Newspaper Page Text
CASH GROCERY HOUSE. BREWER & PENHALLEGON, Proprietors of the “CASH GROCERY HOUSE," pay the highest market price in casb ro butter cao-s ~ And sell GROCERIES, CROCKERY- WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, at prices that cannot he heaten by any house in South-western Wisconsin. July 29, 1881. Call and see us and you will find it to your advantage to do so often. B. & P. CASH GROCERY HOUSE. High St., Mineral Point, Wisconsin. CLOTHING! LARGEST STOCK - OP - Men’s, Y ouths’ and Boys’ * CLOTHING In lowa County ! AT GUNDRY & GRAY’S, HIGH STREET. MINERAL POINT, WISCONSIN. LOW PRICKS. GOOD GOODS.! TO AY BROS., HIGH STREET. Opposite City Hall Square. MINERAL POINT. WIS. \W do not advertise to giv<‘ away our goods, or to sell below cost, but we do advertise to sell at as low prices :is any linn in our line of business We carry a large and select stock of Family Groceries, FINE CHINA WARE. CROCKERY! GLASS-WARE! W e also carry A Tine Lino of Boots and Shoes, Manufactured by .1 FFFKUSON, SKI,/ A - CO., and FOSTER. Our stock comprises cvertbing usually kept in a general grocery store. WE CAN AND WILL SELL YOU GOODS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. WICMA KE NO BLOW", Hut endeavor to do a square business, and to sell goods on as close mar gins as possible. Thanking the public for their past and present liberal patronage, we hope by (air dealing to merit a continuance of the same. Respectfully, TO AY HUGS. LA KG 1-ST AND FINEST STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS KVKR HROFCHT To SOUTHWESTERN WISCONSIN. M HS. .1 AS. CRIBBLE. \t Mr*. ('ollhis' < M Stan*! Hun Sriii’KT, Mim:i:vi Point, Wn. Ha* ju**t out tin and lurvr-t *t* k of General Milliner y and Fancy Goods Tver Drought to Siuth-weMvni \Viso*n**in. Mrs. ‘.riLMt* iuviio tlu* public t oall and *\imnne lu*r M.n k of In*fore ]>un liasiiijr slso uhiTf, a> *h' oan *how a grrater variety and hotter £*nl> than tan It* found anywhere in this vi in it>. M> u*Hd> have just Non pmvhasvd in at the lowest prias for rash and are the latest Fall styles fr 1"M, and ! will sell them a* low if not lower than the same elass of go>ls can N Nunjht anywhere eNe. <-4\\ Ifitllj Y*nv**, MRS. .T.ks. UKIIIIU.K. You Can Travel 4000 Miles ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN, IOWA, MINNESOTA and DAKOTA, OVER THE ROADS OF THE CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. PAUL R’Y CO., Without doubling on your track*. This magnificent system reaches almost every important TOWN, CITY liiul SI MMKK RESORT in the GREAT NORTH WIiST. It loeiudes the only Through unbroken Hnt* owned by any one Comparer, Between Chicago, Milwaukee, St* Paul anti Minneapolis, and firms wuh its connections the picturesque MISSISSIPPI VALLEY ROUTE, Between St* Louis and Norther a Minneapolis. It also includes Through Routes between ALL theTermlnal Points shown upon this Map, with ample passenger train sen-ice upon each. _ 'F c 'SBsnl RiSwar Clones or the Tune Tablet published by the Company, win show that the . ”• ak you in its Splendid Passenger Touii, at Express Speed, over ns own Superb Trucks. FROM almost aaywiser* TO alSto.! SB)wtsere , a the Five Crest States Bused show. ITS ROAD-BED, SUPERSTRUCTURE and EQUIPMENTS COMBINE ALL MODERN IMROVEMENTS. AND ARE PERFECT IN EVERY PARTICULAR It nias its own MAGXIPICEXT SICE7XES upon all Thrwwsb Trains, and its own PARLOR CABS—tb urt la the world Its KAILBOAD HOTELS and DCiCt'G HALLS an noted far their superior excellence. While it connects the prominent Business Centres of the Northwest, it hns also upon its fines more Health and Pleasure Resorts and greater Scents Attractions than anr other system of roads upon the comment Its Magnificent New IVion Depot, on Maibson. Cavil and Adam* St rests Chicago, is dm most elegant mm. 4 commodius Pastcnrer Stabofi in tho United Stain It is conceded by the Traveling Public, to be in all things, THE LEADING LANK. 8. 8. VXKILL W. C. VAX HORXK. A. V. H. CARPENTER, J. H. PAGE, Gen'l Manager. Geo’l Suptsm-esdcoL Gca‘l Past and Ticket Agt. Ass’l Cca'l PassAgL THE DEMOCRAT. Mineral Point. Friday. Oct. 7. 1881. Eutere-1 at the Post Office, Mineral Point. Wis.. as second class matter. MARKETS. Eggs ir>c. Corn 40 lo 50c. Lard 15c. Onions 81.20. Butter 18 to 22. Potatoes 60c. to TCc. Live Hogs, 86.25. Cattle 82.50 to 84.50. Oats 34c. Lead ore 825.00. Dry Bone 814.00 Black-Jack 821.00 Flax Seed 1.20. Hides, green. 5 to 6. Wool, washed. 25(330. Wool, unwashed, 20(822. Clover Set and 85.00. Winter wheat 81.15: spring 1.10. Ho! for .Milwaukee. From this date (October Oth) until ' October 15th the fare from this city to I Milwaukee and return,including ticket to the Exposition, has been fixed at ■ 80.55. Tickets good until the Monday ; follow ing the date of sale. LOCALJTEMS. Bead our “Guernsey Island" letter. For display of fine jewelry see C. H. J ames. Fancy Millinery at bottom prices at C. 11. James'. Fare to Milwaukee ami return, only 85.55—until Oct. 15tb. If run want a cheap and pretty clock you can find on at C. 11. James.’ Mr.and Mrs. Win. Burns, merchants of Juda, spent Sunday in our city. Clocks! Clocks!! Clocks!!! Largest stock and lowest prices at C. 11. James’ The Hankins Brothers are at work painting the Marks House, Dodgeville. Democratic Senatorial convention at Lone Bock next Tuesday, the nth iust. Teasdale & Coad have just received a new stock of Richardson's boots and shoes. Men’s new styled boots, at Schne berger’s. 7 The Madison Division of the C. & N. W. It. It. w ill carry mail on and after Oct. 15th. Court convened at Dodgeville on Tuesday. Proceedings will be given next week The Moiitfort band purchased musi cal instruments valued at over three hundred dollars. Clothing, clothing, for men, youths and boys. A mammoth stock is now ready at Deller’s. p Samuel Coad, Jr., is bone on a visit from Milton, where lie has been for the past six months. Bicliard (imidry and family, of Chi cago, has been in town the past week visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton, of Vernon Cos., have beeuvisting Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Smith, of Ibis city. Isaac Buckley is at the county fair tills week with a large collection of plants and (lowers. Cloaks and dolmans, the largest assortment west of Chicago, may now be seen at I idler's. In a short time Kirby’s stage will make two trips a day between Mineral Point and Dodgeville. Hon. L. T. Pnllin, banker, of Evans ville, accompanied by his wife, are the guest of Mr. Wright, Sr. I inmenso quantities of new goods for the fall and winter trade are arriving daily at Gnndry & Gray’s, Mr. James Kelly, one of Ridgeway’s substantial farmers made the Demo crat a pleasant call on Tuesday. .las. Pellow of Bloomfield sold a tine lot of hogs in this city on Tuesday, for which he received 86.40 per cwt. Mr. .1. F. (Irace, editor of the lligli latul department of llie Dodgeville Chronicle, has resigned that position. George lllnin went hunting pigeons near Ausley's farm, on Saturday, ami succeeded in killing a large gray wolf. Two good cigars fora nickle, at Teas dalc & Toad's. 0 The managers of the State Agricul tural Society are unanimously in favor of holding next year’s fair at Fond du Lac. Mrs. (’. Spensley and sons, and Mrs. Wilcox and daughter, visited the Mil waukee and Chicago expositions last week. lion.W. Hewey was renominated for the assembly hy the republican convention held in tins city, last Sat urday. Mrs. Win. Thomas and Mr. Goodwin Thomas, of Darlington, were in this city on Tuesday, the guests of Dr. VanDusen. Alfred Powell, Sr., and Geo. Powell have disjmsed of their farms, located about four miles east of this city, to John Jackson. The State Agricnltui.d Society, with an appropriation of from the State, will be able to meet all expenses for the fair of ISsi. Thomas Bracken, of Willow Springs a staunch temperance man, is the can didate for railroad commissioner, on the prohibition ticket. The best preventitive of of constitu tive diseases of the lungs, bowels or kidneys are Brown's Iron Bitters. It checks all decay. Iw We are informed that Mr. E. Osborne will return from the east this week, where has been making large purchases for the fall and winter trade. Foil Sale. —I have for sale a choice lot of cows and calves, at ray farm, one mile north of Mineral Point city. W. T. J ACKSON. Want in. A school to teach, by a male teacher who is engaged until November Ist: has first-grade certifi cate. Inquire at Democrat office. 9tf Dr. J. B. Moffett will pay us a visit about the l*>th of this month. He intends settling up bis affairs here prior to his bidding us a final adieu. The great inducements now being offered by E. Osborne & Son to cash buyers cannot fail to attract the atten tion of every person that has a dollar to spend. Iw Born, to Mrs. Packard, of Mitfiin. on Thursday the 30th ult., a son. weight eleven pounds. The little stranger is a grandson of John Ellsworth, of Mitfiin. Henry Tyack and Sam Harris of this city presented the Democrat editors with a supply of pigeons on Thursday last, for which they will please accept thanks. Mrs. Dr. VanDuseu met with a severe accident one day this week by falling down two steps on a stairway. She was quite severely shocked and lias not yet fully recovered. The boss pigeon shooting of the sea sons was done on Thursday last by Henry Tyack and Sara Harris of this city. In four hours they secured one hundred and eleven birds. The beauty and color of the hair may be safelv regained by using Parker’s Hair Balsam, which is much admired for its perfume, cleanliness and dan druff eradicating properties. o-ira Ladies, it will pay you to take a look at Deller’s stock of Dress Goods and Dress Trimmings. Yen can find everything there that is new and desir able, at low prices. 0 Lost.— Between J udge Cothren’s res idence and the Depot, a gold chain bracelet, marked, “K. D. P.” Anv per son finding the same and returning it to Pul ford's drug store will lie re warded. Married, at the M. E. Parsonage, on Wednesday evening. October sth, Mr. Job Vickerkman of Linden and Mrs. Sody of this city. The many friends of the “ young " couple tender congrat ulations. Xo cards. The ladies of the M. E. congregation on Wednesday evening tendered a re ception to their new pastor, Kev. Chas. Irish. The enjoyable occasion consis ted of refreshments, interspersed with music and addresses. The Mineral Point Democrat started an educational column last week un der the management of Prof. ,1. 11. Terry. A good, timely hit. We know Prof. Terry well enough to assert that we are sure it will be a success.— Arena Star. ill a few hoots and shoes left, which you can purchase almost at your ow n price, in order to close them. Also, bargains offered in all depart ments of dry goods and clothing before arrival of our new slock. 4 J. Deli.kk. K. Osborne A Son would call atten- ! tion to their very large and well selec ted of men’s and boys’ suits and over coats They guarantee them to he the best possible to be obtained, and will be rushed off at a lively rate. it Notice. —This is to notify all per- I sons that my son, Charles Goelz, hav ing left my home without cause. I will not be responsible for any debts con tracted by him. Dated October :sd, ISSI. Adam Goelz. Xow ready for business! First to contend I First in the field! Look at the amount ot boxes and bales of fall and w inter goods that are dumped off in front of Deller’s store. It is really a sight. 7tf Died, in this city, October Oth, Ellen Trinwith. daughter of Mr. George Triu with, aged about twenty-two years. She had been a sufferer for many xionths, her death being the result of a cold contracted last winter. The family have tl*e sympathy of many friends. The prohibitionists of Lafayette county have issued a call for a coven to meet on October 15th, to nominate candidates for members of the Legis lature, on the Temperance ticket. It will receive a large support from tem perance people of all shades of opinion in Lafayette county. Mr. James a Weatherford, of Spriug fr‘ld, Ohio, says: Brown's Iron Bitters cured me of the worst case of dyspep sia man ever had. The muscles of my stomach, liver and bowels now seem so strong 1 believe 1 could almost di gest petrified cheese! I reccommend it to ail who suffer as did I. Iw The Church Guild of Trinity, (Epis copal) Church in this city is requested to meet at the Rectory on Friday after noon at four o’clock —of this week. All members, and all those who would like to'become members, are earnestly requested to be present. Bt okdku or Pises. We advise our readers, especially the ladies, to look through James Morgan’s Dry Goods House, .‘WO and JBS East Water street. Milwaukee. He has the best assorted stock of (j’st-class Dress Goods. Silks. Dolmans, Flannels, Blan kets, Ac., in the Northwest, and his pines is always the lowest. 9-1 w The Grant County Herald says: Ex- Sheriff Streeter and family returned from Cherokee, lowa, on Friday last, and will hereafter make their home in Lancaster. The temptations of old Grant were too many for him to resist. His many friends here an* glad it is so, being right well pleased to see him again a resident of this city. The many friends of George W. Mitchell, a young man formerly of this place, will regret to learn of his death last week at his home in Alta. lowa, from typhoid fever. He had been engaged in the harness business at that | place fur some time past, and had built i up a good business for himself. Gecrge ! w as a resident of this place from cbild j hood and was a promising young man. A Literary " box " club, consisting of ; Dr. Osborn, W. A. Jones, Chas. Mcll i hon, Sam Wright, Dr. Wassail, John Calvert,.las. Kitto, Lloyd Jones, Wm, ; Prideaux and Ed. Osborne, Jr., organ ized by electing Dr. Osborn president, W. A. Jones secretary, and Sam Wright librarian. The object of the six-iety is to secure the leading periodicals for the mutual use of the society through the ** box ” system. The Marks’ House, at Dodgeville, is almost completed. It is now one of the best hotels in the section of the country, and the proprietor deserves the large patronage he is receiving. The work on the building was done by some of Mineral Point’s best workmen, among them Messrs. Wm. J. Cox. Rich ard Goldsworthy, Jr.. James Prideaux, John Geib. Charles & Waster. Herman Euzenroth and the Hankins Bros. Dr. Chase’ Recipe Book should be in every household in the country, as it is replete with practical information on every subject which may arise in the house, on the farm, in the workshop, and the office. It must meet with a ready sale. See the advertisement in another column of our paper. We pre dict Unit whoever is fortunate to se cure an agency in this section for this wonderful book, will surely make money. 9-1 w The 8 o’clock evening train of Mon day, on turning a curve about two miles this side of Calamine, came in contact with a pile of ties across the rails, evidently laid there for the pur pose of wrecking the train; but fortu natelg the locomotive was able to clear the track without incurring any dam age. It was probably the work of mis chievous boys, who if ever detected may be required to employ their time beneficially in the service of the state. The people of this section of Wiscon consin are beginning to realize the ad vantages which are secured in the establishment of the new and fast trains of the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad, between this city. Platteville. Darlington, Shullsburg and Milwaukee The completion of this new line, as stated in a circnlar issued by the company, “ brings all points in the Wisconsin Dead Region half a day nearer Milwaukee than the old route via Freeport, and brings Milwaukee three hours nearer than Chicago to the same points, whilst it offers the best line from Mineral Point, Platteville, Darlington, Ac.. to Chicago via Mil waukee.” The train leaves this city at 4; 40 a. in., reaching Milwaukee at 10:55 a. m.. and Chicago at -2 p. in.; returning leaves Milwaukee at 4:10 p. in. of same day and reaches this city at 10:45 p. in. The travel over the new line is in-, cressing and the company intend to put forth every effort to make it equal in all respects to any of the company's fast lines. Articles of association have been tiled in the office of the secretary of state, at Madison, of the Freeport and St. Paul Railroad Company. The con templated line leaves the south line of the State near the Pecatoniea river, running north to some point near the city of Hudson, with a branch from some point in the town of Moscow, lowa county, to Portage. Columbia county. The capital slock is 50.000.000. The incorporators are \V. O. Wright, of Freeport; K. Baldwin,Cresco, Iowa; M. .1. Briggs. Aldro Jenks and J. P. Murrish, of Dodgeville. Wis.; each of the above gentlemen taking one share. William K. Mayhew, only son of .1. V. and F. K. Mayhew, died at the resi dence of his parents, in this city, on Sunday morning at s:;’>o, after an ill ness of live months, during which time he was confined to his b.-d all the time. He was twenty-one years, six months and four days old. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, and was attended by a large concourse of mourning friends. The afflicted fam ily have tin 1 sincere sympathy of manv friends. The deceased was a resident of this city from childhood, and was a very promising ytmng man. Call at C. H. James’ and see the lar gest stock of fancy goods ever brought to this city. Matrimonial. IKUUIN-rOTIIUMN. The marriage of Mr Frank Perrin, of Darlington, anti Miss Mary Cothren, of litis city, was solemnized at Trinity Churcli, at eleven o'clock on Tuesday morning, October 4th., Rev. M. rhase. Rector, and Rev. S. 1). PuLord, of Platteville, uncle of the bride, officia lly. The ceremony was witnessed by many of the friends of the bride and groom, i'he groom entered the church accom panied by his groomsman, Mr. Sam. Ferrin, of Darlington, then came the bridesmaids. Miss Knight, of Darling ton, and Miss Fun ice Cobb and Miss Lillie Sterling, of this city; then fol lowed the bride, accompanied by her father. Judge Cothren; next the ushers, Messrs. John Savage, of Prairie du Chien, and Goodwin Thomas, of Dar lington. Mrs. Will Ross presided at the organ and played a delightful wedding march. Then followed the marriage vows, the giving and receiv ing the ring, and the declaration of “man and wife.” At the close of the ceremonies at the church, a reception was held at the residence of Judge Cothren. Congratulations were tend ered to the bride and groom, after which all sat down to a ni’miiticent wedding feast. The happy cou t ie took the afternoon train for a wedding tour to Chicago, Milwaukee. St Paul and other places. No cards were issued. lii Nonioriam. At a special meeting of the Linden Cornet band held Oct. Ist, issi, the fol lowing resolutions were passed: Resolved, That it has pleased our Heavenly father to call home the spirit of our beloved brother and band mate, Lewis Sampson, who died at Idaho Springs, Colorado Territory, Septem ber 10th. Therefore, We, the remaining mem bers of the Linden Cornet Hand, tender to his bereaved and sorrow-stricken parents our heart-felt sympathy, and that we, as a band, feel that one sweet chord in our music is gone forever. -Vs a musician he possessed rare talent. Asa friend and brother he was always kind and sociable, the favorite of all. In band and orchestra his smiling countenance and excellent music at tracted wherever he went. Trusting that God in his gracious mercy has taken his spirit from our band on earth to that heavenly band above, we shall hope to meet him again in tiie sweet by and by. Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be presented to the patents of the deceased, and that they be publish ed in the Dodgeville Chronicle and the Mineral Point Democrat. Signed:—\. J. Jacobs, R. S. Jacobs, Abe Vial, Jas. Vial, E Idy Reach, Jas. Fischer. Death of Edward O’llaio. Mr. Edward O'Hare, an old and well known citizen of this county, met with an accident on Monday night, from which his death resulted on Wednesday morning. He was returning in a buggy to his home from this city, at about eleven o’clock, when his horse ran awav, throwing him out of the buggy into a i>ool of water on one side of the road, opp<site Mr. C. Gillmann’s resi dence. where he was found by Mr. Giil mann at half-past four o’clock on Tues day morning. He was badly injured, and nearly perished from being out in the cold rain during the night. He was taken care of by Mr. Gillmann until removed to his home. He suf fered a great deal of pain, but it was thought be would recover, as he was walking about the house at five o’clock on Wednesday morning, but soon after ward grew worse and death soon fol lowed. The funeral takes place on Friday morning, at ten o’clock from his late residence, two miles north of this city, to St Paul’s Catholic Church. Do not be Deceived. In these times of quack medicine ad vertisements everywhere, it is truly gratifying to find one remedy that is worthy praise, and which really does as recommended. Electric Bitters, we can vouch for as being a true and reli-: able remedy, and one that will do as recommended. They invariably cure stomach and liver complaints, diseases of the kidneys and urinary difficulties. We know whereof we speak, and can readily say, give them a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Moffetts. 9 Married. OKE-HARKIS. A pleasant wedding occurred at Trin ity Church in this city on Wednesday afternoon, at five o'clock, the contract ing parties being Mr. Walter Oke and Miss Minnie Harris, of this place. Rev. M. Chase officiating. In the evening a reception was held at the residence of the newly made pair, opposite the U. S. Hotel. A bountiful wedding feast was prepared, after partaking of which the party spent the evening in social pleasure. Wedding presents were nu merous and costly. A host of friends unite in wishing the happy couple a pleasant journey through life. Democratic Assembly Convention. A convention for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Member of Assembly for the Southron District of lowa county will be held at the City Hall in the city of Mineral Point, on Saturday. October 15th, at J o'clock, p. m. Pku Oudeu Com. Democratic Senatorial Convention. A convention for the purpose of nominating a Democratic candidate for senator for the twenty-eighth sen ate district, comprising the counties of lowa and Richland, will be held at Lone Rock on Tuesday, ,>ct. nth, ssil. Each county is entitled to leu dele gates. Pku Okpkk Com. A ( AKD Fall Trade of 1881. I wish to inform the citizens of Min eral Point and lowa county that 1 have again returned from the eastern mark ets of New York and Philadelphia, where 1 have bought direct from the importers, the largest and best selected stock of Dry Goods and nothing ever brought to Mineral Point. It is not too much for me to say, that 1 have spared neither time nor money to ob tain the best and latest productions of European and American manufactur ers. Having bought all my goods for cash. 1 shall be enabled to offer them at the lowest living prices, and a visit t" my store will convince you of the truth. Thanking von for your past liberal patronage. 1 respectfully ask a contin uance of the same. :> ’J. Dkli.ku. Guns! Guns!! Guns!!! 85.00 will buy a good single barrel shot gun at s. Hocking .V Co.’s Haul ware Store. 9tf Notice. All persons indebted either by not# or book account to .1. D. James, harness dealer, are requested to call and settle before. Nov. Ist. J. D. .lamks. Mineral Point, Oct. sth, issi. Wagons for Sale. The undersigned has a number of wagons which he will sell cheap for cash. They are as good wagons as can be found in the State of Wisconsin. For further information inquire of the undersigned at Dodgeville, Wis. Otf (’llas. Ilosivtxcis. S. Hocking & Cos. Have the exclusive sale of Itathbone’s celebrated Cooking and Heating Stoves; also the Charter Oak, which is the best stove made. Call and see before you purchase. Prices as low as any first class goods. i> if ■— A Word of Praise. Asa rule we do not recommend pat ent medicines, but when we know of one that really is a benefactor, and does positively cure, then we consider it our duty to imparl that information to all. Electric Hitters are truly a most valu able meeicine, and will surely cure bil iousnes. fever and ague, stomach, liver and kidney complaints, even where all other remedies fail. We know whereof we speak, and can recommend them to all.— Exch. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Moffetts. him C. 11. James lias just returned form Chicago with a fine stock of jewelry, clocks, watches, plated ware, etc., and is prepared to suit the wants of all parties desiring anything in his line. Also a line display of millinery goods of the latest and most fashionable styles at bottom juices. Fresh Oysters I .lust Received at J. A. SPHATLKU’S. JTJST Received, at the Cash Grocery House 10 gross line scrub-brushes. TEX CENTS each, is the figure. Get one, brush up, and call upon your neighbor. 7 m ~ Only ta'j cents a pound for the tiuest sugar-cured hams in the market, at the Cash Grocery House. 4 Good Prices for Potatoes. John Horn wishes to caution the farmers against contracting to sell their potatoes to persons traveling around the country wishing to huy them for future delivery. He advises them to bring them to market and get the highest price. He pays sixty cents (er bushel for early potatoes now. and feels confident that late ones will be worth a great deal more when they are rij*e. 7 John Horn. FRESH OYSTERS AT TO AY BROTHER'S. 7 WANTED! Fifty car loads of potatoes for which we will pay a handsome price in CASH. See us before selling. Brewer & Pen hallegon, proprietors Cash Grocery House. 7 Farm (or Sale-Manning. i The undersigned offers for sale, on I reasonable terms, the eighty-acre farm lof Mrs. James Manning, situated one mile and a half west of the village of Highland. Good frame house on the premises; 55 acres under cultivation. Apply to Orville Strong ic Cos. Sepr. 15,1881. tf Dodgeville, W’is Stock Farm For Sale. John Spensley having purchased his brother Calvert’s interest in the farm lately owned by their father, Harker Spensley, uow offers the same for sale. It contains 420 acres, and is one of the best stock farms in lowa county; well provided with good buildings/barns, wagon and stock sheds, abundantly supplied with water, both by running streams and springs. The farm is ca pable of keeping and feeding 150 head of cattle, and is situated partly within and close to the city of Mineral Point. The farm will be sold on reasonable terms and one-baif of the purchase' money can run for a term of years, at a low rate of interest This is a good chance for a live man to make money. 8 John Spensley CITY BUSINESS. Mineral Point, Oct, S, ISSi.—A regu lar meeting of the common council was this dav held in the council chamber. Present, his honor J. M.J Smith, mayor, presiding; all of the aldermen present. The proceedings of the |last regular and special meetings were read and approved. The following accounts j were presented and allowed, all of the i aldermen voting therefor: IW. J. Healey, for special services as i.v I mau. three nights iluriiu; fair . jf, tO 'auu- I'unn. tor cue mouth's services a. policeman S'a 1 , three nights as special policeman Juriug Fair. s>'<oc: one .lax* clearing up arouu.i I'itv Hall, }!,3S au.l twonichoc as janitor. SC.OO . . ir Joseph Heller. tor ih-.rtx -one yards black calico to decorate City Ha!! on the iiax i:\exl tor the memorial services for Pres Went liarfteUl j :o Ro han! Williams, for one quarter's salary as street commissioner aj <1 T. S. Anslev, one quarter's salary as eity clerk *. at ,yy \ iryinia I‘hillitxs. t>>r si\ davscleaning x iiv Haii : „> -tames Kamsden. for bury my a -lead dog \ i\i Samuel Francis, for repairing; seats to i itx Hall ,% James Hunu. tor serving notices per otvler of board of health 1 Tl The account of Oates was pre sented, showing a balance due him >f $142.40 on the improvement b> the Pity Hall; was referred to the building com mittee to be reported back to the council at its next regular meeting. Peti*ion of John Charles, and live other citizen asking for a side-walk to be constructed upon north side of Washington street, commencing at the front, where said street intersects lowa street, and running west to High street, was presented to the council. Uemonstranee of Samuel .l.mka. and three others, against thoj erection of said side-walk was likewise presented. On motion of Alderman Jenkin. they were laid over until next meeting of the council. On motion of A Menu an Trideaux, the city clerk was authorized to pur chase a Tinted States flag for the use of the citv not to cost exceeding S-’T.bO. which motion was unanimously adopted. Alderman Trideaux presented a peti tion signed hy John I.anyon, 15. Hark er. Win. Terry andUi'J oluer citizens of Mineral Toint, asking the common ( council to allow slaughtering to be con tinued in Staveley addition so long as tire slaughter houses are kept clean and do not violate the orders of the board of health, or until the common council shall locate places where all slaughter ing within the city can be done. The following preamble and resolu tions were introduced by Alderman Allen: Whereas, the common council of this city have been for the past three months endeavoring to settle and locate the butchering and slaughtering busi ness in harmony with the order of the board of health, their efforts thus far have been fruitless for the reason that the property on which they were lo cated by the committee appointed for that purpose and approved by the common council, cannot be secured. Therefore, be it Resolved, That we report this fact to the board of health with the request that if in their charitable judgment rules can lie adopted that will allow the butchers to remain where they now are without violating law or being a nuis ance, we ask them to prepare rules for slaughtering, to be observed by said butchers. Resolved, That the hoard of health be requested to report to this body at its earliest convenience, and that the butchers be allowed to slaughter at their present place of business until said report of the board of health is presented to the common council. Which weie adopted, all the alder men voting in favor thereof. Thereupon, 11 is Honor the Mayor ap pointed Aldermen Allen and Jenkin a committee to confer with tin- hoard of health. On motion of Alderman Allen, coun cil adjourned. Attest; .1. M. Smith, Mayor. T.S. Ansi.kv, City Clerk. Halls Patent Corsets—the perfection of the ruie in that line, are offered for sale by J. Heller, sole for Mineral Point. (Jo and see them. 7tf UrnTT LINIMENT, n M I For WOIMIS, ™ ■ 1 Itu run, Staid*. For Sort* Should**!** and 4>ullm on Hornes, and Sore Teal* on <\nv. War • r*nl**d to c heck inflammation and soreness,and heal without a scab. “That” Fain-Knocker for Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Stomach Com plaints. ‘ VUDEN A MINOR, Prop’s., Sold by all Druggists. iielmout. Wis. HO!FOR THE RAILROAD! JOHN FILLBACH, I'EALKP. IN GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS A SHOES, CROCKERY-WARE, GLASS-WASE, ETC., ETC., ETC. COBB, I lowa County, Wisconsin. ! I>e-ires to announce to the people of Kden and snrrc riding country that he keeja on hand a Large Stock | '>f everything usually kept la a general store, ami that lx 1, prepared to util at Very Low Prices for Cash! FARM PRODUCE Taken at the highest market price. Call and see and lie convinced. ,'.2-1 y JOHN FILLBACH. Millinery Goods! Large Stock! Latest Styles! FIRST-CLASS TRIMMER! MISSES JEUCK k CUMMINGS. AT ME*. BltriiVi OLD STAMP. We wih to inform the public that we hare■ opened out a lame stock of fim-claw millinery goods, and have engaged a firat-class trimmer, and are therefore prepared to fnrnlsh the moat fashionable yle* of hats and bonnet* trimmed in the most becomming man per at price* as low as toe lowert. Respectfully" Bakbaea Jbccb. Ttf Hast Cnotiso*. I State of Wisconsin, County Court for lowa County —ln Probate. Notice i< hereby given that at a regular term of the low a County Court, to he held in and for said county at the Court House in the village of Pvxlgeville, in said county, on the Ist day of November. A. I>, ISSI. being the first Tuesday of said month, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day. the following matters will he heanl ami considered: The application of Elisabeth Ann Buckley for the appointment of an administrator of the estate Of Patn,'a Buckley, late of said eouuty. deceased. And u is timber ordered that public notice thereof Ih' given to all arsons interested hy puh lishiug a copy of this order for three weeks sue ccsstvelv prior to said day of hearing in the low a County Iv moo rat, a weekly nexvspajH'r circula ting in said County. By order of the Court ; JOHN T. JONES. Judge. Dated IXvlgeville NY is.. iVt. 4th. ISSI. O. C Smith. Attorney tor iVlilioner. it State * ♦'ll >oouMn. County t’ourt for lowa eoun tv—in Prolate Notice is hereby given that at a special term of the lowa counts county court, to held m nvd for said county, at the court house. in the x ,! lagwof l\ said county .ou the i>lh day of iVtolH'r. v n. ISM. being ihe third Tuesday *'t said month, at one oVbvk in the aftenuxni of said day the fe .low itig matters will he heard and considered 11'.' application of J Nicholas Kuher., guar dian of Elizabeth, Mary, and Mamarel Kricr. minors, for the examination and allowance of his guardian's account. Vnd it is farther ordered, that public notice thereof he given to all persons interested by publishing a copy of this order for three' weeks Micces>;\ ly prior to said day of hearing, in the low.-. County iVuuvrat. a weekly uexxNpaj*cr published in said county. By onler of the court. JOHN T JONES J ...S . Calv'd IXxlgev iIU . W ;s. * Sept. lINM. O. i Smith, attorney for Ouardian. T w State of W isconsiti, t'oiinty t’onrl for b’w \ Donate —in Probate. N.'iiee w hereby g;\c;i *h.U at a *;Hv;al lerm v'f the lowa county' coart to he heUl in and lor said county, at Ihe conn ’.must. in the x Plage of l\*dgex ille. in saul county, on the ISih day of October A w ISM. being the thin? I’uesday ot saivl month, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day. the following natters will be heard and considered The application of Samuel Roberts, for the appointment of an administrator of the cm mo of Thomas Hamblv. late of the town ol Uldgexxu; , in saivl county, deceased. And it is further ordered. that public notice thereof be given to all arsons interested by publishing a copy of this order for three week> successively. prior to saivl vlay of hearing, in the lowa County IVmoerat. a weekly nexx'-pai'er oit• dilating in saul comity. By order of the conn. JOHN T. JONKs fudge Hated Podgex ille. AA . Sept issi. x mcahtiu u. attorney for petitioner FORECLOSURE SALE. Slate of Wisconsin—lowa County Circuit t\n Ueorge Dhamlex. plaint id, against AlexamUr Indium. defendant. By virtue of ami pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure ami sale, rendered in the above enti tlevl action, on the lV*lh lax of August. V IV INSV at a special term of said circuit court, Ui-wii ai a general term of the l-afaxette county circuit court. I w ill expose for sale, ami sell, at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the front door of the court house, in iHwlgeville, lowa county, W isconsin, on Tnesdax. the lsi dax v*l November, V P. ISM. at .’o'clock in the aftei uooii of saivl .lay, the following described prom i-ves. to raise the amount of saivl jmlgiueut, inter est. costs ami costs of sale, tv* xx it. The nort h xxcM unarler of Ihe south west quar ter of section No. seventeen f IT' tow n No. fix v'yd north of range No. one 0) east, in loxva eoum>, state ot Wisevmsln, containing fortv acres, nunc or less. Paled shoritTs odlce. Podgex ille, loxva county, IN isv’ousin, September ;ld. \ o. issi. rilOM.'.s KENNEDY. Sheriff lowa Do. Wu, Henry A Smith, \tl ys for Plaintiff. saivl FORECLOSURE SALE. s lto ot W isconsin, Circuit Couit - lowa County . benjamin Thomas, plaintiff, against Margaret Pavis, John V Pavis,William K. Pavis, Thom an C. Pavia, Margaret Pavia ami tievennie Jones, defendants. Ty virtue of and pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above on i titled action on the _Vth day of August. \ n. t'vs**, in said lowa County Circuit Court. 1 will expose tor sale, and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door * f the Court House in the village of Podgevlllc. lowa county. Wisconisin. on the Jllh day of October. A. l. Iss] t at 2 o'clock in tin after noon ot said day. the following deserllad premises, to raise the amount of said Judgment, interest, 'sts. and cost* of sale, to wit The to! low iny described real estate, situate, 1\ ing and being n the county ol lowa and Slate ofw iscou sin, to wit: The south west quarter and the south .mil of the north west quarter of seetion Ni. seven (7), township No. lour pP. range No. two j). east, containing two hundred and forty acres, more or less. Paled Sheriffs olVice. Podgeville. AN is. p temher *th. \ I*. ISM. Thomas Kk\n>:iy. she*iff. \\ 11. son A: Mili.iion, 4| lowa i 'onuty. \\ i*- Plaint ill 's attorney s. j fj FORECLOSURE SALE. state of Wisconsin. Circuit Court, lowa County. Alexander Wilson, Kdward Hums, N TANARUS, Martin and John Stephens, Plaintiffs, against J°hn H. \ ivian, Stephen 1 homas and Isaac Penrose, as administrators of the estate of Sampson Keeard, deceased, Mary Ann Uec aid and Harriet liccanl. defendants. Hy virtue of and pursuant lo a judgment of foreclosure and sale, rendered in the above titled action on the 17th day of August, A. P. isso, and was taken ami docketed in the circuit court for lowa county, on the JUfli day of Vn li'l't. A. P. Isso, f w ill expose for shlc and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cadi, at the front door of the Court House in tin* \ jl luge of Podgeville. lowa county, Wisconsin, on the Tlh day of October. A. P isHI, at - o'clock in the afternoon of said dav, the follow ing des eribed premises, in raise the amount of said judgment, interest, costs and costs of sale, tow it the following described real estate, situate lying and being in the county of lowa and slate >i Wisconsin, and particularly described a- follows, to wi The undivided one half of lot No. sixty live (Tm) in Vb it's survey of the village, now city of Mineral Point, in lowa county and state of Wisconsin. Puled sheriffs ollb e. PodgevHie, Wh., this l*ib dav of August, A. p. |hh], Tib iM AS K KNN’KDY. Slierlll of low a County, W is Wn son M Iliion, plaintiff's ally's. :t-7w EXECUTORS SALE. lii Probate—lowa t’ouiity Court. In Hie matter of the last will ami testament of Patrick M*daiiu. late of <<hil county. deceased. Notire Is hereby given, that hy virtue and in pursuance of an order of License made in said matter hy hmi*l court on the 2d day of August, WM, the undersigned, Timothy ’Fallon nnd Tlioiiihh Oallagher. executors of said Patrick Medium** entitle, will on the 17h day of October, PWI, at 2 o’clock iu the afternoon, at the front door of the court house in the \il)agc of lidge ville, in lowa county, state of Wisconsin. of!* r for sale at public vendue, the follow ing describ ed lands, to wit: The South cast quarter of the North east ijuar ter, rndthe North east quarter of the North east quarter of section number thirty five cr) in township number five (.'*) North of range number four (I) east, in lowa county, Wisconsin, or so much thereof a may be necessary to raise money to pay the costs of s M Ie, debts ami legacies of sui< I estate. The terms of sale will he for rash or money in hand. Dated September 17tb IHHJ. TIMOTHY FAI.foN, his THOMAS x fiALLAdHKIL inark Witness: Kxecutors aforesaid. WILLIAM 11. <TRKY. * ! In I'mliate—lowa Comity Court In tin matter <tf the estate Ilf Margaret Corbitt, of Mineral Point, decfiwil. On reading and filing Hie petition onVilliani T. Henry, administrator of the estate of said Marga t'orhltt, setting forth the amount of jiersonai es tate that has come to his hand*, anil Hie dlsposl lion thereof, the amount of debts outstanding against said deceased, ami praying that license he to him niaiilfl to sell all of the real estate w hereof said deceased died seized, lor the our (wise of paying said debts and the charges of ad ministration; and it appearing by said petition that there i not auflleient iiersonal estate in the hands of said administrator Pi pay said debts,and that it is necessary in order Pi pay the same to sell ell iifpiaid real estate; It in therefore ordered, that all persona Inten s ted in said estate apjiear before the Judge of this court on the first day of November, lasi, at the the < onrt House in the village of Itodgeville. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, then and there pi show cause (if any there shall tie> why license should not lie granted Pi said William T. Henry, admin istrator as aforsaid, to sell said real estate ac conling to the prayer of said petition. And it la further ordered, that this order shall tie published for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing In the low a County In-mo* cral, a weekly newsjinper published in said coun ty, and a copy thereofshall lie served personally on all lervim intereated in the estate and resi ding in this county at least twenty days I adore the day herein appoined for the hearing Haled September 2Mb, issi. By order of thr Court. {.Seal ] 8-1 w JOHN T. JUNKS, County Judge. WASSAM. & WINGE.N'DER, Dentists, OVER OI'NDKY 4 OKAY’S, Mineral Point, - Wisconsin. HENRY LAMP!' Of Highland, Wto.. has opened out new again alter the Sire of last fall with a full new ' sPsck of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES! Boots & Shoes, Crockery We re. And will try and satisfy all hi* old cusp,mere and new as well—at hi* old stand of years ago~ ■Pme building, west side of Main street. 43ti. Millinery and Fancy Goods! I have opened out a NEW STOCK Of Millinery and Fancy Goods In the store lately occupied by Wm. Htranss, LE.vsnA.v s Block, IHou Sheet. I employ a FIRST CLASS TRIMMER and feel confident of being able to furnish all who may Mr or me with the Latest and Most Fashionable Styles of Goods. I respectfully invite an examination of my good* and price*. 4-4 w KATIE LENAIIAX.