Newspaper Page Text
THE DEMOCRAT. Mineral Point, Friday, July 2.% IS7H. Geo. Crawford. Robt M. Crawford, EDITORS AM) PUOPRI'UTOM. Wo are pleased to note the fact that a large number of Democrats throughout the county, who lasfc fall united with the Greenback par ty have abandoned that organiza tion and returned to their first love. Many of them were “conspicuous by their absence” at the Greenback County Convention recently held in Dodgeville. Borne aurious facts have been brought to light by the removal of the tax on quinine. It is asserted that the Philadelphia firms who have bail the monpoly of quinine in this country have made over $.'50,000,000; certainly a very snug sum to have got out of shak ing humanity. The removal of the tax will it is estimated, make a saving to the charity hospitals of 180,000 to SIOO,OOO a year. The prohibitionists of lowa held a State convention Uist week and decided not to nominate candidates for State officers. A largo number of tin members of the convention bolted and nominated a full ticket. The Republicans managed to get control of the regular convention and prevented the nomination of a prohibition ticket. The Hutro Tunnel is a demon strated success. It will perform in a satisfactory manner all its projec tor has ever claimed in drawing oil’ the water of a flooded bonanza mines, In a recent test 100 feet of water in the Hale, Norcross and Savage mines was withdrawn through the means of the tunnel in 8 hours time, 'I bis demonstration has created great enthusiasm in that mineral region. The Sutro 'runnel has been completed at a cost of s(i,(mo,(XH) or thereabouts. The Madison Democrat says that “the Watertown convention dis closes one important fact, namely: that the greenback party of Wiscon sin represents an organized bolt within the republican party. It was manipulated and managed al most entirely by disaffected repub licans; and the ticket was made up exclusively of republicans. The democrats had nothing to do with the Watertown affair, and of course were not recognized in the make up of the ticket. The wayward demo crats have returned, en masse, to the old party. 11 is well.” The returns to the Department of Agriculture on .Inly I show that the condition of tie' fruit crop for the whole country is Bad. In the Cast ami North Atlantic States the c rop Both for apples and peaches is good, But from North Carolina to Texas the peach crop is almost a total fail lire, and the apple crop very short, caused By frost in April. In (he large fruit regions Bordering on the Ohio Hirer the failure is quiß’ uni vernal, hut the apple crop will he almost half a crop. In Michigan Both peaches and apples are report ed good, and in Wisconsin, Minne sota, and lowa the apple crop is at an average. California has a full crop of peaches, In a purely scientific view the Comstock lode at Virginia City. Nevada, presents the most inter esliug Held of mining in the world. It is the widest mineral Bearing lode ever discovered, and it has attained a general depth greater t han any other of equal importance Its product has Been so immense as to attract universal attention. Whether it is to continue its won derful yield or to fail altogether must he demonstrated Before many months. The tunnel and the im proved methods of ventilation may permit explorations to Be carried to a depth of four thousand or live thousand feet -about twice the present depth. This ean Be done within a few years. In the mean time the results will Be watehad with great interest. Above the two-thousand-foot levels there is nothing left, of much value, tit so lavas Hu' public have been in formed. Uolmv some good pros pects have been found, and whether they are real bonanzas will soon be determined. Geo. W. Peck, Bays that the Dem ocratic party should stop following off strange wagon tracks and return to the principles that made it a re spetable organization for more years than any of its present mem bers have lived. He believes that if the Democratic party of Wisconsin j will do this “it can make a nomin ation that will place its condidate in the chair now occupied by the pleasant little gentleman whose name is Smith.” The bad taste and blindness of the country cannot be sufficiently deplored by our Republican friends. During the last six months, though the bold, bad Democrats have been overturning the Go' eminent, disbanding the army, repudiating the national debt, inflating the currency, starv ing the Administration, putting in peril the great results of the war, hatching out the wecvel and seven teen-year locusts, scuttling the Honaza mines and butting the bull off the bridge, the increase in bus iness bus actually amounted to 20 percent, and there has been a fall ing off in insolvency of of) per cent. The Republican ruin has gone to meet the Republican rebellion and the Republican exodus. At this rate the Democrats will save the country unless something is done to head them off’ at once.—New York World. The New Orleans Picayune says that i' a | >ii<iiuti< >ii in not to be thought of, hut Borne statesmen think the debt can be sealed AO per rent, now and AO par coni, more later in the SCIISOI). A man who advertises a patent medicine claims Unit it cured a democrat. Yen. Hut did the dem ocrat know it wan medicine Unit wan in the bottle, or did lie think it wan something cine?—Peek. Hepnbllnin Slate Convention. I M.Miino.N, Win., .Inly 211. —The morning opened clear and cloudy with pmnpectn of rain. The city had been rapidly idling with dele gationn and excursions, including AOO from .lanenviile. I'lnthnsiasm and good feeling in everywhere inanifent. This afternoon the mann meeting in Capitol park will mini her many thoiinandn and give great “eclat” to the party canvaan. The state repnhlican convention wan called to order in the assembly chamber by Horace Hnblee, chair man of the ntate committee, promptly at 10o’clock. Mr. Hnblee Hpokc of the harmony and glorious record of the party and of the vital national cause Ilia) must now dom inate in the state canvass. His allusions to the financial policy ol the party and the return to a specie basis elicited applause. In conclu sion, Nr. Hnblee announced his wish to retire from the stale coni- miltee. David Atwood, of Dane,iind M to. I', Brice, of Jackson, won- nomi nated as temporary chairman, and Atwood was elected viva voir. Bhiletus Knight, of I’epin, and A. 10. Thomson, of (Jreeu Lake, were elected secretaries. A committee on credentials was appointed, Jonathan Bowman, of Columbia, chairman, and a recess talon till 11 o'clock. On reassem bling the olmir announced the com mittees on resolutions 10. 1.. Brown, of Waupaca, chairman, and perma nent organization, D. I,.’Downs, of Sauk, chairman; these to select a stale central committee with 11. A. Taylor, of St. Croix, as chairman. Congressman Pound, Williams and Keyes made addresses. At PJ:dO the committee on credentials reported full delegations present. .1. B. Cassody was made president and made a Brief speech. At I o’clock (he names of Smith and I Aldington were presented for an informal Ballot for governor, t'he vote was taken By tellers without roll-call Toid, ‘2tU; Smith 170. 1 Aldington So, scattering (>. Smith’s nomination was then declared, and the other state ollieers were re nominated Bv acclamation as tol- lows: Lieutenant governor, James M. bingham;secretary ofstate, llans b. Warner; treasurer, Richard tiuen tber, attorney general, Alex. Wil son; superintendent of public in struction, Wm. I'. Whitford. Farm For Sale! One of the Best in La Fayette County. The nnderalsned oflera Ilia farm for aale,— Held farm la located within one-half mile of ralamint.aiid la the heat farm for Stock Raising Purposes In LaFayelta County to Ita alr.e Said farm contalna TWO HUNDRED AND TIIIKTY ACRES OK LAND— about 80 acrea under cul tivation, KM acrea of meadow land, and the remainder timber and pa.lnro—and la well watered b> I llvlmt aprlnpa. and the Peca tonlca river '.iniiinir throinih It. A HOOD STOSK DWELLING HOUSE, two aloriea high. well laid out. and a good ciairuu In connection with the liiilldimr. Two Good Burns, Oranarlea. corn crlba, w ron honana, Ac., on the place; alao a (food we, , The farm will be aold cheap and on caay ler.Tia— on half the uurchaao money caah down, and one half on time with auven percent. Internal. If the farm la not aold it can he rented on eaay terma The place la divided off by fencua Into aeveu different dlvlalona. JOHN LOQUE. Willow 4|iringa, January 1 .1870. 2 1879. Summer Stock! Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Carpets, Oilcloth, Boots & Shoes, Millinery Goods 1 n lln> Intosl vaticty. :il prices that will no he heat. At Iho new I>ou'oh* Store of jos. mnv.w. Opposite City Hall. State of Wl.con.ln, Circuit Court,—lowa Counly. Stunt n 11, llolii it, I'lalnllll v., William 11. Utiherl., Defendant, The Male of to llm .alii tlefen tlanl : You are tierchy .ummoiitUd to appear ttliltUt Iwelt'y day. alter aervloa of ini. .uni mon., exelnMve of the dat ot the .ervtoe, and defend Iho above enililed aellon In the court afore.aid ; amt in ea.e oI your (allure oto do. judgment will be rendered agalnl you according to the demand of the complaint, ol which a co. Y 1. herewith .nrveil upon you. tt f, SMI I'll, Plaintiff'. attorney. I’ o, Atldreu, DodgeYllle. lowa counly. Wt*. The eomplaiut above retorted to wa. Hied la the office ol the clerk ol the elrenil rt.url of .aid county tut the .'Unit day of June, ls*lt. and now remain, on hie in .ant oillee. i;.7 O, C.ttumi, Plaint nr. Attorney. Union Hotel, lit on utn Mannish, proprietor. Kden, lowa eonnty, >VI Fir.l ela.. hotel accommoda lion.,it goed hern : and a good .lock of llguor. at the bar, Ixm-lf a Barnes' Foot Power |3 Machinery. j Thihticu different machine, “'y with which builder., cabinet maker., wacott maker, and Jobber. In tninellaneou. Jt M work can compete a. to aTri fir*UTT AND PniCi with VJ .team power manufactnrlnc: 11.0 Ameteur.' .upplle*. aw blade., fancy wood, and de.tgn. Hay where yoa read thl. and .end for calalojitc and price*. W F. A IOIIN HAItNKS, *-lxiy Rockford. Cos 1. I. Legal Blanks for sale at the Democrat office. JOSEPH SCHAFER, General dealer in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Boots and Shokb, Crockery, Glassware, &c. Commerce street, Mineral Point, Win. Goods sold at thu lowest livln* prlrcs. Small profits and quick sales Is my motto I can and will sell as low as any other dealer in the city. I respectfully solicit a share ol the pnhllc patronage, mid I hope hy square and alien' and ! strict attention to biisinu** to merit ten same JOSEPH SCHAFER. July 15 mil —1!l-tr BLACKSMITH SHOP. S. COSSGROVE, Horse Shoer, AND General Blacksmith. It, Itoss's hulldlmt, formerly Unyon’s foundry, Commerce street. Mineral Point, Win. 1 make specially of liorse shoelnij. In till* line of business my . ork will compare favor ably with the work of any blacksmith iu the sin I e All work given me will be promptly attended to. Call aim see no. Remember Ine place—tanyon’s old foundry, Commerce street. STEPHEN CUSSGUOV E. .July 15, 1879.-41UI. FURNITURE. samuelTrancis, jUNO EKTAKKR And Dealer in Furniture and Cabinet Ware, High street. Mineral Point, "'l*., Mar iv FIRST-CLASS UFA RSK and is prepare to do undertaking In n llrst-ehiss manner. All work In mv lino done promptly and at reas oimhlc niius. liuvu on hand h large and wull selected slock . I First-class Furniture, whirl) in all inminlartnrrcl from well i*uiu*ond lumber, and if equal to any furniture In the west. ]\rfuns /''/<unrJ to On/tr! Mv nrlcew are very low. ( all and examine myblork I*2-1 .SA.M IIKL KIIANtiH, Tuning and Repairing. I!. V. CROCKER, . / r/.LYO . I A l 'P olt GAN * TUNER, Of many yean* experience, ha** permanently limited at Mineral l*olnt ami will r rune a,n<l IN A l’l.i:i Kt’T MANN 108 Ml plan h and organa miniated ti) Ida care at the joweat living rate**, lie lel'ore to many peraona In vlilt* emintv, for whom he ha-* dono work* m* to lilh nnaliUcoilona. Holer- I* ft at IlindyV Jewelry atom, or with 11. S. Olauer. will reeiMve pr.i.npt attention u. v. ohockeu. CLAUER, THE TAILOR, PRACTICAL CUTTER IN MEN'S WE A It. Clothing Made lo Order Jn the Latest Style, OB*TO M IT TUH TUADK, ON SHOUT NOTICE. A Kiod lino of C LOT 1 IS, Hals and Caps, AM) Furnishing Goods, Always on hand. At Low I‘ku'ks kok Ready C ash. LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned offer* tils farm for sjlu. and firm Is situated In the town of Kendall. l, t'sjutte county, in sec. IT and St. "HI sell in tracts of from 80 lo 40rt acre* to purchaser*. Will sell whole or pa-t of crop. Tace are about ISO under cultlTatlon. *s) acre* of good aucadow,and the remainder pasture and young timber land. Hood mineral hu* been found ou the Dlace. Will be sold on reasonable terms. *7l m # KKI.IX Mrt'AUK A large arrival of Seasonable Goods at Gundry & Gray’s. Dry Goods, Clothing, Dress Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes. Which they are selling at remarkably low prices. FOR LEADVILLEj AND I'll K Alining Regions of Colo- j nulo, Mew Mexico and Arizonia. IfflA Is tlh 1 Cheapest and most Direct Routt*. Lt'uivDb!. Colorado. Fo*t Scott, Kum*. Denver, <lo Wichita, do Pueblo, do Ivnpom.i, do Color* I * Spring*. c o l. Abilono, do Black Hawk. Colorado, Silinc. do G orgrtown, do Lincoln, NfbrpHka, rent ml City, do York, do G irland City, do Beatrice, do Trinidad. do \*bland, do Kama* City, Ml**ouri, Crete. do St. Joseph, do W *airlcc. do Leaven w orth. Kaum-. Red Cloud, do Kearney, Nebraska. Ticket* to all iioint* reached by the Chicago, Darlington & Quito v K. It . at low rate*, are on **ale at lb* ticket o!tte** at Mineral Point. Darlington. Belmont and PUtteville. Pa*ren der train leaving in the morning make close connection at Mondot* with through exprer* train* lor the Weal. For information h* to Into of fare, tune. etc., apply in person or by • etl?r to the Agent* of the Mineral Point Rail Hoad. Emigrant ticket* received for passage ! rn express train*. JAMES W. WOOD. Gen. Ptvicnger Agt.. 41-y Chicago, II *. | LAWNS. Call and examine onr new stock of lawns. GUN DRV GRA V MOT 1C I-:. The undcr.'gned would rp.pectfully Inform the pith DC that he I* prepared to cry public Mlo* at all times on reaeonabtc term* Farm er.‘.ale* a .peclallty, Can be .een at Mineral Point every Saturday. Ail order, left at Chi. Neal’, butcher .hop or at the Democrat Office will reealve prompt attention 11 t( N. K. VAN MATRE. Eden Hotel. On corner of Mineral Point, Highland. Mur coda. Avoca, Madl.ou and Prairie dn Ohlen road*, i Eden, lowa Cos., Mi... Mia* Scmctt*. Prop, NICHOLS', SHEPARD S CO., Battle Creek, Mich, ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE VIBRATOR THRESHING MACHINERY. THE Strhlo Orlß-Srln. Tlmp-Sarin*, ,Qd MoBfT-Shvlßf Th-h,r. rflhi* ,and 1 ~ner. Jon Horond nil rirhlr.T (Or Hn o I AVer., Per.,-cl CltuUfc md^ STK.VJJ I’owr r Th.-- rr* a •M.M iy. Ep'fial nil.-, of 3.,-nrntur. ...odo .-xprc.lj tor !><-nm Power. 01711 Enriralod St an ’ EneliiM, both Portable and Traction, with N a’uable Improve nirnu. far beyond any other make or kind. THE ENTIBK Threnhlmt Expends iml often three-lo Hr, time, thnt amount) cmi he made bf the Extra Grain SAVED by these Improved Machines. Gr\lS RaistT* will not Hiibmlt to the enor mous wastage of Crain and the Inferior work done bj all other machines, when onco rested on the difference. NOT Onlv Vnstlr Suverlor f(\r Wheat, Oat*, Bariev, Rye. and like Crnlns. hut the Only Success. Ail Thresher in Max. Timothy, Millet. Clover and like Seeds. Require* no •• attachment*" or “rebuilding * to change from Crain to Seeds. 3N Thorough Workmanship, Ehsrant Finish, Perfection of Parts, Completeness of Equipment, etc., our •• Vibratoh " Thresher Outfits are Incomparable. ARWJ.i ; i r S!<u|iM(*.i) if Parts, uslna rf.GA 1 -t an• e.’-half theuaoal ami Coar*. Makes Clean Work, with uo Litterings or Scattering*. VHOI H Sl/.i-s of SoiirlerH Muili-, Banging from Six t < Tw -lvo llorse sire, and two styles of Mount ed Horse Power- to match. EOR Pnrtiruhrß. Cull on our Dealer, 01 , * write to u* lor illustrated Circular, which mail free FOE SALE. The WISCONSIN HOUSE I will sell my hotel property oh Commerce street cheap and on easy terms. GEO. CHAM BLEY. THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOR '.MAN OR BEAST. VTh.'ii n inrillntno lins Infallibly done ila work in mil.ioiM of cnai-s for more ihiin n lliirtl ot a century; when it Inih vouched every part of Dio world; when mimherlesa families i-vcrywln ro con aider it tin- only safe n-llnnce in case of pain or aoclilcnl, it is jiretly safe to call such n medicine THE BEST OF ITS KIND. This in tlo case with the Jlcxlcnnl MiiMtHii); l.iulm tut. Every mail I brings intelligence of a valuable lior*c I NAveil) the agony of an nwfnl hc*i iti or j Imi u Nubdimlt the horris ot rlu - J mutism overcome, ami of u thousand* I undone other b'essings ami mercies] performed l y the oM reliable lean Niiilcim,; Miiiiurta. All forms of (an want il i.; i• m e r;- Hpcedily curia Ib> I In* Mustang l/mii.emt It penetrates niiiscl' 1 , i . ‘inbmne : i• ’ ' tissue, to ila* very bon •, banishing ]•; i ami curing disease wish a power Hi and ■ novel* fails. It is a medicine n*"ded I*\ everybody, from I lie who rid* •! l;s ’ | over t lie solitary plains, tofV* *■* •* ? prince, ami ilia wooden! i r v. ... iiis to 1 w ,ili iho a xe. Il eiif's Klioiimati .n wlien all o;hi * applications tail. This wonderful LINIMENT speedily euves such ailments ot tlo ll! MAN FLl'Xl as llli cum nils in. fowl! lugs, ? ■*'(* Jolnii, Contracted IlurtMi him! Moiltb, I nis, Hml xr h uii.l Sprains, |*oftnoil 0 119 Miles imil Stitt'iicMM, I.iiincncsM, aitl Sores, I'lif m. Frnatbllu. ChilblnliiK. Sore iVlpplea, Inked Htrust, noil I indeed every form of external !!• i use. It Is the greatest remedy for the and;..; orders aml accident * i> which !!.• Himik ( r.MvnoN an* subject that has ever been known. It cures Sprain*. Nivlmiy, SlIfT Joints, Founder* ITnrness Sores, Hoof 11,- (*iue, Foot'Hot. Screw W orm. Scab, Hollow Horn, Scratches, IVlial unlls. Spavin, Farcy, Hlngho-m- . Old Sore*, Poll F.vll, Klim upon the Sight mid every other aliment to which the oeeiipnntu of the Stable and Stock Yard arc liable. A twenty-five cent bottle or Mexican Mustang Liniment has often saved a valuable horse, a 1 ito on crutches, or years of torture. It heal* without a Scar. It goes to the very root ot the matter, penetrating even the bone. It cures everybody, and disappoints no one. It has been in steady tor more than twenty-five years, and is positively THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB MAN OB BEAST.