Newspaper Page Text
VOL XV. Washington House, *’or. Cowmerce aud PwNfcry flreeU, Mixkbal Point, -- Wisconsin. KIHST-CLASS TABLES, WOOD ACCOMMOUATIOXS, UKASONA BLK KATES. BEST BA UN IN THE CITY For the •ecommodtlUm of borttf*. 14-JH-l JOUN McWILUAMS. MRS. KISSELL, At the old etand f It. si. CUuur. Weep* a ftrat cl*>* GROCERY STORE, RESTAURANT AND BOARDING HOUSE, Warm meals or auv kind of refreshments served up on short notice. Fresh Bread and Cake* for sale. Unrivalled Ice Cream. Soda Water and Lemonade. First-class accommodations for Day and ]Veclc Boarders. When hungry or thirty cal! at Mr*. Kiaaell’a. opposite Pulford’e drug etore. High street. W FOE SALE. The WISCONSIN HOUSE I will sell my hotel property on Commerce street cheap and on easy terms. Or will trade for a good farm in lowa, Grant or La Fayette County. GEO. CHAM BLEY Linden Mills. The Linden Mills are again in running order, and i am now prepared to do CUSTOM WORK In a first-class manner. The partnership heretofore existing between T. C. Davis and my self has been dissolved and 1 am alone in the business. I in vite all my old customers and others to call upon me. Thank ful for past favors, I hope to merit a continuance of the same. J. G. Rawlinos. Linden, Wis., May H, 1880. THE NEW “DOMESTIC” Detain* all the excellent feature* that hav made ’.be Light Rinsing ‘•Domestic’’ So pre-eminently popular. Old Idea* Improved and Xew Ones Added. l'T< •MATTE TfiNStOSJwhJch was , and IS the Be*’, in I ee. Self-rrlt ins Needle*. Self-thread!!,;; Shuttle. Loom* Ely Wheel*. jy The lighten runnins and moet datable , machine in the market. WOLCOT 4 GREG. General Asent*. )U Grand At., Milwaukee, Wi. For rale by C. U..JAMES. Mineral Point, Wsi. it t lowa County Democrat. Do not buy a Threshing Machine until you have seen and examined the ‘MINNESOTA CHIEF,’ for sale by S. Hocking & Cos. MINERAL POINT. WIS., FRIDAY, AUGUST 18.1880. v This Fall '• Will offer to the Public a Full and Complete line of Cook and Heating Stoves, WHICH All! Unequalled for Durability. Economy of Fuel, and Elegance of Design, and Never Fail to Bake Well! til vA a S o<v** A?" 2 5 -? ° 4^ r V*** * "“ r ” la „ ” .t> g 0”' V * I*'-"-’ I ''' 'XI td g ,W.2 L. ... .. .. A (Jeneral assortment of HARDWARE!! TINWARE!! FARMING TOOLS. CUTLERY. NAILS. Barb Wire Penolnti, And everything usually found in a first-class Stove A Tin Store. All kinds of Job Work and Repairing done in the best Manner. PRICES LOW. ('all before purchasing elsewhere and Save money. Ukmumiiku tiii; im.aui;,Opposite W. T. Henry’s Hank Mineral Point, Wis. DEVLIN A PHI HE AI \. Key City Carriage Tops. THE MOST HANDSOME AND DURABLE TOP FOR THE MONEY MANUFACTURED. These Tops arc readily Attached to any Seat with Scat Irons and Shifting Rails, which arc Furnished with each Top. The Bows arc of second growth Ash finely finished—are trimmed with best rubber cloth, stationary quarters, hack and side Curtains complete. All Irons neatly Japanned. The improved Continuous Shilling Kails which are fur nished with each top are of a recent pattern and far supe rior to any other. EXAMINE AND BE CONVINCED. For Sale at T. PRIESTLEY’S Harness Shop. MARTIN & IX)AY, Are ready for the Fall Trade with a full line of Cook and Parlor Stoves! UNEQUALLED IN IOWA COUNTY. bought for (ash and will lie sold on wime Laids at Lnv Figure;*. XVK VKK SKI.UNO A KUI.I. UNI. OF FARM MACH INFRY OF FIRST-GLAKS MAKES. Nichols & Shepherd, the only genuine Vibrator. Canton Sweepstakes, the best of Apron Machines. Grand de Tour Walking and Sulky Plows. Norweigan Plows, made at Dubuque. Fanners, while at the Fair call and see CASADAY SULKY PLOW without a landslide. Easiest draught plow in the market, And the corning plow for all to buy. ,xi>o AOK.NTS KOU FIRST-CLASS IRON PUMPS AND THE STOVER WIND-MILL Full stock of Rubber Belting and String or I/aitber. Repairs for Marsh Harvester, Adams A: French Buckeye Reapers and Harvesters, Kirby .<nd Triurnpli ltea|ers. Sections for all leading machines. Cor. High ami Vine Ste. MARTIN & TO AY lOWA COUNTY FAIR. PREMIUMS AND REGULATIONS row mu 25th Aaaul Exhibition of the low* County Agricultural Society, To be Held .it on Wednesday, Thursday mid Friday. September 22d, 23d mid 24th. 180 ———. 1 ('laaa Mo, I l>iirlimiiis. doilN I.KIAKI, MrVUINVKMtVW I lent bull 4 year* old or ovet <%i 2d lo oo Heel bull :i yearn old mid under is im 2d do 4 ol> Host bull 2 vonrs old and under -I t M 2d do ;>OO Heal bull I \i :\\ old and Itudci V* ,N iM iM do • v Beat bull fall I ill 2d do vii He-t cow 4 year-old or met to *M 2d do MX) Heel COW I yeara old and under 4 S iM 2d do 4 tX> Heal heifer 2 your** old and under H redo 2d do \ {\\ Heat heifer I vearold and under 2 MX 2d do v t \ Heat hellVr calf i id 2d do * Olt No 2 DKVDNs No i VI.DKHNKM s Srtmo piviniiiuiA n . for Durham- .ludce- to be sail ailed that the animal la ihorouehhred No 4 HU \DKD r MTIT. Heat bull 2 vein a old or over £,t. iM 2d do :\ oo Heat bill I yold ami under 2 4 X> 2d do 2 ini Heat bill call.. y oo Heat caw t year* obi or over 00 2d do j *1 Beat now A yeara old and unde 4 t (X) 2d do 2 Oo Heat leifer ° veara old and under •’ :UX> 2d ' t NO Heat helfei I year old ami under 2 \MX 2d do 1 (to Heat htller calf \ oo SNV KKDST VK Ks Knti v fee 10 per cent Heal bull ( I any ai*e oi breed £to m Heat Cov do do * io 00 Beat lot ol calvea, not leaathin. > to oo I’lman 11, N0.,% Horens mikl Tlolea. (Vi UK till MO\, S( i-| lOSTKN 01 N T Heat aHH m ' m t . • 1 w ork. I \ earn •)! or ou r kio no ‘-M •. V MM B •at d* .’l and under I I 00 2d do 2 iki Boat do 2 and under .* ion 2d do o oo Beal do l and under 2 ?t.oo 2d do 2140 Be-t inure or tjeldlii’’. I venra old or over, i.oo 2d do 2 00 Heat Hill or pe Id I njt, A ye.ira tdd and under I too W do 2 oo Be*t filly or peldirit', 2 yeara old and nmlcr M too 2d do 2 00 Heat filly or eehlinp. 1 year old and nmlei tsi 2*l do 2.414 Beal auckill); colt A on 2d do ‘oo Heat brood mare with c dt at foot you Beat pair ol horaea for all \iork MM Srt do • Heat ap if mnlea MM 2d do * Heat jack mm DHAFT lIOKSKS. Heat kDUIIoii. ('lydeadiile or Norman, of niu a-re toon 2d do r on HOADSTKHS He-t Hi •• 111 on 4 y earn old or over pMM 2d do im Heal apan ol carrlnge horaea U no 2*l do m H>l ahijile horae. Ulftfe or lm lilllii;, H veara old or oxer to.) in the above, apeed and • t\ le of action to lie the te-t* Dial on the track Knlranee fee 10 per rent Half breed* and upwania, anno* premium* a* l*rae* for all work Clilhh < t No. (i Nhri*|. l in o. I.mntn, si i'iiiimimum IP’vl OolnxvcHH Ino k no 2*l Ho MHO Ho*-! I.flffMlfr buck ■ no M Ho ino Ik'nt Mrrlnu Inirk .*i un jH Ho ‘l no lb'“I ToimvolH cur , no -M Ho un Ibjat la li i'htfi •w i i 'hi 2H Ho (in IWat Morlno rwf .mu 2 Ho i.iu IP'Mt pffi of lambn, not IfM* Ilian r>. 'tOn 2d Ho ;i in MiniM K Wool. { Sltropslilif, I txlonlHow n*i or Soiillnlown > P*at buck of i ii v apt* or Invt H M“i *JH ilo im float ewe of nn v nj*i nr I>mH Jil Ho l no H\V KKI'STA K I!s flnlraio if. •pi p< font float buck br Ik*at cue '.mi riiiM ii, No. 7 Nulnr. Wm Hiiowmvi. SrinniKTiMONT float Ik rkalllri* boar ‘M Ho * oo M 'ft I ’||fator boa? u M Ho lk*Ht Polmnl Cliinii boar H*a •H Ho MU Ik I Ilf r|<-lifr** brnoil how * u 2H Ho Mu !?(►! (‘lif“t• *r brood aow woo ‘M Ho mu IP i-t PolniiH < lit rut brood now * ••• -H Ho Mi* IWt lit ifr pk r a)no Mi tli- old nr nndff nv brf*H r -2H Ho Ho 2. Mi S\\ Ii PST \ KKS Kntrv fff 10 pi r n--nl It***-1 hour nin ;*i or bfffH •' , * 1 lk‘* t l.tooH -iiw •• 11 v np'f or broad f ( I** I', *o. H Poultry* MTI'UKM I'ul.hlNMlUllV, SI n.mSTKMiI.NT ll<M pMlr Ilomlnn f £ i **• "A do I B**t pair whit.- Irffhoni’ '* *►* •A do 1 <* B #f pair rorhiiin * in M do 1 m lif*! pair bmiirnn# ■' *2 do 1 II'"? pair dork I tii** 1 1/1 M do I pair plvtnoiith rock* '* m ; •-M do t <"• 1 IWI pair bantam- -■ m | *t do 1 I Ib-at dlaplflv <amr fowl# 4 W i M ‘ do Hhi B #t pair *i *M do I t>* IV -t pair tirk**v ► < Ul *M do 1 IWI pair (I tick# •Al do I Beat dlaplav of poultry bv rtm* ♦•xhlhllor IM|i THflbrfMt hrM'd< on • xhlMtion may Ik* nil' r* and for fbl* pri fnlnm. All fowl# to Im rjtiallfb dlv t!• Aim-fbati Stand ard of Etrrlli'iio', r not rotliN to pr** id I uni. ClaftN F. Vo. 0 Farming Implrmnil*, M'auoiiM A i'mrr !£*■. Joim Trkooniko, Si rratsTßMir.MT B* fanidii" mill fJI '• Ural f hum -1 Wt Ik #t ah wp rack H If I H* -t brraklnjr plow ;t Ik-af stubble plow H til lk*rt farm wa/on A B*l two hor#i*rarrlayr. Beat ajnifl** loijrgy -‘J H**at alHjfh of fiftlTT. *2 <fl lk-#t pair bob* ‘2 All urtlrh # In thla • ;• to >*■ miOtt&rutH In thla or adjoining county For th" b**t .f t lk- follow In*/ article*, tin* Ho cirty will award U* diploma Hm**’ Bake, Farm BdU r, Harrow, Threaher and fk parator, Horae Tread Fewer, Seed I’iaiit r. t orn Flanter, Reajn r and Mow. i toiohim and. s : n;|< Mower, Flosfb Bap- er, Broad ('wst SxHHier, (Jndn U.ill. tVra Shelter, *>traxx Cutler, ('ulli>ator, iVrn und t\ibb Mill, I i v*rubbing M.u hine. Stump INiller i Inn* t*. No. 10 Ulcrhaniral rrodurt*. doHN OIUENPKU, SCPUHISTKMiKST Bx'sf set form harness Best (‘arriagi* harness (hi Best single harness OH Be-i saddle and bridle v* (hi Best d*xteu horse shm and nails g (hi Best display of boots and shoe* s (hi do coopering of all kinds 2 00 do mechanical tool* g (V do TiuxxHtv 2 (V do vaipniter xxork 3 (hi and eut stom*. (inarhlxMir xHxmuuoiV 2 (hi do vabiuet inakers xxork ,1 (hi do door*, sash amlhli.ids 3 (hi d* iron x'astlngs, turnings, fittings 3 u> Best doren Imxuns \ (hi lb *t beehive Dip Besisexxiug tutu him* Dip Best pump, for xx nil or cistern Dip Best washing max him , Dtp Best xxtudmill b*i xx ell* Dip i Uaa 11. No. II Kurin ami .Hill I’ro a uc la. *IOUN Buk\T. S( eRUINTKNPKMT Ik'-t sample xxf fiour, not b*ss than Ml !bs |3 xXI do .x*rn meal l ih' do buckwheat fioui not b's-thau VM lb- I xhl Best sample x*f graham flour not less than 3.1 lb- \ (hi Be-1 three ehee-e*. regardless of *ie .'i (hi 3d do 2 03 Best bushel winter wheal W (h 31 do 1 (hi Best bushel spring xx heal 3 (hi 3d do \ (hi Ik -I bushel (*f coin 3 (hi 3d do \ (hi Best bnsh* I of rxe 3 (hi Best bushel of huekxxheNt I ihl Be-i bpshid i*f oats ] py Be-t bushel ol bin lex I 00 Best bushel of late potatoes 3 Ihl 3d do \ (hi Beal bushel fiat turnips \ 00 Best bushel rutabagas \ 00 Best bushel (luiothx seed 3ID Beal *, bushel eloxer seed 3 ihl 2d do t (hi Beat , bii-hol hungarlau seed I (hi Be-t pi k fia\ seed t op Bert show t tobaeeo in leaf or stock I (hi Ml of ihl* class lo he raised this xear 4 Ihm I, No. 1 i llonseholti Frodurlit dims BkNNKrr. Si musmiu xt* n e*l 31 lbs dairy butter £1 |KI V i do n Ihl kl do 3 (hi Ik -i tub i reamerv bultei 1 (hi Best loaf XX bite bread I (hi 3d do 10 Best loaf graham bread fxo Be-t shoxx of pastry t hi Be-t gtugei bread fwi Best fruit cake Ml Best pound cake ip Bes( sponge cake so Best Jelly cake. m> Be-t etu'oa cake io Be-t mountain cake mx Best rhubarb wine \ (mi Be-t currant wine t (hi Be-t .1 gallons elder vinegar t (hi Be-l dl-plav blaekberrlea, Iresh or preser ed .10 do do goo-eberrles h) do do \x bite raspberries ,‘NI do do red do ,>| do do hlaek do in do do ted currants m do do while euir (•* | do do black x urraiii .m do do strawberries >p do do idum* mi Best apple jtdly . , M Be-l ( in(ant Jelly of anx kind .Ml Be- ( grape do do mi I Be-t apple Jam o I Be-t n ((berry Jam .mi Best gallon sorghum | in Be <i .1 IT- honex In comb I oo ( las*' J. No. 11l f>tilden l*roduelN. NN M M Ii'IINH. S| IT.IIIM’I MO M* Hot I) ill I mi- It • i rurly potator* 11 m ‘.*<l Ho ;m Ilf-1 half bu*Htfl h\\ -.-I |> it(it• m h 1 IK) Ho tin liffl* lor liihlt* lint* I 00 Ho Ho onion I po Ho Ho |MI IHii 1 1 o. >1 Hi -I llnvf *• til I* “ of o'li'n I (hi Hoi hull iwt‘k ik'iih I 00 Ho Ho ihuiii 1 I 00 2d Ho Ho f*l ( H m( ilit•• • i tint!• I 0:1 H< -I ilin*o r niHrlowio- I 111 Hot Iwrhi ciUP hvMm-I tom U Ho Ho pop Ho ,'iO 111 -I pOllliH of ImpH I (II Ilf*! i-lx fj/u plant* Twi Hi-fi Miinipli' n H poppi i> mi Ik I faintfv iovffi’l' plulill Ml Hm-i huh liiikliH ciirrolH*. Ml Hot Hitinplo loiiihlomm Wl Ho Ho inrloiiH, fill'll i ill'll I \ Ml Hot HUpliiv nf utirHfi) amnia t'lown V nriviut I*v f xblbllor thin vi'fir 200 H'fl mol lui'gfft Hinplitt of nfifoUiltli’H by OIK* pi'tHoli. 2 00 •M Ho I m Si ■.?• Inblf* limy b* n inbTfil lor till* pr*ltltliiit Hi i-t fliow of pumpkin* hiiH hi|iiii*li'*( cmHi I IM i luM li, No. 1 I IMoivcm niil Fruit. .lami* Toav, Hi I*lllll ntrnhkmt Hi ■*( nuH lar|ff*l iU*ptny lioiim* plant* p (li 2d Ho Ho . I Mi Hi • t Horn) Hi-flgn 2 00 Ik *I hoijiifl flowfr* I CM MmH luHjllil wI 111 lloxvfia* I 00 lli display of upph h, filth kind lo In* tor na lly minimi nuH lubi'llmt, iiiiH grown Hi lilblt or non siil Ho I oo :(H Ho 2 00 IJffl anil laigfal uirinly of grape* I 00 H. -f I-mlm Ha gnipf* 1 00 Hfl foiirorH grape* I oo Hi nt ilflnwari* gntpf* 1 00 Ilfnl *Jiow of (Mill, hi tfl* or (lit, ah light . 100 llcH miH Inr/frl uirlfty of pliiniM si oo Ho Ho Ho pi*ur* 2 00 IP * t flioa of HHfH fruit I oil Not hf Ilian I i’ll of fill'll vmli'lyof nppk* nuH Imiiii hfM of i m li variety of grnpf* lo In* *liown. I luhti L No* 16* pKiKii-l Moiuim. HrrciuNTKMiSMr. IIOMHHTH MAM KAITI UHH Ik *1 10 ) uiHm wool i urpi - ! f'f Do Ho rag Ho ’ oo Ho Honif*t|f lot It 200 i, i llfjAi'v wouliM'V 2 uo Ho 0 tiii)i I 4 ( Ho lion-* bold Hm n I oo 111-I ponnH aloi king yani lon IP *1 two pall women'* wiHili'H *lo king*. lOf Ho Ho • fillHri'ii'* Ho •* Ho Ho iin iiV mM k* V* fin Ho woliiffi * lotion ►lin king'* I o Ho Ho • bikini)'* da To do Ho mi'll p rollon aiM k* .. .... To Ho Ho wimli'ii fiiltf IP -1 npt'i tliifii tinn lilni* ipiiltlng I oo |k**l fliilnlO'O pulctifH jnlll Hi Ho 1 M IP -t whllf* ►pn’fld |iillt 2 00 IP *•! lif Iff H ►liavi I I 00 |P H kfilttfH “liaw I . 1 oo IP -l Hinpliiv of inilliii*a, 2 IP 'f nitf To IP l wfrnw hul or Hoinif' /• IP -I null * lolln- for la iiniP r I wao oIH t•* Ho Ho /I rl Ho Ho 2 IW Nrrin.r, am# Wax Woiih. IP *-! plain MjwliiK - 1 H' l lk#t smrhU’d cwbraidrr.v T 5 Ho t>llk Ho J Ho iittfoti Ho V* Ik -l lamp mat , IP nt womted tidy /*' Ik'nt I niton tidy * ' Html crurbfl work Ik nttonif OiMT Vo lifit aofft fUablnO To Ik'at tolM art |k'*f *li*ll work .. ... To Ho Imowl afj .. ................ i# Ho IfailoT wfk V.”# Ho vax work V? Ho fi'illict work m i!o \ fif ban work Ho liralH work. ' Ho hair work. V# Kon lior* ,\su biun M#r.r. I.'* ykah i#r Anr. IWt fM*rfofa|i*H SmarH work I ■*) Ho my*l il!ii nfwlnjf 1 • •jfl Ho Ho ...... M Ho*t apmtor work . oo do tmidacapo ponellhne .. do atlll llfo do .so do collection brocket work 4qo do apoctmon drawing \ no do Umijjhiv; Imakot .v m, No. 16 Flnr Aria. Mh K and I'niMHa, St CtlllKTAm NT. IWat oU pal nil lip bond* ft) do Undnwnw.,,,,,,,,,,,,. >j oo float water color draw hi)* \ 00 HoI colored crovon head* .... t pd do laildacapo 1 00 N”*t llpla> ►len mid ornamental paint hi#; \ 00 lk**| mechanical deafen oo Ileal rollivtloii of mliirnl apocltnoii*. . \ no Heat dUidm ol Inaovta pivpoih vla*ltbd i oo lh*t exhibition pbolopapha and ambrot>poa, each IHo I'rvittllima In apodal claaa "O," niiinhii* atm trotting inalchoa, will bo made known hi a apodal drcnlar 4 horeanoi REGULATIONS. I Kntrlo* mb* Ibo made before .'I p m. ofaocond duy of (In* fair, Nnd nil animal* o.r Article* mnd tv oil exhibition Mf that thno l*artlea ho doahtn# nun make onlrloa bv mu!*. at nm ihno, bv mldi'ea* ftiiu Iho a* etv*ar*. hi bin coat douce iHntpevUle, nvi- r h : \? I adi exhibitor in uni booomo a nomoer of Iho ►odoty to payhiK m fount ono did Inr to tbo vnloly mnl oiirotllnu bin name. H, Tbo awardhiu committee- wIU Iv appointed on tbo unwind* at the time of boldhiir tlio Fair, nnd will bo ae lee led from nil part* of tbo comity repiraonted Momboro of tbo Hwnrdtbiz eonimll toon will moot nt tbo Hecrelary’a orttoo, on tbo fab pound*, nt s a in Tbiir**dii>, for Inatriietlona. Ttio\ mo requested to rottim their avvanta nt Iho omtlof inoniont practicable Tfio award* mnat. nt) br inMdo b\ I? p in. tbo laa| dm i On tbo tiftornooti of tbo third d;n wUi Iv n irmior**! omndo of prlae anhnah and m*i,> of •lock ff called lor. *}• Kotap'. h in rtlid Minu will hq fitri!-fi* *1 with •ml luiip’. mid grain utcnat and Ml article* nnd animal* mud tv entered In On* mono of Iho own or, mnf too piraona ivddlnc (a adjoining count (on may onfor lit competition foi nnv mid alt premium*, mihfoct to tfio rnloa and regulation* of till* aocloty, anv *hvk or article* of mannfkctnre. (exhibitor*, before entering tbo ground*, wIU nqmrt Ibonmolvon nt tbo oftfco of tbo Soondarv, wlioiotbo Snporfntondont or minio of bf- annfnt ant* will bo In roadhio*** (o jjlvo all noionniiry di ovtlonn S Mnnfiom of ifn nocb’ty, and all who bo*oin' nn b at tbo (lino of tfio fair on tfio form" of Iho vM K*'vtii bit I on, will bo fbrnUhod with tlokoln which wlllinlnih tfioin. (tiolr when, andcbtfdi-oii Irtyotm •dd and iindor. at all Union dnrhlff (ko (klr, mid all ofhoiH iniii*t |a\ tbo iimiaf rato of oiUjmuv M Hlmtfo lb kot**, twonlv Hvo could, pwnl for lw oiihuiicon ou ono nay, ono borno andt'anldg'N ooutn; two liornon nnd oarrtap* Mfciqita. to Knlrion may bo made by •ommuiitoatlniT Willi tbo SooiotaVy, hv mall or nfborwtno. and ali* nnfiitit tbo Aitlofon n luilmaU nnd tbo mime nmi roaldonco of tin* o\blbll.r II No |nohiln in nball bo awarded uitfona tbo m ilolo or animat In of nit)otior tnorll, oven (liounli them fio no i oiti|n<i(Hon 1C No artb b> or animal ntmll lie romovod from tbo uionmh tieforo ttio 010-e of tbo oiklilbUloe 'vHlnnil |iorml—boi from tho IVinldoiit Anv MU b rommul will oMlmlo (bo aillcle or animal from ooiti|)o(l(bm M ArlUlon of in<■ iI, not Inobidod hi tbo pro mlinn 11*1, If of utilh ior ornamont. and wll 111 ii tbo oi hie miclotv'a mac ro cohe |iroii In nt - at tbo dl-nollon ol (bo Kvo ntlvo i ommil 100. II Tbo Hiiiioihitoiidonl ami bl> a!hl.inl will bo dl*lliipilmifMl bv a rod maolloj tilhor odfoora ol Hio aivloty bv a while roaotte I.N Vllllielilb pi'dlpve-* of a!) blooded h|oo|| o* all Wlmla will bu rvqiimHl HI. Noaitlole or animal will ho allow and to onin l o*to fnc more than one pixnnhim, cxcofil fur awoop alakoa. IT No prmon ahull ho ponnlttod to oompoto for a promlum on any arltrlo of doi)io<*llo niHiiiifaoturo nnle.h the aanio kIihII liiivo Ivon maimlkodicodhy H oeli poraon or hi* family wllhln Iheyoarln wltlcfi ll !• oil. ivd for mhohoompollllon IN No poi <on piitimaiim to make ontrl mwm ho allowed to i vainhio iho )>>oka of iho not icbin .mnl ow nora hitoifi rhni with I ho ootninilloe hi in ikhiw I ho|r awards will forfeit (hole rluhl ion pii’tniiiiii hi Tin* Hiiporliiloinlonl of ouch dopiifiinotil ta oxpoctoil (o mark premlum-i on hi- ola ■ bool, iin per award of tndtfoa Sj*’olal alb niton la iMi.m id to mli I 11. order ••llhoKmon 11 vo i 'oinmlnc mi nI w III!. . loiod a** loqiilrod hi (hia rub*. Wai II I'iuhk nw, Hoornlurv. Carl Hchuiv. magnificently opened the Republican campaign in Indi aim hy seizing tin* argument of a present lioiichl and reforming ad miniHtmiion of the government as plea ami pledge for its continuance, Tlmt was tlm broad and Hl’eetlvo ground upon whioli to go to thn country yet it was ignored at Chicago, slighted hy (ienoral Uar (ield. and is now missed by He | mill lean orators generally. In stead wo have newspaper attack)) on the patriotism of (ienoral ilan cock, which procured the pnldica lion of that clear-sighted, most creditable letter written hy the present Democratic candidate to (Jeneral Sherman in the trying days of IH7O -a document the parti/.an New York Tribune does not allow its readers to see in full, and which goes far to stamp the author as a great as well as an honest man. That sort of Republican fighting in more than a crime, it is a polit ical blunder. —Springfield Repub lican. A dispatch from Montgomry, Ala. published in the Sentinel of this city, says; “At Mdihue’s switch, in this county, the Repub licans polled about <lOO voles, and the Democrat# 50. The votes have been returned as giving 450 demo cratic majority.’’ Now, that is wrong, 'l he Mj democrat# at Mc (dice's sw sdi ought to take pity on the CoO republicans, and do the fair tiling by them. It is a mean trick for fifty democrats to scare the life out of COO republicans and bulldose them out of their votes, and if the democrats were gentle men they would not do it.—Peck. The Republican County Conven tion, to select delegates to attend the Congresaonal convention, will lie held at Dodgevilk, August 20. NO. 1.