Newspaper Page Text
s?t*e gemtfctral MINERAL POINT, WISCONSIN. FRIDAY, JULY3O, IMHO. i . , . 1111 - COMMENTS. Du. Tanner ntill li v<-- on air. A i.KTTKR boa recently been .lelivered n France after being detained in I lie jioßtofllcc for half a century. Pkiik llyacintiii; in delivering a couraii of lectures in London on "Pusi tive Uliristianity.” In the poorbouse in Milwaukee in one .Tohcjili Dawn, who, before the war, wax reported worth $3,000,000. Wk who wtay at home have Just an much fun an they who kill time at the fashionable watering-place, and it doHii’t cost near an much. Tilt: shipment of gold from Kiinland to the United Htales, to pay on balance of trade account, is about to he re sumed. It is proposed to bottle and export he waters of the Nile, and it is con cetti red that there’s millions in it, the water is so healthful and delicious A ( ’oi.oiiaisi I'M*! lost a leg, and her gallant lover had a pockelhook made of a piece of tunned skin from the am putated part. tins. iICNIIV S. 11l IIIOKOI 1.11, oftiel' nnintown, I'a., who nimmanded the famous “linel tail Regiment" at the hat • tie of (Icllysbnrg, has been appointed postniaster of I’eiladelphia. Tin: indications now are taking (lie census returns thus far received as a basis that Wisconsin has a population of I,:i(K),(HMI, In 1 M7<l she had 1,U.V1, <l7O. An Knoeh Arden, at Mount Vernon, Ohio, is likely to get. his wife hack, for he returns with a fortune of S!HI,(KMi while the Philip Ray is a shiftless fel low, and has led the Annie Lee a mis erable life for fourteen years. A widTKU in tlm Miinmii|ailiH Tiilumr says Hr. Tanner, (lie fasting man, has a divorced wife in Wiaeiinain; I lull llm theory that people eat too inimh grew upon Tanner until it heeame a mania, making him very disagreeable In bis family, lie tried to impress his pel theory upon his wife, hot she resisted and left him. Mrs. Tanner is said to he fond of got id living, and was hound In eat three stptare meals a day. Ir has lieen definitely aseerlained (hat the name of the Spanish vessel (lint reeeully tired upon two Amerieaii sehooners while in t'nhnn witters is the Canto. Admiral Wyman, eommander of the Tennessee, has lieen ordered lo Havana to make further in|iiiry. The Spanish authorities elaim the right to patrol the ('nlmn eoasl lo the distanee of one league from the shore. Tin earthipnikeilisasleron (lie Island of liti/.on (in the I'hilippine Islands) has not ended at last aeeotmls. The terrestrial enminolien began on the l.'tth was very severe on the litMl l , and had nut ceased on-till inst. There has heen great destruction of life and properly, and in some parts of (he island ureal chasms had opened. In the meantime the volcnlines nf the island are active. Tiff; latest intelligence from Mexico is that (ieneral Oonzales has heen elect ed President of (lint llepublie by a large majority. An nnsneeessfnl at Innipt was made to assassinate him on the llilli inst., while he was addressing a erowd at (Inanajmito. "Itevolnlions" have hroken out in the Sierras of I’ue Ido, and at Maznlhin. In the former tieimrnl Negrete "proliouueeil." and ill the latter the collector of the port seized the public funds mid also "pronounced,” hut on the arrival ot government t root is tied with his booty lo San Frniieiseo. A VKItY novel description of n duel which is reported from France tends to show that tin- rage for li^htiiik is at taining to inconvenient proportions. Two lads, each ahoiit Id years ol age, were, it seems,'breakfasting together in a factory near the line Notre Paine de Nazareth, Paris, and having ipiar relied, agreed to -elite their dispute in what is now tin prevailing fashion. They were not, however, in possesion of foils, and as a eon-eipienec determined to light with knives, throwing them at each other in the Spanish fashion. Standing three paces apart, they began the battle, and soon on of them fell covered with blood. There n|>on the victor descended to the basement of the building for medical aid. and brought a doctor upon the scene just in time to witness the death of the' wounded lad. The survivor is now incarcerated at the police depot. It is noted that the whole affair is is pi ore than ordinarily sad, since the father of the hoy who now Awaits his trial has only just lost his wife and daughter, and has been de prived ofhis reason by this fresh mis fortune. VERY LATEST NEWS, A Record of Important Invents, Domestic, and Foreign. WASHINGTON. Tim president has appointed L J. Phillips postmaster at Oherlin, 0., vice Win. Allen, deceased. Tin; i:V> battalions of Turkish regular troops in I'iurolie have been increased to MKI men in each battalion. Tub president has appointed General Henry S, Hnidopkir, of Germantown, postmaster at Philadelphia. General llnidopker commanded the “lliiektuil regiment at Gettysburg, where lie lost his right arm. PltollAltl.t the highest elevator in the world is that just completed in the Wash ington monument, the first trial of which was made on 21th Inst. It is 17* feet high,is capable of hearing ten tons, and was erect ed at a cost of $211,000. Senator Hun k, of Mississippi, i“ to take an active part in the Maine cam paign, and will leave for Augusta in a tew days. He will also make several speeches in < Mi in and Indiana. The president has decided to remove Postmaster Forties, at Richmond, \a A number of applications have been tilled for the position, among which was one from Miss Van law, who formerly held t he ollicc. Till: post office department has been ad vised hv the Swiss Federal council that the republic of Santo Domingo Inis declared its adherence to the rules of the Universal Postal Union eimvenlinn, to lake cllect on I he Ist of October, IHSO. Ue to lids lime the secret service agents of the treasury are u. min h in the dark as ever with respect to the cap.lire of the plate from which dangerous coiinlciTeilH ofs|lNl nalill nn I hank notes have been made, and no clue has been discovered w hich is likely to lead to the early arrest of (he counterfeiters of tin -c notes. At a caldnel meeting tin interior de part menl mi I unit led informal ion ilia I Spoi led Tail, becoming ilissnlialicd, had re movi and Ids children from llic training school, where, with seven hundred others. I hey had been sent to he educated, and 11 1 a I Ids course had led to serious disap proval, on the part of the rest of the tribe, who are anxious to he educated, and they have appealed to the president |o depose Spotted Tail, and appoint anew cldcl over them. 'l'll 1C silver gorge in fii using n llif ith of I lie treasury 11 good <I , hI of perplex il v, I nder I Ilf lift nf I'Vli. "H, IB<K, coinage must go on until congress otlnrwisf enacts, The law liiin liccii in I'uri'f now iii'iirly twcnly iiiiiioiillih, ami ovfr H-1,01 Nl,(MHlhliiiiiliiril silver ilnllarM Imvf liffii foirifil. lint only tIII,IMHI,(HKI of I Ilia is in fi mi hit ion, I lie re mainder being lorkfil ii |> inllif ti'fiianry viinlta, AII flliirla lo fnri'f lliia minify in In fi ri’ii lul ii in Imvf tailed, ami no Hoiiiifi' ilofa I lit- govcrnnif nl |my out silver Ilian il foini'H Itni'k into I In* treasury Cor duties or in exi'liange for ailvor ffrlilifalfa. 'l'llK iuli-rnal revenue 1 1f|hirtnif 11 1 re ports as ii rii I lif r i'll rii mik thing I In* wonder f 11 1 iniTfaaf in llif naf nf cigarettes, A ff\v years ago lliia wai* considered a small tniil If r, lin I now llif smoking of cigarettes ia becoming "iif of llif prevailing liahilsof llif Anifrifini |ifo|ilf. Ilia liflifvfil to allow anollifr no less ni^nilifitnl. Tlifaf i'inari i 1 1- smoke ra are nnial ly hoys who at e I hits early liceoming addicted In llif naf of (oliiiitii, anil llif result will I >•■, aallif generation grows nj >, they will he fonif foiiannifra of loliaffo in other forma, an Ilial a vaat iiifmiaf in llif rfvfinif a ill ifanll anil will mark Americans lifl’oiv long as the nioal jiivflfi'alf aniokfra anil flifWfra in llif worlil. l lif lifii|nifaa of tolniffo now ia encouraging il - foiiamii|i I ion, alao, ilia I honght. Lons Set Ia UK, a licrinan citizen, lliia hail an inlfrvifw with Assistant Secretary of Slalf Hay, lo lav lifl'orf him llif peeit liar ail ion of llif I’rnaaiiin government in publishing two I iermaii-American citizens aa fugil ivi'H from an fvailfd in ilil nry law. Tlif fiiaf aa if poll i'il at llif at nlf deparl infill ia aa followa; A mil ll I'll Ii /.i'il Amir it'llli citizen, A. I' Itoaafllfl', of Si. lamia, ri'tunit'll aonif years ago, with Ilia two mi llvf American anna, to (iermuny, anil llifi'f liffiinif iii'ii in a Prussian aiihjirt. Ilia aona, nalivf Anifrifana, he foi e limy liffiinif of age ri'lnnifil to llif lain I of llmir Id rlh, ami iin* now living in Si. Lonia, whfi-f they exercise all llif rights of Vinerifiin citizens, In Novimilifi', 1878, Imlh we if i>nl >l ialii'il In llif jirov nifiitl government of KekemTol'ile, in Schleswig, aa fugitives from military duly. Tim provincial gov ernment afterward re<| nested llif royal eir fiiit fonrl of Schleswig lo proceed, under |>a ruKtik | ill lid of llif penal code, against llif alleged fugitives, (That | kirnnin(>h fonliafalfa (hf properly filming I" llifin aa India of llif flilfl' llosselier). Till' circuit fonrl. ImwfVfr, ilffiiloil that llif Anmrifiui lloseliers were not Prussian subjects, hill Alllfrii'iin filiz.fiia, ami dial ended llif ilif tifii II v. CRIMK. I'm; Hini lies nl'llic liiolimnnil, \'ii., putt matjor will nniki' tin* ilolloioni'y in hit arinnntt, anil thorn will lie nn m ini iiml prntoontion. \ I'ati:nt in the intano atyliim at Knlu -11111//.11 Mil'll,, lint ilioil, at it alli'K il. frnin In' oHoott nl' a kick in (In' tlomai'h by a koopor. Tin' polioo nl Itnrliimlnn lowa, hnvonr rotloil a yonim follow namoil I*. N. Kiat m>r Ini' I'niiilm'liiiK a lottery twiiullo in llial t il t. A I'inllT ainnnK a itany; of ('liitai;n tnoak ihiovot anil tliop liflort, tom|ia>rnrity looatoil in Mihviinki'n, rooulltal in tln* tlali liiiiK nl' inn> nl llic niimluT ami I lit* iirrott nl anntln'l'. Vr a ilanoo in t'annn Inwnthip, lowa, a i|iiarri'l arotobotwoon . Van IVII ami I . It nut nil it ami tin* rnriniT, boiliK tlrnok hy tlm latter, ilrow a iovolmt ami nlinl him tlirnilKh llm lioily, SIKITIKN IJn iniiliMiN, onion'll, i lltoroil tin' Jumto nl' hit father in-law, Knhort I’hinnov. at Wilmington, \ (ami killoil hit mothor-in-law, ami latally injuroil hit wifo anil father-in law. Ikiohiinlton wat a r real oil rim ill's, tupiTintonilont of the ili vition oonloring at tialimi, Ohio, nl ihn V V., 11.I 1 . V I'. I>. K, w iim allot llinl severe Iv wonniloil hy IVlor Aekonnan, who hail boon ilitohargoii frnni iho torvioo of Iho oomjiany mi aivniinl nf ilrunkonnott. (In tho-7th inti., in tho Inwn nf Snmor.t, Knnshao county, Witoontin, a tramp at- Htmlti'il Mr*. Nioiior|irini with a ohair, kill ing hor almost ilist n 111 Iv . Mrt. Nioilor prim wat a woman K'iyoartolil. I ho tramp mailr hit otoapo, An'MIK ll.Uilit, nl Momohit, a oolnroil girl, Jo years old, wat foilin' hy hor parents mi returning from ohuivh w ith hor jaw hrnkon, ami several wounds on hor throat, nook anil liroatt, at if intliotoil hy a piok nx. Tho girl hat boon tick for tovoral ilayt. Sho ilioil thit morning from tho of feels of her wounds. There is no clue to the perpetrator of the bloody act. Snmr.NAs hare been issued on witnesses in cases of Georßc S. Smith, of Philadel phia, and Christian Ixmg and E. .1. Me ('hire, of Shippcnlnirg, charged with cor rupt solicitation of members of the legis lature. An effort will Ik-made to have the cases tried at the October term of the court. Tit k I bach family, mother and four sons, were arrested on their arrival from Hei many, a month ago, at the instance of the I ierman consul general, for extensive for geries in their native country. The ITii led States commissioner, has now dis charged Wilhcininc lliaeh, the mother, and the eldest sc n;and held for extradition I Jngo and Allien Ihaeh. An altercation arose near Indianapolis, between James <'oonrnd and Uoilglass Mitchell, an employ of the Jeffersonville road. ( 'oonrod nsle on the freight train of Mitchell from Seymour to < 'olumhus, and Mitchell wanted to ehargi‘ him $290, while <'■ onrod only offered to pay the regular fare, seventy-live cents. 'J here waseonsid erahle talk between the two men,'CSlllting in M ilchell accepting the regular fare, and at <‘olumhlis <'oonrod reported Mitchell to the officers. Mitchell struck ('oonrod w ith kintcks, and 1 hen ('oonrod lired, fol lowed by Mitchell, who |>llt a bullet in the body of ( oonrod. Mitchell was ar rested at noon and taken hack to I'olum hns. Iloth men live at Indianapolis. FTREB AND C ABU ALT 188. Maimin' Bice, aged 11. was kicked to death hy a horse which lie was turning into the pasture at Akron, Ohio. 11 hum an Koiii. Hit's brewery, in New York city, was (airily destroyed hv fire on the 2lsl Inst, involving a loss of • ! no in it; M it, i. to an, of At la ill a, 111., was killed on the 27th inst. at Burlington, la., hy falling on the ion of a hay wagon, which pierei and his bowels, causing instant death. Tin; steamboat 11. T. Hexler, loaded with fifty tons of freight, was destroyed hy an incendiary tin* at Louisville, Ky. She was valued at S22,(KIM, and was insured for A son of Jacob Hirst, a well-to-do farm er of Melrose township, eat hi nisei T with a scythe in I lie leg, and hied to death. He wasan estimable young nirin. .1. 11. Hi m it's chemical works, at No. HI! Michigan avenue. ('hieago. wen damaged to the extent of s7>,<KMl hy lire, on I he 2Hnd inst. Ni; mi Moukst < 'uli for nia, aI It resiling engine blew up, killing the lireniuli, .1. S. Dooley, and injured eight others,one prob ably fatally, ('iiaiii.hh A. Bentley, while driving a load of hay at Hamburg, N. V., was caught hy a telegraph wire and thrown to the ground, fracturing his skull fatally. Tilliia: brothers named Bryson well known and highly respected in Montreal, were drowned in the river at that place hy the upselling of a boat. Tin: English hark It. \V. Wood, arrived at quarantine at Mohih, Alabama, on the 2,Hi Ii inst., with yellow fever. Second mate very ill. Everybody on hoard down except three men. Two dead. Tim hlii|> Winchester, Crum Manilla, wit I ■ sugar fur (lie Si. Lawrence refinery ut Montreal, Canada, wan wrecked in (he stalls nl Macassar. Tin 1 cargo win* valued al iJtIStI.tHIII In JCJIM 1,1 Mill. rim: destroyed tlm whole tuirlli aide of lln> town of Troupe, I 'alil'oruiu, on the IMth insl, Loss, S'j.'i.nnn. hiHuranee, ;ss,- (HMI. Incendiary The postolliee and sup plies were liurned Its (lie caving in of the shore end of lie Inunel now being dug under the Hudson rivei from Jersey city to New N ork, Iwenlv-oue men were Imried alive, seven ollieri making an almost miraculous s -eulie. Tin: pav train on the I 'llienko, <’oluni luis, <'incimiiil i and Indianapolis railroad nl rink a linker wagon at a crossing at l.oek land, < Miio, and threw il down an eniliimk nieiil, killing the horse and injuring Id Smith, the linker, fatally. S hoy who wan in the wagon escaped unhurt. At the repnhlieau raliliealioii meeting in Montpelier, N't., Friday evening the brass cannon was prematurely diHeharged and four |mtsouii were knocked senseless. Henry Willey had his left arm blown oil' and was otherwise injured, and ( lark Ivoherts had his right arm Mown oil, w hile the other gunners were not seriously in jured. The former Inis a wife and two ehil dreti; the latter is single. A t \mll \ consisting of father, mother and live children, were discovered near I'liiuo, Texas, in a starving condition and overcome hy heat. Thev were taken lo tow nlo he cared for. I'he woman and one of the children died during the night and the others cannot live long. The' were from ( unada, and were traveling hy wagon for West Texas. A eommiltee of I idles collected upward of Stott for their re lief. FOREIGN. < ' Vt;I• IN \l \is t, papal secretary of stale, has resigned. I. \t * n \nnii: in: Gun , the eldest da ligh ter of Karl do Grey, is dead. Sin. (' iinm i, of the Italian government, is seriously ill. Till Irish relief bill lias passed the bouse of commons. Tukkk have been excessive rains in Kn glatnl and farmers are complaining. V N \ I*l Ks, telegram of July "nth says mi eruption ot Mount Vesuvius began to-day. ’l'n k German gitvernmcnl has expelled all the Mormon missionaries who have been seeking converts, Kisn lb MitKitr has signed the deerci w lii'rebv the abolition ol the grist lax Ih’- eomi's a law, RuniUlT Hook ik Sons, \\ e*t India met chants, at Halifax, have failed with lii lilities olfJoU.lMi Sr Pktkiisiu ui! is excited over a rumtr that Gen. Slndudeir has been captured and beheaded hv the Turcomans. \nm iiiiaiiman K min, the new ameer it afghanistan, explains that urgent ueocs-l tv alone made him raise the forced loam in Turkestan, lie promises to repay tV money. grant freedom of trade, and do 11 lie can to revive trade with Bokhara. \ insetnii from Manilla kih a not ltd* shock of an earthquake oeetiren there Sat urday, doing nineh damage, no deta b have been received. Mu. Paunkm , attended the wedding o his sister, at Paris, on the U7lh in*l . wTo for manv years has mixed in Fra no* American society. 'fin: Montenegrins have attacked tie Albanians near t’ernaniz. fhey kilbd thirty-two persons, and carried oil a quai nt v of cattle to t’etlinje. /.<■ TVhmw says: Though the powers al to a certain extent agreed, there is at Ihw tout rivalry U-tweon Kngland. backed lr Russia, and Austria, bucked, if necessary bv Germany. Nor satisfied w ith breaking up the Jes uit establishments, tho French govern mtnt )m issued orders for the absolute ex pulsion of all members of the order who remain in the country. A di-patcii from Vienna states that the (towers will now present an ultimatum to the porte demanding the fulfillment of the treaty of Berlin, and that in the event of refusal, a naval demonstration will he made. An attempt was recently made to assas sinate I leu (ionzules, president-elect of M •xico. lie was on a balcony, receiviiiß an ovation, when somebody in the crowd fired at him. Revolutions, growing out of i the late election, are reported in four or live provinces. Tin: Viceroy of India, has received the following dispatch: ( amp Kushki, Wan kud, Caudahnr July 22nd. Spies report that Ayooh Khan has crossed the llcl mond at llylerbad, it is reported that four thoiisanil tiha/is have joined Ayook. Portions of his cavalrv is foraging near tl ie British camp Tin: porte, in its rc|dy to the c(dlectivc note ol the powers, points out that Article 21 of the treaty of ilerlin only expressetl a wish for, and authorized the (towers to oiler "mediation,” not “arbitration.” It declares that the decision of the recent conference Rives (Irecce more territory than diil protocol Id of the Ilerlin treaty, and indicates that the proposed cession in cludes possessions which it is impossible for Turkey to surrender. GENERA!. NOTES. Pntsi'Kss IjonsK will sail for England again on lh> Hist inst. Mold: than three hundred lives wore lost by the earl (uptake at Manilla. Is New Hampshire, on the 22nd inst., a shock of earthquake was fell making build ings tremble considerably. A vkuv malignant throat disease is causing the death of many children in the suburbs of ( 'iueimiati. Tiilda: hundred thousand dollars worth of gold was shipped at Havre for New York, on the 27th inst. tins. ('IIAMIIKIts, ol Texas, greenback candidate for vice president, will withdraw from the ticket owing to ill health. John 11. Kn i hi:i., a Brooklyn attorney, left that city the other day for New Mexi co, owing clients over Tilt: Omaha city council lias let the con tract for tin’ const ruction of water-works in that city to S, E. Locke, his hid being A sIIMtK nine feet in length has been caught iu the Potomac, near Washington. Ii w ill he stuffed and placed in the Smith sonian institute. L. W. t iftTEAf, cashier of the Second National Hank of Freeport, HI., died on (lie 22nd inst., after a long and painful illness. Ai!l!An<ii:ii;s'ih are nearly complete for the resumption of work on the Washing ton monument, suspended for twenty-five years. At the meeting of stove manufacturers, at Niagara Falls, it was unanimously re solved to maintain the prices agreed upon six months ago. .laioii Wiktii, vice president of thet 'in cilimiti Southern railway company, has re signed on account of ill health and Briggs S t'unningham has been appointed in hi place. Cot . Vai.i.i;, of the Mexican armv, with four hundred and seventy men, is in pur suit of Victoria,the hostile Attache Indian, who lately crossed from the Lniled States into Mexico. Tut; Indians of eastern Oregon threaten to make trouble for the w hites who have taken possession of Camas prairie, the red men's favorite place for gathering camas root ami other big medicine. tiliIMT interest is felt in the announce ment that gold has been discovered in large quant it it's a short distance outside of the town of Yarmouth, Novia Scotia, by i | French hoy, who has sold his secret for a Mitlicicnt sum to give him a compe tency (dr life. Tin: mining company, of which Hen, (irnnt has been elected president, is called the San Pedro and Canon He l.agna. I(- sloek is now worth $2 or $H a share, Iml (he speculators managing the concern hope, with the aid of the ex-president s name, to realize higher prices, shortly. The general's salary has been fixed at $2-V tHNI. POLITICAJLi POINTS. I _ <K. I look Kit, bus been renominated by lhe democrats of the tilth congressional dint riel of M ississippi. Tun workingmen of the Third Califor nia district have nominated C. P. Berry fa - congress, Wm. R. Menus has been nominated for fongress hv the democratic convention of he seventh district of Indiana. P. I Mi Kinni'.v, of Rock Island, is the nominee of the greenbaekers for congress in Ihe sixth I liinois district. Tm: republican convention of the fourth < Miio district unanimously nominated lion. 1 manual Schultz for congress. J. 11. Ilian r nominated for con gress in the tltli congressional district of < icorgia. 11 os, fnoM \s T. CitirrKMiKN. of War rcnsbnrg, has been nominated as the deino oratic candidate for governor of Missouri. Is the seventh Indiana district the dem ocrats have nominated Chan. Bytield for •ongress. This is He l.a Matyr’s district. I'm; democratic convention in the lirst listrict of Mississippi took UilU ballots for i candidate for representative in congress before i taking a choice. The candidates were \' P. Tucker, oft'hickasaw ; Col, S. M Meek, of Lowndes, and the Hon.dohn M Allen, of Lie. On the last ballot Meek and Allen withdrew their names, and the lion. Henry Muldrow , the present incum bent, was put in nomination. \i the republican convention of the fourth district of Ohio, Hon. I'inanncl Sehnlly received the unanimous vote of the district for congress. Wiiiiim P. t'oxonv, collector of cus toms, Wilmington, N. U.. has been nom inated as republican candidate for con gress for the third district, Tm: republican convention for the twelfth congressional district of Illinois, nominated lion. Isaac I, Morrison, of Jacksonville, for congress. Pitk democrats of the ninth Indianadis trict have nominated W. R. Mver to make ihe race for congress against lion. G. *. Orth, the present incumbent. A fool once more. " l .n ten years my wife wm conAuril to ber ceil with siwh a complication ol aliments that no itoi tor eoulil tin ..hai was the mailerorcuiv her, amt I used up a small forums iu humbug nutr Mx months ago 1 saw a V. S. flag with Hop Hu ll r on It, amt I thought I would be a fool once more 1 tried It, but my folly proved to be wis dom Two bottles cured her, the Is now n well and strong as any mans wife, and it cost me on;/ two dollars. Such folly payt-U w , Detroit, Mich t'ut I'nti. Curious Points. 'Hie man who lost his Balance was out of his weigh. Doctors, cheer up! The peach crop is not a failure. Senator Lamar, of Mississippi, i- in poor health. Baron Ferdinand de Rothsc ild is ■ again very ill. Lettuce should not he dressed too warmly in the summer. General Schenck i> passing tin sum mer at Bennington. Vi. Walt Whitman is lying very ill tit the resident of Dr. Buck, in Dauloit. Out. A man at Salt Lake swallowed a load and was cured of -hills and fever. ‘•.My work's dun." remarked the col lector a he started out in the morning. The deaf mute teacher is always ready to make a few oil-hand remarks. Thu cooks at W ellesley college tire men; the professors tiro women. Peacock I'lue has found its wav into the stripped ginghams, It is said that Barry Sullivan intends to revisit the I’nited States next fall. Sprays of yucca blossoms are pretty for blonds to wear with white gowns. Spotted silk gloves have appeared— and they are not handsome. Boudoir sacijnes with “angel" sleeves have heen Wrought into vogue. A man at Brighton. Mass., lives on sandwiches and soup, hy his physician's orders. A cod pit* Were recently married at Newport, 1!., I.after a courtship of thir ty-five years. There are 482 dressmakers in Cinin nali. No wonder Ohio men want good oflices. Marshal lia/.ainc, of Metz capitula tion reported to he dvingat Madrid. \\ hen a lie is exploded there is always enough people to go around and (tick up the pieces. Dr, Tanner will ruin his health. He persists in waking about mi an empty stomach. The desirt to go somewhere in hot weather is only equalled hy Ihedesire to got hack again. Cardinal satin- belts with a gold edge are pretty when worn with either black or white gowns. Anew hairpin has a hall head of Moorish enamel, which opens, disclos ing a large Roman pearl. Llama cloth with a bordering of many lines of bright color, is made up into pretty tennis dresses, Fine lawns make better lining for grenadines than cheap silks, and their ell'cet is quite as good. The red parasol is now declared un fashionable, for which the world lias reason to he thankful. Flush coals are worn with muslin dresses in Paris. The muslin and one's pride are supposed to keep one cool. The washerwoman's overskirt is in vogue at the French watering-places. If is tied at (Im* back by a large bow. ■\it Idaho woman who was caught hy an Indian broke away from him and (ml two holes in him with a pitchfork. A father and sun an* now in the Lan caster county (Pa.) jail on seventeen distinct charges for stealing chickens. The trouble with the* early peach is that nature set ins lo have neglected to put any (lesh between the pit and the down. If you own an old house, a mill-pond and a side-hill with a cherry tree on it, now is the time to advertise as a sum mer resort. Bonian aprons of unbleached cotton arc bordered hy a row of slashings at narrow intervals, and a tape-like hit of cloth between the slashes tied in a hard knot. 11l summer dresses the three deep lloiinees, to witist, with or without over skirt seems to he (he favorite, ns they retain their freshness longer than the plain skirts. The temperature of tlie Madison Sipiare theater in New York is kept cool hv an adroit use of iee in the ven tilating process. The following notice may occasion ally he found posted upon the door of a Parisian newspaper oll’tce: "(tone to light a duel, he hack in half an hour." The "beauty men" of London are going to form a eluh. Nobody will he admitted without certificates from three well-known ladies that they are alto gether lovely. Kev, Joseph Cook will sail for Ger many in October. lie, with his wife, is now in western New York with his father, who is out of health. V tramp in West Virginia stolen ride on a train, entering a refrigerator ear, where he was shortly after locked up and nearly frozen to death. Jananese and Turkish designs, show ing the moon, fans, fishes, and dragons peculiar to these styles, are seen this season in lawns and percales, as well as in foulard silk-. St. lands had a cremation society, and at a recent meeting of its members a committee was appointed forthe pur pose of learning the cost of erecting a crematory furnace and building, and also of seeing upon what terms ground can he obtained of the Uellefontaine cemetery association. The empress of Russia bequeathed the Castle of I.ivadia, which was her private property, to her eldest surviv ing son. the Czarowitz. Ir.a. much, however, as it costs s*HO,tXtOa year, over and above the revenues of the estate, to keep the castle open, the future em peror resolved to leave it closed for a couple of years at least. (i. brown Goode, of the international fish commission, who has just returned from Berlin in the steamer Neckar, is j expected at Newport 11. I„ in a few j days, to co-operate with Prof. S. F. Baird, in the work of the United States ' fish commission at that place. Mr. Goode will have charge of the census of the fisheries. In t e heart of a large pine tree recently cut down hv Jonathan Oatley, of Unadilla Forks. N. Y., was found an Indian pipe of stone, with the date roug ly carved on it. 17SS. A flint ami a few arrow head# of steel were near it. TV is is supposed to l>o the spot wlicre t o famous treaty of 1783 was made. The luiilct with which Hiram C. Briggs shot Erskino Wood at Cowmans, N. V., t-e other day, passed directly through tlio heart, yet Wood was able to run a half-mile and to live lifty-eight hours after the tragedy. Henry Brittain, of Ric’ moud. Ind., while asleep at noun, fell from his seo ond-story w indow, struck on a lumber pile with sufficient force to bounce him into a cistern eight feet away, and when some workmen who saw him fall ran to I im he was still asleep. Thomas Xormington. of Frio, I’a., aged So. blind of one eye, lan.ein one limb, and married to his fourth wife, has papers to show his military serv ice under George 111.. George IV.. Wil liam IV.. and (jucen Victoria, llis hack is seamed all over with the scars of a fearful (lugging he received for absenting himself four days without leave. Mil™ nk(‘c Market. Milwavkkk, July 27.—Wheat—0|m■m*d fa-m.-No higher; closed weak: No. I. hard, nominal; No. I. us ; No. 2. U2 1 ,: July. 02'. ; August OS 4 ; September; si 4 ; No. 7.1 1 j : N<. i; r‘i; re jected. nominal. Corn Lower; No. 2. .‘hV\.. <hits Nominal ; No. 2 .21 a . Rye—<Juiet steady; No, I.7'*. Ilafley—Lower: No. 2. 70. Htieiigo Market. Chicago, July 27.—Flour tjuiei out firm; Wheat—Fair demand at lower rate' . No. 2. red winter. 01 ‘ 4 ; No. 2. Chicago spring, Oil * j '.il f r roller cash; for seller July; stf >. a S7for teller August: S, r 3 ; . for seller September; No, J Chicago spring, 80 @Bll ,‘g; rejected. Corn—ln fair demand at lower rates; ;*0 for seller cash; .’•! 7 tt (gD.‘ for seller July;Jhi for seller August; for seller September. Oats—tjuiet and weak; 2l‘ 4 (g;24 1 j for seller cash; 21 for seller July: 22‘n#/22 for seller August. Rye—Steady ami unchanged. Harley- Steady and unchanged. Fork— Lxeited anand Journal reports; Hogs - Receipts. 11,000: ship ments. ."*.1100; strong, aetive and .<>, JO.- higher; mixed packing, 1.00 light mainly -I.‘.Hllchoice heavy, .i.Oo a ..20. Cattle- Receipts, 0,000: shipments 1.700; ehoie * nati\es. linn and lower; common grade weaker at 4. j.Jhi; good to choice; -1.J0<£4.5.); Nebraska and Texas cows, .‘1,00; steers. J. 30; grass fed TANARUS xans, a shade o|f; cows.'mixed. 2.00; steers. Sheep—Receipt*. 000; shipments non ; coin men to medium. good to choice. 1.204,10, E\-Slave iind Ex-,Mistress. laic lUthM, Yesterday was about the happiest day Rufus llamimuul has seen for many a year. He had the pleasure of entertaining his former mistress and members of her family when he was a slave in Memphis. The lady was none other than the widow ofC. \V. Cherry, a heavy slave-holder in Memphis in the palmy days of trade in human flesh. The lady was accompanied by her son. In c nephew, William Williams, and Mrs. MasterlieM. The call was un expected, but the good lady, who with her friends was on her way to -Niagara Falls and St. Catherines, could not pass Krie without stopping oil’ to see good, faithful Rufus and his family. Rufus had been their property for eight years prior to the emancipation, and was purchased by Mr. Cherry for i? 1.000. 11 is wife and daughter, now Mrs. Maine Baxter, and his adopted daughter, Mrs. James I’ardy, all living in this city, were also the property of the Cherry family. Rufus was a favorite hand and drove the family carriage. The visitors received every attention at the hands of their former slave, and reciprocated with the kindest of demonstrations. They were surprised to find that Rufus had amassed property since he came to Krie in ISO;’ to the amount of fit 10. Victories White Elephants. IMiilatlclpliiii Times. Bless bis honest heart! the King of Siam has sent the order of the white elephant to his cousin, the empress of India, otherwise known as Conceit Vic toria. 'I ie Siamese embassador went to Windsor, and with much ceremony solemnly hung it around Her Majesty’s neck, howdah and all. However, Queen Victoria is used to white ele phants. Only a few months ago the Karl of Beaconslleld presented her with a brace of fresh ones in the shape of Afghanistan and Cyprus; and she had a whole drove of them previously in her possession. There is no charm of novelty, therefore, to be found in the King of Siam’s gift: and there is just the suspicion of a possibility that His Siamese Majesty, who speaks English and must know acout the double mean ing, has been perpetrating a bit of sar casm at tin* expense of his Imperial fi iend. • ♦- The appearance of baby bridesmaids is growing common in England, and their dress is usually so very pretty that they really add to the beauty of the bridal procession. Skirts of Lan guedoc lace, looped xvitli ruby satin; polonaises of pink cashmere, trimmed to match the skirts, and I Inches. ~f Devonshire hats are tin* principle bs. tails of the costume worn by two little girls who followed -i\ older bridesmaids up the aisle of and English village church the other day. -♦ • ♦- Trouble in Hie Camp. [St. Louis (Me.) Times.] We are sure that it is nothing like a-s bad to have trouble in the camp, as to (.■ v.'trouble in the stomach. Thus, Mr. M. J, Falk. Kan-as City, Mo., speaks iroiu experience: For many years, 1 Lave been an extreme sufferer from Dyspepsia, and no physician could re* ’(love this chronic trouble. L finally • ■•orted to the use of the Hamburg Drops, and have been helped wonder fully. Large numbers of dead fish were found floating in the Great South bay, Long Island sound, during the past week. An examination of a number of the fish showed that they had swal lowed potato bugs whieh had been killed by pari- green. In the western part of Connecticut a large worm has been discovered within the husk of ears of green corn, eating its way the whole lengt rof the cob gmoug live tender kernels. It appears to enter the ear at the bottom.