Newspaper Page Text
*Pt t MINERAL POINT, WISCONSIN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, I*Bo. COMMENTS. Thu steamship Scindia brought to New Orleans two hundred and ten Italian laborers for Ixniisiana planta tions, Ni.mmuV statistics (if iitir annual ex ports show that breads!nils led oil' with $283,03(5,835, and cotton followed with $211, 535,005. No negro ever held a. city nlllee in 1/juisville, hut a strong petition has been presented hi the council asking the appointment of colored represen tatives in the police and lire depart ments. The Denver express on the Hock Island road, broke an axle near Moke* na, His., yesterday. Two ears were thrown from the track and demolish ed, but only one passenger was in jured. IjOUD Jcstiok Jamim writes Unit tin' rent of the Irish holding's should he fixed at 20 to Uo per cent, over Orif flth’rt valuation, and that any landlord dissatisfied with this should he entitled to call upon the government to pitr c.hnse his liuidalahi^ Tint comptroller of (fhiengo closed out a 4 percent, loan of $8411,(Mill inside of nineteen hours. These hoods were offered at par in small denominations, in order to distribute them generally among our citizens. A leading hanker states that he would have hid 10-for the entire amount. It is proposed to utilise the I’otonnie Hats adjoining the grounds of the while house, in Washington, hy converting them into ponds for the propagation of fish under tho charge of the govern ment. This would doubtless greatly improve the health of (lie city, hut how far fish culture would lie promoted thereby would he another mutter. A uuioAT breeze was ereated in San Francisco hy the refusal of the com mander ofthe Mexican gunboat Ihmi ocratn to obey a writ of habeas corpus and produce a felon in his charge. The court sent the sherilfand posse to (he vessel with warrants for the arrest of the original criminal and the com mander, hut the Mexican olllciT re filled to submit. Soon afterward, how over, the felon was surrendered a the city prison hy the Mexican consul. Hj!UhTAItV KoSTKII hurt feltlllteil In Dublin, ninl Miere will Im no more eahi act euuneils until after <'lii'islimiH, The queen is said to favor the emailiti),! of ilirtonler hy military foree. The Irish gentry are arming with revolvers, ami the mililary authorities have eol lee. lot I cantii rei|iiirtiteH anil pr .visions at convenient points. The Heemul hal tidion ol the rifle brigade, ex peeled home from Malta, in ordered to land at (Juccnstown. A (Tit 1.l AN Hoot, of eighteen vessels attacked and captured the Peruvian town of I’iseo, on Nav. I l .*, and hnrned the rolling stock of a railroad belong ing to British eupitalists. The Peru vians lost 150 men and the t'liilians •UK). A foree of ID.tHK) then landed from a fleet, and look up its line of march through Yea valley for lama, a distance of PJti miles. The Peruvians have sent Mil three divisions to cheek Urn invaders. The Chilian fleet will return to Aries for reinforcements, whieh will he landed at a point nearer Lima. No less than Itsi2 regular passenger trains arrive al and depart front Chicago every twenty-four hours, as we find hy eonntingnp front the lime table. This gives an average of nearly llfteen every hour, day and night, hut as be tween midnight and t> x. m. passenger trains are practically suspended, the average for the remaining is hours would he nearly twenty trains per hour, or one almost every three minutes. Tliis, of course, does not include the numerous freight trains and the innum erable movements of switch engines from yard to yard and from road to road. Tin; electric light has just boon intro dueed by thi> Huston A Albany eompa ny, not only for lighting its large pass enger station in Huston. but also its freight lumso, engine honso ami switch ing yard. Two oloctric lights suspend od in the yard from high poles arc found to greatly facilitate the night work of switch tenders and trainmen. Six lights arc used in the passenger station, and the whole number to be used about buildings and tracks is ;VJ, supplied by two Brush machines. The experiment thus far is said to ho entirely satisfactory, the light being much superior to I hat be fore obtained from gas. As to the com parative cost we hope to hero from ore long. It has long seemed probable that electricity would soon come into extend ed use at our great railway termini. THE NEWS BUIWET. A Summary ol Iflventa Du no. a the Past Week. Lutext I2vmih. Gen.Tkkkv is confident that Sitting Bull will noon aurrendcr at Fort Buford. Seventeen Chilian tranaporta, carrying nine thousand man, have mailed to attack Lima. (iKNKKAI. W. 11. Hazen, the IICW chief of the signal aervjce, liiih entered upon the dnlich of hia new office. Tilt; Kail of Crawford in dead, and his (■ldeal hon, Lord Lindsay, succeeds to the peerage, causing n vacancy in the house of eonnnoiiH. A hiiAid* shock of earthquake was lelt nt Seattle, \V, TANARUS., on the 12th insl. Mount Halter, Oregon, was in a statu of eruption at the time the shock wan felt at Seattle. Jay Oort.ii lino purchased all the privi leges of the International railway between San Antonio and tin' Hio lirande, and is negotiating for the track between Milan and San Antonio. Tim city of St. Louis has been mulcted in *7S,(KHI, that amount being required to pay the costs of its recent litigation with the gas company, in which the latter was the siieccssfnl contestant. Tun governor of Idaho let ritorv, which Joins Utah on the north, in his message to the legish.inre, refers to the tact that the abomination of polygamy is being rapidly introduced in that territory. An explosion in a manufactory on Twen ty-sixth street, New York, carried a fonr- Inonsnnd-potmd boiler, almost unbroken, a distance of nearly lf(K) feet, doing no damage on the route. Tnicitn is formidable opposition in the dominion parliament to the proposed con tract with a syndicate of capitalists for the construction of the (ninadli I’aeilie railway. An opposition manilestn has been publish ed. SicruKTAttv Thompson's resignation dates from Thursday last. He says (he Ameri can branch of the Panama canal company will he organi/.cd in January, and that the total subscriptions to the seltem ‘ are $1 20,000,000. A mst’ATi'ii from Paris imminncwi tin l founding of tin* Panama hank with n eiipi tiil nl 11,1100,01X1 (VmirM, anil ihf (’iiin ni c ii' in I I‘alin ni ii eiimpanv, for food slip |>ly, wilh a i'tt |>it it I of if,000,000 Irani''. Two I'lllU'lll'M Ilf Ihi! Kansas City I'X iiri'HH tl'llill, mi tin* M issiiltrl Paeilie mail, wi'i'i* thrown fnnii the track Tuesday night, Hour Ktireka, Mo., anil uhunt ii ilaw ll persons wi*vi* injured ninru or less hi- piously, .1 I. (-AHlfi, of IC ni-i in*, liiii hrull Klll mii i t iiKiiiiiHl llio Hnn of Fish Brothers mill uhlih fora ri'i'i'i vit. 110 claims Unit they nri' inih'hti'il to him in tin' Mini ot $150,000, anil In ol her parlies I 1 1 Ini amount of #1150,000. Waou Mami'Ton's ilii-ii'lniiiH'r of any de- Hirn to light a iluel with Secretary Sher man waa brought out hy a h'ller from a South < 'mulin',in sliongly eimdemning his course in the late i-nln| >:iix ll . anil holding him i'eii|ioiiHihlii for llani'oek’s defeat, 'l'll k railnmils running helwei'n lln (la h > anil Now York actually have more freight liliHiiienH than they know what to ilo with, anil I hia not wit hot si in Ii n lhe fact I hat one of them lin h four tracks anil that the I'lrie eiinal carried more freight this year than ever hefore. i’lltc mail Hteniner which Hiiileil from New York on the Kith Inst,, earrieil 150,- 000 lelterH, the greale I mnnher ever sent acroHH the ocean in anyone day. The mail receipts ol'lhe New York posloHiei' have increased nhoiit one third, recently, which in attrihnled to the improved hnni ni'HH eomlilion of the country. Ari'oitniNii to the report of the govern nient’a supervising inspector general of i,team vessels, Iflfi 1,000,0011 people were transferred hy eoiiHl and river Hteamei'H in Ihi i eonnlry during the present year, only I,So ol w hom (including passengers, oilieers and crews) hint their liven. This would seem to indicate that the perils >1 water travel are no greater I han I hose of land (ravel. TilK HilHpicioii is nlirimil (lull 1 In* !• | url nl Hiilincri|ilioiiN In I,(>hi>|ih’ Panuiiiii eiinal Hi'honu' -ir> largely bogus A gentleman in WiiNliintiton wlm linn facilities for ob taining knowledge of tint fuels tells <i New York /'.'iriiiiii/ I'out eorrespAnilenl (lint in iiliirii'H nl' hirt 1 innkorh faille dkrlese a single genuine silbseript ion In thn l.esseps’ ennui steel; in New Vnrk NoTWITUsTANIMNiI the ennliilenl pie illeliniirt nl' Vennnr, the Montreal nruele, (lint mi the lelb, I nth anil 17ib of Ileeein her the weather would he exeeedillgly eeld, stormy nml snowy, just the contrary eonilitiniirt have prevailed during these three days in nearly every part nf thin country ami t'aiiinlu. This shown the value nl' the predietions nl pretended weal her prniihelu. PUKMIUKNT ( hIN/AI.ICS, nl Mexico, Illls enliipleteil hiaeahinet, which in hclicvcd llnhe a progressive ami liheral nne. tien. Ilia/,, the late president,heeomes minister nf pnhlie works in order tn pimh enu ini prnvenientrt in the internal nflairs nl the eonntry. It la helieveil that he w ill have great inlllli nee with President tioiuales, ami il la well, tor hiu own almii'i^truti<n has been successful, progrer ive, ami in telligent. A i'ii meeting of tin 1 home committee on Mississippi levees held I'ee. Ititli, it win resolved, mi unit inn of Mr. tiihson, t• non ml the Mississippi river improvement hill now before tin- lioilse hy substituting no appropriation of fl.StHl.tKHt for the st>,- (MH),tit'll proposed by the original bill. Mr. tiihson uiul other wont hern members tlionkht thill there was little ehiiine of getting ttUHH),t'O". mnl thill asking ho innoli might Imve n lendeney to detent the hill; lienee the redneed ilennunl. K \tk t'niNi! Si’kauvu's bill for divorce linn heen tiled in Washington eonnly, Khode Ihliiihl, the grounds being ndultery, extreme ernelty, mnl neglect to provide. It n pin'ii rn I hut the ex-governor has sur rounded (’iinonehel with iiriiu'd guards, mid the slier ill refiiHed to nerve n writ of replevin for Mrs, Sprague's elleelH. The ensewillhe tried in February. It in be lieved ihnl the defendant, who wan rreal ly exeited over the shocking charges in the petition, will file a eonnter petition alleging adultery, desertion, and extrava gance, A 11 At ii ax, dispatch to the associated plena under date of Pee., Mth nays: Lieu tenant Ward, of the U'th regiment, died hint night of typhoid fever. Lieutenant Hoare is also down with the fever. Die eoniiniindtiiit of the troops composing the former garrison left a letter with the mayor, when leaving, in wliieh it was,sug gested that if the sanitary condition of the city was not improved, it might become a question for the consideration of the mili tary authorities "whether Halifax should he longer considered a garrison city. A mu has lu en introduced in the senate, on the 1 tith inst,, by Sen. Maxey for the relief of tied. Ord. It recites in preamble that at the date of ' ion. Ord’s retirement from active services lie had served his country in the army honorably, efficiently nml continuously for more than forty years. llis services when in command of ihe military department of Texaa are also referred to an of (treat importance and ralue and especially in bringing com parative peace to the disturbed frontier. It is therefore proposed to authorize the president to place < len. Ord on the retired list according to his brevet rank with pay and employment of major- eneral of the imnv on the retired list. Criminal. Kkiiaut Knoi.kk, of Casville, Wis., who was recently discharged ) rout the in sane asylum at Madison, lias hanged him self. B' A. Bein', a brewer and malt ster of Albany, shot and killed ids mistress and then committed suicide. A St. Boi ls confidence man, pursued by a policeman, attempted to cross the big bridge on the railroad track, hut fell through and was drowned. Maukh of a bloody tragedy were visible on the ice at Burnt Island, above Niagara falls, on Saturday morning, the victim be ing passed over the cataract. A liVNmiNo party of thirty incn is out near BaJaru, New Mexico, searching for Charles Bonssill. who killed two Mexicans and wounded two more ,nnn affray about a lady. John (I. Aiimhtiminu, a farmer of Car rollton, I 18, ipnirrelcd with his brother Clinton yesterday about a buggy trade, the latter struck the former with a wagon yoke, killing him instantly. Cadc.t Wi l ITT ah Kit has applied to pres ident Mayes for trial by court-martial. Whittaker asserts that he is innocent of every charge against him. The president has taken the matter under advisement. 11. A. Bi.anikol;i), past grand master of Odd-Fellows of the stale of Texas, has been sentenced to the penitentiary for era hc/zling y 111,001) of the fluids of I iic Home Building and loan association, of Austin. Kkkiikuick B., book-keeper for K, T. iSinith ACo , wholesale grocers of Worcester, Mass., has been arrested for embezzling $B,OOO, which has been lost in gambling hells. Tine butchery of Bessie Moore, ir. Texas, by Abe Rothschild, hai not been forgotten by the public. At the commencement the trial at Jefferson, on the 18th inst., only two jurors were obtained from a special venire of sixty. Knw.Min l.oNti, colored, was hanged at .laekson, Tent)., on the bStli inst., for the murder of Sit Ungers, a negro, last June. Bong fully eonlessed his crime, and de clared that lingers' ghost had pursued him relentlessly ever since the tragedy. I'Vmr ihausaml persons wit Messed the cxcciltHl'. Anvn us from the Indian Territory,say that two full blood Indians went to the house of Klias Me Veigh, in F.ufatila, on Tuesday, and after accepting the the hos pitalities of Me Veigh, shot and killed him and chopped a hired man named Barrel with an ax, inflicting mortal wounds. Tim escape of two prisoners from the County jail inspired Sherili Mann to make a thorough inspection of the cells and their three hundred inmates. Their labors were rewarded by finding large numbers of forks and knives, among the latter be ing a saw-bludod one, secreted in some bedding, and a massive dumb-bell. An interesting adventure with robbers has been vouchsafed to Mr. .1. 11. Molt, of Independence, Mo. Two men entered his bed room, covered him with revolvers, ami forced him to sit on the edge of his hodwhile Iheytook watches and Jewelry to the value of ijjiHUl. They then tilled themselves out with his clothing, burning their discarded garments in the grate, and hade him good-night. \ ./• mniiil I Miltu< ll K' special of tin* loll' inst. , says; A double tragedy occnrcd Ik iv this morning. IliritmS. Hollirook, local agent lor tlu‘ American express com pany, while lying ill heil tired a bullet i ilo the brain id - bin sleeping daughter, two yearn old, who wan in the erib hv his siile and then shot himself in the head, lie was in poor hca'lh and was naturally sen sitive*. These are the only eanses known for his rash aet. 11 is wile hail left him only fifteen minutes before in order to prepare breakfast. 1 lolhrook schild died in t hree hours and he eannot survive the day. CabU'KTiiins. Tiik disturbance in Ireland increases diiilv. It is believed,(hat the government must take decisive action very soon. Title unnv and navy ol Chili are now moving to attack the Peruvian city of Biuni. The result w ill probably divide the win, one way or the other. Tin: gravity of the situation in Ireland is increasing daily, and the announce ment of II cabinet council is unexpectedly made, Mr. Forster, i hief secretary for Ireland, lias returned suddenly to l.omlou. A Komk dispatch of Ih e. liilh says; In view of the approaching attack on l.iuui, Peru, the Chilian government has ac quainted the Italian Wnuw >Vafi hires at Santiago w ith the measures taken for the protection of foreign residents. Tiik British cabinet has decided In an ticipate the probable parliamentary tac tics of Mr Parnell and his partisans by introducing a series of resolutions lor the guidance of the speaker ofthe house ol commons when obstruction is attempted. Tut: steamship Mosel, from Bremen, reports having passed the W bite Star steamship Beplihlie about G\ hundred miles out from New York. Ihe Uepuldie was disabled, and asked to be lowed to port, but the captain of the Mosel refused, and left her to her fate. There will prob ably be an investigation. l.ottu Uuaconskiki it's visit to Windsor t’astle is a I'm it Tut thonir for conjecture in Knulitml. ThiM'Ojtnlar interpretation is that the nitron is ready to so ml tor tho n premier otlioinlly us soon its ho shall have succeeded in britiKinit about I ho ovorthrow of thi> (ihulstono ministry. Kihson is still working huril and_ hope t'nllv on tho electric 1 iuht. 110 claims to have proved that its subdivision is not tin impossibility, ami assorts that It is invon tion will soon ho perfected. I'ho oust ol lighting tho oily ol Now \ ork by his mothoil w ill, ho says, ho something like |2,tXHUX>O. A COSKKBBNVK of tho barkers ol Hover* nor Poster for tho Ohio sonatorship was hold at t’olnmlms on Sunday, among those present being throe mombors of tho bouse from Hamilton oounty, which has hereto fore boon oonsidorod solid lor Shorman. Ills claimed that forty-two _ republican papers in Ohio have declared tor hosier. A I'iuun cablegram of Pso. Itl states that at the fork assitos John Powers, ol a party of armed men who forcibly entcrral a house from whioh tenants had been evicted near Tralee,founty Kerry, in the night about a fortnight ago. and slit the ears of the occupant, a bailiff has been ac quitted, although identified by the pros ecutor. A Paws dispatch of Dec. Kith states that the funeral of Mad me Thiers, was witnessed by.*a respectful crowd. The hearse and coffin were buried under a crown of flowers and immortelles. All the leading members of the two chambers were present. The ministery followed imme diately behind the coffin. Uambetta and Buffet were conspicuous in the proces sion. Madamk Tjiikiw, widow of the first pres ident of the republic of France, is (h ad. She was a woman of fine intellectual at tainments and enviable social qualities, and during her lifetime was an able assist ant to her husband in his political and lit erary work. She recently sent to the United Slates, for the use of congress, a complete edition of M. Thiers’ works, which were presented, to that body by the secretary of stale with a formal letter. A scan da I. in high life is reported from Paris, where such affairs are every day occurrence. The Baroness de Fried land, daughter of Duke de Persigny, grand-daughter of the Princess de Mos cowa, etc., lias been arrested on the charge of having written her grandmo ther’s name to a cheek for 108,000 francs. The Baron de F'midland has been arrested as an accessory. Sr. I’ktkukiii'UO advices of Dec., Hi say the rumor current some weeks ago of the transfer of the Czar’s authority to a coun cil under the presidency of the czarewitch is renewed with this addition, that the marriage of the Princess Molgorouki with the czar will ho declared legal, she re ceiving the lit le of Duchess ol Molstein (iotlor and her children to he princes and princesses of that title. The czar and family w ill retire to Bivadia, he remain ing emperor in name, the actual authority, however residing in the czarewitch. At the British cabinet council, on the Nth inst., il was decided to request of the (pieen the immediate suspension of the habeas corpus in Ireland. This action was preceded by a confidential interview between the eominander-in-ehief and the minister of war, and followed by a consul tation between (lladstone and the chief of the criminal department at Scotland yard. Another cabinet council will lie held to day. Parliament, at its meeting in Janu ary, will he asked to pass an aet of in demnity in regard to the suspension of the habeas corpus, and a measure for land reform and a hill to restore order in Ire land will also la* presented, F.very hour increases the gravity of the situation. A London Timex dispatch of the Kith inst., from Cork savs: Win. Bence Jones, an Knglishman and large landowner resid ingot Bissilare, county Cork, write*, to the 'J'imiK that he has expended Clio,ooo on the improvemet of his properly and has hitherto enjoyed good relations with his tenants, hut because lie refuses to accept the (Iriflith’s valuation his tenants have been deterred hv threats trom paying their rent. Me is threatened that his grave will he dug opposite his door; his laborers are compelled to leave him and none dare buy his produce because when it is sent to market it is surrounded hv a howling mob. A correspondent of the Tiuii’x at Cork says when Jones, Tuesday, tried to ship 81) head of cattle and sheep to Bristol for sale a number of large shippers informed the steamship company that they would cease their dealings with it if tin cattle were shipped and the company consent! ntly refused to take the entile as also did the Clyde shipping company. Finally the drov ers refused to lend the cattle, which after straying through the streets were finally driven by the police to the (ireat Southern railroad and that company forwarded them to 1 hihlin hv train, in spite of the efforts of the Boycotters to prevent the company from supplying the train. .Vvi(U‘iit>. FiKi; in the candy factory of Clark A Morgan, at ({iiiney. 111., inflicted damage which is estimated at $5,000. A lioi r nine-lent hs of (lie business por tion of the city of Pensacola, Fla., was de stroyed by lire Saturday night, resulting in a iocs of $500,01X1. I v < hikland, ( Til, John Seorehh r killed his fiancee, Miss Elizabeth Tyler, at the gale of her resilience, by the accidental discharge ol his revolver. Mils. D\nian.\, Pensacola, Fla. in whose restaurant the recent conflagration started, died of injuries received while the house was burning. Mils. Jonks and two children, living be tween Kansas City and Lexington, were fatally burned by the explosion of a coal oil lamp oi the hands of the mother. Bv an accident to a Central Vermont train, near Wallingford, on Monday even ing, Conductor Campbell was fatally in jured, and seventeen passengers in a sleep ing-car more or less hurt. Thk puddling and rolling departments of the Harrison wire mill, in St. Louis, were destroyed hv fire recently, causing a loss of S.'iO,OOP, and throwing six hundred men out of employ incut, Eton r persons employed in the hunted factory at BnlValo are missing or known In he killed, and -even others were seri ously injured. Two corpses have been taken from the ruins Popular indigna tion over the lack of lire escapes is still intense. Thk elegant residence of Charles I>. Fisher, on North Charles street, Balti more, took tire at an early hour on Sunday morning, and two colored servants sprang from alifth-story window and were killed. The damage to the house and its contents is $50,001i. A com i M.nvrtoN in Cincinnati Satnr di"-evening resulted in the death id’five firemen. Three buildings were in flames, and in order to gel to the immediate vi cinity ot the fire, it was necessary to pass through the first ofthesc. The attempt was hravelv made by a dozen firemen, five of whom perished in the desperate en deavor. A AT es special from I.a Trohc, Pa., says: A boiler in Baker's ear works exploded with terrific force on the Is(h inst. Two voting men. Win. Campbell and Joint Campbell, were badly scalded, and al though they walked half a mile to the doc tor’s otiice and had their wounds dressed, they were both dead thirty minutes after wards. I’hk boiler of a candle factorv in Louis ville, Ky.. cxplopcd on the loth inst., blowing tin* lower story ot the building to nieces, and allowing the upper story to drop to the ground. A box-maker was in stantly killed, but the other employes es caped with a few slight bruises. The fire man had S2,(XX) in his vest pocket, w hich was blown intis fractional currency and scattered to the four winds. A FiHKoccnred in Cushing A Co.’s whole sale toy and small ware establishment on St. Pa il street, Canada, Dee. loth. One whole flat was completely gutted, and the loss on stock wilt exceed s2o,fX*). John Watson, wholesale jeweler and hardware merchant, who occupied the second story, suffered loss by water to the extent of s4,iXt->. fhe loss on building exceeds $2,000. A.l the losses are fully covered I hv insurance. I " Thk large manufacturing establishment of F, F. Adams A Cos., at Krie Pa., burned |on the 15lh inst. The night-watchman discovered the fire about Bo'clock, and im mediately turned on the water, hut the flames g ined so rapidly he telephoned the fire department for assistance, but hut when the engines arrived it was found impossible to check the conflagration, and the building and contents were totally consumed. Isv a falling wall two firemen were killed and several injured. The loss is over $11)0,000. Insured for $50,- 000. Over 100 hands arc thrown out of employment. A Halifax dispatch of the loth inst. says another explosion occurred at the tinge pit, Slellertoii, this morning, about ft o’clock, followed in a few minutes by a second blast. A large force of men were on hand to explore the damage at the ear liest possible moment. About !• o clock a third explosion occurred. It is not be lieved that any lives are lost, as no miners were known to have been in the pit, work not having 1 cn begun since the last ex plosion in the Ford pit. No one has yet neen in the mine to ascertain (lie extent of the damage, the dampness being too strong to allow of exploration. From the Capital. Tun secretary of the navy has decided to issue an order establishing the tiaining fleet headquarters at Coasters’ Harbor Is land, in Narragansett It ay. Tmk president has named Ten. F. Sin giser, of Pennsylvania, to be secretary of Idaho and Kdward I’. Champion of Michi gan lo be receiver of public moneys at Deadwood, Dakota. Tin-; senate committee on public build ings and grounds recommends tin: passage of a bill providing for an appropriation off 250,0ik I for (lie immediate rebuilding of the ITiited States Custom House at I’ensaeolu. The new building is to ac commodate the Foiled Slates courts, post ollicc, etc. Sun. Pkndi.kton's hill regulating civil service provides for competitive examina tions for appointments, except of the high est and lowest employes, and for the pro motion on grounds of merit and seniority in service. Jriuii; W. 11. Woods, of the Alabama circuit, will succeed Judge Slrouy, who re tires from the supreme bench on the loth lost. It it understood that Attorney Gen. Havens will soon he appointed in place of .1 ustiee ('liilonl. Six'KKTAKV Sun n/, has written an elab orate letter on th • I‘onea question to Gov ernor Long, of Massachusetts, in which he defends hih policy, and asserts that the In dians were the victims of unfortunate cir cumstances, rather than of evil design on the part of anybody connected with the Interior department, A Wasiumiio;. dispatch of the l.'ilh says Secretary Thompson this morning re quested President Hayes lo name Ids suc cessor as he will retire on the 20th lust. The president designated Secretary of War Ramsey to act as secretary of the navy iu addition to his other duties on and after the date above mentioned. The department of agriculture says of the condition of cotton that there is i. de cline in the return of December 1, as com pared with that received November 1. The continuance of rain and very cold weather in November lowered the estimate of the states bordering on the Mississippi river. SiccitKTAKV SItKIIMAN inspected the plates, seals and hills captured hy the secret-service officers with the llrockway gang of eiinterfeiters. Mr. Fasilcar, of the bureau of engraving, pronounced the work the equal iueverv way of that pro duced by the government. Titnsi; who sought positions In their several states as messenger to U ashington for the electoral colleges evince great dis appointment at receiving from the treas ury mileage of twenty-live cents lor ope way only, congress having reduced the compensation last year. The messenger from New York is John Jacob Astor, who hasn't called for his emnpensation. A dispatch of the Kith inst., from Wash ington says: The report that Justice 11 uni’s condition is critical and that his mind is entirely gone is incorrect. This is the condition of Justice Clillord, not Justice Hunt. The hitter's health has greatly improved of late, and he has learn ed to write with his left hand since his right one was paralyzed. Tills president has nominated Judge William It. Woods, of Georgia, to he as sociate justice of the Foiled States su preme court, vice Justice Strong, resigned. Sir. Woods is now Foiled Slates eereuil judge for the fifth circuit, comprising Ala bama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Missis sippi and Texas. He was appointed from Alabama, but is a native of Ohio. Tin; president nominated Eugene Schuyler, of New 5 ork, to he charge d'af faires and consul general at Rucharest: W. F, I’eddi iek, of Pennsylvania, to he score- t:iry of the French claims commission. Coiled States consul -.Tolm Fnrrcl, of New York, to be consul at Bristol; Havid A. McKinley, of California, to be consul at Honolulu, anil Theodore Canisins, of Illinois, to be consul at Uelsleuiande. Aumv news from Washington is to the elicet that it new division is to be created comprising I lie departments of Texas and Art/ ma and a portion of the department of Missouri, and Gou. Seholield to be as signed to the command. (ien.O. (I. How ard will not return to the department of the Columbia, but whether he will he as signed to West Point is still undetermined. It is thought, however, that lie will be presented to the rank of major-general, in place of Cell. Mel towel, to be retired. Tin: president lias assigned Brevet Major tieneral <). O. Howard to the de partment of West Point; Brigadier Gen era! C. C, Augur to the department of Texas; Brevet Brigadier tieneral Henry .1. Hunt to the department of the south: Brevet Brigadier tieneral 1!. S. Macken zie to anew department comprising Ar kansas, lajuisians, and Indian Territory; Major tieneral John M. Schofield to the new militarv division of the gulf, and Brigadier tieneral N. A. Miles to the de partment ofthe Columbia. A W vstltXiiToN dispatch of the loth inst.says; tien.tirant has arrived here. A 1 meeting of those interested in the Nicara guan project has already been held. Grant will be asked to accept the presidency of a company; and there is little doubt he will do so. To-day, or very non, a bill will be presented in both houses authoriz ing the ineorporalion of the company. Bills have been drawn and only await the arrrival of one of the gentlemen who are to present them. They provide merely for toe recognition and protection of the government in the undertaking. Among the incorporators named in the hill arc Grant and Gov. Morgan. A. G. Menoeal, who has been prominently identified with the movement for a canal across Nicara gua. and who has a minute personal ac quaintance with the isthmus, speaking of the Panama canal, in conversation, said that the present estimate would not more | than turn the course of the river Chores, i aud so would be entirely expended before , a spade could lie pul into the ground for* be ( actual work of digging the canal. * Forthat I amount of money he said, a across ■ Nicaragua conld lie dug and put iu op eration within the time it would take to turn the river.” After careful study o*' I the subject he thinks that the cost of a Panama canal could not be less than ; jti(XI,OOO,(HK) and that consequently no | company could pay dividends if a less | charge for transportation was made than I sh per ton. The charges for transportation i across Nicaragua need not exceed $1.50, I which is one dollar less than I- charged at theSeuz canal;and with such charge .he able to pay handsome dividends. Be sides this, the advantage of a N'i araguan canal would be great geograph, ally, be cause it would be licit) mile- north of a canal across Panama, in the region of pre valent winds and against the prevalent calms of Panama, and in thedirect line, of trade, so that even if two canals should be I built, to cost the same money and to charge the same transportation, the one across Nicaragua would nearly monopo lize the business. "With the ditference designated in cost and other respects, the Panama canal would he practh all - -Inn out from competition. .tillwaukrs .Market. Milwackke. Dec. 20.—Fleur—Quiet and weak. Wheat—Opened titan mid closed wcakjNe. I hard, nominal; N’o. 1, imie.inu!; N . 2. UIC, lor seller cash; 09 c fur seller Deeembor; 9U,’, ‘or seller January; 1.11 l \ for seller February; No. :t, s I,; No, 4, 74; rejected nominal. Corn—Quiet and lower: No. 2.40. Oat* Weak and lower, No. 2*31. Hye—Dull Ne. si*,,. Barley bower; No. 2, Ml. Cliicugo Market. t HR.Uro, Dee. 20. —Flour -Du',l and notai nal. Wheat—ln tail- demand at 1. wer rate-; No. 2, Red Winter, I". I; No. 2 01 i. igo spring, @I.OO for seller each; I.o] ] 4 for .-.•Her Janu ary; 1.01 h for seller Fehnmry; N, . il Chicago spring. ft 3; rejected, li'J. Con; -Fairly aetii ■ and a .-hade higher; 3S fir seller cash; 3.V.. for seller January; 30 for seller February; •!3 for seller May, Oats—Dull and tending downward. 30!, fir solier cash; 30 for seller January; 31 h, fir seller February; 3 j for rol ler May. Rye—Steady and unchanged. Hai - ley—Kasier at 1.13. Pork—Fairly active and a ■'nude higher. 12.00 fir seller cash: 11.75@11.53 fa-seller December; 13.10@3.12',, for ■ slle-r Janu ary; 13,27.*, for seller Fehruar; . bard—Ai live, and higher; 5.33 for seller ettsh; 5.37 forte! lor January; 5.72.!, for seller February. The Drover's Journal'* reports; -Receipts 13 000; shipments, 11,000; active sad (inner for h"-'.; source; mixed packing, 4.40@4.70; light, 4.50(0; l.fia; ehniee heavy, 4.'53@3.10; ehe-e-d tirm. Cat tle —Receipts, 1,000; shipments. 2,0l)o; weak but unchanged; ears scarce; exports. 3,23 = ■'.oo; good to choice shippings, d.0ll@3.00; eomnvm to laic. 3.30(74.30; Intihrs', weak; 1.1'0(g2.2-> medium mixed. 2.30 0,2.33; steickers, e ery ate ■ v e, 2.13 (a 3.23. Sheep—Receipts, mine; shipments, Util ; common In medium. 3.30@ 1,01': g> -■ i choice. 1.3(1,/; 1.30. Moiuef hliift for I Sic n car. The world renowned success of llumt’.or':; - lers, and their continued popularity lor a quarter •fa century as si stomachic, is scarcely more won lerful than the welcome that greet* the annual iijipciinmce ot HoslcttorV Almanac. This valu able medical treatise is published by llostctter & Smith. Pittsburg, Pa., under their ow*n immediate Mipm idon, employing 80 hands in that denurt •i.cut. Ton cylinder printing pusses H folding uia eh i ncs, j job presses, &e., are running about eleven month* in the year on this work, and the issue ot same for I SHI will not be less than eleven million', jointed in tho KngHsh. timnan, French. Welsh. Norwegian, Swedish. Holland. Fobeininl and Spanish languages, liefer t.f a copy of it tor valuable and interesting reading 1 meerniug health, and iniineroixs testimonials as tithooflU* acy of I lost otter's Killers, amusement, varied ir. ...filiation, astronomieal calculation* ;*• i eiircnoi -gieal items. 1 < . which can be depended on for e.-jn’etness, 'flirt Almanac lor IHS! einbe oh taiiiad Iffn* *f e*-st, tram eruggists ami deal us in all jmi.' of the country. ♦ - li is related that, hefort war, Couldoek, tin 1 actor, when riding in a Tennessee stage, gave hi shawl to two little shivering girls among the passengers. hast week, it < said, the father of those little girls gave (jonl doek a gold watch in token of remein hranee of his kindness. 'une uikl Kffwr, The main cause of nervn.-ne.-s. is indigestion, and that i' eau-ed hy weakness of the stoinaeli. No .nr cun have sound nerves and g. oil health without using Hop Bitters t ■ M’■•■iiglli- Mi tiic stcc -aeh, purify the Mood. and keep tin liver and kidneys active, to carry oil' all the poisonous and waste matter of the system. mm other column. — Advance. !W| tnail I H>H RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia. Sc-aitca. Lumbago, i Backache' Soreness of the Chest, 1 Gout. Quinsy. Sore Throat. Sac fl ings end Sprains. Burns an-.. Scalds. General Bodily Pains. Tooth. Ear end Headache, Prosfeo Poet an" Ears, and all of'sr Pains and Aches. •' rr-jumii- n on •■•‘rth |iiU ft -U "o i*ti h * n Md /'•, at 11’*, sift* ph' in -‘I Ext'tm Hmu*!.v. A trial mi tall* but th* triding* - utlay .f SO rfUt**nd evtr> ' l with jntu ran but* cheap nUd positive claims. Pireetions in Eleven Ungom**. SOLD BT ALL DRDtjOISTS AND DEALER? IN MEDICINE. VOGELEE & CO.. ! Jintlimnrr, .If*. F. ft. VVJIO lES Learn Trrtrt>T *n4 ra H 1 tollOO amocito. Small :.0 •Wle *rniLf Bltuatloiu furnished. V*LS5Ttyi EScia, Mai.- Mere, JaoMilU*. Wta