Newspaper Page Text
DEMOCRAT. Mineral Point, Friday, Feb. 25,1881. Geo. Crawford, Robt. M. Crawford, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. The legislature of Kansas has pre sented a series of resolutions to con gress in regard to the subject pleuro pneumonia in cattle. The new funding bill will in all probability become a law. 11 passed the senate on Friday last, and will pass the house without much oppo sition. as it is the offspring of that body. The bill, as it now stands, fixes the rate of interest at three per cent, and it does not seem to be very popular with presidents of national banks. __________ Congress is slow to take action in the matter of apportionment. The republicans are very much divided on the subject,—some being in favor of defeating the passage of any bill which fixes a number that will not give their party an advantage, while some Republican.- would favor a number which would give no ad vantage to either side. STIRRING U? PROTECTIONISTS. Congressman Hurd, of Ohio, stirred up the protectionists in the house on Friday last, with a sharp speech on the tariff. As the late action of the ways and means committee in regard to his resolution on the subject of tariff reform had deprived him of any hope of being heard in the usual manner, he took occasion when the agricultural ap propriation hill came up foi consid eration to offiTfin amendment which gave him the opportunity he desired. 11 is amendment provided for the appointment of a statistician, whose duty it would be to act under the commissioner of agriculture in asecr taining and reporting h* congress at the next regular session what effect the customs revenue laws have bad heretofore, and what effect these laws will, if continued in force, prob ably have hereafter, upon lie 1 agri cultural interests of tin* country; whether the, effect of such laws has been to increase or dimi-h the prices of American agricultural products in the markets of foreign countries; wbethei it has been to increase or diminish the price of clothing, agri cultural tools and instruments in inis country, and whether or not wages of farm laborers and profits of persons engaged in agricultural pursuits have been in any manner affected by such laws, and if so, in what way. and to what i 'dent. Ibis amendment with sa'.age opposition from the projectionists, who are not -eeking alter that kind of light: and 1 1 eii *,>'position afforded Mr. Bird an upj . fUmity to lire at them a clear, strong speech on Uie pieseot tariff laws. Be was answered by l*ig Iron Kelly, win* rvpiodneed (be* old specious arguments claiming that prole tion is an inestimable blessing to the country, l ire amend ment will prohally be def. ated, but it has served a goo I purpose by helping to bring the subject of tariff reform before the people. THE BRIG JS DIVORCE BILL. A bill providing for divorce in ease | of the insanity of one of the parties iu the marriage relation has been before the Wisconsin legislature, in one form or auction, at every session during the past few years. To the the credit of all former legislatures the hill has never been allowed to become a law. 'Tills divorce bill, we are sorry to state, was dressed up in anew form and presented a few ago to tin 1 assembly by our member from the northern district, lion. M. ,1. Briggs. Viewed in it- legal aspects, the plea for divorce on the ground of insan ity. should not be seriously enter tained for a moment, h needs no argument to prove that whenever and wherever divorces are easily obtained the standard of morality i< very low. The legislatures of some state have increased the causes for grant- 1 mg divorce until there is nothing to prevent persons from setting aside their marital relations at pleasure. And experience has shown that di lutee- have increased and multi plied iu proportion as legislation ha made them easily obtained, until in many places polygamy in a worse form than that of Mormon Em or Mohammedanism prevails. To those who hold to the Christian doctrine that marriage is a divine institution, the plea that divorce should he granted because the hus band or wife has become insane, is most revolting. The Christian church has at all limes and in all ages taught that connubial infidelity is the one and only cause for which divorce should be granted, and until a recent period in history but few departures from this rule were made iu any refined or civilized nation. Those who admit the truth of Christ's teachings, must also admit that this one cause constitutes a good ground for divorce: “ Whosoever shall put away his wife except it shall be for fornication and shall marry another oommitteth adultery and whosoever marrieth her that is put away committeth adultery.” But considered apart from its legal or its religious bearings, the argu ment that divorce should be granted for the cause of insanity, is such that we wonder that a legislator can can he found who is willing to advance and uphold it. What would ho .thought of the man who when taking upon himself the marriage vow, would ask to have its conditions modified from, I; f take her to my wedded wife, in sick ness and in health to love and cherish till death do us part,” to the form which the wisdom of our legislators would suggest: U J promise to love and cherish her until she is deprived of her reason, and not ask for divorce or cleave unto another until her insanity is pronounced incurable." MINKK.W, POINT >IAIIh'ETS. Flour Patent, 83.50; Winter 83.00; Spring, §2.75. Winter Wheat—-7**c. to so.-, per bu-bel. Scrim. Wheat —7oc. per bushel. () vis —23c. per bushel. ( ’urn —32c. per hush* 1. Bareev—loc. to 00c. per bushel. I* i. vx—seed —05c. to 61.00 per hu. Potatoes —10c. per bushel. Haet —Ordinary fine?L7s perhhl;i A-hhm's factory filled dairy (small sacks —50 lbs) $1.00; large sucks’ 1 221 lbs; 83.50. L'lovlk Heed —$1.00 (< 80. Oil per bushel. Timothy— B2.oo to *3.00 per bus. 11 IDEs —(Jreen, sc. to O'*, per 1b.,; calf, Bc. per ib. Bay—B7.oo to 80.00 per ton. Better— 18c. to 20c. per 11. Icons— 10c. per do/.. Lard —per lb. Beans —81.00 to 81.25 per bushel.] Wool —Washed, 25c. to 30c. Wool,—bmvashed, 21c, to 25c. Taeeow— fc. per lb. Beef, Mutton andVi m.— in mar-1 ket —sc. to JOc. per 1!. —Live, 82.75 to 81.00. 1 lons Live, 85.00 to 85.30. Lead Ore —§20.00 per 1,000 lbs. Black ja k—821.00 per ton. Duv-hone 81 1.00 per tun. Li mi kr - conn non—slo.oo per M. A rules ■ oOc. to 81.00 j(*r bushel. ( J\H,\< —81.20 per bushel. Turkeys—oc per lb. < ’ll I* KILNS — 7c. lcr 11. NOT IFF OF JtimiAL EMO TION. Note e 1- hereby uivrn; lit a at the Judicial Elusion to lie held in the several towns wards, and eJeetion precincts in the slate of Wisconsin . on the Cist Tuesday of April, A. n. issi beta 3 ihe tilth day of said month, the followin'? offi cers are to lie elected, to wit : A < hlef Justice of the Supreme ’ pirt in place Of the Honorable Ursamus.Cde. appointed to titi vacancy occasioned by the death of Ihe Honorable Edward A. Ryan, who was elected Chief Aast icc for the term end' n:? on the ills'. Monday of .1 Is nary A. D, tssJ. A Chief Jus .ee of the Supreme 'oiut, for the fail term, c nnnmeipo on the lIM Monday of January, A I) I An Associate Jus;;ccof the Supreme Court in place of llonorai I Joh.i U Cas-o lay. appointed to till vacancy occasioned by flic 1 of the lonurahieOrs.iaiits I’ole. who was elected lor the term endin'? on '.he first Monday of Jan uary, t. If. IHiIJ. Alsou Count y Jill/ 111 ihe County of lowa in place oi John I‘, . ones, whose term of office will expire on tin 1-1 day of In e mber, A. 1). IBdl Siidi cellou to to be conduct'd. Hie votes cinxassed and returns made pursuant to law. lilt - 1 Sli 11 ill - olilce, February *!st. A, It. IS-!. THOM \S K KN'NKIIV, Sheriti. ibid ui lowa County, Wis. DR. VV. I. CAMPBELL. I’lir will known Oculist and Anris?, oi m. bouist, will again visit, Mineral Point Jan uary ‘■2oth, and remain one mot It. \Vi! 1 also v sit Dniling ton evei v Monday during nit visit al Mineral Point. Perma nent cures of the Eye and Ear. The Doctor ins concluded to remain in .Mineral Poin three or t'lmr weeks longer on account of the e ait- amount of business. Ealxnatory for the manufaet me of Electric loiters is one of (lineage's enterprises, giving em ployment to a large number of hands. The extensive sale al ready attaint'd fortius wonder fill remedy is astonishing When ver once introduced and becomes Known, it is almost ini postable to supply tU- demand, because of their true merit— curing when* all ethers fail— and at a reasonable price (ouets.) Exeli. Sold by .! B. A C. IE MolTett. 20 4 w Where doctors ha\e failed to cure, and have given their patients ii]i to die, Electric Pit tors have < ften been used, and a cure 'fl\ cted, greatly to the astonishment of all. Diseases of tii" stomach, liver, kidneys and urinary organs are positive ly cured bv Electric Bitters. Try tiiem, and be convinced that they are the best medicine ever list'd. Sold bv .1, B. A B. Moffett. * 204 w A Bachelor. Eree from satiety car*' art! anxiety, ohm tin ii variety fall to his share, Bacchus s BHs-es an i \ cans s kisst's, this boys, this, is the Bachelors fan'. But when Indigestion assails, and \ on cannot get rest. Who but wife can administer Spring Blossom the best. 1 Tices: Si., o ' cents, trial bat tles lo cent-. Sold bv .1 BA C M Moffetr. Eve. When eve npui the lirstof men. the apple pressed with spe cious cant, Jh what a thousand pities then. that Adam was not Adamant, i But though by his false step, we were doomed, to life of endless toil, I One certain comfort we can get. to cure Rheumatics E-dectric i Oil. Sold by J B& 0 R Moffett. Cruel... Why ought the children *f a thief be burnt! Because their Pa >teals(] astiles.) Burns. Scalds, uts, bruises cured by Pr. r homas’ Eclectric Oil. Sold bv J 13 &C R Moffett. Notice to Teachers. The regular spring examina tion ot teachers for lowa countv will be held as follows: Linden, Monday and Tuesday, March, 14th and 15th. Highland, Wednesday and Thursday, IGth and 17. Avoca, Friday and Saturday, 18th and 19th. Arena. Monday ami Tuesday, 21st and 22d. Dodgeville, Friday and Satur day, 25th and 20th/ , Mineral Point. Friday and Sat urday, April, Ist and 2d. Examination will begin at ■ 9 o’clock of tiie first day. No private examination granted, I except in case of sickness or ab sence from the county. W, A, Jones. County Supt. Free of Cost. Hr. Kind’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc., is given away in (rial bottles free of cost to the afilicted. If you have a se vere cough, cold, difficulty of breathing, hoarseness or any afFec tion of the throat or lungs by all means give this wonderful remedy a trial. As you value your exis tence you cannot afford to let this opportunity* pass. We could not afford, and would not give this remedy away unless we knew it would accomplish what we claim for it. Thousands of hopeless cases have already been complete ly cured by if. There is no medi cine in the world that will cure one-half the cases that Dr. King’s New Discovery will cure. For sale by J. Jk&C.ll. Moffett. 272 m - To ache or not to ache that's the question. This cheerful conundrum, ye rheumatic stiff eivrs, is by no means as difficult as a proposition in Euclid. Try Dr Thomas’ Kclectric Oi! and you will find if just as easy not. to ache as to ache Hold by J P> &(’ R Moffett. There are few voices in the world, but many echoes, There are few “if any" medicine in the world that are better for Biliousness, Indigestion or Hick 1 leadaclie t han Spi ing Blossom. Prices: sl., 50 cents, trial bot ties It) cents. Sold by .1 B& O K Moffett. (leo. Brest, Clinton Street, Buffalo, says, your Spring Blos som is a first class remedy lor sick headache and stomach de rangements, and also acts well on the kidneys. Prices; sj., 50 cents trial bottles lo cents. Hold by J B& C 11 Moffett. TO FARMERS AND STOCK-RAISERS. The undersigned are agents for the Celebrated “CHALLENGE FEED -MILL,” A COMBINED SHELTER AND GRINDER. We have also for sale i twenty-inch French Burr Mill. For particulars and prices call on CHARLES & WASLEY, Mineral Poinl,Wis. Rkfkuknvk. Ohas. Giilmann, .lona Spensley and Jno. Brent. 25— ml. Selling at Cost! For the Next Ninety Days 1 will sell all kinds of LUMBER LATHS, SHINGLES. Doors, Sash, Blinds. Glass BUILDING PAPER. In fact everything in my line of trade. Now is your time to purchase for Spring Building. Cheaper than ever Sold Before! Call and see before you pur chase at neighboring towns. You will save money. I will make it an object of trading for Grain af any kinds. kiP’Office opposite Railroad Depot. w SAMUEL WHITE. J. DELLER. Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets. Largest Assortment! Lowest Prices! CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. J. DELLER. New Double Store, Opposite City Hall. DON’T BE BAMBOOZLED! BIT CO TO r. W. STEATMAN A CO., Dodgeville, Wisconsin, IF YOU NEED A GOOD Plow, Wagon or Buggy OF ANY KIND, Bear in mind that they have a large ami well-seasoned s f ock of raw material, ami are ambitions to suit their customers. Plows at A. B. Ferris,, Commerce Street, Mineral Pc inf. They are good as the best all warranted. F. \V. STRATMAN & CO. xvlO Dodgeville, Oct. 20, ISBO. NO RISK. John Hays, Credit, F. O. pays:—“His shoulders were so lame for nine months that he could not raise his hand to his head, but by the nse of Electric Oil the r-ain and lameness dissappeaied, and although three months have elapsed, lit* lias not had an attack ot it since.’* Dr. A. S. Russell, of Million. Wayne Cos., N. Y., says:—“The won derful success of Thomas’ Electric Oil in all cases of acute and chronic mfiamation, catarrh, bronchitis, lame back, oysentry, Ac., makes the demand for it very great.’’ A. 11. Gregg, manufacturer of mowing machines. Trumansbnrg, N \., says:—My thumb was caught in a machine and badly injured. 1 applied Electric Oil with almost instant relief I have ala rue num ber ot men employed and near! all of them uses it. M. Sheehan, ot Oscoda, Mich., writes:—l have used your Electric Oil on horses for different diseases, and found it to do just as you recommended, it has done justice for me every time, and is the best Oil for man and beast, 1 ever used. See what the medical faculty say:—Dr. S. Beaudoin, Hull F, Q, says;—l have never sold a medicine which has given more thorough satisfaction 1 have used it in my own case, on a broken leg and dis located ankle, with tea beet results. St. Margarets’ Hope, Orkney, Scotland.—Messrs Parker A Laird: l am requested hy several triends to another parcel of Dr. Thomas’ Electric Oil. The last lot 1 got from you having been tested in sev eral cases ot Rheumatism, have given relief when doctors’ medicines have failed to have any effect The excellent qualities of this medi cine should be made known, that the millions of suffers throughout the wot id may benefit by its providential discovery. Gilbert Laird. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price, 50 cents and £I.OO. Sold in Mineral Point, by J B. k C R. Moffett. IT-33. (TRXOW & HOSKING, Wagon, Carriage and Cutter Builders, HIGH STREET. MINERAL POINT. WISCONSIN. RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to the public that they are now better than ever before prepared to Manufacture Wagons, Carriages, Baggies and Cutters, On very short notice, and they desire to call attention to the fact that they will pay special attention to to the manufacture of Carriages and Buggies. They tlie of Material, and their workmanship can not be surpassed. If you want anything in onr lino. Give us a call. We aro confident that we can suit you. both in regard to work and prices. We Warrant all our Work to be as Represented. 53 (f CUHNOW & HOSKING. Kendall’s Spavin Cure. The most successful remedy over discovered, as it is certain in i:s effects, and does not blister. Head proot below : Fi:OM RkV. P. X. (rUAXtJER. Presiding Eider of the St Albans Oistrcl. St Albans. Vt . Jan 20, JSSO. Pr. BS. Kcndail X Cos., Gents: —ln reply to 'Our litter 1 will say that my experience will: Kendall's Spavin Care has been very satislac tary indeed. Three or four years ago 1 pro cured a bet:lo of it frota your agent, and with it cured a !. >rso of lament's# caused hv a -par 'd. Last season my horse became very lame ami I turned him nut lor a few wci its, when he became belter, but until 1 put him on the road he gri w worse, when 1 discovered that a ring bone was formi lit,, I procured a bottle of Ken dall's spavin cure and with less than a bottle cured h.m so that he is not lame, neither can the bunch he found- Rcspt. yours. P. N. GRANGER. 1 KP.SK VKKAXt’E Wll.l. TeLL. Sronglitnn, Mass., March 16. 1-.-0. B. J. Kendall x Cos., Gents: in justice to yen and mvself, I think that I might to let you know that i have removed two bone spav ins with Kendall's spavin cure, one verv large one, dom know how long the spevin had oecn -here. I owned the horse tight months. It took me four months for ui e and two for the -mall one. I have used ten bottles. The home is entirely well, not ai all still and no bunch 'o be seen or felt I his is a w.mdcrliil i.-,edi - t ine It is anew thing here, but if it does lei all what it has done for me Us sale will he veiy great. Ke-pt yours, CH.AS. K. PARKER. St atm km' Under Oath. To :;il wn;>m it may ohicitii : —ln the year 1575 I troatid wi>h 'KenOttll'e ep.tvir. ou'rr a bone spavin of several mouths growth. nearly half at* largo as a hen's egg. aiol completely slopped the lameness and removed the eulsrg meut. 1 have worked the horse ever since very hard, and he never his been lame, nor could I ever the any ditl'eaence in the si/,e ol the hoch joints since 1 treated him with Ken dalfs spavin cure. K. a. GaINKS Puosburgli Kalis, Vl.. Feb, iS7<t. Sv cm and subscribed to to before me this *islh day of February, HT‘,l. •)O )N G Jb-NNK, Justice of the Peace. Kendall's Spavin Ci re on Human Flesh. I'dttfiTr* Mills, N. V., Fob £l, ISS, B J. Kendall, M. I>. Dear Sir :—Th pui i'e u lar case on which 1 used your spavin cure \v a malignaht ankle sprain of sixteen month's s|at.Uiug. I hao tried nr. by i bines, but n. vain. Vour spavin cure put the loot to Hu ground attain, and tor the tirst time since hurt in a natural position. For a lamily liniment it excels anything we have ever used. Yours truly, UKV M. P 15FLL. Pastor M. E. Church. Patten's Mill, V. Kendall's Spavin Cure is Si.>-e in its effects mild in its action as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach every de.ap seated pain or to remove any bony growth er other elargemenls, such ns spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprain., swellings, any lame ness and all enlargements of tin- joints or or limbs, or rheumatism in man, and lor any purpose lor which a I'inment is used in man or beast. It is now known to b the best lin iment for man ever used, acting mild and jet certain in its ell ets. Send address lor Illus trated circmar, which we think gives positive prool of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified success to our know! edge, for beast as well as man. Price ft per bottle, or six b. ttles for f5. All druggist# have it or can get for you, or it vvll be sent to any address on receipt of price b the Prowrietors. Ur 15. J KENDALL ,V CO.. Enosburgh Falls. Vermont, , 13-ly SOU) P.V ALL DRUGGISTS, LUMBER YARD! •IAMI'S HUTCHISON, UFA I Eli IS Litm her, Lath, Shingles, Etc., Etc., Sash, I lonitti, 15LI NILS, C-EHAK Fusts, And dll imuenul uPUAlljr found :n nlaryt: lumber yard. The litlenticn of buyer? i? ralh and to on price? and the quality of our?toe?. Scales in front and m i of (tfflre. FOR CHILDREN! THE NURSERY! FIFTEENTH YEAR. This Magazine will begin the vear ISsi with anew and elegant. Cover and other improv mci ts. It will continue to surpass all imita tors. The January number will prove this, f 1 50 a year, in advance. JtT’Nr.iv Snbsi ribers get extra numbers by subscribing now. Nursery Pubt shing Company, Boston. Mass. ELECTRICITY. We have a speedy and positive cure, for Catarrh IHpthcria, Can ker month, and Head Ache, in Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. A nas al Injector tree with each bottle. Use it it' vou desire health and •f sweet breath. Brice 50 cts. Sold by K, 1). Bnlforcl. Shiloh's Consumption Cure. This is beyond quest i< n the most successful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses invar iably cure the worst cases oi Ci Croup, and Bronchitis, while it's womierful success in the cure of Consumption is without a parallel tn the history of medicine. Since it’s first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a t- St which no other medicine can stand. If you have a Cough we earnestly ask you to trv it. Price 10 cts, 50 eta. and §I.OO If your Lungs are soie. Chest, or Back. Lame, use Shiloh's Porous Piaster. Price 52 cts. Sold by R. i). Pulfoid OeowOm Enterprising Druggists. Messrs J. B. & C. XL Moffett, the lire Drnygists of the town, arc always op to the time* avd ready to men the of thi ir customers They have j uv, received a supply of wonderful remedy that Is a>-tcn;eh ins the world by its matchless cures. Dr. Kings New Discovert for Consumption. Coughs, Colds. Asitrna, Bronchitis. Ha> Fever, Phthisic, CTonp, Whooping Coughs Tiok'ing in the Throat. of Voice. Hotric mee, or any affection cf tfcr Throat and Luyus This remedy positively cures, as thousand, can testify. If you do not bt .'ieve it call at Moffetts' drug store and get a Trial Bottle. fees cr ctn or a rtpu ar size fer me dollar As yo value your life, give it a trial am! be •> urinced ss thousands already have been. Buckien’s Arnica Salve. Tlie best salve in the world for cuts, hrn'.ee#. sores, ulcers, salt rheum. fever ores, tet er, r.eipp l l hands, chilblains and ail kinds of skin eruptions. The salve is guar anteed to give perfect salislabtioo in every case, or money refunded. Price 43 cents per bottle, For Sale at Moffett's drag store. 43 y tf 7() A WEES. sl4 a day at heme easily j/ Z made. Costiy Ou.tit free. Addre-s, Tat- A Cos., Augusta, Maine AO TICE. Th on'iers.gtied would respectfully inform the public that he is preuaed to cry public sales at ail times on reasonable terms Farm ers'sales a speciality, Can be seen at Minera Point every Saturday. All orders left at Chaa i Neal’s batcher shop cr at the Democrat Office anil recelre.proospt attention li-tf N. K. VAN M ATT? 2. Ansv;?f This Queston. \V hy do so ii any people we see around us. seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, coming up of the food. Yellow Skin, when for To cts., we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizes guaranteed to cure them Sold by It. D. Pnlfod. cowO m A Wonerful Discovery. For the speedy euro of con arui all diseases (liat lead to it. such as svubborn coughs, neglect < and colds, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Asthma, pain in the side ami chesr, dry hacking cough, tickling in the throat, horseness. sore throat and all chronic or lingering dis eases of ilie throat and lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery has no equal and lias > stabislied for itscll a world -wi 1c reputation. Many leading physicans recommend and use it in their practice. The for unila from which it is prepared is highly recommended by all medic al journals. The clergy and the press h ive complimented t f in the most glowing terms. Oo to jour druggist and get a trial bottle tree of cost, or a regulat size bottle for one dollar. For Sale bv J. 11. A C. R. Moffett. L>(hll‘_ > Oh, Wind A Cough! Will von hied the wanimg.The signal perhaps of the sun* ap proach that mme terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can atlbid for tiie sake of oO cts. the risk ami do nothing for if. We know from experience that Shiloh's (.hire will cure your Cough. It never tails. Phis ex plains why more than a million bottles were sold the past year, it relieves eroup. Ami Whooping cough, at onee. Mothers K> not he tl.out it. For Lame Hack, Side, or (’best, use Shiloh's Porous Plas ter. Sohi by R. I>. Pnlford. Red Rust-proof Oats. I have ton e lied Must pro. f Oats for Seed, which are worth from 10 to 2a cents more per bushel in New Orleans market, and are two weeks earlier, than common oats. Reference, Win. Lanyoit, Mineral Point. PiieehO cents, per bushel. 0. l>. ALEXANDER, 22-:>m IMontfort, Wis. A Splendid Slock Farm lor Sale. The undersigned oilers for sale Ids splendid stock farm located within one-half mile of Calamine, nine miles from Mineral Point and six utiles from Darlington. It is one of the Lest farms in the State for stock raising pm poses. The farm contains . 281 Acres of Land, about SO acres is under cult iva tion, 100 acres of meadow, and the remainder timber and pasture, it is well watered by two livinir springs. A good stone dwelling bouse, two stories high, well laid out, and a good cistern. Two good barns, granaries, corn cribs, wagon houses, Ac., on the place. Also a good well. TllK FARM WII.L UK SOLD cheap and on easy teems. The place is divided olf by fences into eight different divi sions. Jon x Loo PE. Willow Springs, October 28, 1880.—12tf ‘ Farm for Sale or Rent. The undersigned oilers for sale Ins splendid farm in the town of Eden, located one mile north of the village of Eden. The farm contains 1.10 acres of land all un der cultivation, a fiame house, a good new barn, a good granary, corn cribs, Ac, two good wells, with wind pumps. The faun will he sold cheap and on easy terms. 22 I'm Alfred Cunningham. Take Notice. 1 will continue weaving car pet in the house of the deceas ed. Michael Iliney. opposite the Episcopal Church, Mineral Point City. FKANK streletzky. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A murveohis cure for Cuta-ab. Diphtheria, Canker mouth, and Ocsd Ache. With each bottle their is an ingenious nasal Injec or for the more successful treat ment of these complaints without extra charge. Price 50 cts Sold by R D. Pul fold. Oeowfim Dyspepsia A Liver Complaint. I- it not worth tlie small price of 40 cts, to free yourself ff every symptom of these distressing com plauits, If you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloh’e Viializer, every bottle lias a print ed guarantee on it, use according ly and ii it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by li. D. Pul ford. Farm for Sale or Rent. I offer my farm for sale or rent. Said farm is situated about six miles south of the City of Mineral Point, in the town of Kendall, La Fayette county. The farm con tains four hundred and fifty-two acres; IGO acres under cultivation, 260 acres meadow, and the re mainder good timber land. There are two good dwelling houses on the faun, good granaries, stables, and out-houses. The farm is one of the best in this part of the stare. Wiii be sold very cheap and on easy terms. For terras, apply at this oflice,or to the owner. 22-3 m Jos lIrprERTS. State of W iseonsm—lowa county Court is. In Piobate. In the matter of the estate of M.nin Phelan, deceased. Letters of administration hart e this day been Issued to William T. Henry, of said county, and twelve months from the'date he-e --?* .V.w K%U ? vred • ud UrTtitesi c.editor* to pre !r claims against eaid deceased for es Aimnaliun and allowance. aßailrJt Vil*”? th *, t * ,! claims and demands exapiin.o w^ te ‘ ,a ’ and deceased be received th? court hf '™ the judge of his cffl. <• in tk/° r n 1,1 I'U'pos. 1 he will be at 'lie first TuwS VI f** °* Dodo; o vide on the ierm aiiovT umued 0f ° aOU W " u,h !h * An it Is further ordered and direct 'd that a notice of the times ,„ d i> ace. ,o r C \ cxtuuning and allowing and the ti. u ; limited to crcnuors to present thmr claims be eiveu by publication of ihis order for four *ne cessive weeks In the lowa County Democrat a weekly newspaper published inthiscoaniv ’ Dated Dod*eville.Wis January Idib, isai Bv the court •J6-I ' JOHN T. JONES, Judge. G-. G-HIFFITHS & SON IN BOOTS -AND SHOES, Keeps a tine line of men's boots and shoes :uul ladies s) oes of all kinds. Cheap for Cash! Hoots and Shoes made to mder. Re airing promptly attended to. (live us a call and examine our goods and work —opposite J, A. Spratler t, High street Money to Loan On Improved Farms in sums of £.*>oo and upwards on Long rime, :U 7 fo !f per cent in teres!. Inquire of F. A. DAO GBIT A SON. Mnseodn. (Irani Cos., Wis. HOARE BROS., AC.KNTs id',- PIANOS, ORGANS AND VIOLINS. Chickering, Decker Bros. MAT HIT SI IKK, and STORY & (’AMI* PIANOS. ESTEY, STORY & CAMP ORGANS, First-Class VIOLINS. booms over Marlin A Toav’s Store, an if no akb uuos. Cooper Shop. SANDERS it STAMM, \tMufactnre>’n of mid •’taler* in Butler Tubs and Barrels. And all other kind* of cnopet age. Shop opposite Mark Terrill’* hut el. Miner* Point. Wit*. VANELESS MONITOR WIN I) M ILL - V Nl> Evansville Iron Pumps. r i hcao good* aro exleiifively known. Out five hundred now In use In lowa ami l.iKajellt counties. All having been sold and set by the undersigned. Kar era. your own liitercet*. ami pal ronize un experienced jmmp dealer ALL GOODS FULLY WARRANTED. AND SOLD ON REASONAItLK TERMS. Shop with (> 11. Maatcn. High hiruet. Mine.*- a! lv, ini. it i* 3 i;n J. H. RKYNOLUS, tf O/v* week In your ow towp, S!V outfit* 4)00 free. No rik. Keadet. if you want a bueine** at which pereon* l either ex esu Hake *reat pay all lho timu they work wnle for particular* to 11. Aallett A CO., I‘ortland. Maine. xv-2-ly FURNITURE SAM’L FRANCIS Undertaker Aofl Dealer lo Furniture and Cabinet Ware, High •treei. Mineral Point. Wj*.. Next Door Weiof M. W. I’ratrr'ft Store. liat> a FIRST CLASS UFA HSR nr.<i In pmpar. A to do undertaking lo a flret-clu niamior. All work 5o niV line done promptly and at rnt mililc rale*. beve os hand a lartc and well selected alock . I First - class Fur nit u re, which is all manufactured from well aeaeooed lumber, and la equal to any furniture In the west. Pictures Framed to Order. My prices arc ywry lew. Call and examine my atock. 12-1 SAX L KHA.NCIS. Dry Goods! Groceries! johxTanyon, Dealei in Groceries, Dry Goods, DRESS GOODS, {Tata and Capa, Boots and Shoe*. Commerce Sireil, Mineral Point, Wl*. I Invite the attention of the public to my fall efock of goods. I can veil goods as cheap as anfr other dealer in the city. My stock is full and complete in ewerv particular. <4l ve roe i cal!. I guarantee saiisfacticn. Bcttek and Eggs Taken in exchange for goods. 1 will pay the highest market price for farm produce. JOIIK L4XTO,S.