Newspaper Page Text
Time Table*. 0.. M. & St. Paul R. R. MINKRAL POINT DIVISION. MAIL. COINS lOUTK. A. M. eniHO NOttTN. A. M. lent Mineral I*'l, 535 Leave Warren, R JO do Calamine, 000 do Gratiot, RBO do Darlington, A .10 do Darlington, (I do do Qratlol, 710 de Calamine. II 66 Arrive. Warren, 740 Arrive, Mn'l P’t. 10 JO rRKIOUT AND A CCOUUODA TWN. COINS eOUTK. PM OOINII NORTH, PM Leave Mineral P’t SIB Leave Warren 540 do Calamine 350 do Gratiot 610 do Darlington BSB do Darlington fl 66 do Gratiot 410 do Calamine 7VS Arrive,Warren 440 Arrive, Mineral P'tß 03 PLATT KVILI.K HR ASCII • MAIL. SOIHC BAHT. A. M, OOINII WOT, A. N Leave I‘lalteville, 488 Leave Mineral C't UOS do llolinonl, 530 Arrive Calamine, 1140 Arrive Calamine, 000 ),eave do II BB Leave do 010 Leave Pelinont. 10 8B Arrive Mln’l Point 650 Arrive Plattevllle 11 0B rnKiaiiT and a ocomuoda tion, COINS HAM*. P H I QOINO *T. P. M. Leave I'laltevlllo 185 I Leave Calamine 7SB do UeJmont 305 1 do llulmonl HlO Arrive Calamine 360 I Arrive Claitevllle R4O fWl'aimengiTH leaving Mineral Point at 0:00 A. M. ran rear), Madiaon at 4 P. M. the name day, by way of Freeport and Caledonia. CHAH, K. GAI.H, Auenl. Illinois Oontral it. 11. The only route running through rare between Warren and Chicago. The only roiii.ii to Hi. Lonla, Cairo, anil the South, and to l>nl>ni|ue, Hlonx City. Omaha and weal. COIMU BOOTH AND HAST. Leave Warren H 411 a m 10 0B |i m Arrive at Chicago 4 3f> p m 7OBa in do HI. I.iilll* RBoa in BOhp in do Cairo 3 ini |i m 145 a m Oi)lNO N*UTH AND WKBT. Leave Cairo 11 in p m 330 p m de Ht. I.oiila R Oil a m 046 p in do Ohlrago „ o.'lOpni 380 am Arrive at Warren 46Ha hi B Oil p m OOINII wKHT, Leave Warren 4BRa in B INI p m An Wa at liiihui|iic 7INa in 7 111 pin do Hlonx City H 46 a in 13 80 pin UOINU RANT, Leave Sioux City IBop ni ooopm Arrive at Dilhiii|ite 640 a m H :ih p m do Warren H 4(1 am II 06 n m For through Ihkelß apply mi Ihe | rlnclpal BlaUnm on the M.p. It. It.. ahm al ,thn (. C. 11. It. al Watran. w. H. lIKNHtiN. Agent Itrms From Peck’s Sum. W< s see i hat Moses M. Strong,; one of the best men in the world, and a Democrat, who would no sooner think of doing a wrong thing than a Republi can would, is being hauled ver tho coals hy somo Uupublioun papers because iso jirojioses to put a straight 1 lemocra lie ticket and a sjilit ticket intoenvolojies and scud them through the postofllco to Kejmldieans. That is all that Mr. Strong proposes to do, though a person would think, to seo some of our ex changes, that ho was forming a hand of night-riders to oiumt at the polls election day and shoot down portions in blood that has been kept on ice. If it is a crime to send sjilit tick els to a person through the mail, it is the first we had heard of it. Under the law, as it now stands, the person ro ceiving a sjilit ticket through the mail is not obliged to vote it, and there is no line and im prisonment if he should tear tho ticket up, and get a straight Republican ticket and vote it If there is nothing worse done than sending sjilit tickets through the mail, there will bo no cause to fear for the safety of the country. The “ October stales ” arc In diana, Ohio, West Virginia and Georgia, and their elections are held on the tilth, but it is Indiana Unit the eyes of the nation are lixed ujion. If the State gees one way it will not necessarily have any signifi cance, but if it goes the other way it will be (he dead niedi cine and settle everything. A meeting of “ llojqiers” was held at Pittsburgh last Saturday, which was anew thing in juddics. (hie hundred Hoppers were jiresent and sign ed a roll, setting forth that they had come out from (he world and renounced the Re publican party and all its works. Anew Hancock song was put in their mouths, and they were addressed by Hen. Butler and John \V. Forney, Butler said he would not call hard names, as calling hard names never hurt anybody yet; if it did ho would have been dead long ago. Tho point was well made, and tlit* audience cheered it to the echo. Itseemstobe pretty certain now that Blaine was correct in bis dispatch, ami that Plaisted the Gieenhacker, is elected Governor of Maine. file result of llie election in Maine is said to have woke up the Republicans to a sense of their insecurity, and that they will whoop it up to the Demo crats from this time forward. If that is the case, it appears that beating the Republicans was the worfct thing that could happen to the Democrats. In order to win, the Democrats should turn in and help the Republicans cairy the election. Senator Conkling made a great effort of his life at the Academy of Music, in New York, last Friday evening. In the general view taken by the distinguished Senator we coin cide heartily; the war should he prosecuted vigorously, until every regiment of rebels now in the lield shall be forced to lay down their arms and surrender Dot another draft be ordered at once, and troops sent forward to crush out the rebellion that now threatens the Union. These are indeed perilous times. And, Iy (he way, where is Hancock all this time? Fiom Conk ling’s speech he seems to ima gino that, he is right in the thickest of tin* fray again, with a six pound sulunm on his hook. Charlie VV ill i.Miirt writes to Die Janesville Gazette that lie has been with Mr. Garfield at Ins farm in the town of Men tor, fora, few days, and that Mr.Garfleld rages like a chained lion to I hink that Ihe proprie lies of Hie canvass will not per mit him to answer the speech of Mr. Hendricks, of Indiana. Ho is aching to get at 11 end ricks and grind him to pow der, but the proprieties of the canvass will not permit him. It will bo seen that the pro prieties of the canvass are like the grasshopper, in that they are a burden. A lady in Oshkosh advertised for a colored mm' n'i-1 *“ take care of children, and a gill huh wered the advertisement and was hliowii to the nursery, where six of Ihe children were turning Hip Haps over the furniture. “Is d!s all yc’Hgolf” asked the colored girl. The lady said that was all except three thut were u) school. The girl looked them over and turned logo, saying, “You don't want no nurse girl, you don’t. What you want is a herder wid a Uriel rop-, mounted on a mustang Fore God, missus, a nurse girl wouldn’t he deuce high in dis yere Hock.” In an interview with a reporter ill Ghicago, the other day, Boh lugcrsoll expressed his view ol the policticid situation hy saying that the game now stands six and six and Hancock has the deal. That would give Garfield the beg, unless Hancock turns a jack. OVholi lugcrsoll uses Ids church language we can converse with him tliioutlr ) The patent on making paper stock from wood, which has been in existence twenty years and out of which a number of monopolists have made fort lines, will expire (his year and l congress will he asked to re new it. This patent on wood pulp, more than anything else, is what, keeps the juice of rag paper uj>, and if congress renews that patent somebody ought to go down there with a club. A convention of bigoted people, called the liberal league, was held in Ghicago the other day, and a very warm lime was enjoyed. Fighting began at ’ precisely at nine o'clock, and 1 the thing broke up in a row 'The w idest latitude of belief i 'allowed hy the liberal people t f the league, unless tin views ; conflict, w ith their ow n. in which ease theie is trouble right away. The league is a rebuke to the narrow and strict views that churches require their members to hold, ii i- alleged, and it seems somewhat unfor tunate, as well as singular, that the le.vgue was obliged to bounce some of its members for holding views which it could not tolerate. Mr. ripen* cer, of thin city, who was anx ious to incorporate some de cency and sense in the platform, was sat down upon so hard as to jounce the breath out of him and almost break a rib. figuratively speaking. Col. Ingeraoll, the great intiddle, withdrew- in digest, so you can see it way pit tty badly decayed. Linden Mills. j The Linden Mills are again in running order, and I am now prepared to do CUSTOM WORK In a lirsi,-class manner. The : partnership heretofore existing between T. C. Davis and my- S'dl has 1 dissolvt*d and 1 am alone in (In* business. 1 in vile all my <>l < 1 customers and others to call upon me. Thank* fill for past favors, I hope to merit a continuance of the Hiime. .1. ( Rawlings Linden, Wis., May fi, 180(1. Til K N | .;\ V “DOMESTIC” MS 7;-'I W >, V'f ’ let'- * Ifclnius all tho •• x*•!!• •t ft*itiirui that v made ■ li * Liu in llunvinu “ Ddmkstid” So pi r eminently popular. One 1 1 >i-:as iMrntivi.n ash Nkvv (Inks Anui n, CTeMATie TKNSIONJwhIct. MAS and Is tin* llchi in I'm 1 , Sell Honing N•••!!•*•. Ht* 1 threadin'; Shu I ll<’. Loose riy Wheels. *y * Tin* llghi cl rniiniin.: and moM durable m iii'bliie In Ibe mai k• ! Wnl.roT A liKK'b, t.inoral Agents, 124 Orand Av. Milwaukee. Win. For nale by ( 1 1 JAMES. M literal Point, W \* xl l Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest eatlmrtle |irincijile in medicine, in proportions necnrately ad justed to secure lU’tlvity, certainty, and nnifonnlt vof ulTecl. They are the result of yours ot careful study and practical ex port monl, mid arc the most effectual rem ody yet disoovorod for diseases oiinsod hy derangement of the stonmoli, iher, .mil liowids, whloli require prompt and effec tual treatment. At mi’s l’u,i s nro spe oiidly applicable to lids oliuss of diseases. Tlioy art diroctly on tlio digestivc unit assimllat ivo processes, and rostoro regu lar lieailliy notion. Their extensive use liy physicians in their prueliee, and hy all clvlll/ed nut ions, is ono of tho tunny proofs of their value ns n safe, sure, and perfectly reliahlo purgative inedicliio. lielng votnponndod of tlm concentrated virtues ot purely vegetable KUhstaneos, they are positively free from calomel or tiny injurious properties, and can he administered to cldldrcn with perfect, safety. 0 C Awn’s 1*11.1.9 are an effectual cure for Constipation or Contivenoss, Imll gcstlon, Dyspepsia, l.ossof Appetite, Imiiil Stomach amt llreatli, DI//1- ness. Headache, Isiss of Mfninry, ' Numbness, Biliousness, .lanudic'c, Itlieumatlsin, Krupllons amt Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia, Cos lie, tSripes, Diarrhoea. Dysentery, tionl, I’Ues, Disorders ot Hie l.iver, and all other diseases result iuij (10m a disordered stale of tho diges j n\o apparatus. Asa Dinner I’ill they have no eipial. While gentle in their action. Ill's ! Vn 1 s are the most thorough and search ing cathartic that run he employed, mid never give pain unless the bowels are in liana,i mu! then their itlllnenee is heal , mg. They stimulate the appetite and digestive organs; they operate to pm ■ . and enrich the blood, and impart 1 • I la-wed health and vigor to th ■ xvh . 1 system. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AVER & Cos Colette it and AnalySlent I heniisls. Lowell, Mass. C seiai in a:. l. nuua.urs i.vsaiwuiau Legal blanks for sal ■ ;u ;!■.< J > 1 : .m > MADISON DEMOCRAT. DAILY and WEEKLY. Published at the Capitol of the State it is essentially A STATE NEWSPAPER. smsmiitK fok it. Daily, per annum, - - SIO.OO Weekly, “ - - 2.00 p I tJroal chanc? to make money. We U L Ll. need ft person in every town to lake subscription)* for the largest. cheapest ami best illustrated family publication in the world. Anyone ran heroine a successful agent. Six elegant works o( art given free to subscribers The price s so low that almost everybody sub scribe* One agent report* taking 120 snbscrib* ers In a flay, a ladv agent reports making over S2OO clear profit in ten flnys. Ail who engage make money fast. You can devote all your time to your business, or only your spare lime. You need not be away from iiome over night. You ran do il us well as others. Full directions and terms free. Elegant ami ex pensive outfit free. If you want profitable work send us year address at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No one who who engages fa Ila to make great pay. Address (iKOUUK STINSON & CO. Portland, Main xv*2-ly DOBBINS ELECTRIC SOAP! It Ik proiiable that neiirly every fmriily In Wisconsin snows hy this time that the yrenl merit processed hy llilk World-Renowned Soap! Tor it has been on the market For Fifteen Years, And has been brought to Ihe notice ol all, but ifonr advertising lias escaped the eye of any. ami if no friend has ever spoken of its merits, please allow u* to say that you will truly find It for your interest to fry 11. and b>EE FOR YOURSELVES. It haw no equal. Ii in really tho mo*t econom ical and Tine 11 i.'KT Soar in tiik World ! YOUR OItOCKK KKI.LS IT. l. L. cfc Cos., * V I’ll! I.ADKDMI IA, I*A. D CCT l ""‘ l,ICTl ' n, *w before the public UL.i I Von enn make iiuiiikv faster hi word for iif limn ill anylblnu cUe. Capital mil rc- U'MW 1 - . VVc win DM'i-.Nriibii ami irlrUlwHiitcil’everywhere to work lor u. Now Inllu* time. You cun devote your whole lime to It or onlv your nparo moment*. No other InoMiieM* will pay you nearly a* well. No one willing to work can fail to make enormous pay hy engaging at once. Coelly outtlt and term* free. A great oppoitunity lor making money easily and honestly. Addrela TIU'K A 00, Augusta. Maine, xv-3-ly JOHN 11. WILKINSON, BLACKSMITH, And Horse-Shoer. High Street, Mineral Point, Wis. (Jooi) Work! Fair Pricks! 1 hin prepared to do anything in the line of general Hlacksmithing. My work in horse shoeing is not excelled by anyone, and I respect fully invite (hose having work in this lino to do, to give mo a call. LUMBER YARD! .lAM I S IIUTOIISION, DKAI.KH IN Li ’ M UK It, L.vnt, Sill N(1 LKS, Etc., Etc., S\sii, Poors, Bi.imis, Ckdau Posts, And all imilmai usually liinudtn alarge lumber yard. Tho attention of Imycra i called to on prices and the iju ility of our atock f*r~ Scale* fu front and in rear of office, FARM FOR SALE. 1 otter for sale a Prairie Farm consisting of SO acres—sixty-live acres under plow, halation under pasture and hay: well fenced; a good well, house, and granary. Land is comparatively new and is under a prime state of cultivation. —and is situated in a pleasant neighborhood; good road running hy the farm; within easy distance of two school houses, and churches of various denominations; also within 2J miles of where the C'. A N. W . U. R. depot i? located at Ridgeway. For terms apply on the prom ises, two miles south of the new Catholic c! "a A .\ in Ridge wav I'nos K . Uv *, N. DON'T BE BAMBOOZLED! BUT GO TO F. W. STRATMAR A 00., Dodgeville, Wisconsin, IF YOU NEED A GOOD Plow, Wagon or Buggy OF ANY KIND, EoJir in tuiml that they have a large ami well-seasoned s*ock of raw material, and are ambitions to suit their customers. We will also sell you any of the Champion Framily of Harvesting .Machines, Or a Seeder or Cultivator. Flows at A. 15. Ferris,, Commerce Street, Mineral Flint. They are <r<>.>.l as the best—all warranted. Lh The Evemg Wisconsin. ' 1 Milwaukee, Sept. SO, 1880. REDUCED PRICES Daily Wisconsin, postpaid, 12 months, - SB.OO Daily Wisconsin, postpaid, 3 months, • - 200 ana P^oijliWuiiP ll Semi-Weekly Wisconsin, postpaid, 12 mos., 2.00 *; Semi-Weekly Wisconsin, postpaid, 6 mos., 1.00 Weekly Wisconsin, one year, - - |.oo fpT CRAMER,’ AIKENS & CRAMER, WIMUIKKK, WS. KTJ UN ITU UK ! FUKN m T IIK ! JOHN K 1 NX. UK AI. HU IN i? 1 via:ju.i'fcrvK'c and Cabinet. VV are ! old #tand, Dear the foot of High fetreet, Miuoral I’oiut , Win ll*h iutftt rrrcMved h Hploiuiid flock of Furniture which he will hHI at bot*uin price#. Ho t> Iho public to cull mut cuiviuco tlmm#clvo. • A,lso Undertaker. HEARSE AND COFFINS. UnderlakiD)’ in all it* branchun. JOHN KINN. NO RISK. John Hays, Credit, I’. O. says:—“ His shoulders wore so lame for nine months that ho could not raise his hand to his head, hut hy the use of Electric Oil the vain and lameness disappeared, and although three months have elapsed, he has not had an attack of it since.” Dr. A. S. Russell, of Marion. Wayne Cos., X. V., says: —“The won derful success of Thomas’ Electric Oil in all cases of acute and chronic intlamation. catarrh, bronchitis, lame back, dysentry, Ac., makest he demand for it very great.” A. 11. Gregg, manufacturer of mowing machines, Trumansbnrg, X. \., says; My thumb was caught in a machine and badly injured. 1 applied Electric Oil with almost instant relief. I have a large num ber of men employed end itearl all of them uses it. M. Sheehan, of Oscoda. Mich., writes: —I have used your Electric Oil mi horses fur different diseases, and found it to do just us you recommended, ii has done justice for me every time, and is the best Oil tor man and beast, I ever used. Bee what the medical faculty say:—Dr. S. Rcaudoin, Hull I’. 0 • says: 1 have never sold a medicine which has given mure thorough satisfaction. I have used it in my own case, on a broken leg and dis located ankle, with Uui best results. St. Margarets’ Hope, Orkney, Scotland.—Messrs Darker A Laird: l am requested by several friends to another parcel of Dr. Thomas Electric Oil. The last lot I got from you having been tested in sev eral eases ot Rheumatism, have given relict when doctors’ medicines have tailed to have any effect. The excellent qualities of this medi cine should be made known, that the millions of suffers throughout the wot Id may benetit by its providential discovery. Giuu bt E uro Sold by all medicine dealers. Price, cents and JH.tto. Stld in Mineral Point, by J. IE A C. R. Motion. 14-33. Subscribe for the Demo^T A ELECTRICITY.