Newspaper Page Text
THE DEMOCRAT. Mineral Point. Friday, Sept. 10, 1870. Geo. Crawford. Robt. M. Crawford, KUITOIIH ANII PUOI’IIIKTOIW. Senatorial Convention. Thera will be a Democratic .Senator ial Convention held at Lone Hock, on Tuesday, September 23d, 1870, at 1 o’clock, p. in, for the purpose of nominating a State Senator for (lie twenty-eighth senatorial district,com prising (lie counties of lowa aid Itiehhind. Thu representation will| be, live (.■>) delegates from each ussem-l bly district. It. .1. Wai.i,, Chairman Com. Dcniocrailc County (lonvolition. A Democratic county convention for the purpose of imminalitig a can didate for superintendent of schools, and also a candidate for member of assembly from (lie Northern district, willin' held at Dodgevilie, on Thin day, Seplemher Z.M h. Per ordi r of ('ommitlee. Assembly District Convention. A Democratic convention for the purpose of select ing delegates lo at tend the Senatorial Convention to be held at I,one Pork, September 2Hd, ami also lo nominale a candidate for member of assembly from the South ern district if deemed advisable lo do so at I liat time, w ill be held in I h<> < 'ity Hall, Mineral Point, Saturday, Sept. 2I)LI i. I Vr order of (!ommitlee. A meeting of the Democratic State Central (Committee was held in Milwaukee last evening for the purpose of selecting a candidate for (iovernor in place of Alexander Mitchell who declined the nom ination. No news as to the action of the committee has yet reached ns. The democratic senatorial con vention for lowa and Itielilnnd counties will be held at I,one Dock on Tuesday next, September 2.'hi, The names of \V. E. Howe, of Arena, and Dr. 11. .1. Wall of Uieb laud ('enter, have been mentioned in connection with the nomination for Stale Senator. Either of these gentlemen would creditably till the position. Tin* Uepnhliean (lonnty Conven tion last Friday re nominated Mr. W. A. Jones as a ( mihlulate fur I.lh' of)iu of (Monty Su|'rilltcik l-ii(• of Schools. We ln'lii'vi’ Unit tlic Deni oeratir Connly < *>iiv'il l i"ii, to I* hclil in I)ih Im i 1 li' mi Thursday iii'xt, ran not do better limn to endorse thr llu 1 nominalion ol Mr. .lours. Hr is n lirsl-rlnss man in rvrrv rrH|iroti and lias iniulr an ex eellenl Superintendent. We believe that party nominations lor Ibis oilier slionld In 1 ignored, and \vr would have (.',l'ratly preferred to liavr srrn Mr. .lours brought "lit as an illlli’| o‘iid'il l randidatr. lint ns wr have lirard no names mentioned in ronnrrlion with llu 1 1 •rmorralir nomination, we would suggest to the eonvrntion that it nominate Mr, Jones. Should the eonvrntion nominate another candidate, wr shall led hound lo support I hr man whom we derm heller qualified lor tin' oilier. Tin 1 Tammany society has at last taken leave of (lie I •enioeralie parly uf New York, It has hulled the re nomination of (io\. llohinson. ami has set up I loss Kelly I> * draw Democratic voles, and hopes to eleel Cornell, the llepuhliean ealldi dale, thereby The Democratic press of New York express siiti.-ljte lion at the turn of affairs, and pre diet that the lo -of Tammany w ill. in (la end, he really a pain to the putty. The Tost, the most res pet t able of the llepublican journals, in speaking of the holt, says: " Took ing at the satnation from the point of view of the honorable, honest and self- res peeling 1 Vmocrats of the State it is plain that harmony sc cured through the triumph of Tam many would have been worthless. The disgust and discouragement which would have been felt by Democrats of this sort would have been a heavy price to pay for the formal allegiance ot Mr. Kelly and his associates. Success in Novem ber would have been extremely doubtful, but suppose that success had been gained. In what plight would the Democratic party have appeared before (he people of the I T nited States in the presidential canvass next year with the great State of New York in the hands of Tammany Hall, with the system which has been ho long a Htcnch in this city in force at Albany and witli the prospect, in the event of a general Democratic success, of its application also to the federal ad ministration ? 1/toking at the situ ation from a point of view outside of party there is not an indepen dent and intelligent voter who will not admit that the result of the Syracuse convention makes for public decency, and that the dis comfiture of the vicious organiza tion which has ruled this city, and whose single and desperate purpose is to maintain its abominable doin nation, is an occasion of rejoicing to all good citizens.” Not True. We are creditably infnnncil that I lie Mineral Point fair was a very good exhibition, but linaneiaily a failure, hast season Ihe society lost #.'>oo and Ihis year about ct.loo. Mill they have Iwo papers over there that are trying to make the people believe that we are having very prosperous tunes. It Is about tune (hey “lei up” on Ihis kind of education. Arena Star. 11 is about time for the Star to base its statements on facts. The Mineral Point fair was not a finan cial failure, 'fhe society did not lose live hundred dollars last year and about eleven hundred dollars this year. On the contrary, within the two years named the society Inis not run behind a dollar. We respectfully refer the editor of the Star and all others to a commune mention from (lie president, Dr. Vivian, which we publish elsewhere. According to the Star’s method of reasoning it is easy to prove that we arc having very bard times. CHEAP! CHEAP! Cl I 10 AIM Dress (lootls (Ml IMP At the City Store. Cone// Coods ('ll 10 Al* // the Cili/ Store. . A 01/ujts CI!IO;\r At the. Citu Store. Ladies' Misses’ and (■hit ilrcn's Shoes (MIKA I’ ell the Cit/j Store. Hats and. Caps ClIlOAr At the ( itu Store. ,]ten's an<t Hoy's Clothing (’ll MAI* At the City Store • A I,so UICIIAKDMON'H BOOTS & SHOES, And limolh id a i*iu*ajir to lio Hold il (MIKA T. .// the ('Ha Store. .1. \V. Sm kwooii. u v h:hv. The Largest Livery, The Host Ltrcry, The ('henpest Lirery, IN low \ I'OC N1 \ IS W. N. BISHOP'S, I foimi'.vn.i.i', \VtseoNsix. |)ilvi>n< fnrulfheil t ery Halo ttoiint oanonmi. l.Wrn nOtco nl Cba*. utoro, corner luivii amt DlvtfUm lrodi>. M SANPKIiS A- STAMM, ManaCftcnitor* of amt i oiler* in Buller Tubs and Barrels, A nil till others kinds of Cooperage Shop omiodte Mam Terrill** bold, Minotl IVInl. w if. SOME VERY HARD NUTS TO CRACK. aruea Companies have sprung up in every part oft Jig Union for making an “ imitation Singer Machine.” Why are not similar companies (oimed for making imitations of other machines.' 'The public will draw its own inference. Gold is con tinually counterfeited; hrat-s and tin never. TIIREE-GU A RTERS of all the tew nig machines sold throughout, the world, in Ix7B, were Genuine Sing ers, made and h Id by The Singe* Manufacturing Uo. Vfj £3 The Singer has taken the lii-t prize over all competit ors more than two hundred times. Why? After the Chicago tiro the relief company undertook to furnish sowing machines to tin.* needy women of that city. Applicants were permitted to choose from six dif ferent kinds of maehincH. 2.1 *4l applicants were fur nished with machines; 2,227 chose Singer machines, and 517 distributed their choice, among live other kinds of mochinee The girls were to earn then own living on these. Why did they take the Sinlmr? 'I THE DEGREE'S AW A lilt TO THE SINGER. and im people bought Singer machined as follows: IX7O 127.5.T5 Singers. 1S?.1 241),50n Singers. IX7I 1X1,2(10 " IS7U 2(12,.'! lb 1X72 2 1D,7 AS “ 1X77 2X2,X|2 “ 1X7.‘5 2:52,4 11 “ IX7X 350,4:52 “ 1X74 241,071) Many of the manufacturers of other machines refuse to state (licit sales! Why? SALES OF Ix7s OVER IS7O 228,599! Buy only the Genuine! The lies) always wins in the long run! Waste no money on Counterfeit Machines! We Warrant every M: chine sold by us! NOTICE TINS: —The genuine SINGER Machine hears the patented trade mark and the name of the Singer Manufacturing Company plainly printed on each arm of the machine. SPECIAL NOTICE! The Sales ol the Singer Manufacturing Company’s Sewing Machines were never as large as during the year ISVX. Thin, notwithstanding that general business suf fered a great depression, and that a score of imitator were btiisly building machines similar in appeiranee (•> ours, and palming them of as “Singer Machines.” The purchaser of a worthless, rattletrap machine, gilded and varnished to hide its defects, has no redress from a storekeeper representing nobody in particular. Every Genuine Singer Sewing Machine is fully war ranted by ns. Does in pay to deal with irresponsible parties ? THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. 11. S. WEI I/, Manager, Mineral Point, Wis. J-$/"OId Machines taken in exchange for now. 4 The Old Reliable Lumber Yard. owh:n king, ! I Iclcnn, - - Wisconsin, ori’Kus ms Large Stock of Lumber ut tin' followin'* verv LOW KKiCKS KOIJ CLVS'I I : Common Hoards and Kenc.iiifj £ll 00 pci M. Joists mul Scantlings 11 (io >• Joists ami eighteen ami twelitv foot |2 (to Clear 1 ami 2 incii Flank *Js no Clear 1 nu'h Hoards £•_>(!; 2d, £2O 00 Clear dressed Floorin',' £2O; I. £2l 00 “ Clear Sidino sis ; 2il, £11; oil, 10 no Slock Hoards, 12 ii eh, one side surfaced lo ni Stock Hoards, It' inch, one sJe surfaced In on • ( 1 rub I’lank, surface measure is oo Shingles, clear Star A 2 On Shingles. A, 1 fin *> Lath. 1.000 pieces 22a “ TIMBERS OK ALL Sl/.KS AND LENGTHS AT CORRESPONDINGLY LOW PRICES. SASH. HOOKS A r,LINDS AT FAC'D >U\ PRICKS. Helena, Wis., August Ist, IST!'. M-d OWEN KINO. - = i For Job Printing of all kinds go lo the Democrat i Office. Satisfaction Guaranteed. CALL AT THE Variety Store for Kid Gloves. Cotton Glows. Buck skin Gloves. Sheepskin Gloves. Leather Gioves. Woolen Gloves. OR ANY OTHER KIND OF GLOVE OR MITTEN. Trunks, Valises, * ; SATCHELS. BAGS ANC BASKETS. Always for Sale at the Variety Store. Men’s Boots and Shoes, Boys’ Boots and Shoes, W omen’s and Misses Shoes, Indeed SHOES for everybody, AT THE VARIETY STORE! THE GENUINE SINGER STILL TRIUMPHANT. Legal Is otioes. State of Wisconsin—lowa County Court, **.—■ In probate. 11l Hill limiter Of Hie estate of Aim Sellers, deceased l.elfurs testamentary h ivintr this day hei n i*. sued to Kohert Wilton of said comity, and six months from tln- daln hereof tieintf allowed and limited creditor* to preterit their claim* mininst *ald deceased for examination anil al lowance. It I* ordered that all claim* and demand* against t he estate of said deceased lie received I and adjusted before Hie .lodge of tin* court; ; and for that purpose he will lie at hi* office in ; Hie village ol llodgevllle on I lie tlrst Tuesdav of each month during Hie time above limited.' I And It i* further ordered and direct and that the tune* and place* lor examinin'' and allow- 1 me claims, ana the time limited to creditor* to present their claims, he given liv publication for four successive week* in the fowa County Democrat, a weekly newspaper published in this county. Dated Dodgevllle, Wls., Aagnst Kith, isttl. Hv Hie Court: JOHN TANARUS, JONHS, I Judge.! Inwii County—City of Mineral Point- **, hi Justice conn. To D. I’’. Cotilin: Von are tierel.y noltlled that a Warrant of Attachment Ini* been issued a.’iilnsl von and your property attached to satisfy the "demand ol John Kieller, amounting to eighteen dollars and thiity two cents. Now, utiles* yon shall ap pern iiefoie John P. Trained, a Justice of Hie Peace in and fir said comity, at lit* office in said city, on the vtllli day of Sent nH er, 1*7!). at 'l o'clock in the afternoon, judgment will nc rendeied against you, and your piopurly sold to pay Hie debt. Dated tills l.Hh d.iv of Ailgn*l. .V. D. 1*7(1 -"MIN KIKI-ViCK Plaint ill’. In Proba'c—lowa Womitv Court. In tli>' matter of the estate of dulla M. Strom:, decease I. On U'iiilins timl lllim; the pel lion of Mooe-* ' 'I Strom:, lC|i|V- 111 in; nmo oln.T t.lill:;- tlnit lie Im* fully administered s iid .-^tn;mid ] tr \I• i; I 101 ltl linisnhd place In- rix. .1 for rx nminiut; mnl <tltuwin;r Inn account 01-lm ad- | uitninl ration. It in ord. rod naid account ho examined j l*v Ilif Judin- of thin conn on tllf Till day of I October, 18JII, next cnnulli;:, at the Ooun I lliiunn. 11l lb" vllia,'" oi Do i|'cvlll.“, at II o'clock in lh" tornaoon, li in fan liet ordered, I liaf iiotitce thereof 1. • ill veil to all ; Intercnle I liv publlshi-t; i cony of linn order for Ili roe successive weeks. i in ill" ioiva Ooiiiity Uemocra'., a weekly news |ui|ier circulating in naid county. Haled lod"cvillc, "is., August filth. 1 (Til. in the court; JuitN T Jo.NFs, • -I County J mice. Teachers’ Examination. FALL, 1879. The Tegular fall .amlimlion of teachers of town > oiiniy \nl held as fdloivn : MIFFLIN, Monday and Tuesday. Sept. loth and mill. 1111. II I,A N'l), Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. I Tin, and Hull. AViH'A, Friday and Saturday, sent. Phlt and v*hh. MINKIiAI. rot NT, Friday and Saturday, net. .'ld and lUi. The examination will begin at v o'clock of Ike (trsl iUv. W A. JdN'FS, (do, Supt, Mineral I’olnt, August doth. I'Tti. WM. .IAS, II HA LEY. AIVTIONKER, MMISSION SALES MAN AND (rKNEUAI COLLECTING A UK NT. Mineral Point, - Wisconsin. office with T. Scott Ansley, east aide of Cil iKI Had. sales attended to in any part of fnw.a and adjoining counties. COLLECTION* promptly m "le WM jas U BALKY. tW-1 Mineral Point "Is JVOTICK:_ ~~ The undersigned would'‘respectfully inform Hie pulillc that he is prctiarcd to erv public , sales a; all times on reasonable terms' Farm ers' sake a speciality. Fan be seen at Mineral Point every Saturday. All orders left at ('ho ; \tal s batcher shop or at (be Democrat Office I will recatreiproaipt attention. I KMf N. K. VAN MATRB. j Lejrul Blanks for sale at the Democrat office. NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., BattloCrocU, >lloh. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE VII3 R ATOR ” THRESHING BUCHIHERY. THF Sntrhlr.s Oraln-Surlmr. Thnr-Sninit, and V -T-Savlng Tbnhcn cftl i* day and tfoera* •Jon B o*v' .1| rivalry far R*.r> W orfc, Perfect Cleaning, and for Ja .Q| Crain from Wastage. STEAM Rowrr Tlirrshfr** Specialty. Special sizes of Separators made rxprceljf tor Steam Power. Ol’K I nrlfnled Steam Thresher Emrlnea, both Portable and Traction, with Valuable Improve ments, far beyond any other make or kind. THE E.vinuv: Thrr Mne Expenses and often three to five times tl. amount) can be made by the Extra drain SAVED by th Improved Machine*. GRAIN Raisers will not submit to the enor mous wn.tagc of drain and the inferior work done bj all other machinea, when once posted on the difference. NOT Only Vastly Superior tyr Wheat, Oats; llarlev. Krr, and like drains, hut the Only Success ful Throkher in Flax. Timothy. Millet, Clover, and like Seed*. Requires no “attachment*” or “rebuilding” to change from drain to Seeds. IN Thornuch Workmanship, Elegant Finish, Perfection f Purl*, Com; !etenes of Equipment, etc., our “ Vibrator” Thresher Ui.lflU are Incomparable. IWJAUVKIjOrs f r Simplicity of Parts, usim sfcVA less than one hn f thiMwml Rolls and dears. Mukoi Clean Work, with u>> Litterings or Scatterings. Font Si/.es of Separators Made, Kamrinß from Six to Twelve-Horse size, and twottyles of Monat ed Horse Powers to match. ■CTOIi IMrtlrnliin. Cull on our Dealers or to us f..r Illustrated Circular, which wo mail free FOR SALE. The WISCONSIN HOUSE 1 will sell my hotel proper*y om Commerce street cheap and on easy terms. GEO. CHAM 13LET, THE BEST I OF ALL FOR HAN OR BEAST. When n lupillclno hns Infallibly ilohp 1 Ifs work in inillioiiH of ph.sps for linin' y tlmn n thlnl ot n ppiilnvy; wlipn it Imsß ri'iipiipil pvery pull of Hip win M; wlimi | miinliPi'lnss iiiniillpH pvprywlipm con-1 sidei' it, the. only ship vpllhiipp in ease oi l pain or ncpiilpnl, it in pre tty safe to call I sueli a lucill' inu THE BEST OF ITS KM. This is the onao with tin* Mexican Mnatnng 1 4 1 ii Imeii t • Kvery mail brings intelligence of.a valuable lioihp Nuvedf the agony of an awful m jiM or burn the horrors of rhon matism overcome, nnd of a thousand* and ono other blessings and mercies performed by tin* old reliable! Hie*-1 lean Mustang fi.inimeait. All forms of outward disease are I speedily cured by the MEXICAN Mustang T.iniinent. It penetrates nmsele, membrane nnd t issue, to tbe very bone, banishing pain and curing disease with a power that never fails. It is a medicine needed by everybody, from the rancln ro t who rides his overt he solitary plains, to the merchant nrinee, and the woodcutter who splits his to t with the axe. It cures Kbennmti m when all other applications tall. This wonderful LINIMENT, i speedily cures such ailments ot the HIM AN v I 11 as It li vuml Is m. Swellings* WllfT .Joints, foiitiin t (I '•ltiM-h'H, Hums and Wealds* flits, l&ruises and Wpriiin*, l*n imo no i*. s Itilc •* r. mi Stints, WtlfVm ss, l.nimnco, Old j SorcK. I'l errs, !•'rest bit cm, t'liilblains. I Sore !\ipplrs, faked IBrcnut. and indeed every form ol* external db ni*i(>, 1* Is tlic great e-1 remedy for th rt cli "i !.‘is mi l a <• eid ea t to which the Hut; it. i ukaiios are subject that bus ever been known. It cures Sprains. Mvinny* Miff Joints. I'onndir, Sores, Hoof l>l*- rases, l*oo 1 Hot, Nerew Viurm* Scab* Hollow Horn, Smtlcll* s* Wind unlb. Spa a in* I nvey, Ringbone* Old Sores, Poll KvH* Film upon die Sight nnd every oilier ailment to which (lie occur mis of the Stable and Slock Yard n** link e. A tweaivdivo cent bottle of Mexican Mustang binimeul 1 is < .ten saved u valuable horse, a life on crutches, or years oftoite:.. 1( heals nithnnt n Sear. If gra sto the very root oi the matter, penetrating even tin* bone. It cures everybody, and disappoint* no one. St Ims been in steady n-e tor more than twenty-live years, and is positively THE BEST OF AJ.U LINIMENTS FOE MAN OE BEAST.