Newspaper Page Text
WIPED OUT IN PLAINER LANGUAGE BUSTED Wo have reference to hard times and high prices for GROCERIES!! CROCKERY!! WOO I) UN 1 WAKE! Boots, Shoes, &o. A Complete Revolution in Prices AT THE I I CASH GROCERY HOUSE OF— BREWER & EENHALLEGON, MINERAL POINT. WISCONSIN. We are prepared to oiler greater inducements to the ]ul*lic than any other (Jroeery House in Southwestern W isconsin. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE! GOODS STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS! PRICES EXCEEDINGLY LOW! COMM AND SDK US ONCE AND YOU WILL DO SO AGAIN. The Highest Market Price in Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs. N. TKEAYEEK, A i SENT l-’OU Walter A. Woods’ Machines! TWINE BINDERS, SWEEIMIAKE REAPERS, AND MOWERS. A SAMP UK MACHINE Of each kind on exhibition at Shop, north of City Hall. Mineral Point. Them* machines are true and tried and have stood the tost of years, and home otf the prize over all competitors. Extras for Machines of both Old and New Makes. Parties desiring extras for old machines will please order the same at once, so that they may be supplied in time. N. TRKW EEK. You Can Travel 4000 Miles H TTTTB ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN, IOWA, MINNESOTA and DAKOTA, OVER TUF. ROADS OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. PAUL R’Y CO., Without doublme on vour tracks. This magnificent system reaches almost every important TOWN, CITY RESORT m tho GREAT NORTHWEST. It includes the only Through unbroken lines evened by any one Company. Between Chicago. Milwaukee. St. Paul and Minneapolis, and forms with us connections the picturesque MISSISSIPPI VALLEY ROUTE, Between St, Louis and Northern Minneapolis. It also includes Through Routes between A UL^hj|T^rml^ailJPol[ntajßl|o^ *r Remember, this Company OWNS all Reafls slaowa above la heavy linea. Reference to the Official Railway Guides or the Time Tables published by the Company, win show that the C, M. & St. P. can take you in us Splendid Passenger Trains, at Express Speed, over us own Tracks, FROM almost anywhere TO almost anywhere in the Vow Great States named Port. ITS ROAD-BED, SUPERSTRUCTURE and EQUIPMENTS COMBINE AI-L MODERN IMROVEMENTS, AND ARE PERFECT IN EVERY PARTICULAR It runs its own MAGNIFICENT SLEEPERS upon alt Through Trains, and its own PARLOR CARS—the finest in tho world. Its RAILROAD HOTELS and DINING HALLS are noted for their superior excellence. While it connects the prominent Business Centres of the Northwest, it has also upon lu lines more ******* and Pleasure Resorts and greater Scenic Attractions than any other system of reads upon the continent. Its Magnificent New Union Depot, on Madison, Canal and Adams Streets, Chicago, is the most stegsot and cemmodius Passenger Station in the United States. _ ___ _ _ ___ It is conceded by the Traveling Public, to be in all things, THE LEADIjO but E. .B. MERRILL. W. c. van HORNE. A. V. H. CARPENTER, J. H. PAM, Goa l Manager. CenT Superia’ccdcni, Gen’l Pass and Ticket Agt. Ass t Gen 1 Pass-Aft THE DEMOCRAT. Mineral Point. Friday, June 17.1881 ; Entered at the Post Office, Mineral Point. Wis., as second class matter. | LOCALTTEMS. Oats 28c. Eggs lie. Corn 40c. Lard 12j£c. Onions 81.20. Hides, green, 5. Butter 10 to 14. Hides grubby, 3. Lead ore 824.00. Dry Bone 815.00 Potatoes 35 Black-Jack 821.00 I'lax Seed 85 to 90. Wool, washed, 25@30. Wool, unwashed, 17(®20. Live Hogs, 84.75 to 85.00. Clover Seed 84.50(?80.00. Winter wheat 80@; 90 spring 75<g85. Choice Cigars, at C. Ilendra’s. 43 Strawberries at J. A. Spratler’s. Groceries, cheap for cash, at Horn’s. Fresh oranges and lemons at Teas dale & Goad’s 44 Light cloth aummer saques and Dol - mans all offered at cost, at 45 Dellek’s A fine assortment of Teas, Coffees at C. Ilendra’s. Try them. 43 Broken honey in quantity to suit, purchaser at Spratler’s. Mr. Deller offers decided bargains in some lines of Dress Goods in order to close them all out. 45 Crockery and Yellow Ware cheap, at C. Hendra’s. 43 A large variety of canned goods at Spratler’s. J. Deller will sell you clothing cheap er than anybody in this city, and don’t you forget it. He means business. 43 Anew lot of Boots and Shoes on hand and for sale cheap for cash, at Teasdale & Goad's. 43 A fine line of Toilet and Laundry Soaps, at Toay Bros. 813.50 will buy the finest quality of Blue Yacht Cloth Suit, warranted fast color, at 45 Deleek’.s. Ball Potash—the best made, at F. Kinne’s. California honey, best quality, at Teasdale & Goad’s. 43 20 cents a yard for some all wool Buntings in order to close them out, at 45 Del leu’s. Oat meal and Corn meat at C. Hen dra’s. 43 Bird cages, cheaper than ever, at E. Kinne’s. Win. Perry, can and will sell goods as low as any dealer in the city. Good fresh groceries at low prices. Remember the cheapest lot of Silk Handkerchiefs ever exhibited any where at 50, GO and 75 cents, at 45 Delleu’s. Fresh supply of oranges and lemons, and all other kinds of goods at Teas dale and Goad’s. Prices as low as the lowest. 44 Hats for 25 cents, 50 cents, and 81.00 82.00 or 8:5.00 worth double the money, at Strauss’ millinery and fancy goods store. 44 The richest twilled silks, the finest plumes, the most exquisite fiowers will not make a Hat or Bonnet look tasty unless used with artistic skill. At Strauss’ you get your hats and bon nets trimmed so becoming and tasty. Remember that J. Deller offers the best cut, best worked, and best shade out of the best material, laundered and unlaundered shirt at a lower price than ever shown over any counter. Come and look at them. 45 J. Dklleu. Read A. F. Bishop’s new advertise ment. Mrs. Dr. A. Gould at City Hall Fri day evening. N. Tie week is out in anew adver tisment. Read it Last Satin-' was a big day for business : oral Point. Anew ten- is being built on the north side or the Catholic church grounds. The Wisconsin annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church will beheld at Milwaukee, Sept. 21st. Wanted,— At the U. S. Hotel, one good girl and a first-class hostler. Good wages and constant employment The weather has, fortunately, been good for crops so far this season, and the prospect for tine crops is excellent. The wages for a man and team has been advanced to §15.75 on the Monroe extension of the C. M. A St. P. railroad. The track laying on the Madison ex tension had reached West Blue Mounds, about twelve miles east of Dodgeville, on Monday. Henry Frost and Rob Thomas will start a newspaper in Dodgeville soon. They expect to issue their first number about July 4th. The annual commencement exercises of the Lawrence University, Appleton, will take place from June 25th to 80th, inclusive. Those who fail to attend the picnic of St, Paul’s Irish Catholic church on Wednesday next will miss a season of fun and enjoyment. The closing exercises of lire high school will be lield this (Thursday) evening at the City Hall, commencing at 7 :30 o’clock. All are invited to at tend. • The Richland County Republican savs that corn planting in that countv lias just been completed, considerable having been replanted on account of bad seed. The Mineral Point and the Darling ton Temples of Honor contemplate having an excursion to Janesville soon after the completion of the Monroe ex tension of the C. M. A St. P. railroad. The two burglars. Abram W. Brown and Julius Mallett, who recently burg larized 11. T. Bailey’s store at Richland Center, was sentenced by .1 udge Downs to two years in the penitentiary with six hours solitary confinement. Free Lecture.— Mrs. Dr. A. Gould of Chicago, will lecture at the City Hall, on Friday evening. June 17th. Subject: “Health and Common Sense." All are cordially invited. She takes up no collection. She sells no books. Jas. D. James of this city, returned a few days ago from a months trip through' Minnesota and Dakota. He reports a booming trade along the line of the Northern Pacific railroad, and that the prospects are blight for an abundant yield of grain of all kinds. The people of the town of Waldwick will celebrate the coming Fourth of July in a grand, old fashioned style, in Joel Gribble’s grove. Hon. M. M. Cothren will deliver the oration. A very interesting programme has been arranged for the day. Mrs. Sallie Lamperell. wife of the late Simon Lamperell, of Darlington, died at Mendota, on Saturday. June 4th, in the seventy-ninth year of her age. Her remains weie brought to Darlington, and interred in the ceme tery at that place, oti Wednesday, the Sth iost. The Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul company gives notice that hereafter the penalty to be charged on cars load ed in excess of the maximum weights permitted, will be ten cents per' 100 pounds in addition to the regular rates on such additional weight. It is understood that the above penalty is to prevent improper and dangerous loading. The maximum weight will hereafter be made 30,00 pounds. Remember the free Lecture at City Hall, Friday evening, by Mrs. Dr. A. i Gould, upon the subject of Health and I Common Sense. An invitation is e.x --' tended to all to be present, and listen i to her lecture. The coming Fourth of July will be celebrated iu Blanchardville in a grander style than ever before. Hon. Hamilton 11. Gray, andll. J. Gallagher will be the orators. The Eagle Cornet Band of Warren, is engaged to furnish music. Mr. T. Scott Ansley of this city, has been invited to deliver the oration at the celebration of the coming Fourth of July in Darlington. Our Darlington friends may rest assured of one thing, and that is, that they will be favored with a fine oration. They have been fortunate in securing Mr. Ansley for their orator. We noticed an unusual sight for this season and region on Monday last, on Mr. Wm. Lanyon’s farm north of town. A large field of winter wheat was headed out nicely, and the straw looked strong and healthy. With any sort of fair weather until the end of the sea son Mr. Lanyon will undoubtedly have a bitr crop. A wedding occurred in this city on Wednesday last, in which the contract ing parties were Mr. Reuben Cox, of Newell, lowa, and one of Mineral Point’s fair daughters. Miss Lena Rothe. The happy couple started for their new home in lowa, on Wednes day afternoon’s train. They have the congratulations and well wishes of many friends. Wolf hunting or propogation is get ting down to a science in Crawford county. A few days ago the state treasurer paid Henry Evans of Wau zeka, S3SS all in a lump, as bounty for the destruction of wild animals. To entitle him to this money, Evans had to exhibit the ears and scalps of 179 foxes or 59 wolves, and two foxes. Evans is undoubtedly an old hand at the business. —Ex. A meeting was held on Wednesday evening for the purpose of arranging for a celebration of the Fourth of July in this city. An em igetic committee was appointed to can v ss lor the neces sary funds and report next Monday evening. There is a general feeling on the part of our citizens to contribute liberally. Further announcement will be made after the meeting in the City Hail, on Monday evening next. Of course, no one who has visited this citv during the past week has failed to notice the improvements which have been made on the post office building, by the proprietor, Mr. John Spensley. The new plate-glass front presents a very fine appearance. Mr Spensley is determined to put the building in thorough repairs. When completed the improvements in the law office of Lanyon A Spensley and in the Demo crat office, will greatly contribute to the comfort and convenience of the oc cupants. If you have not decided to go on the special excursion, next Tuesday, to western lowa, it is not yet too late for you to make up your mind to do so. Land seekers will find this a splendid opportunity to take a look at the rich land of western and central lowa. The fare for the round trip is fixed at SIO.OO tickets good for return in sixty days— only half the price of regular tickets. Hundreds of former residents of this part of the state are now located in Plymouth, Cherokee and other coun ties of western lowa, and they are, as far as we can learn, unanimous in pro nouncing that section of the state rich and prosperous. TENTH ANN I VERS All V. The St. Joseph Society Celebrate in Good Style. The celebration of the tenth anniver sary of the St. Joseph Society of this city came oil according to announce ment on Monday last. The event was a grand success. After high mass at the German church, the procession formed, 1 and led by tire band marched to the grove, where the exercises of the day were opened by a happy speech by May or ,J. M. Smith, who by the way, be came a member of the society pro tem pore, and marched with the other mem bers to the grove. The day throughout was spent in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. In the afternoon Mr. T. Scott Ansley was called upon and made a very pleasant and appropriate speech. Much credit is due to the president and other members of the society for the manner in which the affair was conducted. Personal Mention. T. T. Parmele took a trip to Chicago last week. Mrs. 1.11. Hadfield, of Waukesha, is visiting in this city. Jeno P. Lewis of this city, started on Friday last for Lemars, lowa. Mr. and Mrs. Weil returned from their wedding tour on .Thursday last. Mrs. Samuel Moore of Chicago, has been visiting friends in this city during the past week. Dr. Van Dusen attended the meeting of the State Medical Association in Milwaukee, last week. Josiah Jocka was at Milwaukee last week attending the grand lodge of Odd Fellows. S. J. Wright is attending the Grand Lodge of F. &. A. M. of Wisconsin, in Milwaukee this week. Scott Davey. formerly of this citv, is paying his bid home and friends a visit. Henry Frost, son of the late Hon. Geo. I*. Frost, arrived in this city on Saturday evening last. Dr. J. 11. Vivian and Xick Treweek attended the Grand Lodge of Odd Fel lows in Milwaukee, last week. Mrs. T. J. Campbell who lias been visiting her sister in Philadelphia for some time past, returned home last week. Mrs. Dr. Crawford of Galena, has been visiting in this city for the past few days, the guest of Mrs. J. M. Smith. Hon. M. M. Strong, Calvert Spensley and other attorneys of tire county are attending the meeting of tire State bar association at Madison. Messrs. Sam Lanyon, John Trevar row, Eddie Webb, Thomas Day, Jr, Curl Healy and Will Granger, started for Dubuque, lowa, this week, Mrs. Hattie Wilcox and Miss Eunice Cobb started on Tuesday morning for a trip to Europe, where we understand they will spend the summer. Phil Allen, Jr.. Win. Jacka, Jr., and Stansmore Vivian attended the temperance convention held at Madison on the 14th inst., representing the Good Templars and Temple of Honor. Mr. Alvin Bachman, wife and family started for Mason City, lowa, on Tues day, where they will make their home in the future. We regret exceedingly to lose them as residents of our city. The well wishes of their many friends go witlr them for prosperity in their new home. Notice to Builders. Bids will he received at the special meeting of the city council, next Mon aay evening, June 2>>lh, for building an addition to. and improving, the City Hall building. For plans and specifications, call on the committee. J. To AT, S. J-EXKIX, P. Allex, Jr., June Iflth ISSI, Committee, WISCONSIN M. D*S. • The State Medical Association will meet in Mineral Point nsxt June. Mineral Point is to be honored With the next meeting of the Wisconsin State Medical Association. At its meet ing held in Milwaukee, last week the association decided to hold the next annual meeting in this city next June. It was at first unanamously voted to ; meet in Madison. Dr. VanDusen, who ; was in attendance, stated that the ob- I jection heretofore urged against hold i ing meetings of the association in ! Mineral Point—namely, lack of direct railroad communication with Mil waukee and other cities of the state— would be removed by the completion of the Monroe extension of the €., M. &S. P. road: he asked that the matter of fixing the place for holding the meeting be reconsidered. Upon recon sideration of the question, it was voted to hold the next annual meeting in Mineral Point. DOWN TO DEATH. John Van Allen Loses His Grip on a Well Rope and Falls to the Bottom Richland Republican. A well-digger named John Van Al len lost his life on Tuesday afternoon while cleaning a well on the farm of John Emschoff in the town of Orion. He had been down in the well and was being drawn up, when he lost his grip on the rope and fell to the bottom, a distance of some eighteen feet. When taken out he was quite dead. It is supposed he was- overcome by fire damps. He leaves a wife and large family of children in very destitute circumstan ces. The family as vill be remember ed, formerly lived in this village for about a year, but for the past few months they have been Jiving on Wil low creek. The Prairie du Chien Courier thus notes anew enterprise recently started in that city: “Another new enterprise has just been started in our city, and one that bids fair to be of great importance to scientific disposed persons, and thus it fills a want long felt in our city, where you can have anything analyzed with out sending to Milwaukee or Chicago. H. Seward, Ph. G., analytical chemist, and A. F. Samuels, M. D. B. S. Micro scopist, have made arrangements to occupy a room at the Remedial Insti tute in this city, and will tit up a nice laboratory. They have already received a supply of chemical apparatus, and are prepared at the present time to take orders and do analyzing on short notice. These gentlemen ‘ are botli scholars and graduates, and the latter has had many years experience as M. D. and chemist. With such talent and ability as possessed by the aforesaid parties the public can vest assured that satisfaction will be rendered in all. cases. All manner of abnormal pro ducts, etc., are tested with accuracy and great care;mineral products assay ed: and everything pertaining to chem- i ical and microscopic research are 1 promptly attended to.” Off For lowa. Mr. Jas. V. Dabb, our widely cele brated and skillful photographic artist, who has for several years occupied the rooms over J. B. & C. It. Moffett’s drug store, in this city, and whose work, both in photographing and portrait painting, has been so well and favorably know n throughout lowa county, left on Tues day to try his fortune in the compara tively new and rapidly growing state of lowa. Mr. Dabb has made arrange ments to take charge of aline gallery in the lively town of Lemurs; and we bid him good bye with regret. In his removal Mineral Point loses one of her best, steadiest and most enterpris ing young men, and our citizens a warm-hearted and jovial fellow-towns man. We bespeak for Mr. Dabb a wide circle of friends in Lemars, and we are well assured that his skill in his art will there meet with the success it de serves. He leaves Mineral Point with the best wishes of a host of warm friends and acquaintances, and we heartily commend him to the citizens of Lemars as an h nest, upright, industrious and energetic young man, courteous and polite to all; and in point of skill in his chosen art excelled by none. Mr. Will Shepard is to occupy Ids rooms and conduct the business here after. Fortunate Mineral Point. The most careful observer is aware ! of the fact that the cash plan business | is the safest and far more productive of justice and good results generally to ! the producer and consumer, and also that it acts as a great moral avent in I the prevention of dishonesty and all manner of fraud and chicanery. The truth of this must be admitted oven by those who conduct their business on , the limited credit system. Mineral Point has always been widely and fav i orably known as one of the best places in southwestern Wisconsin to get hon est goods at fair prices. Where can you get better dry goods and clothing, or groceries, or any of the various lines of goods sold by our various mercantile firms, than in Mineral Point? Espec ially has this been so since Messrs. Brewer & Penhallegon have revolu tionized even Mineral Point prices in groceries, and give the farmers the highest prices for their produce, in cash, A visit to the Cash Grocery House of Brew er & Penhallegon, which has been titled up as to quality and variety and amount of stock, in a man ner second to none in the west, you will be convinced that what we say is true. It will well pay even those who live in or near distant towns, although the journey should be so long as to necessitate their staying over night at our pleasont and comfortable hotels, to come and do their buying and trading in Mineral Point, for the above firm will pay you the highest price in cash for your produce, and sell you goods cheaper than ever dreamed of by tho most sanguine granger. Seeing is be lieving. Go and see. ANNUAL PICNIC. St. Paul's Irish Catholic Church. St. Paul's (Irish; Catholic congre gation will hold their annual picnic in doss’ grove, opposite the Fair grounds, 'on Wednesday, June ±*d, ISSI. The managers, who have proven their abil ity in the past, will put fortli special fforts to make the coming picnic a pleasant and enjoyable one. Arapie opportunity will be afforded for arnuse -1 ment and enjoyment. Those attending i can join in the games, swinging, racing, dancing, and suitable amusements of various kinds. The ladies will outdo ail previous efforts, if possible, in pro viding refreshments suitable for the * day, such as ice cream, lemonade, can dies, etc. A splendid dinner will be served on the ground for the nominal sum of twenty-five cents. The best music Mineral Point can furnish will be in attendance during the day. The day’s enjoyment will conclude with a grand ball in the evening at the City Hall; for the reasonable sura of lone dollar; refreshments extra. Should the weather prove stormy, the picxic will take place the next dav —Thursday. The picnic will be one of the great events of the season. Should yon fail ! to attend, von’ll miss a big time. "Many lose their beauty from the hair falling or fading. Parker's Hair Bal sam supplies necessary nourishment, prevents falling and gray ness and is an elegant dressing. PICNIC! Picnic committees will find it to their advantage to call at B. A P.’s CASH GROCERY HOUSE before purchas ing supplies. 45 Ice Cream At Charley Hendra’s 4:1 it plirr f America's best Five Cent UU I L Cigar; for sale onlv at the CASH GROCERY HOUSE. ‘ 44 Strawberries Received Daily At Spratler’s, High street. 4d-4 DononOP very large and sound: fresh UQliflllao receipts, cheap—at 15. AP. CASH GROCERY HOUSE. 45 —4 • Farming. Mining and Timber Land for Sale. I offer for sale ray land situated as follows: The mv of the sw, section 8, town 5, range 2; also a part of ne of se section 7, same range and town, and the se of these of section 15, together with all the improvements thereon, which consists of a good dwelling house, good out buildings, etc. A good range of mineral runs through the tract in section 8, a distance of six hundred yards or more. Will sell very low for cash. For particulars inquire of the undersigned on the premises. 41-2 m David Morrisox. Notice. I would herewith notify all my pat rons that 1 have sold my dental prac tice to Drs. W assail A \Vingender, and that all contracts made by me for work have been transferred to"their hands. 45 J. W. OIHIEUS. wry nice and arriving Oil dVVUCI I ICO daily at B. A P. Cash Grocery House. 45 Village Lots for Sale. Josephus Bailey, proprietor of the Bailey House, Eden, has a number of lots desirable for busness locations, which he is willing to dispose of at a reasonable figure. 4 2-4 w Cucumbers ST* STVi? CASH GROCERY HOUSE. 45 slh9s W ill buy a good men’s suit at Dellers. House and Lot for Sale. The house contains seven rooms, three closets, pantry, two good cellars, with a good cistern on the place. For particulars inquire of Mrs. T. D.vvev. Notice. To whom it may concern:—Notice is hereby given to every person who has a claim against Mr. Philip Kick, of the city of Mineral Point, to present the same within ten days to John'Gkass, Notary Public, lowa county,Wis. Mineral Point, May 24, 18M. 42-4 w Big Coffee Micros!iSSS on exhibition at B. & P. Cush Grocery House. Capacity three pounds per minute. 43 Residence for Sale. 1 Oder for sale, by private contract, my house, lot and barn, situated in Irving’s addition State street, city of Mineral Point. J. P. Hankins. For Rent. The residence owned and formerly occupied by Harney Pratt. For partic ulars enquire at this office or at H. 1). Pulford’s drug store. ;’.Stf fiacnhorrioc :l i' ,iie stock of tins naoJJUCMlCOdeliniousfiuitat 15. & I*. CASH GROCERY HOUSE. 4.-. Farm for Sale. I, the undersigned, will sell orient my farm, containing three hundred and sixty acres —two hundred under cultivation, balance pasture; the farm is well watered with a good spring and in good condition. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance on five years time, at six per cent interest. The farm is five miles east of Highland. 40-4 w Jamks R. Cm att. String Beans. In quantities to suit purchasers—to be found only at B. A. P. Cash Grocery House. 43 Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Do you know that people can not get along very well in this world without tables, beds or chairs. There fore if you are in need of the above named articles, together with bureaus, cradles, bed-springs, etc., the place to buy them is at Eden, of Davey A Thomas,who keep a large stock always on hand. They have just received a a large stock and are receiving the same each week. They buy lor cash and will sell for the same at small margins. They are also prepared to do repairing and undertaking on short notice at prices to suit the times. Sat isfaction guaranteed; Square dealing and small profits is their motto. Give them a call and you will save money bv purchasing of them. 40-4 I). A; T. ‘ Cabbaps^]FsiF n<i,!oCly Stock Farm for Sale. John Spensley having purchased his brother Calvert’s interest in the farm lately owned by their father, Barker Spensley. now offers the same for sale. It contains 420 acres and is one of the the best stock farms in lowa county; well provided with good buildings, barns, wagons and stock sheds, abund antly supplied with water both by running streams and springs. The farm is capable of keeping and feeding 130 head of cattle and is situated part ly within and close to the city of Min eral Point. The farm will be sold on reasonable terms and one-half of the purchase money can run for a term of years at a low rate of interest. This is a good chance for a live man to make money. John Spensley. New Coffee Mill. Huy roasted coffee and get it ground at Toay Bros. New power mill just arrived. iiMSl • Musical Entertainment. i I rare Brothers of our city, assisted by some of our best musical talent will give in the near future, a number of concerts at Miftiin. the Welsh Settle ment, Montfort, Highland, Einden, and other places. The first concert will be at Mifllin, on Friday evening, June 24th. Bear it in mind. Pasture! Pasture!! Having leased Mr. Jos. Gundry’s splendid pasture of 200 acres, I now offer to pasture stock of all kinds, at very low rates. The pasture is well fenced and has an abundant supply of good living water. For further infor mation inquire of 44-4 w Kop.ep.t Julian. W ASS ALL & WISGESDER, Dentists, OVEP. GUXDIIY & OP.ay’s, Mineral Point, - Wisconsin. J. DELLER’S UNSURPASSED STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, Boots and Shoes. J. DELLER. P. S, —Clothing made to order on shortest notice and lowest prices. THIS NEW AND CORRECT MAP Proves beyond any reasonable question that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R’Y Is by all odds the best road for you to take when traveling in cither direction between Chicago and all of the Principal Points in thd West, North and Northwest. Carefully examine this Map. Tin' principal Cities of the West and Northwest are Stations on this * Its through trains make close connections with '.he trains of all railroads at junction points. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY, Over all of its principal lines, runs each way daily from two to four or more Fast Express Trains. It is the only road west of Chicago that uses the PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS. It is the only road that runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of t iiicngo. It has nearly 3,000 MILKS Of HO.ID. It forms the following Trunk Lines: “ Council ItlntT-, Denver .V California Line." “ Winona, Minnesota & Central Dakota Line ” ‘■Sioux City, Nor. Nebraska & Yankton Line." " Chicago, St. Paul & Minneapolis Line.” “Northern Illinois, Freeport & Dubuque Line ” “ Milwaukee, (Jreen Bay & Lake Superior Line." Tickets over tins road are sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents in the United Stales and Canadas llememhei to ask for Tickets via this road, lie sure they read over it, nni take none other. jLVI!Vf> 111 (ililTT,Ceii'i Manager, Chicago, VV. 11. STEM NETT, Oenl Pans. Agent, Chics? ' THE BOSS HORSES. Young Wanderer and Young Duke or Percheron Will aland for service during the season of 1881 at lien. f'lmmley's barn. Mineral Point, Win. Description ami Peiuckke. — Young Wanderer is a dapple Kray. 8 years obi, weighs I.ViO was sire ' by Lafayette, be by l.onis Napoleon owbed by Cotton and Pierce of Jackson county, Iowa; bis dam was sirod by Young Wanderer, and be by Sir t'barles, a thoroughbred stallion. Vouhk 1 bike of France is a dapple brown, was sired by old Duke of France who was owned by T. S. Albury, of Jackson county. lowa, and imported by Bigelow and Brown, of Khio, and came from the same mare as Yount; Wanderer, lie is six years old and weighs Irani pounds. These horses have large bone and mnsele, good ilisposilion, and kind in evesy way, and good travelers. They are the best Norman and Pereberon stock. They have taken tirst prizes at Imbnone, fialena, and Maipioketa, lowa, every season since foaled. The Duke of France took first premium for all work and sweepstakes at Mineral Point Fair last full. Xoung Wanderer tookSd premium. Terms same us last year. 37-3 m T. KEI.LKV &3. •-*MITU, Proprietors and tirooms, GET THE BEST. —GO TO- F. W. STRATMAN & CO., .Dodgeville, Wisconsin, IK YOU NEED A (1001) Plow, Wagon or Buggy OP ANY KIND. Bear in mind that they have a large and well seasoned slock of raw material and are ambitious to suit their customers. Plows for sale by A. B. Ferris, Mineral Point. They areas good s the best-all warranted. xvlO F. W. STRATMAN A CO. FOE SALE. V I V \ .jj. THE CELEBRATED Champion Reapers and Mowers BEST MACHINES IN AMERICA. In Flax or Lodged Grain they have no Equal! Come and see their new Single Reapek,very light draft and easily handled. SULKY CULVIVATORS, both four and six shovels. SULKY HAY RAKES, with either pole or shafts; also SULK AND STUBBLE PLOWS; all manu> factored by N. C. Thompson, Rockford, 111., whose name means good honest work and material. Everything solid and durable. e Also PITTS THRESHERS and Repairs for sale. Come and see me befor you order or buy. A. B. FERRIB, Warehouse near Depot. 42tf Mineral Point, Wia