Newspaper Page Text
THE DEMOCRAT. Mineral Point, Friday, .lane <i, 1870. Gao. Crawford, Robt. M. Crawford, kditoiis ann rnoriuEToiiH. - irr - —— m ,niaMMManaM -••• ’ Death of Ohm. Jam!* Shields, Gcu. James Shield, late U. S. Senator from Missouri, died sud denly at Ottumwa, lowa, on Sun day evening last. He appeared in his usual health up toO o’clock, but just before retiring complained of pain in the chest, and soon there after said to his niece that he was dying, and in thirty minutes expir ed, sitting in his chair and remain ing conscious to the last. His re mains were taken on Monday to bis home in Carrollton, Missouri, for intomuent. Con. Shields was one of the best known men in the country. He came to the United States from County Tyrone, Ireland, in IB2d, He served in the Mexican war, and rose to the rank of brigadier-general. lie was dangerously wounded at (Hro Gordo, and for bis brave eon duel, in (be battle be wa afterward brevelted major-general. In ISP.) ho was eleeted 11. S. Senator, and served the full term. Soon there-. lifter lie remoy'il to Minnesota, ami iu 1 BoH, Hi' 1 legislature of that SWto elected liim for a short term. Ile served in tlm war of the rehellion ami wan commissioned brigadier general. 1!■ wan elected hy the Missouri le;;!: latlire lust winter to the 11. S. Senate, for the third time. I le win a brave soldier, a true man, and a life long democrat. At <lohlliiblis, on W’edne lay, .)line llh, the I lenioeratH of < >l l io, nominated the following ticket: For (iovernor, (Sen. Thomas Fwing, Lieut. (iovernor, den. A. V. Itiee; Treasurer, Anthony Howell; Audi tor, Charles lieemilin; Judge of the Hujireme <*ourt, \V. .). • lihnore; Attorney deiieral, laaiah Filial'! . A ringing jilatforin, denouncing the use of troops at the polls, declaring in favor of impartial juries, demand ing the full restoration of ailver, that there lu* no further increase of the* bonded debt, and that the t ame lie put in process of extinction, was adopted. _____ Tliu defeat of Judge Taft in tin Ohio republican state convention is generally looked upon as a rebuke to the (Irani, movement. Taft was a member of Onuit's cabinet, and was supposed to represent that wing of the party in Ohio favorable to a third term. His overthrow is a deathblow to the hopes of the ItobcHons, Shepards, Babcocks, cl. al. (In Wedne day the (>1 lio given backers met. and nominated a State ticket. Some of the delegates are disatislied and another conven tion is called for .1 nne 17th. Senator Thurman considers the Ohio republican ticket weak, and prophecies that it will be beaten by ‘JO,(It'(I major!ls. Chicago elected it.; entire Deniu eratio judicial ticket on Monday list, by majorities ranging from six thousand to ten thousand. Tin* Kvcm'shm I'arly io Meet Hen. (haul. Ni'\v York Suit. It i'i announced tlmt the arrange l>it'llts fur mi excursion party t" meet (leu. tiraui at San Kraueiseo, ami accompany him across tin' ('ontclicnl. art' all completed. We art’ glad tn hear this. \\ Jioiio llm parly will ho large, as there in every reason In liolit'vo it will ho, lor tho orop of fools atnl snobs is abundant, The reason wt' hope (lie party will ho large is because we think it will ho very injurious (n (ion. (Irani, ami for the good of the country we want (n sot' him defeated. The (Irani movement culminated 100 early to he success fill. Kven now it is manifestly on the tleeline. Tin'American people propose to elect their own President. They tlo not think for a moment of hav ing him dictated to them hy the snobs and sycophants of any party. The more receptions (leu. (Irani has the hotter; for the less will be the political support ho will receive; and to save this country from that lirst long stride toward an heredi tary monarchy, a third term, is the greatest service at present in the power of any patriot to vender. David Davis said, “It is little less than a public scandal, after a century of national existence, that any party could venture to ask the people's approval of a species of tyranny forbidden in England and wherever else parliamentary prin ciple is respected.” And for this David Davis is denounced by re publicans journals from New York to California aa a traitor. Treason like this Is eminently safe, respecta ble and popular, for it is treason against Cmutism in one of its fav orite phases.—Times. The Hoard of Regents of Normal , Setiools have made arrangements to put in seven five-thousand pound i heaters in the Normol School build ing at I’latteville, and to rebuild or reorganize the ventilating appara tus so as to give an entire change of air in each room every twenty minutes. The work will be done during the summer vacation. The (piestion of fusion with the Democrats is now agitating the green backers, and they are trying to determine whether it would be wiser lo fuse or go on alone. W’e should think they would ask the advice of the Republicans.- IVck. FURNITURE. SAMliia FRANCIS, l I N 1 ) KirrA K KH A Del I lealm )ii Furniture and Cabinet Ware, i lirli i'ivi Mhifiml Po'h.i , U Is., 11 i* ii rinur-vi.AHH //am /./.a;n nb> prepare Io do m.tli'l lalviid’ Ii a lltsl <• I; i • - * iininner, AI! work '.n uv Him done prom idly and at 1 eun oihi ld** bib s. have on hand a Imre and well m lee ted si a It I A7/',',7- I ‘fass Fim>.i/uri‘, ulib li Ik all iiiioiiifHclin< ■! imtii well sfoom and hiMilu r, nod l> eipoil hinny Inrnilmv In I hn wend. i'liirnit to (h’thv! and v price* mie very low. ‘’all and examine my* mrk. I \ I .■*> ,\ iM 11 IU i KKANrH. ihiiwix osuoiim:, .Towelor and HSngravor, engraving I make eimrivlnj: m AcllHim |.ttr • lamed at my h! or will 1m nit raved FKKKuK ( IIAIIUM, I nni the only engraver In iheepy Call and nee me K. OSIIOUN I'' \VM. JAS. HKAHHV, Al'C I lONI.KII. (loMMISSIoN S.SI.I'.S MAN AND ( i liN KU AI. ( 101.1.i.0T1 NO An i;nt. Mineral Point, Whcomdn. Olllco with T. Smdl Alisley, ea-d Hld.'ofCiv Hal. aMended to in any purl of lowa and adjoin lup i mint U*k. c01.1.1b * i’IONS promptly non i.. mi. jas 3 1 Ml In'ml I‘iitil Win ()ut/j FiJ'tf/ Cciils .7 Year I* 1 or I In* ( hikl Rphl Farm and Home |iA|u*r lu tho I'liHHl Hlnto*. The FARIFRS* REVIEW luntUilno tho following tlopiulmonli*: AGRICULTURAL: il ,1 t till l tit'!' .Stll'k, Dtiil'l/, 1I If I'l voi'j/f I'onUn/' ion/, ,1 jiitiri/, ll'iiiii/iihirt 1 nml ll.'iiix of 1 1 inriiil A.'ilonllliml lutrllliti'ltrn ihmiipluuil tlu 1 vvorlil, n Ik llm imiuTfor Sitf ini’i k, Karnuim' wiw* nml I'tinutiiK’ •lilUlron. Ladies' i/otue Dvjmrtnival Thl* (’opin'tnu nt lucliklck, Of lihs r’udto I .Il i*i at y mUc tons, urt it If* on Ka-lmns lor i.allies ami eliilclren, 1 honest ie Mutters ami lllnrieii! lure, FOR YOUNG READERS, Tho KnimnV Hovlow irc|mroH jv dejmitmcul oonUlntiiK iiiohl t .'irofully HUrld nml original rmtlvr, I‘ttiuhlnluu HimiHoiuont ami Instruct Thin (lo|mitmonl hiko tonlnin* ouch iimnih our or imu’c hnummiu lllutd ration*. Its Literary Depart meni Ih klili’k ii tiu;i‘ niiioiiiil of valiinli!.' icrli'tillum nmllit, ir.'tiiK Hlily nml Impnrllitllj n vanoty h'liU'K of it 1 nr nil inliTiKl tn nil roiuliTK. Our A'vi vs I fetus will ho fill)ml to contain an nccuralo summaiy ol tho principal evenththroughout tho world. .Votes Jrom the Capital, |irt’liari>a t'*|n'rlnlly fur Iho lUflinv ivv nn ox porU’iiroil .ImifiiallKlK. iokUUtil In WiinhliiKtiiu, will lioronfior l>o fiiilinl olio ol llto InteroKllUi; fonluroK of Ilio Ukvikw. 'riiov will Incltulo I loiiik of luliirosl to nil dllitoiiK of our oniintry iiUlioimli civil )i.'c nl proiiiiniTuo, of oonrKo In Kill'll topli’K uk mo pnilionliu ly llitoionllii; In AcrlciillumllKtH. Tlitl wrllom for Iho" Ukvikw will not bo conlltiril In U.nbU oilllolHl kihll, Jlvcogniivd, luf/iunites upon toplo" coin 111): within the .photo of n Joiir nnl of UilK clmniclor, will ho vmpKmil In write upon KiihjooU purlululiiu to lliolr vnrtou" pc IlllltlO". Wo nro now maUIUi: ni rnnifoinonl* to lucrio tho numhor ol ouv t'ouuKKiMsiiliM'K tttnl Akko CIATH VniTOIIK, Wo Kollclt jour Kuhtorlptlou The Farmers' Kcvivio, cowtUlcut that every member of your Family w ill be Intorcited tut he paper. Only o 0 Cents a ) car. lU'iulttHiico to ho matlo to TUB V'AUMlilts' UKVIKW CO.. r, u. Dux, utia, Chicago, U Ladies Bo you want a pure, bloom* ing Complexion? If so, a few applications of Hagan’s .MAGNOLIA BALM Mill grat ify you to your heart’s con tent. 11 does away with Sal lowness, Redness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and imperfections of the skin, it overcome:, the Hushed appear ance cf beat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY; and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. Now Grocery Store. N.M. Hanlon & A. Kehoe HAVE OI'HNICD A CKNKUAL GROCERY STORE IN IVEY'S IILOCK, (Joinmcrcc Street Eretb (iiocerlea at | ns I ■ w a- tin: biv.i-t. -ALHU— LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Wo'respectfully a sic for a chare ofliiu public patronage, K, M. HANLON, A. KEHOE, Mlmnal Polul, March Ist. I dll, ATTENTION, LADIES ! iS|HH‘i;t! at.ll Hlioii is oalle Ito oiir Select Slot'll ol Greenhouse and Bedding PLANTS, which wc oiler at Heduced .Bates, so dial, all oaa itll’oi'.l a low hean tiln 1 plants to brighten their homes. Coraiiintii'* blooming, Id to 2d ooills each. 11011 l !'o]ieS I ilootnilig, 15 to 2d rents e.'ioli. Kolage pi,-i, nls, Id ooiit.’t oaoh, or £1 por doEoii. Vel'hoiHls JO reals oao.ll, or DO fonts pe"(lo/.enaiel othorsoiiiial!y low. (i ivoiilmiist! open io visitors ut all tin os. ('oriier of Chostnut ami Fountain SI. W m. Teas dam;. Farm For Sale! One of tho Uost in La Fayette County. Tie* unil'’i*i’m‘tl oil t* hU fiirm fnr H4h\ Suitl limn i ‘ loomotl wnlun op* !mU* miu* or i alamln .and Is Ino bo-t I.inn lor Slock llaisiier I'mposos in LnKavi’lfe (hni'ily SiL! fnnn nnil im/ TWO \M TillK I’V ACUKS OF LAND übolil M jumt•• tin 1-r ml Hvallon, lo*i hitim el menlo.v luu>). amt Urn muaimliM' llmlmr and -ami is well watered l*y Iwo llvliur H|iln*ns ami tho l*uoa loulca rlsfr riinimt • tlmm.jU M. A cool) SI’ONK DWMiUNO llorstMu-o h(o; '.v hli'h, well laid out, an Ia ,‘ M rmlrcu In roiima tion with tho buildhu:. Two Utunl Barns, tlnnmUM, ram tllh, \v,i: > ! *iv*. A.'., on I In* pi ua; uUo ir* I wed, Tiio Iwrm will In* mII •* :;•! on e.i*y litimi*—on livilf l.ho imrch I *v••, uml uno hall on limn with :■ non per cut. tutori'Mi. IT ih-, farm \* ml mUI It i*in bo rented on ea*v term** The pi am* !* divided off by Cm; v* into geven dllVerei.l dlvijdtnu*. John iAHiri:. Willow 'tprliiips (January i* IB’h Buy Your Plants AT MO M 10 Wlumv you can haw a Largo \ arioty to ohooso from ami ran got thorn as Choup as anywhoro in Amorim. 1 lieg lo Inform I lie people of Mlnn*! Point that my colleetlon ol greenhouse phut* l, the largest In fun ih western Wisconsin. My sys tem of proposition Is simple ami my slices,-* Inn* hfcii ho comploto Ouil I mu enabled to mill plants this spring cheaper than ever. I will not In* undersold, My collection of plants con nl*t of AlinlUlnni*, Aeliyranthiise*. Acliani.s, Amaryllises, Hmivnrdlas. Ilegonlas, t'allas, I'ariialloiia, Dusty Miller, Unions, Cigar I’lants t'hryant lunnnms, Knonlms, Kerns. KucU* thirty varieties, Kewerfews. tlcranlnms a Urge collection, Uladlolna, Heliotrope, Watt plants. Ivies, Cotiro.inias, Cyclamen*. Klhonlans, Lan tonliins, I,sheilas, Moss* *. .'lnst plants, Artil lery plants. Passion flowers, IVrlstroplus, I'epermonlas, Petunias. romegranats, I’rlm rosos, Uelargonimus, Koses, Smila, Stvecl Alyssnm, Salvias, Trltomas, Tratl-iscmulas, Vincas, Verlwnan, Veronicas etc. I am pro pared to soil most of the share plants at 1,1 cts each, 4 for 60 cents. 10 for $ 1.00. Large plants scarce plants ami noycltlcs at equally low prices. My plants are In line coiiiiiUun, are true to name, ami can bo relied upon to give satislactlou, ISAAC UVOELEY. ,vl **29" THE OLD RELIABLE AGENT, I < . :■'■■■. -'f- hf A TS'*(.-* . .'■••V.W ... ; ~ ■■’■a >'\ U'-? : ' ! , y '•\ n. rrr.-Tr 5 ; ri \V,I .* ' fy n C \ ' V't '* 1 9 J' 1 ' k \' * \ •* -r- ..■•••* • &NERm iCo. OifiiA J AS. A. OWEN, IS STII.r. HANDLING THE Buckeye Family of Machines, Embracing tlio Tins I’lichcyu Harvester, Tho IJuckcyo Reaper and Mower Combined, Ami the (Jniion if the .Meadow, The Buckeye Light Mower (Kkw.) / The KNOW LION REAPER & MOWER COMBINED, Which hi- n tdekle-c■(!•/<• t-nnr.-I, if TUB BEST I’LAX-CUPTINd MACHINE IN THE MAIiKKI', and is willn nt and ■ it>l the lightest, most durable and uitily i mnaged machine in the world 77//; ECONOMIST WIDE-CUT (C Feel) REAVER. The light!: I m,.inil .. luted. Any orduury t'Mm nan till from lj to 20 wrest per day. Tho Standard and J. I*. Mfuir.v Mowers, Hie Knowhon Sulky Hakes, the Standard, Knowlion ami Invinulb!.! UiiLm.'Culeviirors. the Dexter end Triumph Walking Cultivators. Hi.) Standard. Ihickev i and Manny Semlere, and THE TWO DEBT I'LAX-CLKANINU THUISSHIN'i MACHINES IN THE WOULD. The -I. I. C.\ i; & Cos. and The (1 a ntdn, ()., Swkmittakes Knd Ti ake. Tim Evans and Hull Sulky Plows- Komember the Warehouse, near Depot. ? Illy fM suns Eminent Chemists and Physicians certify that these goods aro free from adulteration, richer, moro offoctivo, produce better result 1 * ,hnn nny others, and that they use them in their own families. nn nmnmi UNIQUE PERFUMES wo tho Gems of all Odors. 1 ii' a I-* ft-f H 8 |l V TOOTUEeIfv, An Liquid Dentifrice, y !)j f| 53 llHl O LEMON SUGAR. A substituto for Lemons. w EXTRACT. JAMAICA GINGER. From tbe pure root. CJTEELE & PRICE’S LUPH .IW YEAST GEMS. The J!eit Urn Hop Xvast in tho IVorhl, STEELE & PRICE. Manfrs., Chicago, St. Louis & Cincinnati. AGE'TOY FOR FARM MACHINERY, | I f *""~ r ' ■' n " ‘lieiMMi-i . j■ * • h-f : ; ;>T- : ’U ■ ■ * I; 'il f ' t 1 m ;i;p r, ■:*•>i * -'v ‘ C < -■>'*: - v " ’ ' ■ * ■'a - . I \ • > • I- t fas , • : *■ ■ r f . ’V ' ••' •• j*> ■■ -hm i a m * • ■ ' ';)'*■ •' * ' t >•'- r' '■•aTh' v- ' • .■ ' ‘ ■ ' ' I v • . MARTIN & TO AY, A (IK NTS FOU Grand De Tour Sulky Plows and Cultivators, Workman Grain Seeders, UNION A.ND KEYSTONE CORN PLANTERS, KIRBY REAPERS & MOWERS. D- S. Morgan & Cos. “ Triumph Reapers,” Adams & French Harvesters, Climax Corn Cultivators, Trahern’s Iron, Well and Cistern Pumps. ALL WILL BE SOLD AT LOW PRICES. 33 NICHOLS', SHEPARD & CO., Battlo Crock, Mich. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE vibr a r r or” THRESHING raaCHiKERY. THE MntfMos* flraln-Sav’r.T. Tlm^RTfnar, n.lUoo**v-Snvin.? Tim. -V r* cftfcl* ' ' Bill -n* ra tion. Betond all rivalry f t KapM Vi uik, Perfect C toning, tad for Saving Grain from Wu f. C*TFl v ■■ i ,v; ' K .iiv.of ...l, t r> ■„-:.l'onr. OlTlt I nri> .1 •>!> 'I iircv'at'r liiiuinpi, both e >• ih \ MM mm* c-ono. for l”'v. n.l coy other tonhc or kiutl, THKKNT’.R Tlirpsiihijt Kxpnncs xndnflpa three to rt o tlrr ■ that amount) < an I■* nm-.o by tni Extra G ruin SAVKI> */ th'.Mj Improved klaotiov*. if*K.US ItaformV: 11 nc* MibmUlotlie cnor mo a a w:>r.:- <>r .-.•in a n.l the inferior work donoty all othrr mack 111 .. I u ov; •-‘■ted on the diifcrenoe. r ,V2*()T Only V;•: fy Superior fq,r Wheat* Oatß* cmM Barley, Ryo. autl like Grains, lint the Om.t Success fnl Threslu r in l iix, Tipvthv, Millet. Clover, and like Sm 1 . i: i'ilr. • I-(I ■ .. . h. .au” • r "rebuilding" to C't f: . I " * i- h W'c\ *\ii* i** 'p, Klrcant Finish* iT. i • ’ . > • I-r ••, sf kquii'mcnt, cto., o.r' Vi - ..i - ' i- Ua:;it tire liioai:;j uratJe. jri&v 4 • V ;1; ’• ‘i-iff? ■} •■ • : <■.■? t*_3§ • : t,- •—’ , r . ■ ■■ •SyV-V--■■■■! V ,’.V; ■ r • r .>• ..f i'arts, icing r- trial t. : i ..•’•< oi;<! Ciar.>. Makjs * V.. . • i i,.ti Hint* r :uy *p *5: •• 1 Stnrr- S'.s .M-ulc, Esjfifrlr. r • I . .■ellOdtOioL.d.-'.*, suui tHOttvlOS C.AioUUt l-i r..r c I'l.iWT ; to M ! ■’•’.l -ii..'.. rs’i <m eur imticra i ; .j ,;;...,> i Ci. - .- whlali v.w mail fteo "foe sale . The WISCONSIN HOUSE 1 will sell my hold i.roporiy oh Oommorco street eheup ami on easy terms. LEO. CHAMP.LKY, I THE BEST | OF ALL FOR HAH OR BEAST. I— i J AVh.’ii !i modlrlno l;ns Infulliaiy i’,piv ■IN work in millions of cits's for nior<'i - , S than n tliinl ol si century; win n it. inn |i’ I rcnclnnl every pint of lhe world; when® j mnnlierloss families everywhere con- (H I] sider it the only safe Velinnco In ease el f|J ■ pain or ueeldcnt, it is pretty safe to call h m such u medicine 1 THE BEST 0? ITS KIND. | M This is the ruse w ith the 7/[>\lcnii uj M TiMtnuf; ]. I ill in nit. livery mi.ilt M IlHllKSlntClligi'llce oft, value Id lie r.c M.veil, the astony >r mi awful sen M or .? J iim u, the horrms in , ■- 1 Ac unit Ism overcome, and of n llion-i nl- 1 * undone other hlossinifs and inereies HBperformed liy the old reliable iPU i-l® t* leini Utimlaoi; I.lnlinrnl. ■ All forms of outward dlacß-'.-i ; w speedily cured by the IMa.omig Liniment. |>i II penetrates umsele, n.aml raae r-.ul Bj tissue, to the very bone, baiilshlnsr pain gj and curing disease with n power that jjS never fails. It Is a Iliotlipiuo -leeded by M everybody, from the ntuchevo, who rides >4 overt bo solitary plains, to the nieieli.o-.' OT tirbieo, and the woodcutter who spats H Ills foot with Ibo axe. M It cures Hbemuatisni when nil other jH umilleatlons tall. “S This wondei'hd ,ai LINIMENT speedily eures such ailments of the 8 111 MAN IT.KMI ns Hlieumnl Isin■ Swi lllus*. Hiffjj Joints, Coutrnctcil .Almrloi, Hums Bj anil Senltls, Cuts, It I’ll Kr , undid Spruills, 1* lisono us Hites noil Sliiifcß, Stltbirii, l.nmc ness, 03,-1 is-, Mores,fleers,Frostbites.Chilblains, a Sore TVlji'iles. Caked Her all, mill jw Indeed every form of external It is lln> greatest remedy for the dis-H orders and sreciden ts to which the Q| Hltirru Ckkation tiro subject that Ims H ever been known. It cures Sprnlns, Nivlmiy, SUIT Joints.';! Founder, Ilnrness Hores, Hoof l>l<- 'jj eases, Foot Hot, Screw Worm. Scab, fl Hollow Horn, Ncratcbes, Wlnd-Mj galls. Spavin, Farcy, lllngbo-nc, Old Sores, Foil Javll, Film upon tS the Slglit mid every other ailment 88 to which the occupants of Ihc-JI Stable mid Stock Varil arc liable. SB A twenty-flvo cent bottle of Mexican H Mustang Liniment has often saved a IB vnluabbs horse, a life on crutches, or B years of torture. ■ it heals without Scar. It sups to H the very root of the matter, peuct ruling ■ even the bone. It cures everybody, and disappoints H no one. It has been in steady use for BB more than twenty-flvo years, and tsQ positively *} THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOE MAIT OS BEAST.