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THE DEMOCRAT. ♦ Mineral Point, Friday, Nov. ‘ZO, IHBO. Goo. Crawford, Robt. M. Crawford, KDITOKH AND I’UOPIUKTOUK. Annual Meeting of County Hoard. FOURTH DAY. Friday, Nov. 12,1880, 9 a. m. Hoard met pursuant to adjoin • mont. All the Supervisors present. The minutes of tho previous meet ing w'ero raid and approved. The following was adopted: Resolved, That the Dodgeville Musical Association be granted the use of the Court House for tho pur pose of presenting the Cantata of Father, previous to Jan. Ist, 1880, provided, that il shall pay therefor pay a sum sunicient to pay fur put img the room in ns good condition rh they find it, not less than $5.00 per night for each night of the en tertainment. J. J. Hoskins. Tho special committee to whom was referral tho report of the Su perintendents of the Poor, repurtcil as follows: To the Honorable Hoard of .'■-■ip visors of lowa county; (icnllemen: —We, the commilli < to whom was referred the report of • lie Superintendents of the poor, lilid said report correct in every particular, and would reenmmem. that il, lie adopted and the orders dcslioveil. ( (■:*. J’. M vstix, 1 •I ■ > 1a 11 Wakii, ('urn. ,1. .I. Hoskins, ) November 1 Itli, 1880. Which wuh adopted, and the ae companying ordain were destroyed (iy burning, in the presence of tin Hoard. Tho Hpeeial committee 011 salarie, submitted the following: To the Hoard ofSupcrvisorsof lowa County, Win.: Your committee on salaries o. (Jointly Judge and County Snpet intendenl ofSeltools respectfully re port and recommend that the sal ary of County .lodge for the ensu ing term be fixed at the aum of SI. aw, mid Slot) for clerks hire; am that the salary of County Supi rin tendeut he fixed at $BOO. Ih'Hpeetfully submilled; (l. ( 1. CltV , J (ii n. |<\ M \M)\, < '■n ■ Fit \*i I > llAkKI!, 1 Ihidgeville, Wis.. Nov. l“Jlb, 1880 Which wa adopted. <hi motion, it was resolved I Ini when the Hoard adjourn il he to • p. m. The sum of S 151.0'2 was appro printed to llie Superintendents >■ Poor to meet. Hnlauee due them a per report all the Supervisor voting therefor. <)n motion, the Hoard adjourned 2 p. m. The Hoard was called to nrdei by the chairman, all the Supervi Hors being present. The minutes o! the morning session were read ami approved. Mr. Times offered the following: Whereas, In the opinion of tin committee on claims, the charges heretofore nmdu for printing for tin county of lowa when not regulated by Statute, have been to large; aim Wherea-. In our opinion sain printing can be doin at much less figures, therefore In- it. lb i-dyed. That in future all print lug lor the county of lowa, tin price fa which imiot regulated b\ Statue, be let (o the JoWest bidder, tin* bids to t" 1 ont'un and to the print ing situated in lowa county; and tlmt <at h county idlker lie hi- Htnn ted that In n afli r. liefnr* 1 he rthnll eoiilrs. t for any county print ing. he shall give notice, returnable ui Ih hours, to each printing ollice in (own county of the job he desires executed, and thereupon the olliees offering to execute said job or jobs tor the lowest price, shall execute the same, and shall report to the County Hoard such contracts at each session. H, Trunks. Chairman Com. on (Jen'l Claims. Which was laid over until to morrow. Tiic following was read ami laitl over under the rules: To (lie Hoard of Supervisors of lowacounty, Win.: Your committee on equalization and asscfsiuent. report the following :w tho ot)iuiliz'tl value of tho pro perty in ilio county,and recommend its adoption as tho equalized as noHHineul for the year 1881): rs I >, V >m 1 5 Towns am! Citv. g * £ ~ 4,1 * >. Sf • W • Hi Arena SMI 25000 I’.IMHI Clyde 5 oo 4xhh Ondgeville II uo 210000 luoooo Kdeti 12 25 45000 05000 Highland 775 40000 uotKX) Itiudeo in 2.5 ar,ooo imwoo Militia ia 25 cmum Mineral Point.. 1000 100000 Mineral l*t Oily. 450000 900000 Moscow 5 txi 2000 55000 Pulaski (i (Hi ;’,S(RHt 00000 Ridgeway s 25 1000 150000 Waldwick to no j 70000 Wyoming o ou j noooo Total 182050011525000 Respectfully submitted: Rohert Wilson, John H. Billinos John J. Ross, J. J. Morris, Thor. K. Ryan, Committee on Equal ization and Assessment. Dodgeville, Wia., Nov. 12th, 1880. The committee on claims sub mitted the following report: To the Board of Supervisor* of lowa county, Wis., Your committee on claims, to whom wan referred the several bills against the county, hr per accom panying achcdulv, rcspecefully r*- port that they have carefully ex amined all the claims in raid rcbe dule and would recommend that the same he allowed at the sum fix ed by your committee and set op poaito each claim. B. Thinks, Oharman. (Jko. Jkuck, (iKO. I’An.HON. Schedule of claims submitted to the Board of Supervisors of lowa county, Wisconsin, at a meeting of said Boarc, held at Dodge villc, November Dili to l.'lth. A. I). 1880: The following accounts were al lowed in full: ■John I* TravniO. *♦** rormicr* ln|itnl, |i 2 til do s llf Vf. Dfllllcl LhlH*, 'I 111 do on* Clnru. mi -,i do .1 I' l>i*l Muir* Vf> KoM' r. \ n| do .1 trv# hint** v lie* (Juvlu, do .1 I’ Ititn do do |m ‘ 1C Klfiif. .J I' s-mih \- II Smlfh, id nl * j/ I v* rakly, ron. l.ikliff euro inunno lOTfon! 2 rn I'm* field, J I* feci*, rioti* vh (i stftc-y *2 i-J do Ho do do ] i |7 d> do T A ilmi, *r f T Alton Jr, | yi I n < rahm.Hn I’on (.c- t-tiiie v* T Alton,*r, uni T. Alton Jr. I O < nthiiiHti. ron rlult* do do Urncu HlHrcy, D do do do ] f HatiM-i* a||*r o'i* at fill? v*. do , ..., do do < oroio r'c ti ijn>f ,j . I i ommliiA, Jl’ lu'M v>* Mnrpnr* t ( ,o*i r)v i . and do .1 tinr* Ktdlt j, .. % , i v lirolt* .1 I* lr*fi atah< vn * linn <Jnlniili t, 0 , do do do .1 Ciuru*ry. * : do do do W IMyt*r, ** ! • I f’m*t rouble fern do do ft [' do do do i • i Dillniflor. • * • llf!tii**roti-ln J I*, do M it Or<ii/. - io 70 I Mokkun. fon’hlrt do do •* ;| Simplon. do do do n77 ' M (Midlcy, J I*. Inqiictt 1’ Muni*. s iKI I .1 110-kin*. rlii nn conn romnilMioncr riant vc .1 K Hoildnlry in ♦;: Nonlicy .1 I'. do J .d.i do lon Huckimitnr. Js Jl • do clrtlt* va Win Slrwiul I ;ll do do do .1 11 do do (.’lot* Hirntmiu, * oj , -*>o do no j , | • I vni/cllv i• on Muck miller 7;, t i' Maiiri*. .1 I* "lute vh and <1 lliirn, iu hi I'niKt’lly 1111 .1 K lli-arilnlny, r, a. - , ‘ '.I A lln, cere oi IriAHiic pcruoii, 7 ou r 1 ut'rr. cxmiilion;; lijmm.- prraorj. 1, pn ; l I* t nd< rMood M H. do do 12 m UM n*. i do 4 (>) • •' Mu. do do t -2o • W lint il l. :o . o -j isi do do do ft 00! do do du A 40 i do do do Xi 7l do do do ;i (,o | I li U '.iU< r 1 iiiMn** |irno'j, '4 01 do . do ou | •lo ettoiidnn con do .7 00 ' . K lakii ir iiiaiint* pi* Oi to Asyinm ■*'! 10 MrK.irleio* rv iiiilnlnir liirn'o* m raon. f. no Ihmirl i* phr’f ffri* njininoinu; inr 7 ',O .vih Hr* i* I in*. pi : A ) .1 Arthur U =*r ~ (,) I I .Ini i * - !• mni.lnjrop^ of r**l r-teti* -old ’ i( - , and i*‘n .V Cos, Min'* • miA-, % \ ( t . j j 1’ •)••!! •. rotini l .■!./ ■ tndt .■ I .1 r hooi Do i h rI \ cp'> vt ♦ |.;.1 r II Itohiiia n, ||ver j ;,i| VS Mohr penning coiiri liorhc. \> t ., iur> M‘.< liarde, rlr nlh*r r Mj-i |iouh h (hi t IlMli.', rn'fbbilnlni odt. . ,j j hoc l uik'v U, dfioiitv; Juror** 1 do * nt, ru, At. , 7-, . 1 J Ur luV rod ul ? mil* ’ ; (M ' •lo | . h *i*oi tl pci V I t . i4 , Mi<*l td. VII poet hi .rliMii, ~ (i., Jiiiu-l Übur, <(<l rub Jvi.kir J*. ' •v m s. in uk. I)**r. i| m i .1 M- rrl* ..., .1 Morris Ir. lobor. ~ "J ■ •hu M Dai< X',\ M II .1 I |<ow*, llldr*, j •HI key Kennedy .t ro. r.uU% i n lb Hotfem. )*>U>k’u ftkinpn, , j , •*'l* ,t Jmm. moving .1 o• i il I'eniM lly. Imrr. \ m • I C’arl wtl|(hr. repairing cUm U. I m ' !(■••*, itrufi'Mional .r\|< e*. ;.o q, iioktu,: A "on, repair*, U ;{ * M V\ heeler. i 4i i of rorjm, li •lifnr Hay. brick*, 4 itnard of rjutViiPtifr*, cam goii.flee return*. l*| oo iMin Utdillr. di jijhur at' for jhuimt, 4 0 ' II I lioina* fort. |,*(fH|hlUfc. ho • i.• 1 r.% fif iihUii, j| l'*k’b fi't'Hlniik, '! ',,1 • V' Hob . i!nior:. bn ‘I Juuva, r „ jit'lg*. poe'icyj ii o<i il 1 llavay. a. )7 • 'dank i'4iptoard 14 Ai N ll*lpt>. I'iiliill.if ;|l ml • limy, ki unHitr ,% <Vi I ii’, * A Jiiim ► cmiiitv .iiiii, pnai. M* Is so '• Ml I'urlum M Ii In.; nn K K Monty. 111 (HI I JrmlMi.,lll rollv I, I iimlhira in.ji,,,,, () .l lua l'l(.iutnann, nttecoanpn on Mnurt, n no iu. . Ilm. l r\, Jr. aIIMI IHa Imp* |,| J t.j ' 'liii lii'il. is hicki Ij ~n li dnn an n, ('(idi ili.lnir.cmi'Kt., un; p; IIM !ninii|i, ci(i(h lor ulrrltiin ti'lnm* M m •' A 111 ali >.() (. hiil-c vn ivj tliKi I'iiii mm, ion ln>.iiii per Id i|.jrl it 11 Id IM I I M. r l, . m rnnnlyland* In .'i on It .1 llcnin it, printing 74 on dn On s'l Ml do (In 1 (hi dn (in 111 OK 'riiwinril llrn*. On pi ~o dn dn I pn (In On sn 7A dn do Pi 4A ’’ill * AHnndan, lumber, I no tinilierlby IVarra * I'o, mdap, I 7% • ii* Knliarla, anndric* :, .in •If I Imlmiv. MI) s,'ii|j In*;u a pi'.ti .'I on I T iMnrri*. ,l I•. ini>. v* I. I.nryn him I HI li I. Ti l ipr M ll|rnf. lirliii"iil |nni i pm 00 tin* I'l rklii*. niilpi no Inin * .b owlie* mil*e 40 Ho w"I Pmlll'llll* I nil ll>M< Ktlit (■ V* -Ilid Kldlcy 1 PI II I. IVllnlr mi'll in'rirus'., jy Ml I'lin* Idin kinn, Jr. krintimg tlili luiillli'i'* ntin m ilm iiini'rdl -j oo I II ViTlmi, M 11, i iiiniiiilii; liiamn' pm :i in do pol nun Imn ni.iniliimloii |n on .1 Tim* I’ryor, Jr. fri’lnld, .ti n a.% I llniilnl*. Hlli'iiilliio mid linryliiir on n on (V Killin' volnlui; I'll ImiiU 111 tnirn Vmn Inn l< kntl in for nli-lmi'i > 00 I' n AM*U*y, IMt All y fnr cxpi'iup* lim oo Tin* fii lnWlim .Pi'iinul* wi-rn nllmvi'd nl Him HlUnnul "id nppn*lli> oar It iPiun .1 I* Trnmi'l .1 1* fi'M* *uin v. M Kll*. imiruk J.i.i !•> it; ua Jmi lli iili y coiifl.bin lm h, n|.,iit v. M Kll'imtrU k Ift 21 n on W Jh llmhli'Ji COioUMm Imp. ,uip i* Ui'n ilnrin 10 I* ‘J Jl M ii Nell, cniwulilo ippa .into r, A I'ow i'll Ml ill A 30 2 in J Halim)* ahi'rlft"* fim al(a t* U 11,i.l UP' It Ml do dn da* Kullmj 13. 2is dn dn anin'iilnit Jnrnra ft Ml ti tki A C Aaalay, oon'ldu lava auiM a .laa Wi'lli'y 27 HA 24 HO A P Analpy da do MaiunrPl I’ftaainlav 4 nn 4 0(1 II rlniMllJ con fMoa Pima Nirnlman 7is A sft I'haa llilkpy ton ftHia J K Hi'arU*U'j %Mi 22 3H 11 li Wilber M I>. M\ailitln2 In fant iwrann ;l oo lol*nllni'd lipliih dupllr.ttrd liy error| Jama* Kllrbet arnip bmiiily, ;i mo ola’l' wd mar Momimoy, prill I Ittit VA 00 [Ulaallowuil, hft.iin; keen paid ) Il J ttMiinaii printlhi: ,M ini Hi on A H urarn do no 10 40) 40 .1 1‘ Mauidan, atata v* J Kelly ;n 03 1A A3 lm ao bhanley do I on ISmiu liark In ba .inilMd' li Franklin, iltary A On ineui liacA to bo mtAcd Hlar Ouinimny prtatliiif. (in 7o I bent nark In lm trotnled. Ailojilt'il Tlio Pprcial i immiilti'p on vmo. lutious of Mr. 'l'hurWr anil otlntm, made report follows; To the Board of Supervisors of lowa County: Year commit to* to whom was re ferred the resolution regarding appro priating money to assist the towns of Moscow, (’lyds and Pulaski in repair ing In idgpfl,Would reaireetfnlly report hs follows: 11 appears that tha lowa of Moscow has 2d bridges of more ( Hk.ii HO foot spans each; that, the town has already exliaused all its fiuuls and levied all the tax the law allows in such cases, the bridge is very much used by Hie public in general; w therefore rec ommend that the sum ot.iM.'.o be ap propriated to assist the town in re pairing tlie Haiti bridge. The town of Clyde in also heavily burdened to maintain its bridges, and we recommend that !?.'<) be appropria ted io assist in repairing the bridge referred to in that town. It appears to your committee that the town of Pulaski is no more heav ly burdened to maintain its bridges than many other towns In the county. 'J’lie town lias by vote refused to as sist in repairing the bridge referred to. We recommend that the petition be denied. Itespi ctfnily submitted; John .1. Boss, J, T. Morris, James Webber, Committee. Adopted. The committee on public build ings pienented their report as fol lows: To till' Hoard ilf Supervisors ol Io .VIl • 'omit, Wis.; V.Mii mhtlee on public bindings reijioctf' ll l1> report that repairs an l needed in I lie heUry, ollices, amt jail. Kill I lied lilt! roll veil iriices of tin- roll li l\ I Teastirer kiulcounty • ’lri k, as \w!l as tin 1 public, Would l>o served In' placing the door.: leading into their respective ollices near the front door of ihr Com I House. We res peel fully recommend that tlir aliovo repairs and i hanges hr made l!i -prr| fully submitted. .!. 11. 11i111 ITaneis (taker. T. W. Tlmrher. ('ominittee. Nov. uth, I si'll. Wliieli was adopted. On motion, Messrs Morris, I loss and I’aulson were appointed a spe cial committee on petit jurors, and reported a list of 1 10 names which was certified to tin* Clerk of the Circuit Court by the chairman. Mr. Mason o lie rod the following. Unsolved, That there lie and is hereby appropriated to the fund for the poor the sum of $")()(),00. Ceo. !•'. Mason. Which was laid over under the rules. On motion of Mr. Ternos, rule 1 I was sus|iemled and the above res olution was adopted. Mr. Mason offered the following;, Which was referred to the special cnmmitlee on bridges: 111. ni.vrn, Thai tin- Mini el liv • tniml, •.1 .... .1, in'iiml i.-, in rdiy ii|UMopiiau-il fur (In- Illi. ■ 1 I el II IIIIUIC ill Ul'' lew (1 Ilf Pulaski, I|..,ili.Mil.i set which lihr 11 licn-tofnii' lu'.'n ■i 1 I 1 111.- in* tillu rs ..I On- II 'uni fir.o, r Misox, 1 huirm 01 < I Pu -k'i ():i inntlnn Messrs Cox, Mason ami ll.MVey weis appoints,! a special cmiimittiH to center with tlm Sheriff elect us to eotiipsusation. Toe committee on nncluiined or ders reported us follows ; In ini I'iicwt llimm ne Hi pkhvimuis, low i 1 'lies rv 1 In'cemiuilli f In wlmm wiii n fi'rri'il the ll>i u I unt'la I mi'll I'.'iinly orJere, rriimlnlng hi 1 in* •'i.'ik'. nllli'i' Iwu jr.-ara or', m certl liv llm I’li-rk ; hut - exumtiii'.l llk hiiiiii' mill Hu.l milil list I'lirn i't. \\> hen with return mi,lil nrdrrn amt ri'i'emmi'iiU tlu ir I’.im'dlatien mul •li'-iriicl Inn All C which is rt'^pi't'lfullv 'i miltoO Ni.v, I'M), I SSI), .1 W. Ui WHY. John .1 Knss, (i. li. I n\ On motion, the {Supervisors pres ent wi re authorized to take such ol the above as are for persons of their iietpiaintance and receipt therefor, and the remaining orders were di rected to he cancelled ami destroyed Under the above resolution, orders Nos, yd, it id, iM.VJdM. -no, ‘.to, y.ho, ;i7.‘!, ;!71. :!7s, .pjfi, i jd. rj'.), iat. i;td, and 1 hi were taken np and the ii nuiinlng orders were destroyed by burning The following report of committee on olli. ial bonds was presenleil : To .Io llohovhMo Hoiinl f of lovvii * omit) Ukmikmkn Your uommlUof* u|iH)lnti <l to tlx flu* nmoimtN lor Hu* novithl Ihiiulm to tu* nlvrti lor tlu oiiNiilng tor in ly llu* roiinfv ortl(H*rK rrN|H*i*tfully rti’omim'Mtl tlio follow iux umouuU M‘l o))|HtHlt4 till* IVSJM t’liVi* numi'N ol (itlllTH. Kor tlir ortlcr o( County Tmisuror |i:ts,ftN) 00 c.ntnlv rU*t k lo.ihhmk) Mum lit . 0,000 -0 CoroiuM- .‘*oo o*> ciriMilt court cit ik :.(>*o oo UiMrlt t Atlorui ) I**oo 00 Hok'lMrr t iHuul*. . o.oo** 00 Pour t'oiumiMvioin-rs ( Vu utli i.Ooo 00 llou|fotftilly MibmitUMt. u l iuNKM. cimirmnn, IM>. V. 'I OHN. .lIMU W tUUKH Mr. Hewev taeved lo amend by making penal sma in Treasurers bond $75,000, which was concurred in and tha report as amended was adopted, Mr. Hoskins offered (lie following: UKsot.vr.t), That the committee on claims prepare anil present lo I ho Hoard. Immediately, a lint of all printing necessary to he dona for Ilia comity, not regulated by Statute, and nl air the several price* herrtofor* charged therefor. J.Hoskins. Adopted. Board adjonraed. FIFTH DAT. Balnt'dav, Nov. 10, 1 S>iO, 1) a. u. The Board met purauaat to ad ouranent. All the Supervisois were present excapl Mr. Morris. The minatas of the previous meet ing were read and approved. The report of the committee on equalization and assessment was than takeu up, passed and ambsdiad in the following ; AS*PKSMKNT of lowa county, Wisconsin. mart* by Uic County Board of Supcrvlucn of said countv, at their annual session, held at IKxlgc vllle, November 9th to )3lh 1W : I 1 I • • 1 * Sf* 3 s ? : s IS g* -s= ~ ; r.. Citt. n I =£ S* i U 0 • £ a m s- ; c —c 9 *3 __ TANARUS, >*> ( < Aren* — T. . BMB. 35 T*i TSScTo ? i’ooo IHMOu Ctsgau 0 I lyile !BM6 .i 0u 54233 3u V) 00 1 :nj:W 3.) OoilgvTtUc Met-.', oo; Ou MOSSB OC 21'WOO. IV 0# olftsss is> Kill’ll 2W77.6i'| 1*25; 2M4T5 7J 4500! uVM- ;V> \‘V, 72 Highland 42i00 *Ol T 7.>j 32T0V1 00 fioOOl I'OOOOi aTT > ‘-o I Helen M9H*. 071 13 i'.i SISSS '-':t IiVWW TIOV.J .Mifflin 132452.581 It Isi caxtH 10 IMHO t.tdwo as.•::•• :•-> !Mineral Point 3TI*2 (>■; 19 oo : aTtCJ-i 0U luooooj iTli.', do do City I Ii 430IXXJ 2' HluOOj iVSNNO no • Moscow '266>l 1 0 A 0 IS’.fV) (X> *<H .‘ollOi'l 190C.0 l-‘ IPuliuki 31-W2 8T : 6 On. nWM K S.'oo ‘.••COH 31u?53 62 iKidcewav 9851 OS NS.-, .-,71323 ,V| 4’R| I.S4WHW* 72X328 -'<o Waldwirfe 20- S6 2.S 10 80 j 264962 50 70000 S.!f,V> AO j Wyoming ,-24'it.00, 6 00, 148266 00 A"W> 1>266 00 i Total 1 I 1¥4108963 03 SS2OV-0 $lV.',MH>|. 861A4463 06 ST TK OF WIMi uN <l!f, ) County of (own. 1 " ' We. william !•! Uowc, • balrnnm of the ounly Board of Hu* jiervltors of an bl county. and J Thou. Pryor, ir.. County Eh 1U of miM county, do hereby certify flint tin* Above statement Is tlie Assessment at Haiti county, madu by said Board of Supervisor*. Hint Unit tlie value wt omto.db* each town and city In hihl statement Is the value thereof as determined by said Hoard in accordance with law. #n this l.'Ub day of November, A. I) IXBO. In testimony whereof we have hereunto *t* • irlinnd*- and atMted the seal of stilt! Hoard of Supervisors, at Hod|<e\ille. in said county, the dav and ear Ia n übo*. • written w. K K( IWK Ebiiin.iat of Hoard of.supervisor*. .1 TIiAS. PKVOK JK . f.nmty Clerk fbiui.} The Clerk apportioned the taxoa for the year as follows : STATUMi:NT sluhvlhr the apportionment •! stilt.'. Comity, County School and Supcrlntand • •tit's siilury mid cxi.iiim-s luxes nd Hie tints t>l ••dues )l tlit- several tow 8 mid city to the coiui ly for lliu year A. P tssij: 1 ! g : ■ ! iIII . I * I * ! ! i I • It" 1 5 i * • : • -j. ; %. - • I* 1 =f ! * ore 8 " ► J m'.c I ■? I 7= 5 S ! *- t- r* i 7 - Z. 1 3 • • ~ 7 / * - "3 • J -*• i. 7 : > £ * .= 7. ." - f- AtwmT~.“ i *si fSo 6IS M ~J3375 .v.* .;••< ~163 IT S I>, 54 3 " Civic ’.34233 30 205 ft; 1133 ST 13200' -I \>t ■' 03, 1321 Si DoKffcvillc 9164.48 00 14' "I 72 774" 77 376 • IV 6’l 111 717 P-3.4 U Kdcn -‘>0975 7* 72 2" 81 y 10 4 7 47. _■ >■ ■ 11 .•'Jn .'>6 Highland. j.j....... . 17705 *u 77,15. 4-27 -2 ' 7- il :?•: 27 i- 334. 46 I.induu . , 710532 27 11*9 61. 391*2 7 ■ 726 >• IJ6 72 1 ■ • 17 "1 Mitatll . .4*1794 19 SO • -26 4?*l 46 ‘274 4 ■ •! 99 ’ 34; 61216) MSacral I't. town 474*720 00 72- I. I*i7 7‘. 217 2" 77 72 I ■ 12 s-.s 13 ■ ■ c j tv 6V4K10 00 99" 01 ,34Ss 13 137 61 exempt 3 ,3.41 i7 4. 19; !.. * s ... Moscow ‘ 90450 o** -.92 12 16 403 16! -f 7 1 92 42 3.3 ‘ *21.76 64 Ptla-ii ... 71' 955 C 2 476 !<r. 2625 19 -72 0" *■ 93 7671 72 RMrewrav 723727 .*>■• 1114 12 6124 16 3v> 2* " '7 24 W ~ ' 77*4 96 WaMwick 774"62 50 517 S' 224 21 141 34 01 73.14 41 Wyoming • 1'*266 • 7*4_11 167 .jM _ 12*1 4" •-l ■J' '2161 14 - 2 7 •-I JK'I-W 7 577 '* .V S' ' 6.3 M |l On loan lo Hchnol niMriot No. 17 do ilo ll | do ilo S I On limn lo Town, IHT.i, JJTl.'i |l{ I do ilo ikT'.i. sin no. i ilo Si'liool lllnlrU'l No. lit IW s*. I on Sinulnury l.oun intermit, ®:v> i IK). I■ I MMI limn to Itv. |s7">, (O il 17. 1 ilo IH7SI, 1700 (JO. Mil o.i limn to School hlstrlet No. I |, 1 ilo ilo 7. Tim resolution ol Mr. Tomes mi 1 printing wns tliun taken up, where- j upon, ho itsketl permission to iiiumnl the smile, whieli was granted. Whereupon lie submitted the follow- j ing : WnuifKAs, In lint opinion of Ihe couimille# on clnllii-, Hie charges Inrclohne made (nr {Hintmilt lor lint eonnly of lewii, where not! ri'tin aleil by Stolnle, 'have lavii too large, j ii ml WiiKitKis, In ottr opinion said (trialing can be ilonu al inueh tlgnien, lltenTore he it Uksoi.vki), Thai in I lie Inline all (Minting fur the county of lowa, the price for which t* not. rcginalcil by Statnie, lie lot lo the lowci.l lijihlei, till' hltls'le he eonlliii'd to tile nrilltlllK elllees sit naleil in tin' Slate of Wlneonsin ; ami that I'lteh oflleer lie limlilieleil Unit heiealler, Infore' In- shall cnnlraei for any I'litinlV (iriiiting, lie shall gift* noliee. return nhle In is hours, to fueli printing "lUee In ilia State, nl the Joti he desires excenle i, ami w Ill'll' II|>I)| Hie olllee olleriug lo execute sanl (oh or join for the lowest (nice shall exccuta ti same, amt shall upon stieh contract* t ino I'ounlv lloanl at each session, 11. Trunks, iTiainnan of t'ont. on HcwT (Tabu*. Whioli was adopted. The liomis of Mess re. Wilson, Bil lings and .letiek ns Superintendent* of the Poor, were prsssoted and ap proved. The resolution of Mr. Mason, ap propriating SoUO, was taken up ami passed All the Supervisors voting therefor. The committee to whom was ra le i ml the resolution of Mr. Mason, on appropriation for bridge, recom mended that the resolution do not pass. Which recommendation was adopted. The committee on claims submit ted the following : To the Honorable Hoard of Bupml*or of lowa | County : ~ , The committee on claim* respectfully submit the following report of per diem and wCeig" for he present session : I KMU US. MII.KS. DAYS. Maker Francis ® I'llllUft* John H.. * a j Cox li li V* .1 p (Irani Patrick (• a *- Haskins J. .1 . ’> >• Jcuck tleorge 1* f> O' Mason Oco K.. W 0 Morris John T IS! A Ibiulson ticorfe . 4* o Kcwe> J W *( * 1* bT KosH .fohn J IS * Howe n K o* A 1.. Ort Kytn Tlio*. K 1 a It W Trnies It and • U Thnrher T W i* a 111) WardJoslah a ■ IT Webber James * - H Kl Wilson Hotn'tt U • I l * " u We further recommend that J T. Pryor, fir, be allowed the ,um of *lB for aervleea . clerk o the committee ou claim*. And that Jaif.ClemlnsoQ be allowed the um of 110 for jan itor. And that Charles Thomas be allowed the sum of 19 for services as clerk of committee of equalization of assessments. Respectfully submitted, B. Ternes, Chairman, Oeo. Jeick, 0. Paclsot. Adopted. Mr. Ilewey moved to adjourn Lost. Mr: Ternes moved to reconsider the action of the Board in adopting his amended resolution on printing, which wis carried, and on motion of Mr. Billings, it was referred back for consideration. Ou motion, the Board adjourned to Jan. 6th, 18S1, at ‘J p. m. Attest: J Tuos. Phvok, Jr., County Clerk. MADISON DEMOCRAT. DAILY and WEEKLY. Published at the Capitol of the State it is essentially A STATE .NEWSPAPER, St'HSCUIHK KOI’ IT. Daily, per annum. - - SIO.OO Weekly. “ - - 2.0 FOR CHILDREN! THE NURSERY! FIFTEENTH YEAR. This Mazarine will begin (he rear 1881 with anew ana elegant Corel ami other trauMv imute. It will continue to eon use all imita tors. The January number will prove this. |1 Mia year. In advance. fW'Naw Snhecrlbcrs eetcitrs uumbere by subscribing row Nursery Puhl shluz I'ompaay, Ronton. Maes LARUE ARRIVALS DAILY! ♦ Fall and Winter Goods Of the Best Quality! AT GUNDRY & GRAY’S. Call and Examine. The Lowest Prices Asked. GUNDRY & GRAY. Mineral Point, September. 1880. First-Class Furniture! BISHOP & N ANGOLAS, Hum Street, Mineral Point, Wisconsin. Keep constantly on hand a largo stock of first-class Furniture, which they offer for sale (’heap for Cash. An Elegant Hearse. All kinds of Coffins. Also a stock of Burial Robes. Marcia, 18S0. 33-t BISHOP & NANCOLAS. DOBBINS ELECTRIC SOAP! It li< probable thtt nearly every family ia Wisconsin mow* by this time that the treat merit processed by this World-Renowned Soapl For 't has been on the market For Fifteen Years, And bar been brought to the notire ot all, b if our advertising has escaped the eye of any. and if no friend has ever spoken of its merits, please allow us to say that jon will truly find it for your interest to try it. atd bEE FOR YOURSELVES It has no equal. It Is really the most econom ical and The Best Soap ix the World ! YOI’R GROCER HELLS IT. t T. L. Cragin & Cos., l-y PUILADKDPUIA, PA. Oooper Shop. SANDERS & STAMM, Manufacturers of and iealers in Buller Tubs and Barrels, And all other kinds of cooperage. Shop opposite Mark Terrill's hotel. Minora I’oint. Win. DCCT nnw before the public Olid) I You cun mate money faster at word (or us than a! anything else. Capital not re quired. We will start you. ¥l2 a day made u> bonne tiy the industrious. Men. women, boya and girls wanted everywhere to work lor u. Now is the time. You can devote your whole time to It or only yonr spare moments. No other business will pay you ir any as well. N one willing to work can fail to make enormous pay by engaging at ouco. Costly outfit and terras free. A great opportunity for making money eaally and honestly. AddretaTßUE A 0. Augusta. Mulne, iv-S-ly