilavoring extracts I In the market bear no comparison for line flavors to Hr. Price's. Sru.wri). One small bay mare, coming four year old, lump on right hind iid lock. Any person known 1 the vv hereabouts of the said animal j will be suitably rewarded by leaving | word at Mr. John Cimiovv's, or at tin ■ j olllee. I'aut Norn i . \ll persons found passing through or in any way tres passing upon my farm situated west of the city of Mineral Point, described as in* * | sec. ;!.T, and mv 1 ■ of nw sec. nil. will be prosecuted to the lull ex tent of the law, as I am continually annoyed by having my gales left open and allow ing my stock to stray from the premises. limn Pim.i ip.s. "Nosks ii.wi: tiikv, hit tiiia ''Min, mu !" Among the lower or ders, bad smells are little heeded, in fact, “noses have they, but they smell notbid, to Hu' rellned and educated, a pleasant odor, emanating from a well-dressed person, produces feelings of and delight. The fragrance of IM. 1 h ice’s I’llbpie Perfumes pro duces an inllneiiee that is captivating and delight fill. FORECLOSURE S ALB. 1 state of Wisconsin lowa i 'minty Cir cuit Court. I Louisiana Maddin, Plaintiff, against I Harvey S. Keyes, Sarah Keyes (his vvile),.l. A. Ilazaid.aiiil 1,. A. llislmp, I tefen hmts. Notiee is heri by given that hy \ irl ue of and pursuant to a judg meiil of foreelosure and sale ren dered in the above entitled action in sml lowa County Circuit Court on (he Ist day of April, A. I>. |s7s, | will expose for sate and sell at public a net ion to | tic highest bidder lor (•ash, at Ihe front door of the Court House in Ihe village of Dodgeville, in said County, mid Stale, on Tuesday, the 27th day of May, A.D. is7!,at 2o'clock in Ihe afternoon of said day (lie fol lowing described mot Ignited premises, or so miieh thereof as shall be neces sary to raise lhe amount of said judg ment, interest, costs, and cost of sale, to-w it; I.of No, eight (s>, and that part of lot No. lift cell (Is)deseribed as follows: ■ Commencing al the south westerly I corner of said lot No. 15, thence east erly along Fountain street thirty live ci.s) feet, thence northerly on a line parallel with the west side of said lot No. !5, to the northern boundary thereof, thence westerly along the northern boundarv line to the north west cornel of said lot No. 15, thence southerly along the west line of said lot No, 15 to the place of beginning; all of said lots being in block thirty oneCU) Strong and others addition to the village (now city)of Mineral point, County and Stale aforesaid. Dated Sheriff's olllee Dodgeville, lowa Comity, Wisconsin, this Mil day of April, A D. I*7o. THOMAS HLACKNKV, sheriff lowa Cos., Win. llknuv a Smith, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ijr> State of Wisconsin County Conf( fur Inwa (.'minty—ln Probate. Not Km In hereby given that at a up clailirm of Hie lowa Count jr Court, :> be held * u and for raid < ' iimy. at Hie I ,'oorl lloare. In ibr village of tMitoflto, in raid eounlir. on tne 70th day of Mar. A f>, IS7I. being the thl'd Turadaf of wild month. *' .'ii 'o'clock to lb" afternoon of raid day, (be following nialtera will be betid and considered: The application of lill**n VaMabon, for Hie 1 appointment of an adminlCoator of the fatale of Patrick McMahon, late of the city of Mineral Point. In raid county, dceirad. And it l further ordored, that public, notice thereof bo given to all p. rrofu Inlsreated by pobllanlng a copy of tb‘a order for three weeka atit't-aivily prior 10 aa.d day of fearing, la fbe lowa i.oui ly UeiDorrat. a weekly uewapap,, Circulating in raid county, 15y order of the . ouft. JOHN T. JOSES, Judge. DatedMud.o-vlitv, Wlr. April lUh, 1 579 aw -- _ „ ] NOTICE. Tbt under*.gned would reapectfnlly Inform i the public that be U prepared to cry public aab-a al all timer on rea-onablc term* Parin ■ err' aaler a rpeclality. Can be aaen at Mineral Point every atarda>. Ail ordert left at Chaa, Ncal'a bulcbcr rboporatlbe Democrat Off ca i will recalre prompt attention. JMf N. K. VAN MATRE. FIFTY HEAD OF Horses Wanted JAS. A. OWEN Wants Kitty Head of Good Hor ses, for which ho will trade First • Class FARM MACHINERY. Office bear the depot, Mineral Point. Millinery. Millinery. LATEST STYLES At Mrs. Collins’. TO TUK I.MMKS: I have juM returned lioih OliU'Agt) with a Urjjo Mock of MILLINERY GOODS OF THK LATEST STYl.Ks,which I will oftVr forml at irAAoimhlo prUvi*. Omni* trimmed in the UtcHt hhl moal MyllMi mAiinor. i Uavo no old nood foi ahlo uiv entire Mock U now in now hiul cw.cftilh nolocUM. 1 liavo nli*o learned n now ororon* for oloaii ii'U oM Mraw co>d, h\ which Ain ibialili iI to iuaWo thorn ipponr At* now. M US, COLLI Na. To the Hungry! MUS. KISS ELL W.m1.l snnoiin, ,' in ilio oulilie tlml klu> lm* removed to II s OUiter'i* old Hand, vvhero ►ln> lll Uee| a llrsl clm> Grocery Store, Restaurant and Boarding House. Warm iupal* or aiiv kind of iWrcMnuciit* nerved nn on abort notice, Kichli llrcAd ;iiul r,u • * for mile. InrlvAllod lco CreAin, Sod i WA't'r mill I.emoiiAde. Firm e.lm* uccomnuidMlona lor Pin/ <i //(/ llrc/x' Hoarders. When i.umjr y *>r IhlrMy call ut Mr* Klmoll'*, oppoMto Filllord’** dr\iK Mote, Mnei. IIS LAM) FOII SALK. Sixty ,'lrrrs of Splendid ) on no' Tintln'r. Will lie sold very cheap for ('ash. aotr 11, II AllK I NS. ATTENTION, LADIES I Special attention is ailed to our Select Slock of Greenhouse and Bedding PLANTS, which we oiler at Reduced Rates, so that nil can nH'ord a few lieitn tiln I plants to lirioliton their homos. Uoi.minms hloominjv, 15 to 25 cents oneh. Heliiroju's blooming;, 15 to 25 cents each. KoliHfjp: plants, 15 cents each, or $1 per dozen. Verbenas In cents each, or 50 cents pcdozendmi o( herseipially low. (iroonhoiise open to visitors at all lin es, (lorner of Ohestnnt and Fountain St, Wm. Tiiahdai.k, MRS. BASTAIN Would n’n>ectfully r/H Ui* ntionMon of Ihn Indio* to lo r MOHT MACJNIKIOKNT Mock o t MILLINERY GOODS. BONN ETS& HATS In l•n■. , trß variety and rlyle. An exceedlnglli g largo atuck of Uiniioxs, Fdowhub, Fkattikub. and trimming* of all kind). All are Invited to call and examlno my good* wlileli nro lineicellail and I will lake tilcaruro in dlaplaybig for aalo al pricer > • low aatbolowual. 4n U UN. IIAHTAIN. PAINTING, i Weidenfeller & Son, (Suceeeaora to Davoy X Wledenfeller) House, Sign and Coeriage PA INTERS, Shop over Treweok'a ilark.mlOi tbop, High ttuot. - Mineral Point, Wls ALL WO UK Done in a firal-claaa manner, and at reaaonable rate*. w i; IDENKBU.KU * 80H 0., -M. & Ht. Paul H. B. 001 So *er. AVOCA. AMINA I'aaaecgor and ma 11............ 8 11am 10 15 a m Accomrecdeion •• XMM HIIMI 1145 p m 148 p m farrenger. siu p m 818 pm ooinu vnr. Paeaeogert and mai1....-.- 4 15pm 314 pm A ccoin modal 10n............. Ik 45 p m ID V> am P f UfiM I NtMMta >•<••••'> ••• Miriam 7is m N. 11, SNOW. Agrnt. Mineral Point R. R. iiaTl. "OIXU HM'TW A, M I QPIN WOBTB. A.. Leave Mineral P'U R H Leave Warren. BRO do rVemlne, M | do (Irellot, Bto do Darlington, 100 I do Darlington, 10 00 do Orallot, 740 d* Calamine, 10 U Arrive, Warren, 818 I Arrive. Mn'l T't. 1100 Fit wear axo accommoda tiox. ooi no norm, n noixo south. r Leave V. i ,ierall"t tto Leave Warran RMI do Calamine 800 do Oralktl B*s do Darlington 111 do Darlington 710 do (Irallol 4*o do I'alamlnn 740 Arrive,Warren 4MI Arrive, Mineral I”I8 15 I'LATTKVIi.LK HI VISION, K.ia. •0180 KXT A. 8, il|>ollT. A. *. Leave riatieville, RtR Leave Mineral P’t PAR do Uelinont, Ml Arrive I'alamlne, 10 tS Arrive Calamine, rl Ml Leave do 10 tR Leave do R 45 Leave Belmont, 11 OS Arrive Min i I'olnt 7SO Arrive I'lattevllle 11 SR KKICUW r A M> A CCOVMODA TIOX, Homo a*r. •m | ooixo vriar. p. x, Leave I’laltevlllo 145 I Leave Calamine 740 do Helmotit tis | do Ilelmnnt 840 Arrive ralanilne 8 ixi | Arrive I’lailevllle BRR |W l'a*euger leaving Mineral Point at 8:0tl A M. eau reach Madieon at 4 V, M. the eamo day, liy way of Freeport and Caledonia, t'HAS. K. UAL*, Aiient. Illinois Central R. R. The only route running through eata between W arren and ChU ago. The only route to 81. Louie, I'alro, and the South, and to llnl'iniue, stoux Oily, Oraatiaand ernat. ootno eoi TH asp mar. I.eaveWarren ~,,8 4'iaiu 100R|int Arrive at Chicago 445 pm 105 am do si Louie BMla in Ron|> m do Cairo *OO pm I4Ram ooiso South \ni> w atr. Leave I'alro it HO pm t til pm do 81. Louie 8 (HI am ll 45 p m do Chicago II 80 |i m 080 a in Arrive at Waned, .. 4RS a m ROM pm ooiso w aev. Leave Warren IRSa in him p m Aitlve at Dubuque 7 111 am 7 111 pm do Sioux t’llv 8 4Rani It SO pm 00180 ttxer. I ervo BI.IIIX t’llv IMI p m i*l p m Anli oat linhinpioa R4dam 8 .id p m do Warren 8 4|l am It OR p m Kor through tUkele apply at the principal etallone on Iho M. IV I! It,, alo al the I.l', R K. m Warren. IT. 8. IIKNBHN, Agent A(J NES .IKNKIN, FASHION AIU.K Dress and Cloak Maker, Uoonin otor John OawoV Mloro, HUH si root, Minoral Point, Wl, Farm For Sale! Ouo of tho Dost in La Fayette Comity. Tho mvl oilora hi* Ainu for sum farm U loomed within ono hair tulle of Oiliiuiliir, mid Im ltin bout (141 in lor Stork liaisiiiK Pui-pom's In'njotlu FouMy 10 it* *!<•*. Said farm coiitalna TWO IIUNUUKD A Nil I % IIIIi TV AFItICS OF LAND ahnitt 80 aoton ututor cul tivation, too hitom *i in endow Und, and the romalinlor llmhor and pasture Mini In woll will or ol Uy two living HprliiFM, and tho Peon tonU'l% rlv. r ruiuiiiu* thrnm’h 11. A UOOI STUNK mVKU.INU UOPAIMwo idorh'M high, woll 1 41 1 1 mu, mill a good cla'.rau )u coniiocTlon with tho hutldliiu. Two (iiitttl 1 turns, ilranarloa, eorn rilha. wagon Imueei, ,*<■., on I In* pliwo; hlmo * mind well, Tho hum will ho noli) cdu*ap and on o**y lor in* mi half Iho purrhaMo nmmiy nudi down, and 0110 hall oil (lino with novon pur Quid. loioroHi. If Iho furm 1h not wold It can ho rontod ou onmv toriiiM ’Hio plnro In divided nltby loih om Into novou dlllom.l Ulvlmloiim. .mun n. Willow Spring*. January 1, IH7H. til Buy Your Plants AT HOME Where you nm have a Largo Variety i<> choose from and can gel I lii'in as (’liciijt us anywhere in America. I lieg to In form Iln |im>p|e of Mineral Point Hull my collection nl Kinonluman (iliinta U tint In r<ln aonlh wealern Wl.mnaln. My aya • 'lll ill liropoiint lon la almiiln mutiny auceeaa lina In-Vll an rillll|lllllll Hull I Hill < ||l|l||.||| 111 anil I'lniila Ilia apilng cheaper I linn evnr. I will lullin' nmti'ranlil. My collection of (ilniila eon alala of Alnitllluna. Arliyramluuea, AchrtOlaa. A iimrylllaia, Itmii'iiriiliia, IlngmiUa, I'allaa, Carnatlona. Ilnaiy Miller, Colima, Cigar I'lmila, Cliryanllninniin, Kiiniilma, Ki'riii, Kneiae llilny tnrli'll'ia, Kewurfewa, I J nrmi In in ■ n largo mill i linn, (llmtliilna, 11 r I lot rilin'. NVna planta, Ivlra, CniiriMinaa, Oyrlmnmia. KUionluiia, I,.in Iniiluna, 1..111111.ia, Moaaea, lUnal plmila, Arlll • Inry I'ltinla, I'naalon gutter*, I'wrlat n i|il ua, I’epermonlna, I’l innlaa. I’uinegninala, Print rnaiia, Itelaruonuinia, lliiana, Hnlllii, Sweet Alvaaum, Snlvlaa, I'rlloinnw, TmilnaiilliUiia. Vlncaa, Verliennn, Vmonlnia me. I am pro* l.arnil In anil miial of Hm iiluvn plnnla m 15 eta I'Ai'll, \ fur Ml cilia, tillin' |I,OII, Large |.tnnta arum (iliinla mot niivi'llliia nt I'linully low pneua. My planla are In flnn minllllon, lire Uni- to Inline, ami ran lio rullwil iiitmi 10 give ml I alio; I Inn. ISAAC HL'CKMCV. \VM. T. IIKNRV, BANKER, Mineral Point, - - Wlarourln. Oiganleed A. W. IHlil. Trnmill'll (i general Jimi/an;/ liuiinen. Agent lor IIIIMK I' JKK i NriCItANC'K Cu&tPAKV Of New Vork, Agent for William* Union* Steamer*. MUNKY TO LOAN To fl'at data men. mi good real calale. 'J Cheap and Good. John Tanyon, IJualoi in GROCERIES, DR! GOODS, XDGKiHiISa 000136* Hull ami Capi, liooh ami Shoe*, Commerce Hlroc , Mineral Point, Wla. I Incite (be attention of the (.nkllc to my full afoek of gooda. I nan tall gooda ae cheap aa any other dealer In the ally. My etock le fall and complete in evert particular, (live me a call. 1 guarantee Miiafactlcn. Ik’TTKR AND Eo Taken in exchange for goodt. I will pay the blgheat market price for farm produce. 11-18 JOHN LAN VON