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3?lrc MINERAL POINT, WISCONBIW. FRIDAY, SKI’. IM, IHBO. MEATS. JiONiKiN has lately iiwtimlwl Sunday music in her public schools. Tiikkk prominent New York hank ing houses are said lo he operaliiig with I’aiis capitalists in support of M. <le Lesseps' e.tinal scheme. Tut'; newest silver-' mining sensation in Colorado has broken out on Mattie Mountain, thirty miles northwest of Feadville. The crowd is rushing thith er in the usual way. Tiik teporl comes hy way of Bome that the three Smith American powers Fern, Chili and Bolivia so long en gaged in butchering each other, have accepted the mediation of the Coiled States, Tiik stale of I’ersia is described as almost hopeless. All departments of the administration are farmed mil among the ministers, and futile at tempts al improvement* are fitfully made. A IJfKItKC newspaper, eommenling on the Catholic archbishop's pastoral, advising people not lo emigrate in llm United Stales, says tlint, men who leave (piiet Canada for hustling Yankeedoni generally heenrne ruined, body and soul. Tin; governor af Chihuahua has in creased his reward fnr the scalp nf (lie Apache Indian Chief Victoria from (KHMo (t'I.IMM). Chihuahua is a slate nf Mexico next to Arizona. A lair En glish prnliillieiillinn nf the name can lie secured hy saying <'hr aim ana, with (lie emphasis falling on tlm second syll able. Tut: evidence is eniieliiaive (batsmite lii'idlier nllered a prtifnne nalli in it me ling nf llm Ilniveraaliaf elmreh al Bending, Fa., Inti il is mil eleni wlm lie was. There was a gl'eal deal nl eiinflisinn, n ehargci nf falsely enlinling l.he vn(n on I lie resignal inn nf (hn pas Inr having heen made, and (he highly nhjeeliiiimlde winds were aiming (he many ejaeiilalinns. An investigalinn is In lie held A 111'NilAltl AN nllieer named S/erkre inesky swam iieruss the Flattern sea. The dislanee was twenl \ English miles, and the lime sevcnleeii limit's. The swimmer did imt stiller fix mi ex Inittslinn. and fr •11 H'l 1 1 l.v ennversed with (lie iieenpanl.s nfa hnal which ne emiipiinied him. nly tefreshineiil taken was a little wine. Tin-; fend helwni'ii dm (hum',omen innl Cnllndies, wliieh, I inning emu I >l ieiil<■!l with hn'Hl polities, liiih nu mid eil In the pen end misforlll lies oft 'mull 111, is seemingly ns full iiflnileful energy ns ever. Al ( II In ami, die uuiiuimeul over (lie grave of Fireman Holier! MeAliley, wlm was iniirdered in tb'loher 1ST 1 . 1 , has I overthrown mnl hrnkeu into piei es. MeAnley win' 1111 Orange Young Briton. 111 111 1 liiinninn odieials m o dangerous | ieii | di* In have unit lln I oil aeeoiilil nl the uI• i 1111 i(y of din Nihilist, mul dm lialul ily of MU t'X| illMiion wherever 11 Crmnl Hoke puls his fool, A "erneknr” in (he shape of a large ran of ilyumnilo was Inst week found upon the track of 11 Seoleh railway, whieh had Imen plaeed there (o lilt the H.iissiau I’liuee Constmiiine into the air when the train upon whieh he was ral l ied should pass over il. Tim Irain had passed, Iml the machinery had failed In ael. mul mi ex plosion had heemiverted seemingly liy dm hand of (lod. ComMl ssion Kit la; Diva's proposed experiment with artesian wells on the plains meets with the hearty approha lion of the I’aeilie Coast people. The I’orllmnl Oiv'i/uiiiuM helieven that one of these wells might save a prospeelof's life, and (he dll whieh dm country owes lo prospeetors is worth many sneh expenditures. Hut in a purely sellish sense, if for no other, the experiment should In' tried. I tel ween the Uoeky Mouulaius and the Caieade and Sierra range are millions upon millions of Herns which only need a supply of wa ler (o convert them into seats oflieauti fill homes. Il is as well for dm goveru nmnl to try a moderate expenditure with a view of ascertaining whether dm vast region whieh only a few years ago was put down on the maps as the Creiil American Desert may not yet from itehool-honsos, homes, and ehttreh spires Hash hack the liphts of eivili/a lion. In this direction private enter prise is already doinp much. I'pun tliu great wutarless region encroach inents art 1 constantly heing made, and rains fall and eprinps hurst forth under the gradual moditleation of nature hy human agency. If the government could he induced lo lend its aid, the money so expended could not bu devoted to a belter use. (VERY LATEST NEWS. | \ Record '-t Important Events, Domestic nud Foreign. WASHINGTON. It is thought llnil Assistant Secretary French’s decision, favoring the owners ol Canadian craft in the American lake ports, will he reversed. Wkkihtv intluence ia to be brought to hear upon the president to secure the ap pointment as successor to (ieneral Myer, late chief of the signal service, of Msj. W. 15. Wetmore, of New York. Tii k hoard of areliilecta appointed to consider the practicability of erecting a new congressional library, or whether it would he advisable to extent the quarters now occupied ip the capitol, have reported in favor nl constructing a separate build ing. Tint encampment of the < irnnd Army of the Republic of the lieparlioent ol Mary land look place on the 17lh hist. The ceremony of unveiling the statue at the National cemetery at Antictarn occurred. The monument, which is II feet (i inches, in height, lias heen erected at the cost of *:i(I,(KKI, and was designed and executed by •lames <• Itutlerson. In the last ten duvs over thrce-ipiaiiers of a million of standard silver dollars have been ordered from the treasury and scat lered over the country. The fiO.UOO ciren Ia rs sent out by the Treasurer < Ii I til lan are hearing immediate fruits. Twenty-live orders have heen received from the west and south asking for from SCitHi m ljt20,()(K) each. The largest order was from Athens, <ia , and the next largest from < olnmhus, Ind. With these orders are complaints of a scarcity of small hills, which the prinui cause of silver going so rapidly, 'l'llK records of the pension bureau show a material decrease in the number of claims tiled since July I from that for the same length of limn immediately prior to that dale. In.lnly (lie number of claims received was ■l l I{AK, in August, 2,17 H, in September to dale, M*.(l, making a mini of /.f-’N. Poring the latter part of March and the months of April and .lime there were tiled in the neighborhood ol 2h, InU claims. This great dei reuse in the tinmher of new claims tiled monlldv is owing largely to the fact I hut the receipt of claims uinler lln arciirs net wn* limited In .tub I. Bit'll iinh of Sept, I, regarding tin' eon ditlnn nf the wheal crop nt hnrvesl, gives a preliminary estinnile of the crop, hnl there are two invest ions vet to be made before ii formal estimate will he issued. The September estimate, this year, gives the condition of '.HI, against U'J in IH7U, and H 7 in IS7H. This esl iiniile relates to ipuili lily and ijnalily, and dot’s not lake into coiisidenilion increase of aereiige. The condil ion of potatoes, as reported Sept. I, allows a decline with the lilolltll of S per cent. I'ompnri'd with (lie report of Sept. I, IS7II, There is a loss of.i per cent, in hnekwheiit. The avenige of the whole eminli'v is I percenl. less I him Inal year al I he aiinic date. HiiNniiKHH, this wilder, will lie naked to restore Ihe old paper Iriietiomil currency. The advocates oil Ida meiiaiire elnim llnil ever si me I lie wit hill'll Will ofthe I met ions I I'lirri'iiey from eirenhilion need him I fell of Home substitute, not only in ordi nnrv trnnsuelions of hnsiness, hnl more pnrtit'llliirly fnr llm (rniianiissitin of smtill aimmiils through the mails. The post oilin' depart meld is every now and then in receipt of selii'lims proposing siilislilnles for Inielional enrieney. Among oilier proposil ions is one I hat the postolliee de piiriineiil should issue uerliliealea repre scnling friiel iona I purls of a dollar, lint, aa remark ed hy a iiigh ollieinl of the de part meiit. the null substitute for the old Iriietiomil elirreniy is anew fraelinmtl ein reney. CHIME. Two old people named I’nrdv were hum ed In dentil in I heir house at Austin, M inn., on the I II h insl, Wll IIAM Sm I I'll, a inen li a n l of I lamas ells. I’m., mined himself and parlnei by sloek speenlMioii and lied the country. F. F. 11 aw i lev. mail agent on I lie I smis ville A Nmmlivilli' railroad, lias been ar resled on (he liilh insl., bv llm Hulled Stales Marshal, charged willi emlie/./.ling lellers from I lie inn i I. Mm.i: Hawkins iilliiis John Edwards, shot and killed William Fane, colored, live miles from l.uwreneehlirg, Anderson eonnly, Ivy., nil llm hull insl Tlm case was said lo he nil old grudge. IlK.imiNK'iTK the young man who killed his sister al Danville, Ya., heennse she had entered on a life of shame, and who was eonvielisl last week of murder in the first degree, has hceil senleni'eil lo death. Wm, ('aml'KKWti'll, Ike murderer of .laeoh Blackwell, was arraigned hefnre ('ireuit .lodge W entworth, ol F.lkhorn, Wis., and having made a lull confession, w as remanded to jail lo await senlein'e. Mikk Mi l•iinai.l’, of Chicago, 111., the lemnMer who confesscss to llm killing nf lewis llntler, eolnred, has In en held by llm coroner In await the net ion nf the grand jury. Tiik internal revenue nllieers on the tilth insl., captured mi illicit still, running at No. ;(!( North Walcr at reel Chicago, 111 , as a vinegar factnrv under llm manage ineiil nl Tliiom' A Hi rnian, hnlh nf w limn were arrested, l lm value nl llm outfit was about f'J.IHMI t 'll a macs F. Cot k a wealthy ('miner and just ice ol llm peace, and Frank tinodrich, both nf Fine linn, Mich., have been ar rested fnr passing counterfeit money. t ijiianllly of counterfeit "lives" on the Stale Nalional Hank nl Troy, N. \ , was found in their possession. \ Mon nf w hite men took six negroes mil of jail al Kaillersvilie, linbcrlsoii county. Tvnn., on the 17th insl., and lynrhed them. Thev were accused of murder, mid their trial had been in progress during the previous day. Wmi.K a eireus parade was passing through Danville, 111 . burglars entered the residence nfSmuuel Hewers, on Frank lyn street, when none of the family were aljhnine, and ransacked il from cellar le garrel. They got safely awav with a revol ver, gold ring, and hresi pin. In the after noon the residence nf \\ A. A oiing, on North Walnut street, was also entered, hnl the thief was scared away hv Mrs. Young returning home before he had time In look up anything. KIKEH AND CASUALTIES. Tiik business portion of Seymour, Wis., a village nineteen miles north west ol Ap pleton, was on the 17lh insl., dent roved bv lire. Two large eranliei ry warehouses, well sloeked with the fruit, owned bv Carey Hrollmrs, at Herlin, Wia., were destroyed by lire, on the ISth inst. Am iltiut u Tuou ikon, commander of the steamship Kngland, of the National line, fell overlsiard when in mid-ocean, and was drowned. The steamer lias ar rived at New York, with (lags at half mast. Yki.MiW-krvku in a mild form is said to prevail in the neighborhood of the iptar antinu stations on the lower Mississippi, shout seventy-five miles lielow New Orleans. The health authorities of the Crescent city are disposed lo make light of the matter, Imt the national hoard of health is making a thorough investiga tion. Wmi.K playing with an old pistol which lie ’ supposed to he unloaded, Harry iSpje, 7 years of age, of Indianap olis, Inn., shot and killed his brother Bertie, aged only 4. The hall entensl the forehead, and traced its way to the base of the brain. A Wai.i.a, Cal., disnateh ofthe l.'ith inst, says. A lire originated in the Pearl house that almost totally destroyed the village of Wnitr-shnrg. A strong wind prevailed and all hut fnur of the business houses were burned. But little of the merchandise was saved. One Chinaman was burned to death. Foss from ?ih r )(),(HHi to i*2(K),(HHi. A ( hoy named (ieorge Kirsh while on a streetcar in Milwaukee, had in his month a slick of liipiorice a hoot six inches in length. <hi getting oil'the car the hoy tell, struck on Ills face, and the liquorice was forced down his throat. The boy hi'camu unconscious, and il is a ques tion whet her he has sustained fatal injuries oi not. A i,Ainu', block of buildings on North Fourth street, St. Fouls, was destroyed hr fire, on the Kith insl. The heaviest losers ale (.IF Moeller, the Scarrelt Furniture company, .lames Hamilton A < "0., the Boss fur store, Fineoln,s auction-rooms, and William <l. Clark, the owner of the buildings. The total loss is about <S2<K),- t.K K I. Cm,i miii.a, Brazoria county, one nf the oldest towns in Texas, lias been bid in fislics. Every business lioiise is in ruins. Tin* fire was meeiidiarv, and began in the grocery store of B. .1. Smith. Thu total loss is 1125,(HH). There was no insurance) hecßititc cf high rales, there being no tire department. The town is a total wreck, and the majority of hnsiness men are com jdelely mined, and many of the oldest fam ilies hinnuluHS. il was here that the first newspaper was published in Texas in I.SIH. An explosion of sulphur iieeured on the I7lh insl, at Hieksher ik Co.'s Kohoniir t'oilerv, near Shetiandoah, Penn., hy which K. Fresi/.c, inside forennin, John Hargraves, lire boss, and M. DunnisCo gun and .1 01 111 Cogan miners, were serious ly mid Frank Teninle, ; miner, sliglnlv hit nil'll. Thu men have all been taken out tC the mine, except .lolin Cngan, who no doiihl was fatally injured. FOREIGN. Inn i neei'iils the Hiedialinn nl the Hni leil Stales between itself and Fern. (li.nn vM eiiltim spinners have resolved la rim their mills only fnur days a week. SvMlToMHnf the Siberiim phigne have 11 11 [ it'll mi lllnuilgHl the people of M village lieur (lilessn. 1 x eonneetion with the ilyiiiiinite all'iiir suspicion points to lbree nr four ilis elmrged railway servants. Nohoilv Inis been at rested Avoon Khan, the new ameer nf Afglian islnn, Inis hnsiness at Herat, ivliere an in siiiTt i'lion has broken not. The governor of the city lias been mlltileird. \ l.osnoN magistrate has sonteneeil Henry Ferry, eimvieted of assn nlt ing and robbing a hank messenger on the under ground railway, In thirty lashes mid twenty years’ imprisonment. Tim Freniier of the t 'ape Town govern ment, without escort, interviewed the Itnsiiio chiefs. There is a fair hope el a peaceful sellleiiienl, except in the ease of < 'll iff Miisnpliii. Several rebel I inns idiiids e v pressed pi'liilenee. M. \V AtmiNUTON, late nrime minister ol Friinee, who was eliarged hv Herr V in Hull If r, of t iermany, with making public certain state see rets, asks the Berlin guv 111111111111 to otlieiallv emit rail let I lie usscr lion. It is reported in Faria that Wad dinglon lias sent a challenge to V m Bidder. Tim IHi'ith i says: “The latest note drawn tip hv the British eahinet, and imw communicated to the powers, demands I lie cession of Dnleigno without further delny. Admiral Seymour has heen invested willi lull pi Aver lo lake up whatever position he eoiisidei's most advanlageens for (In put pose of the demonslralion. Thk condilinns i>f the Hi vi*r Nilt> I'iiiiM"* anxiety. li is rising unsatisfactorily, and is several weeks late. Tin* inuniliitioii in lower limn ;iI tin 1 corresponding period in IHT'.i. Irrigation. however, proceeds well. There aresome t'ninpinilit hum tin* in lerior that the eotton crop Inn* sulloivd, Imt In wind extent in nut known. A ('o\t \v riMii'i k dispateh says fanati cism is nt)>illy increasing. Fast week, I in kii in. nl llm i m mi | ui* t in tlm presence nl till' Mil 11 1111 , ilriinllliri'il a* n n w ml li y the suc cessor ol l\ halif. iiinl upbraiding him fur I ini riling In 1 1111*1' who \v inf to make cli nst ■ inns mill milsslemans I'I|II:1 1 mill li'llil hill). I 'li r i.-nt iniih iiiiihl In' |h i il‘i'lin I mnl elienshed, as I'll i III rci) lirr hv parents, lull llii'V must In* l.i'pl in subjectit’ll anil ll* *l Irealtxl as equals. European pressure in wi mli'il ln<ii rcr nl 1 1:i iiil In i'iiin pel 1 lii'in In nil.i| I In' policy nf priigfee-s. A i \ It IKI I It IXI hum M mi r ill, Spain, mun \n fvi'iil long mitii’i|inli'il mill mill'll tulk nl about, mnl zealously minm’li'il ovit, imk place lii'ii’. Saturday. Tim queen of Spain prt'Hi'iilfil lii'i' rnvnl spouse null a daughter, and llm Spun lull people. may Imp, with ilinir fill ii ipii'i'ii, llm kiiik'. Kiul Spaniards generally, would liuvi hni'n iiinili heller pleased ii llm i'iiv:i 1 infnnl IVIH II hnv, hnl I lll'v will prohnhlv nut In' ho dissatisfied willi their queen a* llm I lull'll ate with (heirs. Tim Span ish queen mnl Iml' baby are lining well Tim in/iHltu will hn i'll rinl mi- Oil Mercedes mnl about :i dozen Ollier names. The baptism nf llm princess has hern fixed for September 1 fill. Ex-ljnivn Isabella w ill he nne of llm sponsors. Tim princess win* burn about !• o'clock at niii it. According to ancient etiipmlli’ llm inini leva, marshals, grandees anil diplomats awaileil llm evi'iit in tlm antechamber. Tim ilnkn of Sexto, grand master of the pahme, minnum't'il tlm hirtli. Shortly nfler tlm king brought mil the in/oatn ainl showed it In llm assemblage. I'lie mini* let nf justice drew up a deed attesting the hirth. POLITICAL POINTS. Tiik ropnblii'iina of the thin! diairietol Kentucky have nominated M.T. Flipper, nf Monroe eonnly. for Congress. (\iNiiKKHHM xn Dkisikk has been re nominated lor congress bv the democrats of the Fourth diatriel of Wisconsin, John 11 ART, a brewer ennapieuoua in poltllieal intereela, was nnuiiitiiled for con gress bv the republicans of the Second dis trie. Ot N.,1. Tiik republican* ofthe Third district nt I St. lands, have nominated Gustave Sess i inghonse for congress. Tiik republicans of the Fifth district of 1 Wisconsin have nominated Hon. Kllihii I < oleman of Fond du laic, for congress. Tiik republicans of the Sixth district of , Wisconsin have nominated state treasurer j Richard Guenther, of Oshkosh, for con ! gross. The grcenhackers of Maryland have nominated Milford Shindell and Rev. Will (iraves, electors-at-large. Mayok K u.i.ock, of San Francisco, has been nominated for re-election to his present office by the ''workingmen.’’ A KKPtMii.icAN convention in the first district of Alabama has nominated James < lillcttc for congress John Hart Hkkivku, conspicuous in the pottery interests, has her n nominated for congress by the republicans in the second district of New Jersey. Tilt; Missouri greenback slate central committee, under the authority given hy the stale convention, held some lime ago, has selected a full electoral ticket for the slate, with Andrew Royal and G. 11. Raker as electors-at-large. (’ll Aitl.Ms Rock wood has been appointed hv the I’nited Stales circuit court as chief supervisor of elections lor Indiana. Kx-Sknatok Raumm has declined the nomination to congress from the fourth district of Gonnecticnt, because of his duties as chairman of tin- national demo crat ic national committee. Foi.i.owino is the work of the New Hampshire democratic convention: Hon. Frank Jones was unanimously nominated for governor; Col. W . H. I>. Cochrane, Joseph Good win, and John W. Hodge was nominated for railroad commissioners, and G. H. Chandler and J. C. Manllon were chosen electors. Tiik republicans of Massachusetts have re*tioniinatc<l all the present stale oll'ieers except the treasurer, a constitutional pro h i hit ion rendering anew nomination nec essary for that olliee. The nominee for treasurer is llaniel (Reason. Tim republican convention for the lifth Wisconsin district met at Sheboygan. I loti. 11 i rum Smith, of Sheboygan Falls, was re nominated for' congress by aeclnimitioii, Inti, on aeeonnl of private business, de clined in a handsome speech, Klihtl Cole man, of Fond do hue, was then nominated on the first formal ballot, and accepted. Congressional nominations; Republicans Missouri: First district,ex (iov. Thus, (1. Fletcher; Massaehnsetls Fifth di l riet, S. C, llronson, dernoeratie New 11 si in p shire; First district, .lohn W. Sanhorn; Third dislriet, <i, IF Mingham; New Jer sey, Second district, lle/.ekiah, It. Smith. < ireenhaek Maryland: Second district, K. A, Treadway ; Third district, .1. 11. W. (Inion; Fourth district, Samuel W. Fierce; Fifth district, t lliver Mryan;Sixth district, Nathaniel Sever. Tiik followingcongressional nominal ions were made on the 1 Sth ins'.: Repnhlienn I’ennsy Kama First district, K. 11. Mingham; Second and ist riel, Charles (I Niel I; l bird distriel, llenj. 1.. Merry; Fourth district, William 11. Kellv; Fifth district, A.t'. Manner. New Hampshire First district, Joshua <i. Hall; Second district, James F. Mriggs, New York Sixteenth district, Waller (•. Wood. Maryland Third district, Joshua Horner, Jr., Fourth district Fnoeh Frail, Fifth dist.tiet, W. R. Wilmer; New Jersey tilth district ( ieorge M. Robeson. I lemoeralie Maryland sixth district, J, M. Schley. Arkansas J. F. t'revers. Washington Territory Thomas llnrke. Wisconsin eighth district, Willis (Silverlhorn ; third district. Judy*'' M. M. t'olhren; lowa second district, Roderick Rose; eight district, Robert Fereival; Da kota Territory M. 1.. McCormick, t ireenhoek New Jersey second district, Samuel A llohhins. 'The repuhlieans of the seventh Missouri will not nominate. The democrats of Ihe third M iehigan have accepted a declination of candidacy by JaeoliSheldon, hot no nomination has hei n made In till the vacancy. GEN KRAI, NOTES. Till-; bearded woman is no more. Her name was l.ebeeea I.von. and she died at Syracuse, N Y Tin: summer residence of Prof, Alex ander Agassi/., al Newport, built about live wars ago, and never occupied, wu destrovid by lire, on the title A in at between a Die and a Navajo occurred recently near Santa Fo. Their ipiarrel was about a sipiaw, and they fought with knives. The I’te was killed. An nnnsnal demand for silver dollars is gladdening the hearts of Imtsnry officials. Two hundred thousand of the shiners have gone south this week. Ui{\. K. IV An axis, the Dunkirk, V V., preacher who rejected the doctrine of everlasting torment, has been deposed from the Presbyterian ministry as a her etic. ti|.;x. (iuANT and r\ Senator i.yman Trnmbnll were members of the same pro cession at the Ivoektord, 111., lair, on the IMh inst. The latter made a speech ol a non partisan character. A Mon of several hi mired men and boys attacked the old skating ring al Milwan kee, on the Kill ins| , and tore it down, carrying away the timber. The ground on whieh the structure stood is w anted for the new exposition building, but the lessee refused to come to terms. The police made no attempt to cheek the mob. Tm; t’hieago and Pedford (jnarryeorn panv of I led ford. Ind., has just shipped a stone to New York that was ‘JO feel n inches long, It feet wide, and II inches thick, containing Itki solid feet. It w ill be used in the new residence of \\ II \an derbill, the railroad king, is erecting in that city. Disc ui lilts from South America stale that there is a prospect ot peace between Chili and Pern. England, France and Italv are said to have convinced the first nanus) nation that its simplest* have gone far enough, and I'nited States Minister t'hrisliitnev is now al \riea, where he w ill meet certain high Chilian otlieials to dis cuss proposals for peace. FufitTKKN rears ago James Millis dis appeared from Somerset, Kv , and was not again seen bv any of bis relatives or ac quaintances in Ihe place until last week, when I M Nimley found him near Ford's Ferrv, in the same state Nimley has an interest in producing Millis alive and well at .Somerset, as a brother ol his I* in jail there, under sentence of death for killing the missing man. A sckciai to the Houston /W*frout Austin Texas, says: "It is almost certain that the 'grand army of occupation' is fully organized here, and are perfecting their arrangements for making a move of some kind. A signal corps has I wen or ganized and is drilling. Ihe members re fuse to tell anything, or even acknow ledge that they are connected with the move ment. but is certain that the organization still lives, and that a movement of some kind is on foot. ArrKR a passenger train on the North eastern railroad, running from Glasgow to l.ondon, had passed the village of Httry. near the metropolis on the Ifith inst., it whs discovered tliHt a large can of dyna mite had been placed under the track, with the intention of blowing up the train. Fortunately the machinery hy which the explosive was to have been discharged did not work. As the Grand I Mike Constan tine ami several Russian officials of high rank were to have been is supposed that the attempt to destroy it was made by nihilists. All of the old and tried detectives of Scotland vard arc at work on Iho case. <*S the l.'Uh inst Maine elected state officers, state legislature and congressmen. The Henna rats and greenhackers coalesced against the republicans and the campaign was a vigorous one mi both sides. The result is the election of the fusion state ticket, a majority in the legislature re publican. and one democratic, one republican and three fusion members of congress making quite a revolution as previous to the election the republicans were in possession of the state officers and three out of the live members of congress. The other two members of congress were grcenhackers. A msi'.vivn from Calistoga, California, says: "(ireat excitement has been aroused in this vicinity for the past two weeks over a report that ihe Hot Springs held large quantities of gold in solution. A man who recently bought the Hot Springs hotel property has been at work for the past few weeks extracting gold from the water, by a process known only by himself, ( Hearings np to yesterday afternoon showed that he has succeeded in extracting $l,0(kl from ten barrels of water. The gold is of the highest grade of fineness, and as the spring’s volume of water is exceedingly large, it would lie useless to attempt to es timate the value if they continue to vield as rich returns as the experiments have proved thus far." Milwaukee Market. Mtl.w m kkk, Sept. 7’H. Flour tpiiel mid inielmilgiMi. Wheat (Ipennl weak; closed quiet: No. 1 liunl, 1.0.7; No. 1. Oli; No. 2, U7' J ; SI-’ , tor seller September V".for roller Oetoher; 07‘ a for seller November, No. 7 S7. No, 1, 77; rejected. (17, Corn Faster No. 7V -In ~. Out,'* Firm and higher No. 7’, !!•.• \. Il vi Lower; No. I. Ml. Hurley Firmer mot in fair <loinmol; No. o ( liirnsn MlirKrl. Chicago, So|U. 2n. Floor t.htiet mol on changed. Wheat Firmer mot higher; No. 2 ml winter. 07 l , a 01; No. 7’ Chicago spring, Oil 1 1 tor seller cash; 07 \ for roller t tetulier; 07 tor roller Noietnher; No. 11, Chicago spring. 5.1.0 M!; ri.jovloil. Ho (i 70. Corn Fairly itetivo mol a shade higher tin. tor roller oin*li: In tor rol ler Uetolier. tl for roller Noieintier. (t.'itr Strung iin*l liijrher: ;m :tn tor roller eitrlt: Hit ■, tot seller September 7”, I 1 and 71) 1 , for seller tieto- Ler; 20 7 for seller November. it ve Fusier S (* 4 . Hurley i.tirier; 7 to. Pork (t)itions higher oil'll lower: 17..111 a 17.70 for roller eiirli; 17.7.7 for roller September 17.11.7 n 17.70 for seller tleto- Lor. 111.(HI toil for 'ollei Nm outlier, I.itnl .''lenity mol unchanged: 7.51! 1 ,, for seller eiirli; 7.5.7 ,/7.s7for roller Novt'inlior, The i'liit-utro Hrovor r .loiirnat " ri'jiortr Hogs lleceipls, III.110(1; rhi|unenir. .7 7*llll. generally strong. m ine mol nnrhanged: grnssers. 7.7.7n 1.70; mixed packing. t.7on light (.till a .i.ltl; goo,i to eltoioe packing. o, lll.u .t.llll; seleeteil lieuv \. .7,10 ( il;,i.(10, Cattle Hi ipts, 11,00(1; total tor week 7.7,000 1 xrgest on record; sliipmentr. 7*,.700. ex port'. 1(1,0 7’.11’ lower .i.00,a .1.10; good to ehoiee shipping l.loa 1 7.7, eointnon to inoili tl in grasser. ,7.’J 'ii (.Oil wry ilnlC 70 untie lower tlnin on (In' first of the week, lint elloiee, 7MOI 77 7.00 rtoekers. plenty ; tlitll; western Texans ■lOulltle lower: It.HO it 7.. I, i. Sheep Hieeipi- I fid shipment *, 4(111; tin changed. Deadening I’aiii-'-A Nett, Ciii'inus and Simple 1*1:111 llisenvered. Tlio hist immln'r liftin' Mi’iliml !{,,•- uni cuntains a mdico of a now ami curious molhoil of doailoniiig pain which is of slrikino .-ii"|ilicily. Il was ilisoovoi'i'tl hy Dr. Ikntwill a donlist of I'hilailclphia, in Is7'_’. In 1575, Dr. A, llowson inadc a favorahlo report of his experience with il to the lliternational Medical Congri'ss, and ala roeent meet ing of the Fldladelphia funiity Medi cal Society several papers were read on the Mthjeel, and nineh discussion fol lowed. In using the melhoil, the op peialor merely r’i|iiests the patient to lirealhe rapidly, making ahonl 100 respirations per minute ending in rap id | Hilling respirations. At the end of from two lo live minutes an entire or partial absence of pain results for half a minute or inure, mnl during that time teeth may he drawn or incisions made. The patient may lie in any position hnl that reeonieniled is lying on the side and is generally lies I lo throw a handkerchief over the face lo prevent distraction of tin* patients attention. When the rapid breathing is First begun the patient may feel some exhilaration; following this eonies a sensation of fullness in the head or di/riness. The face is at First flushed, and afterwards pale or even bluish, and the heart heats rather feebly and fast, hut the sense of touch is not alleeted, nor consciousness tost. The elleet is produced h females more readily than in males, and in the middle-aged more easily than in the old; children can hardly he made 10 hreallie properly. It is denied that there is any possible danger. Several minor operation', other than freipienl dental ones have been successfully madehv this method, and it is claimed that in dentistry, surgery and obstetrics 11 may supplant iheeonunoii antesihet ies Dr. Newson's explanation is that rapid breathing diminishes the oxygena tion of the Wood, and that the resultant excess of earhonie acid temporarily poisons the nerve centers. Dr. lion will gives several be ing the specific elleet of earhonie acid, another the diversion of will force pro duced hv rapid voluntary muscular action, and, third, the damming up of the hluod in the brain, due to the ex cessive amount of air passing into the lungs. The /fvun/ is not satisfied with the theories, hut considers it Well prov ed that pain may he deadened hy the . method, which it contends to the pro ! fessioti for the exact experimental ile ! termination of its precise value. UeaHtifleni. I.mtiM, you eunnyt mak fnir kin. rony chfek? anj sparkling even with all the Oomuvlict of France, or beaulilior* of the world, while in poor health, and nothing will giveyou uch good health, nrenglh, buoyant apiritt and beauty as Hop Hit ters. A trial ir certain proof. Sea an ahvr col umn. Ttitgmpk, Miss Betsey Boat It of flreenville, ■ Conn., celebrated her 100th birthday 1 last Tuesday. BILLMIRE'S VOV.UtE. SfrmiK*' Wr.v <tf a italtiuinre Hail Who. hi <<>ni|ian.v nith wml Thounanri llollaro. Mini Keen Mls. i iitfr. New York Sun. W- H. U. Rillmire, the sexton of Mount Wrmm Methodist Episcopal chureli, who disappeared last October | with several thousand dollars which he ! had collected from the pew-renters, ar | rived home today, to the great surprise ! of his friends and the authorities who ' had been anxiously looking for him as a defaulter and absconder. Rillmiro had been sexton of the church for many yeans, was a communicant, and was looked upon as a consistent Chris tian up to the time of his disappear ance. To-day lie related his experience to a member of the church and to the civil authorities, which, if true, entitles him to nubile sympathy. Hi- narra tive, however, has several glaring in consistencies, and it is probable that the ex-sexton will be compelled to suls slantiate the truth of his statements in a court of law. In conversation with the correspondent of the Sun. to day. Rillmire gave in detail the history of his experience, which is substantially as follows; • hi the night of his disappearance he had iu his possession about s.' be longing to the church, which he had collected from members of the congregation for pew rent. The money he took to a lodge meeting, and while there received a note informing him that his brother had been injured by a fall at Locust Point, was iu a dying condition, and wished to see him. Rillmire says that he was also informed that a hack was waiting at Rarnum's hotel to take him to his brother. 11c hurried to where the hack was waiting, and what follow ed is best told in his own words: 1 was accosted by a man who wish ed to know if I was Mr. Rillmire. I told him that was jay name, lie said he had been waiting for some time for* me. and was glad 1 bad come. I ask ed him bow my brother was hurt, and he told me in a very polite manner to step into the back and be would tell meall about it on our way down to Locust Point. I noticed, as 1 stepped in. that there was another man inside, and (hat the blind was down over the door, lie gave orders to drive to Lo cust Point as fast as possible. He be gan to tell me how my brother was hurt, and said that when he left him he was under the inlluenee of chloro form. He asked me if 1 did not detect the smell of it on him. This happened on the lonely part of the road after leaving Federal Hill going to Locust Point. I leaned forward as he held bis band out to smell when tin man beside me bit me entity bead with some heavy instrument, I suppose a billy, and knocked me on (be opposite seat. I struggled and fought withgreat strength, and was only overcome bv a handkerchief saturated with chloro form thrown around my face. When I revived I found myself on board a vessel, and upon examination dis covered that I bad been robbed of every artiele ol value my nerson. After a while the cabin when 1 1 wn- Iv ing was entered by a- man w ho, iu an swer to my questions, said that 1 had been pul on a vessel which was on the Chcspeake bay, by my friends, who said 1 had killed a man in Raltimore in a tight. After the vessel got into the ocean I was taken with brain fever, and when 1 recovered 1 found that- I was on another vessel which had picked me up adrift in an open boat at sea. This was the ship Antioch, (’apt. Weeks, bound for 1 long Kong. Rillmire savs that he was treated well by ('apt. W eeks, who allowed him I<> help the steward do the cooking for the ship's crew. Tin y reached Hong Kong on .lan. 10, bsstl, and loading with rice sailed for Vietoi ia Rrilish Columbia, where they arrived on June I last, and Captain Weeks furnished him with a suit of clothes. He had previously giv en him to. He started from Victoria from San Francisco, where he arrived June s. Four days after reaching Victoria he wrote to bis wife in ibis city giving a brief outline of bis adventures, which substantially agrees with the above. Harry Rillmire a son of the missing man, while fishing in Jones’ falls, last May, fell overboard and was drowned before assistance could be rendered, and his dea’h was unknown to his father until his arrival here. He ac counts for the length of time between his ar.ival in San Francisco and his ar rival here by saying he was penniless and compelled to work hi- way to Ral timore. Many members of the church credit Rillmhe's story. He has a wife and live children living. I'mler an K‘l i |s*. I’roin tho i'jilill Mail. A gentleman iif eolor stepped into Fred Stahl's recently. searching for per sonal adornment in the shape of kill gloves. Fred politely <1 isj>lay-<I hi* stoek, a pair of wliirh the eclipsed brother proceeded to try on, thereby i’ll ini uu their future Usefulness as an arti*• Iw nf ineivliamlise, after which he linn ht he wouldn't buy any. Mr. Stahl insisted on his paying fur hi* ruined stock, whieli caused a eom meneeinent of hostilities, the gentle man from Africa being reinforced by three companions. Officer Palmer was called in, and under his henign in llnence the gloves were paid for. What's the u-e of the Fifteenth amend ment if a gentleman of color havn't more privil* ges than “white trash’’' <- • ♦- Mt-s Clare laiuise Kellogg ha- .an making a rather extended continental tour for her health. She arrived on Sunday last at Vienna. She had not been there a day w hen -he signed an engagement with the Imperial opera House, where she will make her debut. She is losing in “I.a Fraviala. I neia di l.ammenionr. II Trovatore," “Aida." and "Kigoletto." Rhode Island's great men had a clambake at Annawaniseutt. in that state, last Thursday. Among those at the table were Governor Littlefield, Senator* Anthony and Burnside. Con gressmen Ballou ami Aldrich and other leading men.