Newspaper Page Text
THE DEMOCRAT. Mineral Point. Friday, Feh. -t, 1881, Goo. Orawford, Robt. M. Orawford, KIUTOHS AND PKOIMUKTOIW. Who Will Control Our New Mountc ! Washington, Jan. 28. —The elect ion of a democrat in Tennessee Ims, in one sense, relieved anxiety, and in tin other sense Ims augmented it, as to the future control of tlio Sen ate. Assuming that a Republican will be chosen by the legislature of Pennsylvania, the Senate will stand democrats, 157; republicans, ."7, 1 aving Judge Davis and General Mubono out of the count, as neither will go into canons. The republicans have striven hard to get the organization of the senate into their hands. Mr. Har rison, chairman of the republican date eoinndtlicc of Tennessee, went all the way to Menhir h* consult (Jen. Garfield in regard to arrange ments for making a senator. It may he assumed that he had author ity to drive the best bargain possi ble. Jt in linked, wlmt will Davis unci Mahone do, because if they separate on the two Hides, the Vice-President would have the easting vote, and thus would shape the committees and elect the officers of the senate? -Judge Davis was unexpectedly to himself, and without being a candi date at all, elected by a eombinu utioil between the democrats and the indipendentrt, to beat Logan, the regular republican candidate, lie gave no pledge of any kind, and bo bus voted in the senate ac cording to Ids own eonviotions of duty, without n feronen to party. Like thousands of old Wigs who joinoil the lopnbliean organization, bo acted with it until excesses and outrages coin pel led him to seek re fuge elsewhere, lie supported (ien, Hancock fur President, though not professing to be a democrat him sol f. Ho owes nothing to Iho repnbli cans and Ims no allilialion with tbeni. Il is therefore to be supposed that Jmlge Davis will act vvilb (bo democrats in organizing the senate, ami that lie will support their can didates for ollUc, if they are free from objection. Judging by In past course, be will not vote for any unworthy candidate by whatever name lie may be called lln is a practical reformer, and does not boliovo in rotten politicians. Mr. Rlaliono is a progressive dem ocrat, bitterly opposed to everything with the name, the shape, or the breed of llourbonism about it. He socks to control the politics of Vir gin ill, looking forward to command of the railroad system of the state and its external eui.noelions. A taction of the vo|>ublictitiH him boon courting him with much as siduity, uml promising him the Federal patronage in Virginia, upon condition to hoi] * organfoo the sen nto. They hftvn olleved sonic king (ioniH to which their <itl<> might he disputed, (iiuTit'lil has signified very plainly m> intention not to appoint democrats in the south, an a policy to reconstruct the repuhli nan parly upon. Tim leading white n publicans of Virginia arc among the vary best of Unit Reboot in till' wholcsonlh. The Wickham.-, Lewi cm, Hugheses and others, am of tin' old and would ho creditable representatives ■ f any parly. (Jon. Wickham is hairnum of tnc stale committee, and recently refused, without any sort of ceremony, Hayes’ offer of the Navy Department. Hi' will not enter any copartner whip with Mahone, nor consent to hia recognition as a dispensing power in any form. So that if Garfield should he pursuaded to follow the Advance of those who tor Hellish objects want to traillc with Mahone, he would he deserted ly the regular republicans in Vir ginia from the very outset. Therefore Mahouo is, like (Jar field about the Treasury, in a very light place. If he votes with the republicans. The democrats will vbaudon him. And if the new administration would give him the i/Tice for his vote, the republicans would abandon Garfield. He alone ran solve the senatorial problem, ind the time for (be solution lias not yet come. Items from i’cck's Sun. .Southern, the “Lord Dmidn; ry” of the stage, died in London this week. He was well known and be loved by all as a genial gentleman, largely given to jiraeticftl jokes that hurt no one. Ho played in Milwau kee a few months ago. If the vvofld does not come to an end, those newspaper editors who have frightened delinquent subset i btrs into paying up by publishing “Mother Bhiptmi’s Prophecy," will be arrested for obtaining money under false pretenses. An editorial in oneofour exchan ges is headed “How to Hang Ther mometers." We are opposed to hanging, but when we reflect on Lbe weather they have furnished us the past winter we are willing to compromise on imprisonment for life. Tin; Quakers have m<*(l congress in prohibit tlio education of hoys at Went Point iu the art of war. Under the present adminis tration at Wont Point there is no particular danger that hoys will he eilnealeij cnoug to hurl them. They may graduate as bankers, under the groat Freed man’s Bureau ex pert, but they won’t want to light enough to make a Quaker blush., A distinguished Methodist preach er says that “hut for the interest and devotion of tho women of our churches, one-half of the churches would die the first y<ar and the other half the second.” Does the eminent divine mean to suy that they are more religious than the men, or are they more dextrous in raising money? Many men leave some change in their vest pockets when they retir: on purpose, know ing that it will find Us way to (lie support of tin* nhureh The men ought to have some of the credit. It appears that the wife of ITof. Wat-on has brought suit lo cpi t si, the pi lessor's will, which gives all his fortune to science, fhis refutes tie 1 story that the lady was a party to making tho will, being an cnthu-| sin: lon that subject herself. She may he an enthusiastic stndenl <>f | science, but sixty thousand dollars| bus its scientific points, and she is bound to pursue her researches. 11 '■ was a I,ride forgetful iu the professor to make sueh a will, and we said j HO at the I hue. Tho struggle over the '‘lection of u sonitter In tin* stale of IVnnsyl vunia ('till continues, and tho great est animosity is being developed. That comes of having I"" ninny rich tm'ii in 11 sluti 1 . They (ill want In Im senator. Mtilioiic, of Virginia, has chosen tlio democratic. side of Benate, inul it is suiil that (his is significant. Tlio no\t senate will bo ho close thill Malioiio. who weighs only ninety-one pounds, will loom u] in importance 1 iUc David Davis. It, appears that, Thomas M. Nirh I 01, tin* hal'd money howler, was at ono time the agent of a gang plow at Monmouth, 111,, and hi. credi tors are even onto this day. lie 101 l thorn bohind wbon ho wont away, and tlioy are loud in tho land w honovor hi ■- nanio i- monl ionod. Hurtles who have got senatorial boos in their bonnets aro figuring on tho possihlo resignation or death of lion. Matt 11 < 'arpontor, and (hero a- a general belief that the present legislature will be eumpell ed to elect a senator in his place. If Mr Carpenter should resign tho | Sun believes ii can pick out the ' man that will suooeed that eminent gentleman. Of course Milwaukee would have to furnish tho candi date. Then hold your breath. Ivl ward Sanderson, tlio dusty miller would ho called funu labor to re freshment, mid don't you forget it. .1. M. Hitchcock, superintendent of the employment bureau of the V. M. I'. A. in ohicago, appeals for work for the poor of that city, twen ty thousand of whom, he says, arc out of employment and ou the verge of starvation. It is unfortunate that bread should ho so dear and the talk of politicians, at election time, so cheap. Congress will order the printing of , r .O,(XX) copies of tho surgical and medical history of the war. Hut then it is to he expected. Con gress has got bo lately that it will i order anything. Republican members of the legis lature who wore not known os Saw yer men are causing it to be stated that they voted for Sawyer in the caucus. That will not do. There were only 58 of them, and Sawyer knows who they were, and the rest will have to cut hail while the .58 catch lisli. No use trying to crawl in under the canvas when you have not got any ticket. When Carl Schurz was informed that a senator had been nominated in Wisconsin ho asked wheather it was “ Kiee or Zawyer. ” When told that it was Zawyer, lie said, “(loot! lain so glad to hear it,” just tho same ns he would if Iviec had been the man, Stanley Matthews, attorney of Jay Could, ha. been appointed by the president 1" the supreme court. It is coming, slowly hut surely, but Could is a pretty good sort of a fellow, and probably he will give the country hook to the people a filer he has amused himself with it a while. A Splendid Slock f’arsn for Sal, 1 . Tile lllt(li‘i sii;ti(*(i <idr. •• r<il suit* iii" sj11• •u-1 i) fh • }■: I'urtn 100 (led w ll hin nie*-half milt* of (’illumine, nine mile* from Mineral Point ami six miles from Darlington. It is rue of tin* best farms in the Stall! for stock r,'lining purposes. The farm contains 281 Acres of Land, about Ho acres is under cultiva tion, 100 acres of meadow, and tin* remainder timber and, pasture. Il is well watered by two living springs, A good stone dwelling house, I (wo stories high. well laid out, I aud u good cistern. Two good hams, granaries, corn (iritis, wagon houses, Arc., on tin* place. Also a good well. TilK KAUM \\ 11,1, UK HOI,n CII ioa I* and on kasv TiouMs. The place is divided off by feiie* ini ' eight dilVereiit divi sions. ,lollM boot!K. Willow Springs, Oclober k’H. 1 HSI i 1 ‘il f Farm for Sa!o or Beni. Tic umler-sgiied illicit, lor side bis splendid lurm in the town ot Ivlni. hieftfed one mile north o| he v ill ngo ol Ij.lisi. The I arm I'oniains lei* acres <>l land all nn dci cultivation, a hamc house, a ■ mhl new 1 >.icn, ;i good gratinry. corn cribs, Ac, tm* good wells, ui h wind pumps- The bum viid In*.! . 11 1 cheap and on easy terms. :! ’ ;;o* Ai.kuki* < Tnnini.ii am. DR. WM. MAYBELL, (son of i he late Doctor May bell \ Votrinary Surgeon, lias dm idcd to lake the place made vacant by his fathers deuih.aud will promptly attend to Ihe I realilieii of ring bones, spavin. I histlelo, and all ot her disea es to which Imrses are subjeeleil; and also totin' treat meld of cattle diseases - * Shiloh's Catarrh Itenteily. A iiiiinrohr, cure ter ('ata*’ah, Dipldheria, i’anker mouth, and Ibe and Ache, \V ilh each bottle iheir is an ingenious nasal Injur in' lor the more successful treat meat ot those complaints without cvita charge. Price •>'* ds. Hold bv U D. Pul ford, heowdim Mining Land For Sale. Tin* tl'm’! ithvd 'it* thi* HK‘4 of iU* NW’4 of Sfi* *. • town (i. tut dm* ■*. lUiDithlO'h* ami a Ifilf mill’f* fii *t of IhnUovino (*uiV*rol for huU*. It 11,.M oil Hot Hi It’ll HI IHIHHIH-C by (ho HHlOltlnr film net**; umi ndjtlu* *ho it. nio kiln |ru|>** Iy of ; Iho |>jvlp Hro.4 U |*roH*iitH hMUo ITU'oihUlo ox- ! poHuro ol !UohH*|'lhj? l* I tint im’K with HoU I hoy 1 b.ivo. which, rotiplo.l with (‘io!lllti'i* Uiljoinii t; for h T■ iw kiln. m tS.” Il olilddlh .t-* u fUo for (Ho ihhhiliac!lire •!’ Hioo. Th •* ImttMiry, U l holiovoi! lHt*i;ro to oxdhihl lu’ieahoiUb. whh Iho ojd nil* . of 1 hl‘ Dill lotul to MiiiliHtiii, oh j porl.illy w lioH tho id rth ami hoiilU fond hl,:i|| Imvo I. in t vMiii' fil fhri*H',li tho cunuty, giving hi’i'i'hm to niiitiui tiid linihot iraotHou flu? 'Vd j toiihiii. 'l’ho trart hlhd itroli imitlom I’onaldor- i iHUi yutihtf liiulur. lu chin to o of cnihriiclri* | the i ontmuat nn ot thv U.-mv inmrcn on tho | iio'Miwfhl, winch Hovm to havo >kl|i|Uil only hi tit: ttu ;(. nut ho furthot more mmi lioiioh WiU ho m>!il choHH Applv to .lAMKh a. i*i.vr r. Mtiinal Point, .lanuiry lr*t isst. •; .if Foreclosure Sale. Httiic ut' Wiscmiyiii lowtilkiiUity ; circuit Court, lit lieu naielf. l’lb!llir. a.sian C. I Divul, 1 Airmails K. lisvul, Ins vvtlV, M. A. Cornwsll, Wllltsui K. Smith. .limsmi J,. bonnily, Sal li, y llsuxliurtl, lliwli Joins. Ki bcrt Oivnes, Klchm and Uourrs, met Hu Id Mr Kurland, :i evseiUwr of Thom** Stanley, decMied, l>e feudtnt*, by virtue of nd pursuant to a Judgment of (o-ertosuresud sle rendered to tile above en titled action, on the Nth day of December An, tsill, I wit) ,-ipose for sain aud sett at public auction to the hl|;ht bidder for cash. at. the from door of lb* Court Hons* In the vllisve .1 Dodaev tlte, low* count* Wlscoustu. on To dav, the l.ah, dy of Fabruary, A. I). I**l. at t o'clock la lb* allcrooon ol said day, thu fol lowing d**citb*d premises to raise llte amount ol saldji'damful i alar Ml. coals and costa of sale, to wit; The undivided one-hnlf of th* ear hall of the Ninth oa*l tjasnar of ctioo No. ten (10) and the undivided on* half of the west h*lf of i the north west qaarUr of sectlot No eleven. I 111 In lowneblo N. (and). north of range No. one , (It east, In lue>* county, Wisconsin, Dated hherUTvoSce, D,vdßevitle, lows conn by. Wisconsin, Ihl* *Tth dav or December. A. D. '"II. THOMAS 111 ACKNKV. Sheriff of low* civuniv. wieeons u. Hi wa A "niTM. Attanievs fil Tw'Miff it Selling at Cost! For the Next Ninety Days I will stdl all kinds of LUMBER LATHS. SHI NT ILLS. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Glass BUILDING PAPER, 1 n fact even thing in my !in<- of trade. Now h'. ■ ■ 11 r tune to purchase for Sp ii.g 1 hiildmg. Cheaper than ever Sold Before! ('all and see before you pur-; cluisi; at n igldjoiing towns. You w ill -ave money. I will make it an object of trading for (!ruin af any kinds i vv < iflice opposite Kail road lepo(. . SAMITEJ, WHITE. Money lo Loan On Improved Farms in sums of *50(1 and upwards on Long Time, ar 7 to t) per cent in forest, 1 mpiire of r. A I) ACC FIT .V SON, M useoda. (iruil ('o . Win. Taken Up. Hy I!■.• uiMli ' t ' ci| llvm r mi ‘|. town of MI net a I Ibll ii t *i * i 1 i '{ ia* v , ruj r i on or about Nov. *j.i It, |sSO >•< • rndc. tA. with ►l’ir in fr •hfivi . • I udit* im m **li iMcr* Mini 1 Hull of IMI \v >itw, hull)* -i ■u'.' : nr| In Igl.t N • ■•hiolcl ii ni’irk'*. i’lo? on cr i* rcrj'ioftid to •;i 1!, , vor - tv mI tnl** ■ it! hiraytnviiy |i. s|‘i’/.!! M? 11! A* II ;o, Is a rantpaunil of the virtues <>f sarsapa rilln, stltliapia, nuxmlrako, yellow dock, with the lodliioof imtashuiul iron, all pow erful blood-making, Mood-cleansing, ami Ufu-Muttalniugelements. It Is the purest, safest, and in every way the most effectual alterative medicine known or available to tlii! public. The sciences of medicine and chemistry have never produced so valua ble a remedy, nor one so potent to cure ill diseases resulting from impure Mood. It cures Scrofula, and all scrofulous discuses, Krystpoles. Hose, or Ht. An thony's Fire, I'hnpbs and Face grubs, I’nstules, Ulotebes, Stolls, Tu mors, Tetter, Humors, Salt ICheuni, Heald-head, Ringworm, I Moors,Sores, llheiiinat Ism,Mercurial Disease. Ne uralgia, Female Weaknesses mid Ir regularities, Jaundice, Affections of tin* Fiver, Dyspepsia. Kmaolutlon, and (ieneral Debility. Ity its searching and cleansing qualities it purges out tin; foal corruptions which contaminate the blood, and cause do rangement and deeav. It atimulaUv, and enlivens the vital fanetions. It promotes energy aud strength. It reslorea and pre serves health. It inlusos new life and vigor throughout the whole system. No sufferer from nay disease whiehßrlses from impurity of the Mood need despair, wlui will give Avnt’s Hahsai'AUUj \ a fait trial. Hemeinher, the earlier the - trial, the speedier the cure. It* recipe has been furnished to physi . nas rv,-vy Where; and they, recognising as superior iiuidities, administer it in their practice. For nearly forty year* Arr.u’s Svk- SACMtu.i.A ha* been widely lim'd, and it now possesses the confidence of million* of people who have experienced benefit,* from its marvellous curative virtues. Prepared hy Dr. J. C. Ayer A. Ca., rraettral and Analytical (tievnlst 0 Lowell, Mass. *o> u he vu ojujuia-rs kvski wucitd. G. GHIFPIT-tia | 8e SON \n -i r::s i % 1U K ITS VMi Silo h]s, Keeps a tine i"if uh'h’s lundi und shoe- tml I a*: i• - of ail kinds, Cheap for Cash! Hoots umi Sluh'S nnulo b onlcr. lii” airing promptly attended to. Give us a call and examine our goods ami work—opjK*ite .1 A. Spratlor'u High -’levt. LUMBER YARD! JAMES HUTCHISON, nutria ix Lath, Ktc., Ere., Sash, 1)i UIJNDS, Ckdak Posts, And all inaienal usually loom*.ln a large lumber jnrd. The attentlcn of buyer* is culled to on prices and the quality of oar stock. [<r- Scale* in front and 'n rear of office, IS. OSBORNE & SON, DKAI.KKS IN Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, MEN’S & BOYS’ CLOTHING, and LADIES’ CLOAKS. Chtll and examine our immense stock before purchasing else where. Wo are confident that we cun save you money. At (iral)cr's Block, corner store, above the Post ()IHce. It* E3COAKE BHOS., ,\r.Knts Fin; Pi ANUS, ORGANS AND VIOLINS. Chickering, Decker Bros. .MATH MSI IKK, and STOUT .VOAMP PIANOS ESTEY, STORY & CAMP ORGANS. First-Class VIOLINS. Itimms nviT Martin \ Tu.u’s Slure. 3tvtf IIOAIJB KKOS, Ayer’s Hair Vigor, FCU RESTORING GRAY HAIR TQ ITS NATURAL VirALITY AND COLOR. tr is mn'i agreeable dressing, which | is a* viuo h .rnilcxs ami effectual, for i preservin'.; the hair, U restore*, with 1 the* iflu-s an 1 froshii'./hs of youth, faded | or pray, light, and red hair, to a rich ! brown, or deep black, as may be desired. , I>y iu uee thin hair is thickened, and 1 Waldticvi often though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair inonedb j ate!; , au l causes anew growth iu ail i acs where the gland.-, are not decayed; while t> brashy, weak, "r otherwise j | diseased hair, it Impart.* vitality and ; strength, and lenders i< pliable. The Vui iu !■ .. -’s the >e dji, cures i and prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing proj rli *s, it h ala most if not a'l of the humors .aid Utsc ise* j" uha? ■ to the scalp. lovping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of t’ scalp and hair aru impossible. An a Dressing fur Ltulioa’ Hnir TV. * Vigo:: is Incomparable. It is color • h* , contains neither i! Jn r dye, and : will not soil white cambric. It impart* an agreeable an I lasting j**tfam, and a- an article for the toilet it is economi cat and unsurpassed in its excellence. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO Practical ami \njl\ti, ,1 < tirmUta, Lowed, Mass. •l> V ML ItSCiHiiST* V.rinSMßf CCC * week in year own town. Term* *ti<i 3(DD $S onlfit ftw. Addre** 11 • Hiiarr: a Milne. DOBBINS ELECTRIC SOAP! It Is pruba<i!e that nearly rrery family ia Wisconsin Knows b.r this time that the great merit processed by tbis World-Renowned Soap! For i ha* ceeii on the market For Fifteen Years, \r.d has been brought to the notice of all. ba H our advertising has escaped the eye if ai v. and if no friend has ever spoken of Us merits, please allow ns to av that you will truly And It for your interest to try it. ard SEE FOR YOURSELVES It lias to euniil. It is really the most econo n leal and ThK BEST SoAP IN THE WoKUi ! VOflt GROCER tj FILLS IT. sj. JL. Cragin & Cos., t-r I’HIL ADKDFIIIA PA. Cooper Shop. SAKDJiItS A' STAMM. Manufacturers of and :• talers in Butler Tubs and Barrels, And all other kinds of cooperage. Shop opposite Marx Terrill’s hold. Miner* Point, Wis. MADISON DEMOCRAT. DAILY and WEEKLY. Published at the Capitol of the State it is essentially A STATE NEWSPAPER. smsrmr.K kok it. Daily, per annum. - ■ §lO.OO Weekly. •• - ■ 2.0 KOR CHILDREN! THE NURSERY! FIFTEENTH YEAR. This Mmiuiiinu will begin the vear with ii m>w iiml eleirant Cover mid other irnprov in.'i ix, n will continue to sun as* all inii n tors. The January numbi'r will prove this. $1 Cl) a yum . In advanfo. { tr.Vi,iv Subscribers isvt eslra Piimbti* In suli*er:htih r.uv Nursery I’nhl.shim; Cant puny, I baton, Mass. VAN ELLAS MONITOR WO N I) M ILL A Mi Evansville Iron Pumps. 'I ht*lo "oml* flro *xloi.sivn!y known. Ovt: five hundred \u.\\ in iuu in lowa ami LnFayett couutlt**. All having been sold and set hv the undersigned. I'm hi era. consult your own Interests, nu.l pit route an exptiituced ptiiup dealer ai.i, (lO(ii)s Ftrr.r.Y wabbantkd. AND SOLD ON HKASONABLK TKUMS. s hop wilho. 11. ten, 11 i;:ii street. Miner* ■il Point, ') 1- 33nv 11, KEVNoUfS. Painting! Patntino! WIEIOK KI.LKH & SON. //on sc, Sign, and f'a cringe Painters, .v. i Tr AV'i'kS bhcU*iith mop. llin* 1 strcoi, - Mineral Point, Wit*. All work e\nu*d ui a lit.•■■!-< •*- m/ioner, mui ai rtaj-onabit rnict-. Ditv GuuUs! (i'kofeimhsU -lollN LANVON. flea Ici in Groceries, Dry Goods, DUKSS HOODS, Hat* and O.ips. Boots and Shoe*. Comtncif ■ Sue-'. Mineral feint, Wl* 1 iiivil" the attention of the public to in j lull stock of Kood*. I can sell goods us cheap ns any other dealer In the city. My slock is full and complete in every particular. Give m* a calt. I guarantee saiisfacticn. IiI’TTKR AND Root* Taken in exchange for {food*. 1 wilt pay thr highest market pike fur farm produce. VI "I JOHN LANYO.V KUWIN OSBORNE. Jeweler and Engraver, Engraving, I make cn-rtTin.? a specialty. Articles pur chis-d at my store will he engraved KRES 01 CHARGE. lam the only enirrevcr In thcclt. Call and see me C. OSBORNE. {fig a week in your own loan. t'< outfit* JUO free. No Hk. Readet, If yea want a DBS)ness at which persona ol either sex ca:. Sake great pay all the time they work, writ for parties)* •• to (I, Aallstt a CO., Portland. Natae, xv-1-ly