Newspaper Page Text
FIRST OF THE SEASON! NEW GOODS FRESH FROM THE EASTERN MARKETS. GUNDRY & GRAY Have on hand one of the most complete stocks ever offered in this city for this time of year. Our stock of CLOTHING and Men IH LARHER THAN EVER BEFORE! And we will offer the greatest inducements to all buyers. \vr. iiavk a I. so ■ NEW AND STYLISH LINE OF HATS. .SOMETH!NO THAT WILL HITT ALL. Also a fresh new line of BOOTS AND SHOES < hir < lotion < binds are ai complete as usual and will he sold very cheap. Carpets! \\V haw a new supply of all l-aio Stylos and will soil cheap. oru link or TABLE LINENS AND CRASHES Is composed of all fresh new goods, and will he sold at prices to suit all. Trunks and Satchels! A I.AIMiKU AND UKTTKII STOCK! AND CIIKAFKII THAN KVKII HKKOIIK! The remainder of our Winter Stock, such as lli.ankkts, I'i.annki.s, Ovi k Covrs, etc., will he sold at great reductions from mu former prices. Call and see us and you will he convinced that we are not advertising what, is not true. . GUNDRY & GRAY. N. It. We have received anew line Worst i:i> Gi.otiis and ( ’assimkrks for our < ‘usloin trade. (i. G. THES Great Machine Agency Established in Dodgeville for 1882. F. W. STRATMAN CO., Wlm lillt-r Im • oiilih • U (Imi till-I'll A Mi'll IN lirAl'Kl! CUMI'ANV imimilinlurc (lie l.est Harvesting Machines I tr> lulimliK'f'l (n notu-o. lum i xiu-lii Uhl to invent llu- nui-ii'i, •>( :i full liiw of tlirir him ■ lilu<-. . iiitirm iu the l.nilnrv of lo* • .miilv. Hint uk’ north pun of<’tto comm. Hi,' iniichini's for wlili'li 111. y nrv tin- ■■M'lnivi' rtiU'iUu for llio i-onnty ciimprin" Tin Ki \invMH (’dud Hixdku, Sim.i k Kkm’KUs. l,u;iir Ukvpkus, (*DM 111 NKl> IvKADKII VM> MtHVl'l!, I’kont and Ukak Crr Mow kiis, \',t oi nlu. h are vM*rale.l for tlioir liulilnov. an.i .InraNlily. Vmouv* tlit - ii '■t.ii k of machinery. aro ivN* the Oi.ii K 11 \i.i I’.i m u \\i A S\mi - Oi lnv v rou and I’u uuik Citv Skkdku. Vi kiiowU ilo i to l-o ilio In nt over oiU'ivl in any maikot. A. B. FERRIS, at Mineral Point. Will keep :\ e.ini plete hiii' of nil ill '<■ eeleli it.-.l machine- m.I I>i~ m. U. V KKKKIN i' travelius: ema--er lor llio oiuli |iart of 10. tin.l llu- norlli part of I.alayt’lU’ emmtie-. an.l IHi >'l \- 11 1 ll|il\ I. mu .-lin.; i anvil", r for tho norlli pan of lowa eeimli . OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. W uvo mi\.!e arraugomoiu. mul 'in' cnlarsflni; nr turlim fa, ilni.'i. t>\ put in r up uvn l<lHUfc: ati.l milarsinc Hi.' .<l.l awl ptmin in a VV " Koirrv Uit|iK fu'\ I K KNiiIMIT. itn.i iU he .'ajiahle .>f in-; tin - mcrca'iiitf .li iuaml :.<r mu o. Uhial.M LIMBER WAGONS, carri.u;ls, BI GGIES, PHAETONS, AND OUR PECULIARLY CELEBRATED PLOWS. Thu* liberal of tin* public heretofore has enable* I iis to more fully prepare the comiug t>ea*>u to supply them on letior terms with all neelAil farm machinery. Hoping the prevent *e*Hou will l*e one of mutual advantage and good will to both purchaser and dealer, we remain. Yours Ki^setfullv. F. W. STKATMAN A tX>. Mp'tlU'i U '.M. IV.J. SAMUEL FRANCIS, *■* FURNITURE \m 1 7?VJI* / jf*W. U y HifhAmt, Mineral point, Wucouna -—lb *i' <n BuiliUn* formerly occupied by M. W. Prater. First-class Furniture. Undertaking attended to. THE DEMOCRAT. Mineral Point. Friday. June 30. 1882. Entere.l at the Post C Tice, Mineral Point, WU, as aecond class matter. 'ubsrripiion Price, 81.50 in Advance. RATES FOR ADVERTISING. Space. : iwk 2 \vk* 1 mo. 3 nu>. f> mo. 1 \r. 1 inch % T. fIODSI 50 f?. fiO ssoos 800 2 inches. 1 K 1 7". 2To I 5 • 8 OOj 15 00 3 Inches, i 1 75 3 331 7 00; 11 CO I 20 00 •£ col soo; 400 C 00: 9 001 IS 00! 25 00 H Col 3 750 11 i 18 001 25 00 45 00 I col 10 on 14 00 is 00. 25 001 45 00 so In Business carts, fire lines or less. $5.05 a rear. Business Notices, in local columns. 10cU. a line. LOCALJTEMS. The pav car was ia town un Tues tlay. Platteville intends to celebrate on a big scale. The Fair building lias been removed to the new grounds. (lorn bus sprung up as if by magic since the recent heavy rains. Painters should read the notice for bids to paint the new school building at Linden. Refreshments served by (be ladies of the Presbyterian church in this city July 4th. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will serve dinner in this city on July 4th. Forty-live tiansient guests registered at the I'. S. hotel in this city on Wednesday morning. The {teople of Cobb have made ex tensive preparations for a grand Fourth of July celebration. The attendance at the pi oposed lecture by Mr. Fred Kober on Tuesday evening last was Sheriff Kennedy and Judge Joins took two insane persons to the state asylum at Madison on Monday. I!. Arnold, of West Blue Mounds, lias completed the necessary arrange ments for a grand celebration at the Mounds on J uly 4th. The storm of Friday last did damage to the amount of over three thousand dollars to the mill property of Marker, Bainbridge .k do., of MilUin. Nearly ail the bridges on the Pec atonica in the towns of Mifflin and Kendall wen* swept away by the Hoods of Friday and Saturday. The liberal advertising patronage extended the; Democrat sit this season of the year prevents us from giving the usual amount of general and local news. The Spit/.barth brothers, living about two miles north-west of this city, lost about live head of sheep by the flood of Friday last, besides some other stock. Dr. Vivian & Son are laboring in dustriously with that “ farm," and it will soon be a place of real beauty instead of a desolate and unattractive hillside. On the fourth page of our paper to-day, under the head of “The Tariff Commission,” will be found an ex cellent article from the Springfield liepublican. Hanker W. A. Jones appears to care little for stocks or lands now-a-davs. The arrival at bis home of a daughter accounts for his strange actions. Mother and child doing well I’ulford’s drug store front has been nicely painted and grained by those skillful painters. Weidenfeller & Son. The work adds greatly to the appear ance of the store. On Saturday last a distinguished guest arrived at the home of our young townsman, Frank Weidenfeller. She came to stay however, and they call Frank papa, now. We lake pleasure in introducing to our readers Mr. James Fisher of idu-, den as our regular cm respondent there, I and reecommeud him to the favor able considerations of the public. A letter from lauds E. Cooke, press and advertising agent of W. W. Cole’s “New Monster Shows.” informs ns that these Colossal Shows will pos itively visit this ylaee during the pres ent season. A. McArthur has heeom'* proprietor of tho I>tnlycivilli* Sun. The olfiee will In* n■ 1111 >v■<I in tin* munis under (). (•. Smitlt’s law iillii'i*. ami llio paner is siioii after .Inly Ist with 0.0. Smith as editor. Invalids suffering from a slnggish noss of the liver, feehlo action of the heart, a feeling of suffocation and de bility arising from various causes, liml sure relief in IJrown’s Iron ISittcrs. 1 The (V. M. A St. Paul By will sell Excursion Tickets on July adand 4th, good until July Oth. inclusive, at one and one fifth fare for the round trip, from all stations to all stations in Wisconsin. The hest oO cent tea on High street at Ti asdai.K A ( dad's. There will he a grand Fourth of July Picnic held al the school house west of the old Hale Farm. Refresh ments served on the grounds. Enjoy ment and various sports provided for old and young. Special Bargains in Shoes at the Cash (Inieery House. 17 wj The picnic of St. Paul’s Catholic Church which was to have been held yesterday, was positioned until to-dny (Thursday), owing to unfavorable weather. The hall will he given in the Opera House this evening. Akron Oatmeal just received at .1. A. Smatler’s. 44w4 A large new harn which Mr. James Brewer. Sr., had just built on his farm in Herdland township. Clay county. lowa, w as destroyed by the tornado of Saturday last. A man who was steep ing in the barn was badly though not fatally injured. The best collection of canned goods in the city at J. A. Spratler’s. 4iw4 F. W. Stratman A Cos., of Ttodgcvilh*. have built another large addition toj their shop. The first floor of the new . building is to be used is a storeroom: and the second floor is for the aecom-j modation of those good workmen. John Sampson and Sidney Cotterell, The best '.ilet. Tea in the city at J. A.i Spratler's. 44w4 Henry Lewie. son-it-lavv of Peter' Fisher of Kendall, the other day killed j thirty-seven snakes, which averaged over siN feet in length. This is not j a “ snake story " but a true statement | which is vouched for by Mr. Nicholas Hook, who saw and counted the snakes. Fresh strawberries and vegetables at Toay Bros. "J Frank M.Hove. well known through out the west, especially among pub lishers and printers, died recently at his home in Milwaukee. He was a member of the type foundry linn of Benton, Hove A Cos. and stood high in the estimation of his friends an i Hie business public. Toay Bros keep well stockist with fresh vegetables, strawlierries, etc. wl Militia intends to celebrate the com ing Fourth of July in add fashioned style. Complete arrangements have been made to secure a good time to all who may attend. If you want to celebrate as you should and enjor a day with the pleasant people of Mirtlin ! go there on July 4th. California fruits of all kinds. Pears, Drier! Peaches. Dried Plums. Ac., con stantly on hand at ,T. A. Spratler’s. 4 Scotchmen can be supplied with Glengarty and Prince Charlie Bonnets at James Morgan’s. East Water Street, Milwaukee, to wear at the Scottish Games on the loth of Julv. In tine shoes. Ladies’ Muslin Underwear, Silks, Dress Goods, Linens. Millinery. Ac., James Morgan’s trade is enor mous. At Brewer A Penhallegon’s C;tsh Grocery House, you can get lirst class goods as cheap for cash as at any house in the country. 47wtL PERSONAL JPARAGRAPHS. Mayor Priestley visited friends at Shullsbnrg last week. T. Scott Ansley will speak at Blan chardville ou July -tth. W. T. Henry started on a western trip on Friday morning last. Tho'. Alton. Jr. of Milllln. made us a .short call on Wednesday. Mis •!. W. Bennett, of lids city vis ited fi lends in Platteville last week. Miss Ena Hutchinson returned from Evanston University a few days ago. si. .1. Collins, of the C. M. & St P. lly„ regis ere.l at tlie U. S. on Sunday. Mr. Mortimer Oliver is visiting his many friends in Mineral Point this week. Joseph 11. Gundry returned on Mon day last from a brief visit to Lincoln, X ebraska. .1. M. Smith will deliver the oration at the Fourth of July celebration in Wald wick. Frank Hoare is home from Cedar Rapids, lowa, and is the same genial, whole-souled fellow as of yore. John Dorsey, Jr..who has been attend i ing college in Baltimore, Maryland, is home tor the summer vacation. Oscar Simons. baggage mister at Darlington, pad bis friends in this i city a visit mi Wednesday evening. Bob James lias ’‘done” Milwaukee, and is back again to his arduous duties | for the U. S. Express Cos, and his | many patrons generally. Misses Nettie and Minnie Dellcr j started Thursday morning on a pleas \ ure trip to Milwaukee, Racine and I Chicago, to be gone two or three weeks. Will Rastiau, of Darlington, called mi Tlmrsda, - .Brown, the printer, and Rastiau make a stm •■i n; they are I rushed with busine-- ii I turn oit lots , of good work. Prairiedu Ciiien Couru r.—Rev. Fath er Trant of Fond du i.a-, Wis., has j been in our city the past week. He i is the guest of Mr. ami Mrs. C. Garvey. j Attorneys McArthur and Briggs, of t Dodgeville, w ere over at Ridgeway on : Monday and Tuesday trying a case ; hetwc <■ old Mr. Jarvis and James I Stevens. , Rev. C. Irish, of this city, has been I elected Chaplain of the Grand Temple !of Honor of Wisconsin. Col. Watrous ; has been re-elected Grand Worthy j Templar. I Win. Gribble arrived in this city on ! Monday last after a brief stay in Mis souri. We hope that he will conclude 1 to make Mineral Foint his permanent | abiding place. Willie Parkinson who has been at j tending our City high school during j the iuist year, started on Monday last, for Goodwin, Dakota, where he will remain sometime visiting his brother (’. B. Parkinson. Dr. Eastman has Just returned from Ia trip through Minnesota, Dakota and j Montana. He reports that portion of the new north-west as a great i country and that the famous Yellow stone country is grand beyond descrip tion. John Billings, of E-len, was a pleas ant caller at the Democrat office on Tuesday. He reported considerable damage in his town from the recent 110-uls, but also reported good prospects for abundant crops of neat ly all kinds of grain. Win. Williams, wife and family of four children and Harry Rowe arrived herefrom England on Monday. June IPlh. Mrs. Williams is a sisterof John Brent and Harry Rowe a nephew. We understand that they intend to make their home in lowa county, and The Democrat welcomes them to the best county in the state. Will Bastian, a typo, of this city has received notice from England, of the tact that his grandmother had be queathed to him the sum of 525.00i'). This looks like a large amount to most people, hut to a printer, why. they always have plenty of money, and very few of them would cross the street for sg.v.uoo.—Darlington Dem ocrat. Tin- Daily Nebraska Slate Journal in noticing a musical entertainment •riven in Lincoln, on Wednesday oven injr, of last week, makes the following complimentary mention of Mrs. A. (' Watkins, formerly of this city: “One of the finest selections of the season was the duet of Mrs. Drew and Mrs. Watkins. The ladies were twice recalled, and each time were loudly applauded." Mr. Joshua Ilanseom. who recently returned from Colorado, expresses himself as highly delighted with that state and especially with the rapidly growing city of Denver. He says the growth of Denver is really marvelous, and that everything appears to he carried on there in a manner not out rivaled by any of the large cities of the east. Mr. Ilanseom appears to have found that which he went west in search of —restored health. We Hud the following in the Daily Nebraska Stale Journal, published at Lincoln: “Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. McFar land gave a delightful lawn reception last evening for Miss Lon Wilson, who is soon to return to her home at Mineral Point, Wisconsin. The grounds were hung with Chinese transparen cies. and a fountain glistened in the glare of an immense headlight that tilled the place with a tlood of light. Tlie refreshments were delicious, the evening charming in all ways, and the gnesu capitally entertained.’ Miss Wilson, accompanied hy her sister. Mrs. Muir, are expected to ar rive here this week, where they will spend the summer with their parents, Mr. and Mr. Wilson. Matrimonial. Ladd— Cothren. —On Tuesday, June liTtli the manage of Mr. Will Ladd of Shullshnrg. and Miss Clara W. Cothren of this city, was solemnized by the Hev. M. Chase, at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. Ladd was attended by Mr. John Chamberlain, of Shullsburg. as groomsman. Mrs. Will Loss presided at the piano, and played the wedding march. The wedding was a very quiet one, there being pres ent only the relatives of the bride and groom and a few immediate friends The bridal presents are numerous elegant and costly. The new made pair started on the afternoon train for a tour to Chicago. Milwaukee, St. I’aul and other places- The congratulations and good wishes of their many friends here go with t hcm. The Children’s Day Services held in the M. K church of thi* city on Sunday last were verv interesting, not only to the children of the Sabbath School, but to all whose good fortune it was to be present. The church was appropriately decked with beautiful (lowers; birds of sweetest song were brought to the hallowed place that their warblings might commingle with tlie joyous singing of the children. Fite church w;is tilled by a happy ex ■ {tectant throng of people, who j lined |in the services and listened to the well rendered hymns and songs of I the children. Brief addresses were 1 made by Ucv. Chas. Irish. Dr. Mix. 1 and others. On last Saturday, as the stage from Lancaster to Platteville was return ing to the latter place, at Ellenboro, crossing the big Platte, the water was very high on account of the heavy rains, and in attempting to cross the driver missed the bridge, and the near horse went under and drew the other with him under the bridge, and the stage caught on the abutment and held them there until the water went down, so that the planks were raised and the harness taken off the team. The mail bag was lost. There were only two persons in the stage— the driver, and our jolly McCormick machine man. .Slawson. He says he has seen grand leaps for life made in circuses, but did not know that he would ever perform that great feat. Asa jumper and a swimmer Slawson is a success. A Sure Preventive of Fever and Ague. As an antidote against malarial pois on. fever and ague, and other intermit tent fevers nothing equals Brown’s Iron Bitters. A true tonic I A perfect tafeguard. 1 LINDEN! LOCALS. * - Among the latest arrivals from the Lake Superior iron mines are Messrs. George Goldsworthy and Ren Richards. George had to return as the clima e did not agree with him. Mr. Stephen Claise formerly of Min eral Point, paid this place a visit one day last week, we suppose on biz. One day last week a stranger paid * our village a visit and hired t-> Thomas I Battei. to sink post holes. He got a I night's lodging and supper and break ' fast, and started to work, cutting the | sod from one hole,and tramp, tramp, that bov went marching back to Mich igan. Farmers in this section are very busy building fences. Reason why— the late freshets. During the storm of last Thursday, the floods carried away a large amount of zinc ore from the mines here. They are all hard working men and it is a wry serious loss to them. Four thousand dollars worth of Ready-made Clothing. Boots and Shoe’s, must be disposed of immediately at Lewis Bros. Store. Those wishing to furnish themselves for the Fourth are invited to call and examine these goods. They are always ready and willing to serve customers. You can buy these goods almost at your own prices. Call and satisfy yourselves. 4d—2w Monday the board of Supervisors met to do business.—Among other things to have our bridges rebuilt, so that the people can come to the big celebration at Linden on the Fourth and Fifth. -V hurricane passed through our village last Thursday evening. Largo trees were blown down, their tops twisted off and the ground strewn with branches. Bridges and fences were carried away with the strong currents of water like mere toys. The oldest inhabitants claim that it was the largest flood they hail seen pass down for the last thirty years. We learn from a late Milwaukee pa per that a hurricane or tornado passed through Independence, lowa, destroy ing several lives, and property to the amount of two hundred thosainl dol lars. Richard Crawford of Mineral Point came out to our burg on Monday for a ride. He looks well. They tell ns that all the hoys that leave Linden are sure to find their way back. •Somebody’s darling around this burg will tind out that patience with us will cease to be a virtue if they don’t stop twitting so much. We might have a full column every week if we had to take hack one week what we said the week before; but we write cautiously and then take back nothing. A tidal wave at Cleveland, Ohio, last week, rising about eleven feet in live minutes, lifted a barge high and dry upon the dock, besides taking a tramp, who happened to be asleep in a sewer, to the happy limiting grounds, and doing damage to the wharf to the amount of about thirty thousand dol lars. Look out for squealing again this week. We are going to have a Fourth of July hut no celebration, up to this writing. We shall go to Eden. -Some time ago we claimed that the Good Templars after the picnic re paired to Mrs. Ingram’s hotel to enjoy a social hop; and ever since the rep resentative of the Chronicle here has been trying to tell the people that we have made wrong assertions. We can tell -lie truth as well as he can. It is i delicate matter and the best thing he can do is to drop it. We know who danced there that night and take hack nothing. THE MARKETS. Eggs 1 or. Corn 00 lo o'u“. 1 .:nil It! 1 .; lo 15e. Onions .SI.OO per Ini. Hotter 17c. to 18c. Potatoes 75c to 81.10. Live Hogs, 87.00 to 87.10. Ciittle 85.00 to 80.01, (juts i;!e. to 45e. Lead on* 823.00. Dry Hone 1 thick-.) ack 820.n0 FlilX s 'ffd 81.15. I litles, green. 4c to Oc. Wool, washed, 20i25. .Wool, on washed, Kimjo. Clover Seed 84.00. Winter wheal 81. lo; spring 81.00. New Bedford (Mass.) Standard. We call the attention of ladies to the adver tisement in this paper of “ Dr. Marchtsi’sUtertne (’atholicon." We have in our jjosses*ion indi> putable evidence of its worth, and we recom mend the atllicted to try it. This remedy differs from quack nostrums in the following respects; Ist, it is prepared by a regular physician; _*•!, It is not recommended for all disease*, hut only fra particular class, peculiar to females; 3d, it is and used In practice by many physicians, one of whom at least is well known to the people of New 1 led ford. For sale hv (\ 11 Moffett. I*7 yl Excursion to Clear Lake, 10/wa. The Illinois (Vntml Ji v will run an excursion to Clear Lake, lowa. leaving Warren, Illinois, at 1:5:1 a. in., Tuesday, •Inly llth. Fare for the round trip only 85 25. Upturn tickets for sixty days. Chaplain McCabe will have charge of the lowa State Camp Meeting at Clear Lake, lowa, beginning on the evening of .Inly nth. 47w2 Notice Hids will In* received up to .Inly sth, issg, hy the undersigned for Fainting School House now in course of erec tion in School District No. 1, town of Linden. Parties desiring to make bids can ascertain all particulars necessary hy applying in person lo School Hoard of said district. (Jko. .1. Smith. 47 wl Clerk. A Flint Hoist*. Williitm Sindh exhibited mi mu streets one day not long siuee the young Clydesdale stallion Scottish Chief. This horse is two years old and weighs 1300 pounds, with splendid style and action. llis sire, a thorough bred Clydesdale was admitted to be all in all tlie lightest stepping and best heavy style horse in the world, and his dam was a Senator mare. Mr. Stude has refused liberal offers for his valuable horse He is a beauty, and raisers of good horses should not fail to see him. Ayer's Ague Cure is an infallible cure for fever and ague in all its forms. The proprietors warrant it, and tlieir word is as good as aU. S. bond. Trial proves it. wl A. 0. U. W. All members of Protection Lodge, X.). 7, have been specially invite.) to participate in the Fourth of July celebration at I’latteville, and to be present at to o'clock A. M. A special meeting of Protection Lodge will be held on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Frank Ksz.exrotii. Recorder. Light. More Light. The great inquiry of the jteople is for more light, and in order that the pub lic may examine go.xls at the hours of night as distinctly as during the broad light of day, E. Uslxirne i Sun have lighted their store with electric ligb’. If you desire a clear, brilliant light anil an oil that is non-explosive, buy the Electric Light Oil. for sale by K. Os borne A Son. at 2o cents per gallon. ——— Pasture. 1 have good pasture and plenty of water for two more cows; 91.30 ’per month. Also a few customers can lie supplied with milk, by pint or gallon, delivered in morning. Inquire of Will J. Penballogon, at J. Penballegon & Son’s. 40 wg Smith. Stearns & Cos s Mixed Paint exists ten per cent, less and is warrant ed to last twice as long as pure white lead and linseed oil. For sale at Moffett’s. 43 tf Choice Winzs. Liquors and Cigars. For Farming, Mechanical or Medicinal purposes—Good as the Best and Cheap er than the Cheapest, at Brick saloon. 43 John Gorges, Mineral Point. Prof. S. T. Osborne Will be in Mineral Point, for the pur pose of giving lessons in vocal and instrumental music, every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. 12ly' Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rbemu. severe sores, tetter.cbapped hauls, chil blains. corns, and all skin eruptons. and positively cures piles. Tt is guar anteed to give perleci satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25c per box.— For sale by Moffett. 37yi Music Lessons. Miss Amy Hutchison, Graduate of the NorUt western Conservatory of Music, will give lessons on Piano, Organ, and in vocal culture. Miss Hutchison has both Piano and Organ at her home which scholars can have the use of for lessons. Apply at residence of her father Mr. .las. Hutchison, near Seminary l.V2m Do Not be Deceived. In these times of quack medicine sd- 1 vertisements e\ cry where it is gratify- i ing to find one remedy that is worthy 1 of praise and which really does as rec ommended. Electric Bitters we can : vouch for as being a true and reliable | remedy, and one that will do as recom mended. They invariably cure stomach and liver complaints, diseases of the kidneys and urinary difficulties. We know whereof we speak, and can read- . ily say give them a trial. Sold at liftv I ctjnts a Untie, by Moffett. 45%v4 i Free of Charge. All persons suffering from coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, loss of voice or any affection of the throat and lungs, are requested to call at Moffett’s drug store and get atrial bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption free of charge, which will convince them of its wonderful merits and show what a regular dollar size bottle will do. Call early. 45vv4 Stop and Consider. Are you troubled with a weakness in any part of the body ? Have yon weak lungs, or is your heart’s action enfeebled and irn g.iiarV Are you suf fering from ill Health, caused by a weakness of the urinary or digestive organs? Remember, Brown's Iron Rit ters will cure you and fully restore both mind and bodv to their normal condition. It quickly strengthens the parts affected. Double Buggy Harness for Sale. I have for sale a good set of buggy harness almost new. Jo-a John Horn —• <■■■■■—— Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. For sale, one good 10-ball pool table and one billiard table. For particulars inquire of Jus. Strayed From the pastures of the subscriber, about the 10th day of May, two two year-old mare colts; one a gray, with a light-colored spot on one hip; the other colt, a dark bay. The Under will be suitably rewarded by gif ing informa tion as to their whereabouts. .Stephen Kendall. Eden, lowa Cos., Wis., June 5, ISBI. — 44w4 THUS. ALTON. Jll. Or Mifflin, Wis., For the purpose of Closing- Out His ENTIRE STOCK MERCHANDISE Will from this time forward otter for sale his large mid varied stuck At Cost I Purchaser* seeking -BARGAINS- Will do wi ll lo remember this antiouncmeiit. SPECIAL NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to Thus. Alton, fr. are requested to call and settle immediately. tOmJ THUS. ALTON, JR. Slate of Wisconsin. County Court lor lowa County -lu Probate. Notice is liereUy given. tliut at a regular term of the lowa Comity Court, to be lielil in ami for said Comity, at Hie Court House, in the village ot DodgeviUe*. in said county, on the fourth ilay of July. A. I>. |ssj. being thi- lira Tues.lay of sai l month, at nine iVeloek iu tin* forenoon of said day, the following matter- will he heard and considered. ’1 he ptlieation of Kli/ahelh Jacka. adniittis Iratrix of the Estate of John Jaeka, late of said enmity, deceased, for the examination and al lowance of her administration ac count, and the a-sigument of the residue of said e-late to Mich persons its are by law eutiltled to the saute. Ami it is further ordered, Hint public notice thereof lie given to all ]>ersoiis interested hy pub lishing a Copy of this order for three weeks suc cessively prior to said day of hearing. In The lowa County Democrat, a weekly newspaper published in said county, tty order of the Court; JOHN T. JOSES. Judge. Dated Dodgeville. Wis., June Ist. Iss-J. T. Scott Assi.ey, Attorney h r Administratrix. —llwt! Circuit Court. To waCounty.—Orville Strong. Plain tiff, against Martin o'buwd am) Anna O'Dowd, his wife. Catherine E. I.riiahaii. John O'Dowd, and Mary O'Dowd, his wife, Mary ttowen. Thomas Flanigan mid John Mahoney and Dennis Roohfurd, co-partners, doing business under the linn name and style of Mahoney it Koohford, Catherine Dorsey and Ksmay & Kldridge. Defendants; The Slate of Wisconsin to the said Derendants and each of them: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons ex elusive of the day of service, and defend the above ensitied action in the court aforesaid; and in ease of your failure so to do, judgment will he rendered against you, according to the demand of the complaint; of which a copy is herewith served upon von. ARCHIBALD McAKTIH'R, Plaintiff's Attorney. P. O. Address. Dodgeville. lowa County, Wis. N. It.—The above summons is published by order of court; the summons and complaint in said action is on tile with the clerk of the circuit court for lowa county, Wisconsin, in his oflice in Dodgeville, lima county, Wis.. ARCHIBALD M< ARTHUR, 10w7 Plaintiff’s Attorney. LOR SALK. —AN— Excellent Farm —AND — A Very Desirable City Residence OFFERED AT A BARGAIN. I offer for -ale mv FARM of IJO Acre*. joining the city of Mineral Point on the east, mile ten minutes walk from the business part of the citv. It is well fenced and is divided five fields, two-fields being hog-tight. It ha* a beau tiful stream of water running through it and a spring of living water in each of the five fields. There are 1" acre* of meadow. 80 acre* under cultivation. 65 acres of the 80 is in timothy; there are :tu acres of the farm g> >od young timber. It is verv fertile soil, having yielded teach year EIGHTY BUSHELS OF CORN TO THE ACRE, by actual weight It is in a high state of cul tivation. and for all {arming purposes it is one of the best farms of its size in the state It i v fur sale at a very low price. MY RESIDENCE is situated in the most desirable pan of the city, being opposite the public square and ia the same block as the M. E. Church. It is a brick build ing with eight rooms a hall and closet*. The lots are 118 feet frodt There are a large variety of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubbery, etc. The building and premises are in good shape, everything kept in good repair, and no expense spared in making it One of the Best and Most Attractive Homes in the City. For sale at a bargain. For price, etc. enquire at my store, three doors above the Post office. E. OSBORNE. May 25th. IsSi m3 The Bell Tolls! - - |A GRAND BOOM For the people of low* County, at R. S. SMITH & BRO. S LINDEN, WIS. A choice selection of Ijulkv DRESS GOODS Of the Latest Styles! H’oasistiuj: of Silks and Satins of all Shades! Cashmeres, Bivnso.s, Lawns asp Mohairs. Also the largest anJ l*est sclci'te-1 st--ek of NOTIONS Of all kinds to be found in the town of Linden. A choice selection of Hats and Cups. Boots and Shoes. tiKNTS’ AN If BOYS’ READY-MADE CLOTHING! A I-aero stock of FRESH GROCERIES! Ladies’ Fine Shoos a Specialty! All to he soM at the lowest prices for cash or country pro-luce. 40uvJ K. S. SMITH A 11RO. TOAYBROS., GROCERS, 111 <: 11 STIIKET, - MINERAL POINT. ,1 large and well selected slock of Family Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, sv., always on hand. Prices as low as the lowest! Special inducements to whole sale buyers! We also keep a stock of first-class slock of Boots anil Shoes, For men, women and children including the celebrated Jeffer son, Johnson, Selz, and other first class brands. The Inchest Cash Price paid for BUTTER \ EGGS at our store by ]| A. Disbrow. We are also general agents for the State of Wisconsin for Du pont’s Powder of all grades. It will fiay yon lo call ami ex amine C'oods and prices. TO. I )' BROS. May J 7. ISSg. Summer Goods ! Just Opened IT JOHN HORN’S, High Street, Mineral I’nint, Wisconsin. A Large and Complete Line or DRY GOODS, Notions, Hosiery, Hats and Capa. Boots and Shoos. &c. GROCERIES, Crockery an£ Glassware. Call anl examine my sDK'k before you make your spring purchase*. Respectfully, JOHN HORS. May 1,1882. WISCONSIN T AriTK 5.000,000 Acres All JJw OX THE LINE OF THE WISCONSIN CENTRAL RAILROAD. For full particulars which will be sent free, address CHARLES L. COLBY, Land Comm Is siouer. Milwaukee. Wisconsin. 3*im3 Summer Goods! JOHN FILLBACH, OEALCB IN GROCERIES, DRY GOODS CLOTHING HOOTS A: SHOES, CROCKERY-WARE. GLASS-WASE, ETC.. ETC., ETC. FARM PRODUCE Taken at the highest market Call and see and be convinced. SS-ly JOHN FU4.BAGS AS EXPECTED !! The Oldest, Best and Standard DEERING SINGERS Still Triumphantly Successful! TELEGRAMS FROM TEXAS. V VI '• “ Harvester seem* absolutely faultless all improvements staml tests spienaialy. Mower working perfectly.” Hv. i.vs. May T.— *• Far a< tosts jn. >ee no faults.' Mr. F. A. Maxwell, one of my men, writes from W.; v Texas. xmler .h-se of M\\ • Ins 4 1...\0 now siartevl six ISjO Twine Binders. whieh e >nM v : a.* . tun ,:iw . . : v au ,n. 1 •, elo<ed please fhui the opinion of a couple ot the pan lev Ooke Post OKFlcr. Texas, May 2. I**: Mr. W - IVc-. . F .a .v 110 . iVat Si: r.u IVe: : I w ine Binder. whieh 1 purchased oi Mr. A. Hinehman. wur agent at VVaeo. Texas, is tH'neet. u nsea. for had it brains ot it* own it s'm> a could not lo an\ I , iter. We Maned the machine ami the tirsl threeuuarter day we eut about fourteen rie:v -i* , . t work 1 van handle m\ nm chine with one less horse than any other machine. ami vie hetie; w. rk lam flillv satisfied that ;t is the best maehine manufacture*!; in fa* t. 1 could not be better pleased. ami. w iih mv limited e\ leneuee, lam willing to eut with any other machine in. tin .U. \. MVIVHFI 1 W \\AHATVUIK. Texas. May 9. IsS*2 Have been vet y busy week s* u mit.-: Ih.ulers all have started well ana none good work, the new parts all work well. W snn I one in place oi a Marsh Whitney; she has eut between t and eo :u res ami is well t b ased with The agent here will put out thirty Binder*. Orojvs in this section art 4 good. KespeefV.lly \oun vil-N' M. WIN H U. A FH I.T has lis% iuM if in oiu l\ \as earlx harvest csp. ibe h > n intends to still lead the vau. as it is universally acknowledged bv all uup:v ; udieed Judges it has heretofore ' ,one * ' WIII ’\M IFI i:iv. READ WHAT OUR OWN FARMERS SAT: I.IYIXOSTON. i! rant County. Wis.. sV|.t. 7. ISSI Wo. the nn.loraisn.a liavms mvu tlio PooHns V:ir>l‘ Tw ino Hinder work on the farm ot tlnah t.ivlna>ton, an> Intlv ivn\ iuoi .l .tut , oina i nr kini< of i.ra. hiuery work, that I'llK I’KKUIV, \\u Il> f.r on; cilv'lCl . 1 |>. ,-rina fin.K *'"•>> **’ '*•' "> ho lt tiUHvina. tlu 1 tin.. aiul i the lis’u ■; .limi-fi msu-'.-mo n at.-. > -tie 1 111 .II tIV ISTM'ON, wM. I’\; N 1 ■ s \ . K HVno l! \ v.' i. N SvV I : KI \ ■’°K Al.l i’N, W M \IITN. .IVMIsM \ r \NK Ih'XsoN. N. Miu vku, ItiKOfonr: Mi: i .. Gnv u t i v \\, h.mhgi Viler seeing the above work huc we. the unh*rsigneil. oa - h purchase,| from Marlin *v loay. a Peering !*imier. ami it prov-.xl the truth %t the alnive. t utting an average ot ! • ;u n s jvr lav t* r eaeh himler. Signel; 111 till I.IVINUSTON, WM. AI.I.KN. F. lU*\>a'\ VVM. SKA IFF. MARTIN & TOAY. Agts. WORTH NOTICING!! THE CLOTH I XT. 1)1-PAR'l'M I-NT JOSEPH EELLER. W ill sell, commencing Saturday, .liiuo 10th, and continuing until closed out: — Childrens' Suits from §2.00 upwards Hoys’Suits from §5.50 upwards Youths’ Suits from SLOO'npwaids Men's Suits’ from §,">.50 upwards Large assortment of Posters in Mohair and Linen Come early and seen re one of the above bargains JOS HUM I DMLLKUi. Horse Millinery'.! Mule Jewelry!! ''' Am. Hauxkss llami-Maiu-; and Nothing in r Tin: Hi:sr OAK-TANNED LEATHER I'ski*. 'l’lie WHIPS I sell an* |tiiirliiiM I lireei from the factory. Ami my pri- .- mm much lower than thev were some months since. T. PRIESTLEY. Opposite the I'. S. Hotel, Mineral Point, Wi*. 1 It THE ESTERLEY LIGHT DRAFT TWINE-BINDER! FARMERS Wishing to Buy an Appleby Binder Should buy the Esterly Harvester i Twine-Binder! Ist.* The Drive-wheel Frame is made of four side timber*, with hauler *ailing* boh* and at top and bottom m* that the drive-wheel can not * am over and cut *ut th* gear. *jd. The Cutler-bar ix made rf steel %vlti<*li will never rot **r warp. :ul. The Steel faced Malleable ffiiard* are Ixdted to the cutter bar in -n h n iiiatmer the Mickle can be run within one an*! one-half inch of the ground. 4th. The Platform Canvas is very w ide and runs cl*ie to the xlckk*. Tin* tx vi.r\ imcoirr isr. a* the grain when cut fall* entirely u|*on the canvas and does not drag on tin cutting bar. rUi. The Hailing and lowering device ix Pkbfkctiok. R> simple arrangement th** driver w ith one leaver can easily raise am! lower the emrißK ma* hj>k without stopping hix team. Cth. Three Discharge Arms are used on tliia binder, instead of on** or two, us used on all oilier Appleby Binders. Three prevent the dragging of bundles even in badly tangled grain. TUi. The Canvas Adjuster at each end of the bundle enables the driver to easily manage the grain much better than it can be done by a single adjuster. kUi. The Knot Tyfnf device has been no simplified Uiat it even expert*, to see how little machinery is required to do the work. 9th. Twelve distinct jart- in the Knot Tying device have been removed and only Iwo *I/Miln ted In their place. 10th. The Plunger H*ll w ith all itx •kali* ate |artx and adjustment- as used by all oilier Appleby Binders lias been dixjense*l with a simple cam and roller put in their place. Every Machine is Fci.i.y Warranted! The Esteriy Binders Sell on their Own Merits! The above lan abridged natement of the advantage# of the: Estcrley Ilarveater amt Hinder. We have plenty of circular' giving a better description and contain log testimonial. from Fourteen State? and Territories whore the Estcrley Binder ba been in use during the part two jears, which inay be had from our traveling agent/, or we would be to semi by mail or fhrnish tliem on on application. WWFannert will do well to call ami examine tie- KU rijr Harvester ami Binder which will fully warrant to them all we claim. For sale by FETEK HFANti, Oodgevii'e; A WEEEE .V HON. -lil/er: JNO, MANKIND. Moatfori- VV. W. XAKKAMORE. Darlington; K. <bHIKUS)N. Hazel Dreeti. PRATT & LANGSTAFF. Platieville. Wis.. June 15, lft/2.—F<m2 Agent# for Cram. lowa and IJvFajeUc Conntica FOR GREAT BARGAINS CALL AT THK — Chicago Cheap Store! Which is now open for business at NECOLLINS' BUILDING, (CLAUERS OLD STAND;. Wmi A TOLL LINK OF Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, £c. 40mC GORDON BROTHERS.